The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 27, 1891, Image 3

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Tljerc'sTks of violets,
Arjd bajjns wrjere miners grope
And bajjks hdle golderi coin,
J. D.H4UA.VES & cD.
DOORS, BLINDS.and all luilling material
Call and sec us
11th anil IBlm street, one hlocl
north of HeisePs mill.
Flatismouih., Nebraska
Everything to Furnish tour House.
Having' inrchaed the F. V. "Weckbach store room on south
Main street where I am now located I can sell goods cheap
er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock
of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stoves
and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan.
A Full and Complete line of
Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours
Remcmber that K. O. Castl &
And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Tilings
-s-u c- oneiTlr
. v W K mm mmm MW -mmw mm-
rj i m m-m w & a m Jt
Banks of iqpas,
at the corner of
SO -
Co have an immense stock of
w -
S' - . New Tortc
And tha Frightened Knj Fairly Flaw.
A dirty faced little boy, incased in a
single garment of shreds and patches,
was caught clinging to the rear end of a
train that rolled hito the Grand Central
station a few nights ago. lie was about
four years old and small for hi age. In
the expressive language of a Westchester
fanner, "he didn't look much bigger'n a
jug o' cider." A zealous traium.ui espied
the tiny lad before he could dismount
from his dangerous perch on the car
platform. A policeman was summoned
and the arrest of the marauder was de
manded. The oya who catch on trains
are a nuisance and should be punished
maintained the trainuian. A police
ofiicer 6 feet 2 inches in height anil
broad in projortiou, took hold of one of
the child's arms with his thumb and
forefinger and marched the little culprit
almost the entire length of the long sta
tion, a crowd of fifty or more people fol
lowing. Some of the people uttered indignant
and sarcastic remarks, such as "Do yon
want any help, officer?" "Look out, Mr
Policeman; he'll trip you up." But the
officer paid no attention to the crowd,
lie grimly marched his prisoner to th
Forty-second street exit of the station,
and with a twinkle in his eye he lifted
the child in his arms and addressed him
sternly thus: "Prisoner at the bar, you
have been arrested. But this is yer first
offinse. If yuse gits arrested agin you'll
be punished till the full extint of the
law. Now git." The youngster got out
of sight in the throb of a second. New
York Times,
Guardian of the Jail In India.
The jail fixed establishment consisted
of a native jailer, with deputies and a
few paid warders, with a semimilitary
guard for sentry work, armed with
muskets and provided with ammunition,
most of which was so old and damp from
the climate that it had to be destroyed
periodically. They were commanded
and drilled by a handsome old pensioned
Subahdar (native officer). This old gen
tleman wore a collar of gold beads round
his neck, and over his dress of spotless
white an embroidered sword belt sup
ported a native sword in , green and
gold scabbard. He was a striking look
ing old man, with strict notions of dis
cipline and duty. His father had been at
Plassy with Clive.
It was part of this officer's duty to
make his morning report at the magis
trate's house, if the magistrate had not
had time to go to the jail on his morn
ing round, nis usual report was brief
and emphatic. "My lord, the jail is all
well." One morning he continued it
thus: "Be it known to your lordship
that the jail cat has had five kittens.
Will your lordship order that the cat
have an extra ration of milk?" This he
said in the gravest voice, with his hand
still at his forehead in military salute.
When the order was giyen for the cat's
extra ration he marched off without the
shadow of a smile on his face, while the
magistrate remained almost convulsed
with suppressed laughter. National Re
view. Pauama Hats.
Panama hats are so named from the
circumstance of their being shipped
from the port of Panama. They are
manufactured in Ecuador and the neigh
boring states. The material used is the
fiber of the leaf of the screw pine, which
is related to the palms. It grows only
on the slopes of the Andes. The tree is
described as having no trunk. The
leaves are on slender stems that spring
from the ground. They are about two
feet long, fan shaped and four parted.
Each of the segments is ten cleft, so that
when the leaf is folded, as in the bud,
there are eighty layers.
The fiber of these leaves is finely
plaited, and each hat consists of a single
piece of work. The plaiting of the hats
is a slow and tiresome process. Coarse
hats may be finished in two or three
days, but the fine one takes as many
months. The work is begun at the
crown and finished at the brim. The
hat is made on a block, which is placed
on the knees, and has to be constantly
pressed with the breast.
About 200,000 dozens of these hats are
made every year. The price varies ac
cording to the firmness of the material
and the quality of the work. They are
valued at from $5 to $100. Youth's Com
panion. How Old the Earth Is.
Dr. Haughton, calculating from the
observed thickness of the rocks down to
the miocene tertiary, and assuming a
period of 8,616 years for each foot de
posited on the ocean bed, finds, for the
age of the stratified rocks, a period of
1,526,750,000 years. Assuming the rate
of denudation, however, as ten times
greater in ancient times than at present,
and adding one-third for the period since
the miocene tertiary, he arrives at a final
result of 200,000,000 years. Dr. Croll
doubts the validity of Professor Haugh
ton's assumptions, especially the total
thickness he assumes, namely, 177,200
feet, or over thirty-three miles. Gentle
man's Magazine.
Suar tn Clover.
An enthusiast on the subject state
that each head of clover is composed of
about sixty distinct fljwer tubes, and
each of these contain sugar not to ex
ceed the five-hundredth part of a grain.
The proboscis of the hone- bee must,
therefore, be inserted into 000 clover
tubes before one grain of sugar can be
obtained. There are 7,000 grains in a
pound, and as honey contains three
fourths of its weight of dry sugar each
pound of clover honey would represent
the insertion of its proboscis into 2,500,
000 clover heads. New York Telegram.
A Destructive Scarecrow.
Since the corn canning shops com
menced operations in Maine the fanners
have found a brand new defense against
crows. They corral whole basketful.? of
the disdarded tin scraps and next day
hundreds of poles toss and flaunt a daz
zling array of adornments in the eye of
the sun. This will scare crows, horses
and cows, and when travelers find them
selves in the gutter with the carriage on
top, they at once umi-.'i stand that a tin
field is in view. Lewiston Journal
Are abundant ; but tha one best known (or
its extraordinary anodyne and exjwetorant
qualities is Ayer's Cli.rry 1'ectoral. For
nearly half a century taut preparation Las
. been in greater demand than any other rem-
e1y for colds, coughs, bronchitis, and pul
monary complaints In general.
" I suffered for more Uian eight months
from a severe cough accompanied with hem
orrhage of the lungs and the expectoration
of matter. The physicians gave me up, tut
my druggist prevailed on me to try
Cherry Pectoral.
I did so, and soon began to a . 've; my
lungs healed, the cough clj -Ai I be
came stouter and healthiu have ever
been before. I would w .at the name
of Ayer's Cherry Pact: oe changed to
Elixir of Life, for it .e u-.y saved my life."
F. J. Oliden. Salto, l.'wnos Ay res.
" A few years ago I took a very bad cold
which settled on my lungs. I had night
sweats, a racking cough, and great soreness.
My doctor's medicine did me no good. I
tried many remedies, but received no bene
fit; everybody despaired of my recovery. I
was advised to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and. as a last resort, did so. From the first
dose I obtJned relief, and, after using two
bottles of It, was completely restored to
health." F. Adams, New Gretna, N. J.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. A YER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
8old by all DrnggUU. Price ft; aix bottle, $!
Eucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cute
Bruises, Sorts, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, TVtfx-r. Chapped Hands Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cores Pil-8. or m pay inquired.
It is guaranteed to give itisf'acnon, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by F. O. Fricke & C'n.
Rtieuma isrn Cured in Day.
"Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. Jt re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately disappears.
The first dose greatl' benefits. 7."c
Sold by F, C. Fricke, Druggist, wt
A National vent.
The holding of the World's Fair
in a cit3' scarce- fifty years old
will be a remarkable event, but
whether it will really benefit this
nation as much a the discovery of
the Restorative Xervine by Dr.
Franklin Miles is doubtful. This is
just what the American people need
to cure their excessive nervousness,
dj'spepsia, headache, dizziness,
sleepiessnes, neuralgia, nervous de
bility, dullness, confusion of mind,
etc. It acts like a charm. Trial
bottle and line book on "Nervous
and Heart Diseases," with une
ciualed testimonials free at F. G
Fricke &. Co. It is warranted to con
tain no opium, morphine or danger
ous drugs. 1
Specimen Cases.
S. II. Clifford. New Castle, Wis.,
was troubled with neuralgia and
rheumatism, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to an
alarming decree, appetite fell away
and he was .erribly reduced in flesh
and strength. Three bottles of
Klectric Hitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg,
111., had a running sore on his leg
of eight years' standing. Used
three bottles of Klectric Hitters and
seven bottles Hucklen's Arnica
Salve, and his leg is sound and well.
John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five
large fever sores m his leg, doctors
said he whs incurable. One bottle
Klectric Hitters and one box Huck
len's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
I am an old man and have been a
constant sufferer with catarrh for
the last ten years. I am entirely
cured by the use of Kly's Cream
JJalin. it is strange that so simple
a remedy will cure such a stubborn
disease. Ilenr' Hillings, U. S. Pen
sion Attorney, Washington, D. C.
For eight years I have suffered
from catarrh, which affected ni
eyes and hearing; I have employed
many physicians without relief. I
am now on my second bottle of
Kly's Cream Halm, and feci confi
dent of a complete cure. Marjr C.
Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111.
Wonderful Success.
Two years ago the llaller Prop.
Co.' ordered their bottles by the box
now they buy by the carload.
Among the popular and succeseful
remedies they prepare is Haller's
Sarsaparilla .t Hurdock which is
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. .No druggist hesitates to
recommend this remedy.
For sale b- druggist.
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will
surel' do yau good, if you have a
Cough, Cold, or any trouble with
Throat, Chest or Lungs, Dr. Kidg's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to
relief, or 1110113- will be paid back.
Suffers from L,a Grippe found it just
the the thing and under its uss had
a spoedy and perfect recovery. Trr
a sample bottle at our expense and
learn for yourself just how good a
thing it is". Trial bottle free at F. G.
Fricke. Drug Store. Large size 50c
and $.100.
Remarkable Facts.
Heart disease is usually supposed
to be incurable, but when propers
treated a large portion of cases can
be cured. Thus Mrs. Klmira Hatch,
of Elkhart, Ind.. and Mrs. Mar- L.
Haker, of Ovid. Mich., were cured
after suffering "JO years. S. C. Lin
burger, druggist at San Jose, 111.,
says that Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
which cured the former, "worked
wonders for his wife." Levi Logan
of Huchanan. Mich., who had heart
disease for 30 3-ears, says two bottles
made him "feel like a new man."
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold
and guaranteed by F. G. Fricke &
Co. Hook of wonderful testimonials
free. - 1
I X T ER N-AX1 0 N A L
A sfrietly flrsr claxn niuclilne. fully warmer
ed. Made from the ery best material b -fklMed
workmen, and with the best tools 1, ,it
nave ever been devised for th' War
ranted to do all that can be reasonably exa
lect. , of the very best typewriter extain
srmhleof wri'nu: 1 word -er tnlnut.- 01
more according to ihe ability ol Itieopernt
PRICK' $100.
11 there is no aijent In your town uddre th
Agents wanted Parish A. V.
F. 13. SEELEMIKE, Agent.
Lincolu, Neb,
The Leading
Constantly keeps on hand everything
you ncd to furnish your house.
ness mad iioisescuBF-n
bv IWk'i Inviil.l fr"u i-.h-
tun. W btapera bmrd. Cuiftable.
5om.-!nifulrhreal!r.finiifil. SoldbyF. Ili,tl,nnly, nrr
"o7, new liri, nnu lor boufc ut proota I ilUb
ClMnie ami beautifies the hair.
Promotes a luxuriant growth.
Never Fails to Restore Gray
Hair to its Youthful Color.
Cures walp riia-s tc hair tailing.
gUf.aod fl iniat Driitywta
it rrz"
i.''.rker'a G-inper Tonie. It cure the wornt Cou'fi,
. l.:-j---s it , I'ltlicftion, lain, Take in tiine.OOctn.
; 37' -pri Fc'OOrj S. The on!v sure cure for Coms.
..i JvC. j.1 1. luggistii, or JilaCOX CO., Jf. Y.
Dr. Grosvenor's h
3rite"' PLASTER.
nnnDmiiiBin, nnnrfiiftri, pleurisy ana .umnago
cared at once. Gmine for nale by all Drnjruistr.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
And. Children. It contains neither Opiam, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
it is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
fererishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulate?, the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's panacea the Mother's Friend.
Castoria is ao excellent medicine far chil
dren. Mothers bare repeatedly told me of its
good effeet open their children."
Dr. G. C Osgood,
IxrweU, Dfass.
Castoria Is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hene tha day iswiot
far distant when mothers wrffconader the real
interest of their children, and uso Castoria in
stead of tbe various quack nostrums which are
destroying (heir loved ones, by foremg opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Dr. J. F. Kinchkio,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, TT Murray Street, New York City.
W" itnd m.-wkmnlth nhnp ; !
. . .', . .. 1-., . 1.:
A'Hci.n, Hutruy, Machiun and '
plow Ilrpftirint; done.,
Ilr uses the
Which is the nnl hrsclioe fur th
farmer, or for fut driving, or for citj
.'iirportt-s cvt r invented. It in ho Made
nut unyoiie j,m ,n hlmrp r flit
ikh. ks ii' 1 tor wit mid ulipprry
: '-". 'r mu ( t'n, dry rortdH. ("nil at
loa nhii nd examine the NKVKiwLip
nd von will u-.' iio other.
12 Nort'i Fifth I St. I'lntUmouth
umber Yard
Shingles, Lath, Sasb,
Doors, Blinds
Can supply everw dtnumd ol tin; city.
Call and get terms. Fourth t-trett
in rear of oith Ik nine.
217, 210, 221 anrl 22:5 Main St.,
Olattsmouth, - Nebraska.
H. M. B0NS. Proprietor
lhe Perkins has been thoroughly
.-unoyutcd from top tc .sjttfLU flid IS
low one of the best hotels in the state
Boarders will lie taken by the week at
14.50 and up.
HIS preparation, with-
V-'V?.77.r, ' wJ?r'i "moves
j reri-:i.'s, jiiver-jnoicx,
I!mjI-, l;:.ik-Jlarts, Hunburii
oimI Tan. A few applications will ren-'.(-r
the nioHt stubborn ly red ekira eot,
smooth and v.-h;t.i. Viola Cream it
jiotajKiint or powder to cover defects,
!ttt a remedy t rure. It in euporior t
fill other pn pfu.t!ioi;K, and is (ruaranteed
o ?ive Bat isfuc foil. At dmaia or mail
ed for CO ceutH. Prepared by
Tolodo- Ohio. :. V. BITT.VER k
frornpt; Fob 111
Cur for Impotence, Lott
of Manhood, Seminal
F millions. Spermatorrhea,
Nervousness, Self Distrust,
Lnrs of Memory, Ac. Will
ntnUdi tint, n XTfriilJ ll
' oua .Ian. Pries $1.00, 0
Boxes, SC 00.
fne"la! Oirvllorm Malted
uitm earM Bo. Address
4icaBiBaEaBSSJ t. lquis. . Ma
Caataria la sowwll adapted to children thai
I reveneaeod ft aa parinr toany pnacriptiasi
known to me."
H. A. Aacaca, IS.
111 So. Oxford St., BrouaJyn, N. T.
Our physfciaea in Sua Uidi'a depart
ment have spokeai highly of thoir axperf
enoe in their uwade praetiee with Cantoriav
aod althooKk we oary ave among our
medical sappltes what la kaown. aa regular
products, yet we are free to confess that Ua
merits of Castoria. has won us to look witk
favor upon it."
Boston, MaaMU
LLE! C. SarTH, Pres.,
i i in viui'.; r.--v "