mouth Daily Herald, i FOURTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY AUGUST 27 1891 NUMBER 303 tte 1 ! is ml mm Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strenth. -Latent U. S. Government Food Re port. TTOKNEY a LAW. WINDHAM & DAV1ES. R. B. WINUHAM, JOHN A. DAVIKS. Notary I'ublic Notary Public Office over Bank of Caos County. V Plattsmouth - Net.ra.sha JTTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Iaw. Will gtv prompt attention to all buntufHH entrusted to him. (Mtice in Union block. East Side, Plattemouth, Neb. R. A. SALSBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T : GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS. Dr. Steinways ann-stbetic fertile painless ex tract iot' of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Kockwood Block Plattsmouth, Neb. XTEW HARDWARE TQ3 E S. K. HALL & SON Keep all kinds of builders hardware on hand and will supply contractors on most fav orable ten: s TIIsT EOOFING : HpoutiuK and all kinds of tin work pronn tly one. Orders from the country Solicited 616 Peasl St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. ' IS THE L-K-A-D-I -X-G II-O-U-S-K IN THE CITY FOK NOTIONS FITKNISIUXU GOOPS LACKS EMHKOIUEKIE8 KITCHEN NOVELTIES TINWAKK. olasswakk ETC. ETC- The goods we offer on our 5. 10 and 25 cent counters cannot be duplicated elsew here We have but one price, and that the cheapest in town. "THE FAIR" 415 M-A-IIST ST EE a? DEUTISTI2Y t; GOLD AND PORCELA1NBCROWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a V SPECIALTY. DR. 8TEINAU9 LOCAL as well as other an estbeticsgiven for the painless extraction of tectb. a A- MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald WANTED A desirable tenant for the Dovey homestead, corner o Seventh and Oak streets. tf K. G. DOVEY & isOX. Urown & Barrett have just re ceived a fine line of imported tooth and ail brushes, cloth and hair brushes. Prices away down. tf Notice to Coal Consumers I will furnish the best of coal of all grades to those who pay me, but those who wish to run long winded accounts I don't want. As I have to pay for what I get I must insist on pay for what I sell. All those who know themselves indebted to me will please pay by the 15th of Sep tember as I must have money to pay for winter coal, Timothy Clark. Dealer in Anthracite and Bitumi nous coal and wood. Office and yard 404 South Third st, telephone 18, Plattsmouth, Neb. tf F JOE, the Leading One Price Clothier, takes pleasure to inform his many friends and patrons that he has left for the east, where he . expects to make the largest and best fall and winter purchases he ever made and everything will be ready for inspection about Sept. 10th or 15th. tf PERSONAL Ed Kuffner is transacting busines in Omaha to-day. nr. j. J, iiotige reiurnu ;rom Omaha this morning. Fun at the ball park this after noon, Frts vs Leans. nrs. ;nnie p-ranKiin was a pas senger for Omaha this morning. Nth. Fred Murphy camein to visi her mother Mrs. A. Patterson a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan left on No. .1 (liia morning for Hot SpringH, S. I). Miss Moore, of Cedar Rapids ar rived this morning to visit Mrs Troup a few days. Miss Ada .Sprague of Irquois S:iuth Dakota, is visiting with the family of Dr. A. Shipman. Ticket Agent Latham has return ed from his trip to Kearney, Lincoln Denver and other points. Mrs. Bird Critchiield departs to day for Colorado Springs with view of recuperating her health. Mrs. Jennie Kinney arrived this morning from Albany, N. Y. to vis it the family of W. B. Porter jr., a few days. W. F. Busted departed for Defi ance this morning at which place he commences a nine month school next Monday. Mr. R. II. Stewart, the efficient B. Sc M. engine painter, departed last evening for New York on a few weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs II. C. McMaken ar rived this morning on No. 5 from Detroit having attended the G. A. R encampment there. Manager Coursey has a force of men at work today attaching water pipes to the mains on Main street f o the court house. C-l Graves was a passenger this mo. ning for Glen wood to attend the reunion now in session there. The reunion closes today. James Ilerold changed his place oT residence yesterday from the cor ner of Eighth and Pearl streets to Pearl between Ninth and Tenth. Mrs. Iv. P. Myers, of Sugar Grove, 111., a daughter of Daniel Crosser of Rock Bluffs, came in yesterday on the harvest excursion for a visit at home. Mr. Joseph Ryan took the train last evening for Omaha, and he will also spend a portion of his time at Lincoln before returning to his home at Alvo. Miss Deana Fisher, of Tekama. one of the prominent teachers of Burt county, and a graduate of the Western Normal College at Shenan doah, is in the cit3r visiting friends. The Misses Julia Green and Ma mie Corlett of York, and Clark and Gillis of Mt. Pleasant, who have been visiting Miss Mary McClel land a few days.returned home this morning. They were accompanied as far as Omaha bv Miss McClellan. The B. & M. Band has postponed their concert until tomorrow eve ning. The west bound passenger trains are unusually heavily loaded this week. Two more gentlemen boarders can be accommodated at GC4 Main street opposite Riley Hotel. Terms rea sonable. Private family. tf. Quite a number of. our cittzens are complaining of ill health this fall. The ailment seems to partake of the characteristics of hay fever, and it is peculiarly an annoying ep idemic. Fred Gorder has been confined to his room for several days, owing to an attack of materia. He is not thought to be dangerously sick, but in all probability it will be several weeks before he can engage actively in business again. Rev. Mr. Wilcox, a Methodist min ister of Wisconsin, came in this morning on No. 5. Mr. Wilcox will visit Mr. Dickson living near the city, a few days, then he will resume his trip through the west, visiting Kearney Hastings and other points Nebraskans in Iowa. The reports from Creston indicate that, notwithstanding the inclem ency of the weather, a successful and highly interesting time was had yesterday, and South Omaha and Eastern Nebraska were indeed masters of ceremonies. The deco rations were said to be as fine as any upon previous days, and with the fine music by the Union band of Omaha and the happy speeches by Omaha's best talent, the visitors were indeed well entertained. Council Chamber The council met as per call. Absentees were Browne, M and Dove. inor A petition was presented by M O lionohtie praying for an alley by which the owner might have a road to his land. On motion of Murphy the matter was referred to the com mittee on streets, alleys and e. -. . unuges witii instructions to report their actions to the council. A . A - . t pennon was presented by citi zens on Rock street praying that Ninth street be opened betweet Rock street and Chicago avenue Granted. Petition to have necessaij grading done on Rock street, be tween Mntli and Sixth streets. On motion of Gutsche the petition was granted, the maximum cost being $50.01). A petition by residents of Gold street praying for liberty to work poll tax on said street between Ninth and Tenth. Granted. A petition presented praying for liberty to connect sewers on Fourth street, opposite court hsuse with pipes for the purpose of draining court house grounds. On motion of Larsen the petition was granted but said work must be done under the direction of the board of public works. On motion of Jones of the second ward the report of the finance com- mitte as follows was adopted and ordered paid: Chas Wheeler hand work $17 55 Jones Si Fitzgerald team work 34 20 Edwin Bates same 34 iO las Swobody, labor 4 50 John Jahda, t'-um work 34 20 Geo Poisall. team work 9 60 C W Green, labor 11 70 John Janda, labor 16 80 John Monoe. labor 17 55 Robert Johnson, labor 17 10 Geo Poisall, street com 24 00 B Smith, claim of damage for ract of land used in opening Holiday st co 00 Tom Ery, special police 4 to C S Polk, city attorney 62 66 On motion of Salisbury the sur veyor was instructed to form a plat for a 60-foot street for the continu ance of Sixth street. Claim of U. V. Mathews' estate for hardware bill amounting to $23.25 was allowed. Claim of W. II. Willets for $703 al leged damage to lot four in opening alley adjoining was ordered not paid. On motion of Gutsche $150 was appropriated to be used in putting Garfield Park in good condition and that the matter be referred to Jones of the First and Second wards. On motion of Salisbury the street commissioner was authorized to cut weeds about the city. On motion of Jones of the Second ward, the side walk committee was authorizedto putside walks in repair n all cases where owners had been notified and failed to comply with nstructions. On motion of Murphy, work on Holmes and Wise's lot lot 10 block 20 be suspended and workmen in structed to bring in bill for work done. On motion council adjourned. Sell ing out at Cost My hardware stock bur while you have a bargain. J. FIXLEY JOHNSON. List ot Letters, Remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Plattsmouth, Aug. 26. 1891, for the week ending Aug. 19: Ausiin, L D Burris, A N Burke, Joe Anton, Peter Black, Johnnie Chris. man, Phi'lip Ca. ies, Mrs Rally Doyle, O Graham. J B ' .0 Krowllck, Vret&J Moore, JrsB Miller, Howard MOClanahan, Lee O'Nefl, Gvv IhHby, J m oAEncch Karld, C Saddler, Ada Vokaty. Albe t Conan, Mrs Chas Dean, Mrs O (photo) Dean, C 5 Hall. Mrs E Leek. J M (photo) Miller, Lou Mullis, Mrs McKenzie, J H Patterson. Mrs L W Prybl, John Sheahan.Jas Turner, Lou Wilson, Daisy Woraen, L J Wyler, Jacob Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "adver- ised." H. T. Streight. P. M. Quilting and piecing, comforting and crazy patch work and carpet rag sewing satisfactorily done by Mrs. Vroman, 513 North Sixth street, Plattsmouth, Neb. tf The Teeumseh Turf Club. The Herald acknowledges the receipt of a complimentary ticket to the first Annual Meeting of the Teeumseh Turf Club, to be held on the 7th, 8th and 9th of October at the fair grounds at Teeumseh. The club offers $2,7C0 in prizes and gives eleven different races. The club starts out with bouyant prospects and doubtless with good manage ment good results will accrue these from. Burqlan at Work Last night a gang of toughs broke into a freight standing on the side track, , and stole several cadiea of tobacco, some dress goods and other merchandise. There was a rough looking net in the city yesterday, one of whom was selling tobacco at the B. & M. shops today. Chief of Police Archer thought the evidence would justify an arrest and accord ingly took the fellow into custody and he is now in jail peiling an in vestigation. The other fellows are at large, though Policeman Archer has clues to their whereabouts and feels confident of capturing them. The amount stolen is not large, but men of that principle should be learned a trade if it were possible. Harclwaae at Cost. I am selling out iny stock of hard ware at cost. Now is the .iuie for bargains. J. FlNLEY Johnson The Sioux C.ty Corn Palace. The corn palace is nearing com pletion and when finished it will ex cel, in point of architecture and workmanship, anything of the kind yet attempted. The building is now enclosed, with the exception of the high tower in the center, and a large force is at work decorating the inner portion. . Aside from this gorgeous structure, an industrial exhibition will be given commensu rate with the times. The Nebras kans should not fail to see thin as in the future doubtless we shall outdo our neighbors. Hardware at Cost am selling out. J. Finley Tohn- i son wt Give Them a Hearty Welcerne The first harvest excursion was certainly a success and those to follow will doubtless be even more brilliant in every particular, The next 'occurs Septamber 15. and the comunity receiving the greatest benefit will be the one that puts forth the greatest effort to bring its advantages before them. Look out for JOE'S larire hand bills announcing the exact date of JOli'S grand fall and winter opening Prof. S. M. Hill will preach in the Swedish church to-night at the usual hour. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Our prices are very low on wall paper as we wisli to close out our stock. Anyone wanting wall paper should take advantage of these prices, tf Brown & BARRETT. The ladies of the M. K. church will give an ice cream social, at the residence of J. C. Kikenbary, this evening. Fvery body cordially in vited, all those who contemplate going please meet at the M. K. church at 7 o.clock. P. M. Arrange ments have been for free and easy cenveyance for all who come. JOF:, the Leading Clothier, will have his grand fall opening in day time so his former friends and patrons can attend. tf Latest advices from Deadwood eonvey the intelligence ttiat platts mouth defeated the home tesni yesterdaj', the score standing 7 to 6. Messrs Brown & Barrett have just received a new stock of artists ma terial and anyone wanting anything of this kind should call on them and get their prices which are away down. l-6tdw Now is the time to get a first class single or light double harness be low cost at W. G. Keefer, who is sel ing out all his light goods to re duce his mammouth stock. 4 I want jTou to understand John Henry, that you aiut to driuk that Haller's Sarsaprilla all up. I got it for pap and me' Pop he sez mam you go down ana g ; bottle or Hallers Sarsapriila & Burdock and will git over feeling so tirec and bad and git ridfof all them yimples. So let that alone now. For sale by all Druggists. Some people are constantly troub led with boils no sooner does one heal thanenother makes its appear ance. A thorough course of Aj-er's Sarsaparilla, the best of blood-purifiers, effect uylly puts an end to this annoyance. We recommend a trial. Few chileren can be induced to take physic whithout a struggle, and no wonder most drugs are extremely nauseating. Ayef's Pills on the contrar3 being sugar-coated are easily swallewed by the little, ones and are, therefore, the favorite family medicine. Itch on human ans horses and all animals cured in 39 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails, Sold. byF, G. Fricke Ac Co., druggist, Plattsmouth. wtf. WA nted An active, relioble man salary $70 to $80 monthly, with increase, to represent In hie own section a responsible New York House. .References. ma ufactlileb, lock Box 155, New York. M IDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALEf In order to reduce stock to we must close out the balance ot Bible. Commencing to day we j 1 i goods, embroideries iloiineings and At ti() Per Cent intromit From ffcxiil.-ir Price, jadies summer vests at 8c regular. 10c quality. Jadies summer vests at 10c J adies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. Ladies black lisle and ancy 35 worth 45n Ladies silk mixed Jadias silk vests at 20 per cent, on all Jerseys. 5 Per eent diesount on all our silk umbrellas Challicn reduced to 5 cents per yard, regulars 8$c quallity Mousselme de India reduced to (c per yard. We make thisoffer in rder to reduce stock Now is the time to purchase if in want of any of the above goods. KKMKMBKK all of our goods marked in plain figures and we do as we adverti; Don't miss this sa,e as they are the lowest prices quoted this season, V F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. J W HEN DEE DEALKR IN HARDWARE, STOVES '& IR01T. IPXJTvIDPS, TINWARE ETC- spot cash 331 d:es tmm immw.m ooOoo She is a winner. We reduce our prices because wJe can afford too, not because somebody compels us too. Where is the high price, long time credit man that can stand it NOT IN PLATTSMOUTH. We give juu ci icw iiiui c piaca wiuiTiiay interest you: Golden machine oil Gasoline ----- Warranted Hay Fork - 2,0tX) odd size carriage bolts - Another lot of clothes wringers Carpet tacks - Cook stoves at cost to close. Folding ironing boards - Blk barb wire - Galvanized barb wire ------ Best and cheapest line of tinware in the city. -ooOoo- Come in and see us whether you are in need of any goods or not' Remember that we can and will save you money every time. Everything a bargain, . NOT - ONE - CENT- ON - TIME. FEOIA 131 OIK,'-' COMPLETE STOCK OF Ladies, Misses, Boys, Children j.nd Infants, Summer Goods. THEY ARE AtR FIRST Gt ASS AND OF THE VERY LATEST STYLE. BAIRCADK9SI CALL AND BE .11 a t f make room for our la1! purchase our Summer stock as nuickly as poe will oIIVt nr 1;.,.. - v, uul n 11111; all overs regular. 15 quality. Egyptian cotton vests at vests at 6oc was a bar- $1, reduced from $1.26, ladies shirt waists and still goes at 20c per gal " " 35c each 90c per hundred - 2.10 still go at 1c per paper - ' - 07c 3.70 per hundred 4.35 " FFS ALL CONVINCE!! .. tit