The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 13, 1891, Image 4

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    ' ' .M.XZf' Good lil
ii"t CmI from the Other Mll I :
'w-ISIlig TmhIi Importance of Ctri-r; ;
V '' "-CMdlnff to Fast lUwmcr.
Did you ever note the fact that one.
the gTeat transatlantic gTeyhounlH
dom remains in port more than a w-
.During that Bhort time ehe in imlu;;... .
and loaded, which, in the cane of a v.
el like the Majestic or the City of .".
York, means the handling of Home I 'M
tons of cargo and coal.
Almost all the British BteamshipH t- .
over the coal to be burned in the m ;
ward passage in sailing vessels, on!.-
nipping enough in Liverpool for t.:
western run. Thus they have m-.r.
hold room for freight, for which they y, t
more money than it costs to seuil ov-v
oal by sail.
This work of loading a vessel cam:;t
be done without extreme care. The v j .
afety in an ocean monster depends 1.1
a great incisure on the manner in wlik-.')
her cargo ia stowed.
Nothing is more dangerous to a ves-.-i
tlian to have its cargo shift in roi;.- ',
weather, and hence only experieiiLvil
men are engaged in the stevedore bu? i
news. The stevedore therefore does r i t
regard himself na an ordinary I;iImi-i
bat as a skilled workman. To load su. 1
unload a cargo properly is an art, for n
vessel may be strained in unloading i
well as in loading.
Then again, the bul loading of a
vessel may not only delay the voyage f
greyhound, but it may cause her in
labor and roll to such an extent as o
render every passenger on board sea
The distribution of weight so that no
undue strain be sustained by the iron
hull of the vessel is the problem that
can be seen successfully solved every day
by one curious enough to spend an hour
on the docks of the great transatlantic
ship companies which dot the North
river up to Twenty-sixth street. The
process is an interesting one.
The boss stevedore, who is responsible
for the carrying on of the work, stations
at each hatch and side port a gang of
men. The gang consists of from ten to
twenty men, the number varying with
the size of the vessel, the character of
the goods to be handled and the distance
they have to be moved.
Each gang is in charge of a "leader."
He receives five cents an hour more than
the men under him when the work is
paid for by the hour, the men receiving
thirty to forty cents an hour for day
work and about 6ixty cents for night
There is also over the men a foreman,
who is paid by the week and receives
from twenty to thirty dollars, and an
assistant foreman, who is paid by the
time worked. The toaster stevedore
maps out the duties of each and is re
sponsible for any mistakes made in stow
ing the cargo.
The dnties of the master stevedore are
by no means light, when one considers
the varied character of the goods shipped
daily across the Atlantic. He has to see
that goods are not stowed together
which are likely to injure one another,
and that space is found for everything
that comes along up to the utmost ca
pacity of the ship.
The duties of the foreman relate to
seeing that the goods are so stowed that
the cargo cannot shift, and that the roll
ing of the vessel will not damage any
part of it.
The stowing of the vessels of the
White Star, North German Lloyds, the
Inman, Guion and Hull lines is done
under the control of the company. That
of the other bines by contract with mas
ter stevedores. Some companies pay by
the ton, and others by the package.
When the payment is by the ton the
English ton of 2,240 pounds is the unit
of weight. Light goods which have lit
tle weight, but take up considerable
space, are paid at so much per forty
cubic feet handled.
Among stevedores cotton is regarded
u the hardest to stow, and railroad iron
as the easiest. The iron rails are laid
across the keel diagonally, and are said
to strengthen the hull.
When the cargo of a liner outward
bound from New York is properly
stowed, she will roll comparatively lit
tle, as .the steerage is largely given up
to cargo. Coming from the other side
the case is reversed. Then. the entire
steerage is occupied by passengers, with
the result in rough weather that the ves
- eJ will often roll her lee rail almost un
der. New York Recorder.
Bebind the Scenes.
I got back of the scenes in a Detroit
family not long ago, and I have ever
since been cogitating as to whether it is
- not better to be self respectful than to
i Jiava undue pride. This family was
.keeping tip appearances at the cost of
xeal comfort. It . occupies an excellent
rocial position, which it has held for
years, but the family income is not such
. as to make it easy to be both presentable
. -and well fed.
As a consequence, while a dinner is
now and then given to friends the fam
ily fare is very scanty, and while there
is good clothing to wear for state occa
sions, this is carefully preserved, and
when no one is about shabbiness is the
rale. It seems to me that it is wiser and
more dignified for one to accept his cir
cumstances as they come to him, and not
attempt to lead a $10,000 life on a $2,000
income. Detroit Free Press."
Toe Typewriter Polisher.
.Among small inventions is an appa
ratus for cleansing the type in typewrit
ers. It, cfisista. of a revolving brush
that can uj attached to the machine,
fntt vrhion operates parallel with the
fro rs. The type is not only cleansed.
tied, and the work is said to be
t ckly accomplished than by the
nanuDruaD xnetnoa. j ew x ore
'UZZXzZ &ua . witu a superb gold watch
that not only chimed oh! the time when
a spring was pressed but told the day of
the month and the phases of the moon.
It also kept good time. lie was natu
rally proud of his chronometer, and was
always ready to oblige his friends by
letting them look into its intricate
works, which you must admit showed
him to a young man of marvelous
good temper, But this same beautiful
watch w;is the cause of his undoing .a
few nights ago.
I forgot to mention that the outer case
of this timepiece bore the monogram "G.
W. S." in brilliants, by which you may
infer that his married name was Georga
Washington Smith.
This evening in question he and Mrs.
Smith were rejoicing at dinner over the
thought that they should soon see her
sister, who was coming on from the
west to visit them in their new home,
and incidentally send on a private daily
report to her mother of how George was
treating Maude. They were to meet her
at the Grand Central station on the ar
rival of the train due at half past 9
o'clock, and decided to put in the hour
and a half they had to spare by looking
in at a much advertised stereopticon lec
ture. They went and enjoyed themselves so
well that they well nigh forgot their en
gagement, but a picture of the St. Pan
eras station in London made Maude gasp
convulsively: "Oh, George, do look at
your watcn, aear. i m so alraul we ve
overstaid our time!"
George made a strenuous effort to get
sight of the dial in the Egyptian dark
ness of the hall, but could not, and his
wife noticing his difficulty said, "Touch
the rejKjater spring, you goose!"
The lecturer had just concluded a very
sad anecdote and made an impressive
pause, when the hour chime in George's
watch began to fairly boom out nine
strokes, it had never sounded one tenth
so louu uetore, ana a nervous oiu lady a
few seats back began to whimper "Fire!
There was a wild craning of necks in the
audience, and Mrs. Smith's cheeks be
came so red that as her husband told
her afterward they glowed like live
George wrapped first his handkerchief
and then his coat about the watch, but
to no effect, for both the hour and the
minute bells said all they had to say in
tones that vibrated painfully through
the deadly stillness of the house.
When they finally ceased the lecturer,
with fine sarcasm, said, "Will the little
boy please bring his gong up here and
ring it in full view of the audience?"
A shout of laughter broke the strain,
and under its cover George and Maude
staggered up the aisle and out into
Broadway. They saw in a jeweler's
window that it was twenty-five minutes
past 9 o'clock (they had entirely for
gotten to count the repeater strokes), and
just had time enough to get up to the
station in a cab and meet their guest.
Mr. Smith has not worn the watch
since then, ana Mrs. bmitn saia to me
the other day, "Wasn't George foolish
to press that repeater spring?" New
York Herald.
TZic Growth of tlie Skeleton.
When growth is atlained the skeleton,
having reached its proportions, any ad
verse influence affecting the lymphatic
system or nutritive supply in any way
tends to produce leanness. A well de
veloped man having drunk lye by acci
dent, after a prolonged illness and recov
ery found himself a living skeleton. A
dissection of this man after death dis
closed the fact that the thoracic duct
had been nearly closed up.
The earliest recorded example of this
class was Claude Ambrose Seurat, born
at Trojres, France, April 10, 1797. Ac
cording to the account, at his birth there
was nothing in his appearance that indi
cated disease, but in proportion as he
grew in size his flesh gradually wasted
On the other hand, any influence
which stimulates the nutritive mechan
ism unduly degrades the secretive and
assimilative functions and tends to pro
duce abnormal fat. The living skeleton,
with his limited capacity for food and
assured income as a freak, enjoys some
degree of happiness, but the fat person
deserves commiseration. The statistics
of this class are quite extensive. New
York Times.
Sherman' Remarkable Dream.
Writers who have busied themselves
picking tip anecdotes and incidents of
the life of Sherman appear to have
wholly overlooked the story of his re
markable dream. It is as follows;
Une mgnt the general took reiuge m
an old farmhouse and had fallen into a
deep sleep when he was visited by a
most exciting dream. He fancied that
the house in which he slept was sur
rounded by a band of guerillas, who had
dug a hole beneath the room in which he
lay, filled it with powder and touched it
off. The explosion that followed was
terrible, and the general thought he saw
himself flying through the air in sec
tions. The shock of this terrible experi
ence caused him to jump to the middle
of the floor.
Hastily dressing he left the building.
He had not gone far into the night when
a red glare shot up from the farmhouse,
followed by a terrible explosion. The
building was wrecked, but the dream
had saved the life of the great general.
St. Louis Republic.
Bow to Strengthen the Eyes.
A simple and excellent plan to preserve
and strengthen the eyes is this: Every
morning pour some cold water into your
washing bowl; at the bottom of the bowl
place a silver coin or some other bright
object; then put your face into the wa
ter with the eyes open and fixed on the
object at the bottom; move your head
from side to side gently, and you will
find that this morning bath will make
your eyes brighter and stronger, and
preserve them beyond the ordinary al
lotted time. New York Telegram.
iciiptionA, after
thought and
close study of
the latest fash
ion papers,
planned and di
rected the mak
ing of the stylish,
neat-fitting "ad-
( justable"' house-
dress herewith
illustrated, and
the result was
eminently pleas
ing. Her object
was to produce a
one-piece gown
which could be
as easily donned
and as comfort
ably worn as an
ordinary wrap
per, but which
could be instant- fig.
ly made to look
like a close-fitting costume
suitable for
any occasion.
The entire lining and the outside of
the back are cut by a plain princess pat
tern. (Tig. 1.) The lining fastens in
front with a smooth cord laced over
small, fiat buttons on each side below
tho bust. The front of the straight
skirt falls in loose folcLs from three forward-turning
plaits on each side, the
middle plait on the left side cover
ing a placket opening (which is
kept from parting by two small
safety-hooks and worked lcxpe), and
the bottom is finished with a ruffle
gathered to form a self-heading. The
gunnpe is gath
ered across the
shoulders and
neck and brought
down in soft
folds beneath the
corslet portions
which extend
only to the un
derarm seams.
These corslet
fronts are cut by
an ordinary cors
let pattern, omit
ting the back
forms; they are
lined, and kept
in shape by
stays which are
easy, flexible and
almost unbreak
able a t each
seam and along
the front edges;
the closing is ac-
FKONT OF HOUSE-complished b y
ten small but
tons on each side and a silk lacing cord.
By tightening or loosening the fronts,
by means of the cords, the dress may be
made to vary several inches in size, and
yet be always neat and in order; and it
takes but a moment or two to make the
change. A full puff, cut so as to rise
high above the shoulders, covers each
coat sleeve from the top to the elbow.
In the model (Fig. 2) the corslet
matches the dress proper, which is of
tan sateen with scattered moon spots of
castor-brown, while the guimpe and
lower sleeve portions are of plain tan
finished with collar and cuffs of castor
brown velvet laced with cords and but
tons; a narrow cord of the velvet out
lines both edges of the corslet. A vel
vet corslet and a silk guimpe would be
handsome should this design be de
veloped in India silk or nice, soft wool
goods. American Agriculturist.
Envelope for Carrying Money and Impor
tant Documents.
When a dear friend is contemplating
a trip abroad, a useful gift for her is a
chamois envelope for carrying the let
ter of credit so necessary on a forei
journey. The envelope, when finishec
is six inches long by four inches wide.
An exact fit for that important docu
ment the banker will provide. For a
pattern, take an envelope, and enlarge
to the specified size. Line with pink or
blue s i Lk and
bind with nar
row white rib
bon, stitched on
the machi ne.
The envelope for
the sake of se
curity should
close with but
tons and button
holes. Before the button holes are cut.
three pieces of white ribbon, an - inch
and a-half long, the ends pointed, are
stitched upon the flap, and when worked
through both ribbon and chamois, they
will be strong and durable. . A long
loop of narrow white ribbon is fastened
to the upper corners, by which the en
velope is suspended around the neck of
the wearer, under the clothing. . For
the sake of convenience, make the loop
long enough to slip over the head. It
can be adjusted to suit the wearer;
being soft and pliable, it can be worn
under the corset if desired. Not only is
this a useful gift for the traveler going
beyond the seas, but is as acceptable as
well to those who travel in their "ain
countrie." Ladies' Home JournaL
Pretty Canl Case.
The newest card cases devised for
formal visiting are really works of art.
Only the finest and softest kids and
leathers are used cream, amber and
snow white. Thosjs in suede are almost
completely covered by silver wrought
in delicate lacy patterns, with either a
tiny miniature set in moonstones in the
corner, a heavy monoeram. or else a
pink-tinted conch shell surrounded by
small brilliants. Twin hearts of moon
stones and turquoises are seen on many
of the handsomest specimens, while
others are embossed with the inevitable
silver fleur-de-lis. This fin de siecle ef
fect is heightened by having a nar
row silver ribbon wound about to tie
the triple figure and descend in graceful
convolutions and loops to catch the next
flower below.
When you take (Quality ami-Make in Consideration yon Can not
Huy Cheaper anj IMae in the World than of
The Only One Price Clothier in Cass Go.
You inut call and Examine his Superior Make and (uality of
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc
Jce buys Only
Quotes no Prices
Money Cheerfully Refunded! if Goods Found n ot
'Satisfactory or a& Represented,
Opera House Corner
We're After You.
lhat greatest western paper,
I he eekly btate Journal- is deter
mined to double its circulation this
fall. To do this the paper has been
enlarged to twelve pages every
week; new departments added, and
every column freshened and
brightened by crisp and ordinal
ideas. The Journal is the true and
able exponent ofSvestern enterprise
and thought. It has grown apace
with the progress of our common
wealth and stands to-day at the
head -of western newspapers
equalled by few and excelled by
This will be an exceptional fall
and winter for newspaper reading.
Every man who thinks for himself
and wants his boys and girls to do
the same; should have the weekly
Journal in his family. Write for
sample. You need only to see the
paper to appreciate it. Send twenty
five cents for a three months' trial
subscription. You will then be
come a regular reader. Kighty-five
per cent of trial subscribers stick
That's a good record. Published at
the state capitol the Journal is
more in touch with the great
masses of the people, and the ques
tion that agitate the hour, than any
of its competitors. Don't forget to
send for a sample paper. We want
you to see one. The paper itself
will do the rest. One dollar per
year. Address, Y eekly State jour
nal. Lincoln, Neb.
Wanted. A bright, active agent
in every town in the state. Kasy
work and good pay. Address,
weekly State Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
Oil! Oil! Oil!
The best is the cheapest and the
best can be found at Muir'a in any
auanitv from a singrle bottle to a
gross. 3t
n Brown & Barrett have a complete
line of paints, wall paper and
drugs. wtf.
Now is the time to get a saddle at
your own price at Keefer's.- tf
Wanted A desirable tenant for
the Dovey homestead, corner o
Seventh and Oak streets.
tf K. G. Dovey & Sox.
Now is the time to get a first class
single or light double harness be
low cost at V. G. Keefer, who is sel
ling out all his light goods to re
duce his mammouth stock.
Brown & Barrett dispense a
greater variety of Summer drinks
than any house in the city. tf
For lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloh's Porous JPlaster. Price 25
cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke &
Co. and O. H. Snyder. 3
Quilting and piecing, comforting
and crazy patch work and carpet
rag sewing satisfactorily done by
Mrs. Vroman, 513 North Sixth street,
Plattsmouth, Neb. tf
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit
alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2
From the Best Houses in America.
JOE -:-
But he Will Sell You The Best Goods
car en?)
Head one Sol id Sore I teed awful Had
To tie his Handsto Cradle
Cured by Cuticnra
Our little boy broke out on hi head with
bad form of eczema when he ' four month
old. We tried three doctors but they did no
help him. Wln-n we used your three Cuticu
rt ltKMKitiK.s, and after using them
eleven week exactly according to directions
ne negan to steadily nil
prove ana alter the uce
of them for seven
nionthH his head was en
tirely well. When we be
gan lining it his head
wan a solid sore from his
crown to his eyebrows
It was also all over hi
ears mott of his face and
Miiall places on different
parts of his body. There
were sixteen weeks that
we had to keep his hands
tied to the cradle and
noia tnem when he was
o keep mittens on his
taken up ; and had
as ne woia scratch it he could in any way tfet
ins uniiiie muse, we Know your cutic'TK
Kkmediks cured him. We feel safe in rec
contending; them to others.
Geo. B. andJanetta liarils, Webster. Ind
The new blood and skin purifier, and greatest
ui xiumur rvemeuies. cleanses tne blood
of all impurities and poisonous elements
and thus remove the cause, and Citicika,
iiiw rrai aKin tjure ana i;L'TICUKA SOAP, an
exquisite hkm runner and Beautifier.
io ciear ine sKin ana scalp and restore
tne nairj, speedily cure every humor and
disease oi rne fKln. scam, and Mood, with 1 .ss
oi nair. wnether ltchintr. burnlm.' scalv
pimply, and blotchy, skin scalp and blood di
sease, from pJniyles to sdrofula from infancy
pc wiicn uir pnysiciana iaii
Sold everywhere. Price i.utu-ajkk. boc. Soai
25c ; Resolvent Sl.oO. Prepared by the Pot
ter Drug and Chemical Corporation. Bostyn,
Send for how to cu e skin Ceseases."
U 1 K V Q! Skln and ""alp purified and beauti-
jticdbi SoAP.Abselutely pure
Of feroa'es i.ietantly relieved by that
new elegant and infallibly antidote
to pain Inflamation and Weakness
theCuticurl Anti Pain Plas
Hair chains, rine-a. cro.ssea an
hair work of all kinds to order.
Mrs. A. Knee.
tf 1726 Locust St.
Will you suffer with d3-spepsia
and liver complaint? Shiloh's Vet
ahzer guaranteed to cure you. 1-ti
Ladies, among that sample line
are some or tne nnest shoes you
ever laid eyes on Wm. Herold
& Son's tf
If you want a good carriage dus
ter, whip, or fly-nets, go to G. W.
Keefers fie is selling them below
cost in order to reduce his mam
outh stock of summer goods.
Itch on human ans horses and all
animals cured in 39 minutes by
WoolfOrd's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails, Sold by F, G. Fricke &
Co., druggist, Plattemouth. wtf.
New Barn--New- Stock.
Elam Parmele has pushed hie
way to the front as a livery man by
keeping nothing but the finest car
riages and buggies and best horses
to be found in the state. Those
wanting a satisfactory livery can't
do better than to call on Mr. Par
mele. dtf
Plattsmouth, Neb.
2 .
. .5 : or, v. M.
10 :30 a. W.
.7 ; 44 p, m
. 9 : 45 a. in
. . 10 :14 a. m
..8 :30 a. in
oi, 3 -'to a. m.
No. 3 fik 'fl p. m
No. 5 b2r, wai.
:o a.
No. 7.
-15 ai0.
No. 9
No. 11, . ..
6 ;?5 p! .
.5 :25 p. w.
II :05 a. in.
No. 20....
No, 19
UTS OF PVTniAi Uauntlet ld7
47 Meets everv Werinfxri
v lucu iinu in m niiucie .v ' rain oiock. All vis
itiiiu knights are cordially invited to attend
C. C. Marshall, C. O. ; "tin Dovey, K. It. S.
btl)i..l.l...lit.. I I .. . ... .
Waterman block Main Street. Kooms
open from 8 :30 a m to 9 :30 p m; For men only
Gospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4
A O. L. W 8. Meeis first and third Friday
evejlngs of each month at G. A. K Hall
in Kockwook block. Frank Verinliyea. M. W.
D, H Euenole, liecorder.
A Ob. W. JSo. 84 Meets second and feurth
Friday tveninos in the month at G. A K
hall in Rock wood block, E.J. Morgan. M W
K, P, Brown, Keaordcr. '
ROYAI. A KCA NA M Ctss Council No 1021.
xt- Mett at the K. of P. liailii, ih p.,n-i.
Craig block over Bennett & Tutls. vuirinv
Herold, Itegeut ;
Thos Wailing, Secretory,
CASS LODGE, No. 146. 1. O. O. F. meets ev
ery Tuesday night at their hall In Fitzgerald
block. All Odd FellowH are cordiaiiv nvit.
o sttend when visitinv in f.i nttv i rv...,
N. G.S. W. Bridse. Secretarv. " "
CT"?Lic.-St. Paul's Church. Oak. between
ruui ana nixin. rather Carney, Pastor
Services: Mass at 8 and 10 :30 a. m. Sunday
School at 2 :30, with benediction.
Christian. Corner Locust and EIk
oervices morning ana evening. Elder J K.
Keed, pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m.
Episcopal. Rt. Luke's Church. rnmorThiH
and Vine. Rev. U B. Burgess, pantor. Ser
vices : 11 a. m. and 7 :30P. m. Sunday School
at 2 :30 p. m.
Gkrman Methodist. Corner Sixth St. and
T-. i ""tor. oervices : 11 a.m.
and 7 :30 p.m. Sunday School 10 :30 a. m.
Presbvtkhi an -Services In new church, cor-
pastor. Sunday-school at 9 ; 30 ; Preaching
at II a. m, and 8 p. m,
JiJ' 8- of tb,s church meets every
Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the basement of
the chucrh. All are invited to attend these
First Mkthodist. Sixth St.. bet wn Main
and Pearl. Rev. J. D. M Buckner. pastor.
Services : 11a. m.. 8 :00 p. m. Sunday School
9 :30a. m. Prayer meeticg Wednesday even
ing. Gkrman Puesbytkkian Corner Main and
iiimu. nev. nine,pastnr. Services : usual
hours. Sunday school 9 :30 A. m.
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive, Oak. between
lenin ana JSJeventh, Rev. A. Bofwell, pas
tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Prayer
Youno Men's Christian Association
Rooms in W aterman block. Main street. Gos
pel meeting, for men only, every Sunday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Rooms open week days
from 8:30 a. to.. t :30 p. in.
BOUTH Fahk Tabbrnaclk'. Rev. J. M.
Wood, Pastor. Services : Sunday School
10 a. m.: Preaching. u. rn. and 8 p. m. -prayer
meeting Tuesday night: choir prac
tice inday night. All are welcome.
WAnted-Aii active, relioble man-Balary 979
to 80 monthly, with Increase, to represent
in hie own ection a responsible New York