The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 10, 1891, Image 4
Too tardy, cma not. Tvtm a darkening noon In bleak Dwemlwr. Lo--v I the i at n-d Mara llnw Ihtko and lurid, and a nlender moon Iay. like a linger, on I lie lip of NltiL. Commanding ileiie. 'Neutti t he silent stars Prchod on a numb, with wistful (iu-m aud white. , With lltnlm ii-tremMc. tart leg red urn! raw. And bund !ili:' (i : i-t a tiny child I saw, Wli. thinly t'.H'i. t blithe Bin I l.ruve un.i briiit. Cronuinu iiif imtjv lay. V! sunt; he .tr)ir, Tbat little niHKi. ttic while her wt- voit u rafi Ho at aiid low Wbelhtr Mini hililsth cliiiue. Oldro and ijw.ili.t. Of fairy aiid lay: a intr h of nurM-ry rhyme. Or by inn, or prayer I knew not. unr bliull k now: Pet long ug' One npake lliii word. "No sparrow fall, its dying cry unLeard. Though. f- l- ami fui:t:" And 1 am nur tbat be w bo bears the bird Heard tbat nwett plaint. l-oinuro Hour. Th KiiglNh Theater att a 'tilM-e Sera II. When hn actor firt ajjears on tii; etae he remove his cap ami iii cline hiutst-If toward the seated audie:ite us a mark of courtesy. The anli-Mro then drum nron their hands to signify their approval. An actor who has K"' e of! the feta'e trmt apjx ar aain, and by bowing toward the audience express his thanks. Their plays, like our1, are divided into -civil" and 'military"; the civil plays con.-iMt either of music solely when tim wound id of a laxeh'w or solely of mimicry. The majority are taken from tbe history of the count rj'. The scenery is marvelous. When one scene is finished the curtain is droped and the scenery changed. Below the stage music is played daring the interludes. In the case of these old romance- Feveral scenes are brought to form a play, and if this play is acted today it will be acted again tomorrow, so as to give every one an opportunity of seeing it. When no more visitors come to see, an other play is substituted, or the troupe removes to another theater. Military jdays are those in which acrobats are engaged; the theaters in this case are omewhat larger and are known as "camps" (circuses). Temple Bar. FamotiM IlurKes of the (JreeliH. The Greeks were geuuine lovers of horses. It was claimed that Posideon struck the earth and produced the horse a ioetic way of saj-iug that horses were first imj-orted into Greece from be yond the sea. Homer's favorite appella tion for the Greek heroes is "tamer of horses." And almost every page of the Iliad shows that Homer's admiration for the chieftains is almost matched by his enthusiasm for the firm footed coursers, the fiery steeds, the horses famed in war. No common animals were these of the Greeks and Trojans. The horses of Eneas were of the stock which Zeus the thnnderer gave to Tros. The horses of Kheus were as glorious as the sun; the 6now was not so white, the wind not so swift as they. The horses of Dromed seemed to be in the air as they flew along, but of all the horses that proudly distinguished themselves in that famous war, the wooden horse took the lead for efficiency. It was the wooden horse that gave Troy to the Greeks. Caroline K. Sherman in Chi cago Herald. A Tree That Furuishea Ileal Lace. The department of agriculture has is sued a very curious and interesting list of plants useful to man which are con tained in its collection. Among the most remarkable of these is the lace bark tree of Jamaica, the in ner bark of which is composed of many layers of fibers that interlace it in all di rections. Caps, ruffles, and even com plete suits of lace are made from it. It bears washing with common soap, and when bleached in the sun acquires a de gree of whiteness equal to the best arti ficial lace, with which this surprising natural product compares quite favor ably as to beauty. Washington Star. Clothe That Royalties Wear. What funny people royalties are! If 1 were to visit a Persian in his home it would never occur to me to put on a flowing robe and a sheepskin hat and to expect the Persian to receive me in Euro pean garb. But royalties never seem able to meet without exchanging clothes. For instance, "when the emperor arrived at Port Victoria his majesty made his appearance in the garb of an English ad miral, and the Prince of Wales responded to this delicate attention by donning the dress of a Blucher hussar, while his brothers and son masqueraded as German hussars and Uhlans. London Truth. Another Good Way. A Dutchman went about selling a preparation for poisoning a certain kind of troublesome insect. ' You take de insec mit de finger an de dumb of von handt," said the ped dler, "an den mit de odder handt you put de pizen in his mout. " 'But. said the farmer, "If you've got to catch and hold them that way, why can't you smash em and done with it?" "Veil," said the Dutchman, "dot's a good vay, too!" Youth's Companion. A gentleman narrowly escaped being drowned by a salmon in Scotland. He hooked a large fish and entered the water to free the line, which had caught to a bowlder, when the salmon swam round and round the would be captor, fixing the line firmly round both his legs. But for the prompt assistance of a gillie, the gentleman might have been drowned. One of the queerest names for a street - is that borne by a public thoroughfare r:in the annexed district of New York -..called Featherbed lane. It is supposed to have been so christened because it is V f nil of rocks. The name occurs in the -city directory. In sugar refining factories metallic veasels called kettles are used, some of a-hiVh are capable of holding a thousand t : aauaf&llonal - was crowuexL Veople were pack. 4 line" herrings inside and on tbe platform :i.-r was the usual crush and fttroie f.r four square inches of space. It was j i-t at the beginning of a rain, and the gn; tn an had no waterproof along It weuied that at every second dfr some one had to get on. The car was con stantly stopping It was tilled to tiie last limit long ugo. but still people were waving their arms from the pavement and clambering up and in some way. Nobody knows how many i ersons can pet into a Chicago street car. At one corner three women with babies in their arms stopped the car and Kot in. Thegripmau swore a little at them At the next a man looked at the clouds, hignaled the gripman and got in out of the wet. The rain began to come down a little more derisively. The gnp uiau started up and threw the lever far forward. lie wanted to shoot straight to the stables without stopping. There was another man The car had not ruu forty feet. The gripman swere very roundly as lie loosed the lever and pulled back on the brake. Then he started, bent the talons of the grip about the cable and plunged ahead again. Tliere was another woman. The car had run just half a block. The pas sengers looked up as they saw the wav ing arms of the waiter. They expected to hear a very volley of oaths at this second stop. The gripm;n's face was a study. First it was black as night. Then he looked closely at the woman. He hated her aiid wanted to blast her witli a frown. Then his brow softened. A twinkle came into his eyes His lips parted and his great wooden face broke into a kindly laugh. What had she done? Who was she' Did he know her? Nothing uothing at all. He knew nothing alxmt her. She was only a handsome girl, and she laughed a caress right into his lips as he frowned at her. Smiles are better than scepters any day. Chicago Herald. Wherein liananat Surpatig Wheat. The banana belongs to the lily family, and is a develod tropical Uy, from which by ages of cultivation the seeds have been eliminated and the frnit for which it was cultivated greatly expand ed. In relation to the bearing qualities of this fruit Humboldt, who early saw tbe wonders of the plant, said that the ground that wonld grow ninety-nine pounds of potatoes would also grow thirty-three pounds of wheat, but that the same ground would grow 4,000 pounds of bananas, consequently to that of wheat is 133 to 1 and to that of pota toes 44 to 1. The banana possesses all of the essen tials to the sustenance of life. The savage of the sea isles and the jungle owes what be has of physical strength to this food. Wheat alone, potatoes alone, will not do this. When taken as a steady diet it is cooked baked dry in the green stt '.e, pulped and boiled in water as soup, or cut in slices and fried. I do not know whose beauty 1 admire the most, the ma jestic cocoa palm, with its heavy crown of great fringed leaves, or the graceful banana, with its great leaves, which are six feet long and two feet wide. Gold thwaite's Ueojrapliical Magazine. Wliite ireMe No Longer Worn. "Speakiug retrospectively," said a fashionable widow, "when I was a girl in society the white dress was consid ered one of the sweetest things a young lady could wear. Now one never sees them except at a commencement or a wedding. Prints, prints, prints! Even the sweet girl graduate in a white dress is a rarity. As for Broadway, the sight of a white dress on anybody but an in fant is a thing of general feminine com ment. "I know it is rather daring to venturo an opinion in this era of colors, but I think now that a young and pretty woman in pure white is the lovelies. vision in the world of beauty. She neea not be so very young, either, if reason ably pretty. I've seen women who could be called without offense neither young nor pretty who looked better in white than anything they could have put on." . And what man of forty upward, pray, will not agree with her? The man with a handpainted mus tache or beard went out with the white dress. New York Herald. Tbo Bane of the Unruly Student. The dean's office at Harvard is, from the nature of affairs, a purgatory. A "summons" to the dean means that there is trouble for the man who is summoned. The high court of justice sits in the dean's office. That is. it does so far as the undergraduates know, for here are delivered all the court's decisions. At one time in the history of Harvard col lege there hung in the room of every un dergraduate a cartoon. It was a picture of "U 5" the dean's office. A grinning Mephistopheles stood at the door welcoming a long line of con demned wretches. Over the door was this legend, "Who enters here leaves all hope behind." Nearly every man who in recent years has left Harvard college in disgrace has left hope behind when he last entered the door of "U 5." New York Tribune. Few Marderers Repent. There is a popular notion to the effect that a murderer is necessarily pursued by the furies of regret and repentance; but the truth seems to be that such feel ings are rarely entertained by the offend er. Surgeon Bruce Thomson, of the gen eral prison of Scotland, says that of the 500 murderers he has known only three could be ascertained to have exhibited any remorseful symptoms. The true criminal is unrestrained by moral per ception from crime and the same lack of sensibility forbids contrition. Washing ton Star. Do not be angry if the roosters awaken you at daybreak. Remember that if you went to bed at 6unset you would be willing to get np with the chickens, and roosters den't stop to consider such things. and ivve songs for them that love to tarry in the gloaming But 1 heard Sur. lay the or; piece of music that twar:ged upon the heartstrings of the married people. (iilmore's band was playing ''Remin iscences of Mendelssohn," and a thou- j eand tiead were wagging an accoaipaui- uieiii Suddenly, by way of finale, the "Wed ding March" struck up. The effect was electrical. All over the audience tno wedded pairs looked at each other and smiled tenderly It was a reminiscence. What happy visions it called up! Here was a couple, homely, raw, from the country evidently who had jut started out to guide the plow together. j The march had been played for them in the little village church not long ago. but now they heard it played indeed. They leaned a little closer together, and her big hand, fixed out to kill ia cotton mits. which showed the wedding ring, sought his and held it. And all through the tudietjce 1 saw ijrns of the pictures called up by that fragrant and alluring bit of music. Old couples and young, rich and poor, those who live like cats and dogs together and those who have learned the pleasant alchemy of forbearance in wedded life, all were for the moment bewitched. Ta, ta. tara-rara, turn tiddle de dum de di do. It fairly makes me reminis cent myself, though they played Wag ner at my blessed wedding. New York Herald. Character iia Catint;. There are few things by which char acter is more unmistakably portrayed than by a man's choice of food and the manner in which he devours it. In his preference for coarse or delicate edibles, or lack of preference for any in the de liberate slowness or voracious quick ness with which he consumes them traits of character otherwise hidden are revealed. The dinner of a people sre an infallible index of the national life. It has been justly said that there is a whole geological cycle of progressive civilization between the clammy dough out of which a statuette might be mold ed and the brittle films that melt upon the tongue like flakes of lukewarm snow. In England one of the tests by which the various parties in the state church are unerringly distinguished is the test convivial. For example, it is 6aid that Eome years ago a clergyman in that country went to a hotel to order a din ner for a number of clerical friends. "May 1 ask, sir," said the waiter grave ly, "whether the party is high church or low church?" "Now. what on earth," cried the clergyman, "do my friends' opinions matter to you?" "A great deal, sir," rejoined the waiter. "If high church. 1 must provide more wine; if low church, more wittles." Professor William Matthews in Boston Traveler. Victims of Misplaced Confidence. There is a famous dairy farm that sup plies a large city not a thousand miles away from New York. The place was started some years ago by a wealthy gentleman of very high social and ro ligious standing in the community which he aimed to supply. Of course, tbe farm was extensively advertised, and among the "best families" in that city a few years ago it was scarcely possible to find one which did not boast of having upon its table the eggs, butter and milk from this establishment. In due course of time the venerable proprietor of this farm went the way of all humanity. When his executors came to settle the affairs of his estate one of the heaviest liabilities was a large ac count for milk that had been regularly furnished for a period of several years from one of the largest swill milk con cerns in the neighborhood. It is almost needless to say that the former patrons of this famous farm, when they learned of this little revelation, were less enthusi astic than they had been before. New York Recorder. A Cheerful Regrgar. "Boss." he said, "can you give me five cents to get a cup of coffee with?" He was a Broadway beggar, with a cheerful face and a buoyant manner. Fortune had frowned upon him, but he was not at all disturbed; he simply laughed in fortune's face. The man to whom the beggar had spoken halted. "1 don't know that I have got five cents," he said, but at the same time he put his hand into his pock et. Encouraged by this movement, the cheerful beggar continued: "Make it ten cents, and 1 can get a sandwich to go with the coffee." "I can't do that," said the man, and he added, as he handed over two cents, "this is the best 1 can do." "It's all right," the beggar said, "per fectly satisfactory; 1 ain't fixing the price. New York Sun. Bow Carl Schura Learned EnglUh. Few foreigners indeed few English or Americans speak and write the Eng lish language with the grace and purity of Carl Schnrz. and be explains the fact as follows: " When I first came to America I found that 1 knew as little practical English as the Yale or Barvard 6tudent who has read 'Faust and 'Piccolomini' knows of German. 1 went to a bookstore and asked for the classic of the English lan guage. . The 'Vicar of Wakefield' was given me. I made a careful translation of the work into Cierman. laid it aside for six weeks, retranslated it ;nto Eng lish, critically compared the two versions, and knew the English language." Youth's Companion. Pin Superstition. Superstition has special claims upon the pin; it should, we are told, "be lent, not given." There is a by no means small class of sensitive minded folks who re gard the exchange of a pin a sure and sharp prick to friendship, and there is another goodly number that put them selves to all manner of inconvenience to stoop and pick np every pin that lies in their pathway. Table Talk. r ins! u m mMmh ma Wlh-ii you take (Ju tUly and Jlake in CoiMricraf ion you Can not lluy r.ic-ipcr ah I Mare in tin Wolil than of The Only One Price Clothier in Cass Co. TO APPRECIATE JOE'S LOW PRICES You in ii-1 call and Examine li is Miner or Jlsike am! (juality of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc.! THAN THOSE KEPT BY HIS COMPETITORS, Joe buys Only From the Best Houses in America. - joe - Quotes no Prices But he Will Sell You The Best Goods FOR. THE LEAST lOXTEST. Money Cheerfully Refunded if Opera House Corner We're After You. That greatest western paper. The Weekly State Journal, is deter mined to double its circulation this fall. To do this the paper has been enlarged to twelve pact's every week; new departments added, and every column freshened and brightened by crisp and ordinal ideas. The Journal is the true and able exponent of western enterprise and thought. It has rown apace with the progress of our common wealth and stands to-day at the head of western newspapers, equalled by few and excelled y none. This will be an exceptional fall and winter for newspaper reading. Kvcry man who thinks for himself and wants his boys and irls to do the same; should have the weekly Journal in his family. Write for sample. You need only to see the paper to appreciate it. Send twenty live cents for a three months' trial subscription. You will then be come a regular reader. Kiffhty-five-per cent of trial subscribers stick. That's a jood record. Published at the state capitol the Journal is more in touch with the reat masses of the people, and the ques tion that agitate the hour, than anj' of its competitors. Don't forget to send for a sample paper. We want you to see one. The paper itself will do the rest. One dollar per year. Address. Weekl- State Jour nal, Lincoln. Xeb. WAXTEI). A bright, active agent in every town in the state. Kasj' work and good pay. Address, weekly State Journal, Lincoln, Xeb. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and O. H. Snyder. 3 Come in To-day and examine the shoes offered in our sample sale. Wm. Herold Jfc Son. tf Xow is the time to get a saddle at your own price at Keefer's. tf Take advantage of the light har ness sale at Keefer's. tf Attention Shoe Wearers! Shoe's at factory prices at Wm. Herold A:Son's. tf Brown & Barrett dispense a greater variety of Summer drinks than an3" house in the cit3. tf Being overstocked with light double and single buggj- harness, carriage dusters, robes, fly nets, stable sheets and a very large as sortment of ladies' and gentlemen's saddles, I will sell the above stock for the next thirtjr daj-s at and be low cost. tf W. G. Keeker. Ouilting and piecing, comforting and crazy patch work and carpet rag sewing satisfactorily done by Mrs. Vroman, 513 Xorth Sixth street, Plattsmouth. Xeb. tf Will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint? Shiloh's Vet alizer guaranteed to cure you. 1-ti or as 3F CD3) HAD ECZEMA ON 1JA1JY A Head one Solid Sore I teed an fill Nad To tie his llandsto Cradle Cured by Cutiotira Our little loy broke out on liix head "itliji l)H(t f -riu of eczema when he wn- four months old. We tried lli'"ee flocU rs hut they did not help him. Whr u we i sed your three C'utm c ri Kkmkiuks, ami after usiiifj; them eleven weekn exactly according to directions lie ie;an to steadily im prove and after the ue of them for seven month his head was en tirely wel1. When we be lchii u-ii)f it his head wan a solid sore from hi Icrown to his eyebrows. It was also all over hif ears mo-t of his face and unall ptace on different parts of his body. There werrt sixteen weeks that we had to keep his hands tied to the cradle and hold them when lie was to keen mittens on his taken up ; and had hand to keep his timrer nails out. of the sores. as he wold scratch it lie could in anv wav net his hands loose. We know otir 'CctiVtki KuMKDiF.a cured him. We feel safe in rtc coiuendiiif; them to others. Geo. . and .laneita Iianis, Webster. Ind. CUTICURA KESOLVEM Hie new blood and skin purifier, and greatest of Humor Kemedies. cleanses the biood of all impurities and poisonous elements and thus remove the cause, ami ("ltk lka. the jrreat Skin Cure and I'iticlka s.oai an exquisite Skin Purifier and lieautifier. to clear Jthe skin and scalp and res-tore the hair), speedily cure every humor and disease of the fkin, scalp, and blood, with 1 -s of hair, whether itching, burning, seal v. pimply, and blotchy, skin scalp and blood di sease, from plmyles to sdrofula from iufancy to age when the best physicians fail. Sold everywhere. Price t inrim, 50c, Soap 25c ; Kksoi.vk.xt Sl.oO. Prepared bv the Pot ter Drug and Chemical Corporation. Kostyn. fc-Send for how to cu e tkin Ceseases." BABY Jy1 Skin and scalp purified and beauti Lfied tCTiccKi SoAP.Abselutely pure PAINS AND WEAKNESSES Of females ijftanty relieved by that new elegant ana infallibly antidote to pain Inflamation and Weakness theCuticuri Anti Pain Plas ter Organdies, lawns flouncings at less than cost, at Wm. Herold & Son's. tf Kstrajed from my premises this mwrning my bay carriage . mare. Finder will please return to K. 1.. SlOGIXS. Ladies, among that sample line are some of the finest shoes you ever laid eyes on Wm. Herold & Son's tf Potted strawberry plants of choice varieties will" be on sale at Lew Moore's by Julj- loth. Plants put out now will insure a big crop next year. d&wtf Itch on human ans horses and all animals cured in 39 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by F, G. Fricke & Co., druggist. Plattsmouth. wtf. Wonderful Success. Two 3-ears ago the Haller Prop. Co.' ordered their bottles by the box now they buy by the carload. Among the popular and succeseful remedies they prepare is Haller's Sarsaparilla A Burdock which is the most wonderful blood purifier known. Xo druggist hesitates to recommend this remedy. For sale by druggist. urn a Goads FoundMO t Plattsmouth, Neb. Hi:itLixtjrKX & m issue tti itiv f.n it. it. TIME TABLE. OK DAILY 1 A SS K Si li R TWAINS GOING ERST No. a 5 : 0.1 v. M, No. 4 10:.')a. n. No. H 7 ;44 p. m No. 10 9 : 45 a. m No. 12 10 :I4 a. m No. tf) 8 :30a. m GOING WEST Nol, 3 :.!i a. N'- 8 5::;f p. m. til No. 5 N'o. T No. 9.. .. No. II, V.t.... :W a. . ' -15 a. . :& p. .. :-. p. .11 :5 a. m. in. m. SM IIKT SUf I ET1ES KNIGHTS OK PYTHIAS Gauntlet J-odge o. 4T Meets every Wednesday evening at their h .11 In Paimele Craig block. All vis itiug knights are eoidially invited to attend C. C. Marshall. C. C. ; tin Dovey, K. IC. H. YOUNG .MEN'S CHKINTION ASSOCIATION Waterman block ?lain Street. Kooins open from s a m to 9 p in; For men only Gospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'eiock . O C. Ws. Met-i first ami third Friday evenings of ea-h month at G. A. K. Hail in Kockwook block. Frank Veimiiyea, M, W. L, B. Euersole, Recorder. A O, V. W. No. 4 Meets second and feurth Friday ' veuiuos in the month a' O. A. K. hall hi Kor kwood block, K. .1. Morgan, M W, I , P, Hrown, Keaorder, TJOYAI. A ItUA NAM Caen CotTncirN'TiTfT. II Mett at the K, of P hall in the Parmele & Craig block over Bennett K: Tuft, visiting brethren invited. Henry Herold, Kegent -Thos Wailing, Secretory. CASS LOOGK, No. 14. I. O. O. F. meets ev ery Tuesday night at their hall in Fitzgerald block. All Odd Fellow are cordially Invited 'n attend when visiting in the city. J Cory. N. G. S. W, Bridge, Secretary. PLACKS OF WORSHIP. Catholic St. Paul's Church, Oak. between Fifth and Sixth. Father Carney, Pastor' Services : Mass at and K a. m. Sunday ' School at 2 :30, with benediction. Christian-. Corner Locust and Eighth Sts. Services morning and evening. Elder J. K. Keed, pastor. Sunday Scliool 10 A. m. Episcopal. St. Luke's Church, corner Third and Vine. Kev. H B. Burgess, pastor. Ser vices : 11 a. m. atd 7 :.'J0i m. Sunday School at 2 :30 v. m. German- Methodist. Corner Sixth St. and Granite. Kev. Hirt. Pastor. Services : 11 a.m. and 7 :3o I m. Sunday School 10 :30 A. M. Pbeskvtekian-. Services in new church, cor-' ner Sixth and Granite stc. Ilev. J. T. Baird, pastor. Sunday-school at '. ;3o ; Preaching: at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m, Th Y. K. S. C. h of this church meets every Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the basement of thechucrli. All are invited to attend these, meetings. Fikst Methodist. Sixth St.. betwen Main and Pearl. Kev J. It M Buckner. pastor. Service : 11 a. m.. 8 :O0 p. m. Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Prayer rneetitg Wednesday even ing. Geuman Pkhsmvtekian. Corner Main and Ninth. Kev. Wltte, pastor. Services : usual hours. Sunday i?cbool a :30 a. m. Sw-ekdish Conoreoationau iranite. be tween Fifth and Sixth. Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive. Oak. betwen Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Bos well, pas tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 JS0 p. in. Prayer meeting Weduesday evening. You-; Men's Chhistiak association Kooms in Waterman block, Main street. Gos pel meeting, for men only, eerv Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Boomii open week days from 8:30 a. in., to 9 : 30 p. m. South Park Tap.erxacle Kev. J. M. Wood, ra-stor. Services : Sunday School. 10 a.m.: 1 reaching, 1 1 a. m. and 8 p. ru. ; prayer meeting Tuesday night ; hoir prac tice Friday night. All are welcome. W Anted An active, relioble mm-salary ? to 80 monthly, with mr rea-e. to represent n hie own eection a responsible New Vork House. Beferences. mam eaci lbek. Lock Box New Y ork.