rv, I. KM Kit II K m II KNV KI.OI'K CAT I (Kit KS - (i T51E BEST AVEltTISL MEDIUM o It's ia2iliti3S for doing work, are complete V y ' Having added considerable new type ofTiee i a guarantee for good clean j 3b work It prints all the county news and is the paper to subscribe for. Send us your name and let us -place you on our already large list of subscribers. Prompt attention given to all orders ADDKK5S ALL Cor Fifth and Vine Sts i THE POSITIVE CURE. J KLY BROTHERS. M Warren 111 I.I. HKAlHi V good and satisfactory in all departments the OKDKRS TO PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA ma$gt S. New York. Prise 60 rts.l HAD F0KT1IE LAWMAKER THE GERMAN BARON'S DIFFERING POINTS OF VIEW HI Dliillke tor None; lender. Our (lot Him Into Trouble - He Y a Strong Arivuciitx of the Law but Oldn't Tliluk It Applied to II I Ce. Freilierr Marsrliall von liitx'cstein. the state Bwrrtary for foreign affaire, who accompanied hi itiirial master the Uenuan emperor on his trip to limit iritam. while a member of the reichwta in very unexpectedly found himself in an PinbarraHsiiig gitu.'t tioii, iu a result of his activity in Peciir iiiK the p;isHc of a law relating chiefly to the JewB. the utory ol which was re lated yeHteiday ty Mr Moses Oppen heiiner. of 3 Broadway 1 have met the baron many a time," said Mr. Opienheimer, "at the Mann heim Chess club, of which we both were members He is an Hinlwtioas man and was much pleased wlien he was, in 1878. elected to I he reichstag. the first ultra-Couservati ve member that had ob tained a victory in Haden. He was very active in the (xerman parliament, being one of the brightest, as well as the most aggressive, men in that rather dull con glomerate, the ultra-Conservative party His prominent participation in the enact ment of the antinsury law resulted in rather funny complication. "I happened to know personally the other actor in the story, and I have my information directly from him His name was Louis Altheimen. a well-to-do Hebrew residing in Mannheim and liv ing on the proceeds of a snug fortune which he had amassed in his youth in the United States CALLED THKM BLOODSUCKERS. Althenner's 6peciaJty was to lend money to officers of the army, to officials nd others of that class erf society on their promissory notes. His regular charge was 12 ier cent, per annum. He would of course, accommodate only people who seemed to be good pay. As a rule he would extend the note from time to time on navment of the interest provided he had no fear of buffering u loss 'In those days Baron Marschall's fa ther was yet alive and in possession of his moderate estate. The young prose cuting attorney had to get along in the main on his rather modest salary. He managed it pretty well until he had wnne trouble with a young woman. It would never do for the rising young courtier and conservative statesman to have the 6catidai made public, and to hush it np about 5,000 marks in cash was absolutely required. The baron en tered into negotiations with Mr. Alt beimer and secured the loan of his note. The interest was paid promptly, and the little bill was extended several times without any difficulty Iu advocating the antiusury bill in the reichstag Baron Marschall delivered a vehement speech against blood suck ing usurers, especially those of Hebrew descent. The law as passed, largely owing to fliarschau s persistency, was exceedingly vague in its provisions, leav ing it practically to the discretion of the courts to say whether in any giveD case the taking of more than 6 per cent- was criminal usury, punishable by impris onment at hard labor and by fine. VVOLli NOT RENEW The session of the reichstag closed; the baron returned to Mannheim and re sumed the duties of his offi'.e. Mean while his note for 5.000 marks, held by Mr. Altheimer, was soon to fall due. The baron wrote a note to his creditor, ask ing him to call and arrange for an exten sion of time under the usual conditions. Altheimer replied briefly in writing that under the new antiusury law he did not feel safe in continuing to lend money in his former way, and therefore proposed to go into some other business, where bis capital would yield him legitimate profits. He notified the baron that the note would be presented for collection 'This turn of affairs was embarrassing for the young statesman He wrote again to Mr. Altheimer, saying that the usury act was never intended for cases like his. and could uot apply to their re lation He urged a renewal of the note as a perfectly .safe and sensible transac tion. "A reply soon came from the Hebrew acknowledging the baron's good inten tions as well as his legal acumen, but at the same time pointing to the fact that the interpretation of the law was left entirely to the courts "'Under those circumstances, Alt heimer continued. I do uot feel dis poned to put my ueck into the halter. 1 cannot renew your note. Von have been accommodated so far by one of the much abused Hebrew usurers at his own terms. Your jopularity and your position will probably induce some of your Christian friends to lend you the amount without security on perfectly legal interest. "Mr. Altheimer's note, it is needless to add. was promptly paid. Marschall subsequently became the diplomatic rep resentative of the grand duke ot Baden at Berlin, and still later he was appoint ed under secretary of state in the for eign office, filling the place formerly oc cupied by Count Herbert Bismarck." New York Sun. No Fwe Lunch iu England. Free lnnches are unknown in England An American who sees crackers or cakes on the bar and nibbles one of either is promptly surprised with a demand for another two cents. There is a lunch de partment in nearly every place, however where for a few pennies one may get a snack of bread and meat or cheese, the bread and butter being invariably tht subject of separate charges, as are pickles and. in fact, everything except the con tents of the cruet 6taniL Chicago Poet A Cruel Reason. He She's a remarkable girL Sb doesn't hesitate to tell everybody that she is twenty -seven. Don't you admire her for it? She No. because I kuowehe is thirty Life. " AUttle irls Experience in a Light house. Mr. ;iiid Mr.-", Linen Trr.-ctt ;i f c keeper of the tiov. J,i h I li u.f :it S.'iu.l Ht-iich Mich, ;ni! :iic lilr.-ml with :i tlniiLvhtcr, four yc.irs. L:i."l April .-he tiikeii down with Mcji-les, followed with dreadful C oiiih iind turned into i lever. loctor.- at home and at Detroit treated, hut in vain, he j;rrw worse rapidly, until .-die was a inert'" handful of hones". Then she tried Ir. Kind's New Discovery and alter the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They ay Dr. Kiu.s New Discovery ,is worth its weight in e;old, yet you may yet a trial bottle tree at F. i. Frickcy Drugstore. 1 am an oll man ami have i.eeii a constant sulfeier with catarrh lor the last ten years. I am entirely cured by the use of Kly's Cream lialm. It is strange that so simple a remedy will cure such a stubborn disease. --Henry Hillings. I. S. I'en sion Attorney, Washington, D. C For eiyht years I have suffered from catarrh, which affected 1113 eyes and hearing; I have eiiiplo3-cd maii3' physicians without relief. I am now 011 my second bottle of lily's Cream Halm, and feel confi dent of a complete cure. Mary C. Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111. miss' Nerveand Liver PHIe- Act on a new principle refzulatin the liver, .stomach and bowels tluoagl. the litrves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bat. ttite, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Uue qUHletl for men. women. children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 5' doses, 25c. Simpla free at P. i. Pricke & CoV The Createst Strike Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his New I leart Cure has proven itself to be one 01 111c niosi important. 1 lie tic maml for it has become astonish ing. Already the treatment of heart disease is being revolutionized, and man)' unexpected cures effected. It soon relieves short breath. Mutter ing, pains in side, arm, shoulder, weak and hungry spells, oppres sion, swelling of ankles. smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and Nervine Diseases, free. The uucqualcd New Heart Cure is-sold and guaranteed 1 " F. G. Fricke A: Co, also his Restorative Nervine for headache, tits, sprees, hot Hashes, nervous chills, opium habit, etc. 4 A Wonderworker Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Hurlington. O., states that he had been under the care of prominent pliysiciciiis, and used their treat ment until lie was not able to gt t around. They pronounced his case to be consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds and was not able at that time to walk across the staeet without resting. lie found, before lie had used half of a dollar bottle, that he was much better; he con tinued using it and is to-day enjoy ing good health. If you have an throat, lung or chest trouble try it. Ye guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke .Vc Co's drugstore. a Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well and so popular as to need 110 special mention. All who have used Fled trie Hitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do al- that is claimed. Klectric Hitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affec tions caused bv impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all ma larial fevers. For cure ot headache, constipation and indigestion try Klectric Hitters. luitire sat 1st act 1011 guaranteed, or money refunded.- 1'rice aOc and $1 per bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. ." Brown & Barrett dispense a greater variety of Summer drinks than any house in the city. tf W ill be Given Away Our enterprising druggists, F. G- Fricke fc Co, who carry the finest tock of drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles, brushes. sponges, etc.. are giving away a large number of trial bottles of Dr. Miles celebrated Kes- torative Nervine. lliey guarantee it to cure headache, dizziness, ner vous prostration, sleeplessness, t.ie ill effects ot spirits, tobacco, cottee. etc. Druggists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is univer sally satisfactory. J hey also guar intee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in ill cases of nervous or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain in side, motherinir, etc. Fine book on Nervous and Heart Diseases," f ree. -t Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Thk Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fevet Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to eive satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For snle l? F. G. Fricke & Co. Philip Krause will sell his goods cheap till the 15th. of Augtist. in order to make room for his fall goods. tf Wood For Sale. Over a thousand cords of dry wood for sale by Charley Ilemple. Leave orders at Henry Weckback & Co's. dtf New Barn-New fatoek. Klam Parmele has pushed his waj- to the front as a livery man by keeping nothing but the finest car riages and buggies and best horses to be found in the state. Those want ing a satisfactory livery can't do better than to call on Mr, Par mele. dtf License Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will appl3 to the count3- commissioners at their next regular meeting tor a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Union. Cass county. Nebraska. d&wtf. JOHX MOHLER. IP,. PKTKrl'SK 1H IKI'hC GROCERS HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. rVEKVTn.;-.:'? - FftiH - ANb - IN - SEASON ATTK.M IO X KAKMLk' S We want 3 our Poultry, Kggs, But ter and your farm produce ol all kintl, we will pay you the highest cash juice as we are buying for a lini in Lincoln. PETERSEN, THK I.F.ADING Gk'OCF.RS Plattsmouth - Nebraska ZUCK WEILER & LUTZ- ( -ui,cesoi s to) SOKNNICHSKN A SCI I IKK. Tl- W iii-tilnrtoii Av line GROCERY AM' Provision Merchants. HearttluHrt'-r for FLOUR AAd FKhJ). We. pay no rent and sell for CASH. You don'tjpay any bills for dead bents when you buy of this firm. The bent SOFT COAL always or. Hnnd. XDOISTT FORGET AT THK 5 COE.WERS 5 MEAT IE ART E .SIXTH STKEKT F. II. KI.I.F;NHAIT1, Prp. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh Kjjjfs and Hutter. Wild-game of all kinds kept in their season. MSl.V 1 11 ."5 1 Kliti 1 EAT MARKET What is Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescript! 0x1 for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opiani Morphine nor othr Xareotie substance. It k a hartnla Bubstitate for Paregoric, Drops, Soothin; Syrupy, and Cantor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures coustipotioii and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regruh&Uf the stomach and bowels, riving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's .Yauacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repe&teUly told me ol its good effect upon thekr ohiklreti." Db. G. C. Oaooon, Low, Kass. Castoria Is the bout remedy for caSdrea of which I am acquainted. I hsrpe the day iwiot far distant -bea nvXiwrs wflf ooosidar the real fnterefit of tbeir chUdreo, and uso CaKtoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down thtr throats, thereby seodiug them to premature graves.1' Do. J. F. KrecTBEiXE, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 ErwuKDi & ncoi Tllf J'lollet r llieli I.Hf.. ,,f 'nriy m full Mork of l" n.-mi III. -I eh mi, I ,hC IV hM li 1 ii. - !, v.iy cli !'. Hl-jhe-t ilie ..... Id nil kind. ol fjiiin piodiitt. tl. i eroiiH tri iitiii- ntand biir ,, ., ir,y is the m-c! ft f our hiii'i i-m Has 1, i.ooT. Murrnv Ned. MIKi: SIIM.'LMMCKI.IC, WaiiL tii! ISUrkMiiirli .i... Wagon. Huggy, Michin. ij. plow UAtni' Hone HOHSKSHOKINU A KPKClAbTY uses tlic NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which i. the l..-Ht horscHlioi; for th 'itriuer, or for f-t diivniu. or for ritj f.Ui.oeM ever invented. It i ho made thht anyone c:.n put on nlnr or flit, forks, hs needed br wet Hiid hlippcry Uys, or Miiooth, dry road, ('all at shop rtn.1 examine the- NKVKHHi.rp iiid won will use ih other. J. M. SHN HI. LI JACK Kit. 12 North Fifth St. PUf tuinoiith JULIUS PEPPEfHERfi. lANl'PACTtJkKh OK AN1 WHOLESALE & RITA, I riKAI.KK IN 'I UK Iiif -! h;i(M'as ( niit' PVL.L LINK of TOBACCO AND SMOK KKS' AUTICLK tiWHVHm utock. Nov. lNKf,. A.nted Umn. f T.ot-Hl . nil lrHVll.r A trood eliiiiife J .ut iiijhk it! oii n-el no -;i. it.il to r.-iri-K(-i r ;l r-liHlle linn tliat warruntx imrsci v -tuck llrst v;1sh and irueto name Work rll the Year anil Komi ny Weekly Ut enei f.-l u- men. 4iii.It jiiifk. Hta:inr a. l L MAY St, CO. ISiiiseryineii Floret Hlul .Seeumen, M I'aul Mill I til' house is res)i,nMl,e. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Whn Baby vu Bick, wh gave her rotatoria. When niie won Child, sho crietj for Castoria When she became Miss, xtm eliin - to "u.strjt. When she halChil!rn. s.-- . u-.- f hem i.jtiiori Castoria. Cntefia is sowll adapwl tochndrao tfaat I reeotnowad it ae.uperiur toar preaarfptios kuoa o to tLie. IL A. Aanesa, M. 111 So. Oxford at ., Brooklyn, N. Y Our pbysioiam in the cbildrBn's depart ment have spokea highly of thutr erperl eooe in Ueir eutside yraettae witri Catitoria and altfcouaek w owly tiaw-e among out medical swppUes what is known as reguhu prrxhjcbs jet we are free to confeas that th merits of Cutoria has won us to look wit faror upcta it." Uxitkd Hospital asd DirarsAT, Dobten, ilasa Allzs C. Smith, I'rrit Murray Street, New York City.