The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 25, 1891, Image 4

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    Btrauga Spirit Manifestations.
One of the bent authenticated in
stances of phoHtly visitation ib connected
with Dr. K-riier'8bocalleJ Seeroof I'ro
voet. Dr. Keruer for many yenra con
ducted an asylum for the insane at
Weinsburg. in Southern Uermauy
There came to hiin frr treatment a Mrs.
llauffe, a lady in delicate health, of
great nervous irritability, and with u
mind which was, to say the least, not too
well balanced. Wherever Wiia afilicted
woman went, and Dr. Jnstinns Kerner
is authority, she was pursued by a
variety of strange noises. Chiuawure
and glassware, tables and chairs were
my6teriously moved in the presence of
witnesses. A medicine vial rose slowiy
into the air and had to be brought back
by one of the bystanders.
On several occasions an easy chair wt
lifted np to the ceiling by unseen power
and then returned slowly to the floor
On one occasion the great skeptic. Dr
Strausz, was one of her visitors, and
during his stay Mrs. ilanffe fell al--;
on her sofa when there immediate ly
arose long, fearful groanings close by
the doctor's side and in the vicinity of
tiis amiable but remarkable hostess
The strange siuTerinjjf woman was the
only one who knew the cause of
these phenomena. She ascribed them
all to a dark spirit who appeared to h-r
as a black column of smoke with a hil
ous head, whose unseen approach ot
pressed even the bystanders.
Dr. Keruer relates countless mysteri
ous phenomena which occurred iu this
patient's bedroom. He beheld Mrs
llaufTe's shoes pulled oil by invisible
hands while she was lying almost iiiain
mate in a trance on her bed. She re
vealed secrets which, upon writing to
utterly unknown persons at a great dis
tance. Dr. Kerner proved to be correctly
stated. Philadelphia Press.
Helping the MaMs.
During the War of the Revolution,
while the American and British armies
were contending in Pennsylvania, Gen
eral Washington was in the neighbor
hood of Marietta, Lancaster county
General Lee. with two or three aides-de-camp,
rode in advance, and stopping
at a wayside inn, informed the landlord
that General Washington and his staff
officers would quarter at his houe f- r
the night.
This news, of course, caused great cor
fusion among the inmates of the estab
lishment They wanted to do honor to
the beloved conimander, and bustled
about to have all things in readiness
upon his arrival.
"Here, you," said the genius who
presided in the kitchen to General Lee,
ignorant of his rank in the army, "just
go out to that woodpile and pplit u n
armful for me. I must hurry up this
fire, or 1 cannot get a good supper for
General Washington."
The officer, enjoying the joke, obedi
ently took up the ax, and soon the chips
were flying in all directions. He wad
busily working away when Washington
and his staff rode up to the tavern.
"Why, General Lee," said the coin-inander-in-chief.
"what in the world are
you doing?"
"Oh," replied Lee, lifting his head.
"1 am helping the maids in the kitchen.
General Washington and his officers are
coming here for supper to-night."
Both generals burst into a hearty
laugh, in which their companions joined;
and even the landlady, who had set the
general at work, enjoyed the joke after
she had recovered somewhat from her
mortification. Youth's Companion.
The Bridegroom Had a Dog License.
People who have lived in cities where
marriage licenses are required often
have great difficulty in understanding
the system in vogue here. They cannot
realize that the services of a minister or
alderman are all that is necessary when
the parties have reached the proper age.
A German whose knowledge of the Eng
lish language is limited wished to gt-t
married not long ago, and being under
the impression that a license was neces
sary he started out to secure one. He
wandered around the postoffice and the
various municipal and county buildings
for an hour or two, nnable to "find the
place where licenses were to be had.
Finally he managed to explain to a
policeman that he wanted a license, al
though he was unable to make it clear
what kind of a one he was after. The
officer directed him to the place where
dog licenses are issued, and the happy
suitor paid his fee and received the
precious paper.
That evening the German and his
blushing affianced went to the house of
a minister to have the Gordian knot tied.
When the bridegroom proudly handed
over his dog license the worthy pastor
could hardly perform the ceremony for
suppressed laughter. The couple, how
ever, were none the less firmly married
because the paper allowed the husband
to keep a dog instead of to wed a wife.
New York Tribune.
London as It Was.
Haydn's "Dictionary of Dates" makes
the statement that the old name of the
city of London was written Lynden or
Llyndin, meaning "the city on the lake."
An old tradition gives us to understand
that London was founded by Brute, a
descendant of Eneas, and called New
Troy, or Troynovant, until the time of
Xud, who surrounded the town with
walls and named it Caer-Lud, or Lud's
town. This latter is probably the cor
rect version of the story, if for no
other reason because it is an easy mat
ter to detect a similarity between the ex
pression Lud's town and London. It is
claimed by some writers that there was
a city on the same spot 1,107 years B. C.
and it is known that the Romans found
ed a city there called Londinium A. D.
61. St. Louis Republic.
A Comparison.
Jack 1 have come to believe that
there's a good deal of similarity between
a car porter and Cupid's arrows.
Nellie G raci ous I How do you make
that out?
Jack WelL neither is effective unless
tipped with gold or silver. Pittsburg
How a New York Boy Got a It!
Whn Times Were Different from Tu.l c
Tact is one of the first qualification
a business man, and the following i .
incident in the history of one of the iv
successful merchants shows a dt-v. :
uieut of this trait early in his busim
Coming to New York from the cor.n
try. without friends and with very litti.
money, he found his way to "lowtr
Wall street." and walking into the store
of W. & Co., passed back into the count
ing room and waited modestly and pa
tiently till he should divert the attention
of Mr W . who was at the moment
busily engaged with some friend. At
last the frank, open face of the boy ft'
tracted his notice, and he addressed him
"What can 1 do for you, sonny?"
"1 want a place, sir."
"Well, what can yon do?"
The boy answered eagerly:
"Most anything, Kir."
Mr. W , partly for a joke and part
ly to rid himself of the almost too confi
dent boy, said:
"Ah, ah! Well, just go out and nor
row me a couple of thousand dollars."
The lad placed his hat on his head,
walked out of the store, then passed
slowly down Front street till he came i
another large store in the same -line of
business, our friends of the past, Messr
S. C. & C, then, with a bold but hoiK-M
look, he walked up to the head of the
house and said:
"Mr. W , of W. & Oo., sent me
down to borrow $2,000."
"He did, my son? How ia business u;
at your place?"
The boy, having seen the appearanc e
of large shipments, answered quickly
"Very good, sir."
"Two thousand dollars did you say'
Will that be enough?"
"Well, $3,000 is all he told me, but A
you have plenty I think he would like it
if you sent him $3,000."
"Just give this boy a check for 3.000
for W. & Co.." remarked Mr. S to
his cashier-
The boy took the check and with it re
turned to Mr. W , walking back into
the office with an air of successful pride
and said:
"Here it is. sir."
Mr. W , taking one look at the
check and then at the boy, said:
"Young man, come in here; you a-re
just the one I have been, looking for."
And giving him a desk he set him to
work. New York Recorder.
Odd Epitaphs.
While strolling in the fields near a
Email hamlet not thirty miles from
Rochester I came across an antiquated
graveyard overgrown with ivy and
mosses, the stones of which bore dates
between 1796 and 1820. 1 scraped the
mold from a few of the stones and
brought to light these inscriptions. Thi.
one is modest:
My boddy to the grave 1 give.
My soul to God I hope is fled;
When this my children
You do see. remember me.
This, on a child's grave, is not without
This lovely bud so young and fare,
Cald henre by erly doome.
Just caught to show how sweet a flower in
Paradibe would bloom.
This one also preserves the phonetic
YoulTS II": o .-. mom ? an flour.
Cut dov. n and withered in an hour.
Notice the unexpected word division
in these:
To worlds of sperlts I am gone.
And left my friends beh
ind to mourn.
My body lies here in the dust.
My soul is stationed wi
th the blest.
Hark, my gay friends, to you my voioe has been.
Refrain from folly and forsake your sin;
Still from the dead I fain would 6end my cried.
Trust in the Saviour, don't His grace
This one is as good as any 1 have seen
A thousand ways cut short our days.
None are exempt from death.
A honeybee by stinging me.
Did stop my mortal breath.
Rochester Union.
A Wbipholsting Drum.
A novel machine called a whiphoistin::
drum has been invented in Rhode Islanu
for unloading lumber and other freight
from vessels, and is found to be a great
improvement on ordinary methods it
the saving of time and labor. The ma
chine has three drums which operate tvi
derricks and a central line which runs to
the hold of the vessel; the power is fnr
nished by an electric motor of ten horse
power, the capacity of the motor beinu
500 volts and making 1.600 revolution.
to the minute.
A belt connects the mjtor with the
shaft which operates the drums, the
power being transferred to the drums by
what is called a paper friction; each
drum is operated by a lever, and can te
stopped in an instant The motor is a
self oiling machine, a drop of oil falling
on the bearings every thirty seconds
When the lumber is drawn from tb
vessel, a large hook from the wharf der
rick is attached, and the sticks are trans
ferred in the most ready manner to any
part of the yard. 3ew Yo Sun.
Queer Provisions.
The will of the Earl of Pembroke, of
the English civil war notoriety, does not
portray a mind exactly in the 6tate i;
should be when he proceeds to say: "A?
regards my other horses, I bequeath
them to my Lord Fairfax, that whei
Cromwell and his council take away hi?
commission he may 6till have somt
horses to command. Above all, put not
my body beneath the church porch, foi
I am, after all, a man of birth, and
would not that I should be interred there
where Colonel Pride was born." Sai.
Francisco Argonaut.
A Cold Day.
Gentleman (on railway train) Pardon
me, madam: is this seat beside you en
gaged?" Lady (distantly) I presume 1 can r?
move my satchel and bundles and muk
room; but the three seats behind me are
entirely unoccupied.
Gentleman Yes, madam. Your open
window is in front of them. New York
Wanted An intelligent young:
lady for penteel employment in
Plattumouth. Address Box 14.
Murray, Neb. 2t
Ice Cream Delivered.
J. P. Antil has started an ice
cream delivery waon, which de
livers ice cream to your homes in
nnv amount you wit-h, leave orders
at his lace,iiear corner of Sixth and I
Pearl street. "
I 1 1 as' Nerveand Liver Plllo.
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels thr igh
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. M'leF
Pilln speedily cure biliousness, hue tuit-.
torpid liver, piles, const pution. Ui'
qualed r men. women, children.
Smallest, mildest, surest! doses, 2.V.
S'linpU free hi F (. Prick & C'
License Notice.
Notice is hereby piven that I will
ajily to the county commissioners
at their next regular meeting lor a
license to st 11 malt, spirituous ami
vinous liquors in the village of
Union. Cass coui.ty. Nebraska.
d&wtf. John Moiilek.
Hair chains, rins, crosses an
hair work of all kinds to order.
Iks. A. KXEK.
tf 172(1 Locust St.
A tlesireable house, "with fruit"
for rent or sale inquire of V. A.
Boeck V Co. t
Needles, oils and parts for all
kinds of machines can he found at
the Singer office, corner of Main
and Sixth streets, with II. lioeck. tf
That Hacking Coiifjh can so quick
ly cured by Shiloh's cure. We
guarantee it, 1-tf
The largest line of patent med-i
cities will he found at Iirown & Bar
ret fs tf
Cood Looks,
Good looks are more than skin
deep, deqetiditifj- upon a healthy
condition of all the vital ortrans.
If the Liver be inactive' you have
a Bilious Look, if jour stomach
he affected 3011 have a Dyspeptic
Look and if hour Kidneys he effected
yov will have a Pinched Look. Se
curs jjood health and you will have
pood looks, Kleclric Bitters is the
preat alterctive ami Tonic acts
directly on those vital organs.
Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils and
pives a pood complexion. Sold at
F. G. Fricke & Co's Drugstore, 30c
per bottle:
Wood For Sale.
Over a thousand cords of dry
wood for sale hy Chnsley Hemple.
Leave orders at Henry Weckback
& Co's. dtf
New Barn New Stock.
Elam Parmele has pushed his
way to the front as a livery man by
keepinp nothing- hut the finest car
riapes and huppies and best horses
to be found in the state. Those
wantinp a satisfactory livery can't
do better than to call on Mr. Par
mele. dtf
Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved.
From a letter written hy Mrs. Ada
K. Hurd of Groton, S. D., we quote:
"Was taken with a bad cold, which
settled on my lunps. couph set in
and finally terminated in consump
tion. Four doctors pave me up say
inp I could live but a short time. I
pave mj-self up to my Saviour, de
termined if I could not stay with
my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My hus
band was advised to pet Dr. Kinp's
New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds. I. pave it a trial,
took in all eipht bottles; it has cured
me and thank God I am now a well
and heart' woman." Trial bottles
free at F." G. Fricke & Co.'s drup
store, regular size. 50c. and $1.00.
Startling Facts.
The American people are rapidly
becoming a rase of nervous wrecks
and the followtnp suggests, the
best remedy: alphouso Ilumpflinp,
of Butler, Penn, swears that when
his son was spechless fro'm st. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles preat Restorative
Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L.
Miller of Valprai and. J. D. Taolnr,
of Lopansport, Ind each pained 20
pounds if an takiup it. Mrs. H. A.
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to .TO convulsions easy and
much aeadach, dizzness, bockach
and nervous prostiation hy one
bottle. Trial bottle and line boek of
Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke. &
Co., who recomends this unequailed
remedy. 1
The causes of headache are many
Some grave headaches are due to ceri
bral disease meningitis, tumor, abscess
softening of the brain. In these cases
there will be other symptoms pointiii;!
to the cause. Other causes are overfui
ness of the blood vessels, caused by th.
condition of the heart; a plethoric con
dition of the body; mental excitements
Such cases are marked by a flushed face,
glittering eyes, a beating in the ears and
giddiness on stooping.
It is imagination, rather thai reason,
that distinguishes man from brute ; and
no rjerson who is devoid of imagination
can know extremes of happiness or mis
ery. Happiness greatly depends on the
faculty for forgetting.
So age is so old fashioned as child
hood. That childhood was happy may
be one of the illusions which is fostered
if not engendered, by lapse of time. O;
the happiness of second childhood then
can be no question.
Humboldt calculated the mean levei
of North America to be 7-13 feet above
the sea, and he found that in 4,500,00")
years the whole of North America
might be worn down to the sea leveL
The young earewitch of Russia bar
been a most industrious student, and in
now one of the best informed men of his
age in Eastern Europe. He is eepeciailv
well versed in the higher sciences.
A Liverpool (England) man was re
cently sentenced to five years' penal
servitude for obtaining a shilling under
the pretext that it was to be used for a
ChaiiUble pnrposs.
When you take (utility and .Make in Consideration you Can not
Uuy Cheaper any Place in the World than of
The Only One Price Clothier in Cass Go.
You mil" t call and Examine his Superior 3Iake and (uality of
Clot ling,
Jce buys Only
Quotes 110 Prices
Money GJie or fully Mefuu&edl if
Opera House Corner
Buckien's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cut
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or bo pay required.
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co.
I am an old man and have been a
constant sufferer wi:h catarrh for
the last ten year--. I nra entirely
cured by the use ol K''s Cream
Balm. Itissiraiitfe b . so s'inple
a remedy w :ll cure suc.i a .r.vjorn
disease. Henry Billing-;. U. S. . Vn
sion Attorney, Washington, J. C.
For eight years I have suffered
from catarrh, which affected my
eyes and hearing; I have employed
many physicians without relief. I
am now on my second bottle of
Kly's Cream Balm, and feel confi
dent of a complete cure. Mary C.
Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111.
Brown & Barrett dispense a
greater variety of Summer drinks
than any house in the city. tf
A Fatal Mistake.
Physicians make no more fatal
mistake than when they inform pa
tients that nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are of
little consequence. Dr. Franklin
Miles, the noted Indiana specialist,
has proven the contrary in his new
book on "Heart -Disease" which may
be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co.,
who guarantee and recommend Dr.
Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure,
which has the largest sale of any
heart remedy in the world. It Cures
nervous and organic heart disease,
short breath, fluttering, pain or ten
derness in the side, arm or shoulder,
irregular pulse, fainting, smother
ing, dropsy, etc. His Kestorative
Nervine cures headache, fits, etc.
Sudden Deaths.
Heart disease is by far the most
frequent cause of sudden death,
which in three out of four cases is
unsuspected. The symptoms are
not generally understood. These
are: a habit of lying on the right
side, short breath, pain or ditressin
the side, back or shoulder, irregular
pulse, asthma, weak and hungry
spells, wind in stomach, swelling of
ankles or dropsy, oppression, urj
cough and smothering. Dr. Miles'
illustrated book on Heart Disease,
free at F. G. Frike & Co's, who sell
and guarantee Dr. Miles' unequaled
New Heart Cure, and his restora
tive Nervine, which cures nervous
ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop
sy, etc. It contains 110 opiates.
Local And Travellnc
A gooa chauce ! Dont mi it !
You need no capital to repre?ent a reliable
firm that warrant nursery etock first class and
true to name. Work ll the Year and
good pay weekly to enerpetic men. Apply
inick, Ptatioe age. L L MAY & CO,
Nurserymen Floriet aud specimen, tt Paul Mm
Thin house is responsible.
CASS LODGE, So. 146. 1. O. O. F. merts ev
ery Tueeday night at thfir Fitzperalq
block. All Odd Fallows a;-' cordially Invited
o attend when visiting in the city.
X- E. W1UUX8, N. G.
;.J. W. Bkidgk. Sec.
'El (ST ' (' ' 3(F
burnishing Goods, Hats, Etc,
Prom the Best Houses in America.
JOE -:-
But he Will Sell You The Best Goods
CES) :3S5!
Kernember that K. I). Castle & Co have an immense stock of
And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Things
Carry a Full Line of
First National
Paid up capital
. . SfWO.oo
.. 10.000.09
Offers the very beet facilities for the promp
transaction of ligitimate
Banking Business
Stocks, bond, gold, government aad local ee
juritiee bousht and sold. Deposits received
and interest allowed on the certificate
Drafts drawn, available in any part of the
United States and all the principal towns or
TED. Highest market price paid for County War
rants, State ana County bonds.
John Fitzgerald I. nawkeworth
8am Waugh. F. B. White
George E. Dovey
John Fitzgerald. 8. Waugh.
President CafrtM1'-
Potted strawberry plants of
choice varieties will be on Bale at
Lew Moore's by July 15th. Plants
put out now will insure a bigf crop
next year. d&wtf
Good: F und! nat
Plattsmouth, Npb.
Tie Citizens
Oayital stock paid in gy) 0 0
Authorized Capital, $100,000.
Prenldent. Vice-President
W. H. CU8HLN0. Caetiier.
I frank Carruth J. A. Connor, F. K. Gnthmann
J. W. Johnson, Henry Bcfcck, John O'Keefe
W. D. Mem am, Win. Wetfcncamp, W.
H. Cunktng.
ssues cejtiflcates of deposits bearing Interest
Buys and sellf exchange, county and
city ininn
BaakofCassCo unty
Cor Main and Fifth street.
Paid up capital ?V) OOfl
Burpluf 26 000
0. n. Pamele President
Fred Gorder Vice President
J. M. Patterson Cashelr
T. M. Patterson, Ai"st Cashier
0. 11. Parmele, J, M. Patterson, Fred Gorder.
a, K. Smith. K. B. Windham, B. 8. Ramsey and
T. M.Patterson
Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time
deposits and prompt attentlongiven to all bus
iness entrusted to its care.