ft I.I'. 1 I KR.IIKAIl.S li KN VKI. M'K t i: va i. ii ;i ks St J JU, I). ZEPap3r In Casspoutity- TIIE BEST ADVBKTISINO MEDIUM Jt's f ichitiss for doing work are complete -o Having added considerable new type office i a guaradtee for good clean job wcrk. It prints all the county news and is the paper to subscribe for. Send us your name and let us -place you on our already large list i v of subscribers. Prompt attention given . I 3 o t lO bill ADDKKSS ALIOKHlvK'S TO Cor Fifth and Vine Sts 1511. 1. HKAHS riu'i:i..i:s good and satisfactory in all departments the ui ucl o PLATTSHOUTH, NEBRASKA FOUR LITTLE GIRLS. , Each Vfearinjr a Toilet la Accordance a with JotciiU Kuhloiu. j These two dainty little creatures are : very taste f tally and charmingly clad, the one on the left wearing1 a combina J tlon dress of figured white batiste and plain whitu batiste. The skirt is made up on a foundation of white silk and is lined with muslin half way up. The waist, which passes under 'the skirt, is closed with hooks invisible at the back. There is a double niching-, as repre sented, at tlie neckfand j-olce, and the sleeves are puffed at the wrist and also ornament al with niching1. The little liuly on the rilit is dressed in white crepe, the skirt Ihmii made upon a silk foundation lined with muslin. All the edjje of the material, whieli is cut on the bias, is trimmed with icmbroidery sewed on the wrour side. The corsag-o is also trimmed in the same manner, and there is a bouffant sleeve over an ordinary one. The eeinture must be made up on stiff material and have a rosette of ribbon. The left hand figure . of the tiny couple represented in the other illus tration is dressed in ffray linen with a band of blue embroidery forming1 a square yoke, with ribbons on the shonklors. A band of the embroidery r y - - v also serves for a belt. The garment is buttoned at the back. The figure on the right wears a figured white batiste, with a band of embroidery at the bot tom of the skirt surmounted by three narrow plaits. There is a pointed em broidered eeinture. The waist is made of two insertions of embroidery scalloped on one edge and run with ribbon on the other. They cross at the back and are buttoned to the belt. N. Y. Sun. A33UT IRISH MOSS. It Form a Most Nutritious and Soothing Dirt for Invalid;. Amor.? the many useful things which absolute privation has been the means of making known to the world is carra geen, or Irish moss. The virtues of this seaweed, now so largely used as a basis for mucilaginous drinks and cough emulsions, were for many years known only to the very poorest of the poor in habitants of the Irish sea-coast, who were driven to its use by the pangs of hunger. Finding that when boiled it produced a thick, nourishing, and not unpalatable jelly, they for a long time used it as food before becoming gradually aware of its beneficial effects in diseases of the throat and lungs. After a time this discovery led to its medicinal use in other and richer lands. Boiled with milk, or even with water, and carefully strained, it forms a most nutritious and soothing diet for invalids, especially for those who suffer from chronic diarrhoea or other complaints which are attended with great irrita bility of the mucous membrane lining stomach and intestines. The jelly may be sweetened or flavored in various ways, fruit juice9, either canned or in a natural state, and coffee or chocolate, prepared as for the table, being prefer able to any of the flavoring extracts, both for taste and healthfulness. For invalids it is always best to use the least amount of sugar which will make it palatable. Harper's Bazar. The Latest ta Pincushions. The pincushion is no longer the piece de resistance of the toilet table. From behemoth size it has gradually dwindled down to a mere dainty accessory, suf ficient indeed for all practical purposes, but no longer forcing itself on the at tention. Sometimes the cushion is pendant and hangs on the wall beside the toilet table. In this case it is in the shape of a succession of small rolling pins in graded sizes, made of plush and separated by ribbons. Then there are the floral pincushions, sunflowers, roses or water lilies. Cabbages, beets and other vegetable designs are carried out in a realistic spirit, but are hardly in as good taste. Fanciful cushions of plush and satin are also made in shape of banjos, fiddles or flutes, which may hang on a wall or rest on a toilet table. N. Y. Tribune. The "Glove Tree." The extremely particular woman will find use for what the clever designer calls the glove tree. This is a plaster cast of the owner's hand, over which she stretches her gloves as she removes them. Of course it is necessary to have a pair of. the models and several gloves may be drawn over them at the same I time. The virtue of this invention is ! said to be in the fact that gloves so j cared for retain their shape and flexi- ; ibility much longer than when they are rolled into the customary careless wads. W 1h I7T7 3 VUXvl$ i KEEP BABY HEALTHY. Follow the Advice Contained In ThU Ar ticle Mud Von May Succeed. IJuby's second summer is always the most trj-ing. It is cutting its teeth, and the irritation eoi.ibined with the heat makes life no easy matter for the poor little thing. It must Iks carefully waUrtied, and its ailments rationally treated if it is to lie carried successfully through this dangerous season. A bal in the country, with ull the advantages of fresh air and good milk, is under the best conditions possible to resist t lie effects of the heat. Yet the country, like everything else, has its counter-balancing disadvantages, and often one of these is the distance from a doctor. lie fore leaving town the mother should ask her family physician for a few powders of jiepsiii and bis muth, or any simple remedy he may wish to prescribe f.r indigestion, with full directions for its use. She should take with her a bottle of limewater and another of pancrcatin, or one of the other preparations for peptonizing milk, so that she may be prepared for emergencies. The purity of milk, even in the lest surroundings, is always open to ques tion, because it absorbs germs so read ily. That used for food for a baby should be sterilized to make it perfectly safe. This can be done in the morning and evening by putting the milk, fresh from the cow, in bottles of a size to hold enough for one meal each. Place these in a saucepan filled with cold water and set it on the stove where it will heat gradually. After the water boils for a short time, cork the bottles and let them remain in it for half an hour. Ilemove from the stove, and when the water is cool take out the bot tles. If no ice is to be had, stand them in a stone jar containing water, and wrap the jar in wet flannel, or put it in a brook in a shady place. When a bot tle is opened and all the milk is not used, throw away the rcm-Mj dcr. If, in spite of care in fei"!inr, the bowels become disordered. ln.ii i iee un til very soft, strain the liquid from it and add the same quantity of sterilized milk. Sometimes one tablespoonful of limewater to six of milk will correct the dilliculty. Keep the baby in the open air as much as possible, but do not have it out in the evening when the dew is falling. If a hammock is slung in the shade it will sleep better there during the day, covered with a mosquito net, than it will in a hot room. Dress it loosely, with a gauze flannel shirt next the skin, and no tight bands. Ladies' Home Journal. INITIAL LETTERS. L.eaf-SerolI lelii Which Produces Very I'retty Knect. Embroidered initials, though always liked, have never lieen more popular than at present. For bed and table linen there are many designs shown, but none of them are as large as those used for the purpose a few j'ears ago. But if one desires a larger initial for marking fancy articles with heavy silk, floss or wool, the model, or any other letter or design, may be enlarged to any size as follows: Copy the design on papier, inclose it in four straight lines (a parallelogram), INITIALS FOR ErBP.OIIERT. and rule it off with a pencil into small even squares; then, in the same propor tion, draw another parallelogram large enough to inclose a letter of the desired size, mark it off into just as many squares as the. first one; in each square lightly copy the portion of the letter inclosed in the corresponding square of the small parallelgram. Very little practice is required; one can hardly go wrong in so small a space. When the enlarged copy is drawn in every square go over the whole letter more heavily and smoothly with the pencil, and when perfect go over it agaii with pen and ink, and afterward erase all the pencil marks. Designs may be decreased in size just as easily by reversing the operation just described. American Agricultur ist. HOMEMADE SALVES. Some That Are Hcttcr Than Those I'sually Sold by Llrugg-ist-. There are a great many excellent salves which are prepared at home and are far better than anything to be found at the ordinary druggist's, for chapped hands, sunburn or any simple roughness of the skin. A lettuce cream is one of the most efOcacious of these. The healing effects of lettuce are well commended. Chop enough young tender lettuce to fill two cups; add it to a cup of melted mutton tallow. Let the lettuce cook in the mutton tallow for about ten minutes; then strain the cream through a cheesecloth strainer into a clean earthen bowL A little essence of violet may be added for per fume if you wish. A camphor ice is one of the best preparations for chapped hands. Take three drachms of camphor gum, three drachms ot spermaceti and two ounces of olive oiL Iut them in a cup on the stove where they will melt slowly and form a white ointment. If the hands are very severely chapped, it may be necessary to annoint them with this preparation and put on a pair of soft kid gloves. Cut out the palms and the j finger tips of the gloves, however, to i allow ventilation. The practice of sleeping in gloves to whiten the hands is now said by the best authorities to injure the hands, causing them to i wrinkle very soon and take on the ! look of old age before they should, be- j cavse of the want of ventilation. N. j Y. Tribune. ' THE LEADING GROCERS HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. tVLF.yrH:N" - Mia AND - IK - SEASON AT'I KM f( ) FA KM F. Ks We want jour Poultry, Kys, But ter ;iinl your farm produce of nil niiicls, we will i;i you the hihe.t ensli iice ;ise ;ire buying- tor a lirn in I.iiicolii. P. PETERSEN, 1 H H I.KADI.NC CROCKk'S riiiltMiiiuilli - N'ebni.ska ZUCKWEILEK & LUTZ. ( - lirressni's to) so;..inisi;. a- sen irk. 1 W ;i-Miiittoii A VI line GROCERS Provision Merchants. 1 H';ii!ijuai t-i for IKiliii ANd (Khl). VNepHV lio Milt und sell fur CASH. You don tjjpiiy any bili for th ad I u-utf-when you buy of t! is firm. J lie best SOFT COAL al'vaye od I Inlid. DONT FORGET AT THE 5 COIRlsriEJlRS 5 MT EAT 14 ?.. S SIXTH STKKET R 11. KI.I.KNHAUM, Prop. Tlie best of fresh iue;it si 1 ways found in this market. Also fresli Kf?s and Huttcr. Wild atne of all kinds kept in their season. SIXTH STKKET f Meat market1 What is V Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xareotie substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil It is Pleasant. Its guarantee i thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fererishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Cwd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Co lie. Castoria relieves teething trouble, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulate? the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's .Panacea the Mother's Friend Castoria. "Castoria U an exoeUeot madicbra for cnH dren. Mbers have repm&edij toid me ot it good effect upon Ibeir ebUdgmx. Da. G. C. Oaeoon, LoweU, Uaas. Caotoria is th hat ronaedr W ebdMseo of which I tun aaxjurwritwd. I hme th flay iwiot far diatant when motben wflloeosirlar the real interest of tbir cfatktrao, and ao Castoria in etead of tfca various quaak Doetnunswhioh ara destroying tbuir lovad ooaa, byforeiairoiaiam, morptaioe, aoothtng rrrup and other hurtfol appnta down their tbroata, thereby awndtng them to premature graves." Dl J. F. KnroBZbOa, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, TT KNKJin OK I Vll'JA ;iiuhil.t U.rfu No. 47 Mi'Ht-eviv P'lte'-.f ti y v -iiv r at tht-lr li oi In r.mn.-ir A raif 1,-oek All vl 11II1K ktilxliM nr coull.i y 1,. I l.i HMe-rl . V. Mll'Mliill.r v. ; tl I nv ; , K It. H. YMI'XS MK.VS 1 1 U M , f ATl.H VVuteriuiiti lil'. i k !,i.u Mltif. .,,, upm ffln ::wi a u. ! F :" ; , nr ...., ,,iy liiv... imet IK i-vi'i f I'i'mv :lt 4 iVUM k . W Allied -An iiciive. i.-lli'Mc in i . ..;ir 7. to smi month:. m, im i,-:ie. i.-i, .ri,t In U r own eclioii a -m.oniHilf New V"lk House. Hefri't-ni't-s MAN it . it k r It, Lock Bo lrKri, New York. Time Tdhle OwINU WKKT (inl.MI AT fO 1 3 :.MI It. Ill No i! . in "3 :.'. p. L- "4 I. .ma. m "5. 9 h. in. " h 7 :t ,, in. ' 1 -I . in. " H .V h. 111. "9,. p. in i; i. ii ;i. m " II. o :-" p. in. " -ii f. ::il a. in. " la II :(5 a. lu. EDMUNDS & ROOT Tne plum-, r lilt u limits . Curry a fu!! Mock of gemmi lui-rcliond isu w Iik lj tlicjM 11 v.-rv clow-. HiglicM; price jmid for nil kinds of fui in p oibict . (im crotu trt :itni( ntHiid f.iir drilling is the secret our micces. UHAS L i.OOT. ol;r.v I'ulilir Murri Xrli. iiki: shm:llha( i;i u. Waoii and );i'k.inith simp Wagon, HiJL'gy, Mncliuie mid plow , piiiritiif tone HOKSKslloHINCJ . SJ'KCI A LTY lie uss I Ik NEVLRSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the (m hofHeMioe for the farmer, T for f ni-t drivino, or for city purposes ev( r in vented . It i- hi lunde that anyone e;.n put on .MiHi p or flat corks, us needed for wet and slippery lays, or smooth, dry roadn. (Jail at h'a shop and examine the nkvkkmlip and you will ue no other. J. M. SHNEI.LfiACKKU. 12 North Fifth Ht. I'UtNmouth .HiLiilS PE??r.i'i-.!5G. UANCKAf.TLKKH OK ANli WHOLESALE & Rf-TAIL OEAI.KK l I Kil KDI.L UNF. 0 ro?iAt:CO AND SMOKKlts' AltTfOLK ti'TCHyc in tork. NVv. 'i- H5. 'VOV.vv. Castoria. Caataria is ao wIl adepwl to ohQdren that I reeatamead U aasttpcrior to amy pmai itic knuwo to nMs. II. A. Aaoaaa, SL 111 Eo. Oxford Bt , Brooklyn, N. T Our physicians in ttae chil-Jrun's depmft tnent bava spolaw liiptily of thutr zperf ec hi their cutsioje praetfaa with CaKtoria, aod attfaoogja we oaiy imtc anioox oar medical aappcteB whfit Is known as regular psoduels, yat we are free to confess that tow merits of Cantor ia has won us to look wttat faror upon tt." I'uniD UowtTAL ASD DlSPMSaKT. Boston, : Hnrrsy Street, New 7011 City,