J' GASOLINE STOVES Cleaned and Repaired at V. 1 1 KM DISK'S HARDWARE STORK. . V. MitthwH ll Stwid.J S A T I S FA CTIO.N G I A R A N T K K I HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. ConstHntly k-s on iihiKi i-very-thine you ii"'1 to ltniiih your iioii:. COK.NK.ll SIXTH AM MMN MIHKKT Plattsmout Neb HILIP THEIROLF HssOpeiK-d upTKe Finest. 'lean st, GoM'-st - SALOOH IN THIv CITY Where may be found clioici' wine: liquors and cigars. AxTnusKRjuscH hkkr. A."l MASS Aid-; YVHITK l.AHI-I, always on hand. Ayer's Pills Ezoel fcll othvrs mm m la mil y medicine. Tbey ar auited to erery cuoaUtutkia, old mud yoaug, and, beLng siiftar-coatod, are agree ablu to take, l'uroly vegetable, they taavo no ill edeclH, but. strengthen aud reguliOu he stomach, liver, aud bowel, aud retttora every oran to its normal function. For una either at home or abroad, ou laud or ua, these I'M Are the Best. "Ayer'.n J'llLs have been used in ray family for over thirty years. We flud them an ex cellent medicine iu fevers, enipUve diseases, and all bilious troubles, and seldom call a physician. They are almost the only iill used in our neighborhood." Kedmon . C'oinly, liow Lauding 1. O., W. KuliciaJia I'arish, Iji. "I have be-n in this country einht years, and, during all this time, neither I, nor any memlM-r of my family have used any other kind of medicine than Aycr's Tills, but these we always keep at hand, and 1 should not know how to net aloiiK without them." A. V. Koderbern, Ixiwell, Mass. " I liave used Ayer's Cathartic I'llls as a Family Medicine for 35 years, and they have always triven tlie utmost satisfaction." James A. Thornton, loomiiiron, I ml. "Two boxes of Aycr's Pills cured me of severe headache, from which I was lonu a sufferer." Kiiima Keycs, Jluhhardslown, Mass. Plaitsmouth Daily Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Published everv Thursday, and daily every evenioKexcept Sunday. Registered at tlie Plattsmouth, Neb. post 0 lice for trausiuision through the I'.oS. mails at second cla.su rate-. Ofllee corner Vine and Fifth streets. Telephone 38. TF.KM3 KOK WKPKI.Y. One copy, one year, in advauee . . ?1 5fl One copy, one yar, not in advance ... 2 "0 One copy, six montlif, in advance . 75 One c.y, three month", in advance .. 40 TKlt.MS KOK DAIl.V Uric cop one yar in ad v lire ?ii 00 One copy per -rk. by carrier 15 One copy, per month .. fK! Id. IDA V, JULY 21, lS'.ll What is said to have been the J first republican state convention I ever held met at Worcester, Ma.-c, j thirty-seven years ago this week. A jfood deal of glorious and in spiring history has been made in this country Hinee then, anl the re publican party made nearly all of it. Globe-Democrat. Tick Globe-Democrat is usually very correct in its history of men and events, but it errs in saying "McCulloch, we believe, is the only survivor of the Lincoln Cabinet." James Harlan, of Mount 1'leasaut, la., was a conspicuous member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is hale and hearty.--Memphis (Mo.) Reveille. Mr. Harlan took hi.-sent in the cabinet May la, lHiTi --more than a month after Mr. Lincoln's death. He remained about a year and gave place to Mr. Brown i iig, of Illinoi ( do be- Democrat. But , wmviMT worn aver ilCANlA 0 o Ayer's PUU PRKPARKD BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DeVrs in Mediciun. I'OK'NKK OK MAIN AM 101'kTII ST. tui: ixxk r n at j o n al typewriter A strictly first etas machine, fully warrant ed. Made irm the very best material by killed workmen, and with the best tools t:at have ever been deviled for th-.; purpose. War ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex pected of the very best typewriter extant. l'a!vblc of wriMHii 15i words "er minute oi more according to the ability of the operator. II 2 I. K 17 ;' ;;- ' ! b THE 3l) Riil.iASil.L. A. iik'nkzb If m LUMBER .Shingles, Latli, tH.- b.. oors. Blindf I'an supply everw flemand of the rity. C!all 8nl m t terms. Fourtli street in roar of op; :a house. ED uu-l.; II n p DEAI.EK IN PUICE $100. If fliers is no aent in your town adrtrefs th tuauulacturrs. . THE I'AKUll M'F'ti CO. Auents wanred i'arish i, V. k li. tEELEMIRE, Agent. l.iucolu, Neb, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCElllES, REPUHl ICAN STATE CON VENTION, The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are reouested to send delegates from their several counties, to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln. Thursday, Sep tcmlicr 1. lS'Jl. af in o clock a. in. for the purpose of placing in nomi nalion candidates for one associate iustice of the supreme court, and two members of the board of re oents of the state university, and to transact such other business as maybe presented to the con veil t ion. TUli AI'I'OKTIO.NMK.NT Tin several counties are entitled1 to representation as follows, beinr based upon the vote cast for Hon Geo. II. Hastings, for attorney-eii-eral in lS'.M), p;i vino- one deleo;ate-at-larire to each county, and one for each laO votes and the major frac lion thereof: GLASS AIs L QUEENS WAKE County Surveyor AND CIVIL ENGINEER. All ordeis left with County Clerk will receive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. PEUK1NS . HOUSE, 217, 219, 221 and 223 Main St., lattsmouth, - Nebraska. .fl. M, BOKS. Proprieior. "ihe Perkins has been thorough!? renovated from top tc .rOttui oiw sow une of the best hot ls in tht state 3oarder9 will be taker by the week a? 4.50 and up. FIif i$ M a specialty i ii'i'i'iiaoe lii'.1 PnMe SIic!tod JOHNSON EDiLDIKGN Sixth St 12 J Hind wandering cored. Bonks Inuned in one revunir. leecmoniamtroni all psrta of th rlobe. Prospectna POST FBXX, none on AnfiutukfQ to rrot A. tuiwuut 2JJ ruth At. Kow Tark. iimk-iiioP' - -t-:,'r. nft on iTr-n o mv ',,rs..t R-ita Brunlirs. t'nrl'-rs & medifiner. v am pies fr-. rite now. l)r Briil:i::ui :i71 B'wwv v Y. GOOD BAR CONNECTED K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tail Keeps a Full Line of diJURE yyi J?.W K.T TH GREATnEALTH Uillil K. Fk:Ius makes 6 gallona. Oeljcions. parklmj;, and ppetuin. Hold br all daalera. A be&uttfnl Pictara Book and cards sent fHKE to any one sending ddreaa to tb O. K. UTBS tX).. Pbiladelphia, PaT PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clraiwe and beautirm th hair. Promote a hxuri&nt p-owtn. Never Fails to Bestore Grny Hair to its Tontliful Color. Cur us ocalp d uwur, A hair falling. Jiw.nnd f H)at Imyyjt 'TIS I P.ii'kcr s uiziher J'oiiio ll cure the worut Coijlji. sk l.iir. lvhii'rv. iKligi'stioTi, Pain, Take in time.dOatji. trfCOrtM S. T5ic only sure cure for Corns. i': ii, or uim.ua Jc tu, x. iliMLj p ali pant. iu WJ Consult Your lnteres bv ilvmu Hti: SHERWOOr BLOCK PlHtlfStll'"''''!' H Rl Dr. Grosvsnor's Bell-cap-sic PLASTER. Gives tfvieh relief from pain. RbeamaUam, nearalvis, plwrwyand lamhaoj irared atonee. Gne Tocsaie ny an irran. Chichester's English. Red Cos8 m Diamond Brand A THCORKINal D GCNUIMC. The oaly Safe. Ssre, mntreiiablc K.l tor m!. I aw iiuauf, Awieto Diamton Brm is KM awi i:r r7J " " TT , . .TT k Lisa. Bffitf fiuuUuMM L,m . izj. All nlll. ei m mlimnl boisa. ptek wrapuera. ara daxKereua rauntzrfelzm At rtj." . la.MM TaeUamiiai.. Stm Pmpmr CMICMCSTCR CHtmlC.h- t.. i ii rr :v I'llUN 'll-?. l)tr.l..;ril'NTI KS IIH. AC.iiins ll'JuliliMou .. T . ithur liKc-inir-y ti Ai I-!iiii- o'lvi'ya r ail v f I'ani cr .'JKeilli 2 Biyil 1 Kimiiiill l' IJlaiut' - Knox 5 IJooiif 5 iyuin.'aster :io 1!'"X Hutu e l-i coin Kii'Wii -I Lk;:ii 2 ;utT;tl. l'i Loup l' Hii; lur 7 .klaiiison G : nit f M'-l' -rson 'J Cass 14 Merrirk S Cedtir 4 Vance 4 Ci'iiMi' : Nfinalia ' 'lir!ycniie S Nuckolls i Clierrv 5 Oto : l'l;iv. .' 1" i'juviiet' , Colfax. -1 I'ericins a Cuming 7 I'ifroe li Custer... tJ Vlielps 4 Daki.ta 4 Plnttf 1 Hawes 7 Polk 5 I) von TllJeil Willow 0 IHmk'1 SIKicliardson 11 ;ixoii tijKock : Dod'e HiSaliise 14 I oii!rla.s i illy 4 IMenly : SauM"ilfi-w F:lluire ! ScottV UluIT -2 Krankll'i S .Seward 10 Frontier 5 sheiidan 6 Fiinias r Slieriuan 3 Caiie li Sicux '2 (.artickl 2 Stanton 3 ciosper 2 Thayer f (4rant '2 Tlioinas 'i f-ipely 2 Tlmifton 4 Hall x Vallev 4 I I hi ii i 1 ton x Washington .... 7 Harlan . 4 Wayne. 4 naves 3 ebsrer 7 Hitchcock 4 Wheeler 2 Holt ... h Yolk 1:; Howard 4 Hooker 2 Total MS effersoii Xo vote returned. It is recomended that no proxies be addimtted to the convention, and that the delegates present be authorised to cast the full vote of the delegation. It is further recomended that the state central committee select he temporary organization of the con vention. John C. Watsox. W.1I.T..M. SBKLY, Chairman. Secretarj'. "I lie Groatest Newj;iier Till-; (1 M)MK-I)i:moc k at's superior-it- to all the newspapers in the country was demonstrated in a small way yesterday. The Associ ated I'ress on Tuesdav afternoon sent a dispatched to all its papers to the effect that a Louisville bank defaulter named William H. i'ope had been arrested in the City of ."Mexico. We telegraphed immedi ately to our correspon pent in the City of Mexico directing him to send full details of Pope's arrest. In response came a dispatch stal ing that the man arretted was not I'ojte at ail. but the (loveruor of the State of Sonora, wlio bore a stron facial resemblance to liliotoraph of I'ope sent to the Mexican police. We printed this item, while all tin others papers tfave the untruthful, but costless, items sent out b- the Associted I'ress. The latter will to-day make the necessary correc tion to correspond witii what was in -esterda's (ilobe Democrat The moral of this is that a first- class newspaper should have correspondents in all the bif towns including the City of Mexico." I UK IIlvKAM) which is a threat iiilmircr of the wonderful enterjirise shown by the (ilobe Democrat takes pleasure in printi iof theabove incident which is a fair sample of the manner in which St. Louis, 4-reat newspaper holds its position at the head of the procession. 3 LAU OAP L'y'li VJJ(' 41 r ii,. ;:V f Wa Jm W Jl KsTJlRo N.K.rAIRBAMK?:C0. "sahtaCwms omo. NhCW LUMBER YAAR 4. it. viKAVKK cV; CO. DKALKIIS IN PINK LUMIiER, SHIXOLES. LATH, 8ARII. DOOHS, HLINDS.nnil lt r.uiJ.linc iriHUiinl Caili aitid sec us at the 11th ami Elm street, north of Hciscl's mill. corner of one hloeh w i attsmouth, IMobraska KverytJiiiitf to I. Fiinilsli Youv Hoiiso. AT Cood Looks. (lood looks are more than skin deep, deoendiiitr upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the Liver be inactive' 3-011 have a Bilious Look, if your stomach be affected otfliave a Dyspeptic Look and if hour Kidne3'S be elfected 3-ov will have a Pinched Look. Se curs yood health and you will have jrood looks, hlectric Hitters is the reat alterctive and Tonic acts uirectiy on tnose vital organs. Cures Pimples, lilotches, Hoils a fTives a o-ood complexion. Sold at b. Cr. hricke & Cos Drugstore, "0c per bottle: PEARLMAN'S 1REAT MODKKN USE FUflNfSHING EMPORIUM. Iliivinrr i)ui-eh:H('(l the A. V. AVWkbach sioiv room on nouth Main street where T Jim now located I cjih sell ood.s chejip er than the cheapest having juct put in the largest stock of new goods ever brought, to the city. Gasoline stoves 'fi and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan I. PKAitUaAn. 1 Wood For Sale. ' Over a thousand cords of dry wood for sale by Charle3r Hemple. Jveave orders at iienr- ueckback &Ci's. y dtf T A ST. 1'AL'L, xMitin., dispatcn sa3 that cit3- has been made the head quarters of a nat ional movement on the part of the alliance to corner the wheat crop and thereby obtain faut'3" prices. The plan is to unite the farmers in a -iiaiitic wheat trust 111 which the farmers or pro ducers will be the stockholders and 03- which speculators and wheat buyers are to be squeezed to the wall. George D. Miller is said to be at the head of the organization. e should smile to see a deal of that kind that would beat the specula tors. The chances are, the specula tors would ;-et onto the markets and would soon make as much out of it as the farmers. But if the farmer thinks the trust is such a wonderful institution to make money we know of 110 better way of convincing: him in rejrard to the facts than for him to tr' it awhile. We should like to see better prices realized for what is produced in the west but we don't believe the trust scheme is advisable. The soldier population of Ne braska and adjoining states is placed at 500.000 at least. Very few of these comrades have been per mitted to attend aii3' of the national reunions of the Grand Armj- ou ac count of the expense incident "to a long journey. An encampment has never been held within .tO0 miles of Lincoln, the central point in this vast region which is peo pled with old soldiers. These vet erans ask that the encampment in 1S92 be held in the midst of the Missouri valley in order that the3 may attend in large numbers. Such a request cannot fail to have its influence when the matter is finally- put to a vote at the Detroit meetin j next month. State Journal . Hew Barn- Klani Parmele way to the trout as keeping- nothing but the New btoek. has pushed his 1 livery man bv hnest car riages ami buggies and best horses to be found 111 the state. 1 hose wanting a satisfactory' livery can't do better than mele. to call on Mr. l'ar- dtf Sudden Deaths. Heart disease is by far the most frequent cause of sudden death, which 111 three out of four cases i? un suspected. The symptoms are not generally understood. These are: a habit of lying on the right side, short breath, pain or ditressin the side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dr3r cough and smothering. Dr. iMiIes illustrated book on Heart Disease, free at b. G. rrike Sc Co s, who sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart Cure, and his restora tive Nervine, which cures nervous ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop sy', etc. It contains 110 opiates. The Best is the Cheapest That is Why Fred Gorder alti-r 15 years of experience as th" most HiirfPuafnl Agricultural implement denier in the eounty lias Belected Unj following- imple ments which he carries and he irtily reeomnionds to his friends and patrons. Setch.-va.33a.. 11 o lino and Sclivitlor WAGONS, Sradley, Peru, and LISTERS and PLOWS NEW' DEPARTURE TONGUELES CUL tivators and Badger Cultivator. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER. DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Checkrowers and Planters. Handles the finestot Buggies, Phaetons, Carts, Sprino- Wa- Carriages and other vehicles that are manufactured. and Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved . From a letter written bv Mrs. Ada Hard ot oroton, is. d.. we quote: iue largest line in oass Uouiity, or double and single harness at laivcn wnii d u.im.uiu,wiiiui nriea sn nvr that ir w i.tur v..n t. (H l : . . . settled on my lungs, cough set in ? - rv J "4 ; ' ", a"U lnbPc'c'' StOCK and finally terminated in consump- oetore purchasing elsewhere. DA ID MILLEK an experienced i uw-ij o r-djf-i woi MiiitH Has ciiare oi our Harness snon. ing I could live but a short time. I I . 1 gave myself up to my saviour, de- I termmed it 1 could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, I coughs and colds. 1 gave it a trial. took in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at h. Kj. hricke v Co. s drug store, retrular size, oOc. and $1.00. Fr edGorder, F'lattsmouth and Weeping Water Startling Facts. The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks and the following suggests, the best remedy: alphouso Humpfling, of Butler, Penn. swears that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative j - - , . m r w I serving cureu mm. amts. j. x. Miller of Valprai and. J. D. Taolnr, of IvOgansport. Ind each gained '20 pounds it an taking it. .Mrs. 11. x. Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and much aeadach, dizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation by- one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at V. G. Fricke, & Co., who recomends this unequailed remedy. 4 F Q FSmE'. 8 G2 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of License Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the county commissioners at their next regular meeting for a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in' the village of Union, Cass county-, Nebraska. d&wtf. JOHX MOHLEK. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours I V Itaaaal ' I LTVy uvs LTT THE POSITIVE CURE. X.Y BitUTHERS. M Wwran Hew Tort Price 60 eta J I aV 2? I ateM fty mil lull r-srHf