GASOLINE STOVES Cleaned and Repaired at W. IIKMDKK'S HAKDWAKK STORK. . V. Mntliw olu Stand. 1 S A T 1 S FA CTION i I J A R A N T K K D HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND i UNDEBTAKR. Consbmtly keeps on hamt everything yoi: iicf-ri to furnish your house. COUNhll SIXTH AMI MAIN STHKKT Plattsmout Neb pi (H1LIP TH EI ROLF HOpenl up The Finest. I'lean st, - Cosiest SALOON in Tin-: city Where may be found choice wines I i 1 1 Kirs ami cigars. iWHKl'SKKJU'SCII II K K R. A ' 1 1 It ASS AI.K WHITK LAIiKI. always mi hand. o I'OKNKK OK MAIN A.NII KOI' k'TH ST. Ayer's Pills Excel all oCmts m a family medicine. They axe raited to erery oooaUtutton, old and yoa&x, and, being Bua -coated, are agwie able to take, l'urely vegetable, lUoy luave mo ill effect, but. LreiiKthen and reguijUe he stomach, liTvr, and bowula, aod reaturu very organ to iu normal Junction. For uae either at tuAiut or abroad, ou laud or aea, Uw,e l-illn Are the Best. "Ayer'a I'Uls have beu used in rny .-unity for over thirty years. Wo Bud them an ex cellent medicine in feven, eruptive diseases, and all bilious troubles, and Heldom call a physician. They are almost the wily pill used In our neighborhood." Keilmon . Oimly, liovr Landing 1. o., W. Kelieiaua 1'arisli, I a. " I have Ixirti' in UiLs country elrfit years, and, during all this time, neitlu-r I, nor any member of my fiunily have iwd any oilier kind of medicine than Ayer's Fills, hut these we always keep at hand, aud I should not know how to get along without Uieiu." A. W. Soderherj;, Lowell, Mast. -I liave used Ayer's Cathartic Pills aa a Family Medicine for 30 years, and they have always (riven the utmost satisfaction." James A. Thornton. ISloorninxton, I nd. "Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me of severe headache, from which I w:is long a wufferer." Kmma Keyoa, llubbardstown, M;iss. Ayer's Fills, MtKeARKO BY Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mara. Sold by all Lk'V-rs in Medic.iitM. Plattsmouth Daily Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Li THE IN TERN ATI O N AL TYPEWRITER A strictly first da machine, fully uarraiti ed. Made irom the very best material b ekil'ed workmen, and with the best tools I .at have ever been devised for tlm punmse, W ar ranted t lo all that can be reasonably ex pected of the very b"t typewriter extant. "aial)le of writing words oer minute of niore according to the ability of the operaf. imbor Yarc THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A. WfflMJ k W F LUMBE! PublWlimt every Thnrsday, fand dally eveiy evening except Sunday. Uegiatered at the Plattmaonth, Neb. post O'Hcefor transmission through the U.jS. mails at second clasn rate. Office, corner Viae and Fifth streets. Telephone 3H. TKKMH FOK WERKLV, iie copy, one year, in advance .... . l 50 ue copy, one year, not In advance ..... 2 no ;)ne copy, six moiithf, in advance 75 0:ie c-'py. three month, in advance. .. -JO TEKMfl FOR ItAII.V tie cop one yfar in adv-nce $ ; 00 Mie cripy lcr week, by oiiincr J 5 tun copy, per month .. 5r Tl 5 I ' RSDA Y, JULY -3. 181)1 six speeches duriny; the eanvass in Ohio. His meetings will be tinder 1 the innnaetnent cif the democratic party, but W.J. McKinley will le the beneficiary. It takk-s $2. of the inflated cur rency f the Argentine Republic to pay for a I arrel of flour. This m the country where money is made of (taper and printer's ink on a power press.- Kx. AAiI SliNAToK Ol 'AY Can Io more in live mitilltes. so to speak, to boom (iov. I'attisou Jor tin- presidency than ( Iov. 1 1 i 1 1 can in live mouths. It is Ouay who made him a presi dential possibility iu the first place. (Ilobe-Democral. s place dale at REPUBLICAN STATECONVENTION The republican electors f the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties, to meet 111 convention in the city of Lincoln, Thursday, Se- tember 24. 1SD1. at lt o clock a. m for the iiuriose t placuiLr in noini- natioii catululates lor one associat justice of the sutri iiie court, and two members of the board of ri ents of the state university, and to transact such other business as maybe presented to the convention THK AI'I'Ok'I'lO.N'ME.NT The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, belli"- baseil upon the vote cast for Hon Geo. H. Hastings, for attornev-ren- eral in 1S1K), "iviiiir one deletfate-at lai""e to each couutv, and ne for ich losl voti'S and the major fiat tion thereof: Shingles, Lnth, Si, oors, Blinds .an supply everw tf iiiantl of the ntv. Call tmd tet t?rnis. FVtuxtli stiect in rear of op.".:.- lumsc. I'-IL N 1 !. Adams A ltlnir Antelope limner yd I?lain- Hoone IJ-ix Hutte B Brown i Hiinalo ..K' i.mltr 7 limt k Cass H Cedar 4 (Iiihsi' ;t Cheveline .' Clierrv 5. lKI,.l(-OCN 1 1 Ks. . 1 1 j.IldlllKOU. . . Dl-4. 8 C II HKAf.KK IN PKICE $100. Jftheie is uo agent iii your town address tiii mamifacturr-H. THK PAKIkU M'K'ti ft). Agents wanted Parish ., . V. It. SEELEMIKE, Atreni. Lincolu, Ntl, County Surveyor AND CIVIL ENGINEER. A.I1 orders left with County Clerk wiil receive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. PERKINS - HOUSE. 217, 21!, 221 and 223 Main St., Plattsmouth, - Nebraska. 3.. M, B0NS. Proprietor. "the Perkins has been thoroughly renovated from top tr lxt?uu ii-J "c now one of th lest hotels in the statt Bjarders will he taken by the week at (-L50 and up. O M Li- AND F4HCY GROCERIES. (JLA: A.N L QdKKNSWAHt lav. Itax t.'iimiug ... flutter... . lakota ... ilawen I) WfOll. . . Ileuel : ion Dodge I lougias IHiTidy ... Killni-MV. . . ranklin . . . Frontier. .. Furnas.. . Cage . . . . (iailield Josper. . . . Irant tlrcelv .. . H;dl Mamilton.. Harlan ... Haves... . Hitchcock . Holt Howard ... Hooker .. . elTerson . . . i le::rncy . tiikeva i'ah :. . :f!Kcith . 1 Kimball . 'Z Knox Lancaster :o l.i coin t Logan F-oup iMatiison 0 Vel' ersou '2 Merrick . . . ' unci' 4 Nemaha ! Nuckolls toe . .. . 1 l'awncc ! 4 l'erkiii ' n i ce 3 . .1 elielns 4 .. 4 I'l: tte I Polk 5 lied Willow I! :i Richardson U Kock :t .ll'Saline 14 .3arpy-- . . 4 . 3!Saunders s . aiScott's Ullill 2 SlSeward 10 . ldiei ii'an r, . o!siierman i? .l!lSicuX Stanton ...."! Thayer s Thomas 2 Thumon 4 Vallev 4 Washington .... 7 Wayne. ' ebster Wheeler York Total .1:2 . r4o Flo- h a a f pscialiy No vote returned. It is recomended that no (iroxies be addmitted to the convention, and that the delegates ttresent be 1 uthorixed to cast the full vote of the delegation. It is further recomended that the -date central ctnimittee select tlu lemporary oriramation of tlie con vention. John C. Watson, WAIr.M. SliKLY. Chairman. Secretary. C "o. si-; K VAT I V i: estimate the wheal croii of this 2),i;i;.),K; ) bushels. It is harvested and sate. It is worth not less than i-hi.Ouu.iK::) to the farmers of .Nebraska. This year's crops will h'j our western la m I owners out nf debt and put them fairly 011 their feet for the future. Oimilm Hee. "Wa3 j&ewcir a:' GAP ken, Am - 1 . f (mm N.K.Fairbawkc r ( U i:K'. ik I'AMI'IUU.I, has the liveliest flight on his hands ever an Ohio democrat hiced. lie not inl3' has McKinley ti meel on tlie tariff issue, but Sherman on silver, Foster on the national ex peiiditures. and Forakcr on stale issues. Facb of these is an expert and knows the whole history ot hi specialty, and no jack of all trndt will be able to stan.l up befoi them verj- lonf witliout exjio.-in h is weakness. ICx. "I'ooh' mortji"a"'ed. ilown tro'lden Kansas farmers, through me. aj jieal to you men of ( ieoi'";ia," say the eloquent Jerry Simpson. In the meantime a letter frm Kansa says- "The ground 1 r 1 the peacl orchards in Ka.isas is literally covered with peaches roitiir t waste, and farmers can not find bin and bars enouuii to hold their whe;it and have to leave it for the present in the shock or in stacks Why would it not be better for "ti e calamity oiurressinan to ro Iioiik utd help take care of the bountiful crops ii'oiii"" to waste, and wait lor 'drought" and "grasshoppers" am cyclones and like Democratic lids? Inter Ocean. j'of irtiu. ;li Pubic Soiicitt;t! JOHNSON EU LDINGN Sillii St far Em Mind wandering enred. Books I warned in one Kaduuc. Testimuthsls from all il'l part of tha tflobo. Prospeetos post f, J r&XK. nit on nmIUati to Prat. V KSlA. IuiWjw 837 rtrth At. lfwT fc .1 mo mk 1M ! 'ikIT. net on inv ''iTSHts. HHlt-" Bnishe". Cnrl-rs i medicines, "amiiles free. rite a:iw. lr Bridttian 371 H'wsy " Y. GOOD BAR CONNECTED K. DRESSLER. The 5th St. Merchant Tail-: Keep! a Full Line of Forai? i ointfia Goals Consult Your Inrer-"' bv ivtnst Hm SHEBWOOC BLOC"' Hi JE1 piJURE wyi .rw hn.xTT THEGRfATMEALTHUKiilK. Packrs nukM 6 trallona. Ohcioos. Bparkhne. ami appHtuing. bold by all deajtsra A beautiful Picture Book and earda sent FHUE to any one sending addreaa to tha C. . UIKK3 UO.. Pbiladolphia, Pa. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM C1rns ajxl bftobfitf the bir. PnxMutes kixuriaDt growth. Vever Pails to Hectore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Curvrj caip di(ieae ac hair tmUwg. ... p-.'- V'f C-'-l-ZC? - or.i-. J t-.:rvs thv .-rt Ctii:;i. . t I.'i: s 1h-Ii::i: . I-ul.(ftAlion. Tain, Take iu li:ne. ?'-. '' ' "T'l:. Ti''OTL: I?- V!i car-tor Corns. j.i u.. ;. n. um. n l.i'-.fjMf. ur lUbCOX i. CI'., i. Y. Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic PLASTER. Givn quick relief f rom pain. h..muiin nnlniL nlrariiivand lnmbarH icnrsd aaonoe. tr ior y an t? Chichester s English. Red Cross Diamond Brand A. TNI omciNtl MD CCNVINC. Th- mIt Safe, Parts wt rthabir Pill r mle. r A ftv I ini AulHk B4xmoit Brand id Ked ana (roid -"-iil.'S y kua adfll with brae ribtwa. Tae a U kind. 4We SuhttUutvt end 1-tM.zt.onM. all pill, ta pora Wsaa. pwa wrwcrm. ar daajrrrvaa counierfriia. A". .---ifr.. '. " "' Ah la iiu nmnura, traUaaelaia. and "K.-UiT far l.r-Oc-" Iritrr. n 'ni Mn'l. lA.IMr rwjxumlJ. Jtams Pltr. CHICHKTCH CfltICt. CO., V. t--;i rsy are. taM hj all Vw-m&MM. Ptixt-.-... -.- . LiA. PA- DEATH TO THE TRUSTS Indications are that the ftderal .U'overnnient has decided to grapple with the powerful trusts in Missouri which the state courts have been unable to crush. "I'nited States District Attorney Georire I). Rey nolds is now at work with his sub ordinates preparing to carry out the instructions contained in a letter from Attorney General Miller as follows: Sir I beg; to call your attention to the anti-trust statute enacted by the Fifty-first congress. It is my de. "re that you examine the law carefully, lay it alongside any com binations or trusts in your district. and if by such means it is found that those trusts and combinations ate infractions of law, prosecute vigorously. There are great abuses, and if the law can be made to reach them it is the duty- of the law officers of the government as T doubt not it will be their pleasure to do everything within the law to suppress them and to punish the wrong-doers. The I'nited States court for the middle district of Tennessee lias held the law constitutional. Yours Truly. W. II. II. MlLLKK." Attorney General. Mr. Reynolds says that lie has made a careful study of the statute and finds that it probably applies to many large concerns in this state. He says he has not as yet completed his plan of campaign, but will soon have things in shape, and must depend to a large extent on assistance from public spirited citizens. When asked if he had any particular trust in view he said he must decline, at this time, to go into details.- Telegram to Inter Ocean. liih reconstructed south every few days gives evidence of the real feelings entertained by the people toward the north andtoward the old flag. General Karly in an address the otherday concluded his speech by saying, and let every honest- hearted Confederate who fouirht bravely in the war say, If I should ever anoloirixe lor any part or ictiou taken by me in the war, may the lighttiingof the rightous heaven blast me from the earth, and may I be considered a spawn of the earth by all honest men. Ao regret tor tlie mood tliat was died, no regrets for an unholy war in tlie interest ot Human slavery, no regrets for the desolate homes and disconsolate widows and orphans made in an effort to destroy the ;o eminent under which they aow live. Verily the lightn ing of a rightous heaven ought to strike him or any- other man that dared to utter such sedi tious language. The fangs and claws are only covered up; the new South we read of can only be found in books and newspapers, as it does not exist elsewhere. WHAT IT MEANS. The democratic party in Ohio re commends a 7.1-cent dollar and a method of securing governmental revenue which, as the democratic New York Sun declares, is "a tariff on integrity and a bounty on per jury. ----Cleveland Leader. to A DEMOCRATIC PROPHECY. This prophecy is attributed Governor Campbell of Ohio: "After the canvass is two weeks old you will hear almost nothing outside of the tariff." Governor Campbell is speaking of the canvass in Ohio, where lie is a candidate for re-election. If he is correct in his prognostication, and that is his programme, another prophecy is in order. After the canvass is eighteen weeks old you will hear almost nothing of Governor Campbell. New York Sun, Do not speak unkindly of Grover Cleveland. He is going to help McKinley, having been billed for A Fatal Mistake. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, i has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F". G. FYicke & Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. NhJW LUMBER YAAR it I. J), ii RAVES A: CO. DKALKKS IN PINK LUMI1KK, SIUNULKS. L ATI I, SASH. DOOIiS, I!UNIS,iuicl nil building material Call unci see us at the corner of- 1 1th and SSIm street, one; block north of SSeiseFs mill. Furnish AT Voiir It Oil. so. Evory thing I. PEARLMAN'S CHEAT MODKKN- USE FURNISHING EA1P0R!U?!. flavin"- mirclm-ctl the; .1. V. AWckluicli .-don- room on south Main street where Tain now located I sell oods cheap ur than the cheapest having ju4 put in the largest stock of new goods ever hrought to the city, (iasoline stoves tmd fuiniturt; of all kinds sold on the installment, plan The Best is the Cheapest That is Why Fieil Oonler alter l."i years of txperienec as tlie most nuccnasful Agricultural implement denier in tlie county has elected the following "jmplc iictits which he carries and heartily recommonds to his friends ami patrons. BZetch.-u.ra, Molina and Sclrutlor WAG O NS, Sradloy, Peru, and ro LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES CUL tivators and. Badger Cultivator. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTF.R DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA- worth Checkrowers and Planters. I'lnetoiis, Carte, Spring Wagons, and Carriages and other vehicles that are manufactured. Handle, the tjnestot Buggies, The largest line in Cass County, ot double and single harness at prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLER an experienced workman has charge ot our harness shop. FredGorder, Plattsmouth. and Weeping Water Wood For Sale. Over a thousand cords of dry wood for sale by- Charley Hemple. Leave orders at Henry Weckback & Co's. dtf F Q FtjiciW, G2 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUCGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours ISOX U LTV LT ITU I THE POSITIVE CURL ELY BROTHERS. M Warren Bt, New Tork. PriccWeti lUCSVISSf