tJAM'LlM-i frXOVES Cleaned ;m:l Repa i rt-tl at w. ii !: m i ) k m s hak1) w a k k stokm:. I'. ' 'liltllHWH OM -'tl til. i SATISFACTION CI'AKANTI-I-I). HENRY BOECK The LeM'ling FURNTTURK 1.BALKK AN!) 1. "-if 4 v r-. UNDERTAKR. CinvtHiitl v k- "' h'it v rytl.iiiii yoi; ne-ii tiirnili vW i I - I -i - r (OHNKIISIX'll! AM MIN STKKIT Plattsmout - Neb 1QHILIP THEIF'OLF Fiifsr. ' lean st, Oo-i: st SALOOH in Tin-; city MiTi" til ;i v he loiiml clinici' wines liquors and cigars. an rn:rsj;:r jr.i sen hj;i:k .M 1 1 ASS" AI.K UIIITI-: LAHKL a I w.i s tin lianil. --- - o COkr.NKK OK MAIN A X I KOI' KT 11 ST. Kta The Hair 4X Ayafa llaJr Vieur. TLJa r"-"i'H-Q atftumtinw baa aeaip. prouotaa Um grawtii ot naar hair, raatforua Ike natural color I Cray ia4 fculavj bur, reudtra U ofl Pttvs mini gtoaajr. -We hate no hmruuon ta pronounerna Ayvfa Ilair Vigor uueuaiod lor drt)tni the hair, and we io Uua alter long exo, ri. ence In iu una. This preparation wwuirnv. tlin hair, cura iLunlruff aui all dUMuuve of me aeafji, makes ronh ami triuio hair sort and i.luuit, and prevent ualdns. Whila it m not a uyc, Uiuae wao have uU till Vigor it win aumuliUn Urn rooU aiwi ook-- KIhiicU o fa.lel. pray, ligtit, aiuj red luut. v-uiuioiii Ui oritur to A Rich Crown or prn M;irK. It win not sofT flic ptllojr no. a porkf-l JuutlXrfhief, ami i al ways aKraaMn. All the flirty, rummy hair ir:j:r;ti.ioiia mioiim rx; displ.iroxl at onc hy Ayi r's flair Vi'or, ainl UmiilvukIs who ,,, annum wim neaaji lookliif like 'the fr-tful pirf-rliif .tTifMiM hurry let thr m-arcst dnijj "i"- i KurciiaHe a ioiti r uu. Vicur." TK' Mumny Soth. Atlant.1, (la. 'Ayor's Ha.ii Viir in cscfUent for tiio liair. It Ktiniu!nt" the fTowth, ruiva bnM u ss. n swircs tho natural color, clcaif th.s Kf.ilji. .n vt'iitj! ilaii.inifT. ami Ls a 'k1 dn-sH-In-:. V. know that Ayfi-s nair Vigor dlllors inoKt hair loni. and annilar prcpara- 1.M.J1-.. -i i.nriK penertiy harmleas." From r.n,i,,.u lhm kVinq, t.y KliJt k. Parkur. Ayer's Hair Vigor faii'iiim by DU. J. C. AYEK & CO.. LoweU, Moi Hold by 'lipKiata and I'orfuiuera. Haitsmomh Daily Herald IXTK ATI O iA L TYPEWRITER A sfrii-Tly !list ol-i." ptantiliie. fully warrant ed. Made irmu tlu very hest inaierial L) kiIlHl,. workmen, and with the liest tools triat have ever been devised for tli" purpose. War ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex liected of t!ie very li-.t typewriter extant. !anHbleor writ i lie I5n wunN s er minute oi mnr aecordinn to the ability of the operate-. V 1 J a. .,t. THE OLD RLfA3.. i J K NOTTS BROS, Publishers luhlishwl erery Thrsday, Laud daily eveij evening except Hunday. Keni.sloied at tlie Flat tmnouUi, Neb. post tltn:for trnsiui-ioii throuli the U.V S. maila if second ehis- rate Ofllce corner Vine and Fifth streets lei; phone 3K. TKRMH FOR WEKKLV. )ne copy, one year, in advance . .... . .$150 )ne copy, one year, not in advance ..... 2 iio One copy, six inotithf. in aii.aiiee 75 One c "py. three month-. In rtuvauce. .. 40 TKHMH KOK PAH.! One cop one yr-;tr in ailv .?; Wi ne copy per week, by e.oiier !." 'no copy, per montii 6C SATl'K'DAV, JULY IS, lsi R - i U HI iO A N SfATK CONVENTION. The rrpuMican i-Irctor.- of the itatf f Nfhraka an n-m'slrl to .-eml (Irkatcs frota tlu-ir si-vrral count irs. to inert in Convention in tin- cily of Lincoln, Thursday, Sc 1., at III o clock a. in. lor the purpose oi piacin in noun nation ramliilatrs for one associate iiistice ol tlie suiireine court, ami t a'o nieinbers of tlie hoard of re '1'iits of the state univcr.--il v, and to iransat such oilier business as maylie presented to the convent ion. Tin: a pi 'o K'T i on m i: . t The several count ies are entitled to representation as follows, heiii;" based upon the vote cast for Hon Geo. II. Hastings, for attornej -oen- eral in 1S1K), jiviiiij one delci;'ate-at larve to each county, and one for ,ich 1.1) votes and the major frac tion thereof: tion will work. It would he a cruel i piece ef legislation if the McKinley act not only part ial ly destroyed ICn- flish trade, hut acted also as a pow erful h-ver towards destroying the ' lirittish Kmiire itself. - Irish World : Till-: Sarpy Sentinel printed at Papillion is a little the liveliest alliance paper that reaches this; oflice. I A I )i:KK'k"A'i k' contemporary; writes: Campbell is iu the lead",' but strriuovly enou; h omits the S TA r -st of the hope." Kx. senteuci", 'if a forlorn A mo i;mkt is on foot anions New York C i 1 3" coloreii people to raise 7.".HK) or irllKl.lH)!) for a oilurnl soldiers' monument. Naliotial co operation will be solicited. 1 11 h i i Mvk : K (t ::k'ok' TllAViiK is out in the new C'oinity of Moyd trin' to settle t!i- county seat Mpiabble fairly between the con t ei id i n .0- tac tions who have wot I-c i themselves up to a white heat. Tilt; fellows who are trying to knockout Col. Mayfiel.l of the Kim wood Kcho, have tackled too bi a joh. The Kciio is a t redit to the town 01 ICImwoo l and deserves a hearty s;:f iport. Ol'K e.oris to :aal (luring' Ma- lS'.M ;iow an i un ease of Si) pi r cent over the exjxirts to the same country luriiii- the same month one year a-o. Th is repti i A ica :i ad iniiiisi;.:! ion is ruiuiuo' the i'oii iin commerce of the country ai an alarming rate. It is ".-i illinu"' and "smot heri u" trade whenever it has a chance. V er I atn laden vllh frtfott V From the. crolden crate. - I . 1L 10 100105 acro iie sea. I caTY sweel woe WityjAtf TA (LAUS As cargo a ear as can be. Ade oi)fy by !ebi)vc& Go. Chicago ask ywmwi FOR IT NhlW LUMBERYAAR L U. UK VK-. A- 'J. P!I Li Uinrrj 1 9!i CI 4 1 Stniijrles, IiJttli, ShvH, 'un pu;;ily "venv h tnaii (f the ity Call Mtu! j;et terms. Fourth r-tiw-t it) rear of (i vta Iioum-. . . . t; ... 1 ..1' .11 4 .. :ii . . 5 ..! .. I .1J PRICE 8100. If there is n Hirent 111 your town address flit Dli-UUt ;m;I ui p. T1IK I V KISil M'K'i; Auerits wanted 1'arish Y. V. H. SEELKMIKE, Agent. Lincoln, Neb, Dfa.AJ.ttK IN GKOCEK1ES. GLASS AM' QITKEN8WAUE County Surveyor AND CIVIL ENGINEER. iFlDrt P.; j All orders left with County Clerk will receive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, 210, 221 and 223 Main St., -lattsmouth, - Nebraska. H. 31. BOSS. Proprietor. n a 1 pUUiUltJ COCN I HI-'I.. I'lll'NI'l KS fl KL. Aiains 1 l-.!oliiioii 7 1 it.h Lit 1 K''.iiiiey (i a i-i .-lope fi l eva !'ah-- ' It.lll yi Ulaine Itootie .-ii aiicasler :!U li x liiittc i;l.i coin ; iriwn "lltVido I'.i.ilcr liurl C;:ss 'i'd;.r ..ase ' 'ln yi'!ine. . . . Tiieiry lav ,H'..x.. ('inning twister D.ikota ! lawt's I) WHIII Deuel ion .. I Imle Houiiias . .. Iietidy I iiilin-iv rii;k'!" .... Kroni ier Kurnas (J:l!e ilaitield (iosper (irant til -eel y Hall J Ja;niiioii Harlan Mayes II itchfoek Holt s York VI Howard Hooker 'efferson Xo vote returned. It is recomended that 110 proxies he addmitted to the convention, and that the delegates present he authorized to cast the full vote of t h deleo-ation. It is further recomended that the state central committee select the temporary organization of the con vention. Joitx C. Watsox, WALT.M. SEELY, Chairman. Secretary. Ill- I.. I'lll'N I'l KS . 1 l-.!i'liiioii . .. l'Ki'.iiiiey ... . . . . l eva !'ah--. . .. :iiKeilh ... II ! nnliall 2: Knox 'ii 1 aiicasler 1.1 coin Loan i.oup 7 .Madison . . . . M e I ' erson... Minii-k nice . . . . Nvinaha... . Nuckolls Otoe 1'awnee I'erkins 'ciie "Iseli s Matte Polk .. 7 t;ed Willi. vv. . . . 3 Kiehai'dsoi. . . .. f.jKoek ..lllsaline ..! -arpy.. . . . . M'Saunder ... . .. 'JiScott's Iiluff . . ."ISewnrd .. 5) diei'idau .. 5Sheiinan ..l.'ij'Sicux . . -J Stanton .. aiThayer . . L'l I'l.oiiias .. 2Tln:r-tou . HVallev .. Xi Washington . tlWavne . 3! ' ehf-ter .. 1 Wheeler . s Yol k 4 . if I Total . ' . 2 . fl . ; ! . 9 . 3 : . 4 . 1 Ii .11 . 3 14 4 . H 2 .10 . ; . n . 2 . 3 . 8 . 2 . 4 4 It Is claimed by the Norfork p;-.-p.'is that the farmers hi that vicini ty will realize ;) per .-ere for their suiir beets. If liidf 01' that amount is expended in cultivation and marketing it would still leave a m-t balance of i'0 per acre which is neni-13- twice the value of the land. Suo-ar beet raising oitiht toTecome popular. DEA LKItS IN IMVE Ll'MhKIJ, SIIINOLES, LATH, SASH. DOOHS. r.IJNIK.nji.l n l.inlditit iiotte;!..' I mnl svv us nt thv corner of 11th and Elm street, one block nortli of Heisel's mill. I gxj ?ateJs vvii f,. A it KUK'oi'i; is evidently- . tryiiio- to take lessons from the l:nited Slates in the matter of husbanding com mercuil and mdustriiil opportuni ties. TheJ nations coiiijirisino the Triple alliance are perfecting; a rat customs lejiotie for their mutual advantao-e, and !iireei:io- that none of the contractiiitr powers shall make any commercial treaty with another country without the con sent of the members of the league. They have admitted Switzerland into the combination, but Knlanu, France, Spain, and Portugal are re irarded as outsiders. The condi tions jire entireli' dilferent from those nrevailinir ainourst the free nations of the American continent, where there is a natural community of interests and where the indust ries are so varied that a vastsysh 111 of exchange of products can be ef fected without the injurious com petition which enters into foreign trade. It will he interestintr to note the effect of the Alliance upon the trend of trade between the parties to the leao ue and the neutnil Slaie. Kx. i-''i.rrn'fli AT tour H so. I. PEARLMAN'S URKAT MOIiKKN -'USE FU :i?J!SHING EKPOR'UM. Having- pm cliH-cd the A. V. Wockh.icli stoic room on south Main street where I sun now loented I c:m sell goods cheap er tlian tlie eheajiest having just put in the largest stock of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stoves ami furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan. t i atronaoje l tin PuhK- Soiie.Mco BY I JOHNSON EO'LDINGN Sixtfc si vi5a Mind waoderinf; imred. Bonks let.rnmt I parts of ta. fciooe. nospectn. posf I resi, -Rrat nn appucmoa to fnt. , Kjumu. in rm at. jiv ink, & inedii-i-'-s. -auiple free I Briiisi'van 371 B'wwy r Y. nuifin mrk' 1 I rt:ST. net on '' I ii my ''in- it. 15-lt BruHhc. Curl- is rite now. Or " ifafc iVrkins Las been th;irou2l)lT J renovated from top tc .rOtr.u. mic ! now one of the hotels in the state ; Boarders will he take $4.-M ml up. y the week at GOOD BAE CONNECTED K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Herchant Taik Keeps a Hull Line of Fonij? i oi?3)ti3 Gaol; Cvasult Vour-lutere tv Hl.-liiK HI ' r. SHERWOOC BLOCK ayt Ki.CT The GrewtHealth DRlTIC P&ckae mAkss frsllona. Uwlicioos. sparklioff, and apptizinii. Sold by ail dulm A beautiful Picture o. x.a ana cams nni tnec to any one aendins mAArmm tn lh. fl V lltRPA I'O 1K ,T ,11 .. PARKER'S m HAIR BALSAM Cleanse and tx'acuuiV the hair. Pnjmotej a laxurvant frrowth. Nevr fails to BMtors Amv ,J Hair to its Youtfafu. Color. turt waip Jiattes & nair tailing. ' ' : ' "'.lz-r . Cll'O. J '.ii'- ihc i.rt C' iwh, i inn-'. !. b';:t . Ti'iii'.-rtioi,, Pain, Take in time. .Ml.'t. . iiCOalf. 'lhe enly sure cure br Cums. Hi fltt tt--r -i jDr. Grasvenor's BELtl Bell-cap-sic pi nMriilriiL rleurieTanl lumrMaro kiDnMlitonce. uui( lur sua iit ui unmiE. HOW ENGLAND IS AFEECTED RECIPROCITY. The London correspondent of the amifacturer referring1 to the poli cy ol reciprocit3', says that tins piece of Mr JJlaine's statesmanship was not at iirst appreciated in hn gland at its true value. John Hull however, is leg;iiuiiiir to open his e-es to the consequences of a policy which threatens to take awa- from him many a market that he has hitherto monopolized. lr. Hlaine has hit John Hull hard on more than one occasion, hut reciprocity is one of the hardest blows he has delivered. "The Hrittish exporter." writes the London correspondent to the Manufacturer, "is beginning1 to appreciate the seriousness of the situation. The reciprocity clause is applicable to very many Knglish possessions, it Has already been coquetted with by its West India colonies who see as clearly as posi- ble that their interests lie with the United States and not with Great Hritain. Oueensland, Natal and a few other equally promising colo nial dependents will, no dmibt, soon be nibbling at the tempting offers held out by the United States. All Knglish colonies producing molas ses, sugar, hides, tea, and coffee will begin to ask themselves whether it would not be well to receive Ameri can manufactured goods at a pre ferential tariff if they can send their produce to such a free market as America, What, then, will be tlie How to Succeed. This is the great problem of life which few satisfactorily solve. Some fail because of ill health, oth ers want of luck, but the majority from insufficient grit want ofjtierve. Theyare nervous, irresolute, change able, easily get the blues and "take the spirits down to keep the spirits up, thus wasting money, time, op portunity and nerve force. There is nothinir like the Restorative Ner vine, discovered by the great spe cialist. Dr. Miles, to cure all nervous diseases, as headache, the blues, nervous prostration, sleeplessness. neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, tits and hysteria. Trial bottles and line book of testimonials free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s. The Best is the Cheapest That is Why Frwl (Jurder utter 1" years of experience as the most Hurcessful Agriculturttl implement denier in the county has wh-cted 'he following implc nents which he carries and heartily recoinmwds to his friends nd pntrons. 32etch.ura. violin and SchAitler WAG O NS, Bradloy, S'QriA. and IDeer LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES Cul tivators and Badger Cultivator. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER, DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Checkrowers and Planters. It will cost you nothing and will surely do 3-011 good, if 3-011 have a Cough, Cold or an- trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New- Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect re covery. Trv a sample bottle at our expense how fre Stt MFX. QOllDKl Handle tlie finestot JJuggies, Phaftons, Carts, Spring Wagons, and Carriages and other vehicles that are manufactured. The largest line in Cass County, ot double and single harness at prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID JUILLEli an experienced workman has charge ot our harness shop. FredGorder, Plattsmouth. and Weeping Water -er3-. Trv a sample bottle at our . . . pense and learn for yourself just J I 7 -t Z 171 ( O w good a tiling it is. Trial bottle i I - l7 lllwl LI rr I -J .e 'atF.G. Fricke & Co. Drug JL VJT J-. I I ore. Large size oOc. and ifl.OVJ " v , ilss' Nerveand Liver Plle. Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowel through the tierves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles Pills speedily cure biliousness, baa taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une qualed for men. women. children. Sninllest, mildest, surept! 50 doses, 25c. Simpla free at F. G. Fricke & Co's "A God-send is Kly's Cream Halm. I had catarrh for three 3-ears. Two or three times a week 1113- nose attitude of Kmrland towards those ! would bleed. I thought the sores ! ..i colonies if they are determined to K Chichestbr-s English. Red Cross rEUUNR0lAi Diamond Brand v TH( ORICINAL MO CCMUIMC. The 9.fh. Pr. and rtUotlM Pill for ul.. LallM. .t DraciMt tot UMokMUr m aTai Immd M ia Rrd aad Gold metsiiie Iu. mid wta hla. rilitia. Tai mtmr kl.4. Mtfusm SiuifUcnt end mention. all pui. lumnurt bona puu wraprfcar. I ... t .an lAn alia. At Druczijts. or aea a. 4.. In Maap tar taruelaia, wimh. and, KrIlrr rr l-a.lee. m letter, n. rt:t M.Lu IO. T.iawl.l. Hmm Paftr. CHICHItTCK CHtHICll CO., Cat. CO.. Haitian. 0O.UI f UlLuxUt 1 -I A. make the best bargain for them selves? Will Hrittish goods be dis criminated against in Hrittish pos sessions? And, if so, what will be come of the colonial trade? Per haps, unknowingly, the reciprocitj- clause will be the corner stone upon which Hrittish Imperial disintegra- Your Halm has M. A. Jackson, would never heal. cured me." Mrs. Portsmouth. N. H I have had nasal catarrh for ten 3-ears so bad that there were great sores in my nose, and one place was eaten through. I got Kl3-'s Cream Halm. Two bottles did the work. M- nose and head are well. I feel like another man. C. S. McMillen, Sible3", Jackson Co.. Mo. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of Drugs? Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUCGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at nil Honrs THE POSITIVE CURE. I ELY BROTHERS. M Warren 8W, New York. Pric60rta M4 ky avU Lrml VrMlaka. i