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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1891)
K r i I A ily erald. SHIOII III -1 ii FOURTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY' JULY 18 1891 NUMBER 269 -Suam , .!..., Nf,,',l ' ' ' -,m"- P .Da v 3 POWDER j Absolutely Pure. A cream of l;irt;ir linking powiler. Highest of sill in leavening strenth. Latest U. S. iovcrnmciit Food Re port. TTOKXHV A l.AW. WINDHAM A, DAV1ES. H. B. WINDHAM. .I'M! N A. DAV1KS. Notary I'liMu N" t " Otltoe vT Hank nf Cacs I'lmni j Plattsmoiitii - V-r;e ha TTOKNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney W ill -iv prompt atteiitloL to all Mimm' iitri!tl to him. oiliee id Union block, twt Snl. l'lattniiiout!i. Nfb. -T c. u-c;kk. l i). Is locals! at Kinlit Milt "i:riv. He lias ob ta'lifil the oflfe firmerly occupied by MR. MILLKR OI that dlace aixl cnn be fouiul at all hour.' ex cept when professionally out. JJJUCKER SISTERS. CAKKY A FULL LINK OF llLLENEKY AND J'KfcNCH LOWERS. Ve Hlso have a lres making department. Sat isfaction ciiaraiiteeil. SllEKVOOISTOKIi. f'LATTSMOinil R. A. SALISBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T : oi.o Axn r;ki ki.ain ckowxs. lt. .sieinways an;isthetic fertile painleff ex y tract !' of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Kockwoo.t ISlock 1'latlMiit-ulh. Neb. )R VIOLA M. FRENCH I'll YSICI A.N .V Sl'K'C.KO.N L'.tice with L:. ' aifradu . nor us 10 : 00 to 12 : oo a. i"- 3 : fo to 5 : 00 p. in. SR. S XX I X" .A. T 9 : 00 to II : oo a. in ; i -i : iu i. m. lelephone No 1-' 'I A rTsMOCTH N V. I. EW HARDWARE STORE S. K. II ALL & SON Keep all kunls of builders hardware on hand and will i-upplv contract i" on most lav orable ter.i s : TIN ROOFING : spouting and all kinds of tin work prom ptly one Orders from tin country Solicited 61t rVasl S;. 1'i.ATTSMOUril. N EH. IS T11K L-lvA-D-I -N-G II-O-l" IN THE CITY FOK -S-K NOTIONS l.ACK.s KMHKOIDKKIKS Kill' H KN O F. l.iTF.S TINWAKK. t; LASS WAKE ETC- ETC- The i:ood e oiler on our 5, 10 and 2S cent counterscAtiuot be duplicated eltewliere We have but one price, and that the cheapest in town. "THE FAIR" :. QOLI AND PORCEI..UN1CKOWNS Bri.lse work and fine roUI work a SPECIALTY. DB. 8T KIN ACS LOCAL as well as other ai. esthe. iKlven lor the painless extraction ol teeth. & A. MARSHAL! - Fitzgerald Bloc. I'KKSOXAL A. R. Talbot Ksq., is in the city to-day tin legal business. J. A. Davis returned yesterday from a brief trip to Kansas. Mrs. Fred M nriliy is spending the clay with relatives in this city. C. S I'olk and Sheriff Tighe made a business trip to Union, to-day. Oldham and Jim Walker went to Omaha this morning on business : Hon. R. B. Windhams fathercame over from (ilenwood to day to visit relatives Mrs. Kd Sever came in from Cedar Creek this morning to spend the day with friends. Al. Burris lias been transferred from the oosit ion of switchman to that of fireman. Dr. Shipman is confined to his bed to-day, we trust he will be able to get out attain soon. F. K. White sent two cars ot corn and one of wheat east last night from his elevator here. M. L. Thomas, editor of the late Independent is building himself a nice resilience at Lincoln. J. M. Patterson returned home this morning, Mrs. Patterson and sister-in-law, remained in Lincoln to spend the day. Miss Schicketan. returned to her home at Council Bluffs this morn ing. accompanied by her aunt Mrs. Get), Boeck of this city. Mr Frank Laut. the popular brake man with conductor Bushncll for some time was promoted yesterday to the well merited posttion of con- on the main line. Mrs. Ol Butts, of Nebraska City has been visiting relatives here She left this morning with her un cle Chas Williams of Ashland to re main a few days in that village. New York is aghast with fright at the findinr of a Chinese laundry man who has been plying ins vo cation for eitjht montlis in that city, afflicted with that incurable malady known as leprosy. The man who went out to milk takimx his seat in the middle of ten acre field and waited for the cow to back ut to him is a relative of the man who kept store and did not advertise. Beatrice Ivxpress. Old Cass stands fourth in the number of children of school ajrc in the list of Nebraska counties with 7.M7 charged to her account Douirlas county is first. Lancaster countv secondhand Ga-re third with only two hundred more than Cas Capt Chas Rhode left last evening with nine other stalwarts to do up the Weeping Water Cresents. Th Caotain is irettimr to be a irood all around ball plajer and TllK IIi:i ALI predicts he will be ph-iiijr with the Ii. M's before lonij;' A little strip of territory in cen tral Sarj3' county was devastated by a hail storm yesterday morning at at early hour, which destroyed all small rain in its path and seri ouslv damaged the corn. The weather of today is a veritable hail breeder and betokens danger ahead rilE IlEKALO man had the pleas ure of meeting an old friend yester day at Iincoln in the person of I'hil i- Huber, a prosperous coal mer chant of that city. Philip used to run a store at Lousville but left there some years a.yfo for the west. He finally drifted back to Lincoln where he now seems to be a fixture. Kpworth League Meeting. Kearney, Neb., July 17. The second Fpworth league convention of the tenth general confrence dis trict met in this city last evening. The district comprises Wyoming, Colorado, the Dakotas, Nebraska and Japan. L,ast evening an ad dress was delivered by Rev. W. F. McDowell, chancellor of the Denver university. Reports were made to day from 239 leagues representing a membership of about 8.000. The following officers were elected: H. A. Crane president. Omaha; D, Graves, vice-president. Henkleman; Miss Maria Haight. secretary, Kearney; Ii. L. Paine, correspond ing secretary and member of the board of control. Lincoln; Rev. W. A. Lee, member of the board of control. Laramie, Wyo. The con vention adjurned this afternoon to meet at the call of the president. The first state convention of the Kpworth league then convened and the committee on credentials found 130 delgates p resent. The conven tion will be in session until Suuday evening. The meeting has been a successful one and will result in much good to the society. County Surveyor Mayes went out to Leonard Horns this morning to survey and locate a new county road. Tn HekAEO learns that the elec tric lamp factory has been sold to parties at Vancouver in the state of Washington at a rood fair price. The Catholic social at the church lawn last evening was quite'a finan cial success. There was plenty to eat nnd a real pleasant social time was had. Wayne Golden, a younjr farmer residing near Union fell on a scythe a few da's ajo, cutting his riht le so that the pli3sician thinks he will becrip)Ied for life. Ivx: A handsome train of jialaee stock cars piissed throiiih last eve ning for the west where they will be loaded with cattle for the South Omaha and Chicago markets. Yard Master Cassidy will take a train load of refrigerator cars up to file fi. & M. cutoff above LaPlatte this afternoon. This track is used for storage punposes irincipally. 1J. N. Loverin took charge of his former K. C. run last evening. Con- luctor Dorrity jjfoes back to his Omaha-Plattsmouth local freight run anil Abbott troes back to the main line. W. II. Fitzijerld who lias been in the eniliy of L. N. Hojan for three seasiins as hostler, leaves this week for Louisville and will o with 1.. H. I.ivinston's steam thresher this fall. Kclio. George Stamlers of Louisville has bought the John Hums farm near Plattsmottth for $7,0() and W. A. Clerhorn has purchased the Wm. Snyder farm on Turkey Creek for S'i.OiX) cash. Rev. C. A. Falk of the f -ee mission Swedish church will preach at Louisville to-morrow afternoon at twojo'clock. He will return to Plattsmoiith in time for the regular evening services at tne rwecusn church. Mrs. Frank Dickson and baby were up from Plattsmoiith this week visiting A. H. Dickson and family. Mrs. D. lias been quite poorly for several months and her friends rejoice at seeing her recover. ICeho. Nettie Peck entertained a com pany of her little friends yesterday afternoon. Among those present were Lisbct Gretel and Helen Waiiirh. Louise Drummond. Sadie Hlack. Maud Doritv and leiiuie Gilfeather. The moter motes these das good shape, and we are glad to state is more than pjiying expenses. W trust our people will continue their liberal patronage, it helps the town and makes the the new M. P. depot accessible. Next Thursday the Nebraska Cijy Sabbath Schools will picnic at our park there will tio doubt be a large number of people from that place, and we presume our folks will take advantage of the occassion to re new OKI acquaintances. v:iuasn News. Commissioner Loder was out here this week and condemned a car of piling shipped here from some Lincoln lumber company to be used in constructiong county bridges. The piling were very slim and not fit for building a foot bridge.- Klmwood Kcho. Rock Hluffs put on her Sunday clothe last evening and turned out enmasse to the ball given by Will Shera. Several Plattsmoiith people werein attendance and report a way up time. Rock Bluffs used to be famous for Balls and parties in the good old days and it seems the peo ple down there have forgotten none of their sociability. Something overjti.000 crates of rasp berries have been shipped from this point in the last, few weeks Mr. Towslee handled at least 5.C00 of them. The shipment from Stone's farm was about 4,000 crates. The value of the crop was not much short of $4.o00, This is only from those who ship by quantities. We presume there was at least 1,000 crates gathered by small growers. Glenwood opinion. Posey Messersniith is confined to his house by illness. The boys say he has been setting out of nights watching his big pumpkins grow and taken cold. Posey sa-s this famous vine grows toward the stand pipe at the rate of ten feet per day lately, and that it is now 111 feet and 4 inches long. We expect to hear of some big pumpkins from that quarter this fall. The Twenty. fifth Annual Fair Cass county should do herself proud this fall at her quarter cen tenial exhibition, and from what we have heard thus early in the season we believe Cass county will give us such an exhibition of her resources as will surprise the oldest inhabi tant. The crops are bounteous, the stock is healthy, sleek and well fed. and the list of premiums form an inducement that producers cannot afford to ignore. We have just been glancing over the Otoe county pre mium list and where exhibitors of hogs, cattle and many other things of interest are given a diplo ma down there tin-Cass county Ag ricultural society pays handsome premium in cash. F'armers will consult their own in terests if they have not seen a pre mium list by writing to or calling on David Miller, secretary at his of fice with Fred Gorder, for a list and then go to work and get your stock ready for exhibition. Let us take more interest in our fair ami build up an exposition to be proud of. Good Crops. Mr. Davidson a reliable conimerci il tourist in the employ of the Kmp- kie Hardware company of Council HlufTs has been traveling over Xe- braska constantly for the last twelve years and has resided in this state for the last thirty-one years gives us his version of the crop out look. He says that he traveled with team over the major portion of York, Hamilton, Polk, jiutler and Seward counties last week and in all his thirty-one years experience he never saw as good a small grain harvest as the present one, and while corn is fully two weeks later than usual, it is clean, thrifty and shows a good stand and bids fair to make a remarkadl v heavy crop. Mr. Davidson says the report of traveling men all over the state is of tin same import. He says crops are better in western Nebraska than they are in eastern owitig to their bounteous rains ami stronger soil. 1 A desireable house, "with fruit" for rent or sale inquire of W. A. Hoeck A- Co. fit Platlmou!h Was In It The li. &. M. nine went over to Glenwood yesterday and defeated the Glenwood team which had a professional battel y and second baseman playing with them, by the flattering score of 3 to 1. Our boys play ball and no mistake. The j say Donelan of (ilenwood was not so loud as usual after the game had been played, it took the tuck out of him. District reunion The G. A. R. post. S. of V. camp, and W. R. C. of Greenwood, Neb. will hold a district re-union on Au gust 3rd, continuing one week. We shall endeavor to make this the most pleasant re-union we ever held this being our fourth. Tents, wood and straw furnished free to campers. The camp will be located in the beautiful park on the bank Salt river. The program for each day will be read by the Adju tant at 0 o'clock from the platform. Noted speakers from abroad will entertain the people in the forenoon Afternoons will be taken up in sham battles, sport and amusements of the boys when in camp or on the skirmish line in '01 and 'Go. Come out everybod- and have a good heirty laugh just for your health. Tons of sport and amuse ment will take place in camp ev ery night. It is earnestly hoped i that every comrade will bring guns as there will be amunition in the camp by the keg to be burned. ATTENTION COMRADES Right dress! Dress up in front on Monday morning at 9 o'clock the 3rd. The orderly will call the roll and a comrade not responding to his name will be immediately trans ferred into the involid corps and given a dose of salts. Ira Tixkham. Com. K. C. Colemax, Adj't. For Sale. Going at a bargain one car load of household goods, the purchaser will lind easy terms, the goods are elegant and the correct thing for an- one wishing bargains in this line also a good farm 100 Acres pro vided with plent' of water Just the place for a man with stock. Will sell cheap for cash or exchange for City property, Horses for Sale or trade. Chuck full of business and will talk business with any one that means business. Call at the Fifth street Jewel rv Store. tf " Geo. Vass The Herald is sorry to note that Mr. Fred Latham is laid up with a very sore throat. Additional local on last page READ AiMD LOOK SPECIAL! - AT THIS I IT ;?.D31 TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF EMBROIDEEED FLOUUOTGS, wk havf; Cut One lot of white Floiincini at -J.0; pattern worth One lot of white cream an Flouncings reduced to 3.20. A pattern of this lot comprises goods Oeeo One lot. of Flouiie.ings at IV. h: worth ilouMe ALL OF OUR FANCY PLUSH ORNAMENT REDUCED TO 5 CENTS EACH. F. HERRMANN HABDWABB FOR Having purchased the U. V. Mathew's in terest in the firm of J W, Hendee St Cd, now propose to stay in Plattsmouth and sell hard ware FOR - CASH -ONLY At prices that are within the reach of all. Kverything in our stock ii bar gain. Look over our list and see if you cannot find some thing you need. o( Ooo 4"(K lbs cut nails. 3c per If to close Tact grass scythe for.Ticts Step ladders from J0 cts up Tinware at reduced prices Brooms. l. to 'J.'icts Chopping bowls, 19 to 34cts Bushel corn baskets, 19cts Leather back Leather back Other articles too Come and see us. r - ONE - CENT - ON - TIME, J W HEN DEE IX OUIl COMPLETE STOCK OF Ladies, Isses, Boys, Childrens and Infants Summer Goods. THEV AHE ALt HBST GLASS AND OF THE YFAIY LATEST STYLE. AitCAIIftiS FOR ALL CALL AND BE COKVINCEIi -ji-. BOKCli c2s 00. SUE madf; a in Prices worth tip to $('..(() a pattern. One lot of white nnd bhtek FlouncinH reduced to $5.60. A pattern some floods in this lot for merly sold at $10.00 a pattern. All our patterns contain 4 k yds of material. 'J(K) do, carpet tacks, 1c per paper Best clothes wringer made, $2.10 Wl cent spades for iT cts. W) ct handsaws for0."icfs Churns, SOcts lo ijTOO Wash boards, 19cts io CASH ILY ill bristle horse brushes. 7")c. ill bristle horse brushes, 40c. Cook stoves at cost to cloe. ooOoo numerous to mention at correspondingly lowlr-ricea Remember we sell to everybody alike SAILE