The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 17, 1891, Image 4

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Turks, Christiana, Jews nl Orrets
Unite In Putting the Sisters of Charity
In Charge of the Ilulldlug and Its
Work An Impressive Scene.
A rnowt fnterewtiuor article of The Jour
nal des Debats describes a reraarVable
scene which took' placo in Jerusalem
The nwd of a municipal hospital for the
reception of all the uick of the city had
long been felt in JeruHaleKu The pasha
an excellent man, ha.ju8t carried out
thin important work, which had already
been beun by his predecessor, Iiahouf
I 'an ha.
lint whom to put in care of the sick?
Jewibti iiurnes? for half the population
is Jewish, and 14,000 more Jews from
Russia are expected. Or Mussulmans?
for Juussulmans are also numerous. Or
Greeks or Armenians, Copts or Catho
lics? TIhj question lonif remained with
out a solution.
Finally tiie president of the municipal
council, accompanied by two ElFendis,
presented himself before Sister Sion, su-
Ierioresn of the Daughters of Charity,
ana asKeu m-r 10 tfive some or ner mun
for the service of the hospital. She r.t
once aked from her 8Ueriors the per-
mission to accept the invitation, and a
few days later the municipality itself
came to thank the sisters for their con
sent, aim oeg tuem at once to arrange
the house for tho reception of the sick.
There was no tune to lose. In earlv
May they received their notice, and on
Sunday, May 10. the opening was to take
place in presence of Ibrahim Pasha ami
the seraglio that is to say, tho council
composed of a member of each national
ity, the heads of all the religious and tin
municipal council.
For three days and three nights the
nuns had no rest. At midday on Sun
day the nuns were all summoned in or
der to meet at 1 o'clock in the large re
ception room. At 1 o'clock the pasha
arrived in state and all the dignitaries
took their places. But the superior and
the sisters, where are they?
A carriage is heard approachin
"Here they com"! At once a serenade
began, and a thousand voices cried
aloud, "Long live the Sisters of Chari
ty!" The soldiers presented arms; the
crowd pressed forward, so that the dra
gomans had difficulty in making a way
for the sisters. But at length thev as
cended the main steps, preceded by the
uu taeir entry an arose, "iou are
welcome, sisters, saui the pasha in ex
cellent French. "I am too much aston
ished at the appearance you have given
to this house, in which you have been
working for only three days, to be able
to congratulate yon as I ought." '.'Your
excellency, we have done our duty.1
said Sister Sion. "I am delighted," re
plied tho pasha, "and we can only con
gratulate ourselves on our choice." The
whole meeting testified to their pro
found sympathy and agreement. "iJo
you find anything wanting, gentlemen,
or is everything as you wishr" said the
pasha, turning to the authorities.
"For my part," said the grand rabbi,
"the most beautiful thing I see in the
hospital is the Sisters of Charity. For
five years we have watched them at
work, aud they have never fallen short
of their professions. They have been
mothers ami sisters to all, whosoever
they might be."
"Long live the Sisters of Charity!" was
the cry on all sides, in the wards, the
corridors, etc. All were full of emo
tion. After the presentation tho pasha
returned to the divan to take part in
a Turkish religious service. "Allah!
Allah!" cried out the assistants, opening
wide their arms and invoking blessings
on the sisters ami the sick.
Tho military doctor, on being present
ed to Sister Sion, said, "Sister, 1 beg
you to employ all your influence with
the pasha to obtain me eight beds, so
that my poor sick soldiers may be prop
erly nursed."
Sixteen doctors of the city who had
been invited to the opening were pre
sented by the physician of the hospital
to the pasha and the sisters. The rabbis,
the Mussulman and Schismatic chiefs
came also to address their congratula
tions to them. Finally the president of
the municipal council assembled all the
personnel of the establishment before the
A rnoving scene then took place. He
caused all to swear rtpect to the 6isters
first of all the medical staff, then the
pharmacists, the nurses, cooks, garden
ers and porters. Each came up accord
ing to his rank aud swore in his own
language and manner what was asked.
When the last had retired the presi
dent said: "Sisters, I confide this house
to you. You are at home. I need not
beg you to act as mothers among your
children. "Tablet.
The World Fnlr wll have the Greatest
Aquarium ever Constructed .
The fish exhibit at the World'
Columbian Kxposition is to be a
wonderful one, and not the least
interesting portion of it, naturally,
will be the aquarial or live fish
display. This will be contained in
a circular building, 135 feet in diam
eter, standing near one extremity of
the main Fisheries building, and in
a great curved corridor connecting
the two.
In the center of the circular build
ing will be a rotunda sixty feet in
diameter, in the middle of which
will be a basin or pool about twenty
six feet wide from which will arise
a towering maws of rocks covered
with moss and lichens. From clefts
and crevices in the rocks crystal
streams of water will gush and
drop to the masses of reeds, rushes,
and ornamental scmi-nqatie plants
in the basin below. In this pool
gorgeous gold fishes golden ides,
golden trench, and other fishes will
disport. From the rotunda one side
of the larger series of aquaria may
be viewed. LlThese will be ten in
number and will have a capacity of
seven thousand tf twenty-seven
thousand gallons of water.
Passing out tof the rotunda by
the entrances a great corridor or
gallery is reached where on one
hand can be viewed the opposite
side of the other a line of tanks and
somewhat smaller, ranging from
750 to 1.500 gallons each in capacity.
The corridor or gallery is about
fifteen feet wide. The entire length
of the glass fronts of the aquaria
will be about 575 feet or over 3,000
square feet of surface. They will
make a panorama never before seen
in any exhibition, and will rival the
great permanent aquariums of the
world not only inside but in all
otht r respects.
The total watercapacity of the
aquaria, exclusive oi reservoirs,
will be 1K,725 cubic feet, or 110,000
gallons. This will weigh 1.102,425
pounds, or almost 00 tons. Of this
amount about 40,000 gallons will be
devoted to the marine exhibit. In
the entire salt water circulation, in
cluding reservoirs, there will be
about K0,(Xl0 gallons. The pumping
aud distributing plant for the mar
ine aquaria will he constructed of
valcanite. The pumps will be in
duplicate and will each have
capacity of 3,000 gallons per
hour. The supply of sea water will
be secured bv evaporating the
ecessnry quality at the Woods
Hill station of the I'nited States
Fish commission to about one-fifth
its bulk, thus reducing both quamty
and weight for transportation about
SO per cent. I he fresh water re
quired to restore it to its proper
density will be .-upplied from Lake
Michigan. In transporting the
inarm; tisms to t:::v.:go irom me
coast there will also oe an addition
of probably 3,0()0 gallons of pure-
sea water to the suppply on each
Hair chain", ring", croe an
hair work of all kinds to order.
Mrs. A. Knee.
tf 1720 Locust St.
Needles, oils and parts for all
kinds of machines ctm be found at
the Singer, oflice, corner of Main
and Sixth streets, with II. Heck. tf
"Frosted Cream," the latest and
greatest drink of the age, at Gering
fc Co.'s. 10t
It is reported that Brown A
Barrett are selling wall paper
cheaper than any other house m the
city. tt
"Frosted Cream." the latest and
greatest drink of the age, at Gering
& Co.'s. lot
The St. John's Altar Society will
give a social, Friday evening. July
i i ii. on tlie church lawn, corner
fifth, and Oak street. Everybody
lnvitta. cm
When you lake Quality and Make in Consideration you Can
Kuy Cheaper anj Place in the World than of
The Only One Price Clothier in Cass
Licence Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply to the county commissioners
at tlieir next regular meeting for a
license to sell malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors in the village of i
Union, Cass count', Nebraska.
di&wtf. John Mohlek.
Take your prescriptions to Brown
iV Barrett s.they dispense pure med
icines, tf
"Frosted Cream," the latest and
greatest drink ot the age, at tiering
A Co s. lot
Notice to 'Water Consumers.
Water rents are alread' past due
and must be paid before August 1st.
Brown fc Barrett have the finest
line of wall paper in the city.
Their prices are away down. tf
"Frosted Cream," the latest and
greatest drink of the age, at Gering
it Co.'s. lOt
Some choice lots on Chicago ave
nue for sale, hor particulars call at
this oltice.
"Frosted Cream," the latest and
greatest drink of the age, at Gering
V Co.'s. JOt
You mut call and Examine his Superior 3Iake and Quality of
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc,
Jce buys Only From the Best Houses in Anierirc
-:- JOE
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cut
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all bkin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
it is guaranteed to give satistaction, or
money refunded. Price 23 cents per box.
For sale bv F. Q. Fricke & Co.
Quotes no Prices But he Will Sell You The Best Goods,'
Wood For Sale.
Over a thousand cords of dry
wood tor sale hy c narley Jiemplc.
Leave orders at Henry Weckback
Nc Co s. dtf
Money fflieerfully Refunded if Goods; FJ und not
or as Represented,
I'otted strawberry plants of
choice varieties will be on sale at
Lew Moore s by July loth. Plants
put out now will insure a big crop
next 3ear. d&wtf
Opera House Corner
PJattsmouth, Neb.
New Barn-New btoek.
Khun Parmele has pushed h
way to the front as a Jiverv man hy
Keepinur notnniir out the finest car
riagfes and buggies and best horses
to be found m the state. Those
wanting a satisfactory livery can t
do better than to call on Mr. Par
mele. dtf
Carry a Full Line of
Specimen Cases.
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wis.,
was trouoied witu neuralgia ami
rheumatism, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to an
llarminir derree, appetite fell away
and he was terribly reduced in flesh
and streniith. Three bottles of
Klectric Hitters cured him.
Kdward Shepherd, Ilarrisbur.
111., had a running sore on his lef
of eiirht years' standing. L sed
three bottles of Klectric Hitlers and
seven Mottles ltucKien s arnica
Salve, and his leir is sound and well.
John Speaker, Catawba. ()., had live
la rtre fever sores on his Ief. doctors
said he whs incurable. One bottle
Klectric Bitters and one box IJuck-
len's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
"A Clod-send is Kly's Cream Pal m.
1 had catarrh tor three years. Iwo
or three times a week my nose
would meed. I thouirht the sores
would never heal. Your Halm has
cured me." Mrs. M. A. Jackson,
Portsmouth, N. II.
1 have hjid nasal catarrh for ten
j-ears so bad that there were jreat
sores in 1113- nose, and one place was
eaten through. 1 trot rAy s Cream
Halm. Two bottles did the work.
My nose and head are well. I feel
like another man. C. S. McMillen,
iMlIey, Jackson Co.. Mo.
A ?Iouter Vessel of Olden Time.
Ptoleimeus Philopater, one of the an
cient kings of Etfypt, is said to have
bnilt a vessel 420 feet long, 56 feet broad.
72 feet high from the keel to the top of
the prow, and 80 feet to the tcp of the
poop. She had four helms of 60 feet;
her largest oars were 56 feet long, with
leaden handles, so as to be more easily
worked. She had two prows, two sterns
and seven rostra or beaks. On both poop
and prow she had figures of men and
animals that were fully 18 feet high.
She had 4,000 rowers, 400 cabin boys or
servants, 2.820 marines to do duty on
deck, besides being provided with im
mense stores of arms and provisions.
St. Louis Republic.
An English gentleman, not a poet and
not recently deceased, always wore in a
braided necklace about his neck the long,
beautiful hair which h.3 cut from his
wife's head dnring her illness. The doc
tor insisted that the hair must be shorn,
and the husband allowed no one to cut
it but himself, that he might preserve
jrjjeach shining strand.
Wonderful Campello Dog.
I want to speak of a rather interesting
example of animal sagacity I saw out in
Campello this week. As the perform
ance was of such a rare nature, and
simxly demonstrated the affection dogs
will sometimes have toward horses, 1
will speak of the case. A groceryman
owns a horse and a remarkably intelli
gent canine, and every time the horse is
hitclied to the delivery wagon and it
6tarts the dog is sure to follow in the
rear. In the case I refer to I noticed the
wagon stop in front of a residence, and
as soon as the driver had left the vehicle
the dog commenced to crop grass. He
got under the horse's head, reared on
his hind legs and transferred the grass
to the horse's mouth. Wonderful dog,
that. Brockton Dispatch.
A Fatal Mistake.
Physicians make 110 more fatal
mistaKe than when tney inform pa
tients that nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are of
little consequence. Dr.. Franklin
Miles, the noted Indiana specialist.
lias proven the contrarj- 111 his new
book on "Heart Disease" which may
oe unit iree or r. u. rncKe ct to.,
who guarantee and recommend Dr.
Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure,
which has the largest sale of any
heart remedy in the world. Itcures
nervous and organic heart disease,
short breath, fluttering, pain or ten
derness in the side.arm orshoulder,
irrejrular pulse, fainting, smother
ing, drops-, etc. His Restorative
Xerviiitf cures headache, lits, etc. j
Baukof Cass Co uskty
Cor Main aud tilth street.
Paid up capital $50 000
urplue 25 000
J. H. Parnele President
Fred Gorder Vice Presidant
J. M. Patterson Caslieir
T. M. Patterson, Asst Camei
0. H. Parmele, J. M. Patterson, Fred Gorder,
A. B. Smith, K. B. Windham. B. S. Kameey and
T. M.Patterson '
Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time
leposits and prompt attentionttiveu to all bus
iness entrusted to its care.
The Citizens
Uayital stock paid in $5' 0 t
Authorized Capital, $100,000.
"frosted Cream," the latest and
irTeatest drink of the aje, at Gerinir
& Co.'s. lOt
President. Vice-President
W. H. GUSHING. Caehier.
ifrank Carrutn J. A. Connor, F. K. Guthnani
J. W. Johnson, Henry Boeck, John O'Keete
W. D. Merriam, Wm. Wetencamp, W.
H. Cushlng.
W AXTED, oeneral iyfent to re
present Fidelity Mutual Life Asso
ciation 01 iniiaaeipma, i'a., in
Plattsmouth and vicinit'. Address
L,- V. Woodmansee, 537 Paxton
Ulock, Omaha. dot
9sues certificates of depopits bearing interest
Buys aud sells exchange, county and
city ( n
Fifteen Rears in One Tree.
A McCloud river woodsman, while
making shakes at Black Cox mountain.
cut down a bir five-foot susar pine.
which proved to be hollow for forty-five
feet and full of hibernating bears. There
were five black, seven cinnamon and
three grizzly bears in the hollow tree,
and the man nailed slabs over the open
end of the log and started it down
the mountain toward town, where it ar
rived 6afe and sound and is now on ex
hibition. McCloud Pioneer.
The following notice appears in the
Leominster letter in the Fitchburg Mail,
the signature there printed being
To the Leominster liars: If the parties
or party who wish to lie in the manner
that they have and are doing do not stop
it, they will be stopped in a manner
which they will not like, as I shall make
them prove their statements.
Ice Cream Delivered.
J. P. Antil has started an ice
cream delivery wagon, which de
livers ice cream to j our homes in
any amount 3-011 wish, leave orders
at his place.near corner of Sixth and
Pearl street. tf
A Pom
Sal' small.
Local And Travel Ins.
A eood chance ! Dont miss it !
You need no capital to repreeent a reliable
firm that warrant nursery stock first class and
true to name. Work ll the Year and
rood pay weekly to energetic men. Apply
quick, ctatinc age. L L MAY A, CO.
Nurserymen Florist and Seed men, st Paul Min
This house is responsible.
CASS LODGE, No. 146. 1. O. O. F. meets ev
ery Tuesday nicnt at their hall in Fitzgerald
block. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited
to attend whem visiting in the city.
T. K. Williams. N. G.
ij. W, Bridge, Sec.
C. A- R.
McConnlhle Post, No. 45, meets eyery Satur
day evening at 7 :30. in thetr hall, Kockwood
Block. All visiting comrades are invited to
uieet with us.
G. F. Niles. Post Adj.
F. A. Bates, Post Com,
First National .
Paid up capital 350,000,00
Surplus 10.000.09
Offers the very best facilities for the promp'
transaction of ligitimate
Banking Business
Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local se
suxities bought and sold. Deposits received
and interest allowed on the certificates
Drafts drawn, available in any part of the
United States and all the principal tewns o:
TED'. Highest market price paid for County War
rants, State ana Coanty bonds.
John Fitzgerald P. Hawkewortb
8am Waugh. K. K. While
George E. Dovey
John Fitzgerald. S. Waugh.
President Caetler.
$2..r(Vclothes wringer now. .
.75 irass scythe now
LOO rain scoop now
l.l.i rain scoop'uow
J. 2.1 frain scoop now
1.15 spade now
1.00 spade now
.75 shovels now
.75 manure fork ,
.50 hay fork
-45 hay fork
LOO hand saw
1 S5 butcher saw now
1.75 butcher saw now
l.5 carpenter saw now
. .50
. .15
. .SO
. .X
1 .:c
,n"-,il'r now
-35Jwash hoard now
.00 lard can now
1.50 wash boiler now
.20 stove pipe now
IX on powder by ker( 25 .. . . . '
stove boards a't eost
L25 screen doors now
window screens out of siii't, "
Household sewinjr machine.'.,
tinware at bottom prices.
Table cutlery less than cost.
Shears V razors never so low;.
20d cut spikes .f'2.50 ter ke,r
Ul line cut nails .f.'i.OO per ker.
. .20
. .15
. ,f5
. 5.25
. 1.13
. 20.00
For Cash Only At The Above Prices
.now is Tin-; timi; to okt iiaho.uxs.
Remember that K. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of
Ami Guarantee .Satisfaction in all Things