(2 ASM LIME STOVES Cleaned ami Repaired at v. hi:mdi:i:s kakdwakk STOKMv I". '. M;i!hWS olil St:ilil.l S A T 1 S I A ( T 1 ( X ( I T A K A N T K K I . HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE LEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Couabintly kcips on Imnd i-vi-rytl.iny yo: n' ? ftirnili your house. OOKNKIt MX'I II AM) MAIN STKKKT Pltitun-(Ut - Neb FOR DYSPEPSIA, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is an effoctlTO remedy, na numerous testimo nials conclusively Jrove. "For two years I waa a constant sufferer from dyspepsia tun liver complaint. I doctored a lon time ami Uo medicines prescribed. In nearly every case, only aixravated the disease. An apotliecary al vised me to use Ayer's Harsaparilla. I did so, ami wa cured at a cost of 5. Since that time it lias lieen my family medicine, ami siukness lias become a stranger to our household. I believe it to be the best medicine on earth." I'. 1". McNiilty, llackmau, bummer st., Lowell, Mass. FOR DEBILITY, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is a certain cure, when the complaint origi nates in impoverished blood. " I was a preat sufferer from a low condition of tin) blood and general ilebility, becoming finally, so reduced that I was mint for work. Noth ing that I did tor tin; complaint helped me so much as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a few bottles of which restored me to health and strength. I take every opportunity to recommend this medicine in similar cases." C. Evick, 11 H. Jlam St., ChillieoUie, Ohio. FOR ERUPTIONS And ail disorders originating in Impurity of the blood, such as boils, carbuncles, pimples, tdotches. salt-rheum, scald-head, scrofulous sores, and the like, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla I'KEI'AKKI) HV DK. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Masu. I'rice $1 ; nix bottlc-n, $D. Worth b a bottle. Plaitsinouih Daily Herald K. NOTTS BROS, Publishers Published every -Thursday, and daily everj eveidtig except Sunday. Kegistrred at the Plattstiiouth, Neb. p"st ollicefor transt'iisio:i tli: ou :h the U. -S. mailn at seeoinl clasr i';itc:.. Olilce cviniT Vlim :.i;d Ki.'th streets Teleplione .'. 1 nils K-K V.- KKKIA . nn' copy, one year, in ndvai.ee :ie copy, one ye;tr, not :u mtv-me . One copy, six monthf. in ;:'!.!i;ice . . One i ..y, three mmi! ii-, .iiiMiiio TKHJIS V K IA ! i.V il.).. .,5, i.li.- y- ir M u'lV Mil'i' IICCPV O'V iw i l. . by -ier ... Hi. etijiy, per morit Ii . v:i-:i)ici)AY, j n.v wi . i no 75 to , lM 1 K ' ' ' ' V niii.i) ai. i'.)Uiv-:i..iNTi:owNS Hri'li.; wrk nn.l tine u !il work a SPECIALTY. DK. STEINAUS LOCAL as weli as other ' an estlieticsgiven lor the painless extraction of teeth. C. A. MA.KSHALL, - Fitzirurald W the IN T ERXAT I O XAL TYPEWRITER A strictly first cia machine, fully warrant ed. Made from the very best material by skilled workmen, and with the best tools tat have ever been devised for the purpose. W ar ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex pected of the very best typewriter extant. Capable of writing 150 words ner minute oi more according to the ability of the operate. $3 vjft. 3$ THE QUO FlSLIAnSL?. IL I WiTEIAI & SON nm i lu v mtn Sliimrles, Lath, Safh, Doors, Blinds Can supply everw demand of the rity Call and get terms. Fourth 8tret in rear of opera house. P J. HANSEN :;i;:ii'su err ,i ,: J.BiJ PHICE $100. If there is no agent in your town address the manufactures. THE PAKI8U M'F'G CO. Agents wanted Parish H, Y. F. B. SEELEMIRE, Agent. Lincoln, Neb, County Surveyor AND CIVIL ENGINEER. hll orders left with County. Clerk will receive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, 219, 221 and 223 Main St., lattsmouth, - Nebraska. H. M. B0NS, Proprietor. Ihe Perkins has been thoroughly renovated, from top tc Ixtriji ojid '.a now one of the best hotels in the state Boarders will be taken by the week at $4.50 and up. DKAI.ER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS ANl QUEENSWARE Flir Bfl Feed a Specially atrona , the Puble Solicited JOHNSON BUILDINGN Sixth St GOOD BAR CONNECTED $50 000 26 000 BaakotCass QountT Cot Main and Fifth street Paid up capital Hnralus.... ....... .... O. H. Parnele fl69611! Fred Gorder Vice President J. M. Patterson . &si?f,T T. M. Patterson. Aeat Cashier DIRECTORS O. H. Parmele. J. M. Patterson. Fred Gorder, A. B. Smith. K. B. Windham. B. S. Kamsey and X.M.Patterson A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS T8ANSATED Aocounts solicited. Interest allowed on time deposits and prompt attentioniven to all bus tnM entrusted. t0 Its care. i t wtMsBtiDg out sd. Books IstfeTned I JIT. V in on roadins. TeathnonUla from all .jX parta of tha tdoba. Proepeetos poa f J RS nnr'ml on appliaatkm te ProC V mSMA. I.iaiilu V WiMiAn. JTavTaaav The GrcatHeaith DRIhK. P&ckatca makaa a sailoaa. Deliciona. eparklinj;. and appetizina;. liold by all dealers. A beautiful Piictora Book and cards aent FHKB to any one send ins Mldrsea to Uia & . UIKKd OO Ftuladelphu. Pa I . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleaim. and baaatifw. the hair, -ft , I ProrwoM. a laionant growth. ttTj-j J K ev.r Palta to Beatore Gray Bt0ki1 Hair to it Youthful Color. riT" Cunm aemip diMuci St hair taiUng. yyj T3 JBe.apd l.Wat IriggUM () MAliA t k-iir;iiH'- l;i-t week liow a (Krrt-iisc tf lilU-cil kt ct-nl rni'l I)i s Moim-s ;in iin-n .-isc of tuiity iino i-r ri'iit. It would s tiii to j:y soiin ritics to c killotl iy jirohibi tion. I.im-oin C'.'ill. Tin: Chilian vcss.-l Itala which was i-sittir."l by the Unitt-d States war vrssi'l Chailttoit lias plrail guilty t Hit' charge of violaliii na Ration laws in l.-a u lh' port willioiit ck-araiKf pap is atil will pay a lint", but she claims not to have violated the neutrality laws, and tho:-e who have her in charge think the Tiiited States will release her iii a few davs. r.ieiit. Utile of the navy depart ment, has sailed for Ivurope to com plete the plans for reproducing the caravals which formed the licet of Columbus. He carries letters of introduction from the State Depart ment to Minister Grubbs and other representatives of the United States abroad. The Spanish Minister has also ;iven him letters to various officials at Madrid. Before 'oin to Spain Lieut. Little will visit the museums at Paris. Loudon and The Haijue, as valuable historical ma terial can be obtained in those museums. 1 lie lvieutenani n;is consulted with ship builders in this country and they have advised him that the best way to secure a repro duction of the Santa Maria, the I'in ta, and the Nina will be to have the most of the work done by the Span ish or Italian ship-builders. The modern American vessel is so vast ly different from the fleet of Colum bus that shipbuilders here have found it difficult to plan a reproduc tion. They have all agreed, how ever, that tne mettiouist in vo-ue abroad, where ship carpen tery has been handed down from generation to generation, will pro duce results in keeping' with his toric accuracy. Caravals will neces sarily be given a smaller draught than the origi nal vessel of Colum bus, because they are to pass through the Welland Canal, but in other respects the reproduction is likel3 to be a faithful one. be had now in sufficient piantities apparently to meet the country's needs for a century to come at least. As to the latter ixtint there was some doubt until recently, but we believe all misgivings on this score have been removed. In the HIack Hills, it has been discovered, there are immense deposits of tin, while in Southern California, according to late reports, rich stores of the orr are to be had. In both of these sec tions milling is under way, although not yel in anything like the proportion. which it will be compelled lo attain ! y the middle of next year. These facts establish the praeti 4-abiliiv of the production of tin !i!;ile in this country m lieavv i ;u ::H it ies and at reasonable price Direct and ready con i in u n ica t iom between the iron and coal fields and the mills has already been o tabled and the tin mines will soon be similarly situated. We will then need nolliii:" more to tnace us on a level with (ireat IJritain on th score of advantages in pro; 1 net ion excent the de veloi ii len t ol our plants and the training ol our ope ratives, and these will come with time. The item of wages, to b sure, will always remain to tne ad vantage of Great I ri t a i it, bi: t a low- scale o! "i',u:f- neutralize t'lir- when the i.iii.s 1 1 is sii i-ii t !y i- vii-iui.-o here to .oi.ie v.iihin measurable distarce T meeting tin home demand. That is to say. then is a reasonable assurance" that within a few years prices of Amer ican tin-plate will be much cheaper in the I'liiled Slates than the foreign product has been thus jar and the tendency in such a condi tion of development has always lw.Mi toward lower and lower figures. Globe-Den locr-it. THE DIRTY W.-H., A metropolitan Journal claiming recognition, as such, and also claiming to represent a great city and people like Omaha and her population, that will belittle its people and city by the dirty, silly, smart-aleck flings contained in its Sunday issue which were aimed at Kx-President Hayes and son. Kx President Hayes and his son, of course, unuerstand mat tne nin compoop who pretends to edit the World-Herald does not represent Omaha hospitality, Omaha journ alism, Omaha gentility, nor Omaha democracy. It is a pretty adver tisement for a great city fanning itself into the notion that it is a proper place for the next great re publican national convention. The Kansas City Sunday Sun or Vanity Fair have more perpendicu ar decency than the hypothecated straddler alleged to be managed by Young Hitchcock. l ie Parker's (ringer Tnio. Jt cum the wimt Cmigh, Weak I.unc. IX4ility. Iidinoetion, Pain, Take in time, ju eta. HINDERCORN. The only sure cure for Coma. Stupt aTiNuu. Tm. at UrueilMtM, or iilSCOX CO., i. Y. X - Bell-cap-sic PLASTER. CMI rlrk rmlitrf -.a1.ia itlaariavaad hBBbaaKH lovrwiatoooe. gaaii roc aaie or mu isrumm -rrrw Chichestcrs Citeuw. Rea ckoxs n.mf'mr Z TNC ONraiNAfc. MO OIM I Mafia. RESOURCES FOR TIN-PLATE PRO DUCTION. Of course the first consideration which suggests itself when the es tablishment of a new industry is contemplated is as to the resources of the country in the way of pro duction. If it is to be a manufac tured article, inquiry is made as to the extent of the raw material, its adaptability to the purpose in view, and its accessibility to railroads or navigable water courses. These questions have been often asked with reference to tin-plate produc tion, and the answers, in each par ticular, bear out the men who con tend that this industry, with the tariff protection afforded at present, can be established here and devel oped sufficiently to be made self- sustaining eventually without any especial favors from our laws. The fuel for the tin-plate pro ducers is abundant, the iron ore from which the steel sheets are made is obtained in practically ex- haustless amounts ( in many . parts .' V w H AT JOHN BULLSAYS. Pre ident Harrison's copyright proclamation is received in Lug- land with only too charcterist ic mi gracioustiess. "Not of much use to us after all," is the general tone. The conditions are onerous, groans one critic. The act is intended for the protection of the American printer, growls another, ignoring the fact that the American printer was tolerably well protected before. "Its primary object," says this wise and well-mannered writer, "appears to be to protect the American att thor, the American printer, and the American papermakers." "Sup iidkc it were, are British acts of i - - ' Parliament designed, as a rule' to protect British interests or foreign interest? Seldom, indeed, is the Briton capable of seeing things from any point of view but his own Then there is plenty of the old scolding about piracy. Truly an amiable way of welcoming a law which extinguishes piracy. Kven the Times, which ought to be above these petty views, is now saying, "If ten votes.outof onehundredjwere carried by consideration of justice and conscience, thirty were carried by a regard for the interests of American authors, and sixty by the hop of promoting the trade interests of American printer, pape-makers and book-binders." John Bull, in fact, is of the opinion that he ought to be allowed to do printing, as well as thinking, for $60,t)()0,OCO Americans. He consoles himselfjby believing that books for the Eng lish market must still be printed in England. He asks if English buy ers are going to put up with an edi tion of Tennyson or Froude where they will have to read "theater" and other solecisms. Truly, I do not think they will, nor need they, even were the book printed in America. Not all American printers print in Websterese. We have to endure, it is true, seeing Webster's caprices and vulgarities set down to our account, as if, they were American, which they are not. We have to endure also such reproaches as I have quoted, but we have perform ed an act of justice in an honorable manner, and the churlishness of the English conerns the English, not us. New York Tribune. List ot Letters. Remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Plattsmouth. July 8, 1S91, for the week ending Jul 1: Burrows, Al Cunningham. Henry Garrison, Mary A Lobah. Jas McGuyer, Miss Al.ce McCoy, J J Pigjjott. Wm H Kuch, Frank Fuller, Al Hayes. John Mathews. A M McC'laiu, Frank Martlils, Johu Kicliie. W Smith. Latira Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "ad vertised." H. J. Stkeight, P. M "Frosted Cream," the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Gerihg A-Co.'s. The larger cines will b rett's lOt r natent rned-i ' wn & Bar From , tbie A Pearce ,;w-' their ' sum' cost' in' c their fa'" Time Table OOINO WBHT o 1.........3 : a. in Not,.... - 3 B :4ft . tit " 4... . , J 5 H. W. " : -is a. in. " in .. 6 :25 p, m. " VI it 5 :25 . in. t in II a. m. OOINO KAST 6 :03 p. DO. .... .to :ao a. m 7 ;4 p. m. ... 6:46 a. ra. ...10:14 a. m .. ..8 :80 a. in. EC KURDS S ROOT Tne pioneer ineicliant of Carry a full i-tik of miurni inerrlioml isn wliic It tlifysi-11 very rliw. Hitr'ici-t price paid for hU kinds of fiirru p-oduce. (Jen clous tre;ttiiieiitniil f.iir dealing i- tlie s.-4'iet of ollf SUCCCHH. Gil AS L s.OOT. Mnniiy Neb. 'I'.ji: (:i:.,.eijs BANK f!. I Tl - NKI'KASKA 0-iVi'al stock .:il.l in SV t, Aiithorixod Capital, $100,000. nrvtf ki:h : NK CA'tfcfTU. .)'S. A. f 'ON No If '.'r.'-HiilHiit. V ;-I'r-'xi 'i n V. H n'SlliV!. IVtHhir. DltlKCI fiKH ''I'Hik (.'Hrii'tfi A . CuMiiar, J-. ll. i 1 1 ' I. XV. .Inhrii'oii. linnry i-ck,.ii'tin o'l .if.i V. I. Mi-iliiiiii. In. '.Vet'ijralK!, W. FLOUR We pay no rent 1 You 1 1 on' tfpny r wii' ii you buy i TliO best SOJ' IIhikI. IDOXsTT ; AT i. 5 COIlNl t JULIUS PEPI MANtJKACTUItKE n:4NSACTS:A gekekal bamim uusines (H.-s 0Mt:lliMts of fW'jio-its Ix-niini; intfr-(-i Huvs ana ht-ll ext-li;uin'. cnunly and 1Q lO 17 HI IZ 1l C2 1 7 AT THE LEADING GROCERS HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. EVERYTHING - FREEH - AND - IN - SEASON ATTENTION' FAKMERS We want your Poultry', Kgrs, IJut ter and your farm produce of all kinds, we will pay you the highest cash price as we are buying for a tirn in Lincoln. WHOLESALE in.Ar.ii.ii in T, rvi.u LINK' ( r TOBACCO AND SMOKI i aiwayn in Htork. N", MEAT MAI. SIXTH .STKEE. F. If. KI.LK.NIIAUM, The best of fresli meat alwt in this market. Also V Kjrrs and' IJutter. Wild pime of all kinds kept : season. .. ai SIXTH STKKET . Meat icarke B. PETERSEN, THK LKADING GKOCKKS Plattsmouth - - Nebraska K. DRESSU The 5th St. Merchant ' Keeps a Full Uu! of . Consult Your lntnr)Ht by iivini HZ SHERWOOD BLOCK IPle,t t 3 - o rl What is ....vW nmn -i -Tina tiii tntm n "a Cajstoria is Dr. S&mual Pitcher's prescription for T and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morp other Narcotic substance. It is a harm lees mr' for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yer Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worr fererishnees. Castoria prevents vomitta cures Diarrhoea and TVind Colie. Csr teething troubles, cures constipation" Castoria aesimilates the food, regru?' and bowels, giring healthy and T toria is the Children's panacea t Castoria. MCtatovtetoMeselleoanadMBW for dren. KMMMkae repwtBdr Md ( r goodttetirpo thaar cMidram. v ... Dt..ac- OutoriA if the lMar which I s i f " fvdUMtwto" fBtmatoCr- ol the country, e tin or?.""'