V i rr-: -r I U ii 11 (CJt PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. TUESDAY JUNE 3U 1891 NUMBER 254 (ft ) (psliy j Absolutely Pure. ( A cream of l;irt;ir baking powdiT, Highest of all in leavening strenth. v Latest 1'. S. Ooverniueiit Food We-port. CAMS I.OIM'.K. No. 14. I.O. O. K mee ts ey ry Tuenday niulit :it llifir hull in Htzt-'rall block. AIHM.T K. ll.iwf an- ci.rrtialiy invifeil ( atteii't when visitii'U in etiy. T K. Wiii.iam N J. V, Hltll:K. Sri;. Weidman Sc Breckenfeld received a mammoth ice cream freezer this morning for J. I. Antill. The Lchnhoff nine played the Skinners Sunday which resulted in M-.r- of 17 to !l in favor of the Lehnholfs. Mrn. I. I. Belnap. wife of the train master at Lincoln, hat been visit in.f Mm. Cassidv for a few days Slle returned home this morning K. II. Woolev LVq. and Michael Camidy were prominent Weeping-U':it.-r Masons that took liar4 in the corner stone festivities yesterday afternoon. The St. Agnes Guild will give a lawn social at Mrs. J. C Kichey s on Thurslay evening this week. All are cordially invited ice cream and cake ten cents. The river is not ni it- so high here bwt seems to he high enough clown at Kansas City and Atchison whert much damage is oeiiig none o mi titi- of hanks and overllow of chan llels. A. T7-N!(; H OK PYTHIAS. U.iuntl. t lAufa- K no": Meet-everv Veilne-.l;iy evemi:K at th'eir'h Vll In Panned a Vtmk 'l,,., tk- A" . Hint ki.nrht are ror.li:t:ly mvite.l to atteuit. C. V. Marshall. C 1? ; ' ti 1'ovey. K. K. S. YOlM; MKN Sl llltl.vmiN ASSOCIATION Waterman l.I.n-k Main Street. KtM.iiis oi.en from h a in to S :M v ml or men only i;ost.el n.eet.i.K every Si.ii.tay alternoon at 4 oVIoek . C. A R. McCoi.nlhie fort. No. 4... meets every Satur day eveniiitt :it 7 :W . i" tlietr hall. Kockwoo.l Block. All vihimii-' eomrale aie invitea to ...eetw.th,,-. k. Nilei, Tost Adj. F. A Hates. I'ort Cora. TTOKNKY A I.AW. WINDHAM & DAV1ES. u u WINDHAM JOHN A. DAV1KS. Oftlee over Hank of Cafit bounty. PUtt-smouth - - Natasha TTORSEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-I.aw. W ill :ive iromit "J""'"" all Mi-ines enfne-teil to lnui. Oil" m Union block. Kant Si.le. riattMiiouth. eb. JJiUCKER SISTERS. fAKKY A Kf I.I. LINK " 1LLENERY AND fKENCH f LOWEKS. O fre also have ;i tlress makinir .lej.artment. Sat- t isfaction iiuaranteetl. S 1 1 K K WOO I STO K K. 1 ' L AT I SM 01111 Carry Full Line of FINE XILLEXERY AND CHll DUENtS CLOTH IN d. A.SO KKESH CL'T H. WKKS , I VVWOCK. l'I.TTMOUTH -VTEW HARDWARE STORE l " S. K. HALL & SON Kej all kinds of builders hardware on hand and will fHliy eoniraci i...-. orable tern s ': ROOFING : SnoutiDii one. orders from the country Solicited 616'lVaMSt. rLATTSMOUTU, NEB. J)R VIOLA M. FRENCH Physician & Surgeon Of ire with Dr. Shipman HOURS 10: 00 to 12: 00 a. 111. 3 : 00 to 5 : 00 p. Hi. 2 IS. SIIIPMAN n . on (Ail - oo si. ni 2 : 00 to 4 : 00 p. in. Tl,l'inw No 12. i'l.ATTSMOUTH FB IS THE L-K-A-D-I-N G H-O-U-S-K IN THE CITY OK OllONS KfUMSIUStt GOODS v LACES EMBKOIDKKIES KITCHEN E.QVEI.T1 ES TlNWAKK. U.ASSWARE ETC- ETC- The goods we offer on our 5. 10 and 25 cent counters canuo be duplicated elsewhere We hare but ote price, and that the cheapest in town. "THE FAIR" 415 nsEAiisr STEET -it C. McGEB. M. D. -17 t IS LOCATE r la located at Eiht Mile;rove. He has ob tained tbe ottice formerly occupied by MR. MILLER Of that dlace and can be found at all hours ex cept when professionally out. W.I. I lesser left on our table to- ilay a number of boxes of very fin r.nl.i.rrii He reoorts that ves ..nl-iv lie made the la revs t pick lie ever hail, tfatherinjr over 14(uarts f raspberries. There was war on the Rhine last niirht, but no arrests were made; and :.w.. tw li:ittle in over an inventory shows no dead, no wounded, and np man mirtsiuir. It is thought he will show up in time for dinner to-day. Jude Chapman has adjourned district court to September 11th t.-lw... I lie balance of the etillitv busi ness will be taken care of. He went i.t v.-i.rawka Citv tli ih iiioriiinir and will close up the Dtoe county term Friday evening. lolui M. Kiser, Tin: 1 1 UK ALU's pre ferred candidate for sheriff, was in town Saturday, appearing hale and hearty and wearing a look of satis faction that outfht to warn Dave vi.-i v.;., i.-.i n.irr Koss Morrow ami iilhers'that they are in danger of beini; scoopetl. "The Foolish Six" is the name a Nebraska City band of youn.i? lt-.iv. taken, who celebrati l(H I 11 " - - ......... each others birthdays. The foolisli .. .f ,f it will be aonarent when they continue celebrating birthdays after they are tweniy-nve. Mr. L. L. Spooner, representing: the Sootmer Comedy company, is in the city to-day arranjxin.i; tor me couiiii"- ot ins cmhio , a 1 ll... ...i.;.-lt It sniMK a ween, ai Waterman opera house beiniiinj July th. Klias Saire has several thousand ouarts of raspberries this year and thinking the outlook for a rood ..i-.rket was rather slim he has sent v,.tv- vrk for a patent evapora tor by the aid of which he expects to take care ot nis enure nu. Kvaporated rasptierries ot i laus ttV mrn .rrowth oturht to be pretty line and will certainly strike the top ot ine maiivci. Harrv Tohnson was building side walk to-day out on the avenue for Robert Sherwood and had his seven ..;i,.t:ir.nld bov with him. M tr t-T x . ----- - . ti. i:ii,. fp mv in movinir arounu made a misstep and tumbled into a cistern, which, fortunately, was full enough ot water tor me c.uiru (.,il,r n ream me UOV win" lillliv . . -' - . i.i.i.o,i ni to the surface, and was rescued without suffering seri ous injury. Our base ball nine came home from Nebraska City yesterday with their feathers drooping. While thev defeated the Missourians .inrrtnv on a store oi u in o, iiiv wt.vt. j - - were completely sum out m men Siindav afternoon, the score standing A to 0. in favor of . m r IV T 1 A a. . Nebraska City. ine iuu liaiis mmiili nine was not present or the ... . . . . result would nave oeen uiuemu The commissioners finally de cided on using the Kansas City pressed brick for the outside walls of the court house, and a carload ..;,.,! mnrninir The LoillS- cii 1 1,V L ...... - ville brick, made whollj- in this county, are superior in every way ii.. Kansas Citv or St. Louis IV t..N. ------ -J brick, but the local company re- . t .i . . fused to enter into a uonu iu furnish the reouired number, as V - . . r ' , 9 the- have out tew on nanu. The teacherslnormal opened up at Weeping Water yesterday under verv favorable auspices. A splen ,t:.i i;i rf itistrnctors have been (IIU tiitv - " " ' -" en""a'etl and a profitable season or workis promised the .attendants. Thirty-five teachers were present ..T-,t-.i- niortiinj-"- to le"'in in the work, and as many more are ex pected to-day. The Plattsmouth ,..,i,ard iv-ill find this an. excellent opportunity to brighten ttp for the ..AUgUSt e.XUIIllllcllllJIlI-. Th copper box which was placed in the corner stone was 7?4 in wide at the top and 15 inches long, while -it bottom it was b-t wide 14 inches long and 5 inches deep. It . . II-.! J I was matte oy .'lessers v eiuinaii x Breckenfield, and if the building ci.nnlil Tie bombarded and deniol- ishetl by hostile Iowa or Missouri 4-;itca n tninrlrl vcira from now ii rnnniT litv will be fmiiitl to con tain much valuable history of this county. I'KRSONAL lacob Ileinrich. the restauranter is in Omaha to-day. Mrs Frank Palmer and Mrs. Will White are at the Metropolis to-day. Mrs Senator Thomas is visitilllT relatives at Weeping Water this week. It Toil,! went to Lincoln to day to look after our state assess ment. Mr Sebil.lknechts mother is verv low but little hopes of her recovery are entertained. I i MIju f I - 1 1 ; Sullivan will visit her aunt. Mrs. L. C. Krvin. at Omaha for a couple of weeks. lames Crawford. W. L. Wells, Cieotge Mattison and C. J. Zarr of South ISend are in the city to-day. Miss Carrie (ireUsel Weill to U'.-eoiiM.- Water to-dav to attend the - - i i-. - - teachers normal now in session there. A W Talbot, the Missouri Pacific attorney, came down from Lincoln this morning on coiupau misi-nesH. Mr. Oldfield. of Chicngo, came in this morning and will be the guest of I'errv Walker and family for a few days. Mr I)r I atta of Lincoln, after a pleasant visit with her sister. Mrs. A If White, and other relatives, returned home this morning. Mrs I M Patterson with Miss Kdith. Lu Simpson. Dick Waugh and others departed for Crete this morning to attend the Chautauqua. Miss Amelia Vallery will Ieavethi evening on the flyer for Chicago to visit relatives for a few weeks, and enjoy the exh iterating breey.es from Lake Michigan. Deuree of Honor. Star of Nebraska Lodge, thirty- eight members. Degree of Honor A. O. V. W., was instituted by J. A. Ciutsche, district deputy, last eve ning. The officers for the ensuing term are: Mrs. D. It. hbersole. Past Worthy Sister of Honor; Mrs. Frank Hoyd. Worthy Sister of Honor; Mrs. I). "H. Smith. Sister of Honor; Mrs. M. X . T raver. Sister of Ceremonies; Miss Del le Vermilyea, Sister Secre tary; Mrs. C. S. Forbes. Sister Trea surer; Mrs. lieorge l.. i remiss. Sister Usher. The lodge will meet alternate Monday evenings in A. O. I . W . lodge room. lee cream ami cake were served after lodge closed and a general pleasant social time was had. 1 his is the first lodge in this degree ever organized in the county. Plattsmouth Turners. As predicted by the THE IlEKALD Plattsmouths band of Athletes proved victorious at Fremont, and carried home with them the bulk oi the priy.es. The Fremont Turn bezirk was composed of representa tive turners from all over the state each town or city sending its best members, so that the victory of the Plattsmouth boys makes them the recotrnized champions of Nebraska Prof. Kummerow has done an ex cellent work training the class as their recent work conclusively shows. The prizes were distributed Soeietv tirize Plattsmouth. hrst: Fremont, second; Omaha, third. W-r tlie sit best all arounu turners Kirt Karl Hanni. J'lattsmoum second. Sam Patterson, Platts- lttiAlt h,-third Paul Wurl. Platts - ww ww 1 1 i , - nmniii- fnnrih. n. tie ncner, nans mouth; iifth. F.mil uri. I'jaiis- mouth; stxth. Henry iuKwcuer Plattsmouth. Iole -nilltino". DUttllllT tile Shot. hitrh lumping Paul Wurl; Platts- y . , ,ir , -in.. .... mouth, urst. mini v uri. i mh!- mouth. second; Walter Price, fre- mant, third. Bmt WaHii!' First. Toe Pfeil, Sioux Citv; second, Kmil Wurl. Plattsmouth; third. Otto Neider weiser, Omaha; fourth. Otto Kreps. Sioux City. Boys' Class Alfred 1 tiller, Fre mont, first; Isaac Sickel, Fremont. Albert Xast. Omaha, second; Clias. Schw artz. Lincoln; Karl Heils, Sioux City; and Otto Wurl, Platts mouth, third; Edward Grotte, Oma ha, fourth; iert Dana, rremom, and Otto Wittman. Lincoln fifth; Kdward Haschenburg. Lincom, sixth. The Short Line. The Missouri Pacific's cut-off be tween Union and'Gilmore has been completed, but nothing has been done as yet toward running trains over it. Superintendent Dickinson went over the road Saturday, anti will recommend to General Manager Clark that a stub train be run over the road for a couple of months un til the road bed gets solid, before putting any hevy trains on it. Thi new road nt twentv-eisrh t miles shortens the distance between Kansas City and Omaha about rtrtiv-rine miles, and will be Used entirely for through freight and passenger trams as soon as it is in .irtifirm tor heriv-v trains, wnicn will be about two months from this time. Tim -rtmict ofriinninir the Mis annri T-ar-ific trains into the Tenth street depot has been talked of for enm i mi nut nntnintr oeiinite nas been decided on. It' is probable 4V,ot fhia xi-ill not be done until the new depot is completed. Omaha $ee. We are glad to note that Father Carney is much better and if noth ing happens will be out soon. Miss Hirdie Ilouseworth came in from Hiirliugtou this morning ami will visit her brother George and fa in i ly. A. It. Ktiotts is moving into his cosy cottage to-day, which he has recently erected iii South Park near K. K. H'iltons. Kd M. Maker files a petition for a divorce against Mattte 1 taker charg ing herwith adultery. The parties reside at Klmwood. . D. lones. It. tt M. baggage agent at Lincoln, was in the city yesterday the guest of Mrs. Fagui and her daughter. Mrs. Ritchie. He re turned home this morning. The ball game yesterday was only fairly well attended and resulted in a score of 10 for the It. t M s. and one for the Falconers. Another gameis being played today. Pearlman had another runaway this morning, turned the wagon iinside down and broke tiOltie liar ness. As the wagon was loaded with undresses no turtlier itamagt was done. To anxious correspondent:- No sir' it is not true that the big send otT given the Omaha chief of police bp the Nebraska City Press was a return for favors received by the editor of that Journal while 'seeing' Omaha recently. He was simply recognizing true merit. The notorious Neal is to hang. The supreme court has sealed his doom and hxed theUth u.iy ot ucio- ber as the ila- oi execution. .eai u will be remembered is the notori ous murderer of Mr. and Mrs.Jones, two old people who lived aione on a farm near South Omaha. Neal's real name has never been liscover ed; now since he is to tlie a felon maybe he will tell who he is. Mr.Jutl Knotts and daughter of Murray, Iowa, came in last evening from the west and are guests of Mr. Knotts neoliew. A. It. Ktiotts of the Mrv.w n Mr. K. has been over York ami some of the western counties. He says the wheat crop will be phe iwtmetial in that coimtrv ami that he saw-fields of fall wheat that were estimated at thirty-live bushels per acre ami no one iiiougnt mengures too high alter seeing it. READ AT-3D LOOK AT THIS SPEC A SALE. T CEDE I TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF TT 1 EMBROIDEEED - FL0U1TCIFGS, VK II A VI-; M A D1C A ieep Out in Prices One lot of Flounciugs at !'.' worth double Great Sncrifice Sale. From this date forward Dawson Sc Pearce will sell the remainder of their summer stock at and below cost in tinier to make ready for their fall stock. d(iw2 One lot of white Flouncing at $2.00; pattern worlli s: 00. One lot of white cream and FloiiHcings reduced to $;.20. A pattern of this lot comprises goods worth up to ;.00 a pattern. One lot of white and black Floiincino-s reduced to $5.00. A pattern some oods in thin lot for merly sold at $10.00 a pattern. All our patterns contain 1 A jd of material. ALL OF OUR FANCY PLUSH ORNAMENT REDUCED TO 5 CENTS EACH. F. HERRMANN IIKNDKK SKLLS Golden machine oil at 'JO c. ltlack machine of at 2.ic. Perfection Castor oil at 3.i c Lard tiil at 4." c. tlfit. HARDWARE FOB CASH Oil A WONDERFUL SHOE. Frank Davis, of the Schildknecht shoe emporium, has recently taken the agency for the model ladies shoe which for comfort and beaut- never was equaled. It is a hand turned shoe with cork insole and must be seen to be appreciated. Call at Schildkecht's and examine the stock as they have the exclusive sale of these goods. One of the shoes is onexibition cut in two that buyers may see how- it is made, dtf Fourth of July Meeting. The members of the following special committees are called to meet at the office of the county judge at S o'clock p. m. sharp Wed nesday evening July 1st: Finance Committee 1-. Morgan Geo. Weidman and R. W. Hyers. Committee on Speakers A, N. Sullivan, A. B. Knotts. C. W. Sher man and K. Ii. Windham. Committee on Grounds W. H. Pickens. Geo. Poisall and F. M. Riche3 Committee on Decoration D. B. Smith. Val Burkel, O. A. Brown, Mrs- T. N. Wise , Mrs. C. Parmele and Mrs. J. P. Young. ittef on Invitations. Print- -jh Proo-rams R. B- Windham. F. F;. White, Sam Waugh and O. II. Ballou- , Committee on Fireworks J. P. Young, lorn Patterson and D. C. McKntee. Committee on Music Fred Lehn hoff, James Pettee, James Pollock. J. II. Youdg, Carl Hoeing and John Lutz. Committee on Amusements II. N. Dovey, II. Bons, C. Breckenfield, F. Morgan and W. B. Short. Reception Committee J. M. Pat terson, Fred Herman, W. dishing, B. F;ison Wm. Neville, J. C. Cum mins. J. A. Gutsche, J. C. Petersen, D. M. Lewis, and D. Hawksworth. Committee on Transportation F. K. White, Byron Clark. A. N. Sulli van and A. B. Todd. M. B. Ml'KFHY. Chairman Committee on Genral Arrangements. Furnished Room to Pent. Enquire of Ii. W. Gibson, corner of Seventh street and Washington . . . . A 1 . . T?-. n hv 1 1 1 flair rr week. Gentleman preferred. d6t Having purchased the U. V Mathew's in terest in the firm of J W, Hendce & Ca I now propose to stay in Plattsmouth and sell hard ware FOR-CASH -ONLY At prices that are within the reach of all. Everything in our stock a bar gam. look over our usi ami -see n n ..i - thing you need. I k it 1 I, I 4.TU0 lbs cut nails. 3c per lb to close IfJO do, carpet tack, 1c per paper . i,0 fs.rri Rest clothes wrimrer made, iZ.U) Ster. ladders from W cts up cent spades for . cts. Tinware at reduced prices Ml ct handsaws for nets Brooms, la to 2acts Churns, HOcts 1o -tl IXJ Chopping bowls, 19 to 34cts Wash boards, lOcts Bushel corn oasKets, ivicts Leather back all bristle horse brushes, toe. Leather back all bristle horse brushes. 40c. Cook stoves at cost to close. fwttlrio Other articles too numerous to mention at correspondingly JowfpriceH 1 . . .,,.11 oi.r-l'fif iK :lik Conie and &et us. jveineuiiL-r wt- ,v NOT - ONE - CENT - ON - TIME. J W HEN DEE E OIAI ALE IS OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF Ladies, Misses, Boys, Childrcns and Infants Summer Goods. THEY ARE Att VIKST Gt A88 AND OF THE VERY LATEST STYLE. ACTOS FOR ALL CALL AND BE CONVINCED. v i t V - t ft I