Tl 1 is 1 i. a. m- " M I ;3t ft. B. ......... .. :3S,n. - 11. 6:25 . H. it 11 6 a. m. EDMUNDS & ROOT Tne pioneer meichant of Carry a full stock f general nerchondme which thejaell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of fart produce. Gen Croat treatnaeatand fair dealing ia tke secret of our nucces. CIIAS L HOOT, Notary Public Murray Neb. The Citizens BANK PLATTSMOUTII - KEIIKASKA Uayltal nlmck paid in PV 0 C Authorized Capital, SIOO.OOO. OFFICER! rKANK OAKRUT1I. JOS. A. CONNOK, frmident. VTce-Preit-..t W. H. CU8HINO. Ca-hier. I I KF.CTOMH Prank Carruth J. A. Counor. K. K. ;utbn him J. W. Johneoii. Henry Bo-ck. John O'Keef W. 1). M-rriam, Win. Weteticaiup, W. II. Cushion. TEANSACTS'i GENERAL BANKING BUSINES sues certificates of deposits bearing intereet Buys aud Helix exchange. county and city u n THE LEADING GROCERS HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. 7E?riTHIS3 - FRESH - AND -!;! ATTEXTIOX FA KM ENS OWe want your Poultry. Hif4"ss. But tcr :iii1 your farm produce of all kinds, we will pay you the highest cash price as we are buying for a Urn in Linc oln. R. PETERSEN, TIIK I. HADING GKOCKKS J'lattsmouth - - Nebraska What is nnnWNVW' I irni in 1 ii lMMiiiMi mwiiv'i inimfrirtTinmin i i Curtri ia Dr. &jnal Pitcher's frm otiptto Car TnflwIiH and Cb !!. It ntaing noithar Opina, If 4 other KrMti nkflUaee. for Parsgorie, Irop, otIilnf: Mjrmgm, mmd. Omakmr Oil. It im PI t. IU ruututM is tklrtr jm mmo y KllliOM ml Mtfcnu Cutori ArrriaJaKaB. C tL preYnt mure XMarrhoMa ad 'Wind ' teething trublM, arti eoatiptia sua An4mmnmj Cartoria, Miaailfl the fod, reguhrtf atawfh and bowels, Kirinr iMalthj and aataral aieep. Cat toria is the Children's Ianaoea the Kether's Friead. Castoria. fimn. If &m. S. C. Omnooo, -Cartflriata lh Aar kM (ar Iktrwl Da. J. T. IntniLOC, Oannrmr, Ark. 1 ofte fr Wvd oo . ar lart M"". norpM, xateg ayrvp -4 taw avrtfmi jjujia 4mm u bir Hnii, acby andu The Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, New York City. WHOLESALE & RETAIl BALEB IK THB Thoicest Brands of Oiga's, TVLh LINK Of TOBACCO AND HMOKEK' Alt TU Lr. always in stock. Nov. art. 1 The' WaHlimf ton A veil in- GROCER. AM Provision Merchants. 1 1 fin quarter for FLOUR i We pay no rent and nil mr CASH. You donVpa,y any bills mi hi) l,irs wh'-n you buy of tlii linn. The best SOFT COAL nl-nys oi. Hand. J303STT FORGET AT TIIK 5 COBTsTERS 5 MEAT MAPKETi sixth s.n-";r.T F. II. I-l.I.KMiAl'.M, Prop. The hest of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh K"rrs anil Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. Mtfl.X... I K I". li 1 EAT MARKET m l DRESSL The 5th St. Merchant Taibr Keeps a Full Line of ForsiTfl i otwik 2))i - Consult Your lnteres by Uviu His:- a -ll SHERWOOD BLOCK Pla t tram i tlj It 1 d4ijr Wi Coli. Cato-ria. Cm aria it Wl ayil rfiSfcaw tilt I ilu Junifc jiirif ar pg eripaw kawa to bmm H. A. Ai in So. orf4 at.. : ptuJai, ft we are ftrw to eqateaa aha ffBa BMriks Oi iliiln, kM wn as to look wte favor npa k." VfTwmo Hoaniii Aia inana. Boatoa, Iuxk C SanrB, Fret-, EH. BManat -Ow yajilil i i in w aktlihi 4eaaV tana aav ayokM aicr tar n trial om a tnay naali i latin vWh Oi Hula, atatvjk v Bir aaw asaonc a . , on the Missouri, A collieioii on the river yesterday was an unueital trene for the river front loafetH that for a time was quite interesting. It :-eeins a man and woman and a liltle boy started in a nkitf for the Io a shore, but in pausing Willow inland they ran aground and stm k fast on the bar. About this time a larje Hat-boat with a house built on it was seen bearing down upon the ski'T and it looked as though the oeeupants would be Killed; they hail sufficient presenee cf mind, however, to jump out of the boat into the. muddy Missouri and wade out of the way of the unweldy flat-boat. And .they did it none too soon either for they had scarcely jot out of its course when crash went the skiff under the prow of the boat and it was trans lorn led into splintera in an instant. The occupants of the tlat-boat threw out a line and hauled the unfortunates ahoadand they all floated peacefully down to Rock Point where the boat was halted and tied up for the day. The crowd in the skiff were residents of the IoAa bottoms while the other parties were from f,r up the river "Frosted Cream," the latest and greatest drink of the ae, at Germy !t Co.s. 10t PHKSONAI. Joe is in Omaha to-day. A. J, Graves is at La Platte to-day on leyal business. Mr. and Mrs. Wallah came in from Crete this morning. Hiiineer Green and wifedeparted this morning for California. Mart Traver started this morning for New Castle, having engine 20'J in charge. Misses Margaret Davis and Blanch Kennedy returned from Greenwood this morning. Captain Palmer home ajain "in h's :0..h Pa -i lie coast trip much improved for the outing. Mrs. L. A. Turner, after a pleasant visit willi her friend, .Miss Kate Sladelman. returned to Omaha this morniui;-. Mrs. W. J. Swart., of Harrisbur-li. Pa., returned home this morning, after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Fleck of this city. F. S. White started out on another oil inspecting tour this morning As an oil room keeper I'ncle Frank has proven himself : u artist. Col. G.-eusel ami wife of Hurlini; ton came in Monday to attend the funeral of M .. Hailey. and will visit with relaiives here until to morrow. Arrivals at the Perkins: Win. Moore. I'nion; Hmil J. Peck, Salisco, Nebraska; W. Ramsou. Kansas City; Chas. S. Maiowii. Iowa City; Chas Despl.iin. Louisville; C. A. Johnson, J. L. Jenkins, K. ILWooley. Lincoln; N. P. Greuel, Det.oit. Mich.; J. 11. Holmes. C'hi.iio; Chas. Berry, Hastings; W. T. Allen. Ashland; George Hansen, Manley; The largest line tif patent med-i cities will be found at Brown it Bar clfs tf No Limit to the Rain. The rain bea i noiri'i (Idw:i in vtili'- tor ents be o: e noon to-day. a h1 by 1 o'clock Hie sewe s in the city were for tlv i5-st time ': . -d to their ml est capacity. A trip to the mouth of Ihe sewer al the liver showed both openings dischari'tipf into the river every gallon of water they could c:n ry. thus showing that there was no stoppage anywhere in the sewer. The Washington avenue sewer failed lo c:rry the surplus of water and 1 he sireet was filled two or three feet deep for several blocks in t ha t v ici n i ty. ConCoffeys cellars, well and cistern were filled level full of muddy water, side walks and weotl pile were drifted out into the street. Holmes barn was filled with water while the McCann tenauts at the corner of Sixth and Vine reveled in four feet of water in their basement. The water did less damage at other points and went down here soon so that the sewer was able to carry it off. There must have been a water spout up Chicago avenue as noth ing like that amount of water ever fell there before or fell anywhere else in the city to-day. For all forms of nasal catarrh where there is dryness of the air pas sages with what is commonly call ed "stuffing up" especially when go ing to bed, Kly's Cream Balm gives immediate relief. Its benefit to me has been priceless. A. G. Case, M. D.. Millwood, Kansas. One of my children had a very bad discharge f-om her nose. Two physicians prescribed, but wilhout benefit. We tried Kly's Cream Balm and, much to our surprise there was a marked improvement. We continued using the Balm and in a short time the discharge was cured. O. A. Cary. Corning, N Y. Fmglish Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft and calloused lumps and blemishes from horses' blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweney, ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swol len throats, coughs, etc. Save $a0 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemished cure ever known. Ixild byF. Fricke drusrgist. Plattsmouh. wtf tiik icttamjsrq ojik-viigk Opera House Corner PL ATTSMOUTH A'-ittle -irls Experience in a Light house. Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four years. Last April she taken down with Measles, followed with dreadful Cough and turned into a fever. Doctors at home and al Detroit treated, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, nnt)l she was a mere" handful of bones". Then she teied Dr. King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King.s New D'scovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial") boltle free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore. A furnished room to rent. Kn quire at 414 Vine stree ., or at THE Herald office. dot Fourth of Ju y Musi". The committee in charge of music for the Fourth especially request all those willing to sing at the cel ebration to meet at the Presbyterian church Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. By order of com mittee. d't ttr. A. Sllnhury has the exeliwlTe rtfrht to ne ir. SUU n' I-iMMil Annthetic for the Painlesn txtractita of Teeth ia thiKcitj. Office Korkwood H'.ork. W Anted Au active, relioble man-salary 70 to $80 monthlv. with increase, to reprefent la hie own paction a responsible New York House. References, manltactlkek. Lack 8ox 155, New York. First National BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid ap capital Surplui $!50,0!K),00 10.009.09 Oflera the very beet facilities for the promp transaction of ligitimate Banking Business dtocke, bands, gold, government and local ee juritiee bought and sold. Deposits received and interest allowed oa the certificate Drafts drawn, available in any part of the Unite States and all the principal tewns of Sarope. -OLLKCTIONS HAIR AND PROMPTLY REMIT TED. dtghest market price paid for OouDty War rants, State ana County bonds. DIRECTORS John "r it-:grald D. Hawkworth Sans Waugh, F. K. Whiie iieorge K. Davey John FitKrald. 8. Waugh. President Ca t er RS. ROSE CAPLE. FISE PASTEL A B CRAT0 P0KTKAI1S. Thorough instruction in Pastel, Crayon aim Frte hard drawing. EILPJ3IN TINljS HL NATURE Landscapes. Fruit and Flowers. No, Elm ht. Pkttsmouth, Neb. r i ' rv jsr i m;Yi of , J 0 E , HARDWARE GHEP NOTE SOME OF MY CASH EQUALED mmmmm mmm f mm $2.a0 clothes wringer now ''IX) .'17t egg beatei f now Ii0 .T.7) grass scythe now ."(i .:$." wash iloard now 7t 1.1 ) grain scoop 'now .." ,ll lard t-an now , iT 1.1a grain scoop now M I..(l wash boiier now 1) l.'J.l grain scoop now So .2:) stove pipe now 12 1.1a spade now ''" gun powd-r I y Ki-g, '17t lbs 7.27i l.(K) sjiade now r stove boanls at cost .7.") shovels now 1 .'J. screen doors now 1.15 .75 manure fork a) wi.idow screens or! of sight, .51) hay fork 4 t Hon clmlil -'wing machine ... .20.00 .45 hay fork .'15 inware al boilom prices. L(.0 huiid saw 5) 'i able cut lery less than coif. 1 85 bulher saw now 1.40 Shears and ra.ors never as low now. 1.75 buther saw now 1.35 20d cui spikes 2.50 per keg, 1.05 carpenter saw now 1.25 3d fine spike nails $3.00 per keg. AND THOUSANDS F OTIIEK ARTICLES TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF For Cash Only At The Atove Prices NOW IS TIIK TIMK TO GKT BARGAINS. jr. FinuLrfsir HAVELOCK ARE YOU - GOING - IP Remember that U. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of LUMBER A1TD ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Tliinirs R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. J iff A gt.cOti-(iki PRICES NEVER BEFORE IN THIS CITY. joetbisolt. TO - BUILD THERE? so