The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 22, 1891, Image 3

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    - -.'... - J!. . . ,
, r-i,.- r-;"" TS""' -"f
4 '
v sito '! Muin
temouth, - Mobraska.
H. M. BOMS. Propria ir
L IN-rltin linn been tli''mjrlilj
' ,Vted from top tc '.tfoti.
ono of tli'5 beat hotels in tin: state
J lers will lo taken by the week at
4.06 anil up.
County Surveyor
All orders left with County Clerk will
receive prompt attention.
Bridge work'and fine gold work a
dA. STEIN ACS LOC! T. as well as other fan
StUetlclven tortl. painless extra-ntou of
' . 1 , Tl
A strictly Hrst cla machine, fully warrant
ed. Made 'from the very best material b
killed workmen, and with the 1-est tools tiat
have ever been devised for the purpose. War
ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex
pected of the very best typewriter extant
doable of writing 1 words per ininute-oi
o?e-aVcordl"gtoShe ability of the operator.
VllICE $100
If there Is no aent la your town address the
Agents wanted Parish tt. Y.
Lincoln, Neb,
for the
life of
An intensely intere-ting toft-?1
greatest showman of the world, making ror
fun. risking millions. .ntBrtwynj Kui and
Qaeens. and known the world over. BY an
nuimate friend In swar on 'nr t e- f
iVrH. outfit Aieuts eys
the Life of Sherman. V,taK,-VaM, l.beral
fast selling books and bibles. Most liberal
term. BURNS BOOK Q.t Loin. Mo.
a nf TnrC3 Make 100 per cent net on my
AlT"IM lb rorsts. Belts. Brushes Curlers
ind Medicines Samples free. Write now, Dr
Bridgman, 371 Broadway. N V.
Vui aH KS,
Package nukes 6 gallon. Delicious. sparkling, and
appetizing-. Sold t all d Balers. A beautiful Pictnra
i Book and cards sent FKKtS to any on sending
artijisss to tlu U. K. UIHES OO.. Philadelphia. Pa.
I IJ I I I a by fck'lBTijblrTabaUr ert'iib-
UK lM Mf&m !. WkUfOTS bnrd. Comfnrtsb:..
r 1 1 1 rr si i r.u-drs fj I . SoldbTr. Hlmx.orilv, rt'C
893 Braadvs, w Tsrk. Wri tcr buuk u( pcwul IlLC
.1 PPS'S
CTnansf and brantific the kak.
PruiMotM a luxuriant growth.
If ever Tails) to Bettors Gray
Hair to ita Youthful Color.
Ctares sralp diaruas hair falling.
Wr. and jl uill PrurrwM
wlilSnU KhlibSai; :KE,Tik. in Un,
. i n: . It pnrM t K Wmt t fill fl-
, onrr ar oar tot om.
or UlicVX A CO., N. Y.
Dr. Grosvenor's
i-- .lafaiud Inmbaco
m.--raa7o ssTnuiisc.
. A
1 i . !
sat) i
Cood News.
So one, who iM vril&uz to adopt Che rlhl
eoarM, ned be lone aJJUcWxl with koUa, ou
tiMMlM, puuiilua. or oUier culanaou erap
ttoufl. These are the results of Natore's ef
forts U expel poisonoiw and efTU matter
from Ute blood, and snow plainly UuU lite
system Is riddmc Rsclf through the skin of
impurities which it was Uie legitimate work
af Uu liver and kidneys to remove. To re
store those organs lu their propvr functions,
Ayefs Sarsaparilla is the medicine required.
That no other Unod-rwlfler ean eotnparo
wiUi U, luosiaaads UxUiy wno have gukteU
trorts tho tyranny of dspraved blood by tba
usn of this Medicine.
" for nine years I vas aJBirted with a skin that ld Bt yield to any remrxly
until a friend advised tsn to try Ayer's Santa
parilla. With Uo tie of thh medicine the
eouiplnlnt disarired. It Is my belief tlwt
rto ottier blood medlr-lne could have offeotod
so rapid and complete a cure." Andres
I. Cftroto, C. Victoria, Tamaullpas, Mexico.
"My face, for yoars, was covered wltb pim
ples and humors, for which I could find no
remedy till I bogaa to take Ayer's Sarsaja
rilla. Three bottles of this jcreat blood medi
cine effected a thorongh cure. I confidently
recommend It to all sufferitiB from similar
troubles." M. rarfcor, Concord, XL
rarim bt '
DB. J. C. ATKB fc CO., towell, Maasu
Bold by Dmg-- -- Worth 5 a hotels.
W'aon and Blacksmith shop
VVagon, Buggy, Machine and
plow Ueptiria done
He uses the J
Which is th best horseshoe for the
farmer. r for fast driving, or for city
purposes ever invented. It is 60 made
that anyone ccn put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
lays, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
his shop nnd examine the
snd you will uso no other.
l2Nrth Fifth St. Plattsmnuth
Baudot Cass Co uatj
Cor Main and Fifth street.
Paid up capital 5i one
arplu 25 ono
J. H. Tarne President
'red tiorder Vice PresMsmt
I. M. Patterson ;aslieii
T. M. Patterson. Ast Cashier
J. II. Parmele. J. M. Patterson. Fred Gorder.
4, 15. Smith, K. IS. Wipdham. B. S. Ramsey and
r. M.Patterson
Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time
leposUs and prompt at tentiougiven to all bus
ness entrusted to its care.
cr S
ca. - ;s
ouArrcklji, Liver-Moles,
Plmplea, Black-Heala, Sunburn
and Tan. A few applications will ren
der the mot Btubborrsly red pkin eoft,
smooth and white, Viola Cream is
not a paint or powder to cover defocta,
but a remedy to cure. It is superior to
all other preparations, and is rtiaranted
to give mtisJact:on. At druggists or mail
ed for SO cents. Prepared by
Tolsds. Ohio. Ci. C sUTTSTSB CO.
rciuBsl. Bnoks IvM-ned
I part, "r ssJPyxntM
nsm-issat awsfcsWsn f Prot.
tUw u( J! uut An, nww in. rfljM-riil nrsla.
C- a i ! 4
ii'tHi rn
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rfs5-i - 13 1 .
r n r - r, c cya S
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2 ; ? o s
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? I HNS 1 1
fcW'ia Laa LvJ La V
Wen thet ol' apple tree wuz yoimg.
The worl' wiu bctu-r liien than now.
An' life vtu hr.ppiiT. anyhow,
W'beu thet ol tree wiu yuunc.
A tbouMun' iicr then I ilut;.
An never foan' a t:ttcr hug,
WVu thet ol tree w u. iuiik'.
The worl' wuz full of fun
As t hky wuz full of sun,
Won thet ol' tree wuz youns-
Wen thet ol' apple tree wuz young,
Tliero wuz no weevils on the wheat.
An' fond they cooked wuz fit to eat.
Wen thet ol trco wuz young.
An' nil tlio Kirla wore their own hair.
An' never bought it anywhere.
Wen thet ol tree wuz young.
Men held kerrect ideca.
Not wicked heresies.
Wen thet ol trco wuz young.
Wen thet ol upplo treo wuz young.
Men never used to lie an cheat.
An' women all were good an' ewoot.
Wen thet ol treo wuz young.
The years have ru.iheil a reg' whirl.
It beenis tho sunrise of tho worl'.
Wen thet ol treo wuz young.
For every thin wuz new.
An' drenched in mornin' dew.
Wen thet ol' treo wuz young.
Wen thet ol' npple tree wuz young,
Tho sun looked down on brighter waves.
An' lit a Ian' of fewer graves.
Wen thet ol' treo wuz young.
Tho worl' wuz better then, my son.
An' better, nobler -deeds were dono.
Wen thet ol' treo wuz young.
Now I sit an wait,
liut then I fought with fato
Wen thet ol' treo wuz young.
Yankee Blade.
A Deuthbed Question.
Not long before hia death Barnum
summoned his lawyer to the side of the
couch whero he was lying. "I am very
much worried," he said, "about a certain
matter, and I want to consult you. My
neighbor keeps peacocks. Suppose soiuo
of them should fly over into iny yard
which they are doing all the time and
lay some eggs here. Would those eggs
belong to me, or could my neighbor com
pel me to give them up?"
The lawyer, having duly scratched his
head, answered: "Well, Mr. Barnum, I
must take time to look into this matter.
But the best thing for you to do would
be to keep the eggs and let your neigh
bor sue for their possession. In that way
your rights would be determined and
we should have a very valuable test
case." "Well," said Barnum, "while
you are looking into the matter will you
find out how it would be if the eggs
were laid by peahens?" The lawyer
swore softly to himself, but never nAde
any investigation. San Francisco Argo
naut. A Unique Character.
A unique character in the Princeton
college faculty is Joseph Korge, profess
or of modern languages. Adventure
and experience of a rough nature have
marked Ids life, the earlier part of which
was spent in Europe. Coming from a
family of Polish gentlemen who made
arms their profession, lie went into the
German army soon after finishing his
university education, and for a time was
closely associated with Prince Frederick.
Later on the Polish insurrection drew
him into it and made a longer residence
within Russian dominions undesirable.
So the ardent Pole came to this country,
and won distinction in the Union army
before he settled down as a pedagogue
under the shadow of old Nassau. Har
per's Weekly.
About Hook Reviewing.
An expert book reviewer does not need
to read a book thoroughly in order to de
scribe it sufficiently for his purpose.
Most newspaper book reviews are mere
descriptions and not criticisms, and such
notices can be written quickly by one
who has had experience and has the
necessary ability. When a publisher
sends in a book of sufficient importance
to deserve a careful criticism, either the
editor takes time to read it or he dele
gates the work to somebody else. There
are a few papers that always give care
ful reviews of the books they notice, but
their number is very small. Writer.
A Statue of Columbus.
This city owns one piece of statuary
that few persons see, although it is a
work peculiarly significant because of the
approaching anniversary. Standing in
the gloom of the first floor hall in the
arsenal building in Central park is a
marble statue of Columbus of heroic size.
l is the work of Emma Stebbins, and it
was made in Rome in 1867. The great
discoverer Btands with one hand on the
tiller and the other grasping the light
mantle about his shonlders. New York
Dot aud Her Kitten.
Little Dot Mamma, my kitty is
Mamma Why do you think so?
Little Dot "Cause she went to my toy
kitchen and began workin' at ze pump
handle wiz her paw.
Mamma (smiling) You are very con
siderate with your kitty, my pet.
Little Dot Kitty is too sweet for any
sing. I don't wonder she is always lick
ing herself. Good News.
lust tbe Same.
The other day a Virginia negro dug
np a shell at Malvern Hill which bad
been buried since 18b'2, but when he put
it to roast in a fire so as to get at the
kernel it went off and killed a plow
horse and left the darkey only one leg
to go on for the rest of his life. Thoae
old shells were loaded for b'ar. Detroit
Free Press.
Masculine Intuitin.
Mr. Simkins Our new neighbor, Mrs.
Lamkins, is not a very neat housekeeper,
is she?
Mrs. Simkins Indeed she isn't. She
lets things lay around every which way.
How did you know?
Mr. Simkins Oh, her husband looks
so jolly. New York Weekly.
It takes Zola nine months to write a
novel. He handles a pen as a laborer
might a spade, and is a slow and painful
toiler. The expression on his face when
he is doing literary work is one of tor
ment. On the second day of the week the old
Saxons worshiped the moon, calling it
"Moonday." We drop on o" and call
it Monday.
Heading Selections from tUo Paper.
It was one of thtjco wild nights you
read of in nine novels out of ten.
. The cold spring rain splauhed vicious
ly against the panes, and the shutters
rattled and banged as the fitful gusts of
wind swept through the deserted streets.
It was lodgi night, but Brother Fay
concluded to stay at homo for once, par
ticularly as his mothci -in-law was on
her periodical inspection tour, and spend
ing a couple of days with him.
With a sigh he rolled back in the
rocker, his feet in a chair and a uews
pajer spread open before him like a
Presently he chuckled, and wife and
mother looked up from their sewing in
quiringly. "Rather a remarkable case," he ex
claimed, looking over the top of the
paper, and with a suspicious twitch
about the corners of his mouth he read
aloud :
"A model husband died recently at
Cornish, N. II. He had been married
forty -three years and never 6pent a night
away from home."
"Well, I should say he was a model
husband," broke in the old lady, grimly.
"Just think of it, Mary dear, forty-three
years and every evening sent at homo.
No lodge could coax him away from his
family," she added, significantly. "Poor
man, he ought to have a monument a
mile high," and she sighed deeply.
Brother Fay held the paper a little
higher and continued:
"Never spent a night from home. He
was paralyzed."
Without the storm beat harder and
louder (a habit storms have at such
times), while within silence reigned, save
the suppressed rustle of the paper and
the "swish" of the thread through the
pillow case the old lady was working on.
National Weekly.
Characteristics of the Uruguayans.
The whole Banda Oriental and its in
habitants strike one as being more re
fined, more amiable and more gentle
than the land and people of the sister re
public. Nevertheless, in the country
everything is very primitive, and one is
astounded at the rough way in which
many of the rich estancieros live on their
estates in the simplest and most comfort
less houses. These men own leagues and
leagues of land, and they live like the
patriarchs of old with two or three gen
erations of children under the same roof
and eating at the same table in tba old
fashioned creole way. Such men, as may
be imagined, are not progressive; they
continue their pastoral industry in an in
dolent, apathetic manner, leaving to na
ture almost everything except the opera
tion of selling and receiving the money:
and, above all, they cannot be persuaded
to subdivide their lands and let them out
for farming.
Ui i guay is being kept back chiefly by
the conservativeness of the creole land
holders, who possess immense estates that
are inadequately developed. The law of
inheritance and the obligatory subdivis
ion of property among the heirs will
modify this state of affairs in the course
of time, and these vast holdings will be
gradually broken up and developed in
detail. Tbe process, however, will nec
essarily be slow, and meanwhile, as the
state owns no lands, the increase of im
migration can only be slow in propor
tion. Theodore Child in Harper's.
Not Literature.
Farmer Ellsworth lives in the suburbs
of a little Massachusetts town, and is a
man of considerable consequence among
his friends and neighbors. During the
long winter evenings he and Aunt Hul
dah, his wife, read much, and his com
ments on the literature of the day, though
not often grammatically expressed, often
display discrimination.
Not long ago he took a book of short
sketches of country life from the town
library, and when he brought it back he
had to pay a small fine, having kept it
several days over the time allowed.
Tm willin" an' glad to pay it, too," he
said, as he laid down his pile of coppers.
"You enjoyed it, then?" asked the li
brarian. "Enjoyed it? I should think we didr
said Farmer Ellsworth. "My wife, 'spe
cially, has ready every one of them stor
ies twice over. But Tm bound to say,"
he added, in his character of critic, "that
it ain't exactly what I should call writ
in.' Why, it's jest like folks." Youth's
Two Kinds of Censuses.
A census of the United States differs
in its very conception from a European
census. Once in ten years, as with us,
the English government makes an enu
meration of the inhabitants of the king
dom. The time chosen is the night of
the 2d of ApriL On or before that day
the enumerator must leave at each house
within his district a family schedule,
which calls for the name and personal
characteristics age, sex, color, occupa
tion, etc. of each person who on that
night shall sleep in that house. If a man
be travebng on that night, he is to be re
ported at the hotel or private house at
which he arrives in the morning.
A census of the United States is a very
different thing. As in England, the
census is supposed to be taken on a cer
tain day with us the 1st of June but
the question regarding each and every
man is not where he was on that day,
but where on that day he had "his
usual place of abode." General Francis
A. Walker in Forum.
A Corporation with a Soul.
"You see that man who just got off
the car?" said a street car conductor.
"He worked for this company over forty
years, and was a 'bus driver long before
they had any street cars. The company
pay him, or rather his wife, regularly,
and he does not do a thing. They some
times give him a quarter. He goes after
that quarter as regularly as though he
was going to get the whole of his salary."
Buffalo Courier.
Conversation Was Drowned.
Algie Why, old man, what in the
world is the ear trumpet for?
Charlie It's my new suit. When I
wear it 1 can hardly hear anything else.
Munsey's Weekly.
v'lUs' Nerve and Liver I'lllo-
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach and '...wcIh through
tbe nerves. A neviU-envet. Jr. MilTs'
Pill" ispeetaily cure bilionum n, lMf. tud.
torpid liver, pi Its. cmt pulton. Une
qualed for men, wi.m.... Hn!,l,,..
Smallest, wildest, surest; r... o.v..
Sampla free a V U. Ffi' k.- & (.
A Wonderworker
Mr. Frank lliilfmnii, a yoimy m-jn
of Hurliiitftoii, O., Miiti-.s that lieli.ul
been under the cart of promim-nt
phyniciuiiH, and used their treat
ment until lie was not able to ret
around. They pronounced bin raVe
to be consumption and incurable,
lie wiih perwuaded to try Dr. Kind's
New Discovery for consumption,
cousins ami colds and was not able
:it tbat time to walk .-ieiiii...4
witbout resting. He found, before
lie Had used balf of a dollar bottle,
that be was much better; he con
tinued ueiny: it ami i to-day enjoy
inpr frood health, If you have any
throat, luti"- or chest trouble try it.
We guarantee satisfaction. Trial
bottle free at F. CJ. Fricke A C'o's
drugstore. f,
Sells di'ieel fiqis cljeqp qqd
21 yqi'ds blecjclied Afiisliq foi-$1.00.
DOORS, BLINDS, and all building materia!
Call and see us at the corner of
11th and IElm street, one block
north of Meisel's mill.
What is
F ain- ,-T.-..SiwgS.V -
Casio rift Im Dr. fbtmael Pitcher's prescription tor ImfttfUiH
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morpbiaa tser
other Varootie substance. It is a harmLeas subsit-ate
for Paracolic, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Caarfor Oil
It is Pleasant. Its g-xtarantee is thirty years' rise by
Milllnni f Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and aUaya
IVTerishnees. Castoria prevents vomiting1 Soar Curd
cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic. Castoria relievers
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castoria assimilates the food, regulate the stomach,
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's .Panacea the Mother's Friend.
to a exssMi s-tsdleto for Shi
kars rofMassdly told km of its
wpoa Ibssr failArsm
Bm. C Ossjsoo,
LsH, Jtas.
Castoria is tho bast tstsy for eaiidrssi of
whisfa I am aequsints4. I bspo tas dr iswiot
far dfcstsMrt whea motssrs wflfsoasidor tas rosi
t of their aaOdraa, sad rsso Castoria in-
l of ths various qassr n lists s watch are
JissS 1 1 ij liL thssr loved rmm, rforeinc opium,
Morphine, soothing srnaa aad other hurtful
squats down their throat, tnoroby asodiag
Uiasn to premature graves.
Da. J. V. KrsosrBLoa,
Conway, Ark.
Tke Ceatatar Company, TT
The Createst.Strlka
.Amonjr the reat striken tbat of
Dr. MilcH in dim-overin bis New
Heart Cure linn proven itnelf to be
one of tbe most important. The de
mand for it has become astonish
ing. Already tbe 1 reat incut of heart
disease i.- bein.y; revolutionized, and
many unexpected cut es effected. It
soon relieves : 1-ort breath, litillcr
injr. p.iins in side, arm, sboulder,
weak and liunj.vry spells, oppres
sion, Hwelliitp; of ankles, smothering
and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book
on Heart and Nervine DiseascH,
free. The uncu.ualcd New Heart
(.'urc is sold and t;uaranlei d by K.
(I. Fricke Co, also bis h'estorat i vc
Nervine for headache, fits, sprees,
hot Hashes, nervous clijlls, opium
habit, etc. 4
Tin Ileunes Method for piano and
oran, the favorite and most suc
cessful in France and (lerinany,
also harmony taubt. dtf
Mk's. Mi;k';i;s.
Croup, whoopmj couh and
bronchitis immediately relieved by
Shilohs Cine. 4
Caossria Is so wsll adapted to ehldrsn thstf
I rssoaimonn1 it as sspsrior to any prsscriptkra
kaowa so me.
H. A. Aaca-am, K. D
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklya, X. T.
Onr physicians in tbe ohildroa's depart
ment have spoken highly of their expert
ene fat their ootside praetiee with Castoria,
aod although we only nave among oisr
medical supplies what is kaown, as regular
prodneta, yet we are free to eonfeas that Osa
merits of Oastoria has woo us to look wish
favor upon it.
V TJxitsd H axd DiRrXHSABX.
ixxx C. Surra, Pres.,
Murray Street, New York City.
Ml f ail A,rl Ur-aalsta.