PERKINS - HOUSE, 317, 221 mi-1 Main St., Littsmouth. - Nebraska. U. K. HO;.'.:. I'ro.ui.'Vf 1 lit) IVikiDH lit n Hi.-..imlil) reiioyuti-d fn!u Ut t; now n: f Hi.- ii.-t in M -t at Honrdrr will !) t tk. i' by t!i. alt ut J0 ind up. GOOD BAH C0171TECTED County Survey oi -ANI- All ordTH li ft with r.niaty ('! rk wdl rwi'iv jntri;'t ntt'-idi'in. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE, . ... . vr-?t;-.-7Dk ' UOI.I( Avii !'It'r S'TKOWNS Briild wirk'im 1 tin.; ;cl.l work a SPECIALTY. DK. STKINAI'S lH! !. as well ;im oftu-r ate estlii'tiirsi vn lorl'i- i un!i".s fxlrsuM mil of t-fth. C. A. MAUGHAM - Fit.-rill THK INTER X AT I () X A L TYPEWRITER A strictly first ci m:t-ti in. fa'lv w:trr-i ti ed. Miuli' lri:ii tlif ni) in.ilen.ii 1) vkllieil workmen, tui'l wit'i tin-l- sf tools I :it lavecvcrlii'i'ii ilevisril fur ''. War ranted to lo all ! I i-.e.o'.:i!ly i x iwctl of tli vt-ry best typewriter txt:ttit Caj:itli of writing 1" wurcls 'r minute oi more according t the aMllty of the opening. 1'IWCE 8100. . IftKiTe is ii.-i.'itt in your town ad.Ii..--. itn manufacturi Til K 1"A KIk.ll M'K'U '( . AKentft wanted I' iN. Y. F. 15. SKLLKMIWK, Aut. Lincoln, Ntli, WANTED AGENTS V" . BARNAM. An intensely intere-tini; la;i':intiv of the ijreatrat .lmiii:iii of the world, Maktnn for tun . risking imlli m. entt-rt iniim Kuics ami Queens, and known the world ovrr. I'.V an intimate friend. In rripar:tt on for year. MK) ytnijr. S)rnliVi illiftnit-,1. Bl I"ICO t'lM'H. Out lit -V. Asj.-nls wanted also fo the Life of Sherman. lnd-an War and otlw-r fast selling books and bibles. Most liberal term. ltb'KNS HOOK CO.M Lotti. Mo. APVWTQ Make 100 per pent li-t on niy XlUJ-Tx 1 Q ors-ts. IVIts. I'.rii'lies Curlers and Medicines. Samples free. Write now. Or BridU)nn, ."571 Kr.jadway. N V. vy -otki; hri The GRfATHEALTH UKINK. , Package 1 Mici, Fpiriiire. ai;J appetizing. Jv.U l.y nil itenl.-ra. A Iwutiful I'l.-ttir llook ind rar.1a p.-nf . t' M nny imf hpnjmc ddreas to the O. K. HIKES CO.. l"Li!adel;Lia. I'm. NESStnKinsoissrrcUSiD aa ' ' ' Inv s! Tubi:lar Kar Ci-.h- BOILING WATER OR MILK GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCO LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY, I I II H l , , sus. HASH CALSAM It'JrfVV - Never Fails to Erst ore Grny ' .fi."':- W:l ".i:r w 1 Yo-irlirui Co nr.' a.NXv'i . U t.ur- rv cn.n , -t i : (t ! -k-:-:i e. Parker im:r l oiiiv1 ak Iinj. 1 Vhi!;rv, In-1 ,ii in, Ta-n. 'l ake in ;:r::c. ( :j HINDERCORNS. '-rr top taiKUL ic lro or JiI??L.X - O '., V. Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic PLASTER. F 1 rrjri at once. fr-oiNt CHTh'CSTfft:'- f' 4 rur nBicmil INRftrNltlNr b4.M with Uuai Til rrtCi . 1 ate Ail oKta in buwbvra bums. uC.t writ: HaV r-D in Ma.T'Vva f..r- irtiilarl. Ltfal 1 1 BMUftil. EPFS S I i Ai i i 1 4 J Good News! Ho one, wbo is vrUUni; to Adopt the right couna, iwm1 bn lon ftAlictral wlUi boUs, car- tiiuiclufl, t'Uiijdoa, or utUur cuUvaeoua erup Uon. TlieA: w, ike renulta of ftaturo'A ( furls tt oxpt-i poiaouuLui Mid ff oU nutter fioin Uu: blood, aud sliow plainly Uiat Uw sHii W ridding ttaelf Ibroiigli Uio klu of impurities which It wiu Uu; kKitiniaU work Dl Un liver and kidmrys to rinov. To rt lor: th; oritajiii l .rur funetiou. Ay r h.iTH.-iiarilla U Uie mtxlicuio require.!. That uo Un-r blood-rMirlflur am compare bitU it, tiirfiy'"' U;uiy who havo tyiliuxt Freedom from the tymnny of depraved Wood hy thn uw of this im-dieine. Kor nine yearn I wan aBlirt4sl with a Rkln Ilsimse Uiat did not yiHd to nny rcniefy until a fri'-nd advlned me Ut try Ay r" Sarsrt p.uiM i. Wilii tie) lu of ttiks niedieine Hie complaint disapjH-arii!. It is my Nlief t!mt no other bl'Kd meiUeiiie could have effected no rnjil and roniidefe a enre." Andns I. ;.ircLi. ('. Victoria. Tamaullpav Mexico. "My face, for years, wa coven-d with pim-pli-s and hnniors, for which I could find no remedy till I tc:rri Ut tike Ayv's Sarsjw rilla. Three lrttle of tlil.s KTeat bliKxl medi cine effected a tltrrini'h cure. I coiilldeTitlJ reciKnmcuil it to all sulb-ritiu from similar troublea." M. l'arker, tnicord. Vt. Ayesr's Sarsapasi!!a5 rKKl-AUPTI FIT DH. J. C. AVXF. & CO., Lowell, Mm. Sold by Iruf--- ' Worth $5 inttU. 311 KE SUM:LLI5ACKEK. Wa' in and r.l'icksinith shop VVaon, IJuy, Mucliino and llov Kejtairin lone rif)isKS!ioi:rx a spkcialty He u?ies the NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is th-; Iest h r.s.'slne for the farmer, ,r ftr fust ilriviny;, r for city urixises ever invented. It is so made tlint titi'.'one c:.:i put on slrirp or flat .-oiks, as ivcih-.I f-.r wet arid slipprry lays, or snio.itli, dry mad'. Call ut Ipn shoj nr. I examine the NKVi;i:fMi itid you will s no tither. J. M. SIIXKi.LIsACKKU. : N" irth Fifth ct. Fhittsnioiith Uiink of Cass Co sin ty i or Main and Filth street. lid i. capital JWi oeo 25 0110 OFFICERS p.. President ier V!e President -isoii rasheir :..ii,.rs Anst Ca-hier DIP.ECTORS p-.-r'i '.. i. M !aft ei son . Fred border. Meitl:. K. I'. Wi-Hiii.iei, 15. S. Kam-ey said !'!! '-rs.ia . !1 ' red M. r. m. 1. M. V, H. r. m . GENERAL UAKX1NC BUSIKE3? TRANS A TED Accounts so!:eirid. f :derest allowed no tiiii; !e;teit- and prompt attentionciTen to all 1mi nss entrusted t: its care. c 2.:? - : c T - c a 3 3c S5CJ ti r - t 4 ? r. CTJ ? r ro -'i CO 9 5! - ? rr r o f3 3 Is a? t 9 'i t : 2. 9 13 e r- s ff 2 0) T s - 2 5 1",tul Fr-ci:i-s, I'iver-aiolos, PL-Hp-?, llarI-:-Ii,;.uIri, 3unTurn ir.d Tiin. A f--w -tins vill ren- ! r th3 nrt ct-tbc"-';!;. r-i pkin poit. ir.'K-th a'ni vihii.'. Yin. a CniiHU is not n. unir:t nr . . .' r t-i : ov;t ddVcts, hut a rtcu-dv i cur- . It, fuior:or t- .11 i t!.er T f-:.r o ci v fvi -sl-ti jtl lor "v t ::t s. tr ;amiite il :-jlsta or n..,ii--' i ' j ' Jt" 1154 A- t) 4 ( V-' 1t K..r,, I , ! HIT bftia. y.rrfc ..(,r.-tj -. tj. iiirr rou wmn tcrf. Vtv. a t i T ;rn- 1 f 1r 1 .1X1 : . I o o CAREER OF I)E ROHAN. ADMIRAL DAHCRIfl'S BROTHiZH A SOLDIER OF FORTUNE Ktt llj.rlv linrri'l llniia Ttifiu I.if 1 1 Ih on I' . o I "'.nl i urt. t wi t li Mrila 1 1 is t iir.4-.mpii-d s.-t-iU-c for 'lt-itr I .fii;iiiii-t. A m i r:tl Wiiii.un l" Knh.'in, who li.-l in thiscitv, vv:t, niM-cf the iiit reinark- ,-ihl.' iip-ii .f l!iis century, and a runif ileti ski-t-li of hi.-; iife would re;ul liku a ehaji ter froiii ni'-dia-val liisiorv. lie was of -ir.-e "h si 'Tit, his falh'-r h iviii ' lns-n a Swetlihh iiouh nian, and ln was horti I);iiih'ren. his i !.!cr hnlli r 'bein Ad- TTiir.'d l).ih:.r:vn, ..f fie- ITnitcd StaU navy, win s.-r vires aMoat during t hi war, as wi !l as his advaneisl iniprove- ments in onl nam-e, iiiake sncli a hri'ht Ia'4; in tin; history of our navy. Amdlier hrxlhi-r. y.Hii'er. Charh's IXiIiIt.-ii, took siih-s with tin'; eolith during tin: w:ir and was a jjoncral oJlie'T. I )e Ki ihan was ii, arly ix i's-t in la i'it . hpad j-huul.h-ied ari l ih-ej) eh'.-.! vd, arid in his jiriirn; of life must have Ix-ert oin of thu most, powi-rful ne-n living. His he-;tl was Wi listeriari in its jirrijiortiona. Till! ;ltiTI!KKS KIiiHT. A way hack in tin; forties, when Will iam had jjrown to maiTs estati; in years, Admiral 1 )ahl'rcn, then a lieutenant, was stutioiicd at tin; navy yard here en tfaed in th; ordnaiid; di-parttnents, that made his name famous for the style and method of huildin.n thu tcreat ship utis that lore his name and that fought the naval battles of tin; civil war. One day Dahl'jTeii, th; elder son, saw fit to take William severely to task for something, and that brought on a storm of angry words on ln.'th sides that resulted in tin; younger man knocking the older brother into a corner of the room. Iignity for bade a jier.sonal altercation, and l)ahl greu had an officer sent for. Taken ta the old City U all. William was sullen and unrepentant, and though family and neutral friends tried to stop Iroceedings, Dahlgren pressed tho case, and the olfeiider was fined for the assault. Then Dahlgren told t he magis trate that if William would make a public apology for having struck an offi cer of the navy while in uniform he would be willing that the penalty be set aside. ".Never! Never!" said William. "I will never apologize nor oven speak a word to yon while God lets me live; and more, while you live I will never :igain bear the n;une that you do." So they parb-d in the mayor's room at the City hall, and William assumed his mother's name of De Rohan, by which ho was known thereafter at home and abroad to the day of his death. His mother was a member of the princely family of l)e Rohan, of France. Going abroad, his family connections and ample means brought him into in timacy with persons of the highest rank in life, among them being Admiral Ho bart (Pasha), of the Turkish navy, and with him he took service under the sul tan, with the rank of captain. HIS CAKKFIIl IN ITALIAN WATERS. Leaving the Turks he went to the Argentine Republic then IJueiios Ay res with Garibaldi, and commanded the naval forces of that country in the suc cessful revolution that brought indepen dence. After that, when Garibaldi came to this country, De Rohan weut to Chili aud became admiral of the Chilian navy. Late in the. fifties he joined Garibaldi, with whom he was in constant corre spondence, in Europe, andentered heart and soul with him in his plans for the unification and independence of Italy. While the great liberator directed and commanded the land forces De Rohan was m.ule admiral of the revolutionary navy, which was confirmed by Victor Emanuel. He was an admiral without a fleet, for they did not have a single vessel heavier than a coral fishing felucca; but he was energetic, and by a very liberal outlay of funds from his private purse and con tributions by English and French friends he actually succeeded in purchasing and arming three good sized merchant steam ers, with which he escaped to Sardinia and reported to Victor EmanueL It was on these vessels that the then king of Sardinia and such troops as he had were transported to the mainland of Italy, and history tells of the result. During the siege of Rome Admiral De Rohan commanded the marine division under Garibaldi and supervised the ar tillery fire. Other forms of government than re publics are at times ungrateful, and it is so in this case, for, while Admiral De Rolian spent nearly $230,000 in providing the means that gave the throne of Italy to the house of Savoy, he never was re paid a penny, and died in Providence hospital here, cared for by charitable friends. During a number of years he resided in England, where he became interested in the formation and workings of . the Uritish naval reserve, iji which he was commissioned a coiumamler by the ;vd lniralry. During the civil war he was iuu-iiKely lojal to the north, but refused to take service in our navy lest he might at some time be brought nnder the com mand cf his larother. Admiral John Daiii gp n. I'm oil uy various excuses and neg lected by Victor Emanuel in his attempts to .si -cure repayment of the immense sums advanced to lt dy. be came home alout l'r'71 arid laid his claims before the secretary of stale. In the belief that something Would at lea.-t aeciunpb-h-:l. De Rohan went abr ad a i nr.. a:.d ' i s -v. r;d yell's trk-d to w-.r!c s; -me mines h" owned in Sar :i:;".a r h;c..y. ue Lv.-ked capital for :!: '' rk. ;.::! i - Tr.rm-,1 h; me to find his -rin ; r.--glort.-.1!y a- though no ,n'' in the d..part::!t;iit hnd ever ht urti of it. lie was thor- ':,'':Iy di.-hearT-.Tiod. an 1 for the ii;L tir-i.- in his hie Lis a:,!i tot'a-a jre fail-d I .fore his iiiisi:orti:;i---j.'el his lu al ih gnvv w.-.y. IT,. was t'vn Ui'.irly seventy years of . and v. heii .'. stroke of paruljsds followed he failed rapidly in a htteyital. Wasihington Ptut. THE DAY FOR ME A brllllunt wky. u line b.ire trtm. Sotii r.'ft Biio-A In i i:-. do.-, a the Tlr cedar.-i Ti.-ii ns tu. can n. The 5tu liuii- f of lifuiei l lmx (ill olio's l:r ii' Mi:li This is the day f n ... '. A wiirm, sri-i ,i in. .-.i'ii :1 i . : . round. And iliM-e. Ii :; e. i:i I!,. ; ,4i,. Vit !i ir.-e'i lliia i-. . . i u ; li i.u I Me rotm.l, Tli.-fr heii-r !.! i.ol loait .. t:uii llibil! bl.i.-.-itn, lir, .old bte. This is the i.iy for tai-! A rieher sky, n d.'epi r vrcen; A iianpy sei,-i.. nf r-sl: A hiiiuini'r laad vape full of slii i n. Tin" world at. i! , briehtest, sue Itr-t. !. A BW.-iyia' s' in a i ren -This is the il.iy iiiel The elowiii woods in Miletidi r -'ii-nl (Their wraith i-, hid I'i-.ith c;u i le.vs The i 'o inj4' fr.Lsl on r r:-y liu!.i: To be alive is pure delight. Oh. aut 1 1 r t r wind o f rer. This is tiio ii;i fur uie! He not so f.u-.t, joy liu!.-in hr-art; These days not the )!-:, Thry only I. rm it s iierl'fi t part. Some IHU.-.I bo rainy, cold ami drrar oisl flii "i s.iy i-.u-nr-tly Tina is t bo day for uiur" Annie Isabel Willis in Huston lt-st Is N iTes.ii ry. A man who has so much to do i) i will work nigliis and Sundays as v. week days is not likely to do as mm : the long run as the man who God's appointed times in order t'. himself for effective work hi ; .. these times. Many a busy man down a great deal earlier than In- i to, because he insists on working mi, rest is his iirst duty. And many a n.. wdio observes God's law of the ni . ... and the Srdibnth, written in man" nature, accomplishes far more in a i-en or j' ears tlian tie could nave wr.u ; i with any violation of that law. Mr. Gladstone, speaking not. long a-- -of his own experiences in busy life, .-a of the high privilege of "Sunday rest." 'P'jrsonally. I have always endeavor. . so far as circumstances have allowed, avail myself of this privilege, and no. that I have arrived near the goal of .. laborious public career of close on fit i -seven years, I attribute in great par! lo this practice the prolonging of my I-:'-and the preservation of my fjc:;i;i -A true man can do more in six days 1 he can in seven, week by week, a.. :. can do more in sixteen hours than i: twenty-four, day by day. for a life! -a - Sunday School Tiui'-s. Mail in lairly 'uliforui;i Days. A Californian tells this story of la rimes iti San Diego. The general d-ii ery window of the post office was ale. crowdt;d. One week the mails were i layed fir several dajs, and when ti. j were at l;tst distriliuted the line of ii quin-rs at the general delivery window of the postotlice extended for six blocks. A man who fell in line in the early morning got to the window and received his mail about & o'clock in the evening. One old lady, who had plenty of time on her hands, took with her a camp stool and her lunch basket, and camped right there on the; line. She received no let ter, and turned away apparently happy, although she; waited in line for seven hours. When this mail accumulated the postmaster made no attempt to distribute the newspapers. They were simply piled np in one corner, and finally a wagon load of newspaper mail was carted away from the postoffice. To be distributed? Oh, no; to le duinjied into San Diegc bay. Exchange. The Tall." I have seen it stated over and over again that "fall" autumn is an Amer icanism. I am not sure that I have ovet seen it contradicted. I myself learned long ago that to a Dorset rustic "fall" was the word of native speech, "a'tumn" ii mere high polite exotic. (Is it so still, 1 wonder, in this day of board schools?) However, here is a passage from a book of the Seventeenth century, in which "spring and fall" are spoken of as a Dor set man might speak: "And this I doe, not so verie expreslie, by occasion of my contingent health, though still, if I secure not from some decaies this 6pring, I may chance do it lesse happilie in the fall." Notes and Queries. He Oeiitly but Firmly IlrfusfMl. "Reginald," exclaimed an up town bride of two months, as she returned from a shopping tour, "I saw the love liest diamond necklace imaginable to day; and so cheap, too: it can be bought for a mere song." Then she paused to hear what remark Reginald would make. "My darling," quoth he, "you know how gladly I would grant yon every wish; but I grieve to say that in this case I am unable to do so. Natnre has not en dowed me with the power of producing vocal melody. I could not sing though I should be promised h solitaire for every note." Lockport Journal. In case of a person choking from some thing sticking in the throat or windpipe, try and dislodge it with the fingers, or a blunt pointed scissors may be used. A hairpin with a loop on its end is also useful. " Holding the person with the heels in the air and vigorous thumping on the back is also of frequent service. When children swallow marbles or coin it is a mistake to give a purgative. The str-tnge matter will find an ecapemnt without effort. The newspaper requires the very ie.-t of the brains and brawn of its followers. The newspaper man is a soldier in a great army. Always ready must be his motto. It is not for hi:n to reason why. It is for him to obey to door die. And who ever knew him to hesitate? Lord Aberdeen i- one of 1he most poj ular noblemen in Great Britain. lie is a d'-moc-rat by sympathy as well ai principle, and has been known to ride down to his club in a milk wagon when a cab was not handy. He is much sought alter in E.liniitTh soci.-tv. In Coi, a t-vary unmarried maa is ta :i sia -reda boy, though by s-houl 1 live to be !''). No mattes- what his aa, li fol- ! lows in poitioa the youngest of the married men. dtpit t'h frtct perhitp f having lived years enough to 19 their oilss' Norveand Llvur Pillo- Act on it new principle- regiiKtiuo the liver, stonirti Ii mid li,.v throne;l the nerves. A new iIim hh i. Dr. Mih' I'illi) Rpeedily nr.- hi i iniii-m ks, f.,,,. t-i-t . torpid liver, il s, i-.m-i e.;ioii. lap qualed for M en. worn. i. i hildm Smallest, iiiildisf. Mm-?! a i'om---, '.'.", R'uiiphi free k' r 'i. I' i !. .v A Wonder Worker Mr. Frank lluMman. a yioin;." ii.m of Hurl i i il i mi. ( .. st a !.-- ! ! :;i t lie beet! under the cote id it i it 1 1 mi : I physicians. ;ml ii.-eil their tie. it tin-lit until be was lint .ilde to i I .'irouml. Tiny i uu n 1 1 na-i I bii.i-e tube i ins i in 1 1 it i hi ;in! i iicii i ;i I Ic. lie aP er.-liailei I to try I r. iii:;". New I i-i i i very lor n uis u in t i. n , ciMlttbs ;mi! (adds ami v..i. not ;il !. ;i t that tin ;i- 1 1 u ;i ! k ocri is I !n- r-l.i. .1 without rest in:.-;. !r f. I t: 1. la int. lie bad i Ik ci I I f of a ibdlar l.ottl.-. that lie .yap touch I u-t t er; hi a m -tinucd upirtg; il and in to iliv i-njii inu' o;iod i, allh. If you hac aii throat, lung or t lu st trouble try ii. We u.-iraiitco satinfaction. Trial bottle free at I". it. l-'ticke A ( ' 's drugstore. .a PHILIP KRAUS. DEALER 1 7ST fj a?-- SHECIAL INDUCEMENTS Z INmiids (innnilaic-d Sk-jif, $1.c?j Pounds VIiito (' Mi:,;r - lAUi Sodji CrarKers, per pound - )(;!-; iSwt'id i jH-ii r. per pound - Uw. -oOo And all kinds of vegetables, strawberries but ter and eggs low as the lowest PHILIP NEW LUMBER YARD J. I. f ill DEALERS IN PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, SASH. DOORS, BLINDS.nnd all building ia.,ti . ad Call and see us at the corner of lltli ami film street, one block north of Meisel's mill. Flattsmvit.h, STebraka What is Cawtoria is Dr. Saunuel Pitelier's prefscription for lufants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor othr Nareotlc substance. It is a lixtrmlasa suhstitato for Iarg-orjc, Irops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It I Pleasant. Its fruaranteo is thirty years' uao Dy Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms aud allaya fefverishness. Castoria preyents roiaiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea aud "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves toething troubles, cures eonstipatiort and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulate, the Rtouiach and bowel, giTing healthy and natural deep. Cas toria is the Children's panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "CMtorla Is an excellent medieir"' fir ir'nf! Arm. Mothers ha-ro n?peatodiy told me of its food fft upon Uieir hiMra.- Da. G. C. Oov-,ii, LarU, Ias. OwtTia in the bt rwr.eJ.T fnr children of which I am .ioquainle.1. I her-1 r,e -jay Uf.i-t far dvjtaiit when mothers trfifcon5i-l:rth ro al tiiwrftt of thir chiMre-n, U3C CaKoria in ctead of the various quack nostrums whicli ar drtroying their lovtd ones, hy forein-opimr., morphine. fKx.thiii? ynip and other hurtful agbiXA down tht-ir tUraats, thereby feudia tieui pretiiiiure graves." Pa. J. F. KiNrHPLott, Conway, Ari. The Centaur Company, 77 . The Croatost Strike j Among- the u;rent striken of ir. Miles in iIim ovi-l in: hi-, Wvv Mi iirt Ctllc lias i . . v - 1 1 it.welf lo In- ue til the 1 1 Ii i t llotiol l.lllt. 1 he lie- I iiiaml fur it Iia- Inaainie a s t 1 1 i s 1 1 1 iiiL'.- Alrcaily the 1 1 cat men 1 1 if In a rl : i .- i - r;i .- i- I n-t II o I i - I l 1 1 1 ii hi i.ei I, a in I 1 iM.MlN llni- I ie.-, - ! O, , , , f ''''ii I el ie e- .- i a a I a : h . ! ! 1 1 1 1 el I eij . pains in : i.t-, .hi;,. I a. i i, lli r, I weal, ami lniie" .-.el- , ii,ii-m j -11111. .- w el I i 1 1 -j t ' a ; . k 1 1 - i j i 1 1 -1 ill I and hear! iini-. I);. . j i i . - - ' I imk j on Ileal! ami e..ii:e, I (fee. The II 1 1 ei 1 1 1 a 1 j ' Ileatl ('ill, i.-. r-iil l ;.ai i Hal. a. . '. Ii 1"'. i. I'l ,( ki- .'. 1 1. a I -i i ! i i .- I .'. . : . 1 1 i i j ervine fni 1. .i lai lie, III-, ii. es, i I ; t 1 1 .' i - ! i , . in i 1 1 : i , . ii i ! I , ( . , aim, etc. ' J I The Ileiines Melhoil l.n jaami ami ' . 1 1 , the I . I v . i lie a ! h I 1 1 1 . i - I .- u i 'C-i-ful in l-'ianee ami (. .11111113, ai.-i liarnioiiv hiughl. illt Mfs. Ii;i,-i;i;s. ("riiup. wlniiipiiie (ii'f.,i iiml In aim h it i- i 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 m I e! '. i- In ve.l l,v i Shibdi's Cure. 1 at , ic 1)( )D- oOo KRAUS AYES & m. 1 D Castoria. " Cactorla is f" well alRiiti to chiMTi tha I reciii.-au-r. l it anauperiortoaiiy rtsicriptic kiM.uto lao. 1 IT. A. Atir-tiKft, 3L I).. I'A So. Orf- nl . t , Lr.-o.iyn, N. Y. K ri.-r.t 1. f'",;.--n bir-'.-'.y ( ti. r e.rtwH fan! in ti.cir ouisi:i'; jira.'' :..o w iia CL.toria. a-.i ti'i'u'i'ixh w c :.', u-'.e a-a.. om niudieI Bin.plife-i i.5 l.& .'ii. vrulin r,r:!'iCTa, j'.' t wt :ir: fr t c--i.'-.- that tlm ti.'rit.i ef ('-. V.I ii , v,-.,n r l 1..., witfc favor uin i:.' Vni" ki lI'i.-riTAi. A-.a IrirN-ARV, Uo.-.ton, llisa. LLtX C. Fmith, Pr-., Murray Street, ITctc York City.