PERKINS - HOTLSK. 217, JM!, 221 and 22." Main St lattsmouth, H. M. RONS. - Nebraska. Pronrieto 1 he lVrkin li is n t - renovated from tup t:; ....I'..,,,, now inn; of tin; best liot' lr in tli Boarders will $l.f0 ami i J i - ! takeo ly tin- !..' ' : -llt .'. k 'it GOOD BAR C01T1IECTED jlY. C. MAYS3, County Surveyor ANI - CIVIL EHCUiZCTi. All wili orders left with ('ountv ?1 r k receive prompt att ntion. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. IDIEISrX'ISTIRy Good Nevs! Mo one, who is wilting lo ;Oopl the rlRlit cuurse, nol be lunK aftliCUwl with bolls, ear I uik leu. pimples, or other cuutnuoiui erup tion, ilicaeare Uiu rusuiu, ol Nature's ef foiui lo poutoiwu and t Hi-U: mailer 1I..IH tin: Mood, and Ktiow plainly that Ui S -. : . ! 1 1 IS llddlli;; lUeil lliloli-li Hit.- tinili of 1 1 1 ; t 1 1 tUi-.i wini:li II wa the 1 inml: v.ork fit ilic liver and k i1 s lo rt;ii.ive. 'loro- Moli: Uli.aO Dl '-.llM Ul llii-U I' llllll-llllIlM, Ayci'd ilti I. lin: mcdicnm rt.-iuii ml. 'liiat tin outer bjmid-piirilier can cojnparo UU ii, thoUaiiih lOjlily wbu Lu.c UUitd Freedom from ttie tyrinny of depraved blood by tho use .f tins iii'li' iii". " l-'nr nine yi'iirs I was : Started with a skin iImi' .i- 11. .it ii'i' M I'i I'-mrily nut ii .t fi i'-nd alvlsi-( ire to try Aji-t's S'irvi p uill I. Villi, ( I ) us,: of 1 1 1 ft-, iiii-iliiine tin: complaint ili:ippeir"d. I! is niy belief thiit no ot her blood ineihi-ine ronld have effected lm i : 1 1 . i I an l i-ui-i; !. ' a cure." Ani'ris 1. fjnrrin. '. Victoria. Turnanlipa. Mrxi'-o. "My f :. fur ynnrs. was riii-ii-il with j i n pies aii'l humors, f . r v.l.i'-h I could find no remedy till I l,r;m to t.-ke AVer's SarsapJl rilla. Three bottles of t'r'-nt blood im-ili-rllie effected a thorough dire. 1 confidently recommend it to all sufTerii';! frotri Uoubluii.' M. I'arktr. (.'i.m-i,! d. Vt. 9. i)Ll AMI I'OltCKLAIN'CKDWNH Bridge work ami lino gold work a SPECIALTY. Dlt. STKINAtIS LOCAL as well as other ill, estlieticiiveu fori he painless extract ion o' tcclh. C. A. MARSHALL, - FiUirald P'.or. tin: INTER AT I O X AL TYPEWRITER Ay 'S er arsapan !a? rnwAiit-'n rr DR. J. C. AYEF. z CO., L,ovell, Maes. BolU l.y- Dra"--1- " -c- M'orth5a settle. I SWEET bCENTED fLOWEHS. I lewellyn Moore, the Hrcoq ni zett I Heu'ttjUHi-ttrK f.r t r j Af-titio ; iril tli H-n 1 1 1 i !'i 1 1 . j A ( ; ii i I -."." i : 'lir:-.iinli;i, nireopsis l.iu .l:it.i,c'liry.--.'iMtIi'-iMuiH u;iiiti;t i : i ? . ; i r ! i i 1 1 1 1 1 n -. I; 1 1 ci ' i 1 1 s :inl rlf ' ' f.i.: i iii.ilvc tl ;i I ; t ! i;i I I i.-: ur .'I r. i ?-ii).n-'.-i t;ml l;i,-il.-, il;a( art- r ; ! li li:ii'i ;hk! ;iii- not injiiictl I ; ;i N'-l t'.i-ii;i winter. 1 r. Moore II line .-toi'i of i; iTJIll i in s. ! e.,len-, .iihI -oiue ol tlio.-i- richly coi ! ore'! -r,-iicli ciiiiii.!-, :ilsi ;i line line t't 1 I ! i 1 1 " ;i.liil-.. In ro-es In ' t'!ii!-e- .1 I i --!.' 1 ! J, ol the lollowin:; ) !::n'lv v;i tiel ie-: (,:i, :. j ; i i -j nioi. .'-Ii. I 'l.i ii i ier, I'erl'-. NipliiWi-;. :el i i i f v. i I 1 1 1 1 le i i 1 1 st ;l ; M I :i i i 1 l.;i I -"';iiee ;illlt tll.ll lee ol the lo e , , '. . . . i . . i . . - i . i : 1 1 1 1 , i 1 1 e . 1 1 1 e i i c : 1 1 1 : n ; 1 1 1 T , v. 1 1 : c .' i i:i-i f l;i v or;i I !e i' i re 11 1 1 1 -1 ; 1 1 1 ces 1i;i-p'o-lice( rn..-: s inches ;icro.-, !l"ii;lit led ;m!of;i mo-1 1 1 , I i c i 1 1 1 1 -I l .i y; ;! nee. . i ' ! leel ioi i o I lln wi-i s i- conipleti" v.itiiont .-oine of these h.ii'l roses. Mr. Moore li.isihe n-i'i t:il ion of In-in- theliest rose U l'oivi-r west of Cli ir;jiro; lie ne er iorces his jthnits, thus iinikiiie-them temler hnt n'ives them every reijnis-i!-' to m;ilie them l:;i!ly ;mil stron-. This sjn-in- is ;iti iittusti.ill y yootl me for setting' out pl.ints ;nnl shonhl he improved hy our peon!.-. Remember the phice where plants and prices will suit the most exact is ai Llewellyn Moore's on West Locust "-treel, and call at once. If flFl- P '!'!' "'I l'i ifvj W1S3SSSE3XSEZZS.'. CLEVER STEAM crx's la : hi,g SCHEME FOR AT HOME. ttn Wiiti-i- i mi- I ii-.;. ii .n i v I lie '! t W l 11 t i ; ntfti nation i.i.l ilt hal iiin .riii; ,.: n.-t -.1 ti: is :il ni ,'l li, t!. y." i trm ii !.-) a: ii' -re, : tin- liie i n-irl .lay. t I: li I s:ti I ! i in iieii. ' : ! In 1 1 1 V w ay-, ii,;.- . ! .1-1.- I'- el Wlile !l,l : i ii -a my i i.-i a :;s III tlllnM-j;!!, but J ill in i w. "-t .-i miiclu- rh:h nr. 1 tlmii i.i lii lit 31 1 li V, w. il"OM, Vi'it'iin aa'l lilaei;-iiiitli simp li-iry, Marhiia; atul noiiSKswoKiNi; a Me i.scn i I. )t!-in-' 'lone KCIALTY NEVhRSUP HORSESHOE A strictly first cla-H maetiiiie. fully warr-iiir-fA. Matle troni the very hest material In pkllteil workmen, and with ttie tiest tools I: ..t have ever heeii ileviseil for the purpose, V ar ranted to do all that can he reasonably ex pected f the very best typewriter extant t'apable of wrifinir tw wr,N tier minute oj more according to the ability of the operatr.-. W iiicii ; ti., t'.r.e,-, ait) '(wis i-v: r 111 -it till Vli'lf e; hi.-. ; ..,.,1 ,. i .-t nl' j.'.lt si), If J- i Sllalp lor tin or city i" lllH'tC el' Mat siiop.-ry '.-;ll ut ISI.II Ml! tt p w S 2! p i & s : ' ir S i i TI.( - -j - s 5 . 4 -iiu. - r 1 1 1 1 J; 1 1 n i G. TKIOE $100. ?ls;flSf S, --?3'' 2 If there 1 no ayent in your town address the Z ? J " - ii ''H K - manutacturee. is J' IfS 2 $3 . hmmmd TIIK PAKIBU M'F'G CO. ? c a5- - " " ' " ARents wanted Parish S, Y, K g r, "S. V. R. SEELEMIRE, Agent. s !j!s!:J-g & LJ Lincolu, Neb, !5 f -3 " Lumber Yard S llfllli iH o THE OLD RELIABLE. 7 S3?,?f U. A. WATERMAN & SOU l0flill I 5 nmr i nninrn t ' UHn K I III ! 1 IIIIIIKkK &s;Wi-:l 'ci). Pototiv. Mill LUIVIULII ! SWSTM " I 2222se&& Shingles, Lath, Sash, I J ..TTn flll? Sudden Deaths. Heart is hy far tin." most freipient cause of sudden leath, which in three out ot four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally understood. These are: a liahit of Iy ini-on the l ie. ht side, short breath, pain or ditress in I he side, hack or shoulder, irre;-ular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind in stomach, swell ino-f ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry couIi and smot herin-. Dr. Miles' illustrated book on Heart Disease, free at K. (J. Fl ike Co's, who sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' uneipialed New Heart Cure, and his restora tive Nervine, which cures nervous ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop sy, etc. 1 1 con tains no opiates. (io to I'hillip Krause for 3inr dry joods and groceries, where ynu will lind the best of everythine" he al;() ki-i'jis fruits and vegetable.- in tlu ir .st-ason. tf. i til Old I'l.-.., of I proofs, A!-o! o' ;t it . I ; I ruriii an iiil-i III I. Ill, o IJ.-I ; 'l)urni.j tii' i Hi hu-i.'i.-.ia ah-, i very fir-i in to a In, ii-l i- 'atul t lien t ti-- ii.-: . ii , i 'Yes. I h I row Tli,- I lar. a hit i,! ei' v j i.s half a iniieii i I are s! r.-ii'nt Ii ! Icive so vi-, 1 ! he iiinl, i I 'I Ii)Wv S. i 11 v.'i ,n t ilo tell lis a i i. ' Oli. I h.ivi- ri-LC 'l up a T;; which only costs a cent an In "For oo'lne is sake where? yon lived in a l! it." 'I have it in my room where I can sit and steam away ail day, it' I ciioose. with out ilisliuliaiice." 'But lo'.--a"t it take up lots of room?" 'Oil, no. not at all." Then ju.-.t sit down and tell us all about it.'- "I took a low seated, hi.h backed grandfather's chair, which mother had banished from the parlor, because you know every one has one now, and nailed narrow strips of woo l in such a manner as to form a canopv-liko top io it. Then you know, like every one else, 1 had sev . i i i , - . , erai om niacKinrosiies or gossamers in the old clothes closet, which from hiiv : . . i . i- i . . i , , , mi; spi-uiiL; a lean aoout me snouliler or like cause hail been tli?', i aside. How silt-: m:.. . s. Cuttiii"; out the best parts of these i.. i.i. .i. i.. i .. oouiiii uie oi several pieces 1 Jiai ntteil to the trame with tape, and in the tin in i .- ami iit in i ei v ais .ijoiilt mi' euires made strong button holes and fastened the whole by means of these to nail heads I had left projecting about one- half inch from the framework: Thcst Whztt is :iuun Pih hcr's irsc-ri pt ion for Inf.uitn :ul Cliililron. It in itlicr OpJum, Slorpliinc nor is a J;an:slsss MiLstltuto Castoria ii Ir. other N.rcoli( i.i- i ic is IMcasant. Its . frtiar;int' in lliirfy y'nrs uno Ity Ilillions of Mothers. CistorLi !cs( r.yn AYonus niul nllayti ftncrisliiiess. C.t.storiii prevents xouilLiw Sour Curd, euros Iia.rrlura atii V.'iml Clio. Castoria relievos toothing; troubles, euro coiif.tip i( ion ;mI ILitiiloney. Citsloria nssuiiilatcs tho f.ol, rot:I:itoj t!i ttoiiiacIi and bowels, t;ivin Ixoalthy aud natural Ioer. Cas toria i. tbo Chihlrcu's .V;u;:ict:v-tlio Motlier'n Friend. -aropror'i", nJro;ij, t,ooth:i: .Syrups, and Castor Oil. Casl ,oria. Doors, Blinds Can supply everw demnnd of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. 'Constantly keepa on hand everythn 1 you nml to furnish your house. MK.NIR SIXTH AND MA.IN STKKKT I y 0vr3 for ImpoltM. lota l:(-ir Manhood. Semi.ici .TvSrSS. t-- r.i-ii.ns. Spermatorrhea. TV iw Self Distrust. ; ' E :- ' Hsmoru, &e. Will ifVtel Ti'" you a STRONG. Vigor- 3errt, $5 00. en Box. ii.-daa- LSslnaat Co., 910 LOOA3 Ave nr. louis. mcv 1 r';T; i 7"7r3"E354KFA?oi?F.iicuf?!?D I gO tiQ Sa ''"'i'i Inv.iii, I'nl nlar :r taik- at?T:;F 'w itrt. Wrju tor bit-it ot prs BOILING WATER OR MILK E PPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. GO A LAEELLED 1-2 L3. TINS ONLY. CO fV:-7ie '-'-' 'JST-,cr ri ::'L. 'SijM Ilair lo ; Plattsmout Neb SCHFFMAHfTS ASTHMA CifJir ess; irutKiw,. WITISrllE-rl..S T lnli.1..., Ilauo u laaUM. dl ?l" IJrmjrtM. ijr hr Mil iinlo FKIt lor r um. .Bonifl linn, la .a etfible I .StPauLKi: BALSAM oud D.:an:.lie the a !nxu.i&T!t cr'.wth. ils to He. tore Grv itjt Vniill.1,,1 Curul .Cain 1:. A htir f.ilimr". HINDERCORNS ler ft (tinffur rnrtn. I ir. i,. m-..r.i ...i. W'ak l.unr, Iifhiiin-, Ii.iiiriion. I'. n. l c inlime. jucu! Th ontv miT piit fnr enm. V.-aiiisu, or lll'SUOX U CO., N. Y. Eupepsy. i ins i wuai you ougin to nave, in fact, you must have it, to fully en joy inc. i noiisaiHis are .searcJiing; tor it daily, atul mourning- becau inev lnul it not. 1 IiousaiMls upon inoMsanus oi uoiiars arc spent an nually hy our people in the ho; i::ai inev may auain tins iiiimi And yet it may be had bv all. V gii.iiantce that IClectric Hitters, if ii-ed according- to directions a:id the use persisted in, will bring; you good digestion and oust the demon dispepsia and install instead eupep sy. We recommend Kleetrie Hit ter.- ior dyspejisia atul all diseases of liver, stomach ami kidneys. Sold at a!)c. and I.(K) per bottle by F. C Fricke A:2C.'a drug store. The Hermes Method for piano and organ, the favorite and most sue eessiui in trance ana termaii-, also liarmoiiy taugnt. dtt Mks. A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frecjuont no tices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping; with negroes, tramps ami coachmen. 1 lie well-known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, sa3's all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject lo ncad ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im moderate cr3-itig or laughing. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is no remedy equal to Kestorative Nervine. Trial bottles and a line book, containing many marvelous cures, free at F. G. Fricke !t Cos., who also sell and miarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures nattering, short breath, etc. Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic PLASTER. Siwr quick rtlirf jrom pain. Rheumatism, nraratta. nleurisr and Inmhuo OnrwiMBle. trrnuin for aala Hy all limiwsts T!. Chichester English. Red Cross Diamond Brand A TMC OdlSllltl mnm (NUIC. TtwaalT Kafn. wwn.MmiaU Pill foramla. 7ia Maar IiIb4. Jw Mmhimii end hmmtten a imiimnMiM irfpf. Dnmuu.or arsf .a ihii.iihii mm. U.ll l m u ' - v "TT" . i vniwaiSTEH iN(aicl , auivia i saj mm i iVilss' Nerveand Liver Pllle- Act on a new principle regulatino the liver, .-itomach and bowels through the nervea. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliougnes3, bad taste, torpid liver, pile:, constipation. Une- qualed for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 2e. Simpla free at F. G. Frirke & Co'-. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved.' From a letter written by Mrs. Ada K. Hard of Groton, S. D..vequote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on niv lungs, cough set in and tinall3' terminated in consump tion. Four doctors gave meuo sav ing I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, de termined if I could not stay with 1113- friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, toon in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and heart3r woman." Trial bottles tree at F. G. Fricke & Co. s drug store. regulnr size, 30c. and $1.00. Some years ago Chatnoerlnin & Co., ot Des MoineB, Iowa, commenced the man ufacture of a cough syrup, belieTing it to be the most prompt and reliable prepara tion yet produced for coughs, colds and roup: that the public appreciate true merit, and in time it was certain to be come popular. Their most sanguine hopes have been more than realized. Over three hundred thousand bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy are now sold each year, r.nd it is recognized as 'the best made," wherever known. It will cure a severe cold in less time than inv other treatment. For sale by F. G. Fricke it Co. Bucklen's Arnica Salv. The Best Salve in the world tor Cute Iiruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Ferer Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to eive satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2." rents per box. For sale bj F. O. Fricke & Co. pieces can be buttoned on and taken off in a few moments. When on the back and Hides of the chair and top, bein covered squarely and neatly, look like high box. In front another piece falls down to the seat, with a small piece like a little window cut out of the middle to breathe through. "lhis being hnisned, you want a small foot tuo placed in fiwit of the chair and filled, when you are ready to u.-,e it, with hot water. "I think every one should have in her room a one burner oil stove or a small gas stove, by means of which one may have water that is not onh hot, but boil ing, at will. "Place such a one on a chair at hand with a pan of hot water with which to keep that iu the foot tub replenished. If yon have not a shower bath, have ready cold water for a lightning sponge bath. Place a linen rag in a saucer and pour on it a teaspoonful of alcohol and set be neath the chair." "Oh, 3-es: I tried that once when I had a bad cold coming on and I nearly roasted myself.' "Oh, but if 3ou just tack a piece of cardboard on the front of the chair, just wide enough to protect the limbs from the blaze and have the seat of wood, or else well padded, 3-ou will have no trouble. 'It is a bother to get all these things together, but once having done so it is best to put them away in such a manner as to be easily accessible. 'Notice how all evidence of it may be disposed of afterward. The pieces but toned on to the nail heads ma3 be taken off in a moment, the steam wiped off the waterproof surface, and the3' may be aired at the window while j-ou are picking up the other things. IT TAKES UP LITTLE ROOM. "When emptied the tub must be thor oughly dried over the register, the bath towels and wraps put away. A neat drapery of muslin or heavier stuff may be arranged like a canopy about the chair, and a dainty cushion and valance will conceal the tub in which the folded pieces of mackintosh are laid, and the whole ma3 be stowed away beneath the chair. ' It is obvious that if the chair is not available a simple framework could be made up by a carpenter at low cost, or a bright girl with a large bedroom or bathroom at command could utilize two packing boxes for the same purpose with better effect, if anj than the chair bath, although the almost hopeless ugliness of two packing boxes is a drawback. 'And now for the bath. "You disrobe as usual, and lifting up the curtain with the little window in it, step into the warm footbath and 6it down in the chair. Tuck the quilted lap robe about your knees, let down the cur tain and put one hand out and drop a lighted match into the teaspoonful of alcohol in the saucer. "Draw j-our hand in and close every crevice to keep air in. If 3ou can stand it put more of the alcohol in the saucer at intervals, but don't try more than one teaspoonful at once. The hot, dry air at first makes you feel faint, but when the perspiration breaks out yon can just sit and sizzle in comfort. After fifteen minutes I generally take the bath mitten and plenty of soan and f water and scrub off the perspiration. "Then 1 burn another teaspoonful of alcohol, and when I get well warmed np in the hot air Ltake a quick bath in cold water, into which I have put a prepara tion of gum benzoin, then with a quick rubbing with a coarse towel I jump into my bath blanket and into bed for a nap." New York World. "Oaatoria, Is an excellent tiieillcln" for om'l iVren. Mothers have repatolly told uui of ila ood eflct upon their children." Da. Ci. C. O.soor.n, Lowell, Uua. " CaBtort.a In the bent ruinoily for children of which I mil ueiiuiiinli'd. I linim the. d.iy i.-or.nt far distant when mothers wMIcoiiiiiilor the nul interest of their children, and uso Casforia in stead of the various quack nostrums which nro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurl fill agents down their throats, thereby sending them to jiremature jrraves." IH. J. F. KiNfriirLOK, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Cantor!; la bo well ,!iirt'd to elindrvn that I r.'O iimm-ml it Uanupvrior UMjiy pnaicrijjUoa kuuwu to inc." If. A. Aueitun, SL I)., ill So. Oxford :;t ,, lir.Miklyn, N. Y. "Our jfiyiilei:uiM in tho children's depArt Iile.'it have Fpol.eii highly of their evju-H-t-nce In their outside piiic'-ieo Willi ( 'ivitoiia, iir.l altliotii'h wo only nuvu anion;; atir medical Biipjilies what. Is I ii,nvn a regular proil.Mots, yet we itni freo U ronfe that th merita of Otstoriu lias won u.i to look with favor upon it." UnITKO IIOHI'ITAf. ASl IIKI'KNHnT, Loston, Mam C. Smith, I'm., The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. 2 "W .?w.a -t-jsi'iii J V-m-J v.;.. ,i I. J. ("K.AV.KK" & VX DEALERS IN PINE LUMISEli, SHINGLES, LATH, SASH. DOORS, I'LIND.-vu.d all Im-hling mutco,1 corner of one hiodi Call and sec us at tint iltli and Elm street, north of Hciscl's mill. Plattsmouth, Nebraska FOR. THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL Train Is Right. Mrs. Binks CJoorge Francis Train says that people will wake up some morning and find that Jay Gould has lost every dollar. Mr. Binks That's so, every word of it. 'My goodness! When will it be, do yon think?" -When he dies." New York Weekly. N ALL OUR COMPLETE LINE 0' BOOTS AND SHOES BilfiQiiljYS FOR ALL. W. A. BOECK Sr CO. v Also the Litfh running- Domestic Sewing Machine for sale Everything to Furnish rour House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having bought the J V Weckbach store room on south Main street I offer my entire stock at a sacnlice to save movina. Mow is the timp nr . -v to buy Gasoline stoves and furniture of all kinds. Opera Home Block T ppj A If .Of A ia n rsi THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY BBOTHKKS. M Tm B. Kew Tork. PriceMeta, mm u n m