) ) PlaUsmoiith Daily Herald tC NOTTS BROS, Publishers I'liMislici ffnry Tt.nrstl.-iy, il;ii!y -vt-ry ev-i!n 'xi-ejt Hs;nlay. !' istffcil ;tt '! ri;l!ts'il'urli. N-1'. )tst o:li'f f h tr;t!!S!ii'-i'i-iii t In in; t'i.- I ' VS. mails r si ci.i.il c!ms y;:t - . !' ni.-r Vine .m l Fifth strrcts. Ti ll'; limit :-. I S.V US Ki-K ".V r KI.V. "iW '! Vi--!'. im . '"(', (n. i' i"ir, ii: (;, i i n.' ':(. in . i' ., !! r-.-iilli-. i:. .nl-.u.i'' KilM.S J-i.it A. ' i y ' .i' :ii :i !'.' nc- '!! u y ''' by c-nn'i' hi :', i r im-iil I' . . . 1 .VI . 2 IH) . . 7.1 4(1 . .? : .k 15 . . 5C I ... .... . I Willi .111 Illf rO(UI1-(MIMMltH of the I law; that it had its .f I M , H X of tsecur- ! hich on deposit atul was in fjdod condition. Shortly after I l.oiiyht into the company In- nunlo another trip to Omaha, atul upon liis return home we were notified that our se curities were not snl'licu nt, though they had in no wise depreciated since January. "We paid hut little attention In this. A few davs later one of our friends informed u- that lieutoii in-h-iided making thf company tronl.l. ; l looiv iki .-Inch in Sue ii-poi t, as 1 J 'otiIi ee no way hy whic!) we could I e i ii j i. in 1. "A leu days a;j a man e.-ime from ! Jeutou's of'iiee In f : i !; 1 i : i r. . of '.lie hooks and ;uv ;i n 1 .- at ."tin p7r l;t . I then i iscovrvi" thai he li:nl AND SO DOES Just the same, it in lor ii p! ica lion poi tiled. and 1 ;il mice iu.hIi ami li;id a re ivcr aj-ap- I )I)A V, MAY I.", iso I iK.,.sM:-;.T JlAK-K'isox and his ca!iiie-t li.ieiiii t the jieople. and a world of den.o ratic n i-r -pi esenta lion touch int;- those been dispelled. H'entlenien has Mk'.IlAk-k-lsox "jicknowled d the corn" whcnjlie assured .Nebraska that he had an undisguised pref erence for the corn belt. TO ADVERTISE 2v .1 .A, IfcT S Ca.ll On A Ft) uk year old colt was sold at the late Senator Ih-arst's California sale of thoroughbreds to Joxhall Keene of .New York for $'Xt, 500. WlIlU-: the weather no where has been excessively dry this spriii-- yet the forest lires in the pineries have been the most dest ruct i ve ever kuowii, footing up losses of many millions. Cough &yrup. Koch's Lymph is oo 1 in its place but .) remedy has been put on the market and had such marvelous sales in so short a tine- as Mailer's Sure Cure Co.ih Syrup. We guar antee it to cure any couub, cold, bronchitis or .-ore thioat. l'o: sah 13- all druists. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's I'orous riaster. Price 25 cents, hor sale bv 1. (J. bricked C"o. and ( ). 11. Si-der. mmmm m? MADE ONLY BY (T & N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. Chicago. II a nk. o V C : s C o tin ty a :u:- !' Cor ':"i u;i fas Tl-lllr OFFI NiCiKASiA City's inio:tance has been dwarfed by Harrison visitinir I Omaha and not mentioninthecity. I'he press however consoles its readers with the assurance ili.it Harrison would have been with them only important bus! ness :if Washington completed him to forego the.umiiitigaied pleasure of a social cal'.. si reef jysn (KV iS liKi RS V It. F.iriie'e ITfsklt-iit "ret ;r.w-r Viet- Frcsidrtnt I. I. r:tt tcrsitii ( Ksln-ir T. M. IVlliTson, A-.t ( ii-hiei DIRECTORS :'. il. Fiin-ii'lf. .1. M. J'attcrsim, Fred C.order. , H. Smuli. K. 15. Wiuillium, U. S. Kitiiixey and k GENERAL BANX1NC BUSINESS TR ANSA TED Affcotii-itt solicitfld. Interest allowed on time .1eixsitr and pi'iimpt aiti ntioiitjiven to all bus iness entrusted to its care. First National BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid ui) caiit tl &rj nra nn AljWU.Uil THE HERALD AND BRING YOUPx ADVERTISE MENT ffJYou Want to ctl Xoav Propery Advecfise tt. Tin; state fish hatchery at South He 1 1 d no w 1 i a s 'J.(X. ),0. M va 1 3 cy ed-p i k e ready for free distribution. These are about the only fish thev will have for distribution until next fall, when they will have a supply of black bass and German carp. Tkos who have suitable water for the pike, which is an exceedingly line fi ill. will do well to storlr no -.i rti.-, Til r iiimi i i mo t j . .1 . - xiAii. u'.ii.iiiLojoi) ucparcment has been ntted with new vp ancJ is able to do the finest of work and on short notiee. it yon want sale bills call on this office and get onr prices which are reasonable and alike to all. We are Here to Please mi SUBSCRIBE FOE IT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA The Chicago .V Xorth-wcsf ern lischargetl all of its union switch men over the entire system, and tin- work for the present is being large ly done by train men. Te general manager says that they are not op posed to unions, but that the switchmen organization had be come such a troublesome element that something had to be done, and that it was necessary to see whether tlie owners were able to manage their own propert3' or not. THE New York Tribune commends me decision ol the supreme court in the Thayer-Boyd quo warranto case as based on common sense, saying that in this country there is no short cut or round about twist to citizenship atid that there ought not to be. An alien should qualify Himself as the law directs. T . . . ji scouts tlie taea that congress intended to amend the naturaliza tion laws in the enabling- net al. nutting Nebraska to the Union. It says what is admitted by everybody in this state, that "it is not pre tended that 3Ir. Boyd has acted toward the people of Nebraska in bad faith but claims that he negligent in a matter where vigil- ance was essential." tJJers the verv ?eht facilities for the pronip" transaction of liitiiuate lliuikifig Business 8toek, bonds, Hold. KOVermnent and loeal tv euiillen bouv'lit e.i:d sold. PcpoKits leeeived Mid lir.eiedi uliowi-d nn Hie certificate Ursi'ts ( raw a. ;'.v;ui;ili in any part of tlie Unite Slate.- ard aii the i-rinciii.il fctwii ol Kurope. Ol.LKCriONri MAbF AM I'JVWrTLV IIKMIT iiL i . TH BONNER STABLES W. D. JONES. Proprietor. 1 S THE FINEST TPIB CITY RIGS IN Carriages lor Cor. 4th and Vino Pleasure and Short Kept Henri y. Drive- Always I'JattKinouth, .Nebraska F n C2 WIJ.L KKEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours dullest markff )'l -e pni-! or "on.ty Wat. rants, st ite aiif County l.oun-. fohii Kiizir .raid I), llawjrfwortb Sum V!,(:!i. K. K. Viii', e .f-;.i 'e V.. Joh i FitzK'UiM. s Vaiitr;,. l rer-njeni t .-s ' ErMUKDS & ROOT Tne pioneer meichants of Carry a full Btock of general merchondtse which theyaell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm produce. Gen erous treatmentand fair dealing 18 the secret of our success. Cor Fifth and Vine Sts Kansas is handed the cake by common consent. She has a convict in her penitentiary who sucessfnllv raised a bank draft from $1 to$20,(XJ0 and got it cashed and then forged his own pardon from the federal authorities on letter heads printed by his procurance, similar to the official paper, and the pardon was received as irenuine. Had not this sharp practicer over- uone me matter ne would have es caped with his liberty and the money. IUt he arcnmnainVd tl-i pardon with a forged order for re lease, which was a superfluous flourish and was so extraordinary that the warden of the penitentiary wrote to Washington for an expla- j nation. The answer exposed the ingenious plot. The convict was a colored man who had considerable talent as a clerk and was employed 1 A. t . . . uy trie waraen in that capacity. oidic juurnui. The Best is the Cheapest That is Why Fred Gorder alter 15 years of experience as th most succes rnents-which he carries and heartily recotumonds to Im friends and patrons. Stclrum. 2oliao and Sch.utler WAGONS, Sradloy, Perur and Dsoro LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES AND Badger Cultivators. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER. DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Cheekrowers and Planters. Ml "GOB DEB flflM'T RST filllDCn Hand,es the "estol buggies, Photons, Carts, Sprino- Wa-ons and UUH I Ot EJUrbU Carriages and other vehicles that are manu fcSnrcd 1 ' The largest line in Cass County, of double and single harnc8 at prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect storlr betore purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLElt an ex ' workman has charge ot our harness shop. xpenenced Fred Gorder, Plattsmouth and Weeping Water CIIAS L KOOT, Notary Public Murray Neb. Thera h peral cheap reprints of an obsolete edition of 11 UaKcl.i.E 1 11 ' i l . . at a low price By dry Roods dealer-, crocers, clothiers, etc., and in a lew instances ad a premium lor subscriptions AnuouncemeDts of these comparatively Worthless rerjrintu nr tait mtnl.arlini.. .1 1 , , - y. , . . .. lUr l.AIH T, I I II' V ar.; adTertised to be the fnibf-tantinl equivalent of "an eiftht to twelve dollar book." when in reality from A to Z they are all Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a lxok f over fortv vea-s ano, which in its day was sold tor about .r."iw. and which was much superior in p.-pr, print, and binding to these imitations, being then tlie best Dictionary of the time instead of one Long Since Obsolete. which some of thsA Ivm .K q o- : , j ... ' . . , , , ' c ' 1 jo :iii- ' 1 - -xhviunh iiv r't'Li dead over thirty years, ani was ptihlishpd he- furs hia A in d ill.. 1 , . . ... ttiuiiiuii! are proDauiy reprints of alike charaotfr. brided lictiouaryt unioh im the onlv one inmiiuir 10 cms generation, contains over 2K pases, with illustrations on nearly every pat:e protected by copyright from cheap imitation. Valuable aa this work is, we liaTe at vast ex pense published a thoroughly revised succe.9rr the name of which is Websteb's Ixteskational Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated pamphlet free. P. J. HANSEN DKALKR IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE THE Nebraska Insurance Co. of Omaha has been wound up by the appointment of G. Albright aa receiver. W. G. Madden of Des j Moines purchased a third interest in the company recently and was elected its vice-rre!ideiit. Thp in. stitution was supposed to be making money, as it had a paid up capital of $100,000. The only expla nation afforded at this time is the one offered by Mr. Madden, which is as follows: "Auditor Benton has not given us a fair deal. On January 1 he in spected the affairs of the company 6. & C. MERRIAM & CO.. Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. VsB Vzvr niWA TITTS -o-'-va;-. l - i-' mur vT .TTi .out injury, remove and Tan. A few applications will ren- I u r wis most BtuoDornjy red skin Boft, mooth and vrhitft Vir1. C.ram not a paint or powder t cover defects, www a icuicu? w cure, it is superior to all other nremntiona. and ia DinnuJ or mail- f-kiiLr .iaw mm Floor ill Feed a Specialty ::trouaro : the Puble Solicited. JOHNSON BUILDING, Norm 61!i S ITlinl in1nl ml IlMkU.i b oo timccah tmm mil JULIUS PEPPERRERG. MANUFACTURER OF AKB WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IK THE Thoicest Brands of Cigars Flor si 3 ? including our fXJliV LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE always i stock. Nov. 28. i885. K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Kuu Line ef Consult W lutere,rby G,Tlng SHERWOOD BLOCK! fltteraoutla ou uiicu 1111 ii uuu coirjDiiea if t