pertcfns - house, I Good News! 217, 221 and Muni St 'lattsmouth, H. M. PONS Nebraska. Projirip'"- I lie I'i rkiiin renovated from now on: of tin- Boarder will $4. fiO hikI up. 1 1 I tup l.f-Ht Ivrll I:: ... Ilot'-b he taken lJ III tti . hilt! tin- wi k it 'o one, who w willing to adopt the niffit trouiar!, need tie loug ajiiicuxj Willi bolls, car-l)Uiii-li:.i, ptmiilci, or other cutaneous erup tions. 'Ilicai; are the result of Nature's t-f-foi'ld to expel polwonoou ami i-lloto m;itti-r Imiii tin Mooil, :uil Miow ilamly llml Uin sy-t.-tn l.-i Mil'lliiH It-si'll lUlniiKli tlie skill ot ii.i,.ui in. - Milieu U 's liie l lUm.ito work. ,m Hie iiver auil kulneys to rcimiVf. To ni hil. re organs lo tlifir .rn'x.-r 1 unction;, Ayr's .S.tis.'ii.i.rilla is the meilieiue retimed, 'i liat ln olintr IiIdimI-iiii! iln.T call Colu'iuro with l1-, Uiuu.uniii testify whj have gained GOOD BAR C01T1TECTED . C. IvK.HaTEaB, i County Surveyor -ANI- CIV1L ENGINEER. .-eedom All orden left tli Onuitv Clerk receive prompt attention. OFFICE IfJ COURT HOUSE ill IT:' from the tynmtiy of rli-praveil blood liy tho l,se nf tins llleliii-ilic. " I'or nine years I v;m jtaUii'ti'il with a skin ! tb:it ';il i;'t yi.-M ( ;ny I'-n.'iily i:!ilil a friehil a'vlsel no lotry Ayir's Saisa p. trill. I. Wiil. the ii.e .f tht. meilieiue the t- tn !;t int. li Nripiwnreil. It ii my helief that iit other Mi oil meilieiue eouM liave etfeeleil ho raj M aii'I ei!ni.-f,e a sure." A miles J. f'.nreli'. f. Vietir!a, Tunvitillpnft, Mi-xi'-o. "My faee. fur year, was covered with pitn r.I" :'iel itrriior.-i. for uliiili I coitlil find ii(J reiiit-ily till I lie-in to lake Ayr's Sarsapa llll. I. Three Lotties of this jnvilt Mooil tlieiii rine effeefeil n MioriKit'ti eure. I confidently reeoiiitneuil it to all Milh ritr; from sinnUr tiouhl -a." M. ivrker. t'oneord. VU w a s JOU Ai HUtCKbAIN'CUO WNH -Bridge work ;tind tine gold work a SPECIALTY. DK. STKINAIJS LOCAL as well :is other an estheticsiven forth- painless cxtraeiion o" teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - Fit.girald T1IK INTER ATM O N A L TYPEWRITER SarsaDariHa- DR. J. C. ATER & CO., Lowell, Maas. Fold by Krui: "'-- " --- Worth tottle. I UoKSKsiroKiN't; a - -lie -io- the l'KLT Aj'jTY KEVlRSLIP J10RSSSH0E tii lv--it hoi.--slin A strictly first cl;i"w m:tdiinp. fully warra.i: !. Made from th verv tiest ma'ena! h fkilied workmen, and with the tiest tools flat havt ever leeii devised for tli War ranted to do all ttiat can be reaso-iahly ex neeted of the very liest typewriter extant ilaoahle of writing 1Si words per minute o; moro accordins to the ability of the operato-. PllICE $100. Ifthcre N no aent in your town addrecs tli-manufacture!-. TIIK I'AKIKFl M'F'd CO. Agents wanted Parish N, Y. F. li. SEELEMIRE, Agent. Lincolii, Neb, Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A. WATERMAN k m P LUMBER Shingles, Latb, Sash, Doors, BSinds Can supply everw demand of the citr. Call and get terms. Fourth .trt i ' in rear of opera home. I'M-IT. , pun-ows e tlltlt HClVoll jotks. a- i Ihvs, ( -shop ind vet e !.l iti. -5 c- a. - B " i, ;s 3 !2 2. 3 s s - 3 5 32 3 2 'i h CO 2 5 "rcic-i II S 1 . S i a 3- 2 -Se 32r:fs J II l 3 f I 2 tS'9"P era CO k. n n 5 s - r ? - z 5 2 ? tm 5 s . 2 12 m u c ft iL s S - , ?i 3. s ft ft 3 5 3 - e? iB - 3 i S - e!H 2 2 " M 5r .r. I -1 ir ? . z ;'s S. c s - 5 ' 2. e 4 s 1 C i; OO 3 -a r rr CO o o o i ; in SWEET SCENTED FLOWEMS. Llwrllyii Moore'- He -ojinized HfiiilrjiinrK-rs fur- trie Arlistic unrl li Bfjuutil'ul. lit) s.nitli.i. t-orcojisis l:i:wi-il;it;i. "!ir ,-;iii;lirmiiiu wi;i xima ii 'I t i i r 1 1 i i nun 1 1 l.i t c. leu J ;i!il !- !ii;itl- IM.I tli ;i i;uti;il lis of Mr. ."'linn c.-. i ;iik! nits, are per- . i-: tlv liari- ami an- mil injured lya .Nebraska viiitT. Mr. lonrr 1 lias a line stuck of tera 1 1 i li ms. , eoleii-i ami some ot those rielilv eol- i'I'imi i-reneii eamias, also a line line of lu-ililiiii; plants. In ro.-es lie a speeial! ol tl;e loMowino' nlv varieties: tieaeral Jaeipii- lot. .1I. riautier. I'erle. Ninhiios. t o'-t her with the oh I ,-tainlitil I. a I'ranee ami that tjueen of the ro-i-iauiil. the A hi. lie . in I !.a u t . w h ie 1 1 iiinler f.ioiahe eireuuistances has I ro 1 1 icei I roses s inches across, l)i"i;;ht red ami of a most delicious I rati ra i ice. -No colh-ction ol liowets is conijilete without some of the.-e Iiardy roses. Mr. Moore has the t'i-pu1 a t ioi i of l iii- the hest rose grower west of Chicago; he never forces his plants, thus making' them lender hut "fives them every requis ite to make them hardy and strong. This sprinif- is an unusually o-od one for set tiny; out plants and should he improved by our people. Remember the place where plants and prices will suit the most exact ing" is at Llewellyn Moore's on West Locust street, and call at once. tf. revfr: of a bachelor. lie Simke li'i l ili i'iir.ii hiiiI Then rtiikcj t'p Ills Mil.. I l I.iuhl n l'rrli ( lSur. I'lifT! Tins rest u firetty jx-tiny too is exccr.ii.l" 1 feel like throwing it away, only hlowiu tin- smoke into rins is an ainii-.t i:.. rit that 1 hute to forego. I'ui'l! Now. that t in if is a posi tive work of art l'v it ha- to up in sian!;e. ititis of mii lie they are very like man i:' I"- ri' T!i ddTii;i lasts ahotit ;ts ..ti'j. Tiii-y are itila;itely more ami!-iii; -anil less wearisome. Fancy hi -in;; married! 1) r-r! No more hohemi.'iiiiin, no cakes aiil in r either- tm pjp.-s and puta h. i!n w.-v lire-- a c'alter of EC champarii; Inste.-id a ilidii-s f'tMMi tie si .eks for t he in a full fl- ti a u ife knitt ing family. Later rf.iiiiiiias h'.i iuu motley to tile m'Iihi, : po.-y over "vh. ii I sir.' I t-hudder to Whkiiii and llaek-uiith simp Wagon. Huggy. .Mar:hitH; and oV K'!T!rif).; 'lon- for tht vi;ii. or for citr llivetlted. If t. mi nuidt -: ).l!t ol sharp or tint nil it iid .-lii'p.-rv -et-. Call H? Suddon Deaths. Heart disease is by far the most freipient cause of sudden death, which in three out of four eases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally understood. These are: a habit of lying' on the right side, short breath, pain or ditressin the side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hung'i'y spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry couy-li ainl smot hen ny". Mr. .Miles illustrated book on Heart Disease, free at F. (1. Frike V Co's, who sell and g'Uarantee Dr. Miles' uiieiiualed .New Heart Cure, and his restora tive .Nervine, which cures nervous ness, headache, sleeplessness, drop- y, etc. It contains no opiates. (io to Phillip K ran si for your drv li'oods and uroceries. where vim will find the best of everything, he also keeps fruits and vegetables in their season. tf. Eupepsy This is what vou ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully en joy lite. 1 housaiuls are searching lor it dailv, and mourning- because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent :'!: anally by our people in tile hope that ihev may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Llectric Hitters, if used according- to directions and the use persisted in, will bring' ou g'ood digestion and oust the demon dispepsia anil install instead eupep sv. We recommend Klectrie Hitters for dvspepsia and all diseases of liver, stomach and kidneys. SoJdat ."Vic. and ifl.OO tier bottle bv I'. 1. I'ricke AilCo.'s drug store. The Ilennes Method for piano and organ, the tavorite ;uid most suc cessful in France and (ierinany, also harmony taiiy;ht. iltf" MKS. MKRGICs. kiteh vitai i I pat groceries aim i lyin..; hook trusts g!- .win was a young fellow, think of it. Heside", il is so miuli pi--a-' a n t r play at plaj-ing the Lrai.ue than n-ailv play it. It is very pleasant to make love and that is why marriage is so un pleasant; one can't make hive tln-n. Making love is a game that should al ways, lo played (in tin? progres.-ive plan. With the same partner always it lie comes dreadfully monotonous. It is for that reason that I pity the married man. To flutter from fk.wer to flower, never bestowing ali'ectiou on any, hut alfeeting to adore .'ill that is the bachelor's priv ilege. Hut, you rr.y, one car'iot make love with gray hairs. An old beau is the most ridiculous of men. Yes. you Jire right. Hut it is not necessary to he al ways making love. As one grows old there Jire .so many other hobhies. Puff! How blue that Miioko is! A kind of fading, ethereal blue, not tang ible in words or from the palette. A blue like the blue of a pair of eyes ah, what glorious eyes they jire set in a marble white frame like the blue and white loves of Dresden china. I wonder, by the way, if she meant all she said with those eyes at the IJron pun's that night! She said a good deal She is really not half bad. Hose Alwin a pretty name rather. Rose inn, ehe will still be Hose if . Wi ll the i act is iit'iwctn me aim me oiuesnioKe her face has been haunting me like ghost. I might marry the ghost. From what her eyes said that night she wouldn't say no. If I were to throw- away this cigar put on my hat and gloves, and go to her what an exquisite joke it would be considering what J said about marriage just now. Puff Hy jove, I will do it! Pah, goodby, ci gar even bad things have an end. This glove comes on too easily deuced bad form. Qui how dust will settle on a man's hat. Now I think I'll do. What's that? The city post. Il'in. Dun's bills. Ah a woman's hand. v na at.- ".nr. ana iurs. Aiwm an nounce the wedding of their daughter. Rose" Ugh. flow chill the room seems. I must light a fresh cigar. J. Percy Pol lard in Epoch. to I b i Castoria Ls Dr. .Su-nuH Pitcher's prescription for Infant. .ind CliLIJrcn. It onf:i:t: ; neither Oj.iimi, Morphine nor other Narcotic huhstunce.. li i.i a Jiari::lcs.s uiMtitiito for laroorsc, Irorn, Snothinjj Sj rirps, mil Castor Oil. It in IMeasant. Its-prn.iranleo i-j thirty years usn by millions of .Mothers. (!asloria!cstr.ys AVormn and alhiyj fea-cri.shness. Cattori.i preventii vonilling' Sour CurL turcs Diarrlia-n. fttid Vt'ind Colic. Ca.storia relievcf toething trou!lvs, ,-urs roiulipaliou ami llatiiiency Castoria ass.iiiilates tho f.iod, reg;ttlate; tho hfomach and howels, Kivinj; l.eaUhy and natural uleon. Cas toria is tho Chiilreii.s .Vanaeca tlio Mother's I'ricml. Castoria. "Catorf If. on oxeelleut medl.-itifl for ehH drem. Motliers have repeatedly Ui'.d luts of itn (.;0xl eQuct upon Uieir cliiUrvu." bit. Q. C. 0;r.o-,n, Lowell, Hurts. Cortoria Iti tho beiit rwncdy for children of which I am acquainted. I het'; tho tiay far distant when mothers wrlfcon4i.!er thn real liiterert of their children, anil urn) Catstoria in Ktoad of the v.iriotisquack nostnims which am ih'Stroyinii their lovod ones, hy forcing opium, morphine, bootbint; syrup and otlier hnrii'ul agnnto down their throats, thereby sending them to gravas." 1k. J. F. KicniciB, Conway, Ark. Castoria. f'Btorli Is no wrll aliipted tocfill.lri"n thai I r.-c .'iiiii.'ul it uisupurior to any prurterijition Limjivu to mo." II. A. AiieintR, M. D.. Ill U. Oxferd St., Hr.M.klyii, N. T. "Our phj-sleL-uiS in thn c)nlilnn' deiart rnifit li.ive vjioken hiM of their exjierl fineo In thrir outiiido pruc'.lrn witli CjuiUiri, tivi although wo only havu njnonif our medical KtipplieA what is Lnoivn &m regular priHluctK, yet wo arc froo to ronfenH thut tl in. Tits of Cont-orici tin won us to look with favor upon it." L'.NJTCU IIOEIMTAI. ASU DltPKNH 1T, Uoston, Mm. ij.rn Smith, V., HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AN D UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand everything jou need to furnish jour house. CORNER SIXTH AND MAIS STREET Plattsmout - Neb SCHlFFNANtrS ASTHMA CUR: fsc MfBtiF rliv til 1iM lli .,ry r-r tfortb! .1. WilTlltlf rF.t--l i.l-l. Kriar. C3RTAIW. a4 s r ! ttM mult a a:i cm. t"" Oli MITiiw IM DM-: pilcr..l Pr(r tOr.CJ m-fi. I'micmi m mii runi'N raro.r r"- DK. K.8CHITP JIANlT. EtPsal. King. S3..-.-.-fi:l.-hiT,. IfroAdir.-. ctro, Prompt; roeicv IHt Crire for Imrxitmnr. Lota I V 3 23 f I r-r nn4 Strminn, gX'tf .'-ij'fi Cnttsiant. Spermatorrhea, h- -' !i1 ' W'tisness, bcif uiairuaU .ill ,.J . . r mm . m .M,tM. , Vioor- i m U t ous Man. rritm mi.uv. o 1 il i r.i - - 17. vj iwiKlSasv tlatatat Co.t Mn I'V IVI i lav.Kble Tubular Lap lu.b- O !fn. Whispen hrxrd. CmlorlaSI. !r-;!,r.l:rf ,i. So!d by F. lllMWX.onlv. CO TC S- Wt.u fur bouk ot proof. flCC faVJ . IJ1IHI I V i J i-c-aa v, memory, au. fm Ml JA5vrtV3 malm you a STRONG, v i. ZT 7 J e H itf a -j. tV. mm A Mystery Explained. The ;ijcrs contniti fri-qucut no tices of rich, pretty ami educated g;irls eloping; with negroes, tramps :md coachuieii. Hie well-known specuilist. Dr. eranklui Allies, savs all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usual I- subject to Head ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im moderate crving' or laugfhiiig;. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is no remedv eoual to Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles and Ji fine book, containing' matiy marvclous cures, free at F. G. Fricke & Co's., who also sell and iriianinlee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics. Cures fluttering-, short breath, etc. tvtiiss' Nerveand Liver Pille- Act on a new principle regulating the liver, .stomach and bowels through the uerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad tastt. torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une- (Uiaieit lor niea. women. children. Smillest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 2oc Sunpla free at F. (r. Frickp & Co's.- but I want some A Oueer Disl inet ion in Californisi. There were some queer distinctions in those days. One Sunday, going to the butcher's booth, I found a customer ahead of me, who inquired if he could not have a piece of a liver which was hanging on a tree in plain sight. "Don't know if you can or not," said the butcher. "I'd like to know why? I've been trading with j'ou all along, and asked for liver before variety now." "Stand around and let me look at you. No, 'ou can't have any liver." "Well, why?" "There ain't enough to go round. I have to have some rule about givin' it out, and I have decided that no miner can have a scrap of liver from me unless he wears a canvas patch on the seat of his pants." The canvas patch was a badge of prece dence as well recognized in our camp on the Trinity as the star of the Order of the Garter is in Great Britain. E. G. Waite in Century. BOILING WATER OR MILK EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. OA LA3ELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. PARKER'S HA1B SALAAM tMi t"Ier.wi ami b.-a;i::iiv.- the hmir. ih. Gray lsfit- . 1 "otr a luxuriant irrow r---?i.V -" H ijSevjp Fnlla to HMtn i-v'J S3 -ur rra.p Ji a-r. hair la.Uujl. EBSnEMi i r rarner a iinitor Tonic. It rurrt the worn Consh, weak Luns lfc-hilitr. Intipiatiati, Paiu, Take in time. JOcta, HINQERCORNS. The only rore enrr for Comi. btupa a paa. tuc al HittU. or lilSCOX CO., K. V. Dr. Grosvenor's h Bell-capsic PLASTER. risy i hp a Givra qvirk relie f Jrom iain. Rhnraatim. nmtratpa. tjWnnT ttnn lomhiiro arwi at once. ,-ni,i-e rnr aa'e np an LrrnjrRiPt. Pronounced Hopeless. Yet Saved From a letter written hy 31 rs. Ada Iv llurct ot Groton, r. D., weouote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lung;s, cough set in ana uiiaiiy terminated in consump tion. Four doctors jrave me up say ing- l could live Out a short time. 1 gave myself up to mv Saviour, de termined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hits- band was advised to p;et Dr. Kings's New Discovery lor consumption coughs and colds. I rave it a trial. took in all eig;ht bottles; it has cured me and thank God I 51111 now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s druir store. regular size. aOc. and $1.00. Some years ago Cuamoerlsin & Co., of Des Moines, Iowa, commenced the man ufacture of a cough syrup, beliertng it to be the most prompt and reliable prepara tion yet produced for coughs, colds and croup; that the public appreciate true merit, and in time it was certain to be come popular. Their most sanguine hopes have been more than realized. Over three hundred thousand bottles of ! Chamberlain's Cough Remedy are now old each year, and it is recognized as 'the best made," wherever known. It will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Tak CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. RED CF.0SS rA f.V ryi om&mai amb er muim r T -Tlala, Diamond 8rahd LX jt v; v ti -m TNI OanaiMAL AND CINUINt. Th' aalpKare. fmrr. an-1 reUaHe fill f'.r mla. lea, aaa ni aaiiai ar vmtmm f ir a Afua o r m -e. w i .u v aM vita MM nattaa. Jaa aa otaep alau. .ik.n!i cm ;w:ir. - Am akaa ta aaaajkaart Waaa. aink raiun. art twtwiw e.niiierii-tl. At Dnisjrinj. e a-taJ 4av aa ip. lap papucalara. 1 1 .11 nui. I., ar-.l Keilpf f'-ir ft.u.liep.' a l'?.-r. Ht relnra Mail. !. TiaimaulaM. A I I Jaaar. CHICHT(R CHCaSICa L Co.. SU- Koitra, Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Bkst in the world for Cuts Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ive sti?faction, or money refunded. Price "o cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Foreign Interference in Our AITairn. Fortunately and wisely, we have thus far steered clear of "entangling alii ances, witn tne single ana limited ex ception of our treiitj' of 1846 with New Granada respecting the transit of the Isthmus of Panama: and by thus follow ing the policy of careful abstention from all interference in the domestic ques tions and local issues of other nations, we are enabled more consistently to check and repel any impertinent orprag matical attempt by foreigners to inter meddle with our domestic policies or to dictate alterations in our carefully ar ranged distribution of powers. It may as well be understood that, desirous as we are of pursuing policies of peace, comity and reciprocal advantage with all nations, we will never so lower the standard of our independence as to change the form and principles of our government to accommodate strangerB who come among us voluntarily and in pursuit of their individual tastes and fortunes. Ex-Secretary Bayard in Fo rum. A Chinese Girl's Life. The Chinese girl's education begins at six years of age. Then she must submit to the bandaging of her feet, which cruel custom cripples the poor child and causes her untold suffering. But as small feet are considered a mark of great beauty this .arbarous custom, which has obtained in China for ages, is still practiced. The bandages are changed as often as they become soiled, but the practice continues until the girl reaches the age of nineteen. Sometimes, when about ten, the bones of the toe are broken to prevent further growth. At nineteen the girl is married. But courtship, as it is known among the Americans, is not understood or tolerated by the Chinese. Mntual affection is not the foundation of the marriage, but the children are betrothed in infancy by their parents, and when grown are obliged to fulfill the engagement. Phil adelphia Times. I Tho Centaur Company, TT Hurray Street, Now York City a-Z-TJ 1 TJi I. I). GRAVES & CO. 9 7J IKALKRS in pink lumbkk, SHINCLKS. LATH, HASH. DOOKS, BhlXDS.Hnd all building in-ttciia! Call and sec us at the litis and Elm street, nqrth of HeisePs mill. corner of one block :w:.n - jlj m IfcTebras FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL IN ALL OUR COMPLETE LINE OK BOOTS AND SHOES BAQSJJSrS FOt Hide. W. A. BGECK CO. Also the Ivigh running- Domestic Se wing- Machine for sale Everything to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having bought the J V Weekbach store room on south Main street I offer my entire stock at a sacrifice to save moving. Mow is the time to buy Gasoline stoves and furniture of all kinds. Opera House Block T PFAROf A mm nPAiya(ikNMi 1 THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY BROTHERS. M Warren f&, New York. PricocOcta ftMrAISIS!nr Of t mM .Mai 1 rilal-Aat&l-l'ULaU 1 a- aa