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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1891)
v. i'.LZV.l, President. AUCU8T UIHLEIN, Secretary. ALFRED UIHLEIN, Superintendent. - 77 V; -7- "- " I -V-' What is i..... i- i S ? ..A.- .'- v. ', VV'- V.."' f f "J .(.: - ,' - 7 7 . !' . -Vr-f -.y? ':rif lit WIENER. ERLAKGER, CULMDACIIER. ' 'SCIILITZ-ERl U, EEa-EEZ?. EE AXILS: (Yj J- ?f, (t-A . tpfflli' B0TTL3L-EEEU EEA1TLS: AriMUAL CAPACSTY: C?iE TJllLUQtl BAHKELS OF BEER. 5cMte Beer is said the World over and has a world-wide reputation for being the best; it is warranted to be pure, wholesome and psfataifc, end Lrzvcd from the choicest Heps and Barley-Malt 2 4111 ettbr:; atio xal TYPEWRITER ' I'rl'-flv flr;t el i--itt;-. fu!!v w:irr ' , M:ult' IP.iil til- .T- ti.;tii-n:tl !' ' ' Hed wi.rkiiu'ii. uitii tli-l"t tools i y e ever Ih'imi l-vi I-.! f-r t!i" I'liriiosi-. V'.tr- iieu n (in an i ii.ii i-.ui i"- ' - - tPl 'f th- Vfry l"-l lvii-wr!T t-t.ii:l ka'I' "f xvririii; l". v--!s -r miiHif . --iv ;',re according t the ability of the oix-i;it . P1UC $100. lfthere U no aent iu your town address the manuta.etu.rte. TIIK PAKISII M'K'C CO. Agents wanted l'arisli S, Y. F. U. SEELEMIIU; Aicenf. Lincolu, Ntli, Lumi its : a li U s ' is i THS OLD REUAS3LE. PIIF LUM i Doors -; t; fi Can supply i vt-rw .leinirnl t the city. Cull iinil -jot tor;ns. Fourth ntrort in rtar of ujcrt hons-o. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hind everything you need to furnish your house. CORNER 6IXTH AND MA.IN 9TREKT Plattsmout - Neb Chichesters English. THE ORICINAL AND 6CMUINC. nr n DDI a miima wttk Mo ribtteo. Take n. ether klae). Srfut uari-vrrw t....i ',ni. a ptMa la iiaMttuara aeaea. pink wrmppera. are 4anfrerou: eMn..eVlta. .u lininm. ,.r n. 4. In eiaapa foe rrUenlara,, and "Keller" lor Lmllr." n r-'f-. in return 'I. 1.N TeMfaaolala. .vm sr. CHICHCSTCR CHlMICM. CO.. f .'ion Sars. IM4 aU Ucal Vraobl. I'aillUi ; i'SSi A. VaI - .' :..--.- - -vvV; . : . ... . . ' ... . . r . r :( , ! !i i. i .... i vt-. rv' i -'.w " - Vv.''fr J rr it 7 ty 11 vT';ni-rr;T Ml orders left vitli Cminty Clerk will receive irMtmt iitti iitiui. OFrtWC I 4 -i V w j 1 . ii'.-..M DENTIST IIT !'.)!.! ANi J"::" I.MN '!') ''.- -Hriilge work'find tine frold work ft SPECIALTY. 1)K. STKIN Al'S IK'M, lis well :w otiT f . etlietti'siriven lortlii- naiules e x tract ion ' toctli. C. A. MAIWIIALL, - Fit.-mh! 217, 2-J1 nml '-'l'.0. IMiv Sf., 3lattsmouth, - f.obras!cn. lhc Perkins hits been throuicfclj .vnoyated from top t" ..t;...n. tow w.f of tilt l'tst hot 'Is in tin.- s-'i?c ;;i":li-rs will le taiv- P hy tljt; v.''iv a. $4.50 and up. Sa!??9 J?i KT3NEESnFinso!sr?cur!E3 :'m-ful"M rfoi ir. in'-lirsfsil. ?o!,lbvF., rR CSS I'nausi;, .i lul. V.'i;u laok tt .ruu:j i'i.L BOILING WATER OR MILK 9 Q GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. PARKER'S m HAIR BALSAM CToani- nd beatif-ie the hair. Promot a luxufiant growth. Hover Fails to Seatore Gray Hair to it Youthful Color. Curvi acaip liraus & hair lulling. Lj te farkera Oineer Tonic, it rum the worn touch, Weak Lunn, I-biUty, lTnl:KcaI"i, Pain, Take in time.Ueu. HINPERCORNS. The otiIt anr cire for Com.. Stop. aJ paja. U. ai Jjruieu, or illSCOX Ji CO., N. Y. Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic l5rr PLASTER. RhatnatiBm. nmriMi. nlTiriT and Inmhao oaryq at once. Crrfitne forsa:e ny all OraeffTstt. wna. Red Cross CiArwr.o Shako A Th-nnlTKarc. Pnrv,iw.'fj'.ri:i fTule. Vi;, gsgf vv W v i . . . j:-' t!: I.:- '.,.';.: 4. . - ; ... 1 . - j j y i: ' ii 1 TV-. - Vi'2i 'fVw r "T.'.-- mm tt w ff1 y; V SWEET bCENTED FLOWER -5. j f;,-t. )ii niii.-t ti:i- il. to fiiily en- Llewellyi Moore's tlie Re-o;(nized ! joy 1 i IV. Tin lis;iiic Is ;ir- ; i i i ; -ll.-H'kUiii'iers fopilie Artiiie j ft),- ii ( !;i i 1 y, ;niil lll )il ill i il 1 ici'.i I ir-- mmJ the Be;iutilul. 1 1 1 V i l. ' ! il 'H)i. Tlii'i: n:(!.-: Upon Ai..ih-i:, chrysantl.n. o.n-opsis tliousaiuls ol" ioIIat- ;iiy s..vil an-l.-iiir!-.iiiVi.c-hrvsaiitlifiuiiiiiinaxiiiia "."""-V our !'. ' V"' .!l!"' ,:,:!, ,,,:,!. -,:..-1t:iI li.-t of ?!r. ! An.l v:-t it l-ay hai i.v all. ,: M. ..,-.. -raiul plant-, that an- jn-r- fi-fllv hardy and art-not iiijuivd 13 a .t Lia.-ka wintor. Mi'. Mi orc has a lino stock of vranimii--, -o'.. ;is a'td .-'!!;' of flin.-i- richly col ored i'ti'iic'i canatis, al a lna- line of Ijotldiisy- plants. In roses he maUes a .-I leciahy of '.!;.' ioi !o.i nu' liardy va r ii-! i .-: Cirn.-r;il jaojtii moi, . i 'i.i a I ier. i'erle. Xiph.itos. 1oe;et!ier with the old staadard I. a 1-raaee aial that 'Jlleej! t;f 'die ro-'c family, the Aiuericaii I Seamy, whici; i a".l ih- ci'-cir" t-i:-."es ha-jMo'hii-e:i roses s in-.-hes across, orii;ht red and of a most dc! icior.---fragrance. No collect ion ol flowers i -s coillpleU" without .-onie Oi th.-se hardy roses. Mr. Moore has the reputation of hcin.t;' the host rose grower west of Chicago; he never forces his jila.its, thus making' them tender hut i;ives them every requis ite to make them hardy and stromr. This spring is an unusually i"oocl one for setting; out jilams and should ho improved hy our people. Rememhor the place where plants and pricf-- will suit the u '..'. exact ing is at Llewellyn Moore's on We-t Locust street, and call at once, tf. Suction Deaths. Heart disease is hy far the most frequent cau-H' of sudden death, which in tiiii." out of h;-,ir c.i. cs :s u usu-pect ed. T!ie .-yt?ipio;ns are not li'enerally umlerstoo;!. These are: a hahii of 1 in on the riuht i-ith". short hreath, pain or dii re.-s in the side, hack or shoulder, irregular pul-e. asthma, weak and hungry sneiis, wind in sfoinaeii, ! i a:.;' oi lirop.-y. in. dr' couiih and sinothv-ria-. Dr. Miles' illustrated, hook on Heart Disease, free at K. G. Frike C'o's. who sell and 'uaranlee i)r. Miles" unoqualed New 1 ieart ('tire, aa'1 his restora tive Nervine, which cures nervous ness. i:ea ;che. sh-eplcs.-iie 1 1 1 i i- s-, etc. It contains no ojiiates. t Phillip Krause Tor y.i'ir drj- ufotxl-s ami irroeeries. where 3-011 will t'md the lu st of everything, he also keeps fruits and vcctaLles iu their season. t f. o o 55 e3 CO f if 5 O r- " o E - - T- S . -5 - I 5f m 8 m 3 P Zl 3 5& ? - I r 1 r c a!r-i - 2 iB is r. - es H : 7 - - 5 -' " 1 3 e s-t ? '" 2 i-f i ? ST? I 2 - a - o e s is " r S z ri 5i':'?:'j: ! e 1 00 1 is? k fc p , --::t9?: 1 rmm pea s J-Ir t a 3i -:. . -. H ':-;-'f' "..';; .-p-.k;?- EXTRA-STOUT, "SCIILITZ-PORTER. ' 'Flii - is vli;t ou Diiilil to ! i i n i--t':l!'.!!.V! . ' ' '' '.V .. ' ' ;' ' ' '! lie use iiersisti'i! in will orii':;- yon uxxhI u iyosj ion ant' vu. Jin- !;iiin i i i . xpx in anil in.-tail in'i-at! t nix-p-v' :'i coii:i:n .i'n'n'u' i ". ili.-rs for dyspepsia all f)f i ver. -h i:tid ki h ai)c. and 5-l.('0 per hoiiie hy !-. ( i. 1-Vick.- .vjo.'s d,-u;v .-lore Thi' Hermes M'ethod for piano ar.d or;;aa. lhe favorite and i'Io-I soc-ce-:--ul in ' an.' liMa-auiy, al-o haraicny lau'ht. !'.i lk's. Mi,K'.i:.s. A niystcry Tin' papers contain Srequenl no tices t rich, prel!" anl edli'-ated L"ir!s elo)int;-with negroes, tramps and coachmen.. The well-known specianst, lr. i-'ranklin Mile:-, says all such .rirls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very hapulsive. un halanced; usually suhject to Head ache, iK-urale ki, slee "iessiiess. im motlerale cryiiii;- or lau'iiiiu'. Tha-se .-how a weal-;, i.ervo:: s syso-m for which there is no remedy equal to Restorative .Nervine. Triad hottles and a line hook, containing many niarvrlous cures, fre.- at K. (". l"rici;e iV Co s.. who also sell am! nuaraatee Dr. Miles' celehrated New Heart ("tire, the finest of heart logics. Cures ilutteriuiv. shjrt hreath, etc. ilss' Nervo.-ind Liver Pillo Aft on a n-w prineiple r. ;;iit-:ii- t!ie liver, .-foni icli raid !. N duoai. t lie nerves. A new discovery. i)r. Miles' i'lils Hpeettily are hill. a- :;?-, i.-c. t isti.-, to;-jii;l liver. pii". pnn";eitinr.. Urie (iialed for mea, wnniia. ctuldicn. Smallest, Mildest, sufst! 50 titles, 2c. Smqihi tree fir F- !. Frirko & Go's.'l Hcpok, Yot Savol . hrom a letter written by eirs. .tia IC. Jlurd o f t irotni;, S. D..weiuoie: -Viis taken witli a bad coid. which setdedon my lun.-, cou-il rt in and iiiially tei m ina lel in consump tion. Four doctors t me up say ing I could live but a short time. 1 ji'ave myself up to my Saviour, de termined if 1 could not May with my friends on earth. I would meet m- absent ones above. My hus band was advised to i-ct Dr. Kind's New Discover- for consuniption. coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at K. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store, regular size, ;H)c. and .f I AH). Some years ago Cbamoerloin & Co., ol Des Moines, Iowa, commenced the nian ufttcture of a couoh syrup, believing it to be the nvest prompt and reliable prcpara tion yet produced for coughs, colds and croup; that the public appreciate true merit, and in time it was certain to be come popular. Their most , sanguine hopes have leen more than realized. Oyer three hundred thousand bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy are now sold each year, and it is recognized as 'the b-st made," wherever known. It will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. For sale by Y. G. Fricke & Co. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cureB Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2-r) cents per box. For sale lv F. G. Fricke & Co. Hair chains, rings, crosses and hair work of all kinds to order. ?IRS. A. KXEE. tf 17J6 Locust St. Canto ri; i.s Ir. Samuel Pitcher's irejoript ion for IufantM :il Cliildreii. It contains neither Opium, Morphln' other Narcotic p:il)tance It is a harmlcs r-ubntftuto for lareorc, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nml Castor Oil. it is Pleasant. Its purtraiiteo is thirty yeai-H by Ilillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms ami alluyw fworislineRS. Castoria prevents vouKti:i Sour Curd, cures Iiarrhea and V.'iml Colic Catori;. rclii-vca toethin troubles, cures ronr.tipa( ion and flatulency. Cast or hi assimilate. the food, regulate; tlie filoiiuich aiul bowels, irivin healthy and natural sleep. Cas torin is the Children's .;inava-t!io Mother'. I'ricmL Castoria. 'Cutnrla (a ftn excellent iiit'illIrx for ritl dretu MoUicrra havo repcntodly lld u. of iLs jfuod odct u:xu Uutir chil.trt-u." i)iu Q. C. Osaor.D, Iuvell, hlu&. m Cartrri fa tho li-t iwiie.Jy f'r cliildn-n f t which I Jim :iciju.intc:l. I ii-jx- t!io il:;y ij-i t fiir distant when mothers wHIeotmidcr tin- re:il bitun'ntof tli.-ir cliil lrcn, nn.l tiso Caslori.t in tVca.l of the v:irinii6o,uack nostrums which nro destroying tti' ir loved ones, iy forei:ijj opium, iiKirphine, hootJiin- Rynip and tti"r liurl'ij siretit.s down their throats, thereby sendinj them to iirtfiuaturo tTraves." Pit. J. F. Kisciikloe, Con a ay. Ark. Tho Contanr Cnipany, T7 a-AbStea, JBSux WiW a l: frh .its J. I). OKAYES & CO. DlhM.KCS IN FINK SilLV.ILUS. LATH, SASH. DOOItS, I5LINI),nnd nil biaihiinji nail, nt! Call aiul sec us at thv corner of litis and 13 i isi HtrvA'tj tmv h-!ocl( north of MvawVx r FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL niw win niwik Bjremn fmr i rxro iay -uw yvrTj aTesaa upa "'"t rTFj'Ta f M IN ALL OUR COMPLETE LINE 0' BOOTS AND SHOES TiiiqQiiljNS VOl ALL. W. A. BCECK 6c: CO. Also the Ligh running Domestic Sewing Machine for sale LjwJajjdciArua9AiTK3ris Everything to Furnish Your House AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODEKX HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM Having bought the J V Weekbach store room on south Main street I offer my entire stock at a sacrifice to save moving. Mow is the time to buy Gasoline stoves and furniture of all kinds. Opera House Block I. PEARLMAA. Mi TAX Rl Rl y afc M M aMMaaWi THE POSITIVE CURE. SLY BEOTHERS, 56 Wtrran Castoria. f'urorl Is !o wrll i.l;if trl tocMl lmn thnP I recommend it u supuriur Uiauy irMcrijtio IkUUUX tu IU." H. A., 51. n.. Ill So. Oxf..r.l It, l:rklyii, N. T. Our J ynieianK in tic cliil'Ireti'H depnrt iixnt have spoUen l.ij.;!.ly of tln-ir ex.-rl-rnee in their outtiido ir..c' le.- u iili ( 'astorlik finJ nlthoii-h wo only .mvi) nimnri our medical supplies whnt ia known a nvruliir pi-iKluols, yet .ve ure fn-o to confess tliut 11m merits of (Vi-striiv lux wwi us to look witb favor utpon it." United TIokittai. a.m) Iif:.mairT, loktun, flmrn. iku.r.K Kum , I'rru., Hurray Street, TJcw Tori City. milL UlLMllUfJl, I l'IHI'liJ Bt, Tew York. Price 60 cU v.-