0 i HeralcL PLATTSMOUTH. Xtt BRASIvA MONDAY KVKVINO.MAY.il 1891 NUMBKU205 W' f -CJ) "j7" mouth JJaily I f I mm absolutely Pure. . A. RalKlmrr hat the firlusiir rlifhl to urn iielata' l-ul Anthi-li- r..r lh- l'uil". ttaorTcelb lu lliisrily. Ofnrr lloch wihmI JtTAntPil An !iMivf. i liol l'-in .--C;'ryS7i to 0 IllOIlt ll! V. Willi ir na--. I" :. r. -i ni I hi own i-rillou a sii.mIii- N'civ Vtouse. Hfferi'iiH's m.m i.mh i:i i:, i.ock iox 155, New York. CASS LOIKiK. No. It... I.O. O. K. iiki-Is -v- ry Tuecday nl.t :tt 1 1 -i hi l- it'i ral'1 ' block. All Odd K linwH ;m- -..nIialiy invited to attend vh-li vimII' K in i'n- i-lly. I T K wiiinsi''. N.ti. f .1. W, r.KlixiK, :. TT-NJiJIirS OK I'V III IAS. ;:mntlet l.' IX. . 47. M''l-cvi'i v wi-ilni'-iliiTeviiiini; u.t their h .11 In v .1 k a li M..rR. Ailvi-itiii P - w L ) . knilits are fin di 1 ' Iv in v ii I ti a!ti-id. C. A Maisliall.C. ; Flunk ln. 11. K. I: s. YOL'Mi MKVS 1 II KIs I I- N SOCI.VIION VVatermaii Mm k i..in Stiftl. Kooiiis pen from ::: a m l '.; p ; I-or men imty 6osiel Iiicet:iiK i-veiy Mau-'ay alunioon at 4 'eioc-k . C. A R. McCoimlhie I VM. No. I .. meets eyery Sjittir 4ay evening at 7 :::n. in tl.etr liall. Km-kwooil Block. AH viMtintf i i innii i s .ie invited to uieet with n-. :. F. Nile-, l'. st Adj. F. A l:.-ites. I'o-t "om. rjJUCKER SISTERS. I'AICk'Y A I I I. I. I. INK ;" JAille.neky and Kke.ncii J'l.ovvEni. falSS KATE HEMPLE TRIMMER o We also have a dr.-s makii.jr ili p irtmei.t. Sat isfael ion ual aliteeu .. Sherwood Stokf. IM..VI r.-Mui ni jjjlWSON Si PEAHCE Carry Full Line of FINE ItlLLENER 1 and am- DRENSULOTHlNU. ALSO fUESII CUT FI.OWEKS IOOM2, R LETHLOCK. PHTTMOLTH jSJEW HARDWARE STORE 8. E. HALL &1SOX Keep all kinds of builders 'hardware on hand and will ciipply eimtract rn oa most lav orable ter.i s TIIST ROOFING : Spouting and all kinds otftui work promptly don. Orders from-the country Solicited 16 Peal St. I'LATTSMOUTH, NFB. J)R VIOLA M. FRENCH PnYSICIAN A: SUKOEOX DJTicB with Lr. Ehipzian nor ns 10 : 00 to 12 : 00 a. m. 3 : 00 to 5 : 00 p. in. 9 : 00 to 11 : CO a, iu. 2 ; 00 to 4 : o p. m. Telephone No 12. i'LATTSMOUTU Neb jRS. ROSE CAPLE. F17IK PASTEL ASD CUATO PORTRAITS. Thorough inetruction? iu Pastel, Crayon and Free band drawing . DILPHIKTIN5S SKETCHES FROM NATURE Landscapes, Fruits and Flowers. Ho. 911, Elm ft. Platt-Htnauth, Heb. UVIL ENGINEER and SURVBTOB E K HILTON. Kstlnatea and Plan of " work I111118114 MJ Records kekt. Office in Martin Block. PrnuauTH - Nkhkama A TT0RNEY A LJLW. r WINDHAM & DAVIES. efflce oTf r Bank at Caw County, nattamautb . - - - Nebrasha JTTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. T.aw Will eIt prompt attention M rVntnlHtd toP hi. -Office lo nlo. wSSk. Kaat Side. Plattsmoutb. eb. The "Business Mens Carniral" to be given by the "Aid Society' of the M. E. church will be held in the Opera house May 21. Look out for farther notice PERSONAL I -o rrcjim sI;i :it llniwn it IJarrrtt. Iifolii-rt CjirlyN- spoilt Sumlny with frifiuls jit M;iiily. i;iiii r J. V. Vliil- vvtnl to ni;ili;i this iiHit niii. Allii rt I i'.-p;iiii spt nl Sninl.iy with his si.-U r, Mrs. Myrt-.-i,:it C' ljir C're-ck. Mr. Oorc Olivrr of C'oinuil Bluiis is in tin- rily to Liy visiting f ri-ii Is. M. 1$. Murphy Jiu'l A. H. IoIl vi-i- visitors jit tlu- tjte- t-jipitol Sjiturl:iy. Tlic H. iV M. M-dic;il -:imiti cr of Auroni Ills. w:is i n 1 h- ci t y it s hort time this morning. Miss Dor;i I'ricki- .-prut SuihIjiv with n-ljil i ! in Ashhiml, n lurii iiij Iioiiii- this iiioiiiinu. Virgil Mullis i ncrr ji( Ihr o-Ii-Im :it-! ("i il:ir ('in U rollt r mills caiiii'ilowii S;iliinl;iy vriiiiiii. Jjiiik s I'ellir is looking :iftt-r th iiil ri-ls of his liiiihiini iV Lojiii ;i-.-ociatiini in .Ni l n :is City ti-l;iy. Icr '!; i in si ii la :i t I trowu vt Harrt-t t Conn' ami s.-r your sh;ilov n( Ihr I 'u s! ian sorijihlc Tliurshiy veiling. M;iy 1 Ith. They hail two slight wrecks Jit C-lar Civck last week hut Jisiile from a small lo.-s of propi'fly no oilier harm w;is ilofie. Nebraska ciiar ma t: u fjiet ll res made '!.)!) ei:irs iliiriuf the 3';ir b'fcl jtinl eonuiiied nearly- luili ji millions pounds of loluieeo. W. V. Drummoml wjis iu Lincoln Ial week mid tried two c:ises knockini;- i!it ;i Linctilii lawyer in caeli one, which m:iile him feel lirst rate. Liiditv-six cars of --d;ir t ies were brought in from the e;ist thismorii i 1 1 to be forwarded to the new line which is beiu.iv huilt to Hot Springs Mjikota. Its :i 4-reat schcim-, in order to close the mouth of :i professional black mailer to appoint him to some empty honor, where he can d no hiirni mill then see him ch::iiv;'e his tune. The program for the LTymnastic exhibition at the opera house Wed nesday cciiii:i;" appears in to-djiys i;ih r and m.ov.s m aiH iiesiiwii that it will be a splciidid eulerUiin meut. Mr. j. Marten the a-ent for The Kuinht Jewel, a K.ofl'. paper re- ct-ntly delivered ;i line iold ami morocco portrait album to the K. of I. lod.irtr ill ihiscity that is indeed ;i beautN . J. Cm. Oldham delivered some ex tra tine fat cattle to Messrs. Halt & Otto this niornin;-. They were thor ouhbretl I'olled Angus and have noi been excelled for beef cattle on this market in many a day. The honorable commissioners of the county of Cass were in Kjigle hist 1'riday, called here by a peti tion to have the apple trees along Fourth street cut down from (J to O. We luive not j et heard their decis sion in the matter. Kaglet. V. II. I'ickens. the prince of the hustlers on carpenter work, added a full story to Geo. Weidnian's commo dious mansion on Seventh street last week anil begun putting on an addition to Dr. Black's residence at South Park. One of the finest samples of nice portrait work m crayon ever brought to this city may be seen in one of the windows at '"The Fair. Mrs. Caple is the artist, and her work is a testimonial anyone might be proud of. A. V. Atwood, a prominent real estate man from Fremont, spent Sunday with his father and brother S. II. Atwood, in this city. Mr. At wood used to reside in Plattsinouth and could not help but note our solid growth and substantial im provements. Win. Anderson -whose death oc curred yesterday was a resident of this city thirty years ago and kept store at the lower end of Main street in a building now used by F. S. White for an ice house. EdRuffner clerked for him at the time. Mr, Anderson married Ella Ruffner, a cousin of P. E. Ruffner, in this city in 1857. I Joseph Morrow, who has been with Dr. Brendel since returning from hia last course of lectures, has commenced the practice of medi cine at Eight Mile Grove. Mr. Mor row is a young man greatly es teemed in this community, where he is so well known, and Dr. Bren del speaks very highly of his qual ifications. He takes with him the best wishes of a host of friends. Murray Banner. The boys claim that Thayer's ac cession to the governorship has re sulted iu Kd I'jirroti's promotion to a . ; . -i . i ic ; . po-i!io:i as nuiil carrier. I'hil Young's room has been drc-orjit'.-d beautifully and looks neater than ;i new pin. If he does not sell his stock very soon, he will open up an eniiit lien line. K. A. W. Sueli, the geiiiJll. ilgellt of i!.e wholesale drug hoii.-e. o ' 5I' j Unices Co.. was i ji t he ci't v to-djiy. Mr. Sued i one of .the brightest ; trjiveliiig' men on tin road ; jiud i f he would change his pol it it s and talk pioleetion to Amerii'i indus tries, he would be ji wiiuiVr beyond mistake. Mc.'hikeii i 1 1 : 1 his force nrebuy to-day gliiding and si noot h i u g olf the bji.-e luili ground- in tine shae. I'rank Morgan has put up ji big sbo.vv bai-k r-'op. JK , erl ir-1 ng his. lirm. which .-i vs 'I I it me lor a "I u i t of c i o t ! 1 1 s." And luick but It not placed .-o I J j :" sol IU' one will p rob; ib ly get the prollerii'd ,-iin. Ivl 1 'arrot , t he coi n peten t and ac-j com nun lat i ii g car checker for the; 15. M.. dming the lii econo ... . . . i .t. i .... liiv wluc M recent iv strucn nun loan. las be.-n d.ail.-d to carry the nuiil ' from the depot to the post olhce, a i nil that he very much dislikes.' icor"" 'riiii'.-fni. tlu- colored man. : i loses his job. after having' paid 1.1 for the contract. I'.ut there seems to be no help lor it unless ttie gov ernment has to jiccept tin- man at j the depot, which they will probably I do at an earl v date. j l Messrs Neville, k'ichry. Chapman! and Clark returned this morning j from their hunting trip up to the! lieailwaiers of the lakhoru Valley.: n-.cv report having had a line time . uid judging from the nice lot of, lucks sr. 1 1 e, curlew and other lea t h - ; . i i . . ... : 4 i . t ! creil ga me I liev i n oug 1 1 1 v.nu mem we have no reasons to doubt it.: The editor of the Herald returns : tlumks to the party for being kind- i Iv remembered with ;i nici- lot of game. The half column of slush in the j A.'-t!:m..o De.-..!,"! Jotiri:;d of Salu.ilay night, about -vjust (lf 0i,t,.sl ; t i.enss are the river appropriation committee.,.,, ;R.qnaiuled with W. IF. Ander- I can br answered by saying mat iiiei Omaha mil St. Louis papers were j the authority for our statement, and ! 0'clock lUi,l0,- peculiar circumstan we don't know yet but what those A corresoondent for an Onudia pjipers -were correct. At any rate we consider them more reliable than the Journal, which has been jumping onto everybody about this river business, until a responsibili ty wjis assumed by Sherman; then suddenly it becomes an apologist for neglect and faithlessness. From present appearances it would seem that Ruby, Tobin and Nelson would be tried some time next week. The prosecuf ing ;ittor ney will bring up the case soon as possible if they decide to plead guilty to the charge which may be set forth in the information. If they plead not guilty it will take longer as both the accused and the state will have to prepare for trial. The boys seem a little down in the mouth ond declare that when they get through with this scrape they will return and live it down and show by their future lives that they intend to do what is right. Eaglet. William C lives up east of Ileisel's mill. The hoys Saturday told him. as it was his birthday they had made up a purse and bought him a pony keg of nice beer. He thanked them heartily for their kindness and was about to carry his keg home, but finding it a little heavy he gave "Uncle Ned" a quarter to haul it up to his place The boys instead of getting beer had filled an empty keg up with water, which was carried into the house and after great care on the part of Mr. C. it was duly tapped and Mr. C. has not been seen since. The boys think he has been water foundered and talk of sending Doc Mathews up to visit him. County Court. Hearing on claims against estate, John H. Marquardt, deceased. Claims on file allowed and decree accordingly. Petition of B. C. Marquardt, filed for probate of last will and testa ment of John G. Renken, deceased. Hearing June 2nd 10 a. m. Citizens Bank of Plattsmouth vs. T. B. Stokes et-al. Suit on promis sory note $75.00. Default of defend ants entered. Judgment for plain tiff for $80.46. Hearing on petition for probate of last will and testament of U. V. Mathews, deceased continued. Hearing op petition for appoint ment of Samuel Waugh, adminis trator of estate of William Hayes, deceased, prayer of petition granted. Ohi 1 1 ih ry . DIED Mrs. Wash Snvder, ;i sister of Mrs. M. Waybrights :tnd Wm. Brantncr of this city, this morning at eight o'clock jit her home jit Kdison, Neb., after ji lingering illness of several weeks. Dropsy of the heart w;is the im medi.ite cause of her'death. The deceased wjis ji member of church and died impressed with the bless ed fjiith iu ji happy hereafter She leaves five children, tlu- voiitigest bei ug ;i bout eigl. t ea rs old, and a k ; u, , busbaul to "mourn her loss T,1(. fllI1(.r:,, u.,;. ,.,k(. ,..,. lw( o'clock to-morrow jit Ldison. Died At the family residence in I K'oek ISbilts S:il nril iv ni.. lil l ri MargJtret Walstow. wife ol James Walstow, jiii old resident ol this county. The dec-ased was nearly eighty years oll ami seemed to have ilit'il . i i j . . r : ..i.:m I 1 1 1 e i e 1 1 1 1 o i a eo n ge.- I I t I 1 1 1 1 1 , though slu had been ailing for The fltuenil took phice some time n k th aliernoon Jit the I Three Grove cemetery. Her hus- band, James Walstow. was the only i immediate relative present. The decejised had resided in this county ,)v,.r 1 h iri v ,ea rs. Notice to Bmliers. If boys do not stop bathing- in the I'laite river near the waterworks crib they will be arrested and prose rilteil to the full extent of the law. Their bathing there is a public nuisance, a damage lo the reputa tion of the water company forelean liness and will not be toleroted. Govern yourselves accord i nglv and s;i ve ci ists. n:ulro.ol Notes. The work ol" track laying" began on the I'nion cut-off last Monday morning under the supervision of i Mr. Thomas Kcjit i iig jmd has been i progressing at the rati' of a mile per day. I he track laving" force ! numbered .about seventy-live men, but will be increased to one hun id red the coming week. The back ! spiking" and surfacing is being 'kept up jis the track is laid, and : the road is being completed as they ; go along". The fence gang, nuniber iing ten men. are also at work, and : the force will be increased so ns to I enable them to keep along with the ! track laying. L'nion Ledger. sou 1hc. WL.;,itHy Glenwood l.ianker. , , Saturdav eveiiimr at S paper says: Anderson had been very ill with the grip for some time, and from the effects of the disease his system was much depleted. All medical treatment seemed unavailing to re store him to health, and a few days ago gangrene made its appearance in several places on one leg between the thigh nd knee. It was thuilly decided that an operation would be necessary, and Dr. Kautman of Omaha was called on to assist the local physician. ThelYeratioii was to have been perforiiTed Saturday afteriioon. Anderson was placed on the operating table between 4 and a o'clock, the preparations were being m;ide to administer chloro form, when it was noticed that the respiration of the patient hail ceased. The physicians examined him hastily and pronounced lum de;id. He was lifted to ;i bed and the motion induced artificial respi ration, which continued for three hours before it finally ceased and his family were fully convinced that he was indeed dead. The funeral will occur to-morrow morning from the Episcopal church Anderson was aa years old. Marriage license issued to Mr Harris G. Todd, and Miss Alice Brown both of Murray. Justice Archer's Court. Henry Rehse vs. John Johnson. Trial had. Action for wages for labor. Judgment for plaintiff. The canning company cases are continued to May 18th. Base Ball Meeting. There will be a meeting of the base ball association at the county judge's office to-night. Dr. E. L. Siggens has returned and may be found hereafter at his office over Gering's drugstore. tf Brown & Barrett, successors to Wildman & Fuller, have an endless variety of wall paper and borders all new colors and designs. wtf C. H. Jaquette does none but "first class" watch, clock and jewel ry repairing. Neville block. Sixth street. - tf " I had a severe attack of catarrh and became so deaf I could not hear common conversation. I suf fered terribly from roaring in my head. I procured a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and in three weeks could hear as well as I ever could, and now I can say to all who are afflicted with the worst of diseases, catarrh, take Ely's Cream Balm and be cured. It is worth $1,000 to any man woman or child suffering from catarrh. A. E. Newman, Gravling, Mich. S flTTMl f m Srk'INt; J ACKL'TS. We are showing ji beautiful linr and thr latest imvelties in rogue at prices from JfL'.aOto 10.00. SPRING WASH GOODS. Full Line of 3 inch Zepher (oghams. IJreton Zypher (iighams A F C iigluim. Domestic Gighions. Henrietta Sateens. Egyptian Printed Cottons Silk Striped Madras Clieriots Fancy printed Clmiiibrays. Beautiful line of Solid Striped, Brocaded and Polka rapid tellers. F. HERRMANN Cno Dcor East of tho HAVELOCK ARE . YOU - GOING - IF Remember that R. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of LUMBER A1TD ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL AT HAVELOCK And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Things R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. Gymnastic Exhibition. The following is the programme to be given by the Turnverein at the opera house Wednesday, May i;j, 1891: PAKT EI EST. OvertHie Orelientra Mldress Philip Andres of Omaha Sons.'. Double quitrt-t.e of tiie lunivcieiii Tableau, repre minj,'a gymnasium. lUlils unit members of the Turnverein Calisthenics Boys' class Zither duet. Evelinen Polka Masurka-WBoeelc Mr. and Mrs. Julius Festner of Omaha Exercises on horizontal bars, Members of the Turnverein PAKT SECOND. Seleotion Orcheura Wand exercises.. ..Members of the Turnverein Son g Double quartette of the Turnverein Club swinging Otto Wurl Exercises on parallel bars, Members of the Turnverein a.Traumbilder Fantaie-.Lumbye Zither olO'j b A GruMans Diarndie...Umbanf Mr. Julius Festner. , la. Hercules. I the Spartan Warrior Tne Dying Soldier. Statutory,. Deata ol Thesius. Admission 25 and 35 cents. Re served seats can be had at J. P. Young's. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and O. II. Snyder. 3 I am now prepared to deliver ice to any part of the city. Telephone 72. tf H. C. McMAKEN. Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. 4 The fragrant Heliotrope in bloom wonderfully cheap at Moore's Green House. dtf "The Fair" has only a few more velocipede's left, whjph are being closed out at cost. tf TTOilTOkTriVfXTO'ftft 3 iIfiS SPKMNG HOSILlv Y We carry a complete line of Gor don's Fast Dye Hosiery for liidien Jind childrrns wear Guar;iiitcd jibsolutelr stiiinlrsw A good ladies ribbed Test at 10c Fast black ribbed vests at '.ltr Hlack lisle Thread rests Jit 45c Silk Mixed vests at 75c Full Line of Childrens imderweiar ILOIJNCINGS Our linrol hla k and white l-loan cings exceed Jitivthiiig ever before shown by us at prices as low ji.s liKt season. Black I f n ri t-t t i Sateens iu Dolt effects, entirely new and First liational Dank TO - BUILD - THERE? SO- Our Clubbing List. Globe-Democrat aod Herald $2.25 Harper's Macazine " " 4. CO Harper's Uazar " " 4.fc0 Deniorest's Magazine " 3.1 Omaha Bee " " 2.40 ! 1 oledo I51ade " " 2.45 j Lincoln Call " " 2.15 i National Tribune " " 2.45 The Forum " 5.55 Inter Ocean 2.25 Lincoln Journal " " 2 30 The Home Magazine " " 1 85 Repairing of fine watches a spe cialty at C II. Jaquette, Neville block, Sixth street. tf Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit alizer is guaranteed tojeure you. 2 Go to C. H. Jaquette, Neville block, Sixth St., when you want engraving done. tf C. H. Jaquette carries no stock but will do you as good a job of repair ing ever done in the city. Experi ence TAXKB, not money. All work satisfactory or money refunded. Neville block, North Sixth St. tf We sell men's working pants and blouses at a discount of 20 per cent. We are closing out this line of goods. tf "The Fair." Brown & Barrett have the largeet and finest tdock of wall paper and borders in Plattsmouth. wtf "The Fair" has just recei'ed a new invoice of hammocks, croquet sets, boys' express wagons and doll carriagee. tf 'A : iA :.' '''