The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 08, 1891, Image 3

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L .
; I
: i
tVith County ; .; -,
prompt Httentiun.
larfilligtiiin At -I t i:
- A M
i on Merchants.
Hlc;u'.'in:ii t' rs fur
rout und p I! for CAM I
rt Yrt pay hiiv I'1'1" lor "' ui' beat.
ij nu luy of tliis f r
bent BOFT COAL idvvny. oii
a r mm:
.Lxiposite K'uhi-y lron Lumber ofiice
tOX 15 .
I ery
to at
K ij - ....-. i-
'j ' no:.!) ani roi;;:i-AiN citoiVNiV -
, v
Bridge work'iin l fine g M work b
DK STKINAUS I.i I. ;is v-ll a- other iiii
estiietie-i-ive'i i rth p tias .-tr uanei .
t.-ei n.
C. A. MARSHALL., - Fk.tiM '"
The Lea-lino
, tr- sv -. ', ' '
Constmtly keeps on haml evi-rythin
you ne"il o furto-h your house.
Plattsmout - Neb
217, 21-, 221 und Js) M.tin Sr.,
lattsmouth, - T'ebraska.
H. BO!TS, Pronrito-
Ihe Perkins hi? heen t!ioroui;hly
rcroyi'-il freii top t.; mi. m,l '-
Dow one of the best hotcK iii tii- state
Boanlers uill be tnkei' by the week nl
$1.50 und up.
' k i ? I
V1. 1
- t b12 a '
S .1 -1 t --2 !
- o Z I
:-:t'!'!" 1
"Z tc"? !
J" -s C)i-1.2;:a
00 -5 z i 5 E - -
? r - - a . im y
' ' c 5 - J . ? i z .
ci I ? tp r ?t--2
IS 2 5 -s if s r S s-a 5
illflilff 111
. . r : - r? - i 5 i?
i:S -.-c'-'4'i:g"
-" --A ii8 $ i J'-.-.i iar-l
' r s .. i . v i ;; " J-'c-.
TH C OPIOIDl HMD CCNUINC. TO- onlj a. Sure. --.-I rri-.ll . .":.:.-.
... n . .i.,, L ... I...: r-.n.1 ...... ..-.i':.
he. a -,j wtih v'r..ri-JN. lBl..a.:lie-I.Ia. mou w.-iw- wi,.
AU palta ia .lxrJ t..w. lint rpnii. x Cnci-reo" cnU-rli-ic. At Drufsuu. o a
4.. ra iUmp t.ur, huwmu, n riicr rr u4!r-.'" i.t-. . i-.-t.rn Mali,
U.tHCTa-Jwauv. mn Papm-. CHICHCSTCIt CHEMICAL CO., JHadUna Sun,
MC rv aAl LwhU raKlMa lr'ifPUA.l I'ttl A,
Shows slfrim of falling, begin at oiice tlm tine
of .Ay era Hair V ior. TliW iriiU'aUoii
eLreiiKUwrat Ui ae&Jp, prinute Uic growth
of iio w hair, rottorea Uw iialural color lu
gray Junl ruUwl Luui-, aatd ruxicr it bolt
1'ltv.r.U rtJl glassy.
VVc 1i;ivi; no hi'SiLtlloii in pronoiinrln)
Ajir'.i JJ.tir Vi;;nr iiin-in;ili ,,r n ihsini;
tin: hair, nixl wu ii lln.s ;.ii.-r lnm -m ju
mi-(; in iti use. 'J'lils pti ji.iralii.ii ir'siTiv,
tin; liair. ituiim i:unli ;j!r : t f t 1 :i!l ills.-iisi-s .f
tin- (l;.k H loilll ami !'.;. hair S';lt
Hii'l . ham. ami pr. nts t.;:! :.. Wliili- it
is iiDt a lyi , iln.-i.- !k have in.-i lli" Vi;'ir
say it will vi.,ni.;t,. j. n,!i an. ci.! ,v.
!.iiis ..I I t.l, I, ty, Iii;!it, ainl r:.l Iv.tu
ciiankl:;; Uic i : l
A Rich Brown
or rvon t.- V. If v.if! tnt pillr a p'x-ki t liaii'ikcrrliit f, an. I is al- a ! i '!'. All In ;!! y. ;'i;ii:ii.y hair
. ai:ili'.tis v:i).. !. ilNpl i.'i at hik c .y
Ajir's li.iir ix' i. ai: l t!, .us.ui.U who
aroninl witli 1 1 : i ( I lnol;iTr 1 1 1; Mlm fn-tftil
Kir. ii.ini-' :.!..inl.l hurry to tin- n-nr-st lriii;
Mor.- aa-l !:a . a ! otil.- ,. - ,-..i.
Thf S'-ri7)if S. n,',. AUriP'-i. II I.
'A- II..:.- Vi"..r is rvd!. :.t for V,
hair. It s',i:i . !.!' tin- rroutli. i-iirns I :i ! I
i.i-ss, ri'stori s tin- MaJitra! color, i-li rinsi's Iho
s.-;!. t .! i !:,iJ.!r..lf. an-l i : a 'ooi!
hi". V.V I. .nov. H at Ay.-r-s VI"or ilifT.-rr
In. in hair tonir-, ami similar pr par:i
Jioi.s, it I., irr; p.-rf, . ily I:ri ml.- -"r..o
iifjm '.i ul Jli k w kir init, l y ;iia K. I'arkiT.
Ayer's HairVigosr
I'Iifi-a i:r.i iiv
DR. J. C. AVER dfc CO.. I.owpII. Mass
SoU hy "nin:;is?.i ami I'crfiiini 'N.
I XT Iv SI N' A T i O X A I.
: .: - .' a 'U , .a'r.i
-t. M.i:l r.ei! i,e-t : .!'.: al
t.'th i v..rKnie: . !; xMii." li.c net l"-'ls t .at
I . V . V'T lie.' a V! e.l i T ill" p . I r I Vs ai
-t t t i!o ail 'Pal cm I . r--. it!y ex
i, ee.i if til.' Very !.. t '. li-kM iter e'.lat.i
.!,!,. ..' . I , , en;; . - o
iiiiiri'-.vriinliiiir to tin; aluli'y of lif t.p-'i
J : t ai'ie i .. a. iv in yaiir a' tin-
ii'i'iiir.ii'l ' a -.
i r. uimi m i ; '.
V.. I A ;.:'...! P 1! isll N , .
I .illCuln, 1',
THE OLO Fiii?,5ArL
... ii.
U n iiiiiiiuiii a iwit
Shinie?, L-itli, Sitsfa,
Doors, Blinds
'x-.i supj ly ever.v .luu'i!!.! of the city.
Call an. 1 evt ttiiiis. f'injrtli street
in rear of opera, liou.i.'.
ly 1,
! i:
r.aUMi rt.Vi, f..-.-i. ;
is-utnp. 3R.R.5CHIFFKix?:. P.-.-'iu' :6X-n"
i&ZLiL7&liFiHitt-Zin' " "; 3
sL b'l. ! " lv';,i' ':. T.-i.-.tur
...r . S ;! vrJiW, - .rri"-
1 w x,r i ? -l i- i." I'tZ :
i F5 sTSh f?31?, S
Hoi & y O
n ni
Vl-A " VVr'i
r-.i P. ;;.
v e.-.-ju '';(' - ' '' a "''"" .-'C'. i i tiie 'serves. a n.'w inscuvi-rv. ur. .vine
0ffr " -itns " 1 PiHs speedily cure bihon-nes"s. b-id taste
ilv''''1"" i''V; p!-i!;y:"'- j j tcrpid liver, pih-s. constipation. Uni'.
V.-nk I ii-! I :: I-.. a. ion. fain. Takein tiiiir.M-ts. !
uoinirorci'iwe ,...t.. ,
n lldl. T. V.- II 11 li ... ......v..... .'
ic iruc--, or lilsCOJk & Co., 2.'. Y.
Dr. GrosveriOi's
al onrc. ?.i"-'. f'-r..; I v fiM !)r:cris-. V" '
Llewellyn Moore's the Recognized
Headquarter for tlie Arlinlic
ttnrl the Benutiful.
Aiiil'i:i fliryxauthsi. coriopsis
l.iti i-i)l;it.i. hr -iiiitlii'iiiiuii Hi;iilll.i
antirrliiiiiitiis, pl.ity fxli-iis ami rl--in;iti.s
ni:ik- iij) ;i j:irli;il list of Mr.
.Moor.-' r ; 1 1 1 I jihuit, lli;it .tn-jx-r--1ly
li;irl ;ii"i arc nut injun i!
Iy a Ni lira. Ka vint-r. Mr. Ior-lia-s
a litK lock of j.a-ratiiiiiu -.
ii1i-ii ami soisn' l tli.- rii'lilv iil
'a '! i !.!:. 1 1 ralinas. :il.-o a Inn- line
i.J liiiiliii; jiiail!. la ln.-i'.- 1 -maki'M
a :-1 1. ' ia I i v of tlsr 1 1 I ! iv i 1 1 :;r : (,. uri.i! ,
iin.t. XI I. I 'la :.t lit . I'.-rl.-. Nij.hli'.-.
t iL-al ! i t" vi III llii-ol'l 1 a 1 1 ' la I I .a
-"raai-.- aii'l thai ' iii! of tl:.- ro-i-
laiiiilv. . i iii-nra 1 1 1.' a 1 1 1 , . ; i ii ii
ili!'l.'t' f. i oi. 1 1.1. i" i iV 1 1 n j -1 . 1 1 1- i - l:i
! i n 1 1 I i.i-i-- iMtin - ; : ' i . . -I
a i 1 1 1 ; i 1 1 a 1 1 1 ! o i a i i. ..-1 1 1 . i n i . :
I r : i . i : i : i . - . . n i -1 i ; I . . ' i l ' i : i ill i 1 1 i i :'
is i iiil-f without miiiic ol thi-s.- , ro.- s. l r. Moore ha . i:- :
l'i M i a I i i i of :..;:::, t ! p i .. t . - ;
"tmvi'i' v,cl nf ( 'I; ica :!; If never !
in' i -
i : 1 1 -. 1 1 1 : i - 1 1 1 . i iv i : ;
i ' !
1 -; t . I -r !:it j'lV'es t.leill e( ivijtl;--ile
t. laa'ie Ih' in li iri!'. aie! slrnn:;'. )
l I.i- .- t i n is a si I ! : 1 1 .- I ia 1 ! o, . I
on.- : . r .-1 : 1 1 : s o , i ; 1 1 1 . i a i - ami
lio'il"! to- i ?t i ( to ! Iiv o'lr ;''. p!".
K'en le 1 1 1 1 )i r the place where phials
ami piiei s will suit the ino.-t ea'-
i !;; i-' at l.!r,vr!!yn '! 'i mi V.'e. t !
l.-H IP 1 -Ireet, ami til a I
iucklen's Arnica Salve.
lilt. 1 . r.s I .i.nah iij i ne i ia i 1 1 1 1 ir " . li i.- ;
... ... . . . .. .. .i i . .. . . . . . i .
JJruisi's, Seres, L'lia rs, Suit JUii'ini). 1-vi t j
Sores, Ti-tti r, ( 'liaiijn-d lfiinds, Cl.illilTii.s, I
(airn.-, und all Skin i)i is)tii)i;.-', unil jiai- j ; ;.iy a!:uh;'n". th Auii-rii-an
t:vi I currs IM-s nr im jmy rcqtiire.l. j ,,..t. (:: !: . 1 ! 1 l , of tin
It is v'u traiiti -il to eivc s-itishii.'iioii, or ! tr :: k as ('.:.: .-enl vv, !1 iL lh.ed :;s ii
p on y iefunih'1. l'i ice " 1 1 t:ts ,: v j Ul;4.:.. ;i ; --.v Sj; inu;, s hi h re.
I-'or sal..- hv I'. !. I rickc ( in. i 1 lln- Ki.i;!". "if it ...e.-
l,;i.l; iii." a 1. :.;:. 1 v;:-. 1 ill it i- a't ei.e.
HOW tO SuCCCCd. a'i,,- t , i-T r-i "i!..' t . he tiie i'e. 1-
I .lis ss I lie ;;.-.:: pi oi. lei a oi lie-
. . . .. . t . . . . r i ; r I
win. il lew saiisiai'lonlv soi ve. I
So i ne fa i I oei'a ii.-e ol i i i Ilea ! 1 i I. o. ! i ,
. , ii... - -.
iTn want ol liu'U, but Hie niaiorilv
. o- - .-, . i'
liiHii iiisii!heu-ii; :;i it u;int ol nerve.
'ilM'varetiervoiis.-.-esoiul.'.eh:...;..'- ;
ah!", easil v
t '.he 1 .1 1'es ami
!... 1
liu- .-pi l'i i.- Jowii in keep t ne .-;; r;ts .
up," tints wast i ne- money , 1 i sue. op j
portuniiy ami nerve loree. Ihereisi
notliine- like tin- Iv'estorat i ve Nrr- !
vino,. i.-hvvim.-. n tne e:,.:1, ,p,.. ,
eial ist, Lr. .1 1 les, to cure all nervous
. i 1......1..-1,.. ii... i,
nervonspVostration. sleeplessness; !
neuralgia. St. Vitus ilance. iits ami j
hv.-leria. Trial I. utiles ami line 1
I iouk of testimonials free at K. (i. !
hricke V C'o.'s.
S-.'ae years -pro ('h,,ir.ii.,;Uiin Co., ol i
lies Momes, Iowa, (Mauii'Pccd M:c sunn-- I
iifacturi; of a emieli syrup, boliuvintf itto j
ie the most prompt a::d reliah!.- pr- para
tioji vet produei-ii for conilis, colds r.nd
eioiip; til;-,! th..- public, upj.r i-i h Ue ;
ir.e:it, and in time it was ivrtam to he- j
pom.- popid ir. Their most, tnuiiiir !
Poi.i-S pave
he. n more tlem r. ali- i.
II ',' r three liUpdied T !;".! -i;. i !.'.;ttie.- ot
C!iiinh"rl: in's (Jeip'i R-taeily at.; lew!
si.hl i year, and it is recognized as I
he b---t ei-Kte." wherever knawu. It j
will cure :i sevpre c.-1 in 1 s time th in I
ap v ot ii.-r tr'atiiH-nt. For sal.- .y I', ii I
Fricke k Co.
A Fatal Mistake.
I Miysie-iaus make no more fatal
mistake than wlien they inform pa-li-'iils
that nervous heart (roubles
I'niiii' Iroiii Uic stoniiii'li und are of
little consequence. Ir. Franklin
Miles, the m it t'!lI ml :a:i.i specialist,
has proven the contrary in his new
book on "Heart Disease" which may
be had free of 1. (I. Fricke V Co.,
who i-aiarantee an.l recomiiiencl Dr.
Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure,
which has the lar";est sale of any
heart remedy in the world. It cures
nervous and nranii: heart disease,
short breath, iluttorine,-. pain or ten
derness in the side, arm or.vhouhler,
i ii'ee'U lar puls-e, faintiiiir. smoiher
in', dropsy , etc. J I i s k'estora t i ve
Nervine cures htadai'he. tits, etc.
The Ifennes Ii'thod for jiiano and
ore'an. the favorite and most suc
cessful in France and (lorinanv.
also harmony taught. (p,j
Mlv'S. ? KKCKS.
The Pulpit and the Stage
K'ev. r . -!. SI 1 rout, pastor l nited j
Hre.thren church. Blue Mound Kan..
says : "1 fee ,t my duty to tell wnat j
U.lll.l. I 11 . Illl ..i . j..--..wvi
i i r - . !.- l.,,. ... I
li;i-- u.iae nn i.:. o i.i,i.- nov
i,.ii,. ,i; . ...a .,,,,1 ,,.,,-;;-ii,..,,.v
thot'liht I could 'live onlv a few
t'nuiu'ht I could live onlv a lew
,vt.,.i.s. I took live bottles" of Dr.
KlHl; S Al'W Plr-VOVtTV ;1UI Jllll t
sM!iil ;nnl weli, iwninu" "Jii 1 1 . in j
wt - i i i 1 1
weight. :
Arthur mauaecr Loves
Funny I-.olks C ondnnat ion. writes:
"After a trial and con- j
. . ,,-
viiii'ing evidence. 1 am I'mi ! p. la n 1
15, K-'ew Dise.vverv for Con-
sumption, heats 'em all", and cures j
when every thing- else fails. Tiie i
"-rentes! kindness I can do m
friends is to urge then: to try it.
trial bottles at F. I. Friek
Cn's ilniy store. kVigvlar sizes ." V
r llss' Nerve and ulverPil!.
i Act en a new principle regupitine
! the liver, stomach and bowels throiurh
i tiie ti'Tves. .v new cuscoverv. nr. .vines
itnded for men. women. children.
SMll.;t. miides'surest:
r'',Ii,l lrl-l- - rllul
Snenmen Caes.
S. II. Clifford. New Castle. Wis., !
wa- troubled with neuralg-ia ami
rheumatism, his stomach wn-
ordered, his liver was affected to an
alarmine- degree, appetite fell away j tance iti the open country, but it id Mm
aml he was terribly reduced in flesh ply isaoossible to lose an Indian. So
aipi sii.-n;-.!!!. iiii.-e ..omes oiimiltter how circuitous the i oute bv
i-.h-ctric Jsitters cureil liim.
I'M ward Sliepherd. I larrisburu".
ill., had a running" .-ore on his leg
oi eiu'ht vears' slandiae'. I'sed
three dottles ol hlectric l. liter.- and j
j .-even bottles Hncklen's Arnica j
Mivi-.iiiiu leg is soiinu ami wen. ,
John Speaker. Catawba. ( b. had live j
large fever sores on his leg-, doe'tors
sail! he whs incurable. One bottle
'hk'CtriC Hitters illlll l:i'-.' lOX hlU'if-
l,. , ,,. .
i uTi s Arnica Sal VI' cu red h I in cut ire-
... K I! - Wr.'.-L-.. t f.
ly. 5IU ty Ir. Ki. rril Ke A. t O.
t .0711 ..
Tli Ilallroii.I itml tin- I . It rati H v
Titkcn Aivuy Iti Avocafioa Imporl-ituci-
if ! "iront i.f I r Tim.--.
JliH Woiul. rf n 1 1 . .ilit - In.liiin
i Tin; sciiut. .f tl: t'roi li. r is hi:i; tin
; fyj.'.i"i!-i.v!y -a t .yiijifil jut-n:r.;. m
; t In-. i la y .f !-l-tj. a 'ul ! t rii it .". 'I hf
r ::! i i 1 i a 1 1 w.--r wu "ii lti-' 1 with-
-'i:! i 1 : i .:..:.:: t ra '.! "fs . .a If .:a : ri.
: i:.,t n- i .-. ; ic . Trail:- ' i - :
! t:iuc!i :im :.rt in i i:in!''i-r nr Mii!t!nr
JUl,j ( ;M f..v j. ,:-.,:. .. :;
:t . : . ,, )
it : ia Hi'' 'vi'i !.!!!,'( t" pi n-ii ..r eiii
It is i'!;:. .--i-.i I i r. ..:'.. i.uw.
til" i.':i i ! f a ' !M !'
tin) s. 'Ci i I ; V il a -i ;..-.. I ... ,
al.-i." vwiin.i.t a l r .i -i..n:il u.u..-r o
l'.'i'l i'..u.! in pi ; .i, ii;. r I -!." I ..1' l:i
! ' ' . s . : vi ' .: . :::, 1 :;v i ;
.-.-; 1 1 e - w ! t r- - -1 1 .--1 - -tin- I u ;j . I
A 1 1 .
:i I' ;ic:-' 1 !:e j.;.a:. ; .f .i ,
?i.-;.P'i. r :!. wn:- r I
i ili'.y '.' '.: ! ri ! : i v. i' a : , i- ; . i .? ..
j ;il;l i . j 1 t t.i. -tel. ir ;.ii'l v. ell iiela.'-
! he :i ': 1 I .te:; il: 1 : . .!!!!.
'l iv :v:;i.;.' P i;- 1 ;t it !.-r,t ;Vely
'iteii" :.f. : ... wi: ". '.', :..
)i -::r s t r;
ai-1 t in; Ami ri";,n.
1 !: II
I ;;i - : 1
y. -, v..u h..v
"a pviiiv, hut this
;.j,i (
,M.., y ,,.,.t ,v t!. win. I, S-: -J-
, , . . , "
out. 1 ne sain I in i he inapin r y mi M-e.
, . . , . -
" i oil oi; rht to :".ve s. eti vour-
, t, "
P". " WeJit "eutyoii ih'hlt sloj'
to th::.;:. i mi .Atneri aii.s a-ver tin.
.-r:-.':ii:s trr.V! I v. ill tm i." . . s
1 i : i. . u 1 1 o'-'ii. An Jtnli-i'! or
-ail will t r.iv. 1 all day wiitioiit
. p.-i.-inr a vord juiy one unless ;ih.-o
v-j,.....,.. )Ut m.thi;
f esealies li!-
m Aiuerieia will
"I i au-ot ;y and s,-e itothir,- I't.t
' ip ral h ai nres ot tho country
thr.ia-u winch he travels."
'I a-' :rui w::s jn'ohahly l i:!it, for fevr
j Amr:'ie:i;;s h -coi-ie alepls :it trailitr
pit her i:n n or aiiiiuals at-ross tin; ilaias
the West,
I !.!. .'.visit A TP.Aih.
It iitrp-. -sihie to learn the art from
ho ..s, tlsoa.fii He re are a lew :r. t:i-i i1
inh-s v. hit ii can ? ohserved. For in-
.shine-;-, every scout knov.s that to over-
take n p.-irty wliic h lias perlutps run of?
F'-.titu stork, provisions must be taken to
l.i-t s. v.-r.d i!nv-", ti::;t the start i:it:.t he
V. sle si.o.!y itt-d the coi.rse followed
I' ".-ishatly and at a mo h-rate pa,cc, e-iv-
in; the horse:; tin; nii-hts to rest in and
t-; art at d-yii-ht in tho liiorninLCS.
The!, wh.-ii the pnvst:i rs come near
t!o i iirne !. it is ti.'..' scorn's hiis:i:!-.-s to
.'ell ihe number and condition of the
my, and how many hours have'
elapsed since th-y passed 'ne spot on
which you are sl;:nd;ntr, for it may be
come necessary for you to remain con
cealed until you d- ride upon the manner
of citack. for if the party be made up of
Indians they will scatter before you can
capr uro. them.
A.'-f.iin, any scout can tell whether the
trail be that of a war party or not, be
cause nolndi.ins take their families with
them on the warpath; hence no lode
pi ties drag behind the ponies. If there
is no trace of ihe-e it is safe to consider
that a V::r party is i;n the rampage.
Uiie of the difficult things to determine
is the age of the trail, and to do it cor
rectly requires much practice. If the
track is very fresh it will show moisture
where the earth is turned up, which
after a, few hours becomes dry. Should
rain have fallen the edges will be less
ch ar and will be washed down some
what. The expert M.-;dcan scout can tell by
:i glance what tribe; of Indians has made
a, given trail, its age, and every particu
i..r ;u)unt it as truthfully as though he
h.,d hiiusc.lf tiie cavalcade pass,
foilowingan Apache trail dr.r-
. . -.- ii i... T
ing tne Indi.'Ui dnneulties ot stid-
ih-nlv came to a leuge of oarerock. lne
pincers of the troops examined it care-
muceis "i u:e- noop.s e...ii.uaen u ua-
full v, but could see nothing to indicate
W'll'TO t:H?tVIIJ(i Ilft'l pOH(-, lint the SCOUt
xh.'in f r two milt-s nf-ross it as un-
4-1 , 4-U-1 ; 1 i..i .1 l, i .
errimr asthonrih the tr;iil had been made
hj hc;ivy j
yy-s FYi K ;rT !
,T., , , '"" ,'t ,' . . , i
V, hen asked what told him the way, I
, , , , . J. ,
he called arceiitioii to the fine nioss whic'i .
covered the lock, and that by cloe
scrutiny gave evidence of having been
pressed, bv the foot, an indication so :
slight that it would have been passed j
unnoticed by ninety-nine out of a bun- '
dr-'d, yet his keen eye detected every I
footprint as ea-iiy as could be wished. !
In the grass a frail can be seen for a
long time, as the blades will be bent in j
the direction followed by the party, and
even after it has recovered its natural
position an expert trailer will detect a !
sli ght difference in the color of the trrass
., . . , i . it,,. .
Lll.tL ll. ULTll SO.ITi'l'tr'. V'li rtll'A LilclL lUie ;
in around it. !
j So the appearance of the tracks will
j also show him the gait at which the
partv was traveling, and he thus knows ;
how to regulate his pace in order to
'overtake it.
7.- .,
L1M ' I 11 II II iw nr l'i- I .I II
can retrace his steps, for any- great dis-
which you have reached a certain place !
tiie Indian will find his way back to the
place of starting by the most direct j
'route, and without hesitating for a ino- ,
uient which course to pursue,
If you as.: him how he does it he may
possibly snrug his snoukters and reply,
Quien" sabe?" or "Who knows?" though
the chances are that he will not reply at
ail. No matter how affable and enter
taining he tuay prove in camp, he will'
talk little while en route. Chicago
r. .-:.--..Ttgr.T-.-.-.. '. ''J--".'Ti;-T'1l,lrri'r'.'lT?' "' 7
What is
l. i i J M i .K. Vi-il RJ
Castori.t is Ir. Sramicl Iil-Jirrs prescription for Infant
tul Children. Ii cmilaiiis ncltlicr Opium, Morpliino nor
other Narcotic f.::h: .-;ict. It is : harmless MibMltuto
for lar;.r;, I ro;,, Sooth:;; Syrrtjis, n:nl Castor Oil.
ic it Ilo:isant. lis jytitiranteo it tlnrly 3Jir iiJMi hy
jMillions )i''lii(!icri. '.gloria Is( rys Worms unci xillayn
f"t'ertslmcss. Cxdori-v prevents yjfilt it:;' Sour Curd,
cures arrliri and Wind C,li-. Ca.storia relievers
tuctliiMVy'i''es, cures c on.t ip:i Ion :i:d Ilatulenry.
Castoria, assim i late s l!ie fimi, re;juhstc the Momaeli
;.nd bowels, .;ivin;r Jea.ll.hy ;t:il iKi(t;i:sI isle.ep. Jas
toria is tiui Chiblreii's ;ii.!U'e:i (ho HI other I"rieiicL
" (.UiVr?i Is .'in i xc. ll.-ii', iif .li.-i'i ' .r e iT
dn-a. !..eer- li-e. e r.-oe:l.-!ly l iil hm; of us
jfooil ellcvt u'miii their"
lit. G. C. O:o.r,
I.inle!!, M.vj.
factor i.i Is the P. t for el: up -ti . f
Wliieli I am ;:e.r.inint.-.l. 1 h.i- t' e i!.y is J L
far ilis'.xii.L v. !i t: mothers iiic:ii i ier I U" re I Nt -f tlnsr i hil lren. (in I us- Ci '- ri.i r.
sr. -a! of tin various 1 1 ua 'I: r.'-s'run.K vviiieh nr
d.-strovin lln-ir love.l ones, Iiv i'laeiiiejii'ii.-i,
mori.hin--, tv...tlii,er vr-ir an-I .'tS.-r iair'i il
Iwi-nls il" A il ta ir tl re-iP-, tiiervi-y ;..-ik!.:j,;
tkeui to preiniituri; gravi "
lii. J. F. KiN'enri.on,
Coiiuaj,', Aii:.
The. Cocta- CoriT,n:y, Tl
J. i. UliA
DOOICS, IlLIN'Ieynnl Mil buih'.i.-ii; mateiih'
Call anil sec us
mm frjiin
north of IleiseFs
Plattsmoiatb,, Ifebasls
mmvrM Kycwc mtHmV ton mnom waa (womj nw mrjwzw nr unoi uat wu wut
toTW .fiiJ mLmJ VJ W JaJ JLmJ mmT JTW mLa VV i fcTml rW
Also the Ugh running Doim
Everything to Furnish Your f louse.
Under Waterman's Opera House
ifou tan bny of him chwnp f-.r spot cash or can iir: what yon ncrt to ftirnNh a otitr.-n-n or ,
man-ion on tke INSTALLMENT rI.AJ.
Agent tor the Celebrated
; The largest and most com!ete soek to
Oncra House 15 ock
S8LS. T I- mJ 7a I
L. J
" Cnit tr'.n Is so v. .11;.t.) t, . cUM.-n thii
I r- ei i.uuu a l i iu.s.ij;rior loiuiy i tM't iiLkM
kltU J. 11 l ii.. ."
K. A. A mmei, M. D.,
J 1 1 . Ot'.ipI .St , l.r..i.yii, N. Y.
" ' 'nr j liysVi-iim in I'm -i. t 1 "h ilej.nrt.
im-jit h.ivu (iiH.l.'-n ln;;!i!y of l!i ir Xmi
;.ee in lli'ir imthile ii.ti''"o I 'a -.tori,
a: 1 jilth. .iteti .;i! .vn .-ii:ion; our
i... 'l.-a! ss. pli.-s ii:.' is I.ti.i-vn a.s r.-;'iiiur
p! o'l.ic-ts, j et v.e i.rn fr -i! P e.hf ii tliut th
i:e ru.s i.f l.e'.ri.i hits wi.ii in l.o look witlj
fav . I u; - .il i . '
I :..i:::' I '.: :pita!, ami 1 p erNsxiiY,
l;..,t.n, JIasa.' '. Smith, V.,
TJirr - r.y Street, Nv YlW: City,
at the,
eorster of
one lAovAi
- stic Sewing Machine for sale
White Sewino; Machine.
lct la Cans Couhty . fall and r
T i PT 1
i HJ Al j '.it.
Vew York. Price 60 ctil
i ?
55 '
i :