Vuw in&ut iou& iiuL r -1 ir.LCL. ?Ar, WINDHAM & DAVIES. a. H. Wlv)i(M. J'MIN A. DAVIKS. Ndary I'ublic Notary 1'ubltc Office over Uar.k of t'a t'ouiity. Plattsmoiitli .... Nebrasha If . E. hs my recollection " sow KNOTTS BROS, Publishers I'liblislieil every Thursday, and Uily ever J ivemn;.' except Sunday. K-ijistficd at I i' ri;tttsi;..iith, Nell. lot o:Iu;ef'ir traiisiiiis-noii t lir lli tin- 1 1 ..'S. mails it ''(oiid eliisi- rut'"!-. 0!li- em li' r Vine :i'i'i l ift h M n-els. rcU'i'l:iiin- Th? .Smoke and fSmeli M pV'iMirc in calling attention to our linos o TTOKNKV - A. N. I' hi. I VAN. ltt.rii-y Will ir'iu.. ;it i I ! n. . .ll: Itl-iil -i oil l-;-.-!' : Ilil:1. Oiiici- III inn ti'iii-1:. I-'..-; Si l--. !'!-.-f-ri'.UTh. Ni-''. R( 1 1 ins? of 5 S ap AfT 'mm in r . i: i S F IE 3 K & D 31 IT G D IDS J u.-t j'i!"'l fr V"i!i' i ii-jc ct i i uii.-i.-fiiij "1 nvy cliou-e lin; !' s- o".-onal!e DTiY 00 OSS, "N0TI0TJS OF A1A KINDS ;(;(i (.K i; v. j;Mini() ( i) K R;( i TIM li i)M '( : : 1), k -d a-, w iinn V u nave (oner since aepam i m;v i H : ' i.V. (..;! , 1 1 ) r. 111 ;t i VI' ::ci ':i" ropy, ne y;ir. n t m ;nlv..ii'' On,- i'. six 1 in I li f. in a ' : vl . One e py, t!ir"-' Hi' nth-1, in rid vnr.c.e TKl'.MS !': n I I V ' li,'- in:.- v iv !H -id v.i I 'Jin' c"v p tvi t k. by .rri'T : tii, n i , J T lll'i'i! li vl t r n't v C ' .. ,!-t li .1. S '. . . . ; I i, - r it niu n rf xt tpf UTijeuseofffiesfuffg . 2'KI 40 i ri i". J'.il (HI T. IKK' As 600P as tf2ey of - 1 1 - : t i'k lDA Y, :iA V s, IMS IB IK J 9. I' I . V i 1 m 5! 7 15 1 3 ft: ' t. Vi- -;;!! sj eci.-il attention to our line of Dress Trimmings sri:i-N; :ia(;kkts Tin KiM-irrs JLIsi n Nice Tlsri (;i;:rtcr Jiwkvi Ourtiiw DrajTies. ( 'heniHe Lice Triniiiiin T ti K F E Gf 'TO ADVERTISE JLM- AND BRING YOUR ADVERTISE MENT If j You Wiint to Sell Y'onr Propery 4 Advertise it. TIIK IlfalliALD'S joh leparttueut Una Ieeu Jitte-1 with new type htm! i ahh; to do the iiurst f work n ri 1 on sliort notice. It vou want --ale Hills rail on this 3 rea.-'iiahle anol We are Here to Please SUBSCRIBE FOS IT "' Cor Kuril asdHVisSts PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Spread. - , Rihiioiis. Laces. Silk Tie - , etc. etc I N E S T ollice and iret uiir jiri:os which are alikf to all n '! lii. fhicn","o Herald has located ; I ii- exact en i ! t of p. pu la t ion 1 til I'liiled States ami planted a monu ment nl the point. I: is located eleven 1 1 i i 1 1 - r-outh and two miles west of ( 'ii-en--luru'. I : ! i : ! ! l : J . I l is l lwinl that our ex-Speak-i r Tom K'rci! was as cool as a cn-ciiiiilii-r hca tin- pov.'h r cxjilodt 1 ;ml m arly upsrt tin- vartitan and lirol.c hall 1h- windows in K'omr. Tom had lx-ard K!!l-,o!V and a lot of thi-r democrats exjilode them-.-elves so often dnrim;' tin' last .-es-.--ion tiiiit t'li- ii:ciii"iit ai iCoine w;is ;i chestnut. Suite Journal. CiiVn.'N'lK I n 1 ha'' j .i-e ;,iU d upon the reform legislature 1 i;i vo him an extra cleric and to raise the salai y of his private secretary to ;.'J.ili)ii, ami when the time for sur render enme t he.-e s : (r- h id to he left in the hands of (In- coinpierors. That was th-' saddest feature of liie whole evacuation for some of the hovs. Kx. Tin: I'nited States would he vcr L;lad to present the (VlO.OiK) or T'M.OOI iiuinis'ants w hich -he will receive this year to (.'anado. Mexico. lirai'.il or some other s a rsely set 1 1 ed coi; i : trv if she were in a position lo tin this. It apcars cviilent now, i -.-pite the restrict ions of the new law. that the (pianlily of this year's im:ni';ralio!i wili he m itch la i'j.i r than usual and the piality much wol".-c. Til;-: offer of tip- I'nited S-.ih's (lovcrnment to inei'iiate hetween the hostile factious '' the repuhlic of Chili is a iiioiioii aloni" the hue l!;;il'!,cil out hy the 1 . ir.f rr;:: t'onefess. r-iost properly the meat American rcpuh!:c of is made a party to the act of media tion, and the proposal of h'ranee to act in conjunction with her sister rcptthlics m:it He considered as welc( tine. The threat need of t he ropuhl ics of Central and South America has been a stahle form of iovernment. Jf hy arbitration of sister republics future revolutions or rebellions can be averted or prevented a lari;e s;iv-ini;- of human life can be made, and an infinite addition to the wealth of nations effected. It is all but im possi hie to ucss wha t the wealth and commerce of South America would be after half a century ,of peaceful dcvelopement of the lie chunical and agricultural arts. A T!:r.!-:; m to the Globe-IV-no-crat from Chicago in the followiue; terms discloses the sale of the con trolling interest in the ablest repub lican paper west of New York. The telegram says: At the mceti'i.- of the Daily News paper Asociat:on at the I'nioa League Club to-day Hon. Wm. l'enu Nixon, editor of the Inter Ocean in troduced Mr. II. II. Kohlsaat, and announced that he had become the proprietor of the controlling- inter est in the Inter tJeean. Mr. Nixon and Mr. KohNa.U have for a long time been warm personal friends, and it seems that last October an arraiiiivmcr.t was made between them by which Mr. Nixon was to purchase for Mr. Kohlsaat thestock of all otitside holders, and the 'news paper was to run as a joint enter prise. During- the hitter's absence in Kurope the stock was secured, and he returned last week to con summate the arranii'emeiit. The I'M I I r-l'.rV III III ll'l 'W1 ,111,'H ' I . , ,. -i. now owned by yir. Kohl-.iat. M.j Nixon and his brother and other members oithe Inter Ocean Statt. 1 i ,Ml,.i,l l,-,t il.r,.;.in li.- no clian;-e in the personnel of the paper or in its editorial conduct. Mr. .Nixon will continue editor m chief, he and his brother retain iiiii" the interest t!ie' have so loni;- held. The eaoital stock of the corporation will be increased. and nil the money j needed to push the paper forward j to the highest success will he put ! into the business. LMr. Kohlsaat has t loi'iii" been known a- one of the most j successful of t'hicai;-o's business j men. and has ample capital and en- j eruy to push any enterprise he i connects himselt with. "arsf prilla. Tiiere is one fact so plain that no one need be m i.-ta ken . a nd t hat is no person can have ood health where the blood, the verv life itself. is in an unhealthy and impure con- j .III ,v .....uil.v ...i.aa ..... saj)arilla and Iiurdock Compound to remove all humors and .impuri ties from the blood and eradicate ever' particle of diseare from the system. For sale by all drug-gistis ii. :i, : : u . ,..:i ! : .-j i.-r V I? Sn.illi if It iiid'nii'i. '-. S. K ini-rv :m'( 1'. M.l'u. i. A'i-"'i:r- '.!i-' i.-.i. l-ii-n-t aUiivved i" tinii- ,..', . ii-.i ..r ..i.':vi-.'"i t- bus- '.i-t-- ."it i"-1 '! t " lis e-- ,-. BANK or im.a : ismoi ti!, mcwkask, :,.i ii Iiik o.e-.i -i;ri tu-i- - JiftTM the i J, v : r li . : . . for the pro'i': .mi'.te riroi-k". 1" rtl -jam if li i, id mil .'-: l.'-;kf:s '!v '. riiii'.i iit ;n '1 !.'i-;ii -ii- i. ii . I . ;nn' i-tlt.lHiief . i! n ll.i -;iiriiir.;. .'Ol.l.K:' 1(1 M A1IK. AN.'. l-lKiMl i'I V liH.MII cl'iiest in ';ei i i- ':.: I - ' nnt ..!: I" I. '.li'To' .)v:jl;i . : !.. S.lli V,;n.'.:. tab i Kit -u i. U'.iLCen. r:..'-.:y, c;.: :: -t.-'l. 1 it ); ;-iS ! IwiX: J V Me : - t' ii- "t 'aSV&HSLW iiORSiirJIIOE u'tiii'ii i- til- I" t h-.'i--vs I'.i! tile triiiiT. r !(u i i-i ih'.vin.-. i' i-' r't ...i'iri-s i-vir tav-,:.t. i. I' "' :e--ti- Clint :nMll- :.,i i-i-t . I' sh.irp er mi as ! .! ' - ' r.- llV- "'" !!ii"-''l, -'i.'V ; '.nl-. an tit bis :! - ::...- tin- M:VKI.-MI iriii y -ii '.vi'.i r.-e a ' tin i. J. y,. Si f N 5'. I . L HA C i 1 1C I J. T -i-th Kittn .-t. t'i-.ittsiii.mrli Ls6 m-.-.O liKU Carrv ;i t'::li :-t. "'' j.'i'ti. r.-a im reliorul is - vlii h theysi-1 1 very ties". Highest juice paid far nil kinds lit l iria ii 'oih'.ce. Ce'ii erous treatimTtaiKl fair dealintr i th- secret f '.nl success. im'r' C a i Murrav N.t IPED Tlif re linve lately lx-en placed upon the mnrkc-t -.-v.'i il ejieiip l-cjirints of an obsolete edition of W ,.-ni' Dictionary," They are being ottered ;it a low j-riee By trv iriioils dealers, proeers, elotliirrs, ete., nnd in ;i'.-.v iii-tuners as a premium lor .-uiiserij tions to pupers. Anuouneemeiits of tlif pr. eomparatively Worthless reprints are very mislenUinc ; for intnnee, they Rre :i,lvevtiFefl t be the Mib-tnnt inl equivalent f "an eiLrlit to e.v.-lv,' (lu!!.-.r book,"' wheu in reality from A to Z they nre nil Reprint Dictionaries, phototvpe copies of a b' ok f over forty yrnr a'o, winch in its .lay w;is m.M lor :iiioi-,t f.".iHi, uii'l w'nieU was mueli -uierior in jiaper, print, ami bimlins to tiiese imitations bcinsi then tlie Ijusi Dictionary of the time in-teail of one Lonq Since Obsolete. The supplement of I0,oenso-r allcil "newworiis." ; which some of the-e books are jelvertise.l to cr n- j tain, wa eompileil by n tr'-ntleman who lias been lead over tiiirty aie! w is ptiliiisheil be- j fore his ileath." Otiier ::.lii:tion- nre probably j reprints of a like eh.-m-.-t, r. j . ... .. t . . . - Tin' t'enuine Kilitionni Wflmter's Ina- ,ri,iised IMotionui-y. xvni-li is tli only one hirniimr this i;,-ii. r:.t t:, '.itain- nvi-r 'Jim rwiiros. wit! HliKtm:; -n- "r. l.'-Mi-iy ev.-i f i 1 "i"1 hear- our ini.rini t It 3 - - pacre. It is proteete,! by -opyri-.'!:t !v :., -?:-:; itnitation. Vi. ualie as tnw iiu I-. v:.' nave at varies- pen-e publi-li'-l a tliorou-i y i' viii si or. tie name .! wl - V. IN i IIH.VAI loNAL IirrioNARY. Sold by all lJook-ell'-r-. 1 G. &. C. - -1 r iitin.-hler fr- Sprin i;:?-jr., U.S. A. 2fJtMl.lj KitltlAt. lU0tWl Vl'i ?- qv pas aousauoiui 10 laiudaitd y y mm m mm: Sw-ljrff lilk imi Af1i i kuT Zi)tr t 1 xtDY M.KlAIRBANKulCo., CHICAt W. D. JONES. T H R FT N i a, or THE 'or. t it :..t!;i me IT R WILL KKKT CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full a id C'Mnpl' t:- bin; of Drus, MedicIiLes, DSUCGISTS SUNDTilES AND PURE LIQUORS i'ivs rlpt:ons 'ss svfully Coinpouudod at all Hours The Best is the Cheapest i ll it is Why Fred 5.nltT utter l. years of cxjicrieint,? as th! most successful "ricn'i'ir.-il in';!"!i ni' nt (l'-:i!er i;i t!sc i (,ii'ity hts !--l.-t el the following impfe-ii-nt- .viiich !.'. 'Mrrie.i :uui h'j.t!tiiy r :''.eamoiHl.s to his friends hiiJ patrons. SHotcliniri. Moliao and Schratlor WAGONS, 23radley, IPern, asa.d Dooro LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES AND Badger Cultivators. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER, DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Cheekrovers and Planters. A(l,. "qOJlBKJ iiaiilies ti;e line.-tot I hi uies. Pln-tons. Carts, Sjiriiifr "Wsions, and (Carriages and other vehicles that are l'lunui'aetuivd. Tin; largest line in Cass County, ot doiihle and single htirncss at prices so low that it. will ny yon to come 2" miles and inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere. JAVII) MILLER an experienced woi kniaii htts charge ot our harness shop. FredGorder, fiattsmouth and Weeping Water f. J. llMlidsi DKALElt IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. GLASS AN.D QUEEN SAV A RE ! Flanr pes m a Ppecli titronage -t tlte Puble Solicited. JOHNSON BUILD Hi G. Mil GtHS HfftTMl waimIwtiu cnrwL Bookii 1arnM 1 - - - TttmA i mniii f ii nil all Jlty I J. I I 3 J jw Proprietor. EST R 1 G CITY V Paints, and Oils. JULIUS PEPPER3E3S. MANUFACTURER Of AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL OEAI.EH IN TDK Tlioicest Brands of Cigars .... U 1 liicludtng our FULL LINE OP TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE aiwaya in etoclc. Nov. 26 1885 V' K. DRESSLER. The 5ttL St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full L!c of Consult Your tatere.- by ,;lvlnK Ultn SHERWOOD BLOCKJ i'iattsmoiith, JVebraiF - --V v Vi - C2 V II in r,l I