'' ' V --; , - - -I I , Plattsnaoutli I . F . .Daily Herald. TTSMOU T II. X K B It AS K A. FlUDAY KVKNING. MAY. 8 189 J NUM11kR203' it. i t. "'- -j t n i r.A it. i ji -- , . -i . if I- 4 i)' A 1 1 I ' -m-i ; PERSONAL : " 1 !: has.' . l.tl.flf:il Absolutely Pure. Plattsmoutb Herald. fVto C Al Kallhurj baHth eiflonlTP rltrht to mm I ale fii'i 1,0ml nineiic tor in- i " louse. a ofTefth lo thWclty. Offlre Uor kwood 'OX 15 CAi Anted An active. rHioM nn salary 5l er. X" to $0 monthly, willi lurrvii". 10 r-irt fcnl blot fair own t-ei lion it resnnisilIe Nevr York tor 'Ruse. Keferenees. MAN UKAl.TL'KKH, I.och iOl 15H5. New York. J - CASS I.ODCK. No. l it;. I.O. O. K. meets ev- i cry Tuel;iy niht at tlieir hall in Fitnerald block. AlHltld KellnwH are cordially invited to Attend when visitinn in 1'ie city. T. K. Wll.I-lAMS. N. I. J. W, IllUlxJK, Sec. KN 1(1 UTS OK PYTHIAS. Cauntlet Unite no. 47. Meet every Wednesday evening at their hull In VVcckt'ach Mock. All viwitnn; knights are coidi;i!ly invited to attend, C. A. Marshall. C. C. ; Frank Dixon. K, K. S. YOUNO MENS CHKINTION ASSOCIATION Waterman block. Main Street. Kooms pen from x :30 a m tc 8 :M v m; Kor meu only oh pel meeting every Sunday alternoon at 4 'clock. C. A R. WcCoimllile Vuft. No. 45. meets every Satur day evening at 7 :30, in tlu-tr hall, Kockwood Block. AH visiting comrades are invited to uieet with us. 11. F. Nile. Post Adj. F. A. ISates. Pop t Com, Our Clubbing List. fi'iobe-Deuiocrat aud Hkrald. . Harper's Magazine " Harper's Bazar Demfrest's Mft&azine " Omaha liec I olrtlo Blade Lincoln Call National Tribune " The Forum ' Inter Ocean ' . . Lincoln Journal 44 The Home Magazine " 44 .f2.25 . 4.00 . 4.80 . 3.10 . 2.40 . 2.45 . 2.15 2.45 ..5.55 30 t5 Time Table GOING WMT No 1 3 :."'0 a. m GOING EAST No 2 5 :05 p. m. Ow . . Of . . . . T 9,. li.. . 19.... ....5 :45 p. ni 9 :25 a. m. ... .15 a. in. 6 :'J5 p, m . ... .5 :J5 p. in. 11 :f5 a. in. ' 4... . 8 10 12 " 20.... . .10 :S0 a. m ..7 ;44 p. m. . 9 :45 a. m. .10 -.14 a. in- . .8 ::;o a. ni. Treubund Ball. Saturday niht at Lirdarkranz Hall. A general jond time is jjuar teed. Price of ball tickets to mem bers, 2Tc; to those who are not mem bers. 50c will be charged. The lio hemian band will furnish the music. d2t To I co Comsumers. My ice wagon has begun to make regular trips. Orders left at my store, my commission house or with the driver will be promptly attend ed to. tf F. S. White. Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. 4 The fragrant Heliotrope in bloom wonderfully cheap at Moore's Green House. dtf "The Fair" has only a few more velocipede's left, which are being closed out at cost. tf Dr. K. L. Siggens has returned and may be found hereafter at his office over Gering's drugstore. tf All watches, clocks and jewelry left for repairs atC. H. Jaquette's Niille block, Sixth street, will re ceive prompt attention. All work guaranteed and done in a workman like manner. Brown & Barrett, successors to W'iidman & Fuller, have an endless variety of wall paper and borders all new colors and designs. wtf So farmer or stockman can afford to be without Hallar's Barb Wire Liniment. Animals supposed to be permantlv injured and useless, have been made valuable by its timely use. We are so well pleased with its results that we heartily recommend it to our customers. For sale by all druggists. 2 A restore, stricken 'and give you a luxuriant growth of hair, to keep its color natural as in youth, and to remove dandruff, us only Hall's Ma' Dr. J. If. Hall is in Omaha on bus ineBHto-day. J. K. I,eenley is transacting busi nesH at Hartlett to-day. Mr. J. M. Roberts will visit friends at the metropolis to-day. Win. Ossenkop, a prominent citi ;&en of Louisville, is in town. T. Ji. Wilson, the Ashland lawyer, is in town on legal business. A. L. Tiiiiblin, a Weeping Water attorney, is transacting business in the city to-day. A. B. Smith of Denver and his ad miring friend, Moses Dodge, were perambulating our streets to-day. Fin M illmery. Mines. Wise iV: Root have eclipsed all former eiforts to please the var ied tastes of I'laltsmoutli ladies in line and medium lines of millinery They have recently received an almost endless line of hatH, in which over two hundred different shapes are shown: it is evident therefore that you could not lind a larger assortment in Omaha to se lect from. They carry an exceptional line stock of ribbons in all the latest fashionable shades. For flowers and ornaments there seemed to lie no limit, several show cases were filled full of the most beautiful sprays of imported flowers, in col ors to almost outrival nature her self. 1 lie larire stock ot mourning good's showed commendable tnst in their selection, aud judging from the manner in which three clerks rushed, in waiting on customers we are lead to believe that the ladies know what they want in headgear and know where to go and where to get it. New Millinery Store. Mrs. C. M. Graves, dressmaking and millinerv. .New irocxls, new prices, latest styles. Store No. 110 South 3rd st. IMattsmouth, Neb. lin We notice in the Otoe county pa pers a new wall map of the county, which gives general satisfaction, is being delivered to subscribers there. If the maker of that map, or some one who can execute a good one, would come to this county, he could, we believe, do a good busi ness. It has been thirteen years, since a map of the county has been engraved, and it is out of date. Send your map man over. Weeping Water Republican. Major IVarman, the maker of the Otoe county map, has been en gaged for some time on a map for this county, which he expects to have completed at an early da3 And we are sure it will be a good one that will give much better sat isfaction than the old one did, yet it will only cost about half as much. Card of Thanks. The immediate relatives of the late Mrs. Rutherford wish to express their sincere thanks publicly to those win) so kindly cared for and in aii3' way alleviated her suffer ings. joiIXRUTIIEKFORIiAXIl OTHERS. World's Fair Appropriation. During the past few days of ex citement it appears that almost ev ery one had lost sight of the ap pointments to be made under the act appropriating $."i0,(X)0 for a dis play at the world's fair. There are seven important offices to be filled; a commissioner general who shall receive $2,500 per year and six commissioners who shall re ceive 5 per day for each da- actu ally employed. li. P. Koggen of this city, it was claimed, was to have been ap pointed commissioner general by Governor Bo3d when the proper time came, but the selection was never made. In fact Governor Boyd's friends claim he intended to make none whatever until after the supreme court should have handed down a decision in his favor, and might have refrained from doing so had the pressure been less weighty. The appointment of a commissioner general, it is said, was also prom ised to Colonel North, of Columbus. Now that Governor Thayer is in there is said to be nothing in the way of ex-Governor Furnas. He is considered as good as appointed by those who claim to know. All the nice, musically inclined people will hear the "Chimes of Normanday" at the opera house to night. Rev. Jones of the Indian Terri tory will preach at the colored Baptist church Sunday, both morn ing and evening. In the case of Hester Pool re. Win. Philpot. The defendant was taken before Justice Archer and waived an examination. He was then bound over in the sum of $1,200 to appear at the next term of the dis trict court. Snyder the druggists is again in trouble overjhis indentity. A Ger man farmer who has been in the habit of trading with Mr. Paul Gering took Snyder for Gering and bought a bill of paper of him; but the farmer was worried to under stand how the "old man" had for gotton his German all in a month, Mr. Snyder not being able to speak the language. Habmiit Peierson. m Mr. Peterson needs no introduc tion to this community. Most peo ple have dealt with him and recog nize the s'juai e and accommodating methods he has always observed in his treatment of the public. Hehas now succeeded to the handsome grocery business of the lale firm of Larson & Peterson where he may be relied upon to continue selling the best goods at the lowest prices, conducive to a safe business. Tlie fliver Improvement, Tin Missouri River commission is in session right now in Omaha. If the committee appointed .by the mayor would wait on the members at once with Mr. Berlin, our de mands would receive prompt atten tion and a long trip to St. Louis would be avoided and money would be saved for the city. If the right kind ofy.cal is man i fested this mat ter will be attended to forthwith and then if the board has any doubt about t he representations made to it, an adjournment can be made to this city and the river looked over by the honorable board. In this way we might have work begun at an early day and have the channel thrown where it used to run, saving the city from the danger of an epi demic as a result of the sewerage and villainous smells that hover about the old channel during the hot months. Bv all means let us have the expenditure of that $50,00.) this summer when it is needed. If nothing is done while the present excellent opportunity is afforded, the committee will have to bear the blame for the failure. Honors to Mr. Derrick. A complimentary concert will be given to Mr. W. A. Derrick, a promi nent member of the Apollo club and the bass soloist of the St. Mary's avenue Congregational choir. The concert will be given on Friday eve ning, May 15, at the church. The following excellent talent will as sist: Mr. Hans Albert, violinist; Mr. Taber.organist; M iss Daily, soprano; Miss Rueder, contralto; Mrs. Day, contralto; M r. J tiles Lumbard, basso; Mr. Wherry, tenor; Mr. Jay North rop, tenor; Mr. J. K. Butler, accom panist. World-Herald. County Court, Florence Fetterman vs. estate W. J. Agnew. $30.50 allowed on claim. George W. Fetterman vs. estate W.J. Agnew. Claim of $171.2( re duced t o S13S.01. Christ Wohlfarth vs. Mrs. John L. Minor. Suit on account. Contin ued by consent until May 12, at 10 a. m. License to wed issued to Mr. Wm. A. Cleghorn and Miss Helen Stan der of Louisville. Attention Members of W. C- I". U. All members of the Women, s Christian Temperance Union are re quired to meet promptly at three o'clock Saturday afternoon at Mrs. S. A. Davis, on Pearl street. Bus iness of importance requires your presence. By order of Presidedt. Married. Mr. Orrin C. Smith the popular time keeper at the B. fc M. shops was married in the city Wednesday evening by Ivlder Reid to Mrs Frances Rounds. Mr. Smith is well and favorably known in this cit- where he has resided for the last ten years. The bride is also well known and admired for her lad' like demeanor and kindly disposi tion. The Herald takes pleasure in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Smith all the good things of life in unmeasured abundance. The above notice should have appeared yester day but the copy was mislaid (juite a gay and noisj- charivari party put in an appearanced unanounc ed save by the din of tinware at the smim. Kounas weaaing evening oetore last, and alter making"Kome howl" for a few minutes they were treated to a Hearty surplus of cake and cigars, after the discussion of which the crowd dispersed. The Gymnastic Exhibition. The Turner's society in this city is in excellent condition and con tains within its ranks some of the beet gymnasts in the state. Thev have improved very much under the charge of Professor Kummerow, and on the evening of Mav 13. will give an exhibition of their prowess Matrimonial. "William A. Cleghorn of Louis ville was married yesterday to Miss Helen Stander, daughter of Frank Stander, Esq.. of that city. Willie was inclined to bachelor hood, but the winning ways and genial manners of Miss Helen were too much for him and he had to surrender. Mr. Cleghorn is one of Louisville's best and brightest young men and well deserves the congratulations of friends for the good fortune which has attended him in the se lection of so accomplished and tal ented a young lady for a life part ner. The Herald extends its hear tiest congratulations to the happy couple with best wishes for health. wealth and happiness. The "Business Mens Carnival" to be given by the "Aid Societv" of the M. E. church will be held in the Opera house May 21. Look out for farther notice. dtf. Phil Young's benefit at the opera house to-night. "Chimes of Normandy" to-night at the opera house. Sheriff Tighe says the Irish don't have to go; they have already gone. Nehawka appears to be booming, judging from the advertising col umns of the Weeping Water Re publican. E. R. Todd came in t jL.iv with sevent -live bushels of millet, which he is shipping to Omaha seedsmen. Gust Reinhackle is quite sick at Colorado City, having been bed fast for the last week with some thing akin to la grippe. The Andrews Opera Co. arrived in the city this morning on their special car, ready to give a merito rious entertainment at the opera house to-night. v The Greenwood Gazette has again suspended. We believe it has been no fault of the town, but rather a lack of capital to start with on the part of the publisher. McVey, the St. Joe horse buyer, is with us again. lie makes the Bon ner stables his headquarters while in the city. He went to Union this morning to buy some good horse flesh that he heard was for sale in that vicinity. Jim Sage hauled two dimension stones yesterday for the courthouse at one load with his brag team that weighed 7,010 pounds. The stones were from the Cedar Creek quarries, eight inches thick, four feet wide and eight feet long. Pearlman's team had another one of its periodical runaways yester day and attracted quite a crowd as it tore across the stone at the court house and came to a sudden stop against a tree near the alley. No one hurt and but little damagedone to the wagon. The board of health were out yes terday on their annual smelling tour, which we trust will result in the cleaning up of some alleys in this city that luxuriate in about 4O0 kinds of vile smells. They must all be cleaned up before hot weather, or sickness will surely follow. lix-Lieutenaut Governor E. C. Carnes of Seward has been ap Xointed state oil inspector in place of Louis Heimrod of Omaha. Ed is an energetic fellow with hosts of friends all over the state, who will be heartily glad of his appoint ment. Four days have been occupied in selecting a jury in the Sheedy case at Lincoln and still the end is not yet. Two Hundred and four teen men have been examined and ordered to stand aside because they were intelligent. A jury in a modern murder trial places a high premium on ignorance. V. S. Purdy has received a well merited increase in his pension ac companied by a neat sum of ac crued back pay. Mr. Purdy was a captain of scouts during the late war and saw lots of hard fighting and had some narrow escapes. The Herald is glad to know of his being recompensed a little for the good work of thirty years ago. Chas. Flower met with quite a se vere accident last week. Whilelead ing his fine horse "Ney" into Mr. Philpot's barn in the country, a horse he was passing kicked him on the nose and the side of the head and knocked him down and his horse ran over him. Mr. Philpot pulled Chas out of the barn in an unconscious condition. That's what.s the matter with his nose. "Weeping Water Republican. The two Sitzmau boys, aged about ten and twelve, were discovered hid away in Bennett & Tutl's store last night as Cap Bennett was closing up. The boj-s were handed over to the police and were lodged in jail. Their object could have been noth ing more nor less than robbery. Owing to their age, and the fact that nothing was taken, Mr. Bennett declines to appear agaii st them to daj. Consequently notl ing will be done except to discharge them. I. Pearlman has purchased the "Weckbach room of J. V. FIgenberger jr, and will remove his furniture store into the new quarters as soon as the room can be fitted up for him. Mr. Pearlman begun in this town a few years ago with a pile of scrap iron and a few old stoves, but by close attention to business he has built up a large trade in furni ture and general house fittings, and has become one of the heaviest property owners to be found among our business men. The moon-faced Ass that edits the Journal and pretends to do job work in the hole under Sherwood's criticises the board of trade folder recently issued from THE Herald office. As we are securing job work on merit and not throuirh bulldozing, we have to-day circu lated among the business houses of the city a sample of the same kind of work done by the Journal office last year, along with a sample of our own. Pay your money and take your choice. SPRING JACKKTS, We are showing a beautiful line and the latest novelties in rogue at prices from $2.50 to $10.00. SPRING WASH GOODS. Full Line of 32 inch Zepher Gigjiams. Breton Zyph A F C Gigham. Domestic Gighams. Henrietta Sateens. Egyptian Printed CoftoiiA Silk Striped Madras Cheviots Fancy printed Cham brays. Beautiful line of Solid Striped, JJrocudwl and Polka lapid sellers. F. HERRMANN Ono Door East of tho HAVELOCK ARE . YOU - GOING - IF Remember that R. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of LUMBEE AND ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL .T HAVELOCK And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Tilings R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA rpUCKER SISTERS; carry a full lixe of yVllLLENERY AND FRENCH LOWERS. O MISS KATE HEMPLE TRIMMER o We also have a dress making department. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Sherwood Store. Plattsmouth -QAWSON & PEARCE Carry a Full Line of FINS MILLEAKRY AND CHL DR ENSOL OTHIN O. ALSO FKESH CUT FLOWEKS XOOM 2, B.ritT BLACK. rL4TTMtTTB A. O. U. W. Notice. All persons wishing to sign ap plication for charter of Degree of Honor please call at D. B. Ebersole's 623 Gold street, or at Frank Vermil yea's, 421 South Fourth stree. By order of committee. Go to Phillip Krause for your dry goods and groceries, where you will hud the best of everything, he also keeps fruits and vegetables in their season. tf. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke & j Co. and O. 1. Snyder. 3 Needles, oil and repairs and parts for all kinds of sewing machines at the singer office. dim : .. i am now preparea to deliver ice , tn : m V nart of the rilv Tolurli-'i ' J L - 'VAVltlVllV; 1, tf H. C. McMaken. SPRING HOSIERY We carry a complete line of (lor don's Fast Dye Hosiery for ladies and childreus wear Guaranteed absolutely stainless A good ladies ribbed vest at 10c Fast black ribbed vests at 35c Bbick lisle Thread vests at 45c Silk Mixed vests at 75c Full Line of Childreus underwear FLOUNCINGS Our Iineof black and white Flouii cings exceed anything ever before shown by us at prices an low as last season. VAiu-k Ifenrietti Sateens in Dott effect, entirely new and First National Bank TO - BUILD - THERE? SO JJR VIOLA M. FRENCH Physician fc Surgeon Lin.ici n'ith Ur. Lhipman HOIKS 10 : 0 to VI : 00 a. In. 3 : 00 to 5 : 00 p. lu. 9 : 00 to II : 00 a, in. 2 ; 00 to 4 : 0 p. in. Telephone No 12. 'LArrsjioi'iH .Nib RS. ROSE CAPLE. U.1K PASTEL A.ND CKAI05 PUKTBAITK. Thorough instructions in Panel, Crayon aud; Free liand (Uawia. 0ILPAWT1NG5 SKETCHES FROM MATURE Landecaptt. EruiU and flower. No, 911, Elm Ht. Plattsmoutb, Neb. jjIVIL ENC.INKKU and SUKVJBYOIi & E E. HILTON. KstlmAtea uid plans of all work furnished ana" itecordo kekt. Office in Martin Block. Pwatomouth - Nebrabia jSTEW HARDWARE ;STORE S. E. HALL &-SON Keeu all kinds of builders hardware on hand and will eupply contract r on most fav vrable terir.s : TI2T ROOPINGr ! HpoiltiD? and all kinds ofltin WOrk promntlv done. Order tnmiftb. country solicited. 1S Peaal St. PL ATTS MOUTH, NEB. I i t I 7 f 1 iS 'r. a .1 I 1 I ft 5n I,' 1 k 1 i 4) 0 1 .