. ni . " 1 II 1,4 mattsmoum uauy neraiu E, Gr. KNOTTS BROS, Publishers pVa-urc in calling attention to our lines o j,, .-.l l'..ry..ur in.,.,-! ..nsistiiis; ot a very cl.o.c line of -M:-onable 3DBY GOOtiS, OTIOJS OF AX I, KINDS I(1j(;;iY) ;.;,y(:!3AiD;(:iXIi;(l inruivM'f r (U CAMS, AVc rail special attention to our line of Dress Trimmings KiB i:Y.A Y -...A-UK CHmTAXNS SPUING JACKETS The Ileefers Also a Site Tlirre Quarter Jacket Curtaiu Draoeries, Chenille Table Spread, Ribbons, Laces, Silk Tie: Published every Thursday, and daily everj veniu'xejt Sunday. U..,Mst.n.rl :it the IMilt I illicit II, rn. P"i- VHi-eror tr;triHmlsion through the U.oS. mails at shcoimI cl;is- r;itet. Wr corvrr Vine :md Fift'i streets. IKl: MS Kolt VVKU'l.V. t-oi.y. ii: t- ve-ir. in iidvuncr copv. one year, not in si!v;.iu e .. i)ne copy, six t'niiit l-.f. in niivance .. . 'Jne ; 'y, ihrci- tn'iiilli-. in iidvanee. I KKMS K' ill I A 1 1. ne ' " yar ;i'ivnn:e )iiiM:ny pt-r week, !y c;in i-r ii' iM.jiy. ;-cr imttitli ...si ryi .. 2 oo ... 75 ... 40 . . So 00 5C TIM'KSDAY, MAY 7. 1'.U N live .-;tvs th:tt cvi-iy ri" cin ority trrnty entered into ly St-c- rctiiry Hlnine will proven torpelo mi(l-r the lmll of 1 1 1 " democratic ship in is.rj. Mo.NKY imisl plentiful in Lon don and l'aris just now, large sums having recently leen invested in American railway stocks and bonds. I'KKSIDKXT llAk'KMSON will Soon have tin- pleasure of appointing to 1 i ft- positions nine judges ot tin- re cenilv formed land court and two judges for tlic supreme bench in place of l-'ield a nd.) 5ra 1 1 -y , w lio will ret ire. TllK poor and mi Id le classes (as relates to wealth) in this city have alwavs borne more than their sh; there are briffht Ptories, and infor mation on all live topics, and al most no end of illustrations (over 200), and a splendid articlo for "Our Girls," and the other departments, as usual, are brimming over with good things; and, altogether, this is an exceptionally good number of that always good family magazine, published at a year, by W. len- nings Demorest, l'J Kast Utli t., New York. Tai;I.i: TALK for May is at hand with a list of surest ions of good things aggravating in the extreme, until one sees how plain this bright little inaga.ine makes their prepa ration. Its culinary and household departments are teeming with good things, demonstrating as usual its position as the American authority upon these subjects. We call atten tion to a few of the many good things contained in the May num ber. "Berries How to Prepare, Keep and lTse Them." "A Chapter on Co-operative Housekeeping." "A Bride-maid's Luncheon." "A Yellow Luncheon." "New Menus for May." "Informal Afternoons." "How the May Oueen Sups." "Housekeepers' Inquiries." "Fash ionable Luncheon and Tea Toilets." "Dining Here and There." and many other tilings to interest the house wife. Published by Table Talk Pub ii.;...r Co.. id'.T Chestnut street 1 ' 1 ' ' . IMiilwdcli l.ia. Pa. A restore, stricken, 'and give you a luxuriant growth of hair, to keep its color natural as in youth, and to remove dandruff, use only Hall's flvmYrecoliGctic I a - , - TfjeSmokeandilr I C-Jri HOW 1. of laxes. "i he v a!ii on ifessiona I ta i nave been ! r:ist Laee Trim ni'm-S etc. etc, our assessors will see to it this year that they pay their full share ot the taxes, and this city will always re member them. in '1'1-jK FIJES T;r.- ,!,-..-r: i ni of con.""ra'.ula;io::s i'ioMi the tomb ai Mvmont is not likely in p;;:! vaui.e ih.e .-(rj)se. Ii onlv recalls !Me laet usa; wm oi:., in. n;e ea i:i . i he deitiac! eant.i- (!:! lia.d no us lor viovernoi Ln.is- and v.-onld not evu hoaor iin.i ,-ith a call lor a campaign speev,.i. Omaha ! Jee. The al .ove crii ii ism shows more a!i than deee:icv. couiin:;- as it does from the pen of Traitor K'ose water. who sold out his iart- and ;cri!i; cd Isi- honor -.o eieoi royd. BuHlyosedayioff lave lor;? since pray TTe use of M waiip fnai A f r rsrn 4 QmrlO Ouwi(w j SahtaClaus tBYN.K.FAIRBANK&Co., Cl T V St- First National BANK M- J'l.A i 1 SMOl'T.M, NKI5UASKA t'-uil up c:4.l tl -ur(iu-. 0.00 lO.OiUOU iter.H the verv 'if-l f ieilitie-1 for t!ie pronip traiir-;u linn 1 niliinatu TO ADVERTISE Ca.ll On THE HEJ&AL.B AND BRING YOUR ADVERTISE MENT frjYott TVaat to Sett Yone Fronery Advertlse it, IT is ver- refreshing to see ihe Omaha Hee worried over Ih.e bad e:"feet. that the on.siin f Hoyd vill hav on the repttbl ica a part 3-. The pap'-r th;.t di.l :uo;-. ihan a:.y oilier to disrunt the party at t!ie last election is certainly poor authority to preach political ethics to that party. You have been over- helmed in voi ir schemes M .". Rose- water, and the temporary success you achieved in elect in r Mr. Loyd. has been turned to bitter disap pointment. Hence these tears; they are not for the fancied danger which threatens the republican party, they are for Boyd. AccoicniNC to the lo-ric of "Jud;e Kosewater" and the other attorneys of Mr. Boyd. Nebraska in IS-VJ was floating- a foreign flag and paying homage to a foreign power, t lit same as Texas and California when they were taken into the Union. Such stuff only shows the weakness of their case. If thej- can make Mr. Bovd a citizen on no better authori ty or S3"stem of reasoning than that. the subject had better be dropped THE HERALD, while personally ad miring Mr. Hoyd's ability as an ex ecutive oflicer, has all along held, that by the strict letter of the con stitution he was not a citizen of the United States in the full mean- in"- of the term, and we are not stir prised to see Judges Cobb and Nor val of the same opinion. The law, we believe, fully bears them out in their theory of the case, and the hue and cry about partisan, deci sions, is certainly without merit. .... r i-'- .! Ci" .:. 1 !. 'I V iVtrli!l,.!t ii i : 1 ri loeai ce- o-s-'ivi d .-t-t : :!i:HTe! 1. it 'if the 111: t.-rwun o? W. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST THE CITY ('arrives for Pleasure and " Short Kept Heady. (Jor. 4th ami Vine Wil.l. KKEP (;XSTANTI, OX HANI) A Full and Compu te line of l.iliis, ri "..' iiiit hum: n Mi J.-i. - DIliliCTOKS .(,.im Ki';::".iaM T H iv I--vorth Sam Waujiii. I- v- '' i liir"!' 1". Dovi'V foh-i Fitr.,!-) s v'':"!"h.-. ' I'ri-M-.ii-.ir ; ' , IB11 1 . hi 1 . r ' 1 1 's!: ' 1 i J'lattnouth, e. ) - rA.Ul1 1 T t "j' Wat?'-" l!.ieksniitii slnl Wsi't'-n, n-.ij;-:y, Meliii' ftd plsiw Iv.'ji iinntr done. 1IORSE8UOEINO A SPECIALTY He uses the . flEVERSLIP EORSSSHOE Which U the hct,t Isorscshue for tin former, -r for fat driving, or for citv purpose-sever invented. It is so mfidt that anyone e;.n put -r sharp or flt corkf-, 113 needed for wet ;n;d shp-pcry 'liyei, or smooth, hy roads. Ctdl at hia shop nnd cxaoiine the kkvkkslij nnd you will use nu other. J. M. SIINEI.LBACKEK. 12 Narth Fifth St. PhtttsmoutL EDMUHD? & ROOT Tue pioneer meicbants uf mm. m "WV Carry a full stock of yenerai merchontltse which theysell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm produce. Gen erous treatmentand fair dealing is the secret of our success. Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGCISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS liTS'rii?.Toi!S rssrefully Compounded at all Hours Tlie Best is trie Cheapest Tli-t is V'iy Fred hrdcr td'te-r 15 years of experience as the most successful "rietilturd intpl-nvnt d-Tier in thy county hns telected the fnllovvinjr Tmple iMr.s which h " urie.s and ho u tily reeoniiiioads ti hi.s friends and patrons. tcb-im. Molino and Scirjtlcr f WAGONS, k Bradley, S'oru, and 3Dooro LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES AND Badger Cultivators. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER. DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Checkrowers and Planters. A(Fp "QOlDEl tlaiKllei the tinestot Buggies, Phaiton?, (arts, Spring Wagons, and Carriages and other vehicles that are manufactured. THE IlfcUALD'Sjob department ha been titted with new jlo and. aide to do the finest of work and on short notice. lfyou want ale hills call on this office and get our prices which are reasonable and alike to all. We ace Here to Please tm ittt ri STJBSC Cor Fifth and Vine Sts FOB IT PLATTSHODTH, NEBRASKA WERE you ever at sea in a storm a storm near a coast, when you expected the next wave would dash the iroott ship to pieces? If 3 011 ever passed through jmch an exper ience you will remember the relief von felt when you realized 3011 were near a life .saving; station with its corps of heroes, and you will be ,rliid to know more of the life of those "brave watchers l3' the sea; and even a confirmed stay-at-home will be interested in the handsome ly illustrated article 011 our "I.ife- Savintr Service" in the Nay number of Demorest's Familv Magazine From the same comprehensive soure'e you may also aiiiRonievery interesting: information about the Isthmus States -Central America (finely illustrated); "Signs of Char acter in the Face; How to Read Them'5 (also illustrated will enable vou to judge more correctlg of hu man nfiture; and the excellent paper on "Delsarte and the Delsartean Philosopli3V' with a portrait of the philosopher, will answer thatoft-re- oeated question. " ho is Delsarte CUAS L K00T, Notary Public Murray NcK 1. y, s-i u.-j 7 y.$ 5- ti 1 5 ' 4 v Imvi' ' i:--'y l8n I'liiCcl i:p ti ;-r.i t a ji':tk'iiary," They aro b'iiig:a;:-(i By i-fvvls (ioMer, jrrofer, elothir, Me., arc! 4! -.v iu.-i;iui es a premium l'ur MUbciTijj'.i'.'rw V;ii unct-mc ntf of tliose pomi-arativu! Worthless rrrint"? re very misleadinj: ; fnr instar.' ': i'..y are :iiiv?rtinpd to le tlie sul'Stniiti.'il tjii-i-v.-.l-.-iit oi'"!iii M;rht to twelve tiollar book," wneii iu reality from A to Z they ore all Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a book of oyer forty years co, which in its day was t-okl for about ?., a'ii whioh was much superior in paper, print. a".i binding to these imitations, being then the be.-.; Dictionary of the time instead of one Long Since Obsolete. Tho supplement of 10,0o.oal!d "new wop Is,"' which omeof these books areadvortiscii t"'-"n-tain. vvs comriiled by a srenti. man wlio lia tit-on ,)u3.J over thirty years, and w;is publi.-hed be fore nis dentil." Other additions are pro'eably renrintsof a like cl)am'-ter. The largest line in Cass County, ot double and single harness at prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLEii an experienced workman has charge ot our harness shop. Fred Gorder, FMattsmouth and Weeping Water TV- Gmiic.e i-Iuitioi! i Wf-bster'-t t'ni !ri inetl Iis ?in:i;ti-.v. wi-i - !i is t!ic iiiy "lie i- t:. this rc Hera:. c..;:.,;!i.- -.-r -""O : it'n iim-tr:it;..i.- n i;.:i- ':.- evoiy h'i ': i.t-:irs our iiupr;nt on 1!: titlf pr.ve. !t is pf -"t--i bv coovritrlit frun: eli-n-) i:!;-.';;r-;. :i .,l:ia'io 'as ti-.i work if. tv !: ive r.t v i ' -s-p,.t're 1 ;ifcii-he! '. .!or-v.'-. -I -n-. the nv.ue c.f vrhi-U H 'VrL-Tr.cV i knuiuxai. DlCTIoNAET. Soldi- all Bof.k-' 1 !--r. r-t' ;-;-.n.p!.l. t fr-e. G. &. C. & CO., Spring'i'telJ, Masi., U.S.A. DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AXsD QUEEN SWA RE Floi"1 and Fsefl a Specialty atronao-e i the Puble Solicited. JOHNSON BUILDING, Nortli 61H S 3 . . . a T5 1.- i,....it JQSI inuwiuil uui put 01 in iww. - - liiVll J 1 "5 I'WHn jgfc SJ Mmmrn an, atwm amm JULIUS PEPPERRERG, MANUFACTURER OF AJTO - WHOLESALE & RETAIL nRAXKB IN THE Thoicest Braadsof Cigars, including our fiord Hjnr'jifjj" 'lit run, LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE aiwaya in utock. Nov. 26. 885. K. DRESSLEfi, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Fall Lin of ?orai7.) i arjisUc Goals. Consult lonr lnteret? by Giving ua a )aD SHERWOOD BLOCK1 3l.ttxantXa rc"t ' 1 ' ! f- and what is his philosopy?" Then