Meralci attsinou ;1 PLATTSMOUTH. XKHIiASKA WKDXKSDaN KV KN I NO. MAY G 189J NUMHK11201 4- -K HC Tl TTT H r ' r - "- ' .-f fix, " i-i-: I- ; f right to m b walnry f" ju. to ifi'rfcfiit rx.iiiiA ni.ii O. K. ln-. tt -V- fhall n KlfK r:iM i - cordial y invited II LI1HH. N . li. iKKIIxlK. S!C. CnulitUt l.nltl'- UneMlny evriiiiu hlix-k. All vifillti d to Hi tend, C. A SKU, K. 1C . a. P(8Sr HOCIATHIV HrM-t. J;Mins ! Kor mrii n V 'jOOSkf altrntoii at 4 4.R. to. 48, meet every Satur iu tbetr ball, liiM kwimd comrades aie Invited to TlO N,ie"' ro!,t A,1J llltt F. A. Bates. rt .in. Clubbing List. f .? A. ..wl lliritun . .f2.25 .. 4.(!0 .. 40 .. 3.10 .. 2 40 . . 2.45 2.15 2.45 . . .5.55 2.25 2 30 1 85 ?cr A Aitliiie ery U to'"p r iox list" journal 44 Magazino Time Table GOIKO WF.ST 591 -...3 ::jo a. m - " 8 5 :Jr V- '5, 9:Sn T..." ' -la. m. " 9.. 6 :25 p.m. li 5 :U5 t. in. ' " 19 11 :05 a. in. (iOISli EAST No2.... ' 4... " 8 " 10.... " '0... 6 :or p. ni. ... .I0:30a.m ....7 ; P. ra. ... a :J5 a. in. ...10 -.14 a. m- S :'M a. in. SWEET bCENTED FLOWERS. Llewellyn Moore's the neoojnized Headquarters for tne Artistic mi the BnutiTul. a ....ii.-J-;.. iii-i-u:ititli:i. rr.rronsis ltjlliiv ----- , ( !mci-ihit;i.clirys:itillu'iiiiiiii iiiaxiiiia aiitirrliitMiiiis. platyc)li"its and ck--inati.- make up a partial lit of Mr. Moore's fjjrainl plants, that are per fectly liarilv aiul are not iiijurel by a Nebraska winter. Mr. Moore has a line stock of ;eraiiiuiiis. colens anl some of those richly col ored French catinas, also a line line of beikliiiiT plants. In roses he makes a specialty of the following hardy varieties: C.eneral Jac.jui mot. Md. J'lantier, IVrle, Xiphitos. together with the old stamlard l.a FrTmce and that Oueeii t)f the rose family, the American IJeauty. which under favorable circumstances has produced roses S inches across, bright red and of a most delicious fragrance. No cilUa-tion of llowers is complete without some of these hardy roses. Mr. Moore has the reputation of beinj the best rose grower west of Chicago; he never forces his plants, thus making them tomler but tjives them every retpiis ite to make'them hardy and strong. This spring is an unusually iood one for setting out jilants and should be improved by our people. Keineinber the place where plants and prices will suit the most exact ing is at Llewellyn Moore's on West Locust street, and call at once. tf. The fragrant Heliotrope in bloom wonderfully cheap at Moore's Green House. dt 'The Kair" has only a few more velocipede's left, which are being closed out at cost. tf . Dr. h I Siggenshas returned and 'may be found hereafter at his office over Gering's drugstore. tf For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price U. cents. For sale by F. G. Fncke Ac Co. and O. H. Snyder. 3 ptock but ill do you as good a job of repair irrover done in the city. KxrEKl- w in tjtv tint tnonev. All work i i V -'J w S 1 t I Hie I OX 15 J CAfiane ' i j ryT satisfactory or money refunded. Neville block, North Sixth St. tf Go to Phillip Krause for your dry goods and groceries, where you will tiiifA the best of everything, he also keeps fruits and vegetables in their season. pautify Your Homes Tfy froing to Lew Moore's and se lecting a nice line of his hardj plants! They will bloom beauti fully all summer on the lawn and will live out doors all winter. His prices will be a surprise to you; these plants are so cheap it is a wonder Mr. Moore can raise them. Now is the time to plant them out, and the sooner 'tis done the earlier your llowers will bloom. dht For Sale. A good farm one-fourth mile horn the town of Hurray, cn the M. P. K- K- Plenty of timber and water. Good orchard. 350 bearing trees. Flatttsmouth, Neb. Feb, fttb.1891. "tf K. W. Htkju. PERSONAL C. II. Jaiictte is in Omaha to-day. K. T. Scott of Greenwood is in the city to-day. Stephen C'liiTord will see tin: city of Omaha to-day. Jesse L. Root is in Omaha to-day on legal business. MrH. Samuel Waiigh is visiting friends in Omaha to-day. John Ossenkop came in from Lonisvilh- this morning. J. L. Farthing made a Hying trip to Pacific Junction yestcrdaj-. George l-'reer may look very queer but he don't drink beer, at least not In re. Mrs. Jason Stieightof South Hcnd is in the city to-day visiting rela tives. O. 11. Polk, village attorney for Greenwood, is in the city to-day on legal business. Fretl Gorder was called to Coun cil Hlulfs this morning on imple ment business. Miss Haltie Latham departed this morning for Kansas City to visit a few days with friends. County Attorney Travis showed his genial countenance on our streets to-day. We hear some b-lk of his removing to this city at an early day. Dick Current, from near Hastings, is down in Cass, visiting his parents at Ivlmwood. He made Till? IlKKALI a pleasant call this morning. County Court. Jas. S. Mathews vs. estate Maria K. Jones, deceased. Claim for profes sional service claims. allowed on i Hearing on petition for appoint ment of George IS. eiumaii, atl- uiinistrator estate John Finisher, deceased. Prayer of petition granted. Hearing on petition of John W. Haines to admit to probate the last will and testament of Mary Haines, deceased. Continued for publica tion of notice. Heeson A: Root vs. Win. A. Linch, defendant, and O. H.aJ'olk. garni- she. Answer of garnishee taken and cause continued for service. A. X. Sullivan vs. City of Platts inoutli. Set for taial May 7, at 0 a. ui. Trial to jury. License issued to wed to Mr. Orin C. Smith and Mrs. Frances I. Rounds, both of Plattsinouth. Judge Archer's Court. W. A. Taylor vs. Plattsinouth Can ning Co. Action on due bill. Hear ing May Dth. The Vanaranam cases were not settled but are still pending. Haibara Meyer vs. Andreas Rabb. Suit on account. Set for trial on May fth. Gustave Pitz vs. Plattsinouth Canning Co. Action tin account. Hearing May 9th. Philip McCulley vs. O. A. Hirsch. Action in replevin. Defendant moved to dismiss on the ground of the insufficiency of the bond. Overruled and hearing set for May 7th at a. m. Moline, Milburn & Stoddard Co vs. Ola and Win. Amick. Return day, May 14th, 10 a. m. Moline, Milburn & Stoddard Co vs. riiomas Knby. Action on pro missory note. Return day, May 14, 11a. ui. Thayer is Governor. The supreme court yesterday handed down a decision in favor of General Thayer and issued a writ ousting James F2. Boyd, who at o'clock last evening gave up the office to the new incumbent. Judge Maxwell dissented from the opin ion of the majority. Since the opinions make over a thousand pages of type written manuscript they have not yet found their way into the public prints. The news will be a surprise to many who have felt all along that Boyd's ten ure of office was uncertain for the reason that Maiors instead of Thayer was supposed to be the heir apparent. Sereral members of the Presby terian church choir have gone fishing to-day emblematical prob ably of St. Peter. Governor Thayer was busy last evening, at a very late hour, getting his fellows back into office, and the fellows were not declining. The base ball association have se cured Fitzgerald's Forty for ball grounds and if our people will lend a helping hand we will have an ex cellent team. The Herald will have more to say about it to-morrow. MURRAY Hk'LV 111 ICS. liy 1'ANSV. . .. . . . . f . i... n,. in. . i-: A v lliotlieoiuieoion. ........v.: 11. e iii.-t .i.;t d US thai Wi- v our inid.M, have a 1 e pa pel in : .,r,.:.tlv aooreciated by ! which j ;iM one an l!a-om. our editor, is a very . t i r. pleasant ami geniiil gen.u in. in, a. ' one who ...ill ,,,.rL l..r 111.- on-l)lllHl- i ing of our little burgh. We gladly welcome him as one of us. and we sincerely hope that our paper may prove a success. It is non-partis. ni in its views and works for the side of truth :uid ri"ht. and therefore should be supported hy one a. id all. We trust the good people ol Murray and surrounding neighbor hoods will donate bhei ally and sub scribe for our paper and keep posted on the latest news of the day. Mrs. Win. Dull was called to Plattsinouth the latter part of last week by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Rutherford, which proved fatal. We extend our sym pathy. A goodly number of the young people assembled at Mr. William Sporres' last Saturday night to pass away the evening. A general good time is reported. Mr. Conually is sulfering from a lame limb at present. He received a sprain, resulting in erysipelas. We hope it may not prove serious. Wm. Lotighridge, jr., has made up his mind that the world needs another physician, and we see him in Dr. Tabor's olhee making the necessary beginning. Grandfather Rankin has been un der the weather, but is again con valescent. The M. P. track layers are busily at work laying track north from Union. They have completed the line nearly as far north as A. Root's. They are equipped with their own boarding outfit and have stretched a large boarding tent in Mr. Root's grove. More wedding bells will ring merrilv in a few days, and then we will quit for this spring. This, will make only three in thi.i community at once. We need a rest The Presbyterian ladies held their missionary society last Friday af ternoon at J. W. Edmunds'. A good meeting was had The Presbyterian people of this place have secured the services of Rev. K. 15. Graham of Omaha as their pastor for the coming year, We congratulate them upon their good luck and may his labors be crewned with success. Mr. Graves, correspondent for The 1 1 EKALI was in our city last week writing up a brief description of our city and community "The Chimes." Since the Andrews Company ap peared in this city last season they have kept pace with the times and added many new artists, and all of the old faces retnined. making one of the strongest metropolitan opera companies traveling, and have been engaged to play for the benefit tendered Manager Young on Friday evening. May 8th. Al ready there is a great deal of inter est manifested in musical circles and it is safe to predict one of the largest and most fashionable audi ences seen at the opera house this season. The Herald Prints the News, Again and again has the truth of the above line been exemplified, as the people of this city are aware. Yesterday, when all eyes were turned toward Lincoln to know what the supreme court was doing in the governor contest, the enter prise of The Herald was turned to good account, and the first news of the ousting ot Boyd and seating of Thayer was printed exclusively in its columns last evening. Readers of The Herald can always depend on hearing all the news, including the very' latest, served to them in proper form every working day evening. A Painful Accident. David Hawksworth, jr., received a severe and painful wound yesterday by getting hi hand caught under the rapidly' revolving knives of a planer at the B. &. M. shops. The back of his hand and wrist was terribly lacerated, the flesh being torn off to the bone. Dr. Cook dressed the hand and the boy is able to be out and on the streets to day, though the wound is quite painful. , S..m ;t.o...n I From. Most ot our ii ople rcuiemhci Sam i ' 'C'aniioii. vho ;i" 1 1 1 . t ; : yeiir".- lived iti this cou:i'V soiiili ol town. ."I r. .i.l. ion wtvii io v. umi'i nuinri .1 f 'w Ne;n s ao wh-re he lias hei-ii a prominent ci; i?.eu. A lew Ia s ago h. - alham-e paj.e:- jll lllped oillo llilll ' m- ci.mii- . iipiu- nev.sp.ipei 1 . i ! f . - . I . . ' - lOMi - ii. - mii . ...i. ...... ...-.-.. -7.., ..... .- I re 1 1 1 : I J U ill 1 1- i i i! -i r:-1 to or. r re;i- I'-rs: ! KVii.i.i:, Ni:i!., T!i- IJencon of the Z its respects to me. and pr. Ii7, ''.!. -I inst. pays in a spirit of exultation s;i 1 1 1 ; 1 1 I have been e I K-lli-d from ll:e alliance, and add.-: "jus! what the charges against tliei-e men were we don't exactly know." For his enlightenment I hand you i copy of the same: Wiv.STKKVILL!?, Nhli., March 1M.'91. l'o the members of Alliance No. ; We, the farmers of said alliance, do irefer charges against Brothers. L Cannon. Specification 1. That he, the said S. L. Cannon, did on or about the 1st of November, or during the last campaign, violate his obligations as a member of ourorder. .-second -That he, the aforesaid, did abuse the "carrictor" ot our candidates for the "varous" offices in the state and has done all in hts power to defeliate the same. Ihird He, th aloresatu r. i.tan- non, is iy woru ami action oo ing all he can against the interests of the farmers' alliance to-day as well as what he has heretofore done, we. the undersigned, pray you try these charges according to law and expel the brother. The above is a true copy, ortho graphy included. At this busy season of the year I have hardly time to reply to the comments of the callow 3011th who -its as a figurehead for the Beacon !id grinds out "stuff,'' which he palms off on those whose minds have been warped by passion, as Websterian knowledge. I am a farmer, and spend more hours between the plow handles in the course of one season than this great encyclopedia hasspent minutes at the fountain ol irutli since he undertook the job of furn ishing kindling wood for the little paper called Hie jcacon. I am a republican because I ..o::- est iv iciieve mat tne doiuu.m 01 that party will best serve the inter ests not on v ol the larmer. nut every citizen of the United States. I was a republican when 1 joined the alliance, and was informed that there was nothing in the obligation to restrict mv exercisinir mv rights as such. And there is not. And the alliance has violated its highest law by expelling me on purely po litical grounds. I am not a candidate lor any office. I am not a half woman, half fish or half anything, and I would not give up an honest conviction of right to help even Brother Beal out on Brother Hendrickson's 4. shoes. I don't believe in abolishing any tried system until something better is offered, but just now while we farmers are insisting on having the government own the railroads, tele graphs, stock yards, elevators, mills coal mine? and the earth, and run them exclusively in our interest, 1 as one farmer, would suggest that if it be true (r) that the national bank is the road to wealth, there is nothing in the law to prevent us from chipping in the quarters that we are now paying into the alliance fund every three months for polit ical purposes, and starting a few- national banks in every county and all get rich. Farmers of Custer county if you bnuestlv believe the ba .k3 and railroads are absorbing all the money and giving nothi back to the public, why then let us chip 111 start some banks, build some roads and have the wealth come our way awhile. It's a shorter cut and not half so hilly as the political law route through Washington. Human corks, like driftwood, ride best in a storm when all is coramo tion. (Witness Taylor.) Only men of strenrrth like Tames G. Blaine can breast the undertow, and serve their country well. Ex-Representative S. L. Cannon, in Broken Bow Republican. J. P. Young's Benefit. The opera house should be crowd ed Friday night from pit to gallery to hear "The Chimes of Normandy," by one of the strongest companies that has ever appeared in this city. Their prices are usually double what is charged here, for the reason that Mr. Young fixed the prices this time to suit himself. Another reaBon why the good people should l-IElil'M&J'S SPRING JACKETS, We are showing a beautiful line ami the latest novelties in rogue at prices from J.aO to iflO.UU. SPRING WASH GOODS. Full Line of 3LS inch Zepher Gighams. Breton Zypher GighauiB A F C Gigham. Domestic Gighams. Henrietta Sateens. Egyptian Printed Cottons Silk Stripetl Madras Cheviots Fancy printed Chambrays. Beautiful line of Solid Striped, Brocaded and Polka rapid sellers. F. HERRMANN One Door East of tho HAVELOCK ARE YOU - GOING - IF Remember that R. O. Castle LUMBER A1TD ALL And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Things R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. JTTOKNEY A LAW. WINDIIAM & DA VIES. t B. WINDHAM. J'UN A. DA VIES. Notary 1'uMic Notary i' Office over Bank ot Caes CouDty. Kattsmoutb - - - - Nebrasba turn out, is, that the profits of the en tertainment go to our fellow citizen, Mr. Young, who for the past 4 years has spared no time or trouble to please the public, by carefully se curing the best attractions for the Waterman that travel. Mr Young has been pleased to cater to the best talent of our city in his selec tions, and it is but fair, that his services should be heartily ac knowledged by a crowd that will fill our handsome theatre. The opera company is deserving and Mr. Young is more than deserving; the public owes him a handsome testimonial and we believe he will receive it. The regular monthly meeting of the F.pworth League will take place at the residence of Judge Newell Friday evening. Hon. S. M. Chapman was ap pointed yesterday by the county commissioners as a delegate to the Trans-Mississippi convention which meets in Denver, May 19. Charley Hasson, one of the old time Plattsmouth boys, was in the city yesterday and departed this morning for Hemingford, where he 13 in the employ of the B. ic M. SPRING HOSIERY We carry a complete line of Gor don's Fast Dye Hosiery for ladies and childrens wear Guaranteed absolutely stainless A good ladies ribbed vest at IO Fast black ribbed vests at IlTic Black lisle Thread vests at 4fc Silk Mixed vests at 7."c Full Line of Childrens underwear FLOUNCINGS Our line of black and white Floi cings exceed anything erer before shown by us at priced urn low ub last season. Black Hciirietti Sateens iu Dott efl'ectH, entirely new and First National Bank TO - bUILD - THERE? SO- cv Co have an immense stock of BUILDIEG- MATERIAL -JjR VIOLA M. FRENCH Physician & Surgeon UZica with Er. Shipman IlUl'KS X3 I . FREiTCII 10 : 00 to 12 : 00 a. in. 3 : 00 to 5 : 00 p.m. 9 : 00 to 11 : 00 a, lii. 2 ; 00 to 4 : 00 p. m. Telephone No 12. 1'i.atthmouth ki RS. ROSE CAPLE. FINK PASTKL ASU t'BAI 35 1'OUTBAITS. Thoroueh inetructions in Pastol, Crayon and Free baud drawing. DILPMimXGS SKETCHES FROM NATURE Landscapes. Fruits and Flowers. No, 911, Klin St. I'lattsmouth, Neb. IVIL. EXiINEEK and bUKVEYOH E E. HILTON. SstlmatM aad j1a:s ol all work fumisbed ao Records kekt. Office in Martin Block. Piatt mouth - Nebbabk "M" EW HARDWARE STO R E S. E. HALL & SON Keey :il'. kinds ot builders hardware on hand aad will rupjdy contract' r on most tr orable tcrir.s : TITKT ROOFING : Sjwjiitinj? and all kinds of tin work promptly doue. Order trcui the country solicited. C16 Peul St. PLATTSMOCTH, NBB.