I I f f - V' A I- it .1 ii III rrrvzz ' 1' c r ? chants. ' '. I HD FElil), 1 r-.ii.. !r OFT COAL ell for CASH. bills for beat I this firm always ONTFOBGET AT THE .aw Vite llichey liroa LumUr office 5. it!) T he ilftifi Bhows slKua ol falling. bgln at otice Ua urn Of Ayer's JUur Vigor. This prttpiaaUoii treugtlieiM the sealj, promuUM the growth of nw hair, rettori uhu luituriU oolor to gray aiul fctded hair, aud render it solt l'li'U J"1 K''y- We liavc no lx"slUitlm tn pronouncing .Ayer's Hair V inr uik-iu;iI 1 for ilrcK.sinjj thu hair, and w do Uiu alter lonj? export. enc.n In IU air. This preparation preserve tho hair, cum tlaii'lrufl and all lisiiH:s of the scalp, make rouli and brittle hair soft and pliant, ami presents IjMim:ss. While it is not a dye, Ihose who Iihvh uswl tho Vigor say it vull stiinulato the roots and oolor- Kbuids ot laded, gray, light, and red uaic changing the color to A Rich Brown or even Mark. It will not soil the pillow case iif: a pocket-liaiidkerehief. and is al ways airreeal.l'!. All the dirty. Kiimmy hair preparations sliould he dispI:ir--d at onee hy Ayer's Hair Vigor, and thousands who ro around with heait looking like 'the fretful MrRiip!ne.' should hurry to the nearest dni store and piirehaso a lxttle of Uie VIor." Tht Sunny SrmtK, Atlanta. Ca. "Ayrr's I l:tir Vior is ex-ellelit for tho hair. It stimulates the growth," cures hiihl ness, restores the natural rolor, cleanses tho scalp, prevents dandruff, and Is a pood dress ing. We know that Ayer's Hir Vigor differs from most hair tonics and similar prepara tions. It heinir jwrfeetly harmless." From Aronornicill lltmifk.rrj.inr), hy Eliza U. 1'arkcr, Ayer's Hair Vigor FREPAKtn BT " XB. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, M Sold hy ''niBKUU and Perfumers. I ITS! MKM-r Vl ALt rnriM ----.'Cf-T iin.;.a Hnrrc Hirers. SaltHbcuni. Fever Rorc-B, Tetter. Chapped Hands, CIiUImVidr. CorriP, and all Hkin Kruptionn, and josi- tively cureH I'lles. or no pay ruiuirt-i. It is o,unr.tnteel to yive sKtiiaoi ion. or money refunded. I'riec 2-", cents er l.ox For Bale lv F. G. Frice & Co. TV How to Succeed, tin rt,-: itrolili COMPARED WITH THE CITY OF TODAY 'TWAS A SORRY SIGHT. THE L X T E 11 X AT I O X AL TYPEWRITER Tliix i- tin- j;r-;t irll-iti t uie whirli f-v f-;iti.-f:irtirily solvr. Some f;iil liH'iiiiM' of ill liultli. t!i-i-rs want of Im U. Iut th- majot ily fnm iii-utlii i. nt rit w ant ofjnei . 'I hi-yan- tn-rvou.-. irrr.-ol itti t liani--all'. -ail3 ;rrl ''m-- atnl "taki-tli- spirit-- down 1) 1-: - -1 t -pi rits up.' thus wasting moil. v. timi-. p piirtttnitv and n.-rvc ioire. Tlwri-is nothing" 1 i K - tlu- K'.-t ora 1 1 i- r-vin--, di 'v r 1 ly t Ii.- n-at s.--lr M i I.--. i i cine a ! ! in r m s tir-'a-.-. as ln-adarhi'. Hi" l-lii.. nervous pi osl t a t ion, sU i'pi s-in .-, neuralgia, St. Vitus laii i'. lits and hystTKi. Trial lottl--s and I'm; l"ok ol ti stinioniids fr-- at r. P i ic k- Vf C'o.'s. Soiin; v-i-rs iiio Clianii:rl;iu Co., ot D.'M Monies, Iowa, (-iiinicin cd tin: man ufiictuit: of a couli syrup, l.elievin"; itt. In? the most prompt and renww r puia tion yet produ.-ed for cu-d)s, olds and croup; tliat the public appreciate true i .... ; url in timft it was certain to lio- come popular. ineir iu.'-m. m.iiu'.uh l.rn... lnive lieen iii'ire tliati roitliz-d. Oyer three hundred thousand lrttles ai Cliamljerlain's Cou'i Remedy are now old each year, and it is recognized as 'the best made," wherever Known, it will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. For sale by F. U. Fricke & Co. cn . . uL.U. ? What is n T V strielly first eia maehine. fully warrant Made from the very hest material h -killed workmen, ami with the liest tools that iiave ever lieen devised for thn nirKise. war rioted to do all that can In- rea-o-ahly ex pected of the very het typewriter extant. i.i.. ..r ...-.. tr i -ji ii'iinld 1111 minim' or i , ;i.:i ii lit- ' - - . . more accoHliim to the ahility ot the oierat'-. . (lOLO AKD 1'OKCEI.UN CROWNS ... J Bridge work ami fine gohl worn a I SPECIALTY. k otuiv a its T.(K'AI. as well as other -an- f Si.J":.r--t o-.theiainlessextraciiou oi ) :'! 1, M.tlfSIILL - Fitzgerald PI- A Fatal MistaKO. I'hysicians niaki- no more fatal mistake than when they inform a-ii-it nemiiis In-art troubles ......... f.-.'.ii, li.- r mi :u-li and ait' of 1 i i 1 ---..Mill-no-. Dr. Prankltn Mib-s, the notcdItuliana sjiccialist. has proven the contrary in his new i..w.t ..M "Ifearl Disease" which may he had free of P G. Krieke A Co., ului i n:ir:iiitee and recommend Dr "lile.s7 imeiMialled new Heart Cure. . - . . . ... i ... r .... i. liwli i:is l ie lariresi wait-oi .1113 li.-:it-t iviiiedv in the world. It cures iwrviu :md oriinnic heart disease. short breath, tlutteriiiir. pain or ten derness in the Mide.arm or shoulder, irreoular Dulse, faintini;-. (sniother- iti'i-. i roimv. etc. ins rcesiorai 1 1 .ervin cures headache, lits, etc. Tho llr-tiiies Method for i)iano and orran. the favorite and most suc cessful in Prance and v.ermany, also harmony tau.i;nt. mr Mk'.s. Mkkt.es. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE LEALER AND 1 1MUCE $100. if ttiere ts no airent in your town address the manufacture!. Till-; I'AKIKH M K'U CO.. . Anei.ts wanted ransn n. 1. F. It. SEKLKMIKE, Aont. Iancolu, Neb, Lumber lard PI LUMBER ! THE OLD RELIABLE. UNDERTAKE ; S WiYEHMlK & SOU tnu on nana i-vnuuu's tjOnStaiiiiy - you need to furnish your house. CORNER SIXTH AND MAIS STUEET TDiatfQmmit - Neb A. Ab4 W Vfc PEKKINS - HOUSE, 917 210 221 and 223 Main St. ointtcmouth. - Nebraska. M ' ' H. M. BONS, Proprieto- dliinsjles, Lath, Saen, snds thoriiurhlj Tho Perkins ha been on of the best hotels in the t-tati i . 1... tutcen bv the week at UOftrawi' " - $4.50 and up. supplv t-vorw ileniand of the city. Call and fret terms. Fourth street in rear of opera lsoiw. ' t ' i i GOOD BAR C0ITI7ECTSS o S 5 : ? f i CO aSo-'E.ocEl?ir CQ U- KtitiiVniii o j. X3 1-3 ml s " - - , j " Set 1 , v ; is - c c t. . . O ; : : i : :i a S c w " - 5vlS-23- li x - - J n .! hv iriha'B'ion. itar(Mu is iniTliat. ! irrct a:...S .-iit.r!i! -;1 i'onTini i.h raov lerti.:rL Prlc iiOr. IRINFSSI HEAD NOISES CURED 71w I1-..-'. Irr;.il,l.-Tnhiilfir I.:ir f lh f: j3 lirmlkT, .'lew ork. Vt:fc; i.r Unk ut pru...t. S.iilbvF. IINtox.onl;-, CnrC I iILL BOILING WATER OR MILK E PPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. GO A LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. GO The Pulolt and tho Stase !..- K M. Shrout. imslor United Itrothrcn churcli, Ithu- Mound. K;n., rtjiys.:--"! fed it my luly tou u wiuh ,....i,t.-r Ir. Knip s .Now uiscovcrv i.-.o .l.itic for 111-. 1 v luiiirs were badly diseasetl, and my parisboncrs thounilt 1 count live oiuy a i wcks: I look five bottles of Dr , Kintr's New Discovery and am sound and well, raininr; 26b. in .....;,viii I 7ilmr Love. manager Love's Fiuiiiv Kolks Coinbiiiation, writes: -"After a thorough trial and con . i.winrr ."viilenf.c. I am confidant Dr. Kintr's New Discovery for C011 suiuption, bcatrt 'em all, and cures when evervtnin": eise jan.. jh. o-reatest kindness I can lo my .wij i ur."-o theiu to trv it Free trial bottles at F. K. Fricke & c.'odni.r store. Keirvlar si.es .)Uc and $1. " Mills' Nervoand Liver Plllo- Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery, ur. jiiips Pills speedily cure bihoimvss baf. taste ciriiiH liver ni!esi. contioation. Une- 1 11 u 1 01 I for men. women. children ! Smallest, mildest, surest'. 5" doses, 2.V.. Sampl.t free at F. (. Fricke fc t,o a. SDeeimen Cases. v-; 11 flitforil. New Castle. Wis., . . . 1 .. 1...: ,.1 was irOltlHOU Willi neni ii; " rliettmatism, liis stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to an ..l ii-mMif (liM'i'iM'. iiii!i'tit'' lell away and he was terribly redu. ed in lleli .....1 -.. .wi-tli 'lliret- bottles ol -;.- Hilt-rs -nreil him. I'Mward Shepherd. Harrisburir. 111., had a runuinir sore n his Jet; ..( . .-1 1 1 -ears st a nd i n L setl t h reel ot ties of Klectric Hitters and lwittles Hiiclvleii s -rnica -;-.k .. -mil his le- is sound and well loini Stiealier. (.'atawba. O.. had live 'lai-i;"e li ver sores on his le-. doctors -..;Tt ii.. l.s iiii-urable. ( ne bottle Ulectric I'.illers and one box Huck- l.-n's Arnica Salve cured hun entire I v. Sold by F. I. Fricke 1U11. vii.iL.ii's it:ili-.i-r is wliat oil need for constipation, loss of appe tite, dilx-iness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Frice 10 and 7.V. 4 To Ice Comumert? yiv ice wnuiin ha beti'tm to make regular trips. Orders left at m--tore, my commission luni.-e tn with the driver will be promptly attend ed t. tf "hite. .11 - -i iliw PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM h6? Clftno and bac:it"ie Ur hair. rieTer Fails to Hcetore ury I?.air to it youthful color. Cur .-a:r! iiisrj Ai hair la.i:ng. . t.trk.-r Oinsorlonit . 1: ""' ?".r'1 ' 1 '-V'.''-V..ak Lurf. Dcli'.ny. I-i.l:Etticn. I'a.ii.Tnko int.aic. ict. HiHPEPCORNS. The only fiiro ciitt f.ir Corrt. .L b-. iaiu. IJk. HI l.Uj A restore, stricken, and tiive you a luxuriant growth of hair, to keep its color natural as in youth, and to remove dandruff, use onl- Hall's 1 L..iii"it5, ur IllsCOX & CO.. N. Y. THE MAN WHO Drives rite the Iltvir.-t? is not in it 1 2 C2 v cs ; ; -e; 02 i t 2 i i B -far Sw"3 : j : r;s""-5 Givra tjuirk rrh'f Khcn-r.aVi"m. rcnrilei? -.1 a- one?, u 1 Dr. GrosYBnor 1 PLASTER. 1 j n'i-nnTawl lur.ibac f j n VTOx rtuvrwr. n!An r.H'.r.HEZTETS EGUS. htu ,HW ... V, " V ?i-.trMjr,iaJR Ass. V . 1 w Z. " .A.:7iLIIOttNUIIIt. Th- onr . . H ..Mr n.l I 3 Am. im Th ORW rrr CDrM '" " ' ' . V? i7, rj ..... it Milrrf-'-l ilUrjuwa-wiralM Mi.il r-- IuJIm." W. IrUar. M And for that matter, neither is the iiV'-r Sewim; Machine Company. Over tUX ." Singers have been Isold in the luited States wincl. mean- lhat we have over '.. i? M wit ,, esses to the fact that tlieSINGIOK is the best machine made. All the newest improvements have been .-aided which truly make the Singer The Mi--en of all her iv'i alm. Machines sold on the most favora ble terms by the department mana ger. MR. I). P. t lv'ONIX. at his headquarters in Henry Fieck9 Furniture store or by Mr. Atherta, laical aent. Its II'mirc Were Iwrfy. SqnHlM Struct-nrt-a land F.naily I'nlleil Down The Cli mate Tlien Wat Colder anil More Un bearable Famine uli'l I'enti li-m-e. Who can rc-buiM before thu eye of the mind a miiIu ordinary dwelling of the vanished Lomloti of tho middle of the Thirteenth century? It was a dwarfish. Bipialnl si riu-ture of such cntzy unsub stantiality that, with a stmtt in n crook and two strong cords, providi-d by tiie ward, it tnigh be pnllea tlown ana drnC'l off Hpeedily in ease of fire; a timet nre of one t-tory jiittini; over a low ground floor, with auotie-r ;,ut of eaves above, it.s roof perchance engrailed .vith gables, its front hearing an od l re semblance to the back of a couple of ml;re .stairs, and thu whole a most rick ety, tumbledown, top heavy. I a'it asiical thin Chimneys were tamy 111 vo.ne then, bo it had them squat, square. wide mouthed, faced with white plaster, red tiles or gray pebble work lied tiles covered its root Its wans were rotili planed planks or a wooden framework tilled with a composite of straw and clay, huttresseii witn posts and crossed this way and t hat with sup nortinrr beams, the whole daubed over with whitewash, of which the weather scon made array w;ish. In front was a 6tainv.iv sometimes covered, sometimes not or a stepladder set slantwise against the wall for an entrance to me upper Rtol-V - . The, doorwavs were narrow ana low the windows also, and the latter, dark ened with overbrows of wooden stiut- t ttronned un from beneath and stickins out like Ion-', slender awnings, fni-tlifir darkened bv sashes ot . (1 . ... - - parchment, linen or thin shaved horn . . 1 . 1 fr r 'wu ramfl trnm ivianuers. anu w.ia costly and rare. ROMANTIC BUILDING. Snfii -ioinr and seam and tile being loosened into crack and cranny and crev ice everywhere, was the dwelling of the London citizen as the eye might see it in th middle of the Thirteenth century. Multiply that dwelling into a tortuous arl broken nersnect 1 vo or like Dunuings, some joined by party walls, some with spaces btitween, all pent rooieu or auie nonM heavv eaved. stub chimneyed, narrow latticed, awning shuttered, stair cased nost buttressed, beam crossea. HiiaU-v rod roofed, diusrv white walled and low under the overhanging vastness of the sky. and you have an ancient L.on- dnn fitreet. which shall be foul ana nar rAtr with onen drains, footways rouprhlv nagged and horseway deep with slushy mire, overstrewn with ashes, shards and nfFa 1 and smellincr abominably. There were indeed at that period rhinlv intersnersed here nnd there, j . houses of somewhat better description qolidlv bmlt of stone and timber, though at best straugely deUcienr in comrori and convenience, according to the fash ion of th.it most inconvenient and un fortal.U .-i re) Here and there, too. for those were the times of the teudai i,iior nnil nriest. rose in dreadful beau ... .. 11 A twm, rnntr.i-st witn tne squana city itectnral crrandeur of church and cathedral, or the stately house or palace of bishop or earl. But all around crretrhed dwellings which our poorest mrviam hnnsA excels, and on those dwellings all evils and discomforts that P'ni rf:dl h.-ul their ouarrv. Li"ht came dim and sunsnme uimij irlimmerinsr into their darkened rooms. n-i.-r h&fit m:ide ovens of them. The i r., fim v of iondon tos rose viu ui nj . " - - J - f T-nm the marshes north of the city walls from the citv's intersecting rivulets from the Thames below, and crept in at pwrv nneninir to make all dark and chill within. Down their squat chimneys c,vr.nt tliA smoke, chokintr and blinding. R,nn cneh as even rainv tngiuna Knows not now soaked them through for weeks together. A TREMBLE PICTURK. rold Rneh as Knirlish winters have for gotten now t-ierced with griping uium and eilent sifting snow to their shiver- in"- inmates. Foul exhalations from the fiirhv- trepts humr around them an air of ioison, or rising from the cesspools. of which every house naa one wumu, discharged themselves m deadly inala- dies. Lightnings stabted tlieir roois or rent their walls, hunting for those they sheltered. Conflagration, lurking in a sonrk. urisnread in dragoonish flame anu roared through them devouring. Whirlwind swept through them howl- ing. and tossea tiiem uu u wj Pestilence breathed tlirougn tnem in re curring seasons, and left their rooms ...,i..0VT..iih romses Civic ricrht or in testine war stormed often near them and brought them death and sorrow Fam ine arose every few years and walked through them on his way to England, leaving their tenants lean and ple, or lifeless Often into them broke the midnight robber, singly or in gangs; otten to them came the gatherer of taxes or of tithes: upon them hung per petually all the bloodsuckers, ewvy vampire which an age of ignorance au1 rvrannv could snawn, and in then. nerded fiendish bigotries, crazy super stitions, brutish illiteracy, and all that darkens and depraves the souL For that was the mournful midnight of our mortal life centuries ago. The old, sad stars that governed our con ditions still kept their forceful station above the brawl of brutal and internal dreams, and one alone, now risen from Uebers east, hung dewy bright with the world's hope and promise, while science, builder of life that is holy, beautiful and g:iy. was but a wondrous new born child in Koger Bacon cell, dreaming of things to come. Atlantic Monthly. Castoria ta Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant ami CLUdreu. It contains neither Opium. Morplilno nor other Narcotic substance. It is ft harmless ubtttuto for lareporc, Irors, Soothing Syrups, and Cattor OIL It U Pleasant. It piiariuitco thirty ycr uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroy Worm njul allays fererishnes. Castoria prevent vomiting Sour Curd, cures IMarrlura and Wind Colic Castoria relieve teething troubles, cures coimtipution and llatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulate tho fttom&cl. and bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. Cas toria i tlio Children's .Panacea tho Motlicr Friend. Castoria. wrxMfcn-j. U n.n eiorllent meillHrM for eSsR- Arm. MoUwra hive Tf pwitwlly told maotiU goo flUiot upon titeir chililren." VtU vi. Ki. moonp, IOWUII, r---;iv U the bent rwmeitr for chil Jrwn of which I am .-ijiiinUl. I twwe tlio da 1jw far dlsUknt whn moter wnfeouklr the ntal Interat of Ihir children, and uso Caatoria In ntead or thrariouqum.-k nostrxims which am destroying thrir loved one, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing oyrup and other hurt fid aou down their throat, thereby sendiug ttem to premature graven. Vit J. If. Kijhttlok, Conway, Ark. Castoria. Cwtorla U no well aileritiNi to children that I revofiunend U a superior l-uu'T ireRriitMr luwacto lue." IT. A. Aaonsit,M. D 111 So. Oifir. St., Hrooilyn, K. T. Our physiHniis lu the children 'ii depart ment huva iok.-n hi?hl f th.iir 9xiri mna In Urir outaile practice with CutAorU, and although wo only uvo iuii our nitdicsU supplies wliut in known as reKula prixluots, yrt w are frso to coiif-n tliat th lu'riU of CVuitoria has won us to look with favor uin it." t'NiTKD JlOePtTAI. ND I11T.NHAY. AlXK O. SMirn, 7V., Tho Centaur Company, TZ Murray Street, New York City. J. I). OK AYES & CO. DEALKRS IN I'INE LUMHEIl. filllNULKi?. LA 1 11, ISAMll. DOOIW, r.LINDS.nnd all iMiiMmu' mitti-n! Carll and see us at the corner of 11th and Elm street, one block north of HeisePs mill. Plattsmouth., Nebraska FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL DTJCED PP.ICE tw IN ALL OUR COMPLETE LINE OK BOOTS AND SHOES W. A. BOECK CO. Also the Ivili running Domestic Srwhi Miirliiin- for h-.tle Everything to Furnish Your Houno. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MOIJEKX HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Under Watcrinan's Opera House i (uesnbuvot him eheapfcrM.ot cash .t - can Mirc what yoj. need to fur.iUh a cottage ot STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINCS. Avnt for the Celebrated "White Sewing Machine. Tue largest and most roraplff Stock to select frota in Cms Cowhty. Call anil see roe Opera House Block I. PEARLHAN. Ilrawtng the Line. A native New Zealander was induced to wear a shirt, a pair collar, shoes and a liat. and he almost concluded to eat with a knife and embrace Christianity Then they asked hini to wear suspenders, and he went oat and hanged himself. It was pushing civilization too fast. De troit Free Proas. THT POSITIVE CURE. I ELY BSOTHEES. 66 Warren SU Kew Tarlc. Price 50 rtal H.' i II 1 y