.. .. ulvlUU . n Its & sow KNOTTS BROS, Publishers wo groat pleasure in calling attention to our lines o SPMMO DIRT B(DDS I nut ohojumJ f..r vnir intifotion n.-I.--t i 1 1 tr of a very choice line of SfilSllIlil Me SftY GOOES, NOTIONS OIv A LI KINDS T() ( h :DS9 l'AIlim( ;( tV . fAMS, Published every Thursday, land daily everj evening except Sunday. Kistered at the Plattsrnoutli. Neb. iost otllcefor transmission tlironh tlie U.cS. mail mt second el;isK niten. Ofliee currier Vino :md Fifth streets. fideithoiie :x. TKKMS Ki: WK.KKI.Y. One copy, our ye:ir, in advance. . .... ...SIM) o:i copy, one year, not in advance 2 00 One copy, six mouthf, in advance 75 One c -py, three month-. In advance. ... 40 TF.ItMS foil UAILJ One cop one year in adv.ince $ 00 One copy per cek, by currier 15 One copy, per inontli 6c Ti'i:si). v, .may r, isn AW call npccial attention to our line of Dress Trimmings SPUING JACKETS The lieefers Also a Nice Three (Juartcr Jacket Curtain Draperies Chenille Table Spread?, RUlnns, Lic, Silk Ties, Lace Trim mi Tigs, etc, etc. . FIJSTESjT NeliHvvka. Nkiiawka, ?1u L ls)l . ( oiichidiiin- a very Hatisfactory business interview with the Union people, your correspondent drew ii lines at the Factory ville M ills, one and a half miles west of Union. Factory ville is one of the old e hraska landmarks and flourished as an important inland village till the construction of the I,ineolii branch of the Missouri I'acilic k R. to .Ne braska City a little more than three years iifjo, when Union absorbed all the business of the place except the milling interests. Here is located one oi the best if indeed not Till-; MiriT mill properties Cass county affords, and is owned and operated by the genial miller, T. M. Warne, whose -iiaine on a Hour sack is the best irurirantee of the superior quality of its contents that the most fastidious housewife could desire, and JJie only difficulty Mr. Warne has is to keep up with his multiplicity of orders. Tun IlKk'AI.O gladdens the hearts of the Warne household every week, where it will continue to carry the news in the same satisfactory manner it has during the past. Continuing- our journey up the classic waters of the "Minneboohoo" we drew up at nightfall at Xe hawka, a beautiful little village lo cated on the .Lincoln branch of the M. 1, in the to a much larger city, but a goon run of custom justifies the excel lence of the shop. Miss Mate Newell is the milliner, and judging from the extensive stock she carries, is keeping up with the procession of the other busi ness houses of the town. She is kept so busy at this season of the year that she finds it necessary to employ an assistant to wait on her man- lady customers. Miss Katie Warden is the dress maker who finds constant employ -ment in her line of work. Messrs. Smoots iV Soimcr are proprietors of the confectionery store which is just being opened up. Peter pp wields the cleaver and a better steak or loin than he cuts is not to be found in aiiysham bles. r.. Italdwin is the genial agent and liiauii.ulates the tcleirraph ticker. Dr. I'ollard responds to the call of the afflicted and is a thorough practitioner, besides having been a knight of the quill. The doctor is a pleasant gentleman and a valuable, citizen to Nehawka. James Jamison is the knight of the saw and hammer who is justly proud that his lot is cast among so prosperous a people as those of the Tillage of Nehawka and vicinily. The town is supplied with two livery stables and they too seem to be doing a satisfactory business. The United Hrethren is the only Christain organization here at pres ent, and they have an elegant little church building in which to wor ship and hold Sunday echool. The Methodist people contemplate tin; erection ot a enureii tins season. The most important industry-of the town is the opening of exten sive stone quarries by Omaha par ties. They are building side tracks into the quarries and are putting in crushers, all of which give employ ment to from fifty to sixty men. This accounts in part for the extensive busine.-is of the town. We predict a bright future for Nehawka. W'AXDKKKK. MFfA As my recoils TljeSmoke and i TJje use or-. wane an As as ANTAULAU- byN.K.FairbanK(5LCo., CiC THE Y ..-ft ' r , v.- li 'A I 'J i BONNER ST A! W. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS Carriages Tor a?KCEI CITY Pleasure and Short Kept Jtesiriy. Drives AIiv Cor. 4tli and Vine "A FKMJ K trade organ has just lis covered that there is a tariff of 20 fer cent on imported snakes, par- rota arid monkeys. This is another evidence of the awful iniquity me lueiMiucy phi. J$y all mean 1'lattsmouth, Keb: ive us free snakes and lake the west end of Libert-1 tariff off of monkeys." n V 1 lcr 9 l: Gi(T- & SON. TO ADVERTISE J JO Call On. ALB AND BRING YOUR ADVERTISE MENT If You Want to Sell Yonr Advertise tt Vvogcry THE IIEKALD'S job .lepartniMit has been fitted with new type and i. ahle to do the finest of work and on hort notice. It von want aL' hills call on this otliee an 1 get on r prices which are reasonable and alike t" all We are Here to Please S UBSC BIBB'FOB IT cor f,ft asp v.xk sts PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA precinct. Nature has withheld not her lavish hand in beau tif3ing the spot upon which stands this, one of the oest commercial points 111 Cass county, and a thrifty, ener getic set 01 ousiness men are at the helm here, which accounts for the solidity and volume of bus ness carried on and for thesubstan tial and permanent character of the buildings of the town. This city will go clown 111 History as the point attacked by Colonels Kroehler, Lav mgston, Shiiin and Dwyer 111 ante court house days, with their valiant band, tor the recovery of the famous cannon which their strong hold had some years ago confis cated from the l'apillionites 011 the Fapio. It is said that the bravery of theae four colonels was undaunt ed and unexcelled 011 any field of battle till they were surprised and captured and their captor compelled them to realize the contrast in color of the blackest of tar and the whitest of feathers, when the braves on bended knee begged the mercy of the Nehawka- ites, and with man)- a good promise to ever refrain from further maraud ings were permitted to meander their way home to the ancient cit- ot I'lattsmoutti, clad in the same raiment hitherto worn by them in- steaa 01 tne more attractive one with which they were about to be invested by their captors. These have all been lived up to to the greatest of nicety and now the col onels with one accord vote the can non the greatest evil of modern times and declare arbitration their policy instead of a resort to arms. The following- is a resume of the business of th is thriving little town: F. 1". Sheldon is the postmaster and keeps a large general store. Mr. Sheldon carries a heavy stock, far in excess of most stores kept in a town of the sine of Nehawka. but by his superior business methods his trade justifies his heavy investment in stock. The same that is said of Mr. Shel don is equally applicable to the oilier merchant, .Mr. Haier, who keeps anything from a cambric needle up to a set of harness. Mr. Haier is doing an excellent business and is a valuable business man for the town. The Nehawka ISank is a valuable adjunct to the business of the town and is presided over in an efficient manner by the genial cashier. I). C. West. Mr. West is a favorite in the town, and justly so. for he is a sociable, wide-awake young business man. The lumber yard is kept by A. Sturm and is do ing a good business. Messrs. Mcfh ide and Palmer keep a lirst class hardware store, and like most of the other business houses of the village carry stock far in excess of stores usually found in towns of this size. C. I). Mothersead isoneof the brightest young druggists in Cass county, and besides presiding over a fresh, clean looking drug store and doing an excellent trade in his line he finds a spare moment to entertain the stranger. Henry Cropp Is the implement dealer, and the bus- farmer can al ways find him at his post of duty, anxious to sell him anything from an onion hoe to a harvester. Mr. Cropp has the confidence of the people, which he has won by fair business invthods. J. h. Isaiuimg is the veteran grain j dealer and prides himself that he is I located in the heart of the best agri- j cultural county in the state. Mr. H is doing a good business, as is also j me iirni 01 .McMriMe .v rainier, man agers of the other elevators. The town supports two good hotels; one. the Nehawka House, is kept by W. J. Smoots. and the ot her. t he i ruber House, by Jacob timber. These are both splendid hostleries much better than are commonly found in towns the si.e of Nehawka. . Dl-MOCK'ATIC organ defines reci procity as a scheme by which "the fears and necessities of South Amer ican countries are to oe played up on for our commercial advantage.' This is very sad, of course; but there is somethingatill more melan choly, lor aemocraeic newspapers in the fact that it is going to insure the election of another republican president next year. Kx. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of , Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours em ( -1VIL Ey'JINEEK and SUKVEYOK E E. HILTON. -t'!mHtes and plans of Hll work furnished auO Records kekt. Offic-: i,.vrr9MOUTH in Martin Dlock. Nebraska First National BANK OK PLATTSMOUTH. .NKIiltASKA t;ti(I up capital Surplus .Ssn.nf'O.oo . 10.CX 10.09 jrler the very ueft facilities for the promp transaction of linitimatf Banking Business Stocks. boixls, L'old. government and lora! se- iuritit-s boiiKhl and sold. Deposits recHv d n.1 interest allowed on the oertilicnTe Drafts drawn, uvnilahle in any p: rt of tl.e Unlt'V. States .u:d all principal Hwtif "f tfurope. Ol.LECTIONS MADE AVI PROMPTLY HBMIT-TF.D. Highest marker p'i -e paid for l'ou;ity wat- ranis, stare sam county b-ni. DIKKC'TOICS John Kitzirurald P. Ifawkworfh - Saru Wi.:igh. F. K. Wi!i;e 1 eorj;e r.. Dovi'y ohj Kiti'-rald. S. Wauirli. I're-idenf k x r - The Best is the Cheapest That is Why Vrod Oorder after 15 years of experience as the most nuccfbssful iculturnl implement dealer in the county has selected the followin. imnle. U which he carries and heartily recommonds to his friends and patrons. EEetclru.m. Moliao and Sch.utlr x WAGONS, ' Sradloy, E'ern, and Dsore LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES AND Badger Cultivators. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER, DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND worth Checkrowers and Planters. Handles the linestof Iluie?, Plneton?. Cart.s, Sprinrr Jil I J lu''r?i illllJ tLJICi HA- veliicles that fire ltiamituctured. Warons, and Tli it line in Cass County, ot double and single M UlE SIB X E L Lll A CK K II . Wagon and Blacksmith shoo Waeon, Bujjfvry, Machine ami pi oa" KepiiriQ lnsie He uses SPECIALTY the harness at you t come 20 miles and .v....... .... ... l.i...tm.n,. ii; M.HjIj&ii workman lias cliaree ot our harness shon prices r-o low that it will pay an experienced Fred Gorder Plattsmouth and Weeping Water NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the Ix'st hir?cshe lor the farmer, r for fast driving, or for city purposes ever invented. It is so made that anyone c:.ii put of sharp or Mat corks, as needed for wet ai;d slippery days, or smooth, dry nads. Call at h'3 shop and examine the nkveusi.ip -ind von will use no oth r. J. M. S1IXEI.LBACKEI?. Pi .rth Filth St. Plflttsniouth EDMUNDS a ROOT Tne pioneer meichants of j iff Ji f E OKA I. Kit IN STAPLE AND FANCY (i rcocicfiiEs. CiLAS.S A.NL Carry a full stock of jrenerai merchondise which theysell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm produce. Gen eroij treatmtntand fair dealing i the s.ccr-'t f uur success. QUEENS WARE Floi"1 and M a socially itfimacre t the Puble Solicited. JULIUS PEPPER3E8G. MANUKACTTTRBR OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL OKALKR IN THK Thoicesl Brands of &ars including our an i 4 i FULL LINK Or TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE always in Btock. . Nov. 28. 188 cha: L Murray Xcl. JGHHSON'BUILDIKG. Nsrtb 6ta s Bonk learnml I in w rexmt. TeatiiMvula from all DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of .vm-alt Your .nrere,- Xy f;ivlnff Hlm SHERWOOD BLOCK flttstu.auHi 4.. 1 1 j' 1, V ra: ' V Lr. i