The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 04, 1891, Image 1

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1 ..
iilK liiihX ALVtsfu 'I JtJ X7 IiT C "j u y '
tli Dailv Herald ,
r to
"l --V-r x-v ""S. -ra
H i M ic5- II El H W ii 4 Fl
J lj wlPv J 11 ix nu.
I G4 , I K I A 1 14 II til MJ Y.
r l . l
ft . i
laaWe rlht tout
,Ue for the Palnlrm
ritjr. Offlee Uockwuo4
, relloble nmn Hilary t7
,th llHTeatr, to retre-iit
ft 7fHiniil)e New York
o. 146.I.O. . K. Iilf! tS e-y-
UiHr liall m ! itireralil
iowh ur cordially invited
Jilting In t!i city.
T. K. Wii.mamm. N. (J.
J. W, ;kiim;k. Se:.
? PYTHIAS. CaiinlN't iJHiK
teU every WeMlneftljiy cvi-hiiijj
VVX kt a Ii block. All v i-itme
;ially Inv t-l to attaint, a.
. $ Krank Dixon, k. K S.
t block. Main Sln-i-l. Kix.ins
m to s ::io i i; l-'or men only
jjevery Huniiay altcrnioii at 4
? C A R.
.jlePoHt, No. 4.r., inert vcr Salur
J at 7 :.'i0. in tlu-tr liall. Kin-kwi.ixl
All ViaitiiiK coiiiradi-fi aie iiivitfil to
2 OS.
i:. K. Nile-. Post Ailj.
K. A. I'.atfs, r I font.
Our Clubbing List.
Democrat, ami IIkkai.k.
Ot'b Magazine "
per'a Bazar
. 4.CU
. . 4. NO
. :$.io
. . - 40
. . 4 .-,
. . 2. 15
. . .5.55
. . .-'.25
2 :;o
; .
f aha Bee
V- Lincoln Call
:XIationl TrH
' ML. Ij . . ...
S X" Ul UII1
Inter Ocean "'
Lincoln Journal "
The Home Magazine
Time Table
onis'i wkst
;)i.; ka?t
No 1 3 : Ml a. in No 2 6 :(. ji. in
3 5 :.- . in ' 4 10::ia. m
5, 9 :'" si. in. " X ;U . in
7 ' -15 Sl. HI. " M M -
9 6 :J." l, in. " 12 1 :1 it. I
" 11 5 ii. in. " 'V 8 a. in.
19 11 :0."i a. in.
llewellyi Moore's tlie Rec-o.jnized
Headquarters for ttie Artistic
and tlie Beiiutit'ul.
.Aqu'.lein chr3s:mtli;i. rorc-opsis
lauct'il;'i:i.clirys;i(i;l)(Miii!iii iii:iima
antirrhinums. pln,ycoonsniiilc't'
nuiUs m;ikt- up a p:ir-lis! T Mr.
Moore's iratul jilanls, ihai art- per
fectly ha'-lv atitl are not injured
by a Xel" -a ska winter. Mr. Moon
lias a fine .ork f tvei-nniums,
colons ami some of those : ichly col
ored H -enc'ii caanas, al a t'ael'ae
of; plants. I a ros 's he
makes a specialty o' the To'lowi.!
hardv varieties: "(ienc-cl J;ic:ii
mot. Md. IMani'e.-, l'erle, Nhhios.
together w'th i'ne o'l s.iii'thi il La
France ami that Oucon of the rose
family, ti.e American Beauty. which
nuclei- favosa! le ci cumsiauccs has
produced ro.-es s inches across,
bright red ad of a most clel'c-ous
fraii'-ance. No co". -ct:on oT ilowers
is complete wi i hoe t some of these
hardy roses. M ". Moo e has -he
rejutatiou of beiu' the best rose
prowr." west of Cb'ca'o; he never
forces his p'an . s. t Ims maki nj; t hem
tender but uives them every rcquis
ile to make iheni ha"dy and sl'iin;;.
This s.orwi- is an unusuaMy ;-ood
one for set. inn" out ji'a.ns and
should be imp ved by on - people.
Kemembe.- the p'ace where ph'-ils
and p--ces w'11 si'i ihe mo-i e.;:ici
inr is at I.'ewcllyn Moo.v's on Yc-t
Locust street, and call ai once, i '.
The fraii'ant Heliotrope in bloom
wonderfully cheap at Moore's CI" ee i
House. d':
"The Fiiir" lias only a few mote
velocipede's left, which are be i in
closed out at cost. ti
Dr. K. I. Sirens lias returned ami
mav be found hereafter at Ips office
over Geriii's ilrui;stoie. tT
For lame back, sicie or chest, use
Sbilob's 1'orous IMa.-ter. Price '"i
cents. For sale by F. G
Co. and O. H- Snyder.
Fricse oc
The most esthetic flower nowa
days in fashionable society is the
beautiful single dahlia. Moore has
lots of them and they should be
planted this week. diU
Go tb Phillip Krattse for your
drv rood and groceries, wlu-re you
will Htm me lies' i -1
also keeps fruits ami ve
their season.
etaoies in
Dsautify Your Homes
..-.rr- in Lew ?loore s an
id se-
lectin"" a nice bne of hi? ha-dy
plants? They will blooni brunt i-
alt suuimei iii invu'-" .....
will live
out doors all wittier, ins
prices will oe a m iy -y
these plants are so cheap it 'S a
wonder Mr. Moore cau'a se neni.
Now is the time to plant luc n or.,
and the sooner Vs done the c-arber
your flowers will b'oom. dot
For Sale.
A. good farm one-fourth ini hom the
town of Murray, CD the M. P. H- K.
Plenty of timh-r and water. Good
orchard. 350 hcarintr trees. Plattsuiouth,
Neb. Feb, Uth. 1891. tf
Thai Bull Gatne.
Tin; 1 1 Kk'AI.b is compelled to cut
its columns short to-day in order to
jlvc our printers a chance to wipe
up the ground with the barbers in
a ball ame that will come
oil about 4:'.Vt this evening
at Fitzgerald's Forty. The
barbers will have Hilly Ilerold,
Charles Miller, Harry, 'John and
Louis Ktilmey. John Leichtwris,
M. S. Hrit-s, Charles Warren ami
Adam Lohnes.
The Printers will be represented
byMe.-nrs, Dray, Griffith, Rlmde,
Sherman, Mann, Robinc, Kirkham,
Crisman, Dabb, and Wise.
The jamc promises to be a lively
one from start to finish.
Dr. J. H. Hall is in Greenwood to
day. Joe Klein and wife spent Sunday
visitin friemds in Omaha.
Chas. Hasseuieir and wife Sun
clayed with relatives at Louisville.
George Vail cry and wife returned
to Denver this uioruitiir on tlicllyet.
Our esteemed friend Colonel John
M. Kiser made TttK llKKALDa pleas
ant call to-day.
Matlhew Gerin. and Jude Sulli
van arc? attending dislrict court at
Sarpy county's capital to-day.
Louis P.u-deker came in from
Louisville this morning, having
sjient Sunday with friends in the
Major Parrotl of the 15. fc M. is
out ol the- city to-day. Current ru
mor has it that he is rusticaiiny,
U: about the city of Oreapolis.
George Sheafor returned this
morniiiij from St. Joe, where he has
been iti at tendance-at the interna
tional meeting;-of Y. M. C. A. sccre
ta i ies.
Mrs. Latter, wife of Rev. John
Lauer of this city, departed this
niornimr for Germanv where she
will spc-ud some time visitini
relatives and friends.
The board of education will meet
and organize this evening-.
Go to C. H. J auei!e, Neville block,
Sixth St., when you want en'rav i un
done, tf
The sru-rod concert at the Taber
nacle last niht is reported to have
been verv i 11 1 crest Ul IT a QU was
cptite well attended.
The new men have arrived and
are at work putting ihe street car
line in retiair so that we may ex
pect it to be in operation soon.
A. L. Friend received a nice box
of orange blossoms and other Jlow-
ers from his sister at Riverside,
California, the other day that were
exquisitely fragrant.
From Prof. Noble's monthly re
oort we learn that the number of
children of school ai;c in thi
countv increased 3'J.) durinir the
The masons that built the new
chimnev foi the First ward school
house left so many bricks on the in
side that no smoke could escape, as
a couple of irate school ma'ms dis
covered this morning.
We arc reliably iiiiortnecl that in
y short time the train dispatcher
will be transferred from Weeping
Water to this place, tor the reason
that such an official is not necessa-
rv at slat ions located on a "stub
run." Union Ledger.
The reserved seats sale for "chimes
of Normandy" by the Andrews
ope'-a company next Friday nifjht
will orieu to-morrow morninr
price o., ad, and 7a.
Complimentary benefit to J. P
The Royal Marionette cotuedy
comoanv composed of nine of
Plattsuiouth youiiir men of histrio
nic abilitv will hold forth at Cedar
Creek to-morrow niht. They had
quite a success at Murray which
has encouraged them to try another
Mr. Harr informs us that last year
they had to keep up steam in the
hih school every day until May
2ih, except the'Jlst day of April.
Thus it will be seen that this is not
such a late spring after all. We
had a killing frost on the uitht of
May 7th last year.
A surprise social was tendered
Rev. Hause at his home in Mercer
town the other eveuinq,". which was
largely attended by the rood peo
ple in that vicinity, resulting in
benefits financial to the worthy
Shiloh's cough and consumption
cure is sold by us on a guarantee:
It cures consumption. For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co. and O. II. Snyder. 3
W. S. Wise came in yesterday;
haying left the blooming orange
groves ot C aliloria to aiieuo 10 imi.m-
ii e s here for a week
Y. L. Brown departed for St.
Louis Saturday on important bus
iness connected with the Klectric
Lamp factory and the putting in of
a new electric light plant.
The M. P. folks again resumed
. ... . : 4 ...... i.
worK tins morning i.'.mi'k h.i.i
this way from Union. Mr. Phelps,
the representative oT the contract
ors, thinks there will be no further
delay with the- work.
Louis Raney. the ten-year old sou
of Conductor Knuvy, received a bad
fall from a hand car yesterday in
W'ahoo, which resulted in a severe
scalp wound, requiring several
stitches at the hands of a surgeon 1
to get him fixed out.
Concluding our interview of the
Murray people, all of whom were
courteous without stint, we wended
our way to the line- farm of Father
Thomas Rankin, one- mile- west of
Murray, where we were agreeably
welcomed. Mr. Ranliiu resides on a .
farm of four hundred acres of as
line land as lies out ol doors, ami
all the surroundings are indicative
of comfort and prosperity. Mr.
Rankin is in his eight y-seveulu
year, but enjoys good health and is
ictive as many arc at loriv, aim eu-
J . ..ri.:.. ...
joys the coinpamousiiip oi ihp en-
lima i ic win, in win n i ii i.- . ti
ded fifty years ago. this aged
couple arc; comforted by the resi
dence of their son Joseph and his
estimable young wife with them.
Al ter a business call upon several
of the prosperous farmers in the
vicinity of Murray, we directed our
course to the bustling, busy little
village of Union and arrived in
time to interview a number of the
1 1 ICi.'A I.I ) readers, and were kindly
entertained by the Ledger family.
We found Union taking on new
life bv reason of the Union cut-off
from "that point to Plattsuiouth.
The work of track laying; is to begin
at once, fourteen cars of steel rails
arriving last evening.
Union has four general stores, all
doing a flourishing business unde r
the management of G. A. Rose A:
Co., R. II. F rans tt Co., F. M. Ams
berrv, John Martin & Co.
These linns all carry full and
complete stocks that would do
credit to much more pretentious
The furniture emporium is under
the management ol l". I. lenny,
and many of the larger towns can
not boast of furniture stores to
cental in quantity and epiality of
slock carried by this establishmem.
The business of the firm is highly
:iiur.wt(irv. as indeed is that of
all the business represented in the
For want of time ami space we
ii. iii foieo-o snecial mention of
all the business enterprises of this
live little citv, but there is evidence
of push and prosperity on every
linn.l and she is iust in the act of
taking on metropolitan airs by do
in- the act of incorporat ion, wnicn
is a step forward that her enierp"is
ing citizens will never regret.
We must not neglect to mention
that Union supports one ot tin
brightest and newsiest newspa
pers -The Ledger in the coiiniy,
edited and published by Messrs.
Graves & Padjret t, a ud i he people
.-how Iheir annreeiat ion of the
paper by a loyal and hearty sup
pen t, both in the way of advert isim.
:ind subscrnitiou. 1 here is no iet-
ier index to the Drosoeritv of a
i own than a heariy support of it
iiewsi.aners bv tile ciii.ens. ue
find here, as a't other poittis, tha
Tin--. llr.ioALli is aiuneciaieei and
has .he largest list of subscribers -
ba.-i-in."- tlie home naiirr- of any
paper in the county.
We regret that tune lorbtds men
tion of all the differeui lines of b tw
ines renresenled in .he ci.y, but
suit ice to sav there is a bank, harel-
wa e stores, ! umber, good millinery
store, a good hotel, livery barn
bl.'.-ksrnith shops, cic, and a fun
school buildiiiir and two churches
and the third nearing completion
Tnkimr it all in all Union is :
flourishiiig, progressive little town
thai will be heard more of i n i he
tutu-.-e. U'AMiIiK'E!.'.
C. II. J
"ii-st class
does none but
clock and jewel-
ry repairing
sl reet.
block. Sixth
A Wilit Social.
Rev. A llaiise informs us that the
new church at Merccrtown is about
completed ready for die furniture!;
and in order to get funds to procure
the nicessarv seats a weight social
will be given next Friday evening.)
May Sib, for that purpose. .V e-or-l
dial invitation is extended to the
general public: .o be present and
help along a most worthy enter
prise. Repairing of fine watches a spe
cialty at C. II. Jaepieite, Neville
block, Siith street. tf
WANTED-Fighty girls, of fif.een
years of age and over, who will takt
pari in the Business Men's Carni
val, to meet at the M. K. chifch to
morrow (Tuesday) eve. immetlialely
after school. Skc'y Aid Society.
union lkix;i:k.
Fred Gorder, Plattsnnnith's im
jilemeiit king, was looking after
business matters in this village
The Ledger family enjoyed a visit
this week from a brother, Mr. A. J.
Graves ot Plattsuiouth, who is look
ing after the interests of Till-: 1 1 KH
ALI) in this part of the county.
A great many ot the men who
have been waiting here several
lays to begin wejrk have be
come- impatient ami gone- away,
but there are yet about oner hundred
ind fifty ready to report for duty at
moment's notice.
Mr. John W.Nichols ami family
came down Irom Platlsmouth on
Thursday for a few days' visit with
relatives and friends in Union ami
vicinity. Jeilm was injured by the-
caving ol a bank at I I a 1 1 s n l o u t n
few days ago, ami was forced to
take a few days off until he receivers
from the effects of the; acc ident.
The const ruett ion train arrived
last n i" lit in charge of Lngiiiecr
Bruce Leming, and work will com
mence with a lull lorce ot trac
laye s Monday morning. At pres
ent all tlie sitte tracus are croweieei
with cars loaded with ties and
steel, but it has been impossible to
unload them for the reason that
the engine had not arrived to
switch them to their proper places.
Supplies have been coming in at
a rapid rate the past few days, and
the "Y" looks like a small city, the
cars, stacks of material, ten I s, teams
and wagons giving it a very lively
ippc-arance. ICighteen car loads of
steel and thirty cars of ties came- in
Thursday evening, thirty more car
loads yesterday evening, and we-
ire informed that b" to-night 100
more cars of material will arrive.
Complimentary Benefit.
1 1 gives us great pleasure to in
form our many friends and the
pairons of ihe Waterman Opera
House, that we are the favored ones
to play the second complimentary
benefit to J. P. Young, on next Fri
day' May S. On this occasion we
will present the beautiful opera.
"Chimes of Normandy," with a feast
of thirty artists. Mr. Young is fav
orably known to all, having been
connected with the opera house ior
manv rears in your citv. and this is
his second benefit, although it if
the custom to give the opera house
manager an annual benefit, but Mi
Young's modest- has prevented
him from asking il.
Our company is much larger and
stronger than when here last, and
we assure you lei give the finest per
formance ever given by our com
pany in your city. Mr. Young pre
ferred to irive- no guarantee- so as to
enable him to fix his own prices, he
has concluded io pla' us at the reg
ular house prices, Sac, a()c and 75c.
and at these prices the house should
be packed ne.;t Friday night, in
honor of your manager, who has al
ways endeavored to secure the very
best attractions for the opera house
pa i rous.
We will give you a line prod uc
tion of the- "Chimes" and guarantee
you a very pleasant evening, and
be-sneak a crowded house tor Mr
Young's benefit next Friday night
U e remain
Your obedient servants.
The Andkkws oi-ki.-a Co.,
per G. B. Rus.-ell. agt.
All watches, clocks and jewel ry
left for re-pairs atC. II. Jaquet.e's
Neville block. Sixth s, reet. will re
ceive prompt attention. AH work
guaranteed and done in a workma l
like manner. if
To the eidtor of Ihe Plattsuiouth
Hcald. greeting: Can't you work
up a scheme, when the Missouri
Pacific is finished to your village
and the excursionists arrive, to take
them a trip to Havelock and show
them the immense shops building
there for the great Burlington
system? They might sympathize
with you, von know. Kaglet of
Fret not they gizzard. Brother
Knglish. If you would come to
Piatismouth and se-e the gigantic
plant operated by the H- & M. here;
note the fifteen acres of busy
maehinerv humming with the whir
j of active life, and the 8(K) preisper
( otis iuplnycs, the- little shop at
j Havelock would tmt look so large
J tt on. Come down and get ac
quainted with a live progrestive
I town; you would get over your
dyspepsia and would feel much
C. H. Jaepiette carries no stock but
will ejo you as good a job of repair
ing ever done in the city. FvXPERl
KNCE TALKS, not money. All wo k
satisfactory or money refunded.
Neville block. North. Sixth St. tf
i nn" -w
We are showing a beautiful line
and the latest lioveltie-s in rogue at
prices from ifi-nO to $10.00.
Full Line of
3'J inch Zepher Gighnms.
Breton Z3 plic-r Gighams
A F C Gigham.
Domestic Gighams.
Henrietta Sateen -..
Fvgyptian Printed Cottons
Silk Striped Maelras Cheviots
Fancy printed Chambrays.
Beautiful line of Solid
Striped, Brocaded and I'olka
i apid sellers.
Ono Door East of tho
Remember that k O. Castle 6c Co have an immense slock of
And Guarantee Satisiaotion in all Tliiuirs
Baby is Sick The woe full expre s
sion of a Des Monies teamster's
countenance showd hi a deep ai:.-
iel- was not entirely without cause,
when he inouired of a druggist of j
the same cliy what was tlie be; t
to g;ve to a baby for a co'd'r It
was not nece.-sary for him to say, his countenance showed tlu-t
the pet of the family, if not ihe i'loi
of his life was in distress. "We give
our baby Chamber!aius's Cough
Remedy," was the druggists answer,
"I don'l like to give tlie baby such
strong medicine,'' said ihe teamster,
on know John Oleson. o. vne.
Wst Iters-Talbot Printing Co., deni t
your mepi'reu me uruggii. ""
babv, when eighteen months old,
got hold of a bottle of Chambe--,.ain
Cough Remedy- and drank the whole
ofitf Of course it the baby vomit
verv freely but did not hurt it he
least.and what is more it cured tha
baby's cold. The teamster already
knew the value of the Remedy, hav
ing used it himself, and was now sat
isfied that there was no danger in
giving it even to a baby. For Sal6,
bv F. G. Fricke & Co Druggists.
, . i i . : . ii..
George Vass
Is getting in a big stock of spring
ami summer goods. His novelties
i.i br'-ast piis and jewelry are well
wo'-th looking at. Call in and lo.k
at h's new goods.
Brown & Barrett, successors to
Wilchmm !t Fuller, have an endless
variety ef wall paper and borders
I all new colors and designs. wtf
Yes! In bloom, ejf the most
go -geons colors, They will con
tinue to b'oom all summer, too. and
can be selecieel at Moore's Green
House for from 40 to 50 cents per
dozen. dtf
We carry a complete line of Gor
don's Fast D e Hosiery fr laelien
and childrens wear Guaranteed
absolutely stainless
A good ladies ribbed ve-nt at lOe.
Fast black ribbed vests at 35e:
Black lisle Thread vests at 45c
Silk Mixed vests at 7.e".
Full Line-of Childrens underwear
Our line of black and while
e-iugs exec-eel anything ever
shown by us at prices an low
as lufct
liltick Ili-mictti Sateens in.
Dott eilects, entirely new and
First National Bank
Croup. whooping cough and
bronchitis immediately relieved b
Shiloh's Cure. 4
We.- sell men's workhig jiants and
blouse s at a discount ol 'JO per cent
We art; clo-iug end this line ul
gooels. tf "Tin; Faik."
Brown Sc Barretl have the largest
and finest stock of wall paper and.
j borders in Plattsuiouth.
j .jjic Fair" has just
received a
, invoice of hammocks, cronuet
j ; bovs exnress wagons and doll
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaini? hhiltth's 'it
alizer is guaranteed to'cure you. 2
Cainrrh in New Enalancl. s Cre am Balm gives s.atisfac
j tion tto everyone u.-ing it for
'catarrhal troubles. G. K. Mellor,
elruggist. Worcester, Mass.
! I believe Kly's Cream Balm is the-;
best article for catarrh ever offered
the public- -Bush i Cfj., 'Jruggists,
Worcester, Mass.
An article eif real merit. C. P.
Alden. druggist. Spring-field, Mass.
Those who use it soeak hiidilv of
it. Geo. A.
field, Mas.
Hill, druggist.
. -
Cream Balm has given satisfac
tory results. W. P. Draper.druggist,
Springfield, Mass.
Needles, nils and parts for hU kins of
machines can be found at the Singer of
fice, corner of of Main and Sixth -treeU
with Henry Boee' wtf
Hair chains, rings, crosses and
hair work of all kinds to order.
Mks. A. Kxek.
tf 1720 Locust St.
ft -v