o 7 1 d Ji JLX-J JKTH YKAK. IM.ATTSMOUTH. NKKIiASKA. THURSDAY EVK.M NO. APRIL 30 l&DJ NUMJSkU 1J6 LT ! J 1 5v W ' ij: -1 .- . - . W " . 4 f ! !'- " f" lot i I t , , ,- V ; i order! 1 lattsmouth Herald. 'mhurj baa the eidanW rlvkt to dm tactl Anvathrtle for th l'lnle f Ttk la tkUrltf. Office Itor I-wood ' i actl-re.'r-llW nirn salnry $7 "H'T. with liMTi iisc. io r-i r-Hcnl ,iod a 7fNMnsililH New Yoik Cm. MA2 I KA I L K. Kit, I.O-k w York.. DDOE.No. Hi. !... K. tiiwti -v-aynlfchtHt tliHr. hull in 1- itt-'-rxll yi()dil Fellow h iir- i.rilial! ti. v It .jju VKtltli'K li. tNr ciy. T. K Wi i iamx, N. .). w, r.un'.K, s- TCIGlTS OF I'Y'IIIIAS. f infi.tlft i No. -47 Mim-' -v-iy W i-rnii-Mlay i-vi-niun t tlielr li 11 In k ' :n h liiix-k. All vi-itm : tnlnhts ;ith oi.nli;i:ly n. v l-.l l :itti-nt, (J. A. Maiftliali. C. i'. ; Frank li n. K. I: S. OUMS MKN'S ( Ill'.I.VI UN So('IATIO open fr in k ;.m :i m i u i " ; I r men on y tlOK'iel uu-et.iij; very Siaiiiay Jilli-i ii'.ini :it I 'elock. . C. A- R. McCoriilt.ii' ! cm, ?.n. A'. iiici fs i-'.i-ry J-;itur-day evt-nlii ;i( 7 in i j tr li.ill, l:nckwi.i.! Block. All vi: II in;; ci.inra. s inviH il to ..ie?t wtli u--. :. I-'. Niu-i. r m A.'?. 1". A. Tali s, I- .vn. Oar Clubt-int; Lift. 01cb"-l,isi.T:i". nml lll.KMJ :.'.l'." Harpor's M.!.i.in.: ' " 4.(n Ilariior's I'. i.ar " 4..-0 Domonst's M-iizini: " :;.1 Oniftlui J!. .i " " 1 l Toledo IM " " -. J-. Lincoln ( V.l " " 2.1 r Nationil Tril.um; " " 2."" The Forum r,.r,.-, Intt r Oii-Hii -'.-'' Linroln .I.;urn;U " " 2 ::o The Home Jl.-iuaino " " 1 : ----- -SWKF.T SCKNTm FLOWCRi. Llewellyn Moor's'! th ncojjriizett Hea(l(Urters fur tlio Arti-lir? Jtri'l the U-Hutiful. Atiilia -Iir3'H:iritha. fnrfi.siM l;iii(-olat:i. iira lit Ii-iii ii in max una aiitirrliiiiiinis, platycoilcns aiul l' uiatis m;iki- iia partial list of Mr. .Mor'H i;ranl plants, that an per fectly liartly anl ttr not iiijiircil lv a .-lra.Ka winter. Mr. Moore has a line .-!!' It of oi-raniiims "oleus and some of those richly col orcl I'Yrncl! caanas, also a line lii'ii of leliiio- pi;mfs. In ruses lie makes a specialty of the followinC lianly varu-tieci: (eneral Jacipn niot. ."'I!. I 'l.int ier, I'erie. .N'iphiloH, together with the old standard I. a France and thai Oneeii of the rose laiilil-. Iln- American 1 5ea n (y. wli ich under f.i vo'"a! .Ie circiunstances has produced roses S inches iicniss, iri",ht red a ud of a most del icioi is fragrance. No collection of tlvers is complete without some of these hardy loses. Mr. Moore has the reputation of lein the best rose flower west t)f Chicago; he never forces his piants, thus makin;' Ihein tender lal i;ives them every reit:is ile in make iheiu hardy and siroujf. This sprin;,;- is an unusually nod one for selling out plants arid should he improved by our people. Remember the .place where plants and prices will su!i the mosi exact ing" is at l.lewel I yn !. lore's on West Locust street, and call at once. if. .Mrs. .-w( n i o r i i i n : . PERSONAL 1 went to Omaha this Mrs. Tom IvMiodcii is visit!'!j rel ieves in Omaha today. 1. S. ("ire-.-el ;!:d wife are visitors it the nie'iropolis to-day. il'.ea ! It tins nioni 1'laiti' to work for I-M McM for .North r. r. 1 1 !X the Time Tiible OOIM Not " 3.... 5.... 7,.... ' 9 . - 11.. . " If)... r . : :t. in . !r; ..'. a. la . r !" a. in. . .C :J." , in. . ..r :'J" . :ii. . II a. in. No: l'l. 1.'. ; KAT . .."" :ir p. m . . l a, .;i . .7 ;ll p. m . !l : 't a. in. .10:11 a. in . . .S :;'vl a. in. Tfie fragrant Heliotrope in bloom wondt vf u I i v cheap at Moore's Circcii Huus. " ltf "The I'air" has only a few more velocipedes leit. v.lncll art; lieiiitj closcTl out at cost. It Dr. V.. .. S:i- "ens has ret timed and llia- be found iiereailer at his ot'iice ver ( "icriii's driiii'stot'e. tf For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's 1'oroiis Plaster. Prii-e LM cents, hir sale by i". i. 1-rickeiV t'o. and O. H. Sn viler. 'A The most esthetic flower nowa days in fashionable society is the beautitul siaii'le oalllia. .loore lias lots of them and they should b planted this week. d.'U (hi to i'iiuli'i Krause lor your dry piods and irroeeries. where you will liiid tise best of every t h in o-. he also keeps fruits and vegetables in their season. tf. Ill order te settle up the affairs of the linn of J. YV. lletidce A: Co.. we will fur tin' next '' ) ia s set 1 Hard ware at rock I I :;:".; prices. C'ome alouor and see for yotirscl i. Kverv thin lT ii'ocs. price no object. J. V. Ilemlee A: Co.. I". ". Matthew's oiii stand. t'". I). S. i::nii ness. I;"a;or was -al!ed to Council to-day on iiiuileiiient bttsi- 1C. Dovey were ( :t!a:ia belated train am! 'tis is Shiloh's coiiih and consiunpt ion cure is sold by t:s on a iuarautce 1 1 cures consumption. For saie by F. G. F'ricke Co. and ( ). 1 1. Snvder. '.i Beautify Your Homes I?y joiuo- to Lew Moore's and se lecting a nice line of 'tis hardy plants. They will bloom beauti fully all summer on the lawn and will live out doors all winter. His prices will be a surprise to you: these plants arc so cheap it is a wonder Mr. Moore can raise them. Now is the time to plant them out. and the sooner 'tis done the earlier Tour tlowers will bloom. dot Mrs. George dan-hie.- Ala-.-scniivrs o:i tile m ii n i n . Mr. and Mrs. (ieoro-e ITciuer went up to Omaha tiiis morning, accom panied by Miss Ivda Cierim;" anil Jvrnest Pleiti'er. Philip Thierolf was out yestertlay after a tedious tussle will: paettmo uia. J. V. Saye is hatilinp," the red sand stone from the cars to the court house site. The stone is split uj into slabs that can be handled without inuch trouble. An old cistern at the court house grounds conies rio"ht in the way of the wall and is maliiinj; much trouble. It will be filled up and an arch of sione will be built across it The fastest time ever made on a IoiilT run was made bv av (ioun: s special on the Chicago .V North western last week when he traveled mih's and a fraction over in sixty minutes. The boys I yesterday at illed .-ixt j"-!i e the d shun rat.-rlitei Cn'.arrh in New tnglanc!. Kly's Cream IJahu oives satisfac tion" to everyone usine; it for catarrh.al troubles. C. K. U'Hor. druofo-ist. Worcester. Mass. I believe Lly's Cream Halm is the best article for catarrh ever offered the public. -Hush a-Co.. driiivofists. Worcester. Mass. An article of real merit. C. I. Able; h iiiruist, Springfield. Mass. Those who use it speak highly of it. Geo. A. liiil. druv.-ist. Sprino lield. Mas. Cream l?aim has driven satisfac tory re u!ts. W. P. Iraper,driiLr.e;ist, Sprinticld. Mass. New M i! : inery Store. Mrs. C. -M. Graves, dressmaking: and millinery. New pmrls. new prices, latest "styles. Store No. T 1 Siiutli '.'.vd st: PI itlsmo uth. -Neb. Ini Is cettintf in a bir s'ock of spring anil .-iinii'.ii r pni:i.:. ll novi-itii's in breast pins aral jewelry art- well worth !ooIii:iLT at. Call in and look at his new run,!.;. A Good Oirl Wanted. Four Dollars per week paid, for a jrood fiprl. None other need apply. MKS J. A. C'ONXEK. house o-roumls of Jonathan JIatt and several u"ot away. Mr. Halt is now snu.o-ly located on his new premises near Orca polls. The siatement of the Chica'o. I?url inton & Oiiiticy railr:ad ai:d lines ia it- control for March, com pared with the correspond nijf mouth of last year, shows net earn ings of 6110,t.). a decrease of fl.SKI. Kelly I-'ox. says his records were not at the Journal ot'ilce. If that be true then why is it we could not o-,' the proceedings of the couuci meeting at h.is ofilce, and were re ferrod by Mr. Vox himself to the Journal ;'or inforniatiou'r A mam street business man went fishing; the other day without lines or bait. He had a pocketful of hooks and must have expected th fish to swallow the hooks and when they cauie out on the bank to picl their teeth he would catch them. It would not work as vou can learn by asking a certain exclusive dry ttootls merchant in this town. The ftver due in this city at 3:'.Vi this morniHr did not arrive until a i ter S o'clock, owinii" to theciestruc tion of a bridge bv tire near Mal vern. The train came around by way of Hamburg- and the K.C The 7:i. train which carries the Omaha passengers from the liver was con sequently over an hour hue and the V:'Z7) train for Omaha was al:-o over an hour late. Wbm in lliis city two weeks ao President Perkins was heard to re mark that tile railroads could stand the loss of two crops better titan the passage of one Newberry bill, and that but for the proposed I ejjfi ela tion the Purlin-jfton would have ex pended five million dollars in im proving their property in Nebraska this year not a dollar of which would now be paid out. I'latts mouth Journal. Annual onvenlion of tri Natioiml Etil u: t loil.i I As -o:i -ition . The annual convention of the National Kducational Association of the I'nitcd States for the present year will be held at Toronto, Cana ada, and as it will on th is occasion be of an international character, it promises to be the most successful meeting of the series. Most of the railroads have agreed to (ive half rates, plus !'!!. CI membership fee to all who attend the meeting, this rate bein; open to the public jt'n crally as well as the teachers. The Canadians are making rreat prepa rations to welcome and entertain teachers, and iiuiii'-rous cheap ex cursions are beiiip; nrranu'eil to all important points on the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence, and the sea-side, after the convention, which will alford to teachers the best op portunity for enjoying their sum mer holidays they have ever hail. The official bulletin, containi'iiv; programme for the meetino-, rail way arrangements, and ail other particulars, is ready, and will be sent free to any one desiring" it. on their dropping;" a po.-t card to Mr. II. J. 1 1 ill. Secretary Local Commit tee, Toronto. "Tlio Litil-; Ty. oon." I f the Tabor ( irand had possessed a '.-.aiiili:i; room oniy" card, it would have been out last evening. for"Tl:e Little Tycoon" packed tile hou-;e from jyallery to iarpiette, with do.ens standing- t hrou Li'lmut tiie entire performance. The pl;i' is a new one here, and Denver peo ple have never seen it before. There was an au Hence such as lew com panies draw, and Denver number.- amonor its attractions tin the sta;e. " he Li!t:e tiresenUd last evenimr those "I e.--t a t ' :":; c. a e; The com pany is an excellent o:k-, not only in principles, but in cliorous; titc scenic effects are ororiua! and pret ty, and with the attractive piol which underlies the whole it was very pleasing to those who wit nessed the first performance. There were many remarks as to the beautiful costumes, and the scenic change in the secor.d act broueiit forth hearty applause. Denver News. They will atipear at the W'atcr mau next Saturday ni hi with their own orchestra and a company of forty people, beautiful scenery and elegant costumes. Reserved .-ea.t sale opened Wednesday illuming. oesi on 1'veoon" as was one of Henry Vallery in Tronljle. - telegram to tite Lee from Wahoo says tl'.at Jler.ry V. 'a!!ery, whom everybody knows at Pin lit s moutii, liavinijf residei west of town m;my years, has been bound over to the district court on the charge of criminal libel. Vallery litis been in jail for several days awaiting" his preliminary examination, andwhen taken before 'Squire Ilouck oT Weston he waived examination and his bond was iixed at !?'!). whicli he tinally succetied in treitiii and is w at Iliierty. T::e ciiar-e r:n which lie was held was for a written c;u!i"!'V tiled witn tlie scnooi board in which he alleged that the teach er, .-ass lIi.a ivni"". iiao told linn that siie had been indiscrete with about a dozen of the youn" men of the neiirhborhood. About Iift- witnesses were subpoenaed and were present at the time of hearing,-. Miss Kin lias an excellent rejtit:i tion and it is believed that Vallery made Ihe char";es against her on account of jealousy. List of Letters, Iemaininr unclaimed in the Post Office at Plattsmouth. A-ril 29, 1 for the week ending April '22. TJi? NhiioilhI Avsociulion of Srtnt:On epy Eri'iinrs. Tin meetino; of Lodve.No. 'J f the above order in this state at opera house Tuesday evening' was a very pleasant alfair. J. W. Matthews lOsq of Omaha deputy president for the state was the uest of the order, together with 1'. II. White C. W. Sherman, and M. D. Polk. W. li Short weilded the jravel and ably jiresiiled i-r tin- ev'iiinr meet i nr. - fter a formal open in.ir of t he I .odtre Mr. Short introduced president Mathews who delivered a most ex cellent address full of practical illustraions that were of value to the members and of interest to the visitors. Amonpf other things Mr. Mathews ffivi' a histor-of the organization which is but nine years old yet it contains over .VO.M m -mbers who ire working engineers. The speaker showed that the order was different from ot her labor organi zations m Unit the otiestion of prices for labor was never discussed. i man had a riht to sell his labor for what he could j;ei, and that no strikes were ever or could ever be rou4,"ht about by the stationary- engineers under their jires 'iit cou.-tituion: he alo showeil the "real mi-ccshIv for a competent board of examiners to examine and license envi neers. for the safety of life and property, and which he believed would place a premium on skill and experience, that .yood men :ui;d:( have more pro!italle employmeiil and t ! i r i im postors could be weeded out. Nine states, we are told, have tiiis law and its workings are perfectly sat islaclory to the public as well as the fraternity. The tenth anniver sary of the birth of the order will be celebrated in Omaha next Sept ember when delegates will be present from ail over the uiiiici stales. Mr. Mathews address v.a well worthy- of repel i t ion i n these columns but lack of typos compels us to leave i( out. A I lei" the l cr- ular order of business had been closed remarks were made by M. D. Pol! F. L. White and C. W. Shermai ()ti motion, h. IC. Whili-;utd M.I). i i . i oin were unanimously elected honorary members of t ! ie or ier a ud were duly initiated, for which courtesy and testimonial of eom'i dence they warmly thanked the members jiresent. F"oi irt li of J u! y. President Mathews of the Nation al Association of Stationery iCn::i neers. of Omaha, says they will come down two hundred strong and that the order from Lincoln will add another hundred to ihe throiiir, if suitable grounds for the celebra tion can be had in this ciiv. The rounds will be forthcoming all ri-ht and the visitors will be well treated. sPK'i.Nt; jacki;ts. We are showiuyr ;i beautiful line and the latest novelties in roueat prices from .f2.a0 to .flo.oo. SPKING WASH GOODS. Full Lint- of 'Al inch Zepher Giulianis. Ureton Zyjiher iii;haiiis A F" C (iiiihiiin. Domestic Giulianis. Henrietta Sateens. KlO'plinn Printed Cottons Silk Striped Madras Cheviots I'ancy printed Chambrays. SPKM.Nt; IIOSIKK'V Wr 'arry a complete line of Gor don's F'ast D- Hosiery lor ladien and t hildrens wear Guaranteed absoIutelT stainless - oiKid ladies ribbed vest al lbe l'ast black ribbed vests at itac I Mack lisle Thread vests at lac Silk Mixed vests at 7ac Full Line of CI i i li I reus underw-ar FLOILNCLNGS Our line of black and while I'louii cities cxcrril anything- ever before shown by us at prices as low as last season. Beautiful lino of Solid Striped, Iirocaded and Polka rapid sellers. ll;u-k Ilcnrift li Sateens in Dot I cliVcLs, entirely new and Allei't, John r.!i'iiii'.'toii, i) e Cotliiian, Kva ('artiT, Cliarlia Kisor, I 1" I.otcr, John Mile-.Tl:o Osiiorne, Sa.iij Khooiles. U N Anulil, Frank Brenrer, H.iace Carter, U W .I:f'ili. (.'barley Kelt. John 2M iilt-r. Jtr Kettle Nii-kH, I i oi tt-r, W M iisrr. Mary V, ii l.T, Ko-e V. liiie. U K Persons calling for any of above letters wiil please say" ' the ad vertised." II. J. Straight, P. M. Attention Alumni! There will be a iue?-tinof of the Plattsmouth IliiXii Scliool Alumni Association at the of.ice of Dwver. Wallinir i Livingston on Friday cvi'iui!?, -'lay 1st. A lull attend ance is desired as business of im portance will come before the meetinir- Hy order of tlie iiresident. Pansies! Yes! In bloom, of the most iroru'eous colors, liiev will con tinue to bloom all summer, too, and can be selected at Moore s Green li ouse for from 40 to ad cents iur dozen. dtf The Hutehisoi-.-Crecii Murder. The following special to tiie JJee ij:ie ine i;iie.-i liews oOiai::;ioie on the hnncnted sliootin:'; anrav at Liiicoln. The dispatch say s: Mrs. Jennie Greene, the woman shot by il. W. Hutchison, is .-lowly dyiii'j,-. The cause leading tip to the crime is believed to have rrown out of a suit instituted by K. V. Hutchison, it., a son of the mur derer, to recover possession of prom isory notes a.'rc'alin:.;" ;,-f,w-,d in vaitte, which the yojnig nian had mtmsteil to the custody of his father to place in a haul:. Instead of fulllliin-.-- the trust reposed in him tiie old man trave the notes to the cliarmin-yottno- irrass widow. -Mrs. Greene, on w hom lie has been makin.tr frequent calls for a number of months. The old man. claimed that the notes were his own. Hutchison has not yet been found and it is thought by some that lie may have committed suicide drowning- in Stilt Creek. F. HERRMANN One Door East of tho First national Dank HAVELOCK ARE . YOU - - TO - y - t "tYTTr. -I IT ;o- Remember that K.O. Castle A: Co have an immense stock of LUMBER AiTD ALL BU2LDIDG MATERIAL And Guiiraiitco Snti&factiosi hi nil Things R. O. CASTL F. CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. by Minor and Hrowne. Streets. Alleys and Hrldtres Sal isbury, M-urjihy and Browne. Police Peterson, Minor and Lar son. Giisand Lighting- -Minor. Gutsche and Jones of the Second. I lospital -Dove, Larson and Jones of the First. Printing Larson, Peterson an Gutsche. All persons know big them.-cl vr.' indebted to undersigned for last y a's ice a nd ot her year's ice will please call and settle, as no Ice will be delivered to Ha in until former accounts are paid. The ice wagon is on the street daily and ready to del i ver on order, tf !-. S. Wliriii. A'j'ints VVnnt'!'.!, Aiiply at the Singer a j Henry Haeck's. i I ncy at dtf The City Council. A lively time was had at the council meeting Tuesday evening" which may be even livelier to-night. Gutsche demonstrated the fact that he was loaded for bear, and would be a bad man to tackle. After much discussion of the Land and Im provement Co. petition for vacation of plat and other kindred matters, the council look a r-jst until to night, when the balj wiil roll again. The mayor appointed his com mittees for the ensuing year, the personnel or wincn snows excellent judgment on the part of the citv's chief executive. The new com mittees are as follows: I-'inance Gutsche. Salisbury and Minor. Judiciary Murphy, l?rowne and Peterson. Fire and Water Browne, Jones of the Second and Dove. Claims Larson. Jones of the First and Murphy. License Jones of the Second nil now prepared to deliver ice to any part of the city. Telephone 7'J. tf II. C. McMakk.W George Francis Train will lecture in Omaha this evening. Those who have never seen this eccentric i For Sale world renowned lecturer will have i i , . o i , r 1 A good farm on'j-lourtli nine h oni the the last opportunity for some time , , ,, T, to-night as Mr. Train is now on his , of uy. ' n -wavtolltilv. Plenty or tunh-r an'' w.t"r. Oooa 1 . ' orchard. 3 ."50 luvtriricr trees. Plattsiaouth, Samuel Richardson to-dav inireh- Neb Feb., th, 1-'j1. wtf ased the line farm of K'obt" Metteer : Ii. W. IIvj.I'.s. containing one hur.drcd and sixtv : acres, seven miles south-west of; BabyCarrirujos, town, tortile neat sum ot .-rodon. cash. ; p.,e,i ci,...,,;.,,,, ,,,!..- t, And still Ross Morrow tries to make ' us lielieve tiie tanner 1 poorer. Patent sleeping coaches for babies with removable cushions and hnely gro wing" ' red ,irings. They are novel- "The Pair" has just received a new invoice of hammocks, croouet nip. red spring ties that the public will appreciate. F'or sale only by J. I. L'nruh. dtf sets, boys" expres.-carriages. v. a and doll tf Crouj). whooping cougli and bronchitis immediately relieved by' Shiloh's Cure. 4 "The I'air" has the reputation of being" the cheape.-t place m town -on ribbons, laces and embroideries. tf Brown i: Barrett, successors to Wildman x- F'uller, have an endless variety of wall paper and borders all new colors and designs. wtf I'or sale or rent: My house is for sale or rent. Any one wishing a nice house should call at once. tf J. A. Co."."oi. Three car loads of fine dimension stone have been received to-day We sell men's working pants and blouses at a di.-connt ot '1 ) per cent. We are closing out this line of goods. tf "Tin; Faik" Urowti A- It:irrce b:-e llie 1 nri.t from Cedar Creek for the court j anU fmt stock of wall paper and house basement. " ' borders in Plattt-mouth. wtf