rr 1 ir-. , n , . . . - I I , 4 -I r JttVEYOK 4 HILTON. nsof all work furnlshm! unci ocurds kekt. .3 in Martin lilork. XB : - NKlSUAhKA O. MAYSS, ty Surveyor AN1- 7IL ENGINEER. .-crslcft with County Clerk will receive prompt attention. ?FICE IN COURT HOUSE. K c Wh. L. IIKOWN. nomal attention to all liiirint-sn mtrw-U-d Title xamiur.t. Al-tr:M-toi"illt lii"ur ancewrllteii.rertl est;Ue!iM. Better t:fc llltivt for making harm lo;iii limn r ANY OTUEK AOKNCV PLATTBMOUTll NKBKAKKA A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-l.aw. Will Ctv proinM aftentloL to all - tunineHH -ntructel to Inui. Otllce in Cnlou lock, Kivt Side. I'UttiTnoutli. Neb. jTTOUNKY A UV, WINDHAM & DAVIES. B. B. WIMUIAM. JOHN A. HAVIKS. -, Notary 1'iil-lie Notary 1 utllo OfTlce oer Hank of Cas County, nattsmouth - Nebrasha SoeDDiclisefl Schirk The Wanning ton Avenue GROCERS Provision Merchants. He;idiuarters for FLOUR AND FEED, We pay no rent and ecll for CAn. You tlon'tjpay any bills for dead beats vrb.cn you buy of this firm. Tho bt-fct SOFT COAL always od Hand, ID'OISTT FORGET AT THE Opposite Kicluy Urus LuuiK-r office DZHSTTISTE-Y ilO!.n:ASl I'OUCKL.UX CKOWNS Bridge workjund tine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. STF.IXACS LOCAL as well at other "an estluticsiven for the painless extract iou of teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Bi HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand Everything you need to furnish your house. CORNER SIXTH AND MAIN STREET Plattsmout - Neb PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, 219, 221 and 223 Main St, lattsmouth, - Nebraska. H. M. BONS, Proprietor. 1 lba Perkins has been thoroughly renoyated from top tc bottom and is now one of the best hotels in the state. Boarders will be taken by the week at $4.50 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED Chichesjers English, Red Tur noiciMaL 1NO ctNUINI. Tb -ru r n.icin i aMOCCNUtNC. ... i . KhMmmX . au yiii. la mjoot 1"Y',BW,7K,i a - - Ayer's Pills Excel all otliors as a family meillciuc. They are Hiiite.l to every constitution, old and youni;, and, l.elns? uuar -oat-d, arc ai?r alilo to take, rui. ly wp-l.il de, Uiey leave no ill tnVrU, liU .tliviiKtlieii and riKuLiU) Jie. stomach, hv r, and lnfl. and rcntort) i-very nraii to U-. normal Junction, l or usu ciIIh r al lioinc or ai.iu.nl, on land wa, tiu--.se mi Are the Best- "Ay. r's I'ills have ..c i;-e d in my fafiiiy f.irover thiily V.- Ind them anex- i-eil. nt mi-dii iii- in levels, TU!ire .li-,.-:i-i ., and ail luliom li.:ii.i s, and M-ldoin call a l:vxe.iii. 1 ! V u'- ;;l;i.'-l the "iiiy pill ll-ed I" "IT ! l.'illi- I il""d." Kelillllill '. Coinly. Ko-.v Lamm. 1. , W. l eiieiai. t l'an-.li. I .a. "1 have l.een in I!, is co intry ei'-ht. year"!, aril I. during all tliii lime, neiilier J, nr any lueiiihi-r of my lamily have used any olhi r Kind of me.!i. ne than Ayr's 1'ilU. hut liie-e we always l.ecji at hand, and I should not know how to jret aloni; wdhoiit Um-iii.'' A. W. Soderbern, l.ove!I, Mass. "1 have U5ed AVer's Cathartic rills a.s a Family frledicirte fir.V. years. :;nd they have always riven the utmost satisfaction." James A. Thornton, r.looniinton. lud. "Two boxes of Ayer's 1'ill.s cured im- of Hevere headache, from wlih li 1 was Ioiik a nuffercr." Kmma Keyes, Jluhhard-stown, Ma-ss. Ayer's Pills, 'KKi'AKrn f.r Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all leVrs in Medicine. T!!K TYPEWRITER A strictly firs! cla iiiachine. fully warrant ed. Made I rum the very best material b -killed workmen, and with the best tools that have ever been devUed for the iurpiise. War ranted to do all that, can he reasonably ex pected of the very best typewriter extant tJanable of wiiMfc; l"" words - er miu'ite -or mo'n according to the ability of the opera'"'. PUIOE $100. If there is no a"iit in your town addre tin tnauufactures. TIIK I'AUIMU M'F'ti CO. Apents wanted I'a.-.sh N, V. F. B. SEELEMIKE, Agent. Lincoln, Xeb, THE RSL.APJ-.?S. i i . c i --v - s? 2 i. r I ;1C . L-.f.i, Sarli, ".'x A Jl o .'? :i ii t Ti ti supply ryirw ibni'tn.l of the rifj Ca'.l and get tt-rnis. Fourtli ttrrrtt in rear of ocra house. . ... oomforibi- So ff AIT13U tor h L.?ii. KHnrf iC2BTAlM. a erw ta th moll in &!) eurBble ca vj 1 A aimlm trial tooOwi tbe nun siurptal Pr1e r0.9 i"4 'V" '7 niai. rtlrK PtTC DEAF NESS KAD50ISES CURED by rack's Invuible Tnbuiar ar Cuab- loa. Whi9pra hrarrl. Coa.fortable. P-jctufni wiiremt ifniMieafail. Sold by P. HIsox,onIv , CD CC P53 Brvadmr, .Nrwlwrk. wr:t4 lor book ot proof J ltl.l BOILING WATER OR MILK E PP GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM diaae and bcautifi the hair. Fruinotei a laxaiiaut growth. Never Fails to Reatore Grajr Hair to ita Youthful Color. Curet wa!p diaraja hair taiiuig. gv.and l.'uat Pnigg-JM r farker'a Oingwr Tonic, ii cum the wont Coujrti, Vtnk t mn, Debilir, Ind:?vion, Pain, Take in time. 30 eta, HINDERCORNS Siopa aIpaia. Xc at JJru, The only eure cure for Corr Llrui JU, or UlaCUJL CO- , N. Y. Dr. Grosvenors Bell-cap-sic mm am AaaaaaiM Rheamatiam, noaralcia. plaorioy MOlumhar" mirtMl at once. tititne ior -t an -- Cross - oalT Pi DlAMC'ID B.1AXD A Tb - oalT Parts Sore. n-l rci.. PidMvl 7 . a ia . '.v. V "K-(Vcr lor Laiea." 1st -. . tum Mail. MlCa., ndl Maaarc. S'S COCOA Ducklen's Arnica Salve. Tiii-i Ukst Sai.vk in the world for Cutt-I'.rniM-.s, SoreH, UIci-i'i, Salt Khi uin. Fever Sons, Tetter, Chapped Iliinils, (.'hilblains, (aims, rind all !-ikin Si'Upt'uitiH, iiirl posi tively cures IMi-h, r mo pay leipiire'l. It is e: u 'minted I to oivi? hutitai'lioii, or money rcfuinlcl. I'l ice 'J" cents per box F..r Mil.- by F. (J. Frit ke .V Co. j Remark. ibl F.-cts. Ilc.irl ilisc.-isc i- niiiill .-npp'i il to ! i i: 1 1 1 .i I '1 ''. bill wln-ii piup" wl j t !--; I 1 ;i I. it;;'' ptntii.n 1 c.i-i-- cm i ,,- , ,n .-. I. 1 im- M r.-. K! m i i .i 1 1 !i. I .,1 ii iM. In. I.. :ni. lr. !.it ).. i 1 1. 1 !-. - f. nf )vi!, .Midi.. iiiriil i ; I t-T 1 1 1: i i n -' 1 ' .it -. ' . I.i : ! inv,-!'. dni'jL'i -I iil Siin J i .-. Ili., .-;i s t h;il I r. .Mib'.-s' New i i ;it I Hi i- wlii.h f ii 1 tii- l.:iii'-r, '"aoiK.-.I I V ll ll'IS 1' l I I i - w i Ii ." Levi I.OV,illl I il I i i : !. ..ii. it). iM i Ii.. nlni IlkI ln;nt 1 1 i - lot" '' :i i. . ; l s Iwn I i ill lis 111. lib- llilll "bi'l like ;i new lililll." I r. Mil.-.-' ,-v lb arl ("un- is sold ;nil lt;ii;iilleed b I-'. 1. I'"lii'keiV Ci. Il.iokof v.oiidet Inl testiiu'!ii;i! lr.-e. I Sonic 3 cars ai;i (;)i,i!iioerlitin iV Co., ol Div: MoincH, Iowa, c.i iiiineiiccd th; lnan u I act lire ol a couh xyrnp, believing it to be the moht pr(inpt and reliable prepara tion y-t product d for coulis, colds and croup; that the public appreciate true merit, and in time it was certain to be come popubir. Their most sanguine hojies have bi.'cn more than realized. Oyer thrcu hundred thousand bottles of ( Miami M-rlaiirs Couich Ritincdy aro now sold each year, and it is recognized as 'the best matte," wherever known. It will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. For sale by F. O. Fi ic ke & Co. The holding of the World' F;iir in ;i city scarcely lifty year.s oltl will be a remarkable event, but whether it will really benefit this nation as much as the discovery of the Restorative Nervine by Dr. Franklin Miles is doubtful. This is just what the American people need to cure their excessive nervousness, dyspepsia, headache, dizziness, sleeplessnes, neuralgia, nervous de bility, dill 1 ness, coii fusion of mind, etc. It acts like a charm. Trial bottle and tine book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases," with nne- pialed testimonials free at K. G Fricke V Co. It is warranted to con tain no opium, morphine or thinner oils drills. 1 The I fennes Method for piano and oran, the favorite and most suc cessful iu France anil Germany, also harmony taught. tltf Mk'S. MKKoKS. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, l'laiiitleld. 111., makes the statement that she caught cold, which set tied on her binns ; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but cjew worse. He old her die was a hopeless ....in of consump tion and that no medicine could cure her Her DriiKi-st sue-deil Dr. King's new discov ery for consumption ; fhe bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from the dose. She continued its u m ami after tak ing ten bottles, found herself sound and well now does her own housework and is as well a she ever wa". Free trial bottles of ;t his treat discovery at F- C. Fricke & CoV ; Dru More rPhettles ,W, and $1. -ilss' Nerve and uiver Pllle- Act on a nuvv piit:ciph: reyul:tt:i: llie liver, stoinacli and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Jlile;-' Fills speedily cure biliousness, bati tuste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Utte 'pinled lor men, wc.ni'n. children. Smallest, mildest, surest! ."! deses, 2"io. S-impla free & F G. Fri.-k-- Aj (!oV Tho f4evv C!-.:ccvcfy. havelieartl vottr friends a:itl t'i iH'i:;';;!:ors talking- about it. Ytm mav N'ourself be :'i- of tie- ni;n:' who know from perso.ia! t pei'ieiice jllsl limv piiiii a ihiiii;' it is. If Ton have tried it yon are one of its staunch friends, because the won derful thiner about it is. that when nice iA'i veil a trial. Dr. Kind's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. Jf yon have never used it and should be afflicted with a conn'h. cold or any throat, hiiior chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and iive it a fair trial. It is irttaranteed every time, or money refnmleu. lrial bottles free at Fricke Sc Co's drugstore. F. G Needles, oils and parts for ail kings of machines can be found at the Singer of fice, corner of of Main and Sixth -treets with Henry Boec'' wtf Hair chains, rings, crosses and hair work of all kinds to order. Mrs. A. Kxee. tf 1726 Locust St. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what yon need for constipation, loss of appe tite, dilziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75c. 4 To Ice Comsumers. My ice wag;oii has begun to make regular trips. Orders left at my store, my commission house or with the driver will be promptly attend ed to. tf F. S. White. A restore, stricken, and give you a luxuriant growth of hair, to keep its color natural as in youth, and to remove dandruff, use only Hall's THE MAN WHO Drives the the Hearse is not in it And for that matter, neither is the Singer Sewing- Machine Company. ()ver 9,000,000 Singers have been sold in the United States which means that we have over 9,000.000 wit nesses to the fact that the SINGEK is the best machine made. All the newest improvements have been added which truly make the Singer The Oueen of all her Realm. Machines sold on the most favora ble terms by the department mana ger. MR. D. P. CROXIX, at bis headquarters in Ib-nry Bcecks Furniture store or by Mr. Atherton, local agent. ART OF PRIS1ITIVE MEN. Vvi Totally OixtiiK t 1 i u Are hound .lnoiie; I lieu 1 1 i --,l l!;ll'.s. Whoever ha-; examined th' l...adicraf t of .s.lai,e people knows Weil tiiat fro?. I a very early ;!e two totally ili-linet types of ai l arise spontanoo'i Iv anions tn eiil; uf.-d r.iees. i )ni- is initiative, i i n older tleeoi'.i: i Ve. Paleolithic lueli for example, the e.'ive dwell, is of i.i )iili,i ie Kan tie lii-lore 1 he -laei.il i pi rfi a.'i'l an their own of a piai ! i:ui'.ilie art of an 1 s. i.t ' p.e: 1 oi. I'M II . el.;.r.-e-!il r.n. n: s . .f i iliViie s. - ii I li- r- .1 i if iia OW11 1 1 : . i ; i i 1 1 1 i : ! if. j i ! fe. .- V I'l i 1- 1 i na 't t: I and h:.:rv bfive. i'i'it spear in li- n-l, slaiks vi:-l Ii r-i -s iinni--lii.iyel in t in- '!'. i-y pi,-; in: 1 Ii -r--, a e-i; -J !e of (e.u.I. -i ell, il in a-i- p- rat -I;., hi v i 1 i i 1 'i i i e anil.-;-.- ii;.rl 1--e;.. d in ii -.idly 1 1 ii-i -i : yonder, ,i-.u:i. a mam moth ( ll.II .lCe-, Ull wieKTly V.'illl Wi-ie O'l' Il mouth, or : Miake glides r.nsi ea beneath t lie : !l-ii-less f("-t of ,'ll llllsli-jw-el in. MIV- .iure. All their riitlij works of art repro duce living objects, and tell, in their naive way, a distinct sloi v. They are pictorial records of things done, things seen, timers sull'ered. l'aleolit hie men w-re essentially dran htsmeu, not de;oralors. lJiiltln-ir neolithic successors, of a totally tlilferent race ttie herdsmen who supplanted them in post glacial Europt ha-1 an art of an entirely uiifercnt type, purely and solely decorative. Instead of making pict ures they drew concern l ie circles and ornamental curves on their boats and dwellings; they adorned their weap ons and their implements with knobs ami nicks, with crosses ami bosses; they wrought beautiful patterns in metal work as Boon as ever they advanced to the bronze using stage, and they de signed brooches and bracelets of ex quisite elegance, but they seldom intro duced into their craft any living object; they imitated nothing, and they never in any way told a pictorial story. Now these two types of art the essen tially imitative or pictorial and the es sentially deeonUive or aesthetic persist throughout in various human races, and often remain as entirely distinct as in the typical instances here quoted. The great aim of the one is to narrate a fact; the great aim of the other is to produce a beautiful object. The first is to speak historical, the second ornamental. In developed forms you get the ex treme case of the one in the galleries at Versailles; you get the extreme case of the other in the Alhambra at Granada. The modern Esquimau and the modern Bushman resemble the ancient cave dwellers in their love of purely pictorial or story telling art; a man in a kayak harpooning a whale; a man with an assegai spearing a springbok; these are the subjects that engage I will not say their pencils but their sharp flint knives or their lumps of red other. On the other hand, most central Af rican races have no imitative skill. They draw figures and animals ill or not at all, but they produce decorative pottery and other ornamental objects which would excite attention at Versailles, and bo well placed at the arts and crafts in the new gallery. Everywhere racial taste and racial faculty tend most in the one or the other direction. A tribe, a horde, a nation, is pictorial, or else it is deco rative. Rarely or never is it both alike in an equal degree of native excellence. Fortnightly Review. An Artist Fool.'d. Irving Jlont.'tgu writes in "Wander ngs of a Vv'.ir Artis!:" -'Oii-.j evening 1 met two very laseuiatne.' S; ;u:!si iii a quiet qinrrcr of Irim. -.! "f wh-..-;a. being a blonde,. was enveloped hi a wiiite m:!titilla. it being customary on meet ing a white mantilla to extend her some what similar homage to that paid to royalty, I raised my hat, and stepped on one side to allow the couple to pass, when, in doing so, I saw to m- horror, by the light of the moon, that they were follo wed closely by a grim and grotesque reptile, half lizard, half frog, which with a series of spasmodic bounds, was making directly for their heels. Oh, the horrid beast, the indescribable mon strosity! 1 o rush forward and trample on the uncanny thing was the work of a moment. "I was dumfounded; my exploit of heroism, far from inducing the gratitude I expected, was immediately followed by roars of laughter, the merry ring of which reverberated on the still night air. 'Unconscionable fool' does not ex press the littleness I felt as I was sub jected to the ridicule of those wily dam sels, and if a man is capable-of that be coming peculiarity, I must have blushed scarlet. I had trodden on El drap a piece of cloth cut into the semblance of some monstrous lizard, and attached by a thread to the skirt of the maiden, so that, by certain dexterous movements and hitches it could be made to leap after her as she hurried along. It was the Basque equivalent for the old English jokes practiced on the 1st of April." Great Expectations. Miss Lawson Tom Lackland will be a great catch now. Mr. D'Argent Why? He hasn't any money. Mi,!s Lawson Yes, but he'll be worth a million soon. His uncle died yester day. Mr. D'Argent I thought the old gen tleman never liked Tom. Miss Lawson He didn't. That's just it. He left the whole of hia fortune to found a free library. Kate Field's Washington. Property Destroyed. "They have queer laws out in Mis souri." "In what way are they queer?" "Here's an account of the arrest of a man for breaking a horse's gait." Mun sey's Weekly. After the Arrival of the New Baby. Mama. Johnny, why don't you come in to see mama when she's sick? Don't you love me any more? Johnny Oh, yes, mama; but I didn't know but perhaps it might be catching. Puck. . What is Castoria i-s Dr. Sniniu-'. Pitcher's proscription for Infants anil Children. 1 1 contains neither Opium, Morpliino nor other Narcotic substajico. It ! a I::u-inlc.- nubslitulo for largorJc, I rops. Soothing Syrups, and Cantor Oil. " it is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years ue by Millions of JVIother. Caatoria destroys Worms ami allays feverishness. Castorux prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures IMarrlura ami Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubled, cures constipation and flatulency. C.'uttoria assimilates the food, regulator tho tdomaelt and bowels, giving bealthy and natural Bleep. Cits toria is tlko Children's panacea-tho Mother's Friend, Castoria. CMtx la la au execileut mediclno fnr htl dHo. Mothers have repeatedly told uie uf ita good afloat upon Uumir tihililren." Zhu G. C Owvoon, Lowell, liana. " Caetoria b the best nwaedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hwpe the day iaiot far distant when mother wflloonsider the rwaJ Interest of their children, and uso Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by foreingopiuui, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurt fid ageiM down their throats, thotvby seuduig tuotn to promature gTavs." Da. J. F. KlNCHELOa, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, TI -ia.. im . j-. awHwy 32 353 J. D. GKAVES & CO. DEALERS IN PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATJI, SASII. DOORS, P.LINDS.and all building nndeiinl Call and sec us at tlic corner of 11th and Elm street, one; block north of Ileisel's mill. Plattsaaaoufla, Nebraska A - , s '---' : . f W HENDEE & CO (Successor to U. V. MuthtwH.j AKUY A C0il'l.ETK 01' Hardware, Stoves, Tinware Having completely rcclean 3(1 and renovated. We now have as neat a hardware stock as can be found in Cafcfe County. We respectfully invite the public to call and learn our method of doing business. Hardware can be sold cheaper for cash than on time and we are the people that propose to do it J. W. HENDEE & CO. Everything to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House ifou cu boy ot him cheap Or spot cash or can securewhat you need tofurnUh a eottaxe or i mansion oa the INSTALLMENT PLAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHING. . Agent iov the Celebrated "White Sewing Machine. The largest and smut complete Stock to select from iu Ca-is County. Call aud nee oi Optra House Block 5 D Castoria. 44 CaKtorla In so well a-laptid toelitt-lren thai I recommend it a, superior toaiiy ireNoriptioa known to iu." TT. A. A ioim, SL D.. Ill So. Oxford St., Ilrookiyn, K. T. Our phynloUmii in the childrun's depart ment huTe Soken highly of Umir experi ence In their oulaide practice with CaMtuda, and although we only liave amoiifr our medical BUppliea what in kanwu as regular products, yt we are free to eon f ran tliat the merits of Coutoria has won us to look wltk favor ujion it." ' L'VITKU IIoarlTAI. AND TlISPKNSABT, Boktuo, Hoaa. ixen C. Surra, Y?., Murray Street, Now York City. xffl j nrsmrrxa ma, P. I. TEAItLMAK. U by B Lwal Drantetfc