4 3 : l X- A j H rm - - V- -" - At ; " Alia . x:-'7. & sow -Ji'eat pleasim; in calling Jitlention to our lines o naHsiujunrnDaiiYIei5Td KNOTTS BROS, Publishers We f . -nsf. ij-ncl i'or -1; r in.-jjM-ti.ri run.-itiii ..1 :i very ciidiCL' line of Published evtrry Thursday, , 'and dally everj avenlm;exp'jt .Sunday. K'Klstril :tt tli? r!atHmtitli, Neb. post-9'Jlf"f-r transmission through flit U.v-S. ulailu t sM-firnl c!;isi I'ii t OH'k c (M:ur-r 'i;e inl Fifth streets. Teleiiuin- .!. and nrosnoroiiM itwlnudM rase ninmlv nmnol verse the free trade Htand the lout of discussion ft j NOT! 0"N TKKMS Koli WKKKI.V, 1 -ijiy, i. ne ye-.r, in ;i'!r:inre it:ic co.y. nie year, n t in ailv.'ii'e ')U- :iliV. fi HK.Illllf iti :iiU:iiic. iBiLACiK rajim:EiD cmiiya shirks Oiic :. iiv. Ilil.-e imi.iiI'i- in tki:ms hk i i i. '! l;i I, C y-;ir j ;,.v One :ny per week, by curl ier One eiiuv. ier iikiiiIIi SI r,n . 2 fxi in $ii tjt ir. J I). V, AI'.VII. L'T. 1V.U Tin. liavin ilia president appesirs i.j ( a pleas.int time in C'aliTor RESULTS. When the MrKiiih-y t 1 1 was passed these were tin- d.-elarations of Senator Carlisle vou iii- ii ee trade piopheey as to its efierts: 1. It would im rease taxation and swell the snrili:s ie . 1 1 1 1 It v. otild deei eae importaiions and create greater ol sl rnet i his than i't in the way of f t i 1 1 eom tllerce; ;. The extended tree list wouiu prove ot no .iln-: -J. ,ru industries would noi le created a. K'eciprocily, ln-iii;; a huuilm could not Mirreed. Ii is already proved that all 1in-.-i- prophecies an- false how false another year will show. Already the custom house entries prove that the reve nues are much smaller than thev were in the same months of IS". Ml They also prove that importations are much tfreater, hoth in voltum and value: that the free list has at k & SANTA CLAU5 SOAP! S -.... I.. .. I. . . . . . ' ' .-h iu,i ne ;ini'ii(i'ii . iiiir,-', i k., . --in acieu a vasi now oi new i : : ricss. ... ...in j i .nici.-co anl lo-day lie will visit points ,f intrri-Mi a... VII -a There's barjks of violets, Banks or rrt05S, (' V Arjd baks wfere miners Srope ; . , " FAIRBANK npAeaTHE btbl iaUAK .sESAira I.I A RifflAP ,""?,SSS city. "We call Hpecial attention to our line of Dress Trimmings bPKING JACKETS The Reefers Also a Nice Three (Juarter Jacket rtaiu Draperies, Chenille Tuble Spreads, Ribbons, Laces, Silk Ties, Lace Trimmings, etc. etc. Ko;i-;r (J. Mills, the rreat south- rrn free trader, expected to .succeed Senator Reagan of Texan, who re- ! Centl.v resigned the lT. S. senator .shii from that state to Income rail way commissioner. Hut he was mistakened; even Texas has had enouli free trade and begins to un derstand the NcKinley bill. The governor has appointed Horace Chilton, a man not known hcvond the limits of his state. TtjE FljNTEST tlic Gity The Kfv. T. Dewitt Talma-e opened Jus new Tabernacle in Hrooklyn yesterday with imposing ceremonies. The Tabernacle fias cost ifirKHXH) and 1 las an ! mli'I it . .! ness of $L'0(),(XX) to pay. The collec tion yesterday amounted to the re markable sum of .faO.Ouo. It won't take man' such efforts by the "-en- erous parishioners to relieve the en tire debt. Kev. D. Hamill of V-ili iiiffton delivered the dedicatory ser mon. i lie seating capacity of the church is .).aUO. which is business that does not compete with American production. and that the importation of those foreign floods upon which the du ties were raised has been checked. Already in the making of these floods American manufacturers are active, and the market, held for their beneiit, is beimj- occupied rap idly, without a penny of increased expense to the consumer. And re ciprocity, denounce it as they may, has opened two new and vast mar kets tt American production, un ier conditions tnat are Lfivinr our farmers and merchants an unrivaled opportunitj-, and are eallinr forth the jealous protests of Kurope. THE eo NNE HAS TABLES W. D. JONES. Proprietor. THE FINEST RIGS THE CITY -1. IN Carriages lor Cor. 4th and Vine Pleasure mid Short Kept J ready. Drives A 1 way a EDMUNDS X ROOT Tne pioneer meichants of TO ADVEffHSE iT'"T- fT ?- Co.ll On A CONVERT TO PROTECTION vmeii -Major jIeliiilev savs the Hostou Journal, latel- delivered his masterly address in J'rovidence the chief democratic newspaper in that citj- remarked that he would !-. .... 1 uw mwie ilium man toxi ovraismo- the tariff issue in the state election The sincerity of this assertion can be estimated by the fact that twenty four hours later, this same news paper devoted a laro-e portion of its editorial space to a f rant ie" en deavor to show that the democratic party is a friend to the tariff, and that "the real pu stiou is not be tween free trade and protection." f il M 'ri t 2UE 1 U y 18 15 A T 1 In the interim o;i couteniorary had to hear from the the- eeho.-s r eech i - : . I l i liiuniciition: I'Au ri cK i: r. k. hjd e Island 'videuily ben'Ull people. One of Carry a full stock of fjonerai mercliondisti wliic h theysell very close. Highest pric; paid for all kinds of farm produce. Gen erous treatmentaud fair dealing is the secret of our success. CIIAS L UOOT, Notary Public Murray lsrcb. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours March LV., lv'l. AND BRING YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IfjYoti Vfant to Sett Yoxir Fropery Advertise iU THE IIEKALD'Sjob ilepartment has been fitted with tjpe and is able to do the nnost of work and on short notice. new It jou want pale bills call on this office and get our prices which are reasonable and alike to all. We are Here to Please SUBSCRIBE OSj IT CoR Fifth asd Vine Sts PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA .1 A II t A TH F POSITIVE! CURE!. ELY BROTHERS. M Warren 81, 2nr Tort Price to eteJ 1!:K SIK' IVnilil in.- Ihron-h yon Jo fin-sent ;nv n-siiuii ion ;:sa liicr.iln-r of thv ilcmocraiic- citv coni nr'ttcc. The mid'. ri'iH-d :l tnrifi" "r:- f . . 'I' !...' i i i in- i t-jmoi ican ;sti(I lcmo cratic parties are both tarilf -rc-formcrs." The distiiiction between hoth on the nie.stioii is one of method. The republican method is by protection supplemented bv its natural and logical complement reciprocity. I he writer had the honor and privilege to hear Ir. McKinley at the oiiiicf Men's Wei)ublican Club oi i roviuence. 1 Hat political lineal ocf-ccnuem oi Hamilton, Clay and ebster made tlie iiiost mtiri.- v v i y oicrtn upon me uirm question that Rhode Island has ever henrfJ Tho presentation of the topic from the standpoint of protection was com plete, in matter, lorm and deliver it was all but perfect. Its force. weirlit and argument are incontcs- tioie anU unanswerable It left no doubt, in the that protection is the life line alouir .. .x. lm. . juicu oiiixes witii least injiirj- to its-elf must follow in its marcn toward the ultimate free traae witli nil nations. . . v onniliT to Slicn a rom-huixii nr.- sn the national question which has been and is the chief ground of po- imecu contention oetween the two great parties, he feels that lie could not honestly and consistently con tinue a member of j our organiza tion, since organically vou reore sent in a measure the democratic policy on this great question. lie aoea your organization the credit to oeueve mat you had rather have an nonest outspoken opuonent whom you respect than a dishonest asso ciate to be de Ill ClOSlIlfr. nprtnit is 4l,A n- K win. i luc met ii km ior ine Uilitorm murtei' nnn fifood feeling th collectively and individually shown me uuring my snort term of mem- oerslnj). Kespectfully yours. Richard Maktix. This manly and outspoken letter explains itself. How many more there may be among the best and most substantial of the Rhode l land democrats who have had their eyes opened IJ3- Major McKinley's cogent arguments, we have no means of knowing, but we doubt not that it is a considerable number. In a state like Rhode Island, with 31IKE SIIAELLHACKKK. Wagon and UUtcksinitli s!iot Waon, Buggy, "Machine and plow IteiMiriQi; done irOH-SESIloEING A SPECIALTY Jle uses ihe NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the ice.t hxraeshou for tiic tttr;iier, t r for fa-t driving, or for cit'v i?oes ever invented. It js so nvuXc ti :.::yirie H -;i !i:.r: r (:,? .''?!:.-, ,,s i) -".-.( :'..r wt av.i'l :!!'; Ty lays, ur smooth, dry ro;i l:i. Cull at h'd simp and .x iiuin-..' the nkvkj:s.ii" ind you will u.-;e r.o other. J. M. S UN E f . L ft A C K VJi. 12 North Fifth St. PlattsmoKth The Best is the Cheapest That is Wiiv Fred Gurdcr after venrs r.f ovilir;..n..n a i. r , Af'nculturjil imph ni'-nt leal,T 111 the couritv lin t-ofrtA ti. r,.n i meats which he carries and heartily n.comnionds to his friends and patron Sotcli-ara. Iolino and Scb.vitler WAGONS, 'v.CLoy, or-u, and Dooro PLOWS NT T 7" DEPARTUR TONGUELRc; AMn Badger Cultivators. JEW HARDWARE STORE S. Ii. HALL ii SON Ket-1 nil kinds of lniilders hardware on liund ;tinl will (nppiy riiiiiract r on most fav oraoie teruiS : TIlsT ROOFING ': Spouting rind ull kinrltsnf tin u-nrlr rrr,ti ntl. done. Orders from the countrv Soiiciicd n; IVasl St. PLATTSMOUTir, NEI5. Bank of Gass County Cor Main and Fifth street. Paid ud cauita.1 HFirmotm o "Piue ZD UOQ OFFICERS 0. H. Panie!e ' President Fred ioraer Vice President J. M. Patterson Caslicir T. M. Patterson. Asst Cashier DIRECTORS A, B. Smith, K. B. Windham, B. S. Karasey and QENEEAL BANK1NC BUSINESS TRANSATED tne sa entrusted to its care. First National BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Mil rmiQ ic yt 10 v-f W 1 1J A't l Handle the fii.ctut Jiu-.ie,, Piuuton,, Carts, Spring Wagons, and Carriages and other vehicles that are manufactured. HANSEN Paid ud caDital Surplus . . . . $.50,000,00 ... 10,000.09 Offers the very bet facilities for the promo" Banking Business Hfnflm hnnrts pnlfl irnvcrnmpnt- aril 1rual is. (urities bought and sold. Deposits received and interest allowed on the certificates Drafts drawn, available in any part of the Unite States and all the principal towns of Europe. 0OLLECTIO.N9 3IADE AND PROMPTLY KKMIT- Highest market price pal J for County War- ffata ana I'nnnlv , 4 o - DIKECTOUS John Fitzgerald D. Uawksworth Sam Waugh, F.E.White loha FiUgf-rald. 8. Waugh. rreeiaeni id. xuez, Hie largest line in Cass County, ot double and single harness at prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspcct gtock belorc purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLEK an exnerienced workman has charge ot our harness shop. 1 Fr ed Gorder, Plattsmouth and Weeping Water JULIUS PEPPERRERG, MANUFACTURER OF A5B WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN XHB Thoicest Brands of Cigars, including our FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE always in -stock. Nov. 26. 1885. DKALIi.lt IU STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. GLASS AN D QUE EN SWA RE Flip end Ffiufl a Specially i atronage t the Puble Solicited. JOHNSON BUILDING, Norm 6tb S Hind wandertoccmet. Beoki leunM 11 2tlPM" ! th ib. Irogixcta pern Cl I trM FKXE4Pi on aripHcattoa to t'ml. i At. Srw York. K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of Consult Your Interest by Giving Him a Call SHERWOOD BLOCK; f'lM.ttena.oia.tla. XCVka At 1'latteniouth, NcbraBka I .i i WEIRS AND BRADLEY ST ALKCUTTER. 1 DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND' HA worth Cheekrowers and Planters. J J J !