The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 22, 1891, Image 1

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    . -. - ' 1
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II' M li
4 i
111 J
f,7 '
Br. A. NlMurj ha lb rlunlfe rlirht to an
Br. Stela m'a l.ixal tn-thrtir for thn I'alnlt
Kitrartltn ofTrt-th lalhUcltr. Office Koefc wood
TTTAlifed All nctlve, rlii,ble lutn- H.iljiry ?7
to (ho monthly, wllh ii.Ti-iie. i rei reenl
In hi own cei-noii n r sponsible New York
House. Pefern-i-s. MAMIKAl T I KM!, l-ock
Box New York.
CAMS I.OIx;K. No. lit;. I.
O. J. I". meets -v
ery TufMliiy nlfcht :it their hall in 1-itper.tM
diock. All imiii fellow are cordially
to attend vvheii vlsltttiir in fit i-lty.
T. K. Wn hams, N. ;.
W, ,ki ii;k. Sec.
OK rV'IMIAS. Cnillitht I.tic
No. AT. Meet every Wednexl:iY evening
at inetr ii-.n in wi-i n iiiim-k. ah vi-iun
knlKlitH ;tr oili:tlly in vitfil to atteml, ('.A
Maishnll. V. (;. ; Fr;il:k Dlx. il, K. K S.
W atTiu:iii lilork. ?l:un Stn ct. I.'noinn
open from 8 ::io a in to 8 l ml Knr men on'y
Oohih-I iiieetini: fvcrv Mmnlav ;i!t-ni(on at 4
C. A- R.
McConntlile Tout, No. A niets evry Satur
day evening at 7 :.'if. in tlietr hall, Kockwoo.l
Block. All visiting comrades aie invited to
iet with iih.
(J. F. Nile. lot Adj.
F. A. 15ates, Toct Com,
Our Clubbing List.
Olobe-Deinocrat and Hlkami. .
Ilarpcr'ii Magazine "
Ilarper's Bazar " "
Deoioreht'fl Magazine "
Omaha Iiee
Toledo Blade
Lincoln Call
National Tribune "
The Forum
Inter Ocean
Lincoln Journal " "
The Home Magazine '
. . 4.00
, . 40
. 310
.. 2 40
. 2.45
. 2.15
. .5.5.1
2 yo
1 f5
Time Table
No 1, 3 :.M) a. m No 2 5 :05 p. m
3 6:45 p. in " 4 10:.TOa. in
" 5, 9 :25 a. m. " 8 7 ;44 p. ru.
7 ;15 a. m. "19 9 :45 a. Dl.
- 9 0 :'J5 p.m. " V2 10 :14 a. m
- ii 5 : p.m. "'M g :30 a. ui.
19 11 :05 a. m.
Dr. K. I. SijRTtis has rrturiKMl ami
may be ftiuil "hereafter at hin oflice
over Cerium's drujrtorc. If
Iirvti & Harrett have the largest
and liiyst stock of wall paper and
borders in IMattsmouth. wtf
Thef.inest ami best line of folding
beds ami lounges just receive 1 at
I iiruli 8 hurniture l'arlors.
For lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. I "rice "J.")
cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke A;
Co. and O. II. Snyder. X
Mrs. Owens has moved her dress
making establishment to the third
door west of the Hotel Riley on
Main street. :d
The rattan chairs ami rockers.
Sixteenth centur- finish, now on
sale at Unruh's. are the highest
tvpe of artistic work. It will pay
you to call and see them and note
the elegant line of plush and leather
upholstered rockers. dtf
Rubber ami baseballs from ." to ."i
cents at "The Fair." tf
Brown A: Parrctt. successors to
Wildman A: Fuller, have an endless
variety of wall paper ami borders
all new colors ami designs. wtf
For Sale.
A good fnrui one-fourth mile liomthe
town of Murray, on the M. P. H. It.
Plenty f timbi-r and water. Good
orchard. 330 hearinir trees. Plattsniouth,
Neb, Feb !th. 1S01. wtf
11. W. IIykks.
Have u leen in to see those
bargains' on the o, JO and "Ja cent
counters at "The Fair?" tf
Baby Carriages,
Patent sleeping coaches for babies
with removable cushions and finely
tempered springs. They are novel
ties that the public will appreciate.
For sale only bv J. I. I'nruh. dtf
Call at "The Fair ami seethelare
assortment of glassware and
tinware. l'
All the latest styles in spring mil
linery at Tucker Sisters. In
Sherwood's store.
Philip Krause
Is recognized as the lealin .OTO
cer of the city. I le keeps glassware,
l ueen
ware, all khuis oi j;h'""-
and table delicacies.
Dr. MarsMnll
Has returned from Dental College
and will be found at his office in the
Fitzgerald block, where he is pre
pared to do all kinds of dental work.
Croup, whooping cough and
bronchitis immediately relieved by
Shiloh's Cure. 4
FOR S.M.K A lare-e heavy work
team for sale. One year's time
lt- i.:iriiculars call at this
, . i ... . j -
For sale or rent: -My house is for
sale or rent. Airy one wishing a
nice house should call at once.
tf J. A. CON.NOK.
Col. Otis Povry is st-ein-liis peo
ple in Omalia to-Iay.
Supei inlciident Coiirsey ami Win.
Webber are in Omaha today.
Frank Slander, the Louisville
banker, is in the city to-daj".
Miss Hcrta Hyers will take a vaca
tion in the metropolis to-day.
Dr. Voder and wife will hear the
Marine Hand at Omaha to-day.
Mrs. L. A. Newcomer was anions
the Omaha throne; this morniiie;.
Hoik W. H. Shryck ami daughter
of Louisville are in the cit' to-day.
Miss May Perry and sister
were Omaha passengers this morii
'!,' Mrs. M. H. Murphy was ticketed
for the Marine Hand concert thia
II. II. V'anaranam will leave to
night for New York to be absent a
month or six weeks.
Will II. Miller arrived home last
night after a successful month's
business lour of the state.
Mr. Pinkerton, the suave night
operator, went to Waverly on the
early train this morning.
Mr. Steimker and daughter re
turned last evening from their
pleasant visit at Hurlington, Iowa
Mr. Waugh and Dr. Humphrey
went to Omaha this morning to at
tend the great military band con
cert at the Coliseum.
Posey Messersmith iB building a
tight fence around his stawberiy
patch to keep the berries, he says
from wandering away and getting
James Herald and wife have
moved back to Plattstuouth after a
two years sojourn in Boston. Their
many friends will be glad to learn
that they have come to stay.
Rev. A. II. Huckner will preach at
the M. K. church to-night. This
will be his last evening here, and
those who wish to listen to an able
sermon may govern themselves ac
cordingly. Oeorge Corcoran of York, the
genial editor of the only democratic
paper in that republican bailiwick,
stopped off a few minutes this
morning on his return home from
the east.
The directors of the Livingston
Loan & Building Association will
hold an adjourned meeting in the
secretary's office over Carruth's
store Thursday, the J3rd. at
Money to loan. 2t
"Cap" one of the best horses in
the county which was formerly
owned bv Jones A: Fitzgerald died
yesterday at Union. He was the
property at the time of his death
of Iv. W. Barnum A: Son.
The big show to-night takes place
at Sam Atwooils barn umler the
nispices of the kids. The admis
sion price is one cent, or an equiva
lent in trade. The entertainment
will be of a minstrel nature.
A stray bolt of lighting shattered
a tree near iioitnes nam on nie
dreet night before last, the report
of which was heard all over the city,
yet the boys sleeping in the barn f0
feet away were not wakening and
knew nothing of it until the next
The barbers of this city have
tackled the printers for a game of
baseball and you can bet your last
dollar they can be accommodated.
The game will be a dafsy. and the
day will be fixed for as early a date
as is convenient for all parties. The
"shavers" aint in it. as we will proe
later on.
A prominent grain merchant of
this city was introduced by a min
ister yesterday to his friends as a
"Mr. , a Hebrew clothing
merchant." Explanations hasiily
followed, but there still rankles in
the bosom of the corn king a lin
gering suspicion that somebody
was putting up a job on him. as he
couldn't see the resemblance.
It is reported that Paul Yandcr
voort and Judge Dwyer are having
quite a correspondence just now
what it will result in, is difficult to
prognosticate. We would not be
surprised however if the milly
Yandorvoort succeeded in getting
Dwyer into the independent party.
The Judge is painfully disgusted
over the Boyd veto of the peoples
measure, and may attempt to pun
ish the demorcatic party for not
openly disonwitig and comleming
the governor. We await the Judges
action in the premises with much tre
pidation. and shall endeavor to
keep our reatlers posted as to his
actions. (
i. Hiiinijly Celelr:iie-I ly All the
Schools of the City.
The legislature two years ago
made the LTJnd of April a legal holi-
day and named it Arbor Day, that it
might be utilized by all Nebraskaus
as a day to be especially devoted to
tree planting.
Our public schools have for some
years taken notice of the day and
added very materially to the beauty
of the school grounds in the city by
the planting of trees; but this year
the exercises were more elaborate.
At the high school the pupils at
Mrs. Halsey's, Miss Wilson's and
Miss Searles' rooms were taken to
the high school room where Pro
fessor Halsey's and Mrs. McClel
land's classes tinited with them in
rendering a very pleasant program.
The first number was a song enti
tled "Welcome to Arbor Day," by
the entire school; then prayer was
offered by Rev. A. B. Huckner. . An
interesting essay was then read on
"Necessity for Tree Planting," by
Myrtle Levinr" liich was followed
by an exceed pretty vocal duet
by Flora and jni.a Bibby. The de
bate came next, on the subject:
"Resolved, That Klin Trees are
Preferable to Oak and Maple for
Planting in the School Yard." Rob
ert Ballou championed the affirma
tive, while Kmory Huckner look
care of the negative side ui the pro
position; several of the scholars ex
pressed their views on the subject,
which made it of much interest.
Prof. Halsey favored the schools
with a violin solo. The sophomore
class of the high school enacted
some charades on the subject of
trees, and the entire school sang a
sonir entitled "the tree e are
Planting This Spring Day." The
school then adjourned to the cam
pus, where each room planted its
own tree except the high school;
there each of the four grades were
allowed to plant a tree. -
Mrs. Halsey's room marched out
to the grounds headed by the girls
carrying the banner with I. G. S,
(Plattsmouth Grasnnar School) em
blazoned on its silken folds.
the bovs followed, all wearing
wreaths. The class colors, laven
der. were liberally displayed. The
scholars gathered around the tire
Kim tree that had been provided
tor planting ami after singing ap
proprate songs the girls dug the pit
and all the scholars in the class by
turns look a hand in filling it up,
The wreaths were deposited at the
base of the tree and the class was
dismissed for the day, it being then
about 10 o'clock. The program in
each of the other room in central
building and at the ward schools
was much the same so that a detail
of the proceedings of the other
schools would be largely rep
etition of what we have given above.
Many visitor were present and
derived much pleasure from wii-
nessing the proceedings which were
novel and entertaining in an emi
nent degree.
To-day being a legal holiday the
banks and most of the public offices
have been closed.
An M. P. pile driver was shipped
in this morning and will be used
down at Theodore Buck's to build
an overhead crossing for him.
Mrs. K. S. Greusel and daughter
Carrie, and Miss Rose McCaulley.
will see and hear the National Ma
rine Band to-day at the metropolis.
Frank Otto of the iirm of Halt A;
Otto is the happy father of a nine
pound boy that arrived at his dom
icile last night. K very thing is
probably free at the meat market
For practical economy we refer I
you to a clothing firm in this city
where three agreeable gentlemen
wait upon customers and use but
one hat between them. Two of the
clerks sleep in the store so that
when the manager is out he knows
the lo s are in. The clerks only
get out on the street when the man
ager is in and gives up the partner
ship hat. It is a great scheme.
A Nice Entertainment
The regular meeting of the Young
Woman's Foreign Missionery Soci
will be held at the home of Miss
Margaret Davis Friday evening,
April 21. at 4; 1.1 p. in.. Tea served
from .l:MO to 7 o'clock, after which a
literary program on. the mission
work in Mexico and Central Ameri
ca will be given. All are cordially
invited to attend. U2t
lnte Arrival.
April IT-', 1W1.
Just received a fresh cargo of St.
Louis Bock Beer, which will lx." un
loading at McYey's all day (Thurs
day) to-morrow.
May rj to bs CelebrteJ by the Fire Boys
in This City.
The Fire Department met in the
council chamber last
gilt with
President Skinner in the chair and
Socrclary C. A. Miller at the desk.
A good large crowd was present
and much interest was manifested
in making the forth-coining anni
versary of the completion of the
water works a success.
It was May 5, ISS7. that the city
held its first celebration in honor
ofllir new water plant that had
been completed a few days before.
It was a great day for Plattsmouth,
and from that dale can be chroni
cled a new era in the progressi ve
history of this busy city.
It was the first great work in the
line of public improvements lobe
completed, and no one regrets to
day that our plant (which is the
best in the state outside of Omalia)
was finished and the aqua pura
turned into the ten miles of maines
that honeycomb the city in all di
rections. The lire companies at their meet
ing last night after a full discus
sion of the matter agreed upon the
following program:
Firemeiis' parade headed by the
B. & M. band at 1 p. in. and march
to grounds (Fitzgerald's Forty hav
ing been selected). After that there
will be a base ball game of five in
nings. Also an egg race; wheel
barrow race, foot race and sack
race for cash prizes. A committe
on general arrangements was ap
pointed by the president, consist
ing of Messrs. Walter Thomas, D. M.
Jones, Geo. Poisall, C. A. Miller,
Frank Morgan, Wm. Smitman,
Grossman, Buttery, Newell and
The committee on general ar
rangements will meet Thursday
evening at the council chamber to
appufnt sub-committees and make
further arrangements in detail for
the celebration.
In the evening a grand ball will
be given at Rockwood Hall, where
sociability will reign supreme and
a genuine good time will be had.
'We were not able to make our
appearance last week on account of
family matters but once more we
are pleased to be with you again; as
man is only sureof being married but
oncein his life, we therefore took
a vacation but we promise more
news in the future.
Our little city is booming new
sidewalks are an improvement to
our town, extending from north
Main street to the railroad. If we
had made this improvement a
month ago we would have been bet
ter oif; but we -ire thankful for that
Our new editor has made his ap
pearance among us and will soon
be ready start our new paper, "The
Murray Enterprise."' We are glad
to welcome him as one of our
number and may this movement be
for the upbuilding of our vicinity.
Win Loughridge is building an
improvement in the form of a front
portico to his residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt Root returned
from their Iowa trip last Thursday
They will commene housekepping
at once.
Our new paper has taken up its
abode in the school house for the
present but a iiew "sanctum" will
be in progress in the near future.
Jas Walker ij contemplating re
modeling over his house and make
some improvement this spring.
Mrs. Martha Faught, from Phillip
Nebraska is visiting her parents,
Mr. James Root's family the past
A good many of our people have
made garden and begun spring
work in earnest.
Rev. K. B. Graham of Omaha, will
preach here the coming S'abbath.
II. G. Todd has been making some
improvements on his yard. He
planted over one thousaaml ever
green trees and they look beautiful
In a few years they will make quiie
a grove.
Elmer McConnhey has left for the
Western Normal College at Shenan
doah. Iowa, to ?Ueml school this
coming year.
Mr. B. Berger has moved hi.
ilv into his new house.
Wan'TKK Three or four girls to
learn the dressmaking trade at Mrs.
Owens, third doors west of the Ho
tel Riley. 3t
We are showing a beautiful line
ami the latest novelties in rogue at
prices from Jjy.aOto $10.00.
F'ull Line of
312 inch Zepher Gighams.
Breton Zypher Gighams
A F C Gigham.
Domestic Gighams.
Henrietta Sateens.
Fgyptian Printed Cotton
Silk Striped Madras Cheviots
Fancy printed Chambrays.
Beautiful line of Solid
Striped, Brocaded and l'olka
rajiid tellers.
One Door East of the
The Insurance Agency conducted by myself, for the last 20 years
The last live years under the firm name of II. E. Palmer & Son. has been
sold to Mr. Thos. Pollock, whose character and reputation in this com
munity are a sufficient guarantee that your interests will continue to be
honestly and faithfully cared for. Mr. Pollock will devote his tune and at
tention to the business and with such stalwart companies as theHome of
New York, Insurance Company of North America, Springfield F. A; M.of
Massachusetts. Fire Association of Philadelphia, Liverpool, London and
fiii'... vwiii Urittish. Mercantile and others in the agency, will be able
to attend to all business entrusted to him to your entire saticfactioti.
I shall continue to watch with interest the destinies of the agency and
will take pleasure in doing what I can to promote its growth and pros-
perity. r-j-.Q jF 03L.XD CUSTOMERS
Those with whom I have done business for o many years I wish to re
turn my sincere thanks. We have paid back to you more than .f.0,(Xl in
demnity for losses incurred with no contests, no higgiing, no biw suits
in twenty years business. I bespeak for my successor your continued pat
ronage. Very truly yours, H. E. PALMER.
Oflice next door north of County Treasurers office.
Haviii"-purchased Capt Palmers Insurance Agency and opened a Real
Estatelmd Insurance Office as above I am prepared to give prompt and
careful attention to all business in either department entrusted to me.
Special attention will be given to abstract and Notary- work.
1 I'lTOS POliLiO(Zl
First National
Paid up capital
Surplus fl.oo
. lll.OOO.Oli
Jtlers the very bet-t facilities for the promp
traneacti'in of Ultimate
liankiiii? .Business
Stock, bonds, gold. goveTonieiit and local pe
juritien bought and sold. Deposits received
nd interest allowed on Hie certillcatet
Drafts drawn, available in auy part of the
United States and all the principal town of
TEI. Highest market puce paid for County War
rants, State aim County bonus.
John Fitzi;urald Ii. Ilawfeeworth
Sam Waugh. K. E. WbUe
iieorge E. Duvey
ohn Fitzgerald, 5. Waujrh.
PreMdeut Ca'it ttr
I am now prepared to deliver ice
to any part of the citv. Telephone 12.
tf ' H. C. McMAKKX.
Agents Wanted
Apply at the
Henry Ba eck's.
Singer ag(yicy
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit
al izer is guaranteed to cure you. 2
For KENT: House with six rooms.
Good location. Enquire at IIekald
office. 3t
I I t-
iwu uti i uu rin
We carry a complete line of Gor
don's Fast Dy e Hosiery for ladies
and childrens wear Guaranteed
absolutely stainless
A good ladies ribbed vest at 10c
F'ast black ribbed vests at 3.1c
Black lisle Thread vests at 4.1c
Silk Mixed vests at 7.1c
Full Line of Childrens underwear
Our line of black and white F'loun
cings exceed anything erer before
shown by us at pricrw an low as lut
Black Ilenrietti Sateens in
Dott effects, entirely new and
Fitst Wational Dank
jBaako t Ca s s Co tiaty
I Cor Main and Fifth street.
i up capital...
3 ir'iju-
zi 000 '
0. II. I'arne.e
Krea iorder
J. M. Patterson
T. M. Patterson,
V ice President
Aest Cashier
J. Jt. Pannele, J. M. Patterson, Fred Gorder,
A, li. smith. It. li. Windham, li. S.P.anifey arjd
r. M . Patterson
Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time
iepositi and prompt aitentioiitfiveu to all bus
aess entrusted to its care.
Drives the the liearee is not in it
And for that matter, neither is the
Singer Sewing Machine Company.
Over 9,000,(Aio Singers have been
sold in the United States which
means that we have over O.OuO.CKNj wit
nesses to the fact that the SINGER
is the best machine made. All the
newest improvements have been
added which truly make the Singer
The Cjueen of all her Realm. T '
Machines sold on the most favoraA
Ole terms Uy the department mana?
at his hcaduuarters in Hetirv- TirxjC
I - . '
riiiniiuic hiurc or uy ir. AUicrton,
iocai agent.