1 v l thousands of workmen in nil HARDWARE t lUllOlllUUlll lUll" liwum irta of the country in lh oarly fittire. lie si'titiH rcsolvnl to try the liasanl aain next yar. WVll, HO let it !, and ltt tlie imj1- h-il' aain; for, with a fair itiirtilal ion of the isu ili- iii.iv saf.-ly ! ! i('M(lc(! iijioii t o em ; .1 i.i - !.'. tii- ver dict of '.SS and sustain tin- Am.-riean industrial policy. Isi.-li Vo:!d. f RAND PALACE HOTEL, V 81 l. lO't Nl tli !.!.( !!! K NOTTS BROS, Publishers I W HiiNDEE & CO (S n - r t' I". V. Muhevw.) ,- A!n:V A CMI'LETh LINK OF l"ul!i l .vi IhiTsihiy, hiiiI daily every eveulcn exi-ept Sunday. K !:.! if i.i.- ll:itMtii.'i:!i. Neti. p-st-o:!l:i"'Mr ti .niHi'ii- 'i liirnii;lit!i" I! V?S. mailt t -r!iti ! is- !.t!-. !t!i-e Curlier kic :il:d flflli Mrwl!. Ti-'''!","- .W. r' L .. II fc.it n , : te' V t Jail V V W i -1 W0 1 Ki: Ms i- .k :v OKI , :n i'ir, : . m i:- : : v ! ' . , I, .i. .. .1 ' .:!lf : 1 1 r ;. P i i::: i 1 i . '. i i ' I : IUiTI! I'f.A .VN 'hi,. l' I I!'..'; :. i. ...- ; : . i, ' rut (() , I ' .itt'il. AW now 5 1 t . . 1 1 . . , , i ii i ( ; i i . i , ; ; i i .i.ii i i 'i I 1.. .. . .... . ' .i'i.I l-i.lii iVM . . xvrr-r .... . - ,i:ivc i- m ;i: :i ? : t i w.-in- W t -;. c! I'ni ! Count v !cai n .iii" J ; - -: I - ,5 i i ! : i u" I H.':rdv..i C'-Jn .s I choaijcr Kr e.ish th:.n .m Lime ;.n:i wj ;:-e l.lio people tin-it propose a do it J. W. HEN DEE & CO. I. PEARLMAN'S .;ui:.vr m dk!:n HOUSE FUSKiSHiNG EMPORIUM. UndiM WaltM-inairs Opra IIouso n buy of hnn c!i. .; f. r -.it ih -r i-:in f.-.-urf what ymi need to furnish a eottai-e oija iii:ui.;..:i ,n t !ie 1 NS 1" A IJ..M H T 1'1-AN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINGS. Aircit i : tie.- l '.i-ruietl White Sewing Machine. ' he l.trsent au-i t.u-- . -..-i-.-ct frm in diss (.'ouhty. Call anil see nit- Oix-ra House I. PEARLMAK. TheBest is tlie Cheapest Th.t is Wliv IV I : : : V-r H v..: .,i . x.i.-tav th- i.st suc::.--sfnl Arilt1r.il in.V.' , at .; .1 ,v ia .5..- -.aiaty -h-vl-d !;e f' lon-snu "'I'l'- mcu:. vvl-.H-h he 'e T'." :iir-1 n -:.;: I W A Ijr LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELE3 CUL-TI V A tor, wh'ch is Absolutely the bestriding Cultivator manufactured. VEIRS AND BRADLEYSTALKCUTTER. DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND H worth Checkrowers and Planters ila'lieK the finestot Iiugtji, I'hatoiis, Cart-. Spring Wagons, :tnd Carriages ami other vehiclei? that are in anu factum!. ic-1 You r c YES! The large.-: line in Car? County, ol double and single harness at prices so low that it will -ay you to come i0 miles and in.-pect stock lefre purchasing ehewhere. DAVID MILLEU an experienced worJcmJ" has charge ot our harness shop. CLZDDE1T BARS WIRE W the One Hundred pounds, or ;ar load Fred Gorder, Plattsmouth and Weeping Water w THE POSITIVE CURE. .-a;. ! louml in ip' i'f tli- p.iMif to call and 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 ' . i I iHl'itU- I ' :U- :r!'.ll. m ...v.i ."i!-. 1 iXi l-jqiniGSS? 1 )::' c..;.v p -i a I l .1 Hi- v. : , ! I'-ii a . ,;; (! II'!;. ' S ;-. J 1 ; i " ; . i- :;!i-! ; ! I i 1 1 h i i ; : 1 1 i .i 1 ie ! .i i r cr. '.:i'.-f ii. Ii is iii c .. ii 1 1 l i i lea i i r. of th t ej rim- lo ; ; ! a n 1 li i lie; lli. il is ;: u ;i i n s ! I L: i m .-. ;i 1 1 lt,'.: !' hi!-- ii--ii.;ru-d tin- j,,.iliiii of genera 1 laud eommis-sioia-r, an otfiiv with a sahiry ai I : i : i l ' ! of !..") I I ;f.- car. o:: the the ory thai he is i v.(n!."ii. J; i aid lh' Xi l.r. !.-!-;! deiiL'.al ion has unanimously uried '.he ;ipiint ii H ii! of J,i;-v (!il of the supreme court to till the vacant y. Judee ( 'oi ! is to o id ;i ic.a u v. l: .-re lie is and as heis nearly i iveiity e.i '-solder than (ho!-, a posiiioii that was too onerous lor hiui would certainly he a little heavy lor j uilr t'ohh. Till-; lollowine from the Lincoln Herald, a democratic ,-heet of the most still wart tlescri pi ion. shows how horn st democrats view the Thayer Hoyd contest. Mr. CaNuniu does not say that Hoyd is a citizen and must he seated, on the contrary he intimates that Mr. Hoytl may have u vacate on what is called a technicality. The Herald says: "The an-wcr of James K. lioyd in the pio warranto ca.-i is ahsoiuieiy unique in the hi story of American political juris prudence, in :1s candid and hon:-s. simplicity and 1 ired lies.- a.nd com-i-le! i,.e--s it is democia! :c ! !i:e c.ee. lie slates the v: ! lol e case f U ' 1 ;. and unreserved!; and is content to rest upon ihe fiiidiuii-1 of the eourt. i i . a - i i y iu.u,' i i . e! - : ! au ei i;,-- i!.!e ,i'; '.-ii. he : ! a I;..! i'-nth a:ii ...!ii:i- i.ut the iinili. i'lse c. :..: "i-iv hi.!'! ;h-:. ,;e :s no: -ii e'-. ;".'! !' h:'.-. I".:' in e t ; p: I i I '. r ':';-! he :.l! ! !'.' ,-rve t!:a:i !' ;.- in 'out ti"; a r-"U iii'i . t s lioyd car.- h::e i iehcv.'; t!:at ;.o. iv.ade i i pere -e ; ca -. tlie i l.iv.-i' : heard. I ! is ;or Ho;, o lil- id .-:.ii!e- to d;i a li-.iedecd ei; n. !'!;:tls- i!in'.:i!i J . n : i'i a !. Tlse nerve of our tleinocratic con temporary is suhlime. 1 he i:ict that Jaim-K K. JSojd admits the ip.i.difieatious of citizenship as laid down hy the constitution were dis regarded, and that he has taken out the necessary papers to make him self si citizen since the election, in the face of the constitution which says he must he a citizen lor two years hefore he is clijfihle to hold the oflicc of governor, would make it appear to a reasonable man that James K. lioyd was not qualified for the hi-h office to which he as pires. Ami the arguments which our neighbor so flippantly talks about, only settles the fact beyond controversy that Mr. Boyd cannot become the de jure overner of Ne braska until two years from last December when he took out his pa pers. CLEVELAND EATS FROM A HOME MADE TIN-PLATE. A bampiet was held on Thursday of last week in Chattanooga, Ten nessee, to celebrate a -reat indus trial achievement, the first manu facture of basic steel from southern steel at the new sleel mill of the Southern Iron Company of that city. Amon the distinguished quests who accepted the invitation were Grover Cleveland. Abrain S. Hewitt, and other leaders of the free trade school, as well as a num ber of Protectionists. A happy feature of the banquet was the servinij' of one course on tin-plates manufactured in the new tin-plate mill established at St. I.ouis since the passage of the new tariff law. Mr. Cleveland, as he plied his knife and fork to the viands heaped on his home-made tin-plate, must have had some inner qualms of con science as he reflected that had he been successful in the campaign of there would be no tin-plates of any description manufactured in this country. Ami they constitute only only one of many industries which have received a new impetus under the policy f the present ad ministration atid have opened up the prospect of employment to tens ( I!' Ill' " r-. I r n ' ? f- ' Tin- pieitci i !': i t ie - v . (,'nriv :t fti'u -tei lv ' I i i.i mcri lieii'l i" wliii Ii I It y I i vi i v (1"S-. Ilielnst ;:iic h : :tll kinds el f.ina p-iuh.ci. ! ' i-rons t re. 1 1 m .': t i I I i ir I":;! ii '' ir- t !i - i- . t I ! .-.:-ri-s CSI A: ( V Mui'mv Nch. 1)1!. HUKNDKh h tir.iftliinj,- ajt liis in-w hiul(Hi:i wliicl will he occupied v.itli a fiil cluse st nek f UG B -'"Your Pittioniiec is i onh illy S ! c-i t - t':i:iir"t hocume lieddiy t'liiil -iaie.ly l tlie ni"!"1' si i.f dt i'tl:. ir3 W I INT K tt, Jr$- X .'S I liv.'.' i' Ik t T ! -" 1 : IS 1 1 ' III It i .)(.!' V i : i . i 1. pu'.'.ie hivh'i. !!; -'; .:'! 4 k, -2,.--. :.,.' '. e"v .. . iiue and POULTRY REMEDY Tiie oi.ly reli ihle uicdieine tor swine. L'sf tl huecessf ully for fuurtemi curs Prevents eiseaso. Arrests Disease, slops Cough, Hastens Maturity. Destroys Worms, Increases Hie Flesn. For sale hy F. C. Fncke & Cu l'iiittsnioutk Neh. fuicKi; i'Ah .Mm. 12."'. l.y. I 5Jj p.;r ptr.ki :. Tile larcs jro tb clew !. Write ror tcstim tnial 'Kosfloscy,' t t54 -paii pamphlet on pvine will he :n;iile l for a 2-eent stamps Orders hy mail receive prompt attention. JOS. HAAS fn.l:?inap)li UP "' TV PIANOS (nf) I45. OK nr,i 1 l l eAX- .vv damel f. BEATTV. WHsliiiacton, F.J. (;l',TH make I M Her oent net on tut Corsets. Beits. Bi lehett. Curlers, and meil iciues Sample jn e. Wriie now. Or. liridg man, 371 Broadway N. Y. rr HrW An ! HK4D OIKS CUKEII l.y IJH 111" 1'eckM INVISlrtLK Tubular ear 'UMliion Wlnnpeie l-ranl -in forfaMe, uec!t-ful rhere all renu-rties luil. S')W by F.HI COX.onlv. S.'.l Broadway New Ymk. Write for book of proofs FBKK. BOILING WATER OR MILK E PPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. OOCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CImoi mad bttutifie the hair. Pruu.ut- a Iux'int pri.wth. NeTcr Fail to Beator Oray Hair to it Touthful Color. Cure o.p dir? ft hair tnU;iuf. l v Parker's Oincr Xonio. It currs Lr: wor.t C'nfh, Vk Lun?a. rvbiiitr. Ind. tion, J'-n. Tke in timc.ivctt. HINDERCORNS. Thf onhreremrtrorComi. bsopa tu f-'.a. lie At Diir.t, or IHjcOX It CO., 2t. V. t? CHICHESTER'S Et.GUSH. RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND A rEUHNROiriiS . . r . . . .ur. r. r h 1 1 1 M r T. mI w Hff.. Hmr. mad rtUtbtt Pl.l Tor V.Z' f'CS LaJIra. -c rr.icjil fur i.ic"iw If T&r l.0O IaMii.i .j.r-aw. iia k .11 Ll LtrmuttU. "7 N N !t,- W. D- JOKES. I H 1JL irri;iirrs Tor iM ;:siiii ;HmI Short lsrivo- Ahvii.x s u-. -It I Vi Hie 1-7 17tjlCF'S c G.9. WILL K K E I COXSTAlS'iyy ON II AND A Full iiial Compute line of Brugs, Medicines, Paints, and' Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS sMvs-Tipl huis C'san'S'nll.v Compounded .i nil Hours i ft s,hi:t-. . j yi :i i. LlJJb 2? . I 8 'Jk W I 'nn supply everw rlemnnil ot tlx: city, ('all and et terms. Ftmrtli street in rear of opera iiau-". ' HKNRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND LI' SjT . 4'- UNDERTAKR. t'onstautly keeps on hand Jeverythinjj you need to fnrnihh your houee. GOBNER SIXTH ANI MAIN STKKET Plattsmout - Neb MIKE S II N E L L H A CK E It. Wiioti ami B:ackini;li .!n'f Vaijon, Bugy, Machine and plow Repairing done ITOI13ESHOENG A SPECIALTY He a.3 tlie NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the beat horwhoe for the tariner, or for fast driving, or for city parpoe8 ever invented. It is bo mde that anyone cl.i pnt op sharp or flat ! corks, as needed for wet and slippery days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at bis shop and examine the 'evermp md you vvill use no other. J. M. SHNEJ.LBACKEK. jt2 North Fifth 8t. Plattamouth nU DmoA a flat n4 n.tiiie J. w.. l-i,Ti i"i,, 7 i.Vi i l"llLUJtU UI. l i. CMir.HrtTm Chcuical Co.. Mi HI jii n k h w' J-W . . ltt Id Propneloi. FINKST RIGS IN X':."H3 CIT Y' I'iatLr liioitt'u, Is eliiufck mi M larKel i S' -'i t . I'i.;.,n :;!:!;, ftrmi:rly 1 1 M .i.i stun t. "; 'JVp,. tiling V. , A to i'a,.l ri.: n!i e' , t d,f I'-ilioii 1'0"- ot til.- i'.iU;... t UK Cilo.'CLST STKAKn, KXCKhLKN'i liOAS'IV, Tin-: swi-;i-;tj-:st cltts, i- LN'i-j.sr cuiiuo mkath, ' A M K. MSP A N!' OTHK't DKI.ICACIKS IN SKASO.N. Hy fair and huReut deaiinc: I expect to J merit a share of the trade. j l'Jl-lra. J. R. VALLKRY. Prop 1ULIUS PEPPERRERG. MANCFACTURHK OF ANB WHOLESALE & RETAIL OEALEK IN THI Thoicest Brands of Cigars, including our fctor it j-j.'- nid 'Qui FULL LINK OP TOBACCO AND SMOKEIW AUTICLK a:wafg in Block. Nov. 26. 1885. , P. J. HANSEN STAPLE AND FANCY GIlOCElilES, GLAS8 AND QUKKNSWAKE Floor mil. m i Speclaltj .1 tke Pnb: Solicited. 'JOHNSON BUILD Hirtl.igthH? ' J I d &BUTSBRS. M Warrv BU Vew Tone PnoesvttaJ