ft - " ; iiss' r . -l 1 . 11 TT o -ti Herald 1LATTSM()IJTH. X K HitASlv A M()M)A K VKNI N(J. M A KOI I 1(5. 1S9J NUMBER 158 11 . Lin jiauy ,-f.V-!. , ''kUM- V -.II kmi . ; :-v-, - 1 I nil ii" T ' "tt- I' n' aU b ' -Scr! i& Gov't Report, Avr. 7. : V--. ABSCltti: V St. Patrick's Day To-morrow is St. Patrick's Day. A day that is always celebrated by the Hons of the reen isle. The An cient Order of Hibernians of this city will join the delegations from all over the state at Lincoln to-morrow, and eeh-brate St. Patrick's na tal day in a manner befitting its importance. The 11. & M. band will jyo tip with the boys and discourse Uheir best music. Arrangements have been iua- with the 15. V M. to brinf the Plattsmotith people home from Omaha whtre they will be brought by a special i-yain vliich will nt)t have Lincoln nnVil after 10 o'clock to-morrovv evenini-. This arrangement of trains wi''" irinit Plattsmonth jaojjle to puTin ! l:i3" at Lincoln and return t',' iie day after the clo.-e of all t .er cises. Mike Whelan wilIe .in charge of llu- (.'ass county tlelejja tions in (lie parade, liesides the A. O. II. many ciliens will l;o up and take part in the test i i ies. T;.r Fiur. Ilavini; puivii.ied of Mr !ianett the new his entire su-ci. .'.'(Oil linn of C'alle A. ii r, from Mau nin.LT. Iowa, wii! lake take possession of the "l-air" on April 1st. These prntleineii are men of means and we are informed they will double the tck now carrie 1 a (his well known store. The IIi:kvi.i heartily' wel comes the new linn to our business circles, and trusts that Mr. Harrett, who hii made many friends in the city by his ientleuianly demeanor and iriial manner may find some- tiling here to his liking that we may not have to mention his removal from among1 us. Appla Trees. I will have for sale at John Y. Stone's fruit farm, one mile west of Glenwood, Iowa, in time for plant ing this spring, a large stock of ap ple trees of the varieties tested by experience in this climate and prov ed to be valuable in South-western Iowa and South-eastern Nebraska. These trees were grown in Mills county. Iowa, and in Missouri and from this stock Mr. Stone will plant heavily this spring, and most of them were grown in the nurseries from which he has planted largely during the last six years. This farm is six miles east of Platts , mouth. K.C.White, w'Jt Glenwood, Iowa, Hair Work. Of all kinds to or4et Hair chains, pins, rinss. Crapes, etc., a specialty. Orders left at Dovey's store or Meudaracs Wise & Root, wiil be promptly attended to, or postal card to Mitf. A.Ksk?, Ha!r-drr!wcr. Circular. The following stations will be closed on the dates given: Stamford on Western Division. March 11. lv.l. Tnrr on Western Division, March 11. 1S1. Funk on Western Division, March 12. ISO'.. Kamvia on Western Division, March. l-MS'.tl. Derby on Western Division. March 13. 1S:)1. Denver I'nion Stock Yards on Western Divison. March 13. lvl. Reno on Northern Division, March 13, 1S'.)1. Siding No. (ion Northern Division, March 13, 1S.)1. G. W. Holiireimju, 4 General Manager. A. 'Splen-iicl Entertainment. Weei-ixg Watek, Neij. I listened to Prof. Cro-thwait wiih much pleasure and delight. The program rendered was varied and each number seemed better than the preceding one. The professor is more than an ordinary elocutionist. Wm. KkWNKI.IX. " Gen l. Secy y. Y. M. C. A. At the M. K. church on the evening of March 17. Admission 'Si c.mts. rti Nerveand Llvor Killa Act on a new principle--ru;ul:riis the liver, 3torucri aad i hi well1 throui. the serve. A new diarovtry. Dr. Mil" Pills (-cltly cure bilamem s, N--d tn.stt-. torpi.-l lircr, pi!', count rstion. Un q ailed for men, womi'B, childrm. Samllent, Diildnt. Fnrt! 50 .l.ww, Jc. mpU free !t F. G. Fricke A CuV JOE must raise a large amount of money by April 1st. If yon need 1,1,'tliitifv 1,1 lou litif mi zmri see him; he will sell it to you at your ' own figures. JZIX PURE i 1 I'KliSoNAL. ":John L. Minor is epiite sick with pneumonia. Charles S. Dawson was a Chicago visitor Saturday. C. A. Miller mended his way to the metroplis this morning. Mrs. Wash Smith and daughter are seeing friends in Omaha today. Jos. MeCulley and a M r. Stoneking departed this morning for Cali fornia. Will Hayes, we are sorry to state, is still quite sick with something like pneumonia. I,. G. Kuotts o? Council I Huffs was in the city yesterday, the guest of liis brother. A. 15. .' Mrs.Joe Droega leaves tonight fr a six months visit with relatives and friends in Germany. Hon. W. 15. Shrvock is seeing his friends here today. sis the legislature does not cnei;e until tomorrow. John Leeeli and family are no longer residents of Plattsmonth having moved westward Saturday ?-Iiss Currior of Chicago has been the guer-t of Miss Pert a ilycrs. for past few day departed this morn ing for Kansas City. Mrs. S. L. Wood, wife of Elder Wood, died at their home yesterday at Hi o'clock. An extended obituary notice will appear later. The democratic primaries will be held Wednesday night. Dr. Thede Livingston started Sat urday for Chicago, where he ex pects to take a course of lectures in medicine. He will be gone three months. Mrs. Davis, mother of S. A. Davis, while visiting at Weeping Water fell and broke a wrist bone. Mr. Davis went over to Weeping Water Saturday evening and found his mother resting as comfortably as could be expected. S. K. Dutton started this morning for Colorado Springs where he hopes to rest up and growf.it. Close attention to business here has al most destroyed his health and the IlEKALl is glad to know that he takes a rest before it is too late, The I'atti Rosa entertainment at the opera house Saturday night was one of the best of the season. The star l. not only a line actress but her support was all above medioc rity. Onlyr a small audience was present to enjoy the entertainment. The funeral services of Mrs. S. L. Wood, wife of Kev. J. M. Wood, will take place on Wednesday, March IS, at 10 o'clock, at the Baptist church, in South Park. Key. J. J. Keeler, of Central City, Neb., will conduct the services. Dr. C. A. Marshall came home Saturday, having completed his course ami graduated with honors at the Iowa State Denial College, one of the most thorough institu tions in the country. Dr. Marshall will now resume the practice of hii profession, and may herca f ler be found at his old office iti the Fitz gerald liiock. Fourth Wnni Hepuljtican. Republicans of the Fourth ward are requested to meet at the ofiice of Brown .'c Ballon tomorrow, even ing 7:30 c-harp, io nominate .a Can didate for city council and also elect delegates to city convention thai meets same evening. By order of Committee. How to Succeed. This is the great problem of life which Jew satisfactorily- solve. Some fail because of ill health, oth ers want of luck, but the majority from insuhicicnt grit want ofjuerve. Theyare nervous, irresolute, change able, easily get the blues and "take the spirits down to keep the spirits up." thus wasting money, lime, op portunity and nerve force. There is nothing like the Restorative Ner vine, discovered by the great spe cialist," Dr. Miles, to cure all nervous disease, as headache, the blues, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, fits and hysteria. Tnul bottles ami line book oi testimonial tree at K. C FrickeJk Co.'. We MuslSubmil! "It is useless to strive against fate any longer. We have faced the ene my and have been vanquished. Our doom is sealed and as well succumb to th we might inevitable as to further hope for justice at the hands of men who care not for hon or nor integrity, l-'rom all indica tions the county seat of Casscounty will remain in Plattsmonth for all time to come. No power emanating j recommended for central commit from the throne of justice will ever J tcuian. give the people of Cass county 1 heir just reward so long as that class manipulate the wires behind the throne. We might as well attempt to dam up the rushing waters of the Missouri river as to hope for jus tice from such a source. An injunction was served on the commissioners to prevent them from destroying the old court house but the court asked that Sl'AI.OOO he given as a bond to guarantee costs in case the plaintilf lost the case. As the courts are submissive to Plattsmouth's wiil il was useless to proceed farther, so the injunction was withdra wn i y order of t he court. This ends it. We can hope for jus tice no more in this matter. The new court house will be built in Plattsmonth and there is no pre ventative. There is one- con sola t ion, however, in the fact that the coun ty 's I ooks a nd private papers will be safely kept from the appending danger t iia t t hey are subjected loin the oid rookery that has a court house so long. -ervc d f or Yes. there i- another bit of coiisolat ion. too, and that is the hopes of getting- a whack at the present county com missioners in another political as piration for ofiice. Remember them voters." Ivlmwood Keho. Tiie .fhio.UiO bond that was de manded, is only in the imagination of Brother Mayiield. as the case had not got to a point where a bond for anything was required by the court. Hovvaru Zink. Howard Zink resided and taught school for many years in this coun ty; he studied law and was admitted to the bar in this city. He removed to Neligh and did well until he be gan to drink to excess, and since that time only misfortune has at tended him. ife moved to Lincoln about a year ago. and the following, from the Lincoln Call, gives an ac count of his latest dif.iculty: "II. W. Zink, until recently an at torney having an ofiice in the Burr block, was arrested this morningby a deputy sheriff at the instance of M.M.Morrill, an attorney ofjjNauvoo, 111., who arrived in the city last evening to look after the interests of a client, a widow living at Nau voo. It is said that the widow sent to Zink a mortgage for settlement. which netted Sa39. Zink secured the settlement, and placed the money to his credit in the German Nation al bank. He then wrote the widow he had the money and directed lier to send him a release of the mort gage. The release was forwarded r.nd the widow drew on the bank for the money, but Zink had drawn it out, together with gome private funds. She immediately consulted Mr. Morrill, her attorney, who came to investigate. He called upon Mr. Zink, but that individual would not produce the collateral, and he is now in custody pending a hearing and air effort to settle the dii'.i culty." k'oadir.nster Chi' k of the Misson i Pacitic was at the Delio;:.- last night. He say s work on the ):naha-l "nion cut-off will begin as soon as the frost is on! of the gron.iitl. The bridges and grading are finished and all thai is necessary is to lay the ties and rails. A large portion of the track is already in plac.. ami it will only take about thirty days to complete the work. When the cut off is finished the time 'between Omaha, Kansas Gity and St. Louis will be reduced ahout two hours. Trains will probably be running by June 1. Omaha Pee. The usual treatment of catarrh is very unsatisfactory, as thousands of despairing patients can testify. A trustworthy medical writer say s: 'Proper local treatment is posi tively necessary to success, but most of the remedies in gener.nl use by physicians afford but temporary benefit. A cure cannot be expeated from snuffs, powders, douches and washes." Kly's Cream Balm is a remedy which combines the impor tant requisites of quick action, spe cific curative power with perfect safety and pleasantness to the pa tient. JOK, the One Price Clothier; will continue to sell you at and below cost until April 1st, as JOK is very much in need of money. tf i l i : i .'. Dr. Salsbury presided at t! e First ward republican caucus Satur day evening. C. S. Polk was secre tary. George Ilouseworth was chosen by acclamation unanimous ly lor councilman. The dclegauH to the city covention wi re J. I. I'n ruh, M. D. Polk. Chet Smith. Myron Clark. Henry Mau.y, J. A. Daies, and j. I. I'niuh w.is In the Second ward D. K. Barr presided and M. N. Griffith, was Secretary. D. K. Barr was unani mously selected as nominee for the city council. L. I). Bennett was re commended for the school Hoard and P. D. Pates was recommended for central committee. Delegates to city convention are M. N. Grif fith. J. F. Ilinshaw, Fred Howiaud R. B. Windham I). K. Barr.and P. D Bates J. . Johnson, Robt. Donneiy, Frank Johnson. In the Third ward M. B. Murphy was nominated for councilman and thirteen delegates w ere select, d lor the city convention. Win. Hayes was recommended for member of the school board. The Fourth ward held r:o ca::eus. At the l-ii;Ii ward Harry Coolidge presided and A.J. Gr.:es was :c- reiary. Mr. 10. K. Hilton and Beals were nominated for ti "I city i council, and A. J. Graves was recom mended for sciaxil bo egates were selected ' vention. ard. 1 - ivede! - o the city con - y Star Cour-.e Concert. Music Hail was almost entirely filled with people last evening-, to hear the Swedish ladies sing. It was an extremely interesting and enjoyable concert. The Swedish la dies are apparently quite young girls, with very pleasant, fresh, clear voices, combining among the double quartette an immense range of tone. They are modest and unassuming in their manners, singing with phe nomenal sweetness, smoothness, and precision, and with a power of modulation that is very wonderful Their numbers were nearly all in their native tongue, that sounded very sweet to the ear. They ap peared in various native costumes, which were very charming. rich and unique. The audience was very en thusiastic, encoring every number once, and some twice, to which the singers responded very amiably. Plain Dealer, Cleveland, O. They will appear at the Waterman next Friday night, March 120. Re served seat tickets go on sale to morrow morning. Price, 7."c. Republican City Convention. The republican city convention will meet in Rock wood Hall to-mor row (J uesdav) evening at 8 o'clock, i Base Bolt Meeting. Those interested in organizing a base hall team will meet in the council chamber tomorrow (Tues day) evening. lOK. the One Price Clothier, takes I great pleasure to inform his friends and patrons tnat lie Has Oouglil out the interest of Mr. Wm Fishei' and will continue the business as before at the old place opera house corner. tf Dr. Marshall Has returned from Iowa City and will be found at his office in the T-if y.gerald block, where lie is pre pared to do all kinds cf dental work. The Indies of the M. K. church have secured Prof. L. P. Crosthwait, ! the celebrated elocutionist, to give j an etdertaininenl at the church Tucsdav even i in;. March lth Tickets"l!a cents. "On sale at Wild man & Fuller's. tf i Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore exist- . ! .., , i - i!i-between the umlersignea is this uay, uie ntnoay oj .-I.,.-.... eo.tivelycure8 or Q pay rtquiTl.A by mutual consent. All debts due It is gusrantej to -ve Bdtis faction, or Joe Klein, the Clothier, must be paid money refunded. Price 2o c-nts per box. to Joe Klein, who assumes all in- j For sale bj F. O. Frieke & Co. debtedness of said firm. tf , JOI klf;in, Fisher. Wm. Eupepsy This is what you ought to have, in fact, von must Iiave it. to fully en- i joy life. Thousands are searching tor it oaity. ana mourning oecause they find 'it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent an nually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Flectric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon dispepsia and install instead eupep sy. We recommend Klectric Bitters for dyspepsia and all diseases of liver, stomach and kidneye. Sold at 50c. and $l.10 per bottle by F. G. Fricke & Co.'b drug store. HI il 9 D CLEARANCE SALE LADIES AND CHILDRENS CLOAKS, U:;D8WfeB AiO HOSIERY BLANKETS COMFORTABLES WHICH I i EG I M S TO D A Y i ; r tt r . j yy E HAVE cut thopri ties in need of anything save money by calling. -JUST OPElvJED Our new line of embroideries, the handsom est andlargest line ever shown by us. F. HERRMANN l nisr door i:sr fh:nt NATION A I. KANK- HAVELOCK YOU - GOING - TO - BUILD - THERE? IP SO AEE Remember that R. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of LUMBER AND ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL HAVELOCK And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Things R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. i j A) the ,atest styles of wall paper ; founu at Wildman Achullers Wildman & Fuller carry the larg est and finest assortment of wall pa per in Cass county. Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking ami milletierv a specialty. Rooms over Harold's store tf. When you are in Imcolti. call on j W. C. Aus.in &t'o,in McHride block ' corner off twelvth and P Street for i Havelock and University property. Phiiio Krause ! Is recognized as the leading gro : cer of the city. He keeps glassware, ! oueensware. all kinds of tfroceries and table delicacies. dtf Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Sai.vk in the world for Cut j Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhtuia. Fever ! Sures. Tetter, Chapped Hands, L'uilbi.iins. i . . THE MAN WHO .Drives the the Ilearse is not in it And for that matter, neither is the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Over 9,000,0U Singers have been sold in the United States which means that we have over 9,000,000 wit nesses to the fact that the SINGFIR is the best machine made. All the newest improvements have been added which truly make the Singer The Oueen of all her Realm. Machines gold on the most favora ble terms by the department, rnana- RtT MR. D. P. CRONIX, at his headquarters in Henry Backs Furniture store or by Mr. Atherton, local agent. OF: ices deep, and par in the above lines will I'LATTSJIOUTII. M:H. Soeiniclisen ScM Th ahlnj,'ton Avenue GROCERS -AN II- Provision Merchants.. Hos'l'iuart'-rs tor FLOUR AND FliKl), We. pay no rent anil H--11 for" CA.SU. You doa't piiy any bills for dead heals when you buy of tiis firm. The Hand. btt-t SOFT COAL nlwavt on DONT FORGET A r I RE 5 00:E2SnEjR,S 5 Opposite Kicbey Brn L, umber nffle JAWSQN & PEARCE Carry Full L.in? r FINE if I LLEAJSJl T AND CUIL DUE NX CLOTHING. ALbO FRFSH CCT FLOWE1M BOOM S. JS.LKT BixK.'X. rUTTMUtlk Do Not Forget The night school at South Park school house on Monday, Tuesday. Thursday and Friday nights each week. The common branches taught bv d3t t). T. Wooix I . j. .r .