The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 14, 1891, Image 4

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Tiie Flaltsffloulh Herald.
lr. I. ll.i.i,r) lite , lit- -trlu. rltflil t 11-
lr. M-ll. IUN I.mi f.- I f 'I I- l?-- I'-iM
mtrsrlii a In ll.irlti Oflii-r Itorli won-l
: poke.
ii l ! .1 .i-.m- n in I N- m n--H:!;ry i'V
In ;hi) iii 1. 1 v v. ii h ii i r ;i-- hi ii i irm I
in h n -. -t i ;i - M-"-tiH!ii' fw k
Hi. i il..,r. v l M f.'.c llliKI:, l.i-K
UitX l.'iiCi, Ni v Y.. k.
(JAS'n lOlM.h. .; I '.). K. iv
ry r-i' i!:iy !ii;. !it (it Hn-ir h.-iii ! I- i!:cr,i il
blm-K All ii. !( I-viiium. ;ii,- r.irih; 1 iuyiK-.I
tit attr-lt.l w ln-ii VI' It I in I 'ii- -'t y.
1 K 'M il M -. N . ; .
. . " , l:it l no i-.
KN u . 1 1 ' :
No 17
ai i In-, i Ii
kmi'iit .1
Un .ill. ill. I'. 1
I r
t Mi V '
11 I Ii I. .. I.
till ! V Ii-
Ii .i i. i . v ii. K i:
. liiiui in t i .
l:n- l. V viilHu
li n k. A il I p. c
I In .t Ii- i!. I . ,.
(juiller had risen, and ntowl near the
"I tlii.'.'c I can ;;iv i it," ho nai l
ing th- ; ; o::L T I i i pipe,
firavei .land all : .i; n "i
- . .....
aim ii- v. cut o:i. ; u i::i v. ilungi ,
"Thai in:: l i : i v !i - i Drake'.! i )' f agf
you had; in; v;:.i b ',v: jour tone I
daresay you never h-ar.l f hint. He
lived th re with bi i wife an J that's li-r
irave.V Ktrin; of r.:irjri:r bi;eam more
Ii-.ifo!i:i I, a:i I 'i .- .: a 1 I look i '.i in
sil nt vi:nl. r. r went on. : u vik
ing like- a m.i.i taut baa been earned
n.r;ci has
I'll i 1-.oi!i li- tl Co loir a Hoy -llailleil by
it 3Iouiit iiu.-.T Tin- I'n---4 of "I'rov-
Yot; ; Mi'.'.'s :n i
;ii. i .. lil... k
l-n Ir in s a 1. 1
ti.'il H in. -of f, I'lnv .
.u-k .
11 N
:.i in
;.Ji ii
Mr. i I. I i
, I in ii't n i. n y
.lll.-l II. nil lit I
lHinillili I'uri, n. l."i. iiK'i-ls -vry Salur
y v-iiiiiK al 7 Ml:, in I l i 1 1 Ii.i!!, I:. k w....t
BliX'k ill vi nifij; n ii.i,u i s i-invm-.l In
oint with
ii. V. Nile-, AilJ.
K. A. I'atei. Koi-t Cum,
iiii'." out i f hi::: !i
'i ii ! v.-: :
I):-.:!:r an I his v. ii.-.
1 I- r : i :i : -.
la-nn'.y in l:i i w. y.
v.v; ; a:.::.; ;
.'-1 oi-.-L 1.- :::-, I
I i ..-.11.1 li.-r, an 1 l!i
sio.t i:.-
As I w:
f ;ur f t j
in : ; '. : i n
a:...::i ! '
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I i-i of l-in
:.'.:ry toM rv"!
i I ? wa i .;jo 1 1 i
;:: 1 k ibl - an
: :::i l joor rlii!
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i:-i.-i- :::: 1 tliorilf;
.a h" m'd to J" -f
1 tr-f'f ill i I
; t.. t.i!:--Cninli
i i llll" :
(;:r.i ;:;
i.-!:. :::: i I
sne was
':r an I niniv
mj 1 tt :ri-L vi-rv
mit; i
a :
I !.!!
i i;
;c t.
Our Clut;l.intj List.
31)l-lJ ii.o4ii" ni:il IIi-:kal:. .
HHrji:r' Miiazim- '
IlnrjM-r'.s 15' " '
Dfinor.-st's Miiiiiziini " . .
umhM ISi'f
olwlo Hl.ilo
Lincoln Call
NattoiiHl Tnliiuu- "
Tlie Ftiruin
Inter ). i-iin . .
LiiK'ohi .Iminial " "
Tli; Homo M.iu:..ilic '
. 4. CO
. 4 .Ml
. io
. " 40
. 1' 4 a
. I'.la
Time Table
ooino tvK.vr
Wo 1 3 ::w a. tu
3 .:.'! j. in
5. :-'.' a. in
T " !.-. in.
"9, :l.1 .. in.
- M 5 :'J5 H. in.
No 2 5 :(. . in
1 10 :Ul a. Ill
" s 7 ;ll li, in.
" 10 9 :15 a. in.
" 12 1C :14 a. in
A National Event.
Tin holding f thf Worhl'n Fair
xj n cit scarcely liltj' years 11
Mr ill he a remarkable event, but
whether it will really benefit this
nation as much as tin- iliscovery of"
IJie U'estorative Nervine hy Dr.
lriiiikliii Mih'.-t is loubfnl. Yhi- is
juit what the A ineri. an peojile need
to cure llieir exi .'-.-ive nerv u su-.-ss,
UyHjK'jisia, hi'ailaeho, ili.:i:ie.s,
leele.siies. ii:ur;ilia. nervous !e
hility, lul 1 1 less. n t usio;i of mind,
etc. It acts like a charm. 'J'rial
bottle and line book on "Nervous
anil Heart Diseases," with une
iiualed testimonials free at I. (1
lricke V Co. It is warranted to con
tain no opium, morjiliiiie or danger
.ouh drills. 1
liov,- I'im;;!;.' a:rl .i-nsi:.:v.
ii. 1 i: r. a:!!l ;:-.-v
t::o:-u, ;;:) 1 i .,, jy. Hr x
. i ... ,
: a ;wioiu. ni i im i n i ;, an. I iwaj
tiiat it w;h i;.!ii '.;siol ) to .et anv
witli int lli'c:i.-.. omni-li ti bit leci-ntly.
"Oij:e his wife aski-l him whether slm
colli 1 not suMici iijica Iji-'ji hi: i by . in ia;j,
an 1 he only lauair.l at, h--r, I n :n .-mbi-r,
"on you!" lie .sai.l that v.-.a-s ail.
Then tin: poor c'.iil ha-1 an illness, which,
if k!h had ljeira hajrii, r, lr.i'it haveend-
;1 differently, and Iwwu lii-w LappineaJ
t.rln.laot thvm; but sh) Ava; too worn:
oat with sorrow and disa; p ini ment,
arid in t he e:i 1 sh-; die 1. In her di-iirium ;
lie wa ; always calling to h.-r hush and, i
L -t in help yon, 1 t ;a !i ;of mini! use;
only onee, dear paiat ia-: oa'y once;",
an 1 pour Drake, who wok' r.p ton reuse '
of his Io.-ss. was h:'.n t bro!:-;i at his in- j
ability to :i!i .,fy h'-r. Tiie t..-ndi.n-st and J
iuom p:: ioaaie i:jn.-s or ins voic: never
r.-aeh I h.-r. and li.vl without ever
knowing him a.aia. After that Drake j
was a change 1 ia:t!i: ho beenied to have
!:. 1 :
: I ..i
to J
oa: i!
" i ). i
"iJar e : 1. ,
"Oa w'.-.::tV"
"(Jn v. hi-.i.U r
i!" 1 i r : i c'.
y oa kin i:n-e;
(I.-.a yo"i:n v. ill ;
it wa:. a hot '.
l.iia if he tliou-.
: I'll meet
t -i:t over a
mountains in
a colored boy
i a part of the
: ! a m.!.-!-!:!.
'..ver--d that
. i i .. . a 1 1 I' i
ii i ;': -Cam-
. v.-. iv 1
. i !-
i tola
i. . ,. mi. i til t
-l :. pTu H V
fil TP 9 m .' '"xi
II fill ill f-w V I
ray laoou-
."omcliody hidin' behind
doan i oa yon ober be
: i' hi-'a.'i'.. ;r':n han.;
!' .ably liiict."
ay in July, but I aski-d
;Iit the weal her would
hold, raid he lonki-d at tho bky and r
p!i( d:
i) i.-i'i' want to ::av.
j-lioa! 1 hoi. I. yo;f;i would a
cred:!: a.'il if ir should
If you
me no
i me a.: U;: v. ( .
; So t ': ! ; ,'..t ;: ; Ut y, .;i
:e'i. Ii dal ilua::" bria f vou out
i back an' !:- t to d left."
I had ;.oi:e about a mile when the trail
branched, and after ib-baliai; thy casi?
I t
Ms, Trunks, Etc.
I r.
U'.e i i rht hand
.tin and went
e hi.
only (in? l i'-a to :unt
hia wife. Caava ;afl
and when I went to
ay. s:
it. I laust succeed: ::ooner or later J
p :I, d,
::rd. with t!ie fe.diic'
hat I had half of a bi state at my per
unul di-poal to t l ..-.t. in.
in a 2Tii.:;r::: i i..'.:z.
1 In
i'l Mf.hl.-:;lv end-
i I;.; won!.! 1 1 ..r i ....
. .. . .. ... . , . ' v
j c lauoo ji'sl liiuii i nave uont ! jt i.-' .-t o i mv 1,-fr
mu:- t sal !
so mra
Remarkable Rescue.
air. Mieliael l urt an, l"l;i in . III.. jr.;i's
ttar t.iteinriit tlial ilif eaulit .-olil. w aiou s.-t
Ueil hi ln-r l aii : 'lie wa irciteil f..r a iiuaitli
tljr tier tauu'.v ilo s'.ciaii. but grew worse. Hi;
old lior ili wh.i a liiie!'t vietlin el ron.Miiap
tfcn ami that c nu-!i"in could cure Iber
Hrr Jruuist su.i;e.teil lr. Kin;;'. ilisoov
enr for ceiiMiiupiioii ; Le bontrlit a bottlo a.n.1
to brr iielj;lit (ound lttrse!f lienelUtd from the
irst ilose. Mit eoutlcued its ue a,nd after tnJi
lag tfii bottlei". found herself sound and well
now does her own housework and is as well a
lie ever wa. fiee trial Iiotlles oftliis great
discovery at !'. li. Fricke & L'o'ii tUrua htore
tbottles 00c, and $1.
Sonic: years ago C'hatiiberlsin & Co., f
JJea iloines, Iowa, cemnienced the man
ufacture of a couirh 83'rup, believing it to
ho the most prompt nnd reliable prepara
tion yet produced for coughs, colds and
croup; that the public appreciate true
nerit, and in time it whs certain to be-
UM.A ...... Ill ..V I I . . . . , h t- 1 .... .T1.1
uuiai, i urn fcuwob ouiuiu. .
hope have been more than realized.
Over three hunlred thousand bottles of j
Chamberlain's Cou;li Remedy are now i
.old each year, nnd it is recognized as
tlie beat made," wherever known. It
will cure a severe cold in le?a lime than
My other treatment. For sale by F. O.
Tricke Jk Co.
Happy Hoosiers.
Wui. Tiiniuoux. I'ostmaHier of Idavilie. ind.,
writei : "Kleetric latters lias doue more for
o than all other medicine combined, for that
bad feel ng ariir4 from Kidney aad laver
trouble." " John Leslie, farmer and stockman,
f j;.ui- ulae. y-: ' I'aid tJecfnc l;Ufr I
k ihv 'it s' Kt :!; ' I. vt i-il, in, iiirto
me teel like a new man. J. W . Garrlae.
hardware inerchai.r. same town, savi : "Elec
rie iiiueri in juil tin-tlnn lor a man who (
ilruit down and don't can- w hetlier tie lives or
4ie : he found new Htrengtii, Kood appetite
tad lelt Just like lie nail a new lease on Ulo
Uly -We, a bottle at V. O. Frieke & Co's Ii ug
core. :
h r." At len-rth he becamt
ma-jeable. eatiir' iiothi:!-.'. ::nd
pending 1 ui;, sleeple-s nights walkina
about tlie country, that hi i friend. ; canu
and took him away. lie died souk
months after ia a:i asylum."
'Hy Jove!" said Teddy O'Drien wher.
Quiller had finished, and then relapsoJ
into ! ilence.
I looked at Graves, but hj was lost ii
a wonderment too deep for words.
"The portrait's very Ilk:? her," s.iic
CMiilier. with a strange awe ia his tony
"I'm tflad p or Drake si:ece a.-1 at last.'
"Volt think" said I, an.;! broke off. wa.; puttin- en bis coat. Hi
answered my h: d qn.?:;tio:i witlx s
demnity for which I wa s not prepared
For twenty-two 1 1 two p.ioi
;;hosts have bi-eu wailing lh'-ir op; ni
tun.ty. hi t us be laankful that in tia
end they found it."
lie seeiia d to forget to take leave oi
us in any way, and went without an
other word. As the dcor loed eae'a m
us drew a deep breath of relief. Dkl
raided his head with an air of fctupefao
tion. "That's a rum story," paid Teddy
O'Brieu: "why did you never tell it be
"The rummiest Iking about it is tin
sequel." sai.l I. "Dick, old man, is yom
part true;"
"I don't know," said Dick; "I betjin ti
think it must 1"
"Great Scotland Yard!" said TedJy
O'Brien, "did you make it up:"
"I'A l.ri- jf it- r-1, c-ii,,. . .f 4-1..
moment." !
"Did you know it;'
ot a word, (juiltcr seemed struci i
by that picture, and it was ao only si.r:
of human interest he had shown, so 1
thought I'd humor him. I didn't meat:
a ghout story when I began, but it some
how devi loped into that. I would ha"
given a good deal to take a rise out of
him. but I never hoped fur anything si
complete as this."
"It was a curious coincidence that you
should have taken Drake's cottage." said
"Yes." said Dick dryly: "but the mo?t
-curious part of it all is that the cottage
was ma le up too."
"Great Ucoiland Yard!" said Teddy
O'Brien again.
"And who painted the- head?"
"I paint.'d it myself," said Dick, "and
I begin to think it must be a deuced
good picture." Cornhill Magazine.
-1 I'vi !n a
ind confronted me.
and impiired:
"Wka:-" from,
I told l:i;n.
"What you'n ili-iii'
i iV.veuiig.
"Look hyar!" he naid, :ia he came near
er. "You's kin either prok-e up or ye
can't." "That's so."
"You":; cither all right i:r you's cu::i
"Kin ve prove up?"
Til tiv."
"Then walk along."
He walked besidi? n !.". or behind me,
through thicket;; an 1 over ra'tg'i ground
t-j a shanty just at the mouth of a ravine
There was a man, a woman and a boy of
12 there, and my nose delected the odor
of a still. Tii" tlii-.-e p --2.::' m.'nt ioricd
stood at the doar as we came up, and tho
man qv.eri"d of my conductor:
Whs "s ke'un?"
"(9 wine ter prove up."
I sat down on a rock. and. leaving the
or.y t watch ia:, th-.-olh. r three with
drew a few yards and held a consulta
tion. This last -d about five minutes.
uio man wtio
R F fi A i fl 1
No Humbug, No Closing-Out Sale, No Advertising Scheme,
Out to Quit Business.
Eut Closing
fee abl
Call and
wlmt iB3E will do for yon.
you will
Showers of Blood.
Showers of blood from tho sky are
very rare in this day and age of the
world, ;i fact which makes their com-
and when I hey returned
had captured me said:
"We 'una is agreed on it. You's either
icteaue or noo. luj.siau iiimvo :i;i or
si; can't."
"Can any of yon read;" I Hsked.
"Ue km or we can't," replied the
woman, wao was smoking plug touncco
in a clay pipe.
w on. pcruaps you ve heard of at
.Monn e?"
"We inought or we mouhtn't.
plied the husband of the woman.
ri:oviNi up.
"Well, heivs a line from him. If
you are moonshine! s you have sold him
whisky, and know him to be all right.
Here's my card, here are letters addressed
to me at Monroe, and you can overhaul
my knapsack.
lliey couliln t read a line of writing,
and put up a job to catch me. After
consulting together a bit the woman said:
"What did you say he'uns first name
was George or William?"
"Xi. itli.-r one: it's Henry.
"And does he'un live in a single or j
double log honst?"
"In a frame hous-e."
"Which eye is he'un blind in?"
Neither one. Come, now, he's a bi;r.
fleshy man, wears long whiskers, is bald
ou tup of the head, and has a front tooth
out. His wife is a little cross eyed wo
man and has two children."
That settled it, and I was at once given
a bite to eat and told to make mvself at
home. I had some tobacco for the man
and pips n.nd needles for tho woman, and
JVptice the 'IFwIiowimg 2Pices:
Mens suits, former price, $4 50 now $3.,i0 '
im " former prico 0.00 now 4.50
7.00 now 5.00
S.OO now 0.50
10.00 now 7-00
12-00 now 8.00
lornier price 15.00 now 11.00
former price 18.00 now 1250
" former price 22.00 now 14.00
former price
former price
former price
former price
3Iens Hal's former price 1 00 now 50c
" former price 1 50 now 1 00
former price 2 50 now 1 50
former price 3 00 now 2 00
former price 4 00 now2 75
Orercoats lor men, youths and boys at be-
Childrens and boys suits at your own
The best $1. overalls at 6c, Shirts
Underwear, ete., at astonishing slaughterin
Tlie following advertisement, puu-
UiMied by a prominent western patent
medicine house, would indicate that they
xagard disease as a punihhruent for sin:
"Da you wish to know tho quicke-t
Tray to curea fcevtre cold f We will tell
jou. To care a cold quickly, it must be
treated before the cold has become set
tled in the system. This can always be
done if you chooae to, as nature in her
kindness to man gives timely warning
asd plainly tells you in nature's way.
that as a punishment for Some indiscre
tion, you are to be al'Jicted with a cold
unless you choose to ward it off by
prompt action. The first symptoms of a
old, in most caea, U a dry, loud cough
and sneeziag. The couuti is soon fol
io .veil by a profuse watery expectoration
and tlie sn'vang by a profuse wa'ery
Jisch:irge frm th nw.'. In severe
aaea there is a t' in white coating on the
Mtmie. VvTiHt to do? It ia only iiocps.
ary to take Chamberlain's Cough Re m
edf in double doses every hour. That
will geatly lessen the severity of tby
eold and in most cases will cffectaallc
counteract it, and cure what would have
been a severe cold in one or two davs'
time. Try it and be convinced." 50
ami bottle for sale by F- G- Fricke &
paratively common occurrence- in the . j.rt of a rmrmonican set the uov
omen times onty mat mucu more ex
traordmary and unaccountable. In the
"Annals of Remarkable Happenings in
Borne" mention is made of 'fourteen dif
ferent showers of blood and other sub
stances mised between the years yi
A. D. and 1170. Besides these there
were two "showers of much intensity,
of which the liquid resembled pure blood
and was not intermixed witn other mat
tcr as heretofore reported." In 1222 we
hud record of a shower of blood and
dust over the larger part of Italy. It
1226 .snow fell in Syria, "which presently-
turned into large jkioIs of gore."
inoaK wiio wrote in loi tells ot a
three days' shower of blood all over
southern Europe. In tho same year a
loaf freshly taken from the oven "did
bleed liko a new wound" when sliced at
the table. Ia 1343 the great chasms made
by the earthquake at Yillach, Austria,
"sent forth blood and a great pestilence
followed." Burgundy had a bloody show
er in lool, and Dedfordshire, England,
witnessed tho same phenomenon in 1430.
In lOti hailstones fell in Wurtcmbar
which contained hollow cavities filled
with blood. The last bloody shower on
record occurred in Siam ia 1802. St.
Louis Republic.
Society's Share.
Visitor Do j-ou devote much spact in
your paper to society intelligence?
Editor No; society doesn't have more
than about a stickful of intelligence, at
beat. West Shore.
wild with delight.
" "Sposin yoii'u had shot he'un down
thar!" suggested the woman to my cap
tor. "Then he' an would hev bin dead, of
co'se," he calmly replied.
By and by tlie men went up to attend
the still, and the woman unrolled the pa
per of pins to the last row, opened the
paper of needles, and, placinc tlie two
spools of thread beside them, she called
to the boy:
"Dannv, cum hy'ar."
"Look in my ryes."
"Is I flighty?"
"Skeercely, ma'am."
"Well, I'ze either flighty or the richest
woman on these vera mountain, an' I
wish pop would hurry back an' tell me
which!" Detroit Free Press.
The Other Thing.
An Iowa justice of the peace didn't
actually tine a man $11 for declaring
that the world wiis flat, but liecause he
knocked the postmaster down for insist
ing that it was round. It was a narrow
escape, though, and the defendant was
cautioned to look out next time. De
troit Free Press.
The Same Thing.
"That let's mo out," exclaimed Miss
"Yes," assented Miss Beacon Street, ot
Boston, "that permits your xia"--
It will pay you to come a hundred miles and
. i
row tne money to lay m your sunn v. It
pay you big interest.
We Have fie Largest Stock in the County. .
dDpera mouse (Corner