... - " - ' -- X ' -.J-.U , -.mmm-" t 7 c i ' i - (I 1 1 i i - i 5 ill - -p , , INQ3TON & CUMMINS h Poians enQ Siphsi I 5 - i',iNo. 2.MaoMf. Telephoned ' i. UwidriiC:'lrl-Mu 1 r. Cummin, ilj. Surveyors K K. IIILION. atlDiHtei u..d pUns .l all w-.rK Inr.i.sheU Keloids K-Ut. Olbu in M:inm I'.U.ck. pBATTSMOL'TII NtliHAbKA j. C. lfl"2t, County Survey ci CIVIL EHC1HEER. All orders left with County Clerk will iiccivt! prompt Htt:iition. OFFICE IW COURT HOUSE. AW OKK1CE vm i. imowN. Phonal a.l. n, "... to u.l bo-.,..- l""""1 Tlt,S."m V.C'-nipiled, Iuh,- anee written, real est' e oi'i- fl) ,.,,. th:n tetter ; V j,, At,KNCY A,).,. - NKH1MSKA PLATTSMOU 111 JTTORNKV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-l.w. W ill j.r..,,,.t anl- Unlou M.!cL" htf.,U.l-aUM.i..tl.N''-- JTTOKNEY A I.AW. WIN I I1 AM & DAV1ES. mi H WINDHAM. J"UN A. IAVTKS Notary 1'ublic try l'llr tflK-e ovrr Bark olfa-s County. riattamuutb - - - N"h Banks, B ak ofCass C o an t y for Main ami Fifth strrt-t. . , . . sr.o'ixH rum ui iriit. -. 8uii1uh O. II. Iarn-'e Kred tior.u r J. M. l'attt-is.iii T. M. l'attTson. I'resiileni Vice lT-sitl-ir. Aest Caflimt DIRECTORS Oil rarmt-l. .. M IattiTMn. . Kr-rt (Sonler A. It." Siiiitli. U. It. Wiii.ltiam. It. S. Kaiii-.- ano T.' M.r.itlffs'" A GENERAL H.A.NX1NC JUSTNESS ( 'i tiAiioxi. TLD Account soli-it-l. laten-sf Ilowe.l on time deposit- t-'l tT"iIt at -ntioiisivfa to a. I Uiess eii(ri.tcil ti i'.;r. The Citizens BANK PLATTSMtU'TH - NEMUASKA Jaylta! stock paul in yifll Authorized Capital, 8100,000. -- tlKFU Eliri PRANK CAKKUTH. JO- A. CONNOK, President. VlL-e-I'rest ei t W. II. t'LSHINc. Car-hier. DIKKCTOKS rank farrutb .1. A. Connor. F. It. ;ntb-. J. W. Johnxon. Henry Hock. John O'Keere W. l. Miriam. Win. WeteDt-amp. W. H. riishtnu. TEANSACTSIA GENERAL BArilKS BUSiKES Sslics . call lie. Buys ana scl!- exchanire. fount y and 'I fll Slireiies. First National BANK OK PLATTSMOLTH. NEBKASKA Paid up capital gKrplu s.iO.O.'O.IHI 10,000.09 ffWlheoytethe PrmP' Banking Business Stock bonds, pold. Kvernmeut ard local ue--arltiei bouKht anil sold. Deposits received inJaoVrest allowed on the certificate ff dravvxi available in any part of the KSei and all the principal town- of (Surope. OOU.ICCTIOJ.S MADE AND PKOM rTLV BEMIT TKl. Slchest marker P'lce pi J for County War R Viubi. State m t'ounty bonds. DIKECTOKS John Fit.raM JVIWhpSrtb liwrpe K. Movey oan FltzraM. 8-W,M-Preident i-a'C PERKINS - HOUSE, 217, 21v, 221 and 2: Main St.. lattsmouth, - Nebraska. H. M. EONS. Proprietor. Ihe Perkins has been tkoroughlj tenovated from top tc aow one of the best hotels in the state Boarders will be takep by the week at $4.50 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED EMORY -n T-liSKion to lToC. 2-7 I"ti U: A Great Event In one's lif- is llio ili.scovfry of a roundly for aoim: loiiK-MtancliiiK m.il.iily. The humoii of Ki:rofuln is in your liloo.i. Von inlK-iiluU it from your ancestors. Will you LraiiMint it to your olliuin In llu; i'Mt majority Of.-ai- s, l.olhroi.iiiliii.lioliainlfat.iMlion iii.i'.- ill S'-roful.i. II H mi)iom-. (o Iii: Uiu 1i tni.ii y s.M. i i- of m.iiiy oiih i ii-laiii'ini'iils tf the liouy. Iii-j;i(i al oin tr lo i Icaii-je your Lino. I Willi Ihc l.ioJ.ii'l allclalivu, Ay ers Sarsaparilla "For several months I was trouhleil witli 8'Tof iiluiis i i iijilions over Ihe whole lioily. My :ii lite was li.nl, aul my system so prostrated that I was iinaMe to work. After trying several remedies in vain, I resolved to lake Ayer's Saisaparilla, and did so witti Siieh ooil i llecl lll.ll less 111. HI one hotllu Restored My Health and strenUi. The r iisdity of tlie onre as luliished Hie, as I exjieeled the Jirocess to hi! lonir and teilions." Frederieo Mari. Kr liaiides. Villa Nova de ti.iya, I'oit ui?al. For many ye an I was a sulfeier from scrofula, until ahout three years ajjo, when I bcan th use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, since which til-' disease ,ris entirely disappearet A little chil l of mine, who was trouhleil witti the same complaint, has also hcen cured hy this medicine." H. I'.raudt, Avoca, Nebr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla i-iiki-aki:!" r.v DR. J. C. & CO., l,ov ill, Mass. Bold hy Iruiatd. $ 1, ei 1 949?A'.rl4 5 a bottle. TIIK LYTIC II XAT-I O N AL TYPEWRITER A trl.-t!y first t-rieli ine. fully warra.u- t-i. .Made loin Hi,- very liest oialenal b skilled workmen, and witli the best tools that have ever been devised for the purpose. War ranted to do all that can be reaso iabjy ex pected of the very best typewriter extant I'ao tbleof wri'jii .-, words tier minute ot more according ti the ability of the operate. 1:"UH.;E siou. t It there is no aRfiit in your town adifress the iiiaalifacturi s. . -a 1 UK PAKISil M V'(; CO. v Vm-i.ts wanted Tansh J, V. F. 15. SKKLKMI1IK, Ayeni. Lincolii, Neb, PUBS MAPLE SUGAR hud Syrup, fyow prires unDtt'il on larc or Mii:tll lotB Strictly Purq. Adirondack Maple Sugar Co lv:5-i M iiir.i.' st ., (."oiago. 111. Wstt i n Aiit-nts. K. DRESSLER, The 5th. St. Merchant Tailoi Keeps a Full Line of pjr-3iJ) t ourtic G))li Ooutinlt Your Interest by Uiving Hlra a Jill SHERWOOD BLOCK PlMttwtn' iiitti " - iJOLUjAXn PQItCEnAlN?CIlOWXS IJri Jge workjand tine ;okl work a SPECIALTY. UK. STEIXAl'S LOCAL as well as other an esthetlcsiven for the painless extraction of teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - FiUgerald Bl" Btrrs, Prompt; Potr Curt for Impattnc: Lots of Uanhood, Seminal emissions. Spermatorrhea, Nervousness, Self Distrust. Lota of Memory. Ac. Will make you a STRONG. Vigor ous Man. Price $1.00, 9 Boxes, fS OO. Soeciat Dirctloni Maltwj with each Box. Address Laori Llaiaest Z3-, :r.3 Lucas Ave. tT. LOUIS. Mtt .--1. r .inil.wl fli.l.l- thnnklrHt were fair: Tli- luMy inrt tttrelcln -I urci.-n iii-iiih over- ! Ii.-.kI; I'll'- sun -ink i?oll UiimI thro tin .pi il air, . Ami a l.nl hrook k-uin- l 1o a u il i. l;l il Ix-ii. Hi.-in.-low l.u l. Hut.; ml mi- !. Ii.,ui.1 i,... . i J"ii . w.i 1 i-.i i..u II a! . '. : I' v fin:-., I A !.! I in Uf'l thfir if . I -as hia.il.- in ji-aloua f. ;.r. And. oh. my In art was r.iue. bl'le III!) dali lad. f'ir it was iu iii(r; If. I td.ie thai swuii tiU'. si '11 "i "i- ulad my siiul. The world tt.ii -.wi-.-l l.i in if iiie:iilnrin'; liecau-i: of love. Ivii - i re i:ra ; I . r.. -. I a I..: l iie u inds 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 ; b e l,e i. i d. i. and il.i A I m i e t lie I i. !.. Iii M; I In- U eri-jit ia Iroui a "ill. sul tin Ii. inid.t'.ie lirimk grieved niht I low sound of falling cones. un;, liiiimin vviiiLjs tlur uiollliil pheasant I. The I'hosl I v i ri es reached I : i r.-ii arms ai ros.-,; And, i ll. nr. !. irt 1 so . II I I. new The winter . i n ld u a i d 'J ! 1 been Use of loss. 1 : 1 1 :t I i ii"-:i:ison in West Shore. An A mtiiii;; ci-ii in Court. ):: 'u'" Hi'- must aniiisiri yet uiiex- o -r-t . - I H'!ls;it iII SfflK-S I'V'el' wit IlfSseil in a t'f'ialrc ticcurriMl at tin? Theatre 1. M.hh Ik'sIit. ftirtam lrev :;ii I. r .Mr. '1'ooh- to al s tlio court in !:.n:o!l vs. I'ickv.ii W.l'-ll tin- whole of the jury mysteriously ilisajijieareil, tiioir "linx" su'l'li-tilv jcivinic way and iii:iiliiii lln; "fjniMl men and Irue." At firs', tin-vast .ludioncc who crowded every part of the thealn." were silent, fl aring some dreadful accident had oc curred, but as the unlucky jurymen rapidly reappeared, unhurt, though look ing very foolish, they broke out into a perfect hurricane af laughter, which lasted several minutes. T!ie curtain had tube dropped to allow l.lit- jury to bo boxed" a.ain, and when Mr. Toole bctf.-m his address be provoked another burst of risibility by alluding to the jury as "that worthy body of stead fast and -immovable men." A peculiarly anr..sin feature of this novel scent was the fact that the major ity of the '.inr3"" wre staifo carpenters, whose duty it was to erect the "court," and they suffered in this cast? for their own carelessness. London Tit-Bits. Hiding tlie Vootl-u llnr. Torture on a grand scab went out with Felton, the assassin of liuckin.o; h.'iiii. but torture on a small scale con tinued to be practiced on military of fenders down to the Eighteenth century. Thw f r:n most frequently resorted to -w:i -that known as the wooden horse, to Lrfo'v''ii-h was'the punishment accorded for petty thefts, insubordination, and so on. Tiie wooden horse was made of pi-inks nailed ttvet her so as to form a sharp ride or aule about eiht or nine fevt. loin:. This ridge, represented the back of the horse, ;,":! w: ; supported by four posts or legs ;iiout live f-.-i t high, placed on a stand made movable by truckles. To complete the resemblance with the noblest animal in creation a head and tail were, added. When a soldier was sentenced, either !y court martial or by his commanding 'oi'.ici r. to ride the horse, he was placed !. ihe brute's back, with his hands tied behind him.. and frequently enough, in order to increase the pain, muskets were fastened to his legs to weigh them down or. as was jocularly said, to prevent the fiery, untamed, barebacked steed from kicking him off. London Graphic. A New Cilove Mcmlrr. If is quite a difficult matter to repair one's gloves so neatly and perfectly that it cannot be detected as an nonprofes sional's work, but there is a little in veution which facilitates this work to .siicii a degree that even untrained hand c-pi do it. with neatness and dispatch. Ihe apparatus is made of nickel, and consists of two parts, which press against each other by means of a spring. Part of the top edge is provided with small t-i th iii close range to each other. The seam of the glove t be mended is care "i'uily pressed between these teeth, and the needle pass d in and out at every ''niiig. Repairing done in this man ner is so perfect that it cannot be no lic -d. New York .li.inrnal. As the fly glides rapidly over a smooth si:r:'a'-e every step presses out a supply if gum strong enough to give him a sine footing and to sustain him in safety it he halts. So strong is the cement that that upon one of his six feet is quite suf iieient to sustain the weight of his whole body. But if be 6tands still the gum may dry up and harden quickl.v. and so securely fasten the traveler's foot as to make a sudden step snap the leg itself. The sponge reproduces its kind mainly by eggs. In each animal are contained 1m ith the male and the female elements, and it throws out the ova to be liatched in the water. At first the young are free swimming, and afterward they attach themselves to convenient spots and grow. rrimarily, sagacious dogs seemed to have had their origin in southern Europe, the fighting dogs in Asia and the swift running dogs, like the greyhound, among the Celtic nations. Nevertheless, there L no doubt that the mastiff, which is a fighter, is of British origin. When a blood vessel is severed or cut in the arm or leg 3. tourniquet should be made of a handkerchief with a knot in ir. tightly twisted so that the knot covers the artery or main blood vessel. When the blood stoi flowing the pressure should cease. For nearly two centuries in England only the kings were allowed to use forks. Their subjects had to keep on eating pie with their fingers. Queen Elizabeth had a jeweled fork, and we are told that her favorite breakfast was "a pie of goose." "If a man pulls up a mandrake," says an old time writer, "he will surely die soon thereafter. In common prudence it is best to tie a dog to the plant, and thus escape the evil tht-li." Ko.-uth usually fini-ln-s the day with a g;;5r." of billiards, and. ! ;:-;h h is sG years old, he plays with a steady hand uvl usually win. TWO DAYS. HEXAGONAL lWDlill WHY AND HOW CANNON POWDER IS RAM ML 3 BZFOREl IT 13 USED. It Is inn prt-Kned by 11 '"'Hi lie M.iehioi:! Into Ciitio'iilrnl I.ilMc lrisio-i - Sooic lliin About th 1'rf-M Tlutt lion tlio Work A i 'inn plieal cd l.'no A large numbt r of j--roi,.s who visit- 1 liies'-elie of the disastrous powder ' '.plo-iotl of the l:l I'o.-lt l'o.ViIef mills r: ! -d av.'.'.V with t!i ll. as mementos .1 i i.'- e:-.pii p-ii .i, li! I i six .-id'-d pieces i if a i i;.c,; material wiin li they generally ; ieed to be iron or some soft metal. ; io-se lii'-lii'litos wire six : iib-d. about ' i ii.ciies lotig, o'ie ineii iii diameter, and ; i ; 1 by a -Ki.ill roiind hole. . i.- y appeared to be bl.mlv .six si ied mils, ; .iytobe t.'.pp'-d or 1 breaded to make i.em availalile on tile bolt, of the mill .Machinery. They appeared to be innn ee;,t little tilings, t a -y to pilfer and con v -.li.-'it to carry, and served nicely as lie, :.i -:i I os of tee gc- .ii e.; .ioii. bi i.il:!v iiies iuiioceiit looking me i:' .-. liunjis of concentrated ex- i.'i . i'.e r;;y. They are pri.Miis or lumps of prismatic powder. The name Is .11 lU 1 1 leS O'.V i :! til..' tec 111 i I I" sll !pi given lo a-'h piece or block, which is '.-i.it of a slnrt hexagonal prism. This form is the result of intense pressure to which 1 he p-twiler is ex'tose l ill its jtas si.'ge through a powerful hydraulic j tress. Il was chosen for the same reason that the honey be chooses to make the cells in its comb hexagon economy of space. I:i buihiing cartridges for big guns out of this jciwder the pieces lit snugly to gether. The compression has put every possi ble ounce of force into the prism, the s;-:nl! size of the prisms enable the g.m sei s accurat.-ly to me l. '.ire the force of i-:- !i charge, and tin- hexagons pack to gether without los.s til spac? in the load e'.iamber of tho pun. In tiie maiiufact un: of this powder science has learned to rum the charge of powder before putting ii into the gun barrel. TIIK MACHINE. The concentration of power by means of the hydraulic press is so great that solid prisms of this powder loaded into a gnu would probably burst it, and if not e'ooM be wasted by ejectment from the '.rim lief ore it "Wilis SI 11 burned. The round hi ie in the prisms of powder, which :i;al.-'S them a complete duplicate of a bhiiik six sided iron nut. is to secure ex pansion equally in all direction.-'., and to in sure the combustion of all the e.vplosive. The machines by which these prisms of concent rated power are manufactured arc models of compact, strong and accu rate working machinery. One of them si a. ids about eighteen fet-t high, and will w eigh about ". OoO pounds. It occupies a lioor space 4 l'e t -1 inches by '.I feet 4 inches, is capable of exerting a pressure of lo.j.OOO pounds on a surface of about hl'l y-IVur square inches in an a, and will make iifty-four prisms of powder at every stroke of its pistons. The most iipj.-arert attire of this press is if s weight ..nils! r-rigth, and i's su: pris ing ch::r:!ctc' i .-;: i ease .f Truivement and coiuittl. Il is comp iled ul two water 'cvlinders and two rams, connected by four polished iron rods about four and a half inches in lla::it ter, landing on a rectangular foundation. The cylinders and rams are at opposite ends of these roils. The rams work toward each other centrally with the rods. Between the rams are four cast iron plates six inches thick. 3 fc;?t i..ches by i feet (i in area, three of which move will; the ram nril one is stationary. This stationary plate is perforated with fifty four round holes, about two inches in diameter, that have been partially filled with brass bushings. Through these bushings are the six sided holes in which the powder is compressed. T!'.:: 1 l;iMT.:'e-. Working directly over this plate is a similar one attach d to the ram of the rppcr c;. ir.ii.- .-, ;;..,i 1 bv the four pttlished iron roii.j w.iicii fit into a half n-uii'l recess :t: a ! s corn- r-. It is armed with six sid-d brass plungers. w'.:.-:i in it d-:-ee::t pass into the six sided boles i-.. th.- slai ioiiar-jilite. Be lt. v the stationary plate i.s another phiTiger plate shmkir to the uppi.-r one, a r.d below this is the needle plate. The need!.- plate is armed on its upper sur face with fi'ly-foiir long steel needles, which extend up through the lower plunger plate and into the hexagon holes in the stationary plate. These needles make the round h des in the prisms of powder. The power of these presses is generated in the cylinders simply by pumping water into them and behind the rams. The cylinders are 11, 12 and 13 inches in diameter. The upper one has two com partments the ram filling the lower one, and above it is a cylinder with a lifting piston by which the ram is raised after its downward titroke in compressing the powder. The lower ram is raised by pumping water under it, and is lowered by letting the water out. which will be accomplished automatically. Iu operation the parts of this press are po adjusted that the plungers of the up per and lower plunger plates and the needles approach each other through the movement of the rams. The holes in the stationary plate are stopped on the lower side by the ends of the plungers, and the needles entering through the plungers extend up through the station ary plate. The hexagon holes are then filled with wet powder and the rams brought together, exerting a pressure of 2,."00 pounds on the powder in each of the holes, compressing into :i solid hex agonal prism li inches long, one inch in diameter, with a hole of about inch in diameter through it longitudinally. Wilmington News. If you wish to hear a fly walk, you can do it without the aid of the nuga phone. Having made friends with the fly, spread a silk handkerchief over your ear and induce the insect to crawl across the h;;i:dkerchi.-f. As he approaches yuu. ear you wiii t.li.;i:irtiy hear a h.ir.-ii, rup sound, mad-- by the contact of the i ..'s fc-t wiili tli filaments of silk. What is Castoria is Ir. Samuel Pitcher. prescript ion Tor Infant and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, or other Narcotic suhstance. It is t harmless Mihstituto for Paregor'c, Drops, Soothiii"; Syrups, mid Ciwtor Oil. ic is Pleasant. Its puaranteo is thirty years us hy Millions of Mothers. C.istoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures IHarrluea and Wind Col it;. Castoria relieved toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulate; tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend Castoria. 'Castoria In an excellent misllelno for rbil tlren. Mothers b.nxo n'itatcdly toid ui of lU good eHeot uhju their children." Ia. O. C Osooon, Lowell, Mtust. " Castoria is tho best remedy for children of which I uin acquainted. I hopw tbo dny is-i ot fur distant w hen mothers will consider the re-d interest of their children, and uso Castoria in Htead of the viiriousquack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing Hyrup and other hurtful agents down their throat, thereby wndiuj thoiu to premuluro graves." Da. J. T. Kl?tt:iiKLOB, Conway, Ark. Tho Centaur Company, T7 EES Sj7a.i v V7e a -.'j.-' "w4Ji .. - J. i. '.UAArES t-V CO. OKA LK ItS IN PINK LUMIiKK, SlIINtiLKS. LATH, SASII. . DOOKS, ULINIS,aiid all budding mateiial Caill and sec at the corner of 11th and Klin street, one hlock north of SSeiseFs mill. Plattsmouth, Nebraska Plattsmdu fll BSuy your tre? of t8a Home Nursery wlas. you esisa we!ect your own trws tlw&tt will fov u greai privileg aoad lz&inti& 4o you. & have all t3ae leadaaiissr va rleftae assd S52y feetler wSaal varieties will lo laere ISsam agents a nil you eau focsy as claeajD again. Apple trees. 3 years old Annlo tri'cs. 2 vars old Cherry, early Kichmond, late I'lum, Pottawattamie, Wild Raspberries, Gregg Tyler Strawberries, Sharpless Cresen Concord vines, U years old - Moors Early grapes, 2 years old - - - - Currants, Cherry Currants Snyder blackberries - - Industry Gooseberry s Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old Houghton Gooseberries, 2 years old - Asparagus Rosses, red mosi and white moss Shrubs, Hydrangea Honey Suckle - - - Snow Balls - Lilacs - Evergreens, Norway'spruce B, Fir Mursery one-halt mile north ot town, end ot th Street. Address all Orders 10 PUITISMOUTR, - NEB. Castoria. " CuBtorIa bi no well alnptcl tocliildrfn that I reeeiiiineii.l it a uuttrior tonny ju em riptioo kuuwii to me." H. A. Aiteurfi, M. D.. Ill So. Oxfi.nl f.l., Iir.toklyn, N. T. " "ur physieiiina in tle -IiibIrrn depart ment havrt BJH,i.en highly of their extrrt-t-iien In their outride piac'ieo vt ilh Cuhtoria, iind although wo ttnly iuvh anions our niilicul Hiifpliea what i.s known as i-euhir products, yi-t wn aro fr.;o to confess that Oi merits of Castoria has won us to look witb favor ujton it." United Hokimtii. a.no Iiispknhakt, IJobtOll, Aixem ('. Smith, l"rm.. Hurray Street, New Yorlt City. e .. J ifcjjiia w.. 4 -.... Nursery "0 o i i o o - - 501800 1500 Richmond, wragg, Goose 2500 150 150 250 500 OCX) 3C0 125 )