I W HhlNDEE & CO Sucft Hsor to U. V. M thews.) CAIiltV A t.Ml'l,ETl'. USE 01'' Hardware, Stovas, Tinware Etc. Having completely reelcan .mI and renovated. AVe now kavc a -4 neat a hardware stock as can be found in Cass County. We respect fully invito the public to call and learn our method of doinir business. Hardware can bo sold cheaper for cash than on -time and we are the people that propose to do it J. W. HENDEE & CO. Everything to Furnish Your IIouso. AT I. PEARLMAN'S -;rkat HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House Toa can luy of him cheap for cpot cash or can eecnrr what you need to turnUti a cottar U maiixion on the INSTALLMENT PLAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHING. Ajrent tor the Celebrated White Sewing Machine. 1 he largest and mott roinolete Stock to select from in Cass County. Call and see me pcra House Block I. PEAItLMAlV. TheBestis the Cheapest That is Why Fred Corder niter la years of experience as the most successful Agricultural imidenient deab-r in the county has .-elected the following iniple uients which he carries ami heartily recomtnonds to his friends and patrons. ZZZotclium. Molino and Scliutlor WAGONS, Eradloy, 2?3ru, axift Dare LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES CULTIVA tor, which is Absolutely the bestriding Cultivator manufactured. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER. DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND H A worth Cheekrowers and Planters Hamlles the titu-stot Ibiiririe. I'liu-toiis, Carts, Spriiif Wagons, and ('arriaie.s ami other vehicles that are manufacture"!. Did Yoq Scv tqiqGss? YES ! Thf largest line in Cass County, of double and .single harness at prices so low that it will pay you to come i0 miles and inspect stuck Wore purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLER an experienced workman has charge ot our harness shop. GXiXDDEIT BAHE WIRE Iy the One llundrel jiotinds. or car load Fred Gorder, FMattsmouth and Weeping Water Mil I THE POSITIVE CURE. j SLY BROTHERS, M Warren modkhn iq,, B, Nrsr Tort Price 80 rU Platlsmoulli lailv Herald K NOTTS BROS. Publisher s I'uliiiHiitt I i-n-i'v V-r-l.i. .iii'i "Lilly 'vnj )veiiliiKxcel Sunday. It v''''l-"l at tin- n.iltviiiiiitli. NVI. ii.t iili:ffir tr i!h:mUvhi tlirunzli IJh- I'.-S. mails it -tMml cl.if ral- Wire corner Vine .let Kift li ! rert.i. Tetephdlie TKKI Kelt WKHKI.Y. ' ue copy, our e;tr. in ailvanre .... . W Hue copy, m y-ai n-l in aiv;'.ure .. . 'JSK 'Ine copy, six luoridif. in a-T ance 75 One c py. three nili-. in advance .. 4" THK.MM K ill 1 A I t. 1) ie cop one y-'.n In :iilv ?' 00 One ropy T cek . Iy c.ri'er I ft line copy, per iii. Hit n W.' I KM DA V, M AK'CII lit. lsui Till-: snow storm in tin west of Kiii;laiil not only stopped the rail ways I 1 1 1 blockaded tile wa'on roads. Ksi i;k still h ads in the California senatorial con -s , wi t h DeYouiij a rinse follower. Till-: worst storm of t he year st rucls ICnland jesterday. destroying iiiiiiiv vessels and doiili;" reat dain ai;e aloni;- the -oast Til!". Kan.-as le-;;i-' lal u re has ad journed, while the dear p-ople of Nebraska must suffer for two weeks loili-vi". Till-: democrats held a slate con vention in New 1 la 1 1 : psh i re yester lav. Thev must !) iel 1 ; 1 1 ; i- -a 1 - i for a cool campaign ii amon tin rranite hills. Till: Nebraska Independents that wore organized to perform wonders have took a hand at everything of l established nature excejit to amend the Lord's prayer anil repeal the ten commandments, and in all their wild visions of upheaval, they thus far have nccompl ished noth- ino" except li deju'eciate by their threats "aaid actions the values of v half the property'- interestsof the state. : Til i: house lias passed a bill ap proprialiiii; irlliii.fKIO for a N braska blow-out at C'hicino in 'Kt. The bulk of this sum will be lost or frittered away without beiuiit t i ii- the state to the amount of a ivtinv. faxes an- already loo hiii'li, without mereasmv; tin-tn i tooim;r away peojile's money iusdiy ai el l isiu- schemes. Till-: flopif the two independent ciiators to Palmer in Illinois has made wide breaches in the lines of the.new organization. The "Hop pers" are roundly abused by their party associates of fariner-republi-ca:i proclivities. Served you rijjfht. i;"eutleiiieii, this ihini of orettintr up a party to reform the earth wont work. If you want a pure, clean ad ministration of affairs, vote for re publicans of known character and tin desired end will be accomplish ed. This wanderini;-after stranie t;"o ds to deliver the people from bondage is a farce and failure as has been shown by centuries of history. Willi r If''- demo, rat - ;:d.ila! iiiLJ with ii"i'i-it joy over the election of ("icneral J'almer to the l'nitel States Senate, we are inclined to take a little comfort too, seeing" that Calmer was one of the fathers of the republican party, and was there at its birth. And knowing too. that the old man did not desert the party until it was strong enough to o-o alone; in fact he was one of us until he ot childish from old Jiire. Wherefore, we are constrained to remark that Palmer ouijfht to be honored like Thayer for the jfood he has done. The simple fact that the old man is a littleolTnowshould not be charged against him. We sav, hurrah for I'almer! (ij to JOE nd lay in your supply for next yt-HT. It will pty you frood inter est t the prices he is closing out his stock. tf Now is your chance and such a chance you will have but once in a lifetime, to buy clothine:, furnishing o-oods. hats. etc.. at slauiiliterino; juices at JOE'S. The entire stock must be sold out as quick as possible A tine worsted men's suit, former price $18 now $12.30 at Joe's tf Von cannot form an idea what it is to sell clothinuf, etc.. at and below cost until vim look through JOK'S stock. " tf A o-eii nine Stetson $4 hat at $2.7.1 at J t )!:. tf Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Dkst Sai.ve in the world tor Cutr Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Suit Rheum. Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped llauds, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruption?, and posi tively cures Piles, or no piy n-qnired. i It is Uir;inted to eive st:tHeiion, or money refunded. Price 2a cents per box. For sle bj F. G. Frickc & Co. ? AATIO, AND COLD A Trrlh1 Plcfnre of the rrlvKtloim of I'rrm hi I'm Fourth Uxprilit ion. In The Cent tiry is printed ;i posthum ous .'ici'oiiiit by :i survivor of the fourth r;;, f. li'i, . tj ()f (Jen. T't- 11' I1 f . Tip" seene i- in 1 ti i.rY"-!!:..' I -f 1 1 1 I T i . . I 1 1 -'-' T': . i.t' :. ?i:.v.j:'i!i Me- i i . of M i : i :.i , i 'i:i !:-(;! - t he ' " ' . f tit-- '. 1 ;t; i ;. ni and:-: ' .'n iir.ii r went 1 1 t in. .re nb- .'." lii 1 to cru'i iiiut . ; 1 i : i- ; 1 1 1 i -s I j -) t iii.! y i ! I-. . ry li iri'l as we i r!::.i liv v i 'i r at i n 1 t t hv.Mrt . . .; : l ! a . . 'r.. ! iliHi -u'. v.-. .i : "i; ' V. i. s . .: .M IV. wa-. idil addiiii; Abo?:! oin- third -s y at v.,,;!.l ' a': i m ...llie of llie ' h, and ev.-ry ie out Iroui a ! ia:i m. a.- ! : . l :a 1 trail. .-.-m-! I' 1 1- t :' i-mjit to r i-i, , we r. !ie;t nil o.ir c. ilir.-', i Mil eit i . ! 1 1 -1 1 i f i ;: i v:: luf. " . 1 ' iiiii" l.'ii-u ( IV sent ahead to r'.-ii": :' .; .:,:'.'. return.-! statinj; ti. i ; a :.; .--a re I iu tin- iii-l.me- !- f. set hera: I ii-y supposed thjit th" snow ..is i : : lC . 1 . i I Hl eiiiaiiiL," lip wiiat t'ley - :i.v p.- ive 1 So lr- the p-p-inf hilshcs i i'eet. iii .r. j'-et i i ii; .iloe the stiovv; i:or di'l Jinyt iii .; .-iteie.ir upon wliieh the ai.iin.-ds eonld stili !. The curn we had p.-ric o ;.loi'; for I'm ai was already eo!i siuned. Siinetiines we would "attempt lo ii!o e on, and tin severity of the weather would foive us hacli' nuo camp. In one of t h .-.( a I ; '-m ;,i s. bei': re wo could In-at our way I.al!" a laile against tlie teinpe-t. our fjside. Old Hill William was nearly I'iv'-m: he dropped down njie:i his i!!i:!e in a :.t w r.-iud was nearly a le- wV.eti wi'pii into camp. A ii i : nl e i- f t he ni'-a '-.ii:ie in with their iioe.., e.ii.--, faces, (infers and feet partly frozen, and one or two of tin n ul es dropped down and froze to death unlcr their packs, l'oor mules! It was pitiable to see tlieni. They would roam .-bout all ni;;ht, generally, on aeeount of t Licir e.vti eiii" wt akness, following back t 'n ' Ti mT 1 u'' v! '.I d;:v, i ivinf in the snow three or four feel deep for so I in. sia of vietation to keep them alive. They would fall down every fifty yard under tlu ir packs, ami we would hav to r.ini tclc tiiem and lift them up, and that with finex-rs frozen and lacerated by the cold. Finally they bean eating t ho ropes aad rawhide lari.it.s wiili "whieh thev wer" tied until there we're no more left iu camp to tie th eiu with; then the- ate the blankets which v.-e ti.-d over tlleiliat Li'-jbt: then iii ,-y c.iiae into camp and ate liic pads an d ri-r:;ii'i;; oil" the aek sad dles ;in l a!e o-;e another's manes and t '.i. e,jt treiv ti.t.- , even into tin 1! -.-li. and w i:M eon: to us while slee;,in.L; at:-! b.y.iu to eai th - blankets hu us: 1 hey would even tumble into uiir fires, ov v the' ct.o';i:! utensils. lJut. pool ihiii-rs. little relief could we afford t h'-m. lor. .'iltliui!'.;'li thev suf:'ered mueh, we I'riini T;.iiV ti Nrrlir. Tiie in cktie, now b. eine a purely or namental detail of dress, was originally !! It was intended to protect th throat. Its hi -toi-y iiiay bo traeedl'roni Iheiiaie of tie- Stuarts in En;;land, when i :.:'v 'i-i- ru'f-. wl.'i' h s' I'vnl as neek ;;:il en'!:.!-.-, ".-ere w ru. Later neckcloilis or cravats were ao ijited. and no doubt were a welcome el: m' from the stilt", uncomfortable rst.r. They wen.' of lirussels or Flanders !; . tied in a knot under the chin, tin ee "! heir:--: allev.-.-l to iiang spiare. iii 1;: n-r th -y were worsi mueh longer, l ". ei' h. !.;.; .; 1 through t he but- t-.o in '..-s iii.- v"ai.-lcoat. The lac" neckcloth was succeeded by -; !' r;;:i'!:r;'- 1 Is, but was reintro ii . e l in tj.i.'en Amie's reijju, and did : ;jo out of u-e etitircly until about I . . . iie ii bio.i i iik ri'oiion. ti-.-d in a re 1 i .v in f ri was w. irn . ;?:d thi. i i i.a a was i .iiowed i- wiiite eambrie 1 . ; be.-ki.-d i!i t'.;e back, and bv mus- ii.i cravats, which were lied in front in v.. i iuinic-.v-e bow. iu ti:-- early i:irl ;' hi e-.-nt ury the s ' V li.ieii i( ;Ia;" n:i I ! ,-'" to !.e vvofi. l r,v;: y,.:,;,.,- if.. I-.-li j- ;: tiel in a faneifui 'now iu float. .'..i--,t t,- ? c:-;v;',ti were l-i-sde very widi- in t...' oe;e--;- ;;n t.ij- -red oil to v':.rd i!:eeaii.-. Tiitrly year.-. at;o stwclrs a:;d eravai. ie;an to disappear, and sc.rt's bean to take their place. From thfje M-arf.-. .;v::d:':;:11y jcrow in:; smaller, w:is developed the modern neat necktie. Youth's Companion. Suier.'titiiis About I-CH. Iii ohleii limes, in the French rural districts, the parish priest would, very early on th-- la-.-ter inorninir. visit from hu;se to lions -. arid bless each in turn, la payment l'-ir his vi.-.it and blessinr always received e:r-.'s. sin 1 .sometimes it was a serious ipie'iion how to disposi; of so la-Lre a nmaber. Among th French royalty, hi a similar period, baket5 trimmed with :;!', ea h aves ami tilled with iroilen e$r.-Cs. alter the celebration of hirh inn, on l. i--; er rnorTnnvr. were brought into kind's cabin -t ,,:id di.--tributed to the court by il.e cliaplain. Indeed it w;:s an artii le of faith in Nor mandy that wiien the church hells ush ered in the Faster morn, angels descended to the li mie where little children dwelt, and left eggs as an assurance of their visit. Emma J. Gray in .Good House keeping. A I'retty Table .Scarf. A ver, pretty scarf for table or dresser ciime to my notice lately. Lineu of rather fine quality was hemstitched on ends and sides, and ijronped in twos and threes with some single flowers were dogwood blossoms without foliage. The edge of each petal was outlined in white silk and then closely darned across the ;.-;me s'.iic. si single tareaa or nlonor-s being u.-ed for the darning and two for the oailin-. The lin.-s of darnin- were I as close to-ether as could be made and i the stiteii was taken as short as possible ' on the wrong side and .mite long on the j n ;','t. so aa alim-t solid ik flower in api ;!ran' e vas the r -nit wnen tmish'-d, which was extremely jiretty. Ya-hiiiM ton Star. I "s pl MIA LL A It "NI II l H - Mde NKJPa i kbmk 6o. Chicago. A5K YOUR GROCER FUR IT " THE BONNER STABLES. W. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS IN TIHIIH CITY Carriiios lor Pleasure mill Short Jh'ive.s Always Kept Heady. (or. 4th and Vine F ( ; 1 fiiiji: Co WILL KKEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescript ions Carefully Com pounded at all Hours Lumber fare! THE OLD RELIABLE. a. A. WATERMAN k m PI LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath. Siish, Doors, Blinds Uau supply everw demand ot the city. Call ami uet terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand everything vou need to furnish your house. COKXEU SIXTH AN1 MAIS STKKKT Plattsmout - Neb MIKE SIJNELLHACKEK. Wagon and Blaeksmitli shop Wagon, Buggy, Machine and plow Repairing dont HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY He uss tbe NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the best horseshoe for the farmer, or for fa?t driving, or for city purposes ever invented. It is so made th?lt nyone cr.n put op sharp or flat corns, us neeuea tor wet ana slippery ',:iJe- or smooth, dry road?. Call at fcb,,P examine the nevekslif n' J'-" wm u-e no ot,ltr- J. M. SHNEI.LBACKER. n2 North Fifth St. PIattmouth To larios acro ftjAtfTA (LAUS ' ' t SOAR As 5 c&rgo dear as can be. 0 only by i'lattbinouth, JS'ebraek Vallery Meat Market 10.", S Oth .-t., Union iilock, foijderly 4 1 f Mum street. V Splendid M irket, where Kverytliiug kept is First CWs. We nim to oleuse, and aolicit the I'tttron ae of the Public run choicest steaks, EXCELLENT ROASTS, TIIE SWEETEST CUTS, FINEST CURED MEATS, A M K. KIS! AM OTFIKH DKMCACIKS l.N SEASON. Hy fair tnd honest dealing I exect to merit it share of the trade. I'll lm. .1. R. VALLERY. Prop JULIUS PEPPER3ERG, MASUFACTCKKK OK AM WHOLESALE & RETAIL llKAI.KK IN TIIK Thoicest Brands of Cigars, including our Ftor .i i t t if .- j ' an i 3 j FULI, LINK OF rOLSACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE .ways in fitock. Nov. 26. 1885. P. J. HANSEN DKAI.EK IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AX I) QUEENSWARE Floor defl Feefl a Snecialt, arona-re tiie Puble Solicited. I JOHNSON BUILDING,; Norm 61H3I . . V -. i i