-r. - Tbe - Plausmouth Herald. ;r. lltn.r) hlli- rrlimltr rtffbl l o l,r. M-ln til-. l.f.1 rm-.th.tlr rr f PiiIhIm. axlrartUa uf fm-th In IbUf-llj. Offlcr Uoek wood Wut!-i nciive. r-lilI m - Hiilnry 7 to (ho m. nth y will ii. r. a-. Tfft-ut In own ! i..u a ritiMdiHibi N-w v . k lit. HOP. I . f. li-i . M AM'KAI M'MHI. k "Bo l.Vtf. Nf w V"ik. OAli.i l.Mwl . ..!. ii4i . " ry Tu-J.y hikI'i .t Mn-ir tmll Kiikt.uiI lrk. All i .!'! 'i:iih r - I'lirilinl-y invito. i to allrtn.l w.h. i. vi.-ill .u 111 t-i- rny. r. K w'n i i 'in. N. .1. . I'. iti . KNM.IIIS (f I I I . I . . I ! N.- W M. il-. i-i v i .li, .-.!; i l.li.u aillinrli III- k a-li li.ik. AIIi-iU" kulijlil-t :n- .: Iili ! V ti'il i ;ilti- .!, '. A. Maotliitli. ' ; l i " k " K 11 -s- YOU -ii MhVS 1 1 I - I I N M'l'lAHO v. alii I.I", k '..in Mr. i I. I ' (x:. fr i k :. ;i n. n- 1' i- " . I r im-n n y Oisi'i-I niiel i.,; ivfiy .-.i.n.t:iy alli-i ii.iii ;it i 'e.o-k. C. A R. McOfinllUf I M. . ii. -l.M ry S:tlur 4T eveliiui: at 7 in tin tr hull. Kink wimil block. All vi.-ilinn iummib Hie iiivm-il to aeet with u-. ;. K. NiUr". Post A1J. K. A. l::tttH. li-t Com, Our Clubbing List. Olob-I)iiirii" ami IIkuai.d $J."Jr IIarfr.HMnuzim" " 4.0 Harper's It-tzar " " 4.s( Diiiiurci-l's MaHzint: :$ 10 Omaha U.-e " ' Toledo Mnd.1 " i!-4r, Lincoln Call " " 2.15 National Tri!ime " 2.45 The Forum " 5.55 Inter Ocean - ' 2.8"' Lincoln .Journ;il " " 2 W The Home Murine " " 1 5 ar.srj in in - ... Time Table OOINO WKHI UUl.NO KAKT 3 ::w a. in ISO 2.. 5:4i p. m 4.. 9 :25 a. ID " 8,.. ' -15 a. in. " 10.. .. .5 :" p. m . .10:30 a. m ..7;44 p. m. .. a :4S a. m. .10 :14 a. m - - 5.. T.. .- - 11. ... 6:t5m. " la.- 5 :25 p. m. A National Event. The holding of the World'n Fair an a city scarcely tifty years old will be a remarkalde event, but -whether it will really benelit this nation as much as the tliscovery of Uie Restorative Nervine by Dr. IFraiiklin Miles is doubtful. This is just what the American people need to cure their excessive nervousness, dyspepsia. headache, dizziness. sleeplessnes. neuralgia, nervous de Tjility. dullness, contusion of mind. ?tc. it acts like a charm. Trial Iittl- and line book on 'Nervous and Heart Diseases." with une xjualed testimonials free at F. G Jricke & C'. It is warranted to con 3 tain no opium, morphine or danger .jatixt Irujjs. 1 Remarkable Rescue. Mr. Michael t'liiUin. I'liiintieU. 111., .makes . Uielaleliu-lit that ;lie caught cold, wliicil set tied on her l-imt : she ' irated for a nioiith br her fauiilv pln.iician. but pew worse. He wld ber nlit a hopelesn victim ol coitsuinp tlou anil that i.o mcdiciue could curts her Her Dru,;i:ist sllI:etcd Dr. KiiirV i.ew discov ery lor consumption ; bomjht a bottle and tu her licl'h: tound herself benefited from the Mrnt dose She continued it ue ami after tak ing ten bottle, found herself sonnd and well now does her ou housework and is as well a Shu ever wai. Free trial bottles of.this i;reat dueoveiy at F. (i. Frioko & Lo'daUru;; Store sreboltle. Mc. and$l. 8ouie years ago CWambcilnin & Co., of Dea Moines, Iowa, ocmmi-nced the man afacture of a counh syrup, htlicvin itto he the most prompt and reliable prejiara tiou yet produced for coughs, colds and croup; that the puMic appreciate true merit, aud in time it was certain to be come popular. Their most sanguine have been more than realized. Oyer three hundred thousand bottles of Cbaoabi-rlaiu's Cough Hemedy are now sold -av.h yrar, and it is recognized as "the bst made," wherever known. It will euro a severe cold in lesw time thftn ny otlii r tre atuient. For sale by F. G. XVicke it Co. Happy Hoosiers. Wm. TUamnu-. Postmaster of ldavllle. Hid., write : "Klv. trie Hitters has dotie more for me tliaa sill otlicr niedii-it.es combined, for t!i:;t b:ul feel aii-i:i!i l'r ::i Kidney a'.if! laver trouble." .U)!iii l.c-iie. lariiier oml stockman. t ame ptaiv-. y : "Fiiid Klectrie l;lttern tt) At; ti " I"-! ; ii iV .!.! i-r n.eiln a,-, mane jae i;4-: ::v- . . - " JtaMwar.- in- r-':ai.t. siiine towa. hays : ' I-.lec-Xric Itiliei s is jut tin- Hum; lor a man wii. t llruu down and don't care vi hether he Jives or lies ; he 1. mi d new htrcnth. ood appetite ami it-it jut like he hid a new lease on life uuly .'Ac, a bottle at F. ;. Fucke & Co's In -nj Store. 2 Th-j foil -'V. in0' j.lvertiseuur.t. put lished ly a promituut western patent medicine house, wuld indicate th it ttit-y raard disease :u a puiulir.ii nt for sin: Do you wish to know the quickest -,7ay ti" cuVca stv. rc rold I Wc wi.l tell jou. To ca:e a cold iiukkly, it must be treated before the cold has become set tled in the .-ysum This can always be done it you chooao to, as nature in her kindness o man gives timely warning anl plainly tills yen in nature's way, that a.s a punih:istnt f.T Pome indiscre tion, yu are to be afflicted with a ccld unless y u choose t; ward it off by prompt action. The first symptoms of a odd, in min t cases, in a iry. lou-l couch ami sm .r;-. T!. r, -.;ii is soon fol io v d " a pr fi:s- v.ntery expectoration nn.l th r.:---7."r.g by t: prot'us wn'cry liisciiir.; I:i::i tile nose. In e:vire cases there is a t in while costing on the tongue. What in iln! It is only neces sary to f 'ike Chanibeil du's Cough Ileui rdv in double dos3 every hour. Tht will g'-atly lessen the severity of thy cold nd in most cases wdl effectualle counteract it, and cure what would have been a severe cold in one or two days' time. Try it and be convinced." 50 cent buttri for s-dt- by V. i. Fricke A' Ca drajjgist. fflMmed hm Um tUtdx of cold tt cvaef rancor. 4 t'.7-;. Her husband haJ not given her th diadettt. Bat' hearing him enter, nho turned, and eeeinz that be hM a casket ia his ! hands she comprehends 1 everything. With a bound she was bemlo him, her arms twinexl around hi nex-.k. ; "Oh, how good yon nr.-! How good . you are! How I livo yon!'" II? trem bled all over aud was very pal. OiMiima did not even iK-reeivo it. All at onci. with one of her irresistihle in )veui'?nts, sh loosened hr arms from his nck, took with one hand tlio ca.?'wet and with the other hul ling iier hi; ;ia:i is h i:i 1, slie led him after ln-r t t i i.iirr.)!'. S.e seaU-d h-.T.si-lf an I ; :: -d th" e:ts!:et. Among pufTs of red un-l.-r the burning light, tie diadei:! s':it fort'i sarks liko a flam . ..i i ha 1 ;i !: -v.- o:il burst of joy, took th" Ir.i ;b iii l'.; it--1 1 !e twi'i'ii her hands, drew it di.Vii and kissed his fureir-; 1 i'i! t'j" fo.-eh ':i 1 of a corpse, icy a:j I livid. T!i.;u witiiout looking at his f.-.;. e-i, bi ; wan h-riu ga.'v slie iilL-rel him the diadem and bent before him hT blonde bead, which was .so well .suit-1 to that mystical jewel. "Come, sir, crown me!" And while he sought to unite with trembling hands the clasp of tho genu among those marvelous blonde curls, waving and breaking into ripples of gold at every movement, she, still with her bent head, lifted her sr.iling eyes to meet his look. And he answered with a resigned gentleness to the smile of those perilous blue eyes; he, the poor man who deceived for the s:iV? of desire to be deceived, and who bought for himself a little mock love with mock diamonds. Translated for "Short .Stories" from the Italian of Haydeo by E. Cavazza. ISonapartA Turns I'ale. A few nights before the isth Drnmnire a little scene was enacted at my house which would be void of interest but for the circumstances. Gen. Bonaparte, then lodging at Rue Chantereine, had come to have a talk with me about the preparations for the eventful day. I was then living in Rue Taitbout, in a house which has since lie come No. 24. I believe. It stood at the back of a courtyard, and running from the first flfxr there were galleries which led to wings looking on the .street. My drawing room was lighted with several candles. It was 1 o'clock in the morn ing, and we were in the middle of a very animated conversation when we heard a great noise in the street. To the rum bling of carriages was added the gallop ing of an escort of cavalry. Suddenly the carriages stopped right liefore the door of my house. The gen eral turned pale, and I quite believe I did tho same. The idea struck us both at the same time that they were coming to arrest us by order of the directory. I blew out the candles and crept stealthily along the gallery to one of the outside wings, from which I could see what was going on in the t-treet. For some time I was at a loss to make anything out of the tumult, but at last I discovered tho somewhat grotesque cause. At this epoch, the Pai is streets being very unsafe at night, when the gambling houses closed at the Palais Royal all the money that had been used for the bank was collected and placed in cabs, and the banker had been allowed by the police to have his cabs escorted by gendarmes, at his expense, to his home in the Rue de Clichy, or thereabout. That night one of tho cabs had broken down just in front of my bouse, and that was the reason f the halt, which lasteu for about a quarter of an hour. We had a hearty laugh, the general and I, over our panic very natural though it was when we knew, as we did, the tendencies of the directory and the extreme measures it was capable of taking. Talleyrand's Memoirs in Century A CarelesH Teacher of Icportment. Politeness, to be worth anything, must Ik? instinctive. It is a good scheme to instruct youth in the outward signs of this inward grace, even though it hath it not, but the teacher should also prac tice what he preaches, or discredit falls on him and his instruction. A certain professor in a popular school has been very strenuous in enforcing certain manners" on his classes, and very prop erly insists that the little boys should takeoff their hats whenever they meet any ihtsom they know, and also give up their seats in a crowded street car to la dies who are standing. Some of tho small boys questioned the latter neces sity, but when informed that a gentle man, unless he was a cripple, would never sit while a woman stood, accepted the edict as final and have doubtless acted on it. But some of these pupils !:;;. e roivPtly credited their professor wiih insincerity, f ir they have seen him retain his seat in a crowded public con veyance, and, furthermore, he barely re turns with a touch of his hat rim the courteous recognition of the young girls in his classes. Boston Herald. A ricu for Hypocrisy. Wh'-n atrabilarious Hamlet, in his choleric interview with his mother in the cabinet, impudently advir,c-d her to As.- uaie a. virtue if you have it not. he unwittingly laid uovu a general con duct rule of high value to individuals and the community. Shiiultatiou of virtue, though far in ferior to the real article, is stii1 the next best thing to it. just as whitewash, though much inferior to marble, is yet greatly superior to dirty i.akedness. John McElroy in Popular -Science Monthly. Seaside fare, which includes plenty of enrbc-n in the form of white bread and p( tutoes. is an ideally wholesome diet for nnita-r; especially in warm weather is carbon lequired in food, because by some chemical transformation it affords the system material for water, at least in quantity sufficient to control feverish conditions and excessive thirst. The Archduke Francis Ferdinrnd, the heir to the throne of Austria, is a tall and very distinguished looking man. He has been very carefully educated, h,is considerable talent for art and mu.-jc and is a tine soldier. HONESTY AND MEMORY. IT LOOKED AS THOUGH THE MAN WAS GUILTY OF A CRIME. t Cau bii-Ji show Tlmt Ci rt'siniNlmil ial Bvitlenco Is Nt Alway (.'oiirlual Proof of Guilt A Woman Ma lira Up in Portearuiic Hffr Lous of Memory. Two weeks ago family of two tier sons -husband and wife rented a. small apartment up town and proceeded to furnish it. 'ihe carpets wen; supplied and laid b- a reputable house. Some ll.it..; -ab.)i:t o::e of ii:.-:n v.'..; unsatisfac tory, and a t.; ;:i was :.:-;it t investigate. 'i'::e wife- !Ir;. fj. --was :i her way oat of the l.!.i'..i::g ; ; 1 tti r when she eiicuii! t. :i d !::. lit c , ,: i::i!ig hi;:!, she said- --i e is i !: :.;. : 1 v. -ill b 1 .u-.: in five i'iii:;:!es. (do up and ;.ee what car be done." .o !-.i'iv:-r It'id she got on th-street when !:e t!:o;:g'.it s;;.ld -:dy id' a roll of bills, nearly which : he ha 1 care lessly l..-1't in ;t glove Lox oil her dressing table. There was nobody in the apart ment, as no servant had yet been en gaged, and : he wai tempted to iclnrn at mi'-'- to I- ! after t!i" money. "Cut hurely." she thought, "that man is hon est: I need have no fear," and she hur ried on. In less than ten minutes she was back, and met the carp, t man just outside her door, lie stopped and spoke with her concerning the troublesome carpet, and pmmi-cd a . peedy remedy. They sepa rated mid she entered lur apartim-nt. Almost mechanically r.he went to her dressing table and raised the lid of the glove box. The money was not there. DAMACiINO i; IKI-NCi:. Without delaying an instant tdio hur ried into the hall and down tho stairs, overtaking the carpet i:sa:i as ho had reached the fitreet. "Will you come back a moment, plea.se;" she raid. He did so s-.t once. When they were again in the apartment she faced him. "A curious thing has happened. When I went out this morning I left a roll of bills $1K) in that box over there. It is gone now." The man did not fcecni to understand for a moment. "Well." he said unmean ingly. "Well," repeated Mrs. L., "there was nobody in the apartment but" The man interrupted her. "God, madam," he said earnestly as the signifi cance of her words dawned upon him, "you don't think I took your money?" "I don't know what to think," replied Mrs. L. ; "the money was there and now it isn't." 'But I'm an honest man," ho went on. "I've got a little girl. Do you think I'd 6teal? Why, I've been eight years with So-and-so. . They know my character. Look around for your money. Perhaps your husband took it." "That is possible." said Mrs. L. "Will you come with me to his office and find out?" He acquiesced and the journey down town was made. Mr. L. had not taken the money. The man was greatly dis turbed. "You can search me," ho said. "There's my own money," producing a small wad, "left from my last week's wages. I haven't another cent about me." And he turned his pockets inside out. Mr. L. was impressed with the man's appearance and earnestness. Mrs. 1. was puzzled and her money was gone. A CASE OF POOR MEMORY. However, nothing further was done at the time, and the man went back to his work asking only that ho and not they report the occurrence at the carpet deal er's shop. Mrs. Li. went home and ran sacked drawers and boxes, moved fur niture, and opened trunks in a vain search for the money. Several days passed, when, on going to an upper shelf in a wardrobe. Mrs. L.'s attention was attracted to a towel pinned in a roll. What was that? she wondered. She took it down and opened it. Inside was a discarded wallet, and in tho wallet the missing bills. And they had been put there by Mrs. L. hercelf. She recalled, on seeing them, that the night before the man came she had thought, just before going to bed, that it was careless, with so many per sons coming and going in the course of the settling process, to leave money loose in a box on the table, and she had elabo rately thought out this hiding place. Then she had slr-pt, and by morning had lost ail recollection of what she had done. It wi.s late Saturday afternoon when she found the money, and storming, but it must lie related tc Mrs. L.'s credit that sua did what she could. She sent a ' dispatch to the man in cam of his liriu stating that the money was found. On Monday she went to tha shop and ex plained' the mat ter to the superintendent. asking that the man be asked to come to see her. II'.- did so aud d an apology for tho imputation ori his honesty. Then Mrs. L. tried to reimburse- him for his -lo -s of time:" this he would not permit. The money was found that was all he wanted. So it all ended hap pily. THit the story may bo taken as forcibly illn-tratiiig the- uncertain value of two things a woman's memory and circumstantial evidence. Her Point of View in New York Times. Miraculous. "EreV-r Johudiug. does yo' b'lieve in minick.Yr" "Do-.s I b'lieve in miracles? Suttenly I does. Didn't I je-t have one of 'em down at my house?" "You.' A miracle down at your house?"' "Yes. sah: dat's what I sai l. Dey was jes' fuah chickens in m"y coop when I went to bed las' night, an' when I woked up dis niorain' " "Dev was eight?" "Light? No, yo' fool man! Dey wasn't none. Done stole." "Hun ph! Wha's de miracle?" 'De coop was lef .'' - Judge. A Clear Head. I tell von. laugh as you will, Mr. ! Softev lias a clear head." "Indeed:" "Yes: clear of all brains." West Shore. n I ENTIRE Clothing. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Trunks, Etc. MUST BE CLOSED OUT I7& DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP No Humbug, No Closing UDon't miss this great opportunity, you Will never be able to buy cheaper in yoiir 'life (Call and see what tD4DIE will do for you JTapMce the Wallowing Mens suits, former price, $4 " lormer prico (.) nov i.5 j . former price 7.00 now 5.00 j " former price S.00 now 0.50 j " former price 10.00 now 7-00 " former price 1200 now 8.00 Oercoats 46 former price 15.00 now 11.00 ; iow cost. " former price 18.00 now 1250 j " former price 22.00 nOW 14.00 ' ChiMrens The best $1.00 overalls at 60e, Shirts Socks Underwear, etc., at astonishing slaughtering prices It will pay you to come a hundred miles and hor row the money to lay in your supply. It will pay you big interest. We Have Ihe Laps! Slock in the County," JOE KLEIN PLATTSBj pera MonseCorner TOOK &3 ON ACCOUNT OF Of ... - Out -Sale, ! No ! Advertising Scheme, But Closing Out Ho tut business. C -t JV,. yt . 50 now $3.50 j IIatg Wm. FiSHI TOD? 1 OF Wfices: f 1V)l.iner prce 0Q now 6Qc former price 1 50 now 1 00 former price 2 50 now 1 50 lormer price 3 00 now 2 00 former price 4 00 now2 75 r 7 , , lur men, youths tinu boys at be- and boys suits at your own prices. COST- TJTH, NEB i