In ir.-. r- - .V J. - - - - K A 2m I W HhiNDEE & CO iS'i v.-iir:n I". V. M ti Ii-ws.) CAulIY A rs ,iPLETL I A Si: Or I Portsmouth Daily Herald Hardware, 3tovjs, Xlnwaro KNO I TS BUGS, Pu hi Kli r rs V i'ii- liu i . v.-rv I Iji'r-il.iy. :in.l ! ily ev-i "eiiii:K-xrrpl Siiiiitiiy. It'l-lili'l -I ,it I I'lilttVllllllfll, Nl'tl. nsf- 'J'tlfi' i r 1 1 i;n n . 'i mi t li ru'i ti t !e I ' ,'S. luiiill at i it. 1 i-l i" r it - i ii!ii - i-ii i mo .iiul Fifth vn et. f.-!. lilml,.- I ki: v - I- I : V. I' i K I , i ; -. i i ' 'iv : ;!.! ... '1 i jH CUPID. Sir Cnplil nopr, as t have LraiM. IlcUTminej to discover What kind cif it man a maid refrri N'lectinnor luvt r. ; . &, putiiiiKpti soldier's emit. ; . ' : lie talkol.u'f rfliVy: Aiiil friiin i ho iay 1' t.J!-:i '..jhi y ."-.. Shi; m In In;,. ;i,i-; !..t : Then, ird a unil.' -i i!.i!- :u.ii j-rini. Ii' -!i:i:i::- I:: ?.. I.- an I fnii.m: In -!n i 1 a ui i: . ,1 i-, 1 1 i..i 1 . 1 1 : . i ' ! - I. i , j i : ,. i j,,n. ! "I I-1 . e.:r. i 1 i :i I'll '.ili- -I inr ;i ,-., J , i TMniii; All f !...-! I'll- wav 1 1 . - I'i .; .,. .!.!!:, y i I" "i ' ' ' 1 : 'I ;- - i i. r i : - .-- 1 1 - iii h.-r i !'.. . i.r i ii i . .i ; . hboo'oLdenQ'afe. lands across Sea. As a cargo T , -. tr ----- - . clear as can be. 1 . . I : 1 1 " ! 1 ! M k: :i i 1 . i ' :i i i i ;" J'.l I n ,i 1 :. , ; ' v : i :i ; i i l"c:n ;i! i-! , now - iiii in' i in ; : ; M ' ! 1 ; . ! i :!);: ' : i I ; 1 1 n r Cj ki iJ ya Made ujy Go, Chicago. AW H t T T" J ' ' lit W 4 1 I i - i . i i . . i on tu no iO do it lid W'.: idO Ul'J iJL'OpU? iil'tL 1 .))(:-(.' J. W. HEN DEE & CO. I. PEARLMAN'S i.kka'i moih:i;n HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. i I 1 1 1 fill 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ; : i 'A : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill- j .. in-! , i'.M ! 1 ! i i ! i i 1 1 . . i i-M ! .i . i i ; . i ; . i' i ; i i ! . i ' ; . -T li- .iii 1 v il. ' ! i .1 ! 1 I , - . I i. - 1 1 - -1 :i I 'it i ) - irr;;. ! i . t j 1 1 -1 i i 1 1 1 - Iii hi- i;irt uoi'loj 1 1 i 1 1 1 -i I i . I . ; 1 1 ' i I i : 1 1 i ' 1 1 i 1 1 -,v : ! i Under WutiTiiiuifs Opcni llnusi' u fan tiny f liim 'li-;i fur -mt Ciish nr can Kwin !iat vim nei-tl to fiii a cntt Si,' oir iiiiiii-i.ui unthi' INSI A1.I.MK.NT i'l.AN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISH1NCS Air nt for liui Ci;Ilrat-'il AVliite Seuinr M.'ichiiie. ' lie litri-st uint ni'nr r mi ':.Tf s'nek to M-i.-ft from in Oass 'ou!ily. Call auil ii- m Open, lliiusc Hlmik I. PEARLMAN. ...Mil n.aui-MJ.M.iM.a,.Mi TheBestis the Cheapest Tli'it is VI:v Vr r.I.-r :ittT y-trs of xi-ri'!i,' as tli-- mi-t sucre-sful Ajjritiilttir il iiiiili'int nt ili uler in tin- r.tunty hurt tfltt:tei ih; following ini:!e Mtuts whicli hi ' rirrirs unil heartily rt'coiiiiii'nnl-i to hi-t friends and pntron. Kotch.ira. Molina and Scii-atler WAGONS, Sradloy, 2Peruf and 23ooro LISTERS and PLOWS i i I . i , 1 i ; i i l i j i ! m.i'. i! ! ;il ; i . i u ;i r I lol' !'!".-- I I ! i . I . i - i ; i : . ) m-ii It. I o i 1 1 1 I l.-l .ii.i. i i i--ii li-ii t i ' i - (.in IK I :i!.-o liiinlr i i u 1 1 1 1 ii -ii i to 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 ri- 1 s oi c! i ii i f i il. I .-i ! ! ii-f Nil!.-. 1 ii 1 1 it I i;i - not iii;ii!i- I 'ri-.-jilcnl 1 1 ;i rr i si m fi-i'l a .v ' . . ; i I vv 1 1 i ! .-i'ti i ii H" them. Ill; iil'.M ;i!i- liiiili !iilil"i'llt I . I liter- ( r-;m. . l-.K'M!.k iiciir rsl Miro. Iowa. wliili- !ii;i;ini;- a well the ollu-r il;ty "strui-k ;i -iii of natural flu-t-st tlirrc ami oni'-lialf fret thick at a U'IWl ol ci" ln -tlircc Icct. J If n;is just receiveil an analysis from a rt. putalilc Chicago chemist, who .ays ii ii a clu-est- of a vi-rv hiii iil"ale. Il is f a beautiful 'ohlen color and will n.ei- any lentli time." If he k .v;s following this l-al lie will prohalily strike the pie formation from which are jttarriel those ol t ! l ; - rail wav restaurant ariet'. Kx .NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES CUETIYA tor, which is Absolutely the bestridin Cultivator manufactured. iT O "WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER, DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND Ha worth Checkrovvers and Planters Jiur.ille.- the riiu'-rti-; Knie I 'lia-tou-. Carts. Si-riiiT Wuron;. and Carriages ali'lotliei- ehieies that are ina:iul:ic tured. r)i-l You Sqv 1 1 1 ' 1 1 "ES! o o . Ai-"i !:k liiii!-;i;i wiih calimiess for the cause of Ihe splendid municipal victories won in New York this sp' in;;. the Alhatiy Journal conies lo the conclusion that it can lu ll 1 1 ; ii ei sc i ha :i a fi'acl ion :i;a i ') st the lvin- done about the new tariff law by the di-mocrals I u ri the last campaign. Other causes have contributed In tile general discom fiture of ihe bourbons, and "a re- arou-ed repubiicaii jiarty i" m i f ro ;i t s a divided a n 1 demoral ized deiuocra- -ncv 1h!-ouuhonl the i nterior of cw York." That begins to sound liki old times. State Journal. k::cocnizing elain'S services I he address to ,M r. 1 llaine of t he wholesale merchants in .New York City, signed by lirms rejiresentin; :-. ,-1. i- hi.! i: r ) mvest"d m actual ou.-i-ne-. is .t reiuariiable testimony oi the appreciation of Ihe jrcat ser vices rendered t o A merica n t fade b ."!;'. I'l line's policy of reeiprocii . The signers of the address do not In -Ion l;" to a n y one part . The names of .1 -mocrats as well as re ubl icn n s 'v!;i'n. I'-fn'-i' ie ;:l;-ir. t'n- T .ri tr I'i ! V. .'I e.,i,.. ; it ' h' r ; .'':: . 1 r. -.- ;. i a j . 1 . ' -; s- if v,-: - i . : 1 1 ! 1 1 111 ii-i'l. Ti.;-i... , :.;." - csMy l;i'e wi:i-Ji v.t::; ! :. i'i i k . ' . .. 1 r.4: :!: 4i r-ti i? ' i v. h : -. i .: ; !- 1 y.: :r'-;:tii f an :!:; t:p...i - ,.;. a h: j , i,!:i4e.i liylli" sli::"!it tan 4ei n 1 iii very i !- I'-iat erriw.l t!iat f.- 1 it. li-Iiteil by ob!!;i!i r::ys - i..:r froj-i t;i( n:!e, a -lilter of i.M.siiiis ; r t 1 hril-i.-inis, atnl it washer liitiire tint .'ii' .-''! 1 to See tin:.-. - the .us of !a.. .ry Mi l n-e.-lll't! v.iii, !i :! lieli;::," was jin-ji iri-i" f..r 1" r. 1 h;.,l it f"t been the f, if wlncli sue i'.cd? .Sko, the ideal blonde, of 18 years, with the tall and proud li.-are; the pure, dis'l.-tiiiinl proiil" m:der heavv ASK YOLr -mm FOR IT ails like tin f an arciian -i-l, with The hirerest i::;e i:i Cass Comi'v. d.uli ifi s .s,, ;.,w . T v. iil j.av vmi in cnie l'h lai'cs atid in-pi ct .-lock fore pure :i a-iiii: !.-ev!iere. 1)A'11 MILLER an c ficiieiif td i;.:; cci!"e;e ni ni:r ::;ii'!if !,oji. '-y rh" :if 1 1 u 'id rel j.. citids. or c ar ! ei 1 Fred Gorder, lattsmouth and Weeping Water i he m ic nt " stroke of state- m iii!iip by . iiich .xlr. l'laine !ia. s cured lor ihis I'luinlvy a market that will absorb millions of dollars ii"A . nerica ii products so far trans cends ordinary party measures thai scn.-'ble and patrio'.ic deuiocra i. join in the jiraise that is universally bestowed upon the secretary of Mate tor the services he has render ed tl e country by the inau"uration oi a policy which promises to pro duce results of incalculable value. fhe sinners of the address are men of affairs, who can set a proper esiimate on the character of the beu- e!iis that Mr. IJlaine lias been instru- iii -ntal in cotiferrinjfoii the country They cannot, therefore, be misled by the carpiii"; criticism of free- trade and mugwump press, which is doni"" its best 1 o 1 1 1 i 1 1 i ill i.e a i id , . . i aiel slli"le iiarili-sS at d -rireeiate t he i nil ic v of reciiirocitv i i . j . with S. until America. New Y'ork inerchaiits who have dealings with S.'u!:i American States, and have th'-refore a jiractical knowied","e of what ri'ciprocity with these coun tries can ei'fect. rn ! ica I !" d i saree with the views of thesi- anti Hlaine .-beets. These sheets, h owe vcr, may be expected to keep up their attacks on reciprocity, which they assail p-incipal!y becau-e it is associated with the name of one whom they hate. Irish World. THE POSITIVE CURE. I KLT B BOTHERS. M Warraa Nw York. PiHMeal Me I'erhaps no local disease has juiz icd and ballled tile liledical lirofcs sion more than catarrh. Whih- not immediately fatal it is ainoii"; the most distressin"; and lististinir ill- the flesh is heir to. and the rec ords show very few or no cases of radical cure of chronic catarrh by auy of the multitude of modes of treatment until the introduction of Klv's Cream JJalni a few vears aqo. The success of this preparation has ' been most gratifyiniy and sttr-prii-inj,';. h nighty t-'es isji.'irkl i?i' like blue e-em.-j tnid.T the golden fringes of her lunij eye la, hes. he had been f.;r alc?.;tiiae a poor irirl, the daughter of eii izetis wiio h;id seen better d;:y.-, that marvelous human lily. She had exj.eri'-neeil all tliepettv troubles, all the c:-.;-! d..i!y sufrerln-s -if nn-ery that conceals itself. The poor ;-a i i:i' ieaut frowns, ji.iiiif ull y remo- 1 every year; the insolence of credit ors; humiliations; continual and tor-I'Ksiti-i:. thou:;iits of r.oney she had ".Toerii'iieed iht-m all, and in her little i.'-.ii-i, "a;4"r for pi".i.::.e and eiijoy t::ent, swollen v.h uusaiistied lou.:mii;s, ;i dream was risen little by little, oc cTiyi.'i',' all tli" room, rendering her in !:. i'ulu to all the r,'.-t the drr am of at !;;..-1 h; coining rich. : he wan; i-d it, absolutely; he was uv:i for it; sh" was ri-h row. That ';, "s," whi -a s'ii1 ii.i.! jus' iiroiiouiie.-il. h.. i. iy iln lio'ee iiia,iu letieis, chaic;eil h'.r le.-ti;iy; and .-lie was ) content, m h;:: ;iy. tint it ;im:i -ire 1 t. . : it was all i ':v;ii:i, tisat her M- eldiu veil was a e! ; 1 that tra::.-io:;ei lu r into tlie re .has of the impossible, across a sidereal :'.;.( n, of which t'no diamond jiins thrust auiony her laces foriin.-d the flani-ie-.- t.n-s; and. in order to return to r a!:;v. :h" u.:; t cast her eyes toward i: . hu-bnud. i.-:-:; Marchis, krn-: ia hi - ic" lie;- j;: i:iy.-.;ie. Vidvet V s'l.ld-J i ih -, la by the tremulous, h'riyht-::e:-:s f the caudles. i. i ::'!" was v.tzr.ry; ileal a! unit ili a. j'O' ir fell .w! In vain he ttrai-lit-"i: d his ci vrect person of an elegant m.-. u. with his accurately shaven face, .. .-l.-T.iler brown iMiM-.i-in-. atal a -t.ii li'esh ( olor tiiat fjiive him .-omi-thin. t he !oi .V . .1' an aep-r; n-i r-.-m iiTK-d no?!i ihe f :-s old..vit!i his p-nveri'u; .- houiders a littl.- bent, with his -V.'1- -mwti '. a-y. :;::"! I'fn.vs fei-t toward his tein- . -. vh m t: a i-, i v loe!; - is ' a - . -d;-"--l re;.;: r.'.-j: la. irr-i.'.'i iiah- ' v:i'a forty-:-- v--n ye-e-. ,.f which 1 h" v. -ii-i :-. ; w.i- taore ee;. -,;. ,...., besid--li at :::::' a 'id ol-n h- sr.ri:.- i-Vr:y ve.n year.-! ihov wa- it pi .s.,j. i-l'-i- lie f'ol; Jii.s heart so paloitat im;. : al of t -a.-s a i i ;::.: And 'he eoald not eomoieli' tiiI how so mucii time iiad passed: he -nhl t'oi persr.-ele ;i:as"!t' of the incredible fact forty-seven years I as-od without knowing (biimi-i. Tor they had i ell acijuaiuied with ea.eii other only two months. .Uarciiis, however much he ha 1 frequented society, drawn there by his banking c-onnections, h.iid n -vcr let himself lie talked to of mart ia V."h .! A wife, child r-"ii, treuiil. ;. car. s, disappointment.-.! Not even by idea! Ami at 17 y - ars one evening, pr-seiit f n ".n taotivvs of euno-iry ; a b-ill to . !;e.-!i the eia: .lov.-s of hi.- baui: iiad iu viie.l liim. h.-iti'.ist needs i s:nir leu hv the e.'.oul.-i.e. vajiorous j;race of that hloTide !,rirl. dre-sil sialply in white, cn-li-r:::;' nil t!noir::i i f :t lu.-ny !i f I in an r."it; U !:'. '' !:'.ee and IiiL'. silverv beard tier lath. r. a modest clei lv in the bank: a rather ridiculous li; tl uid man, who, beside that divine apjian'ti-..?!. sl--n-der in her rolic-s of fuow-, made one tiiink of the :rno;aes of folk tales, always crouchiii"; at the feet of fairies.' Alt. weakness of hearts L-rrowit;- fdd! That apparition was enough to shake all the ideas of Luio Marehis cuncerniu"; matrimony, and as the old tfiioine, de spite his absoltite nullity, was an honest citizen, incapable of resisting the ;issidu ities of the director to his pretty dau-h-tv r, t ii..' sUit-si had. h ..Tl jl'i iitlv ; i.-.;.-ed W. D. JONES. Proprietor. has the: finest rigs in THE CITY Ciirrhics for Tlcnsiin' jiud Short Ui'ivcn Ahvsiys Kept lU'ady. ('or. 4 tli and Vine J'lattt-inoti th, JS'eljniBka 7 (j l.'lilc :i ,i: .V; WILL KKEP CONSTANTLY ON IIANJ) A Full mid (,'onijih tc line; of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUCGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Proscriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours LumDer iara THE OLD REUSABLE. PI1F LUMBER ! Shmiir'S. bath, Siish, 7aIIery Meat Market I 0 8 th st.. Union Mock, formerly 410 iluin etri:et. V Hplpndid Market, where Everything kept is First ('las. We aim to bltnse, unci solicit the Putl ull age of thfi I'ublic. Cnn supply eve-rw demand ot the city. Call und terms. Fourth -tn-tt in rear of op rn house. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE LEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand Jeverytbintj you need to furnish your house. niB CHOICEST STEAK e, EXCEELENI ROASTS, THE SWEETEST CUTS, FINEST CUKE1) MEATS, i:MK. KISf AM) OTItlMt OKMCACIKS i.N !ii:ASi)N. 15 v f.iir and hc.nost deniin I expect to ijieri: a nletre of the trade. bil Int. J. K. VALbERY, I'rop . j J l . : i 1 1 - 2 , MAN'UFACTCUKH OK A N t WHOLESALE & RETAIL riK.AI.EK IS Tllii l ORNEIl SIXTH AND MAIN STKKKT Plattsmout - Neb 31IKE SILLLLILCKLil. Wn.iii and tilaftvsiiiitli h.u Wagon, Buegy, 3Inchine and plow R-jpaiririij dont HORSESIIOEINO A SPECIALTY He u-e the NBVERSLIP HORSESHOE willi t... r...iint i.f tint little in O.l..,, i .f p, tt,.., i. ;.-. :ifi-J cr.-ature, th'.r b'i.n.le ' 'bich ia the best horseshoe for the j bein- to become hi wife. X,,w he la,mu'ul lur u"ma. or ior cuj treiabled witii j..v. IIis,.v,.sw;-:,;ia-rv ri,wt5tvtr invented. It is , made with vivid euiotion-not perceivin- that tU8f RUjr0De Ut on sLafl) ? t.Uto... wnsasi-nof old and it Srks' 819 or wct !,d was a v..kv choked with jov that to the ! ?.a-vs r f' i ii'o 3ilU nun CAXUllUt' Uie M.I Ml.-I.IJ ud y u wia use no other. J. M. SIINEI.LI5 ACKER. Fhoiccst Brands of (jfiars including our Flor J i j ' .j,-, ' 3 j i FULL LINE OF rOHACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE T..W4YR in Btock. Nov. 2G. 1885. P. J. HANSEN UKAI.EK IN STAPLE AND FANCY GItOCEIilES, QUEEXSWAKE questii'ii of the priest, "Are you con tentr" replied, "Oa, yes!" Now it i.s done. United, forever united, ilaviu arisen to their feet, the with an elegaut and light impulse, like a lily wiud lifted oa ita steru. be with a littla 112 North Fifth St. I'lattsmouth Flour nd M a Socially tli Pn!le Solicited. utr ilia" JOHNSON BUILDING,; Narth fitHJSt 4