JLT i Vallsry 105 S th ht.. Union Mm k, formerly 415 Mnin tttrei-t. .V Hpl'itdM Mtrkft, wli.Tt- Kv.Tjthinp kept in Firnt '1iim. We nini to idi'ust-, Mill huiit it tin- I'utron ae of til-! I'uMit:. tiik cihucit srr.Mo, KXL'KhhKN'I UOAHTS, TIIK SWEKTKST CUTS, KIN KS I" CUKKD MBATS. I.N hKASON. B fir an.l lie He-it itfaling I eipect to nicrit ii hIi inr of Mie. trade. lm. .1. K. VAIXKUY. rn.j, W i-.in ;!! I'.l-vksiiiiTli shop Waiym. ISn.t'-ry. Macluin! and plow U Airitir 'lme UOUSKSllO.'.IN'l A SPECIALTY Ill UC ttH NEVKRSLIP HORSESHOE ivi.i, 1. U tli- tM-t liorsnoi for tin far i iii-t , r f..r I'-i-t .Invitiu, or lor mi; .vr inv. nt.-.l. It h so i.iuiU- 1 . ,r 1..t tint m.y.me ' r - Corpus r-r W,t rm.l w M-prr, day. or muo.,,!,. .lry m-,.1,. :.H nt i,M simp ..l. l .-X-ullMH- the. Nnvi-KM.M- and vi. u will n-- "o other. .1. M. SIINKl.LIiACKKK. J12 North Fifth Si. FLiU-moutl. MNl'K.fTrHKH OF AN!) WHOLESALE & RETAH HKAI.KK IN THE Thoi iiu!udinJ our Flor 1 Kl'I.I. 11 N K r TOBACCO AND sMOKKUS' AKTICLl. a-in-tnek. Nov. v.issr,. A if 1 u r a I ! ..J : ... a.' - .UiViULI: i I.-ith, S-ib, oors, to 14 5 .f ! Cm stipoly ev. rw Jcin-ui.l of the citv. Call ati.l i;-t t.-rin. Fo;i:tii t;oi t in r.ir of ojn-ni 1.'Mi-c. HENRY BOECK Tlie Loaning FURNITURE LEALER AND ... . R UNDERTAKR, 1 i r i. -. 1 ;k'vcrytliin !. vi.,.r Ii 'U.-i'. Const anr i P - . n 6t3 3 .. - - L U i DF:Ai.t:n in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE Hon? sail. M a Specially tiif L'uble Solicited. JOHNSON ByiLDING;,Nsrtk flUSl Liiiiiber 3 i 1 It. i. PIKF ,Are always llaMo-to Midden and severo'; coins, 10 croup, aoiw uiriwiy ing tevcr, et. J:i UKiliuS, to lie t-fli:clive, mual te ruluiin-l.iu-rcl without delay. jNotlilng Is better :ul.iitd fur smli einerrenrics than Ayvr'm lurry f'-rtoral. It soothi'S tl ilitl.'lim-il in. jiii.i.iii.-, pi '.hkiI' a xii-i'toi;iliin, ri ll.-vt s :ii;'iiii', ami I nlm -s sl--p. 'I hi- ninit u.su of this iii.-ilK'iiii- lias s.-iveii innumerable livt-s, liolli il ymiiiK anil oh1. Onirol my ihiMn-n bail rrnup. Tho' run was ultriuh-il l.y our I'liYMri.'ii, and wxs sii-m.si-i to In: Will uiuli-r contriil. Oik; uiKl't 1 was .st.iitli-il l.y tin- i liild '.s haul lircathiiig, ;:iiil ou ;,'iu in n Iijuiul it Strangling. Jt lind iK-.irly oeasivl to lirt'.itlie. Ki-allzlnn that the chilli's alarmiiiK comlition hail be-r'.ini- u-siM.' in S.ili- of tin' nii'ilii-iiM! it hail t:ik-u, 1 ri-:isoii-l that surh rciiii-ilies woulil l.i- of no avail. Having a. Iart of a hottli; of Ayrr's flH-rry 1'i-ctoral In thir hous-, I kv tin- 4-liiM lhi'-i- iIosi-h, at sliort inti-rvals, ami anxiously wai'.-'l n'sulls. I'rom th' nioini-nt tin- I'n-toial was Kiv i. IhP rhilil's hn-athiiur I'rnv easi.-r, anl in a .short timi; it was sh-r-iud uii:lly and l.n-nthiii(j naturally. Tho rhilil is alivf aiil wHI t-tay. ami I lo not lu sltat.- to say that Avi r's rhi-rry rcrtoral .savfil il.s lilc." C. J. WoolihiiJui;, Wol tliain, Ti-xas. r f ' - I.r poliN. r.iuelis, hrnnohltls, asthma, ami th- -arly .sta.-s of cunsiimjitioii, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rKEl'AKKM nv DR. J. C. A"irT:R & CO., Lowell, Maes. o!! t.y all I ruri;i-tf. Price $1 ; nix holtlc-H, )& TIIK I X T $ R N AT I O XAL TYPEWRITER sfrli-rlv rirs -l ii- p'-i.-tii-u'. fully warrrtiiT I. '!.. i !!: vi-!y hi-st nialcllal h -k il'fil w c 'I kiin-ii, ami il h tlielifst tools that ii:i t'Vrr l .-.vi ! -v i -i-1 fur t lie pui'i'iS'. War-ranw-.l l iln all that ran In rras"ali!y cx-li.-rtcil of tin- very best typewriter extant --ii ,-:tiV ii --i;-ti.' 1: w -.ir.'u i i-i - minute oi mme acooritinn to the ability of the operate. I'KICK S100. I! :-. no :iMit in your town adilress the :n.:r.uf.icturiH. Tim I'AKU-n M i"; r. '"i!ts nanU-il 1'afisll X, Y. F. I J. SEKLEMIRE, Ayenl. Lincoln, Neb, PUBS irmPLE SUGAR ninl Syruji. "it'-vl on l-ixi- or in ill lots i i Pure, .".lipid Sugar Co Chk-ago, III-j ;i ,:; :r .i.r.N IT I I ' .-t; rr: Agents. Ths 5th St. iGrchant Tailor Keep? a Kull Line of Vim:iTr YoTir ' -Tr..t by civlntrH'm aiM ',','COO CLOCK -I. 'si JOI.lA N i rOKC ELAIX'C KO VVXS IJri Jg'j workj.-inii fine fjoKl work a SPECIALTY. I)K. STKfNACS LOCALaswell a other hu estheticsiven forth painless extraction of teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald B1m-' ra.ififiii or maooa, mimm Emt$lons, Spermatorrhea. Nervousnt, 8sif Dlttntt. tM Of Mtmxynf. Si, : HUM make mo m 8?OH9; Viaor- flaxM. 96 CO. With tap b jM. AttrM 4T.LOUM. ORESSLER. . - N . VS. DINED ON ROASTtD MEN. I fljl "Camilhal Who laliii. to lfar. i:at-ii lluimni I Irsli. Tb geoeTai rnriosity of our entire. town was iironst-il by tlio .iH':ir;iiic, ' iijhiii our ntn- ts of a native of Inciia, wlio was lorn upon one i,f iln- Fiji i.-laii'ls. lb- won- a very n-l or carilinal colon ' I suit of clot tics, kin-i- pants, atui jai Ki t t rinitiK'il with black vi-lvi t collar iiinl cttfl's. Over his hhuMi-r In- -arri-il :t cloak that was tii-'l ovi-r th.- h-l't siinnl h r iiinl nnih-r tin; riht, mad.' of white ;in.l ri-il il inticl. His h-ail w;is covi-n-d j wit h a blon.-' that i -1 1 ilown l;is back, iiinl t i 1 1 over thi.s ;i soiubn-ro. Jli shoes won- ti'-il niili-r tlii instep with ;i on:--ha'l i'u li white braiil that wonii'l around tin? b'j? up to the- knees. His eneriil ap-pi-ararici' was vfry j.';i;idy. Tliis i.r.!ie was converted when t!.l years old, .-md is now 71 years of iif. i ii -faiii. r lived to la- i:iu years of ae. 1 1 is life has bis-n sp'-nt in lect urin. on ! tie cotidil ion of his people He spi aks i w.-at y Ia:i-.;u;iv;es lliu-nlly. When fiye or six -ais old In- saw an Indian woman throw her child to a crocodile tli.it v. i;;!:e.i l.do'i pounds. ' The jmitnal a:' i 1 he child, an 1 t ii" niotli'T caught i: . it ran bar!; to 1: r 1. :i:iir for its iif -. v. hen she threw it ii;a:n. Tliis tiin : ! .--. i.Iil.-- t ii ;ck il wish its claws, : . il into two pieces and ate it, very .She then n-poi -icd Iier ;icts to ;:ie t' C'.-m priest, and he ltlcss'-d ln-r, s;iy-ui.-r lo ln-r, " o sin no more." He also was a cannibal. When lie was T ears old there were twenty-one inin-i.-ters who were caught, travelini; and prospecting for laccs to locate churches, and one of th:-sc minist- rs was beh'-.-idc d every morning by their Iiigli priest and his 11 :di conked, and the natives were ii'ade to sland in a row and each one was .:iv n a j.art of the ilesh, and they sJ md ate it. This was continued every !::;.' for twenty one days, until all of the leiiii-teis were eat -n up, and he site part of twenty-one preachers. lb? savs the natives never do eat one an.- ij ln-r uTiiess one is t.il-.eu in wa a missionary; that it is a mislal; or iis i idea ili.-it 1 in-y .- lay one another to eat when this man ami that is fat enough to cat; :hat the beasts of the field never slay one of their kind lo iin v upon, and that th.- savages have never lower than wild animals. stitntiou. gotten to le -Atlanta Con- (lei'm- in The oddest story of ;-. i s from Norfolk. . 1: Steyi iN'ii. 1 he a'llh ;; s-m? in tlie fo ;nd was told to r of 'The Birds H. T. Frere. A itt r;ic1ed to the ry ni-iht by the 1 i !' 1 iieir vi .ices f Norfolk-. lv t f ge: le j..'-v ;e Wen 1-! ;-.e 1!oi'! ?o-,,ri of Diss on )i lo: li'.liis. and from the sou; set m "d to 11 v scarcely higher than the 1 1 e:. of i ::e le lUSes. Tli.-y crime abort 7 p n.. and. ;is it was Suinir.y i.'Veni I : ' ?v' t' d to be esjieeially altracled by 1h'? lights in the church, and their incessant clamor not a little disturbed the congregation a M-n:i;led for evening service. From thrst time until ' a. in., when the fog cleared off and they departed, they con tinued to Uy around utterly bewildered. One bird happened to fly to low as to strike a gas lamp outside : he town probably it was flying round the light--just as a policeman was pas.-dng by, who very properly, as the bird was making a great noise outside a public house, took it into custody, and tin? next day it was with equal propriety sent oil to a pri vate lunatic asylum at Melton, where it li v-d for some years an honored guest. . pectalor. !i-n a :-n t leiiiau Siri:i Itim-lrj.s. ! )o ;-e know when an ele j-.-nit. pol i h--d ..eiitleman seems like a tramp'' It is win n lie allows the impression to go T.t that he has no place he can call home, or belongin to hiins' If individu al1'.', bv using club stationery for nil of hi- coi j-e-pntiilence. Something .about it tie re is that smacks of snobbishness, po.eiiv or sec rev y more than of the dig nil y belonging to an exclusive or popu lar club. For it general address in the revolving of city life one's club is de- 1 11 . ....... ...... i ..4- 4V...W.-M .1 M.tiV Clw.Ulv COIlYCIllv liL, .lll.i nine nin tti-q t;ir:: le.ites atid levters that have t!ie cor rect air when topped by the club name, monogram or coat of arms, but when a man c onfines himself to the club sta tionery for his business letters, his formal iii. l iub'tmal notes and .-ill social letters it calls v.p that class of men who board ill inferior hotels and slip around to will known high priced ones and help themselves to the paper that is left in the reading ami writing rooms for the u-e of the guoists. Chicago Herald. Lump Sliat'i'h. M.-iny of tlios gorgeous lamp shades that bewilder the eye from half a dozen show windows on Fifth avenue are made at h-mio bv women who have seen the : '..i..f -'-hi tier days." The work re qr.ires nicety of taste and skill in needle-- rk. I; --igt-s a:id inat-.-riu's aro fnr-:.i.-'.e-t s:o:::etimes by the shopkeeper, - ::,etii:: s by the women that do the v. :k. !": i.-rge.-t Muvlrs are jUitde over T-,r;:"l frames. The mat. -rials entering into the work are silk, satin, lace and ilieiai il..v:er?-. Prices of the more elaborate shades vary from 10'to A-"0, so that he cost of a handsome lamp fully equipped may run up to $500. In home cases milliners also make lamp shades, and the fact that they are able to utilize remnants of silks and cf other materials gives them a peculiar ad vantage in this business. New York Sun. . . Bat They Didn't. John Hays,'" Nebraska youth, re ceived 46 letters from his pirl, and she received 470 from him. Each one wrote on every letter, "Burn this after read ing.' but both took great care not to do anything of thj sort. If you want a woman to nave your love letters just let her think you want them burned. De troit Free Press. Putttus Him to tin T '. runner IVastraw Well, son what did you learn at college? Sott I learned to fence, for one thing. ! Farmer Ptsrrw That's- goodr I'H get imi iaitvim'rrrr" l we'll hve a bout. Munsey's Wo-kly. I Tho manager ofbiie of the larges jcwvlrjtoi-e.4 iti;tltt'.rty -M sffWf1 at some 'tTTienences hf? had h.td with diamond tlueves. Siiid lie: Of coutki -W t arf f.unilinr with Mie f; c-s "of 'i great many of the most expert thieves who pick up diamonds and j..welry while examining them under pretense of buying, but naturally our knowledge is limited, and great care ts exercised when xjMising preci jus stones. I keep all the h ose diamond- in my pri vate oflice anil atter.d to their stile my self, but this is rat her a dangerous pi licy. ( ' lite recently a man came in ami asked to see some unset diamonds, and with out thei-lightest'SUspicioii I brought him in bvre and spread out a number of pa pers of very valuable stones.' was seat ed in u revolvingchair. and had occasion In t:;r.i my bai k -u him f..i" ii moment, and when 1 looked around again 1 dis covered that two valuable stones wire mi.sing. Very quietly I folded up th" papers, !ca ing t he one fo:n which the .-.tones i .1 been taken until the l.i.-i. Tiieti :.;v:ng c.irelessly tiiat I iiad something civ t'ishow l.ini. I turned to a drawer l.i my disk .-md got my revolver. Thin : w,;:.l 1 .-av; - J lo .- i:o-.v y ou, an 1 now j.i.-! put b.i'-k 1 t wo di.imon-Is,' s.i id i. in- I..-el at la. for a luonie:; . , something about. ii:.-.u!i ing a geuil.-mau, but li" jaw tne r.-volver Iooi..ng i-iy .' -:-ot;s, and finally produced the : o;..-., from hi.-, ve.-l pocket. Philadel phia J 'r. ss. Vi iirrr Nalni'- I- II vrrsril. Yuma! Wii.-it recollections the name "it : 1' bring- up! Yuma, where they dig !or Wood a:i t climb for water. Win re there an more Mexicans than Ameri coiis, and more Indians than either. Where the 'thermometer "seldom gets above 1 IS in the shade," and where the wicked Yum; iiool sent home for his lilanket. Win-re tie seat of lion-.r is the left hand, and the raibo.id hotel gies the traveler teller b.ef.-teaks. Wln re the river is the color of the cart h, and the earth the color of the water. V.'iiore steamboats run comfortably on moist sand, and t he prisoners in the peni I' uliary k.-ep r tore in the prison yard. Where the girls are "tough" and the boys are 'gentle ami refined." Where th'-y eat strawberries in .January, and v. ijt-re I lie desert blossoms like tin lose. Where the rainfall is less in n year than i' i.; in New York in a duv. and where the old men pitch pennies and fly kites. V. !: re the Indian w.ai rim- is practically ; i aeei'ul and clean, ami where the entire world seems topsy turvy. Such is Yuma, a picturesque town sit uated in the heated collier of the world vborc Arizona, California and Mexico i... et. Omaha World-l b-rald. Sport That Is Uathrr Cruel. The s -i ; p; n i : ;i bad bedfellow, and " lias a jaeaii trick of hiding in your uofs and slinging you when you put :e:n on. lint y ou can have fun with ;ai alier a fashion. If you want to ring out th'' best qualities of a scorpion ni!d ii little corral of dry leaves or .per around him and &et fire to it Jit 1 p. infs. Make tho circle about a foot iii imeier. so that tie- li.iine.s will not uvh your prisoner. When he sees the : g of fire the scorpion will try to es . .. first at one nlace and tin-n at an :'a -r, but the lkuiics will drive him ack every time, ami when he realizes :ar he is completely surrounded be will treat to th ? c.-nler of the ring and d" berulely commit suicide by curling his ::1 over and stinging himself in the o-k. So you see that nat ure sanctions ,h i !e uinler some circumstances in i'.o of wb-it the preachers say about it. he scorpion teaches a les.-ou that a man ;id better roinember if he finds himself ; the center of a gang of Apaches. San "raiici.-co Examiner. Two Sinful;!- Showers. n Saturday, Nov. 11. ls-. there was ;i shower of peculiar shaped seeds over an area of several square miles in the vicinity of Statesburg. S. C. The shower began about 1 1 :'I0 i!-. rn., and was noted fir twelve miles in one direction and a", .ut seven and a half in the other. In the center of the- district over which they fell the ground was r.lmost covered, the noise made by them as they fell on the leaves much resembling that made by .h. .. sleet. When examined under the microscope tiie.-e seel, like granules, ap peared wholly di lTet tut from any seeds known to botanists of that part of South Carolina. In the following month. December. IsS'J, Huntington, lnd.,and vicinity w:is treated to a shower of strange worms. They were only about the fourth of an inch in length and about the diameter of a smail sewing needle. In some places tl:.-y fell in such abundance ns to cover the snow and ice to the depth of nearly hali an inch. Hi. Louis liipablic. w 'ar. slii.'ills. In jrui'-r v s the night watchmen as they went their I ;e l-.-au and the itazc of ll-.v. -ii. -an To r- ai.i's. d oi of the wv.tkcr. The-- w.-achnier were generally old men. whose inhrmai'.'s. ratiier than their fitness, made them guardians of the night. Of one of thwm, a watchman of Canterbury, Cooper, the English artist, tells a story amusingly illustrative of the mental dullness of the class. One night it had been raining between the hours of the old man's rounds, a fact of which he was ignorant, having snoozed, as usual, in his watch box. When he started on his next round the rain had ceased, and the light of the moon was reflected in many pools of water. As the old man went along he was heard to CJill out: 'Past 11 o'clock, a wet night and more moons than usual !" Patriotic. A young lady of Seattle, who has been forwarding very interesting accounts of her travels in Europe to her friends at home, sent her last letter from Paris. She was enthuMaotic over' the " French capital, and after saying everything else that six? could ia- it favor, rapturously lt?lareii,ttTo mj .mind ?ft; is the SeafcU of Earbjpe:"" Albany Argu. f ' 4 9 I 1 f li 1 I r 'ill . fc ;t I ! t . f ' Isl . I . e iJI.iO.fi.il H " I - - i l.i ! .- I'J.i . I . l ,, if t . what Custoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher" prescription for Infant and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic n:!st:uicc. It i a. harmless ulKtitute for larfforsc, Irops, Soothing Syrups, and Caxtor Oil. ic Is Pleasant. Its tiurantco is thirty years nso hj Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents voiii'tinjr Sour Curd, cures Iiarrhc:i and Wind Colic. Castoria relieve teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castori.i assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is th- Children's Panacea tho Mother's IViend. Castorii. Cnrtstri Is ui ex- le-'it. in. .tii-lnn fer rti'l ilren. Mftlifrs li c r ;. ::t'-i;;.. t .id n..-ef it3 tjeod offisct uimiii llu-ir cli.Iiln ii." In. U. C 0oo-,n, Iiwi l!, Mam. Ciister'a Is tlie 1., . t o-j'if 'y r..r !iil ipai f which I am i.i-'iauaia-.I. 1 Ii t'.e il.iy i.ei ot far iliKlant u ln-n i.-i! In rs w illeuni li-r tin- n.v.l inten iit .f tli. ir i liil h en, i.n I u ; i t'.istori.i steiul ef tin- v.-irintisn'i.e-l: m -t ruiie; t liirli are destroying lli' ii- 1.-.1 innv, l.i f orcin, i in, morphine, rieeih ug syriiji mi 1 et'p r Inirifi.! si-nt.s ilnwn t'i ir t!ir-'i:!ts, tli- rely n.-nJiiio; them to jiri-maturo eriivi-s." l'l. J. V. KlvrtlKIM!, C'.JiiMiiy, Arl;. Tho Ccntnur CoTTipriny, T7 rii'i.-jejiiar j'tts 1 "Jv1 Jjj 'tJf M 15 E! I'fc TAI!:I)., .1. H. 'il?;'. YKS & CO. I)i:.I.i:US IN PINE hF.VJiEIt, .slII.N'iiLiiS. h.VTII, SASH. JJOKS, liLINDS.imd nil buihling material Vai S ami sM5 us at the itoraujr of mid Ellin street, one block of !!Seiisel's mill. nor LATTSMOUTH SBwy yss5 ia'cew f 42ae Surmy wlies'e yota vim eSect yosiaa cwas irwm t?asit wSI5 Sse a. you. II Si:ire ssSS 5ie leadlraj va S'let2cr4 Iisaw ImiHw wlaal varieties w35I cl Isere ISian agcsnte and yoca csaca feasy an cheap Apple trees. .'5 y(-:trs fll -Apple trees, li years old - Cherry, early :i,-h:r.:n!, late Plum, 1 ottawat l.unie. v lid Uoose lias)berrie.-, ('rr. Ty1'1' Strawberries, Sh:;!-;!'-s Cre-sen Concoivl vine.-, ye;;r.- old -Moors Early -rape. - years old. -Currants, Cherry Currants Snyder blackberries - -Industry Gooseberry - 8 Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old Houghton Gooseberries, 2 yearn old -Asparagus Rosses, red moss and white moss Shrubs, Hydrangea Honey Suckle - Show Balls - Lilacs - . " - Evergreens, Norway'spruce B, Fir Sfursery oac-half mile north oi town, end ot th Street. Address all Orders zo ( . -, JT. IE. ILlEESILffi tit ... ... PLATISMOUTR, MEB .8Q5IA3 JAVOIKS ,oi,q if ini-t , i r ill i : mi il ) . y is Castoria. " C.Mtorl.a H ko well n.liij.ir.I to chlLlrrn thmt I n ei.iiiKit Ti'l it bi.kiijMirii.i 'jtny .nwcripttw I.iium n ti Hie." II. A. VricfiR, M. ill i. Oif..r.l ;-l , l i-.Hklyu, N. T. " i iiir jiliysieijiiiK in th -liiMren' (Irfxirfc in. -i it. li.ivo hjM.l.i ii highly ef tln-ir cxpnr 'in n in tl.eir iiitr.iilti juai-'ii-n il h 'tuiUirvmj ui.. I fill Iii u;'li we only a.ivo uiimhii our ineilii-al sum lies wl..it is I. imwii .n ri-iiUur n hImi-Is, j t ive urn fn t i-.mf. vs tliut Um in. ri'.i ef f'a.-.lori.'i h;i:( won as t limit wlUt favor U.!i it." T'MTni IIosl-ITAl. ASI Il"ITlK4ier. llllhtOIl, Mjuml Au.es ('. Smith, I'rra., Murray Street, New Yorlc City. lift, iVi.Y.'A'v. Via -"'"ITS 1. -a rs 1 N O o ) il 501S0O i -1 00 1500 I?U-tmoiil, vrti--, H:, 00 '2500 1 00 150 2.3 150 250 500 cm 3C0 :;u:j oo ,10 1 00 i ; ;25:$ 00 lo; i 50 101 (XI i loi m :3o! 20: 125 40 Nursery