' 1 a - 4 - - -Vw i-" V - HWl iT in Daily Herald. Jriattsmou 11 .Aj.'- ID. VpOURTIl YKAIi. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. Wl DXKSDAY EVENING. MARCH li 1S9J KlTMJSKlt 15-1 . . - 1 tr (! s i n 1 1 : f - -iighcst of all in Lcavrning Power. -ABSOLUTEDf Ml'KK'V BREVITIES. HV Wall I'AXSV. Mr. Jas. on biisint r v-nt to Lincoln MoikI.i v. Mr. It. Hcrg. r is 11 1 v i 1 1 g into town thrift. i- will ! one . i til is week ;i lit I of lis. i Since our last i has moderated i writing the weather 0111c ;inl makes us 1 all feel better. J Miss Ilnttie Holmes, of Koch 2 llltiif visited friends here tin- hitter 1 part of hist wcrk. 2 Tlvf" farmers" alliance i dav tii'-'Iit at the scho met Satur il house to j organ i.e a society. .ire clad to learn that Mr. Frank Moon- is improving ami if nothing interferes he w ill get along nicely. Moving seems to le the order of the day now and most any time we can see a wagon load of goods going Homewhere. The last snow- of the season has made its appearance, ami with it came ideighs. lu lls and a g ucral good time. Two more weeks of school then : 1 1 ..11 i ... .... 1. ,,.,- t-,.t ;w llwrc I Wl" Hill .III 1.1. ' 1 will Ie no spring school 011 account of lack of funds. Mr. J. M. Holmes, of Sherman Counts, has come hack to C'as to upend" the .-umm. r here on account of poor crops in that county. Mrs. Nannie Root was called to lMattsmoiith Monday morning b the illness oi her mother, who wa;; na id to 1 e in a d nig 1 uditiot! Tlw.n. Ml In- an exhibition hel ! at the IJecli school holl-e three inile. south of here bv tiu- si'iioo! i Friday. March Jl. All are invited. Mrs T. W. I"aii-ht of this i.l.io was calleil W eei.'sn- ;.;! I lie:'.. -erioiis ill r Root, of lav. of last wee l.v the ties.-, of her father, III. that place.' Mr. . A. k'ankin shipped a car load of cattle to Omaha Wednesday of last week. I-'roni there he w il! v.o to ArmstroiiiX' county, l'a- 1" visit fri.n.ls mill will hriii"-- home with liim a fair daughter o that counir Our le.-l wi.-hes u'o with throw our No. VI hro-an liim. alter 1 We tin'. Ir. IJrendle of this place and D;s. SiLTUeus ami Schild'. neeht of y.mr cirv"perforiued a ditiicuit surgical ot wM-itioii 011 Allen IChodeii. who met 1 . . u-Hli tin- neeuleilt we .-!)oI.e o f last just week, hy amputating- his liml below the knee. Mr. KMioden came vet near d iiiL; during the ami is a littl iperation. imit raiueu better at present. Miss Florence Crosser. wh.o h;'.s been atti :il in school at the West ern Normal College. Shenandoah. Iowa, the ja.t winter, has returned home to visit her parents for a Couple of weeks, but contemplates rcturuinef in a few days. This is one of the grandest institutions of the west ami can be recommended highly to all voting seeking an edu cation. The (). M. society of Murray de cided to o to Plattsniouth and have their pictures taken. They hired a livcrv conveyance and at ll::'u they Htarted on their iourney. They re ported a glorious t'if.e. but the driver, at this writing, s-.-eius 10 o la!ly t?s-d up and declares lie v e"r will be caught in that crowd airaiu- I f ho dies, some one please wT'ite a poem to his memory. The I. -i;..s' Missionarv Societv of the I'nited Pre d leriau church of this place held their monthly meet irur last Fri.lav afternoon at Mrs. J. V. lCdmuiuls". The society thou;ht they wtmld lo an act of charity bv sMilinr relief to the western stiiTerers. They raised over ten dollars in money and made a bee line for KdmundsA: Root's store where they made purchases to that amount ami are at once oirijLT to fihip the jfoods to Benklemaii. Neb., where the people are in a needy con dition, fl.iy their efforts be blest and "Thev shall receive their re ward." What kind of literature shall the rising generation of our laud read. Our time is so short anil precious that we can not afford to waste the fragments in reading trashy litera ture. The mind is weakened and the brain becomes stillled. To con verse with the jood arid RTcat we must read their writings and hold intercourse with them. To converse with anyone for tive minutes we can easily tell what literature the3' in dulge in. To talk with the learned and wise is a pleasure, but to talk to an ignorant person is a displeasure. Ixt us impress on the minds of the risinr generation the necessity of reading choice literature. DR. MARSHALL. DKXTIST. will be in his office on and after March 14th. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, i33 PURE PKKSONAh. Mrs. C". A. Print, is visitin tr friends in maha today. Mrs. Frc. 1 ."'iurphv is isiliiiic rela- 1 1 vcs lien today. Lo 1 iver IS of the w ' ) V.' -in fell last iiiht all part of the stata. Mi. tive lhaudt, auditor of the locomo lepai tment, is in the city today. lierf McKlwnin and O. A. Ilirsch are attending to husiness todav. in )maha ( )wine; to a lack council failed to of quorum, the materialise last 11 i'ht. Mrs. F. !!. Vi!s,: lives and lrieuds in is. scci:: rela the metropolis lodaj . Superintemlent Hinell, oneof the It. V M."s ablest otlicials, is in the city today. Mrs. John C. DePutron 01 l.incolu is the uest today tt her niece, Mrs. Athcnoii. Misses Alice and Nellie Boone went to Omaha this 1110: nitijxto visit friemls for a week. Hai ry Cole, .-oil of Lew- Cole, was the honest boy that found and re turned Mr. Young's pocketbook the other day. We did not h a n the name at the time. Toe lnt"rm'liatc PeuileiUiiiry. II. K. No. ."li' will be takeii up in the hous- tiiis morn i u. The lull was introduced by Representative Shryock and authorizes the cstab i !i "merit of aa iatermedrite peni f Hilary :! i . . i s i ! !e. !'h - -it i.e:.. of that'place have agreed to donate a biiildin-- atid 1N a.Tes of land. A iMiiu.ir.ie.- e, legislator.---, in coii- unc'tiou with a committee of Piatt.- - : .1 r ! wii! v i-.-w om h -it; - is to e; crimi VI le.i )!:.- s.! j'iu: ' a la ire too hoids. . ;..-a!ly . i-.-ta!lis!i ia!s who efo'-m S' e lor I1 io Slate -. 1-f; . e sent i '. ' Joitrtia I. A. P.. i"o'" i.i' Id old sever: 1 : 1 r- i 1 I i j'i L ' s v ' ! uiatoiv. ie i a r; Hill'- til :ew rcio T i I I . K.UUOll !St ( 'rostl:wait Pi. e vi'iii at i ;i L. a ve an ! .;n!i:iU- arid impersou salislaction and del iu ill t. 1 1 ii' of all v 1er in ci : t ion pastor i'ei . M r. C iio heard him. 5b' is ;i ma ---his chosen profession of elo a;il oratory. W. K. Bea :s. Trinity M. K. "church. Omaha. i. a rostiiwait will be at the M. i:. 17. church Admis.- the ev ion 2.1 cc elllli; n ts. of March Fori Crook. I'ive hundred thousand dollars has been appropriated for the mi ni. '.hate improvement of this new fort which is situated just six miles north of this citv. All of Fori. Oma ha will be removed to the new site, which will be lilted out as one of the largest and best military head iptarters in the I'nited States. Con gressman Council, after a talk with the officials at Washington, says work will be beiun in x-arnest on the new buildings as soon as the weather will permit, and that heha. reason to believe 'J.t H ).( will be expended n the new fort. He say s tluit the plans beins; carried out for the w'ork which i ei: ins ;:t once are on the basis of a million dollar ap propriation, so confidant is the i.ov enitnent that at least that amount will be linallv ijiveii. The building of this new military camp so near us where ko maiiy meii will be permanently located, ami the expenditure of half a mill ion dollars rijht at cur door this summer means much for Platts niouth. We will have a bridge across the Platte river and hund reds of mechanics will find employ ment. But the permanent feature lies in the fact that our city will fur nish the nearest market and source of supply for this larje body of men who are not producers but con sumers. lAcrythinir this year tends to boom our town and the Hkkai.h is K'a' note that the business men appear to be waking up to our real advantages. The Burlington Cutting. A telegram from Chicago says it is expected by the Burlington man agement that the reduction of em ployes now being made will reduce the pay roll of the eight lines form ing the Burlington syndicate to about $150,000 a month. An inside authority estimates that the road's February statement will be fully as bad as the January- one. In its pol icy of retrenchment the Burlington is striking even the higher grade of employes. J. Simpson, Canadian passenger agent, with headquarters at Toronto, and S. B. Sanford, who had charge of the Michigan busi ness at Detroit, have been removed and their work added to other mem bers of the Burlington outside staff. The dance at Los Graves' last night was well patronized and the bjys report having had bushels of fun. rUTfSMOU 1H T ) I HE KHON r. Tlio t'liitl.i Hivrr to l.e Htuneksei. l.y i l.orul Com:oiy. Cieor-eW. I'airlield has had in th p.. 1 tv.o years much e.xperieiu'e in building canals aloni the bliilfs the North Platte river, liaiii' ieeted and completed the first irrij.'atimi- -aiiai 01 an m.- hi ohs st::te. Mr. I"airfield is "therefore not only an engineer in theory but in ac.ual r.ietiee. The method of buiMim;- those loii" and expensive canals Out in the western part of the state where money is scarce has always excited much curiosity; it is done" in this wise: a stock company is oria:ii.ed and a little money put in aad w ork beiin, vhcu flie canal is bonded to eastern parties at a low rate of interest to complete it. Fast en! men who have had experience i:i California and I'tah ditches. Know their value, a ml a re .n'lad ol an ownortuiiitv to loan their monev on that Kind of security. Now, if an i 11 1. ..at ion ditch ."VM miles west of us in the sand hills is a od tiling, v. -hat would be thcuht of a canal only fifteen miles lonr here in Cass county that would furnish a water power sufficient to run scores of I a factories? .Mr. I'airlield .- ays li'.e plan is not only feasible but that he is positive from a per sonal knowledge of the country and the !;,. i.iess, thai the canal could be made a ireat success with the o-.'.il.iy of but little money by local citi.eiis. Mr. Fairliehl will be down next week and will meet with the board of trade and talk over the de tails of the business, when we ex neet to be able to chronicle the for mation ol a company that will push the e;real water power to an early completion. If we had the canal completed the B. A: M. shops could use our power so cheaply, that the talk of dividing the shop plant, or l)tlil(liiii;- else- w here we. ! o ! Ill river would never be heard of aiaiii. The new- imltist t ics that it would brim;-would employ thcusands of men and our cit v wculd beeomt a busy worksiiop. Many jcntlemeii reai i io :;o i 11 1 o I h i :: the omh.-ok lor of means canal men ils slicce.- are s 1 1 re : :.t t'.iis time is certainly llatterinu:. Doy-1 Files His Answer. ,1 eo ! s IO. Boyd Oi i.i 1 1 st .r.hr IIKl C ' strip. pel ! In.- i vri' of It: . i . : : . i : ) . . .- I i .- 1-; as not i Clilieil 1 he v. ':v.-:.u at he . th r.ii.'rl St: i ' i'-.'e :': 1 hi ill Sell' ! es 11": i i i; ; 1' '. a cars in it l.e 1 oil r and tin a. y j ape 1 !l j : 1 1 i io : i Hi' III IOC Ci ! . i ' . 1 .': the Wl li'ia ae 1 o 1 1 : 1 I . res that a i Y vein's mi: bei en to lU'thir .:'!' o! 'a as i I" l r. a:a t I ialeiy !':!!': - ol r. r: ai-We ! !.' loi ii v l ! r i . i 1 1 l 1 C o e i : 1 ; icn ' ) !"- ,': 1 r '. i . 1 . lit i e the re: he i 1 1 1 u'at io 1 is n: Pt Come.s now i : m i k i I'll . T , upon relation oi joh ..!;. iui to die aus .i :u, j allies IC. 1 .. d. of i!i murrer slat-- ': e'iisl That sai:l ;i . nawr IMld i i . e i . -: e I ' 1 -i'- :i-; --OUii '.S r does not sir.te facts siuVh nt to constitute rmat ion herei-i. - siated in s.i id defense to ihe info Second Thai faci.-a::.-wcr are insui'iicii io i us 1 1 y tin iendaut in ho! ding mid eerr tae office of er:ior of Neht i s i n j;- a.- ihird Tiu- a:;.v.er .hov.:', upon its face that the defendant. James H. Boyd, was an alien and ineligible to the office of govern.:'- of Nebraska iii November. ix" ; pretended elect ion. i ; i :; . r ; : o ! his ami that he mi- lawfullv invaded and usurped the office of governor in January, l'.'l. befere the filing .if .-: id i :. ::!! nil ion and tiuil he now hoids the same un lawfully and without rights or au thority of law. as charged in said information. Fourth The said answer admits upon its face the facts pleaded in the information showing- the elec tion of relator. John M. i'liayer, in November, 1S. ami his right to hold said office by reason of the in eligibility ami the consequent non election of defendant, for the term of two years from the first Tuesday in January, 1M.1, and until a success or shall be elected and qualified. Fifth The exhibits hied by de fendant with his said answer show him never to have been a citizen of the luited States prior to December, 1MU Wherefore the said relator prays judgment of the court upon the pleadings that the said defendant be ousted from said office of gov ernor of Nebraska and that the said relator be reinstated therein." List ot Letters. Remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Plattsniouth, March 11, 191, for the week ending March, 4: Brooks. W B Keller. Ellen Berry, earn KyJe. A .1 Brooks, i.or-re I.autensch:i:eii. llen-y hOHweil. Mi's t.nirca .-llteliu-. i: li Cteitft. Annie Martin. Xe.i Campbell. .Ml S3 Emma McMabou, 1) J Coehran, Mm K Y Nelson, I, W Daily, l'atnek arker. B A llniing. Henry Vowetl, Kitty Flgftter. Johan K -yee, KM Hansen. i'0 Sci'li. Mr- I-airu A Honir. Jotin White. Billy Haukerson, Miss Olive wate, Joliuathan Hopkins. C WiiRitt. h li Harris. Mrs Eva L Walker, James A Krollck, Frank Williams, A W ar.t. Annie Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say 'ad vertised." II. J. Stkeigfit, P. M.' Patti Rosa at the opera house Sat urday niht. A lire at Lincoln this morning burned the express office south ol the B. A:. I. depot. By prompt ac tion of the tire lepattmeiit,no bli th er I ; i m a was done. M iss A una A niison leparted for Omaha this iiioiiiin, where she will hereafter reside. She intends taking a course in a business -oll-eil-e 111 that city. 1 1 er ma ny friends lu te are soi l to lose her. The New York Symphony Club -ave a most delightful entertain nieiit at the opera house last even iii!jf. -And it was a shame they were not greeted with a better house. Kvery art was upheld by an artist of rare merit. Colonel Vanaraiiam's colored waiters had a little round up last nijrht which resulted in their bein fired today. Mr. V. went to Omaha this morning :"' will senile the I'i' ttiest diiium- room i;'irls in 0111,1- lia to take their places. The case of Con Connor vs the B. vV M. occupieil all the time of the district court yesterday ami result ed in a verdict against thecompaiiy for SX. Bvrou Clark tried the case for the railroad. Mr. Strode onlv re mained dtirine- the first day and Mr. Beeson and Mr. (lerin appeared for the plaintiif. The case of the state vs Smith is on trial to-day. Mr. Geo. B. Maim entertained Messrs. II. N. Dovev. M. N. (Irillith, Kellv- l"ox. Ileiirv Cierimi-. Charles Dabb, O. M. Peterson and C. W. Sherman at the Mirror office last eveninir. the occasion beiim- the jirojier noting of Mr. Mann's 2ard birthdav. Refreshments were served and hi..h live held hiirh carnival. Col. Sherman with but little effort securtda bar of soap as the booby prize. II. N. Dovey eat so inany saiidwiches and other 1hiiirs that he ..-of the hiecouirhs badlv, much to the incrritnent of the crowil. County Court Petition for appointment of J. P Mel Mierson administrator of estatt of lohn I ). vore, deceased, anil bond fixed at 1 ."' Last will and testament Peter Hansen admitted to Paul lohnson appointed Granted of llam jirobate executor and bond fixed at !?a(ld. Application ot the heirs of ccr S. Billiim-s for final settl Spen- uien t oi esiate. 1 ieali !ljj;. .'"larch a. in. :5I, at iu Nebriiskn sirnl tile Gulf. SrPKKl. k', Ni:i:., March H. Spe cial te! en-ram to Stale Journal. ''h.ief l-inn-ineer J. N. Yates of th. ( huahn. Kansas .Midland iV Galves Ion raiiroad arrived last ninht. H. :::e ei) over the Kansas Midland ; v. i:'a his corps of engineers and fo'itid the roiiie a thorollLiillV prac- tic.ib!e one. He reports the peopl. ,-:!!;: 1 1 . 1 he farmers, very eiithu- t ;!:!-. ie over i he l rosi ect of a north a : - f , 1 1 1 1 road jeadiiin- from Oma : !ia to the Gulf, lie says they will , "oee ed at once with the survey from rn M iha. to th. -cities oi Lincoln ami This city is to be the point ...real trunk road crosses line of Kansas and Ne- :e r. t:l at' liraska. Do Not Forget lit school at South Park i he 'n? sci:ol 1 louse 'ii -Monday, i ues.iay, Friday nights each common branches Tliursday and week. The iaun-ht by d:u O. T. Wood. Look Here! Lverv one inlclted to JOE, The Otic Price Clothier, must set tle within thirty days or the ac counts will he placed in the hands of a Justice lor collection. tt" Joe Klkin. Wm. Fisher. The ladies of the M. K. church have secured Prof. B. B. Crosthwait, the celebrated elocutionist, to give an entertainment at the church Tuesday evening. March 17th. Tickets":'.') coats.. On sale at Wild- man 5c Fuller" tf A genuine Stetson at JOKS. H hat at $2.7a tf A National Event. The holdimr of the World's Fair in a citv scarcely fifty years old will be a remarkable event, but whether it will really benefit this nation as much as the discovery of the Restorative Nervine ly Jr. Franklin Miles is doubtful, this is just what the American people need to cure their excessive nervousness, dyspepsia, headache, dizziness, sleeolessnes. neuralgia, nervous de bilitv. dullness, confusion of mind, etc. It acts like a charm. Trial bottle and fine book on "Nervous .-oid Heart Diseases." with une- qualed testimonials free at F. G Fricke & Co. It is warranted to con tain no opium, morphine or danger ous drugs. 1 Mayors Proclamation. Notice If nerebv niven to the qua!Ifid voters of the citv of I'lattHnioutli, eb , that Uiere wi lite an election held in thecitv of ria'ts- oioutli. on the "th. dav ot April. 1831. at the 1 usual pollire places for the purpose of ejecting i on committee-man for the Klrst ward ; ' One for the Second ward ; i Hue for the Third ward : . Oue for the Fourth ward ; ! One fer the Fifth ward. lao for the election of two members nt the i - 1 1. .. .-.I V Af Rtrtllv MhJOT' Needles, oils and parts for all kings of machines can be fnund at the SiDger of fice, corner of of Main and Sixth -treeta with Henry Boeck. wtf A II ourx iijxjNijfv.il CLEARANCE SALE OF: LADIES ANDCHILDRENS CLOAKS. UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY BLANKETS es. COMFOETABLES WHICH BEGINS TODAY w E HAVE cut the ties in need. of anything save money by calling. Our new line of embroideries, the handsom est and largest line ever shown by us. F. HERRMANN must immii: i:sr fikst NATIONAL ItANK- chiltls suit at at JOIN'S. The finest of of furnishing at slaughtering prices at JOI: g( X K I S S tf A good pair if sh at r-l.(K) at tf joi; s. All the latest styles of wall paper found at Wildnian A: Fullers. Wildiuan A; est and finest l-uller carry the larg assortmeiit of wall pa- per in Ca count v. No old chestnut? . Kvervthing or of rubbish at the latest jti: style and at below cost I and ss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking niillencrv a sjiccialty. Rooms over Harold's store tt. Go to JOH and lay in your supply for next vear. It will pay you good interest at the iirices he is closing out his stock. When you are in Lincoln, call on V. C. Austin A: Co. in McHride block corner otf twelvth and 1 Street for Havclock and University property. It is with regret Jf)H has to sell out his entire "stock, for lie ha done a very satisfactory and successful business, but dissolution between I ie :md his nartner. Wm. Fisher compels him to close out. tf Now is your chance and such chance you will have but once in a a lifetime, to buy clothing, furnishing goods, hats, etc., at slaughtering prices at JOE'S. The entire stock must be sold out as quick as possible A line worsted men's suit, former price $1K now ?12..r0 at Joe's tf You cannot form an idea what it is to sell clothing, etc., at and below cost until you look through JOE'S stock. tf Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned under the firm name of Beck & Walker is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due said firm must be paid to Henry- liucck, who assumes all in debtedness of said firm. He.nhy Bceck. Geo. W. Walker. Feb. 26 lsyi. dw Ira. JOE has not "barated." Joe never has fniled. for he believe there in an honest living for everybody, hot owing to DiMolntion of Partnership, Je is com pelled to close oat hi nice nd clean tock, regardless of cost. tf Found Two shirts wrapped up in a Herat.!) of January last. The own er can have same by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice d2t a. n prices deep, and .'par in the above lines will PLATTSJIOUTII. M:i5. AMI The V;ilihitf)ii A V GROCERS -ANIi Provision Merchants. Ili'itii'jiiiii ters for FLOUR AND t'HLI), We piiy no rent uinl 11 fi)i ('ASH. You .lijn't p;iy any hilU for dul hcata wli'.-n you buy of this firm. The Hand. best SOFT COAL h1wt on XD 02NTT FORGET AT THE 5 COIR, TnT IR IR,S 5 Opposite Iliehey Bros Lumber office iC AWSON & PEARCE J Carry a Pull Line ef FINE MILLENKKT AND CJIIL DIIENS (JLOTHINU. ALSO FKESH CUT HLOWEKH UOOM 2. R.LET BLOCK. PLATTif O UT THE MAN WHO Drives the the Ilearee is not in it And for that matter, neither is the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Over 9,W)0,0G0 Singers have been sold in the United States which means that we have over 9,000,OfA) wit nesses to the fact that the SINGER is the best machine made. All the newest improvements have been added which truly make the Singer The Cmeen of all her Kealm. Machines sold on the most favora ble terms by the department mana ger. MR. D. P. CRONIN, at his headquarters in Henry Hoecke Furniture store or by Mr. Atherton, local agent. Ml Iss' Nerve and Liver Rill. Act uu a new principle regulating the liver, atsmach sad bowels through the uerrea. A newdiecorery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily care biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pilew, constipation. Une- qnalcd for met, wnm'ii, children. j gm,llest, mildest, sorest! 50 doses, 2Jr. Sala frae at F. G. Fricks A Co'a.