The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 05, 1891, Image 2

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    7 '
(Kuccemor to U. V. Mai hews.)
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware Etc.
Having completel y rcr.lcan n and renovated. AW now
have as neat a hardware -dock as can he found in Case
County. We respectfully invite the public; to call ami
learn our uw-tliod of doinjr bu.imss.
Hardwc'irc can he sold cheaper for cash than
on time and wo are the people that propose
to do it
Everything to Furnish Your House.
-AT r-
Under Waterman's Opera House
.' can buy of cheap ff.r tpot cash or can "t'cnre what you need to furni.ih a cottage or'
inanition on Hie I NSl'A IJ-MKNT 1'LAN.
Aent tor the Celebrated White Sewing Machine.
t li largest anI most eiiiii!t;te stock to select from in Cass Couhty. Call and see me
Opera House Block
Insure your properly against fire, lightning and
Tornado in the
Of Cincinnatti. Ohio.
J Commenced easiness October 1871;.
t'liMis'iB-l evTV Th'THilal , am! dally ever
venlnK?xcet Sunday.
Ki-hIsIcumI .11 1 tie riattsiiimitli, Ni li. p-i!-1
1lci t tr t r.i is ii-" Ion t li ron ill t !n l.'..-S. mail
fcf rnn'l I it'- .
1 Ulli e rornrr Vine and I'll t li st i t-t-t s.
ri'Ii'plione :t.
in; Ms i i.k xvikki.v.
ric coi'V. m' - ir. . .51 '
if cojiy, one yar. t m ;nlv: m-e .. . ?ihi
Hit "'. si imiiillif. in a l;iiir' 7"
J.- .y. tlirt n'litli-. in ance. .. -10
if ! one y -.11 III rtilV IH'i- S-i (HI
Hie cojiy per tvt-k. I I' iTi'MT
n coiy, per iiionl li .'.'
i'A I 'K'SI ' A Y. MAK'CII lv.H
!y Tin: I!i:kui is "lad to In
t'.do to ort-t-t its pillions in ;i new
dress; :ml th;it it v.ais. I :ii Ily iit-- !-!,
ocs willloill saying-. I lit' proprie
tors take this occasion to say tli;it
tlley cordially th;nik ;i liberal ti I -lit:
for a .support which justifies
them in making- tin- neccssnrv cx-
eiidittire to put Tin; IIi:ki.i typo
graphically ahead of its coinpeti-
lors. We intend to keep Tin; IIi:ic-
U. which is the oldest paper in the
county, in the front rank. And we
trust that our oliorts in the future
to publish a live county paper may
meet with the same hearty support
that we have enjoyed in the past.
JAY (iOi, the wi.ard of Wall
street, in said to contemplate the
consolidation of four of the larirest
railway companies in the country.
He is said to have arranged for op
erating- the -Atchison. Tooeka it
Santa Je, Union .Pacific. Missouri
Pacific and Southern Pacific all lin
er one management. One th iiig- is
very evident il such a gigantic sys
tem of railways could he success
fully operated liy one man. Jay
Gould is the one above all others to
lo it.
'Stockholders individually liable , under the constitution of the State
of Ohio which together with the present net surplus is a net
nuarantee of about $700,000,00 to policy holders.
losses paid in nineteen years, (since organization) uearly tour inilli
Secretary. President.
Win, L. BROWNE, Resident Agent, Plattsmouth Nebraska
S 1 S I a 3
Tin; most valuable possessions
eft by General Sherman are snp-
oseii to he his war meiiioi rs, which
will soon he published as the "Life
if General Sherman." which will, il
s In lie vet I, V ield a largo sum. It
will, of course, cover the entire hi--
oi ultlie late civil war and will
mlaiii personal correspondence
i n i , n . i i : ; 1 ; . i .' c a .. . .! , i . n, . ..-i
fore inale iublit'. Shortly In-fore
his death General Sherman placed
ii- memoirs in the ha i:ds t I v mines
ili'l slrr A Cu. A cheap edition
ol the memoirs is now in press con
lainiuo-:m appendix written by Sec
r"tary James G. IMaiue. Thispopu
lar edition will contain about '.H'O
png-es and will be handsomely illus
trated with steel plates of General
Sherman and other officers, and war
maps showing the plan of cam
paig-ns directeil by General Slier
man. I tie edition will In- sold al
$J a copy.
suit of the passage of this bill, ;il
J though IwiIaiifl has not remoustra-
ted except through its paid demo
cratic heiichmeii. What are the
iaets about 1 i i is la ii it nis t it a t that
was :,iate b' I he del uocra t ic parts
in 1 ."').' As usual e t r t h i ng- in
s: ;hl was battered away this
j i : I -. I ! i . 1 1 h a 1 1 ".'t-r d ut - a u I li i 1 1
pa t riot ic; a I id Li i la n I j;i t 1 1 a t s he
V. a 11 let I. Here a re some o I t he term s
til that treat :
It provitletl that neither Kn inland
nor She ('lliletl St a les slit ill I I e er
obtain or it la i n t a i 1 1 exel 1 1 i t- con 1 1 1 1
ovi-ran ship canal that uiilit In
built in . iea ra n ua, am I it was tin
t f i -1" pro v it let I that i n-i 1 In-r con n t ri----shotild
"erect i maintain an foiti
iications commanding the same or
in 1 1 it- vicinity I hereof, or oce u p or
fortify or colonie or assume to ex
ercise a n v don i i i i ioi i o er . iea ra n ; i.i
( ti.-ta K'ica, tin- MoMjnilo Coast, or
any part of Central America."
I he first opportuuitv lai" laml i
nan io it;iitire tin- treaty, slit- tun so
b coloni.inii' lieli.e ami llontluras,
and by fortifying the Mosipiito
Ctiast. It would intleetl be a nice
jiosition for Great I trita in, toassiuue
that we should abide by ant live up
to an agreement which she ignores.
No patriotic .American would ask it
either. Hut it is peculiarly littinj
that the democratic leader in the
Cnitetl States Senate should take
the side of laiil.mtl anil arjue
aoainst his own country. His posi
tion is out that should make the
face of every honest patriot tingle
with shame. Ami to think that a
party whose leaders are so untrue
to our government would be trusted
far enough to have- a majority in the
next congress is more than surprising.
Osgood 5aitNick5 the fAyofvijE smT
Sn IT'c. T-i-! F F.lnRITF T--r-sv
Mi' W '
EUaN a JLargfer Circulation than
any two Drapers in the
Till-; a vera ire democrat ic slates
mau not content with ad vocat ini;
Jritish interi'sts as atrainst his own
country on the tarilT. but he must
needs be constantly' e-uartliniv the
interests of Great Hritain in other
mailers. Whether it be on account
of the handsome sum of money fur
nished by these foreigners to carry
on the democratic campaigns, or
simple love and admiration for
aliens is unknown. The latest out
break of this popular democratic
sentiment occurred in the I'nitcd
States Senate this week when the
Nicaragua Canal measure was up
for discussion. The canal measure
is a bill that will authorize the rov-
eriiment to assist in the construc
tion of the Nicaragua Canal, which
will furnish an important water-way
between the Atlantic and Pacific.
The bill under consideration pro
poses that the iroveriimeiit shall
Hiiarantee the bunds of the com
pany that holds the conce.-sions
from Nicaragua and Costa Rica, in
order to enable it to raise the neces
sary money without resorting to Eu
ropean capitalists, as it is desirable
that the canal should be under
American control. There is a pro
vision in the bill to the effect that
the secretary of the L'nited States
Treasury shall hold seven-tenths of
the stock of the companj-. in order
tt procure the repayment of any
money that the irovernment may
liavc to pay out in consequence of
irtiaraiiteeinir the payment of the
company's bonds. It is also pro
vitletl that the government shall
have the option of buyinr or sub
scribing for any part of the stocks
held by the treasury, congress beinir
empowered to avail itself of this op
tion at any time before the bonds
The object of the bill is to secure
for this country a certain control
over a canal which in the event of a
war witli any Kuropean power
would be of the first importance to
The Secret of Success.
F. G. Fiicke & Co., druggists, belieTC
that the seen t of t-ucc tss lieu in perse
verance. Therefore I hey persist in ke p
iiiij the tints' line of pcrluinerirs, toilet
uri ides, cosmetics, drtit-s ami chemicals
mi th" market. They $periitlly invite
nil persons who lotve pulpitation, short
breath, weak or hungry spells, pain in
side or shoulder, oppression, niht mare,
dry cough, smothering, drepsy or heart
di-case to try Dr. Miles' unetpialetl New
Heart Cure, before it is too lute. It has
tin; largest sale of any similar remedy.
Fine btn.k of testimonials free. Dr.
Miles 11' storatiye Nervine is unsurpassed
for sleeplessness, hear' ache, fits, etc., and
it t onlnins no opiates. ."j
The following advertisement, pul
li.-hed by a prominent western patent
ai'. dicn.c limisi-, would imlicMle tli it tliev
i uiii'U diM-uc us i ptiiiisiiiiif ill lor sir:
"Do you wish to know the quicke-t
way to enlea sevt re etild f We win tell
y u. To cure a cold quickly, it im:t l
tlcarctl litlor'-tlic cold has heeoine set
tit tl in the system. Thid can always be
.lone if you choose to, as nature in her
kindness to man gives timely warning
and plainly tells you in nature's way.
that ua a punislunint for Sunn; indiscre
tion, you are to be i.lHictcl with a ccld
'.iniess you choose to ward it off by
prompt action. The rirst symptoms of a
cold, in most cases, is a dry, loud cough
and snf ezing. The cough is soon fol
io. vt-d by a profuse watery expectoration
and the sneezing by a profuse watery
discharge from the nose. In severe
fuses there is a V iu white coating on the
tongue. What to do! It is only neces
pary to take Chamberlain's Cough Item
ed v in doubln doses every hour. That
will geatly lessen the severity of thy
cold and in most eases wdl effectualle
counteract it, and cure what would have
been a severe cold in one or two days'
time. Try it and be convinced." A)
cent bottles for snle by F. O. Frieke & i
Co., druggists.
W. D. JONES. Proprietor.
Tixn cr OTrnTT-
-I 1 V l I
Carriages for Plrasiu and Short Drivtv Always
Kept Heady.
Cor. 4th and Vine
i'lattfiinoiitli, Nebraska
Leave your orders with.
the HERAXiD for
A Full and Complete line of
gs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
I'roscriptinis Cnjvfnlly C:i2poi:?n!el :t all Ihturs
NiRht School!
At South Park school house, beaii.ning
next Thur-day. the 5th inst., at 7 p. m.
The common branches taught. Enquire
for terms and full particulars of
d3t O. T. Wood.
Fred Gorcier.
The king of the implement tiude in
Cass county, is getting in his spring
stork which comprises everything in the
line of farm implements to be found.
Mr. Gorder also makt s a snetinlty of
line buggies t ai riages, and tingh; and
diuh'u h .-.mess. Gorder carries the
largest stock of harness to be found in
the county; call and see him on lowtr
Mniii street. Piatt mouth. Neb. t?tfcw-tf
This tile is not a calender, )mt a record, where all suj.erir-e items
can be recorded and each item, as consecutively dated, will take iti
"place at the front" and stare you in the fuee. until such jl-m fdiall
lave attention. At the tune utwritiie' letters relative
matters, dates can be fixed when th- matters n il!
should such lettrrs receive vo
Especially atlajded to recording l i fur in
to important
conio up arrjiin
J lair chains,
a spcialtv.
Hair Work.
tll kinds to order,
tings, crapes, etc.,
Orders lett at Dovev's store or Mesdames
Wise & Hoot, wiil be promptly attended ;
t . or postal card to
Mas. A. Knkk, j
tors as appointment
of I ire Insurance. S
t avii'eiu tu raxes, i are
Payment of Lit'.- In-;
;tl tr-lition
cllectir.iir, Prnii o, to '
et for suit.-, Kxoiratioii .f timo t,.,
i i . ..
business men w no see these tiles, a a rub-, bnv tl
iK'h mat,-
reuiiums, Uenewal
! . or (Jr. I.
I'nce, with ink wells and full supply of !iif-:ii..i-;;! ,
Parties do-irino; b,s ink well.- will do well to writ.
tii card.--- -
AMIss' Nerveand Liver PHIo
Act ma a new principle regulating
the liver, atomach and bowel? through
the uerve. A new discovery. Dr. Mi lei"
Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste,
tarpid liver, pileu, constipation. Une
qnaled for met, women, children.
Smallest, mildept, surest! 50 doses, 25c.
Smpl free at F. G. Fricke A Go's.
A nice Child's Suit at $1 .00 at JOE'S, tf
Go to JOE and lay in your supply for ,
next year. It will pay you good inter- '
est at the pi ices he is closing out his
stock. tf
Taylor & Wells,
40 N V. Lifa PtiiltJitjjcr. Omaha
Wanted A girl for second work
at Mrs. U. B. Windham'?. 717 Walnut
street. 45-riOwl
MLT BHOTHERS. M Wtrrma BC, 'eir York. Prtc50ets
si .