Plattsmouth Daily Herald Wfc. m-i.nt i.wi.r.L.ila In ill.. fmltllw . I W HJ2NDEE & CO (Successor to U. T. Matkews.) CAHlty A COJIl'LETE LINE OF Hardware, Stoves, Tinware Etc. t LI aving completely reclean 3(1 and renovated. TVenow hare as neat a hardware stock as can be found in Case County. Wc respectfully invite the public to call and learn our method of doing business. Hardware can be sold cheaper for cash than on time and we are the people that propose to do it J. W. HENDEE & CO. Everything to Furnish Your House. -AT- I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSEiiFURNlTVING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House Yea ean buy of him aheap for spot casta or can seen re what you need to furnish a eottage or mansion on the INSTALLMENT PLAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINCS. Agent for the Celebrated White Sewing Machine. The largest and most complete stock to select from In Cass Covkty. Call and see me Opera House Block Insure your property against Are, lightning and Tornado in the AMAZON INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Cineinnatti, Ohio. 0 Comcaeaeed, Business October 1871, CASH CAPITAL Stockholders individually liable , under the constitution of the Stat of Ohio which together with the present net surplus is a net Guarantee ot about $700,000,00 to policy holders. lxsees paid in nineteen years, (since organization) nearly tour milium dollars J. IL IJEATTIE, Secretary. Wra. L. BROWNE, Resident Sy IBSGKO BE FOB DAILY AND TTJIirJE TL1EA.U0ILWH IPAlPlECt OIF CASS 0u71S3Tr"uT THE Alias a ILnirrjeir (L'irculoftlon 4EaEa any two IPapers lea tttte (Doantty. I. PEARLMAIV. GAZZAM GANO, President. Agent, Plattsmoutii Nebraska WEEKLY (LY HERALD K NOTTS BROS, Publishers rubllhel every Thursday, t&nd daily ever evening except Sunday. Registered at the Plattsmouth, Neb. post Ucefor trannnlsilou through the U.,-8. malU at second class rate. Offlce corner Vina and Fifth streets. Telephone 38. TIBHft FOK ffllELT, One copy, one year, In advance . .... f 1 M One copy, one year, not In advance 3 00 One copy, six month!. In advance 75 OneC"pya three month, tn advance. ... 40 TERMS FOK DAILY One cop one yar in advtnce 96 00 One copy per week, by carrier 15 One copy, pr month 5C SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 18H1Q You itee it will be nearly two years until the next presidential election, hence the democratic tiger shows its claws aud uglj feline nature without reserve. The latest display en the part of the old op sil party is its intense hatred of the col ored man. The president has appointed a colored man for postmaster at Vicks burg, and notwithstanding the fact that he is honest and is the p'er intellectually f his whit brethnen, the entire demo cratic party of Mississippi is op in arms d manding to know why they are thus insulted! Even their delegation in con gress hasn't enough respect for the con stitution to hide their ill humor ore? the event. Every doughface in the north is sy mpathizing with the late confederacy. Eventmr own 8hermaa, of the Platta moath Journal, who would walk four blocks through the mud on election , day to tell a colored man how he loved him and how the sons of Africa were the es pecial care of the democratic party, for gets himself and shows bis true nature and feeling towards the man whose skin is black instead of white. It is a long time until the next election, but the col- i ored man is not a fool and if he don't remember the insults that are being neaped upon him by the democratic party just now, we shall be greatly mis taken. To show just how far a northern doughface will go on this matter, were produce the following editorial from last night's Plattsmouth Journal. Cut it out and paste it in your note book: "Beany Harrison showed his vindictive spiri' in grand style yesterday. Enraged over the defeat of the force bill he administered a slap at the southerners in the shape ot the appoint ment of a negro. James Hill, to the postmaster ship of Vlck-burg, Miss. Hill is the man who made an unsuccessful contest for the seat now occupied by Gen. ditching, and his home is at Jacksonville. Miss. When the appointment was announced it created considerable exite m.'nt among the southern delegation In con jepms. Wen. Cutehing voiced the sentinitut of all of them. He said : 'It is an infernal out rage upon the people of Mississippi. There were six white candidates, any one f whom would have been satisfactory, and yet a carpet bagging negro is given the leading federal po sition In the state of Mississippi '" Yes, carpet bagger indeed! born in an adjourning southern state and raised in Mississippi, never straying from its bor ders for any length of time except wlii r attending college at the north. After the recent exhibit of the deep hared that exists against the negro bv the democratic party, a colored man that would vote with them would be like thr cur that licked the hand which bent biui. PEOPLE AND EVENTS. Lyman Abbott appears to be more popular than Miy other preacher at tie Harvard College chapel services for a long time. He ha9 officiated there for a fortnight, and there is a marked increase in attendance. Gallant old Gavernor Porter, of Iudi ana, Minister to Italy, flinches not at car rying coals to Newcastle, and, according iv, at a late meeting of the British and American Archeological Society in Rome, delivered the opening lecture on the sub ject of "Julius Ciesar." Ex-Senator Warner Miller will go to Nicaragua abou' the first of the coming month on the business of the Nicaragua Canal Company, of which be is the pres ident at a salary of $35,000 a year. The length of bis abseuee has net yet been determined, but it is understood that he will return home iu time to take a hand in the election of delegates to the' New York Republican State Convention. Philadelphia sends some people to its common council who hav such an in terest in the city's weal that the ctaarg of boodle could not well lie against hem. For instance, a new councilman is Edward V. Mjrrell, whose wife was.the daughter of F. A. Lrcxel. Mr. Morrell has to manage the income of in estate of $14,000,000. Mies Catherine M. Drexel, who lately became a nun, is the other heiress whose fortune Mr. Morrell manages. A Sfe Investment. , , one wli ch is guaranteed to bring you satis iacry results, or incase of f uilure a return ot purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy roiu our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It Is guaranteed te bring relief ia every case, when used for any affecliou of Throat, Lungs or Chet, such aa Consumption. ".Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, xstbma, YYhoopii g Cough, Croup, etc. It Is pleasant and agreeable to aste, perfectly safe, aud can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles tree at K. G Vrieae ftOo's Ornf Store. sea our stuck of wall paper before ur chasiog. rod wtf. Merit Wine. We deire to say to our citizens, that fo years we have been selling Dr. ning'sl New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Lire PUN. Luck leu 'n Aintea alve and Klectrie Blt'ers, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, orlttiai tiave given such universal satisfaction. wf1 uot hcllate to guarantee them every tlmerandfwe stand mnj to refund the puichai-e pi We, it .satisfactory resu ts do not fallow their une. lhe remedies have won their in rat popularity purely on their merits. F. U. Frieke A Co., llrut-'KJ'ta. T. K. Quartette. The " T. K." Quartette, of Onnha, who ap pear d b fore a l;irg audience uixlcr the aus plresoflha . O. V. W.. at fccklen Rink. Thursday eveDing. rm.dtrrd a delightful pro gram. he flrr-t selection. Stars of the Sum mer Meut." beautiful : also worthy of special ineuiiou was the solo by Mr. Conrad, and "T. K.'s" in response to an en ore of Mr Coarad's solo. "The Skipper."-Mirror, ot L o'is. Don't fail to hear this popular organi zatiou ut the Presbyterian church. Thurs day eve, March 5th. Admission 35 cents, no extra ci.aryes lor reserving. The beat spistacles in the -world are sold by Gering & Co. They guarantee the ft or money refunded eod wtf The largest. and most complete and cheapest stock of wall paper, paint and oil in tbecountv t Gerinz A Co's. eod. DISEASED HOGS Cannot become healthy food simply by the process of death. SWINE RAISERS owe i to themselves and society to ADVOCATE REFORM In swine raising that will promote the public health. Hogs should be fed. Dr. Jos. Haas' BOO and POULTRY REMEDY The only reli'tMe luedicint; for swine. Used successfully for fourteen years Prevents eisease, . Arrests Disease, stops Cough, Hastens Maturity. Oestroys Worms, Increases the Flesh. For sale by V. G. Fricke & Co Plattsmouth, Nel. I'uicus; Mi ci.n, $12.30. $3.5 $1.25 na l 50: per j -irk ;. The largos arectn che t'i -Ht, . Write ror testimonial 4H i il.j4y." 04 -p'i!s pu!uililt on swine will be mailed for k 2-ceut stamps Oilers by mnil re ieive prompt attention. JOS. HAAS, fodiantpolis. mm & root Tne pioneer nieiclittutif of t.'jriy : u t stock i iriqerai ti"ifli!tii.l;.- w ln'r.h tin y.w-!l verv rli'se. I lifil:t ri -- p.-iid for h!1 kind." "i fat in p:;duce. Gen t roos trenti't'-ntand dealing i the s- c. t cur sueretis. CHAS ?. .;. Ui y i9is!)Hr Murray 2sf. Porn Be Duped There have lately been placed upon the market, several cheap reprints of an obsolete edition of " Webster's Dictionary," Tbsy are being offered at a low price By dry goods dealers, grocers, clothiers, etc., and in few instances as a premium for subscriptions to papers. Announcements of these comparatively Worthless reprints are very mislead ing; for instance, they re advertised to be the substantial equivalent of " n eight to twslve dollar book," when in reality from A to Z they are all Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a book of over forty years ago, which in its day was sold for about SS.O0, and which was much superior in paper, print, and binding to these imitations, being then the best Dictionary of the time instead of on Long Since Obsolete. The supplement of 10,000 so-called "new words," which some of these books are advertised to con tain, was compiled by a genUeman who has been dead over thirty years, and was published be fore his death. Other additions are probably reprints of a like character. The Oenalna Edition of Webster's Una bridged Dictionary, which is the only one familiar to this generation, contains over 20U pages, with illustrations on nearly every page, and bears our imprint on the title page. It is protected by copyright from eheap imitation. Valuable as this work is, we have at vast ex pense published a thoroughly revised successor, the name of which is Wassrsa's IsTsaaanosAi. DicnosiBV. 8oldbyall Booksellers. Illustrated pamphlet free. 6. & C. MERRIAU & CO., Springfield, Mass., U.8. A. iiiikeoness LPecr H?b!t. Positively Cure V : ; Trr.;s::.'Cr;..!..j kaisis' csises smcsfh. .t .? '-. mi a cu? el co-Tee er tea. or l.i -r Irul :-KiJ. witno4i'. i He knowledge of the per e-i tk.'nx it; it ia aoMjiatelT harmless an-l wii; cr.eet a )-i uia.ii.uii Kjiee!y cure, whetiiei tiie tuti eu t i a im19rate dri ukeror an alcoholic ariwk. it NCVFR FAILS. We GUARANTEE a -wmitUte care 10 evsry iastauce. 4H page book A v&iteh may 5 end a Wcno mrcpin, And alexin may vorff d dzy, But !.vbJ STAup fc5 hr b-jzo Thsn vanish a!l faniLbs avJr. THE BONNER STABLES, W. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS IN THE3 city Carriages for Pleasure and Miort Drircs Always Kept Cor. 4th aud Vine WILL KEEP CONSTANT I ON HAND - A Full and Complete liue of Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils. DSUGCISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at nil Hours Lieave your orders the HEBAJjD for JOB WOBK DESK MBUQKANUUM FIX,E. This file ie not a calender, but au be recorded and each item, as place at the front" and 6tar you have attention. At the time of matter, dates can be fixed when should such letters receive bo replj. Especially adapted to recording ters a3 appointments, Payment of Lite Insurance Premiums, Uenewaf. of Fire insurance. Special collections. Promises to pay, JJr. or Or. ravireui 01 taxed, uaics set ior suit-, ruxpirarion 01 lime lor appeal. Business men who see these tilc- as u rule, buy them. Prirei with ink wells and full supply f lnemxrardum card complete. - - - - . $2.50 Parties dosiring glass iuk wells will do well to write u. SPECIAL TERMS TO THE TRADE, Taylor & Wells, MA1TUFACTTJBEBS AND GENERAL AGENTS. 4u N V. Lita Buildii g. Omaha r CD r rr rzr nn ..f JX Heady. I'latUmoutb, Kebnuka your a record, where all 6U8pense items consecutive! dated, will take it in the face, until such item shall writing letters relative to important tlie matters will come up agaia tor future attention ueh mat AGENTS WANTED