The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 28, 1891, Image 1

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    J J - A II
,-pU'UHtfi yau.
lirriest of all w Leavening Power.
l: "
1 IT X J
A nice Child's Suit at $1.00 at JOE'S, tf
Go to JOE end ley ia jqnr anppl j for
aexyear: It will par you pood in'er
est attba price be. ia cloaiug out hi
tack. tl
Como and see the difference between
ah and credit prices. Elson, the caah
detluer. .. ; : : , ; tf
No old chestnuts or rubbish at JOE'S.
XTorythiog of the latest style and at be
llow cost. "
Mise Mollie Tucker.
mUlper a specialty.
Id's store.
Dreeemaking and
Ilooica over ller
' ' tf
Nov ia your chance, and each a chance
yea will hare bt once in a life time, to
ay Clearing, remitting Woods, Hats,
etc.. at slaughtering pricea at JOE'S.
The entire etock aanat be sold ont as.
quick as possible. tf
A r Stetson f 4.00 Hal at llt
at JOE S. U
When you are in Lincoln, call on W.
C. Austin 't Co.J in MeBride block1, cor.
ner of Twelvth and P striets; far II we
lock and Ueivesiiy property.
-' ,m 1 : , , r : 1 r-;" '
JOEV has not - "bunted Joe - never
has failed, for het believes tbftre is an
honest living for eirorybodyV'httt' owing
to Dissolution of Partnership, Joe is com
pelled to" ! close bat bis nice and clean
stock, regardless of cost. tf
For glassware, queensware and the
bast and freshest gioceries go to Phillip
ErausT where you will find ererytbing
you wail: for your table. tf.
A- ieood pair of shoes
at $1.00
JOE'S. '
To Nervous Oebilltatod Men.
LLyoufwill send us yoflr address, we
will'maf! yju bar illustrated psmphlet
nplaininfi all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Electro-Voltiac Belt and appliances, and
their charming effects upon the nenrious
debilitated system, and bow they will
quickly rerfore you to vigor and man
hood. Pamphlet free. If yon are thus
afflicted we will send yon a belt and ap
pliances on a trial.
Voltiac Belt Co. Marshall, Nich.
For Sale.
A good farm one-fourth mile fiom the
town of Murray, on the M. P. I. R.
Plenty of timber atti water. .00$
orchard. 350 bearing trees. Plattamoutb,"
Neb, Feb., 9th, ljU'Jr ' ' wtf
ton can not.form.Vn idea what it is to
sell Clothing, etc.. at and below cost un
til you look through JOE'S stock, tf
It is Only with regret JOE has to sell
out his entire stock, for. he has done a
very satisfactory and successful business,
but dissolution between JOE and his
partner, Mr William Fisher compels him
From this day forward,
&cash one price clothier will
strictly for cash.
Elson, the
only sell
Person9 wishing to make investments
with best returns or to borrow money on
real estate will find it to their advan
tagetocall on Mr. Thos. Pollock and
investigate the plan of the Proyident
Savings, Loan & Building Association
of Omaha. A large amount of stock has
been taken and a cumber of loans mde
in this city, to the satisfaction of all.
This is a hons institution and books are
open to the investigation of alL The
many beneficial points seen in our plan
will commend themselves to all. Call
and see u and be convinced.
40-1 w Jas. Pettkjs. Oen'l Agt.
Office under Bank of Cass County,
second door from Main street, on Fifth
It will not be our aim to tee how much
profit we can make, but to sell good
Kooda for a rmall margin for cash. El
ton the cash clothier.
A fine worsted men's a'.formrr
price $18, now
Jim Johnson, one ot our wealthy far-
mers. haalTtbia winter lost 175 head of
b0"9 wUh cholera. 1 ' This 11 C the thud
time within k few years that be has. suf
fered the loss of all his hogs. He esti
mates toe value of those lost thi tfaaon
t $l,6W Weeding WaUr " Republican.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
li r
4 Colonel Phelps Is an Omaha visitor
T m Walling is in Omaha today on
legal business. '
Miss Kate Ilemule is seems friends in
Omaha today.
O. II. Ballou and Herman Herold went
t the the metropolis thla morning.
iliss Ida Bonnell, of Lincoln, is visit
ing; the family of Mr. II. J. Streight.
T. L. Murphy, our leading railroad
contractor, is in the metropolis todsy.
Miss May, Beyerage cauie in lost night
f i'oo Denver to visit the folks at home.
Frank Davis u en the sick list We
hope to chronicle his convalescence
soon. '' ' -; .'
Johu Bauer, formerly ot Cedar Creek,
but at the present residing near Manly is
in the city today. -. -"
'C Vri TL II, : McCoy, mother of J. U,
McCoy, moved to Omaha today wh
she will hereafter reside.
f jCoUael; Nicholas Orusel return
home this morning after a pleasant vi
of a few days with bis son and otk
relativea here
. The Louisville county seat petition
did not arrive today, and no news as to
its whereabouts have been received.
B. A. McElwain, the lower Main street
jeweler will move shortly to the Riley
block, where he will occupy a part of
Mr. Frank Davis room.
Mrs. Harry Reece and children and
Mrs. Ralph Chamberlain of North Platte
returned home this morning after an ex
tended visit here with relatives.
Oering & Co. received a new drug
mill -this morning of the latest pattern.
It is the largest mill in the city and will
be immediately put to use by this enter
prising firm.
The Wabash News has the fairness to
print the commissioners' statement this
week in full, which is more than the
Weeping Wter papsrs or Elm wood
Echo would do.
Dr. Scbildknecht is out attending to
his practice, though quite weak yet.
The doctor u eatiug a can of fresh oysters
ote'rj day which he thinks is doing hina
a power of good " '"
The report that excited passengers
slopped the train at Ctdar Creek to get
a look at Conductor. Raney's new hat
this morning is positively denied by
Capt. Dunlap. We therefore hasten to
make the correction.
The Quarter-centcnial Nebraska State
Fair will occur September 4 to 11, at
Lincoln. R. W. Furnas and his able
corps of assistants are beginning early to
make this the leading exhibition in the
Mr. Luther Shearer has sold his fine
farm south of town to W. G. Lanham,
for $7.."00. A few years ago Mr. Shear-,
er purchased tho place of Frank Dobney
for 0,000. Mr. S. will move next
month to Colorado where he has pur
chased a tract of land. Weeping Water
We hunted high and low for the board
of trade meeting last night and finally
gave it up. The meeting evidently did
not materialize. Our board of trade
ought to wake up. There is much that
could be done to help the town if en
thusiastic men will plant their shoulder
to the wheel.
E. IL Wooley seems to think he can
stop our people from tearing down the
old court House. If necessary the city
council, could condemn the old hulk as
a nuiaancf-Jand have it removed. The
building is a dangerous nuisance be
yond mistake and could he lifted out
in that way without a doubt.
We had a look at CoL Greusel's
beautifully engraved geld pass this
morning. It is practically a certificate
from high authority of the fact that Col.
G re list 1 was conductor for 2t years on
the, Michigan Central, also, a conductor
cn the Q for several year and Road
master on the B. & M. It is good every
where, on all roads, in honor of an ac
tive, life on the rail.
A Meritorious Measure.
Represent ivi; Huyt-rk . introduced
the bill which we ptii.t Im-Iow. it is n
inei itoi iou Ulf'r" ii thould Ixcoti.e
a law:
Be it truitlnl by the Ijcq Mature of tlte Statt tf
' Neltraakv:
Seen -s 1. That it bp m lawful for imy
two vr hum? pmiim r eorpoi at Ions i-f thi
title er gvged In 1 lie 01 bujiug or
ttWia-i ilvM i-lor'. fot others o'i cnminivt-ion to
eater into ny ecinbioatiuii, agr. mei t orar
ri geiueut for the puixm,; .f. .r which tends
to Control the clirtet r eomuiiKsiona to be ile
maoded or received by ueh peisou or corpor
atious for their oi vice ir the ai of live
tocki .
BKrrlOJi 2. That it shall be unlawful for any
pdtgoii or i-eisuiia 01 oupoialion or corpora'
tions engaged iu buying o elling live stock,
tor others uon ci-mintarion, to co..tinu with
or euler iuiw u atremeut or arrUKinent
witb any ieraiii or persons or crp. ratiou or
corporations eueagea in the bu-iuess of pur
ctia. iug live mk k. iiher fur tbtuiselves or as
ageuts for o.hers which shall bav for its pur
po e or iu auv respeet teKtis ti prevent full
aud free cuintetitioii iu the bus.nrs of hellluc
Uvis stock for others And it snail be unlawful
for "auy psrsou r persons cr c rporatlon or
corporations doing butatsa in this state to be
come a fa'iebiber of auy soaiety, association or
erporatf Iu wnoe by laws provide for aud 0
the inibiuiuiu comruissious f. r the telling of
livo stock for others, or wuose by-laws prohibit
lis members from pu cnaoing live stock from
persous who are ut niembeis 01 suce society.
a sociation or corpora iiii ; and iu all such by
laws of any such society, association or Cor
poration doing business iu this stat are hero-
by declared illegal aud void aud any person
attempting airct y or indirectly to eu force or
make the same Operative or effectual, shall be
desmsd guilty af a nilsuemeanor aud noy cor
poatiou which sba 1 attempt to hava any.
ucq. Dy-iaws eitiofceqor suau wwj such,, oy
laws and refuse to buy f rem other ou account
of such by laws, shaiiin aaditiwaj to Lhq eual
tirs tiereiQsXter proviuau. therefor, torleit iu
chartar. , . , ' ; :. . 5
ttKCTio3 that all persons snUjlng iato
sucu couioiaaiiju, agreeuieat or arraiigement,
or who shall fter tht passago of . this act.
attempt to carry out or a t under a y such
cvmbiautlon, agreement or arrangement, de
scribu iu sections 1 :md 2. of this act. either
on his owa account or as the agent for another,
or as an ofncei, s ockholder or number of any
corporation, society or associatii u. olr as
trustea.commiuoe 1 1 in auy capacity whatever
tit wbo shall in any respect violate any of the
forgoing sections, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and cn conviction therof shall
bo llued uot less ihao 5uo. and not more tnan
f 1,010. or be iuipris jued iu the county jail not
less than th rty day, and uot more than six
mouths, or by both flue and imprisonment tor
each ant every offense.
hKCTioM 4. 'J bis act shall take eft ret and be
in force Irom and after iu passage aud publi
More Bile.
Somebody whp has gut more bile on
his stomach than sand iu his craw makes
an attempt at ridiculing the Echo and
otbera pajKjr who dare defend the people
against unwarranted injustice practised
by the Plattsmouthitea. This "some
body"' who dares not sign his name comes
out in the Oreenwood paper and uphoMs
Loder in bis unsanctioned work. Lo
der's followers are few outside of Sodom.
Elmwood Echo.
Take some good liver remedy, Bert
with a little lacto pep tin" for the di
gestive organs and you will come out all
right. Loder respects the law and fol
lows its commands to the letter; the
trouble is all with your stomach.
Take "outhin" and brace up.
Fred Coraer,
The king of the implement trade in
Cass county, is getting in bis spring
stock which comprises everytbin in the
line of farm implements to be found.
Mr. Gorder also makes a. specialty of
fine 'buggiesj earring?, and single end
double, -harness, - . Gorder carries . . the
largest stock xf harness to be found in
the county; call and sec him on lower
Main street. Pb.ttPnouth,"Nebv d&w-tf
Crysta' tVeddiner.
Weeping Wattr IJep ":icau. , .
Last Friday w the date of a very
pleasant gathering at the home of Mr.
urnl-Mr. Wm. Coon. TLe ' cr asion was
the celebration of the loth anniversary
of their weddeel life. Hilarity reigued
aDd feasting was indulged- in that was
duly appreciated by all. : Numerous ar
ticles were presented Mr. and Mrs. .Coon
which will help to remind them of the
event. Mr. and Mrs. David Woodard
and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Johnson were
present from this city,
A Pleasant Party.
Last evening Mrs. Newell to properly
commemorate the 22nd birthday of her
son Ja&ori, unbeknown to the young man
invited in, a ' company, of his friends.
Jason was quite upset4. over,, unex-"
peeted guests,' but entertained - the boys
at high five aneV in, social conversation
untill supgerwas announced when all
repaired . , to . the - dinning room and
thoroughly enjoyed a sumptous repast.
Er e the close of the evenings festivities
Jason was presented by hi guests with
a handsome meerschaum pipe which hap
pened to be just the thing the wanted.
Those present were Chas Miller, Lew
Reinhackle, Chas Grassmau, Ted Clif
ford, Henry Tartscb, OttoKos, Rudolph
Rauen,W. C. Tippin, W. Wilson, H. C.
Seidle, and Frank Ballance.
Additional local of last page.
Catiioi.ic.-JH. I'aulN t liurch. Oak. between
Kifih and Mxlh. Father auiey. Pastor.
S r vlceg : Mas Hi 8 ml 10 :30 a. m. Sutnlay
hcliool at 2 :30. wi h beneilictioi..
Chkiitkn.-Corner Locust ami Fighth Srn
services uinriiiui! mid evening. Kltler J. K
lt ed, pastor, ullll)t.v .Seiiooi 10 a. m.
EflwiioPAL. St Luke's Church, corner Third
xikI V In--, ltev 11 B. HnrKees pastor. Ser
vices : 11 a. M a dT;30t M . Sunday School
nl 1 :30 V. M. - .
(iFKMAN MKTiioniaT. Corner Sixth Mt and
Gianit- Ke. lit it. I'artor. fervices : 11 A. M.
and 7 :30 i m. .Sunday Uchool li :30 a m.
' mkubvtkri am. -ervices in ref chinch. cir-
atner iSixtb and Uraiuie sts. ltev. J. T. Hair ,
pa.tor. Nuudav-so oolat;30; Preaching
at 11 a. m. and 8 p m, t .
Fikst Mkthoi18T. Sixth Pt.. betwen Main
add Pearl; ' Kev J.D M Huokuer pastor,
servicex : 11 a. h.. 8 .00 e. m Aunda School
a :30 A: n. frayrT meeti g "Wednesday even
iug. . r;-.? fr-.'ii,,! ! ' .
Ukkman Prsbvt"Rai. Corner Main and
Nrnth. Kev Witte; V;it,,r: Hef vices : usual
hours,, yunday cheol 8:30 A,. U, ., .. .
Swkkoish I 'oKuksoATioHAU ijranite, be
tween Fifth and Hixtd. ' '
C"Lokkj BAPTiftX. Wt. Olive. ak. between
Tenth and Eleventh Rev. A. ltofwell, pas
tor. Services 11 a. m. mid. 7 :30 p. m. Prayer
meetinir Wednesday evening.
Youwo : Mkn'r ChritiaS' Associatiox
Koomsin ivatermaii block1. Main street, gos
pel meeting, for men only, every Sunday af
ternoon at 4 9'chick. Hounw.opeu.week days
from 8:30 a. 'in., to aiJO p.m. .
Hotta rAkr TAiiitRNtoLKUlteV. ! 3: U.
Wood, aatr Seftricesr Suoitay ' School,
10 a. in.: treadling. 11 s m. and 8 p. m. ;
prayer-meeting Tuesday night choir prac
tice Knd.iy night. All arp welcome. , . ,.
FkckmIssionaITt CHUKCH.-Jran'ite Street
between Ath and th, Kev: C, A. Kalk
- nantor Sund iv School 8unn.iv forenoon at
10 o"c ocki services at 11 o'clock., SU dayey-'
eulnif xoui'g peoples meeting at 7. o clock
services at s. i ursuav -evening young neo-
p es meeting at 8: Thursday. nrvl(sea atSu
aii swedes are eoraiauy mvuea.
The Prlncss pf the. Orient
This royal order met 'at a rather lata
aour last uigni ibu eievaveu nr. vs.
Buzzell and 'kr. Wm Kehy Jfox to a
right to sit in th?e Kingly ilallsi !
Aaron Crismati' and Th'omat Thomas
paid their initiatory fee and were to
have been' installed, but the smell of
fresh human blood which was waited
through the key-hole and the cries of
the victims to the tests, when put upon
the rack to see if they were of royal
stock, so frightened these two worthy
gentlemen that they hurriedly withdrew
from the ante room, without a demand
for the return of their money. The re
port that what they heard and saw had
turned, them both gra.y, ia single night
is not true; while . they were quite ner
vous they seemed otherwise in good
spirits this morning.
Wanted A 'girl ' for second work.
at Mrs. IL B. Windham's, 717..Walnat
street. 45-dbwl
A Close Call.
John. Murray is in the city today, from
the town of Murray, bundled up about
the neck on account of, the serious, acci
dent which befeL him last Tuesday.
Mr. Murray was getting a- mule shod at
Wm. , Louphiidge's blacksmith shop;
. a a m.
one sharpened snoe naa just
been nailed on and Murray
went to pick up the animals loot
when his mulehip kicked, striking Mur
ray on the throat, cutting a gash that
aid bare the jugular vein and windpipe.
The wound was dressed . by Dr.
Brendle and Mr. Murray is get
ting along first rate, out it
certainly was a9 near a summons from
the angel of death as one would care to
a. o. u. w. No. 24.
Tue above order is having quite an
accession to its already large memoer-
ship. Last evening Messis. Clel Morgan,
'Chas. Ends, Otto Kos, Charley Rydbcrg,
Joe Hiber, Cyril Alexander and five
others whose name9 we could not learn
were initialed, with more to follow soon
It is certainly a good order and well de
serve's its present prosperity.
Thomas S. Allen eldest son of 13. F.
Alie of this iac, wi.h four -t' er
young men were admitted to the bar at
Lincoln last Thursday. The Lincoln
Journal says: "they were subjected to an
unusually rigid examination and not a
question was asked but brought a
prompt and accurate reply. Members
of the committee wer unanimous in
opinion that it was the best examination
they had ever attended. Much credit
is due the Central law Bchool for the
thoroughness . of these young men in
the udimentary knowledge of their
chosen profession. Wabash News.
An Old relic.
Mr. S. O. Drake who is a grandson of
Mrs. Seaborn Callaway and lives at
what was her place, brought for our
inspection two very curious relics of the
early times in Wilkes. They are evidently
moulds for pewter or lead spoons. One
Is for a table spoon, the other for' a tea
spoon, ;HowTold jthej .are cannot be
known, but they muat have come with
the first settlers after the revolutionary
war Washington Ga Chronicle.
The Mrs. Callaway montioned above
is a great Aunt of Mrs. Dr. Biggins of
this city.
Save money and get the best selection
and cheapest wall paper at Gering & Co.
E HAVE cut theprices deep, and par
ties in need of anything in ihe above lines will
save money by callihtj.
Our-new line of embroideries, the handsom
est and largest line ever shown by us.
Look Here!
Every one indebted to JOE,
,The One Price Clothier, must set
tle within thirtjr days or the ac
counts will be placed in the hands
of a Justice lor collection. tf
Joe Klein. Wm. Fisiibr.
The finest of Furnishing Qoods at
slaughtering prices at JOE'S. tf
A Husband's Mistake.
Husbands too often permit wives, and
parents tbeir children, to suffer from
headache, dizziness, neuralgia, sleepless
ness, fits, nervousness, when by the use
of Dr. Miltts' Restorative Nervine such
serious results could easily be prevented.
Druggists everywhere say it foves uni
versal satisfaction, and has ' an immense
6ale. Wood worth & Co , of Fort Wayne,
Jnd.; Snow & Co, of Syracuse, N. Y.;
J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich.; and hun
dreds of others say "it is the greatest
seller they ever knew. It contains no
opiates. Trial bottle and fine book on
neryous diseases, free at F. G. Fricke &
Co, 5
All the latest styles of wall paper found
at Wildman & Fuller's. tf
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore . existing between the
unelersigned under the firm name of
Beeck & Walker is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All elebis due said
firm must be paid to Henry Bc,k, who
assumes all the indebtedness of said
firm. Feb. 26, 1891
Hesrt Bceck. Geo. W. Walker.
Why continue the use of irritating
powders, snuffs or liquids. Ely's Cream
Balm, pleasant of application and a sure
cure for catarrh and cold in head, can be
bad for 50c. It is easily applied into
the nostrils, is safe and pleasant, and is
curing the most obstinate cases. vIt gives
relief at once.
Taken Up
The undesigned has taken up a stray
pig which can be obtained by the owner
by proving property.and, paying for this
notice. ; " 8. F, Qbbokn,
Cor. Eighth and Locust streets. '
The proprietors of Ely's Cream Balm
do not claim it to be a cure-all, but a
sure remedy for catarrh, colds in head
and hay fever. It is notg a liquid or a
snufftbut t0teaaibT applieoVipto thg nys
trils. It gives'relief at once.
Dr. MarsalU DCNTiaT.
Will be in his office on and after
March 14 h. -
Carry Full L.1 aa of
Assisted by
Mr. W. S. Marshall,
Organist of All t-ainte'Churcb. Omaha.
Presbyterian 33-
Benefit Okoan
I Church.
Admission - - 35c
Seats may be reserved at .1. P. Young's.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Bkbt Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sorea, Ulcers, Bait Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped,Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and ooaU
tively cares Piles,, or" no pay required,
It is guaranteed to. give satisfaction,,- or
meney refunded. Price 25 cents per box
Far sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Ilea' Nrv and Liver PHI.
Act mm a new principle regolatia '
the livac, atwaaftls ad 4owels tarougK
the aerveav A new-diseevei. Df.Sf ihW "
Pills speedily core biliousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, pile, 'eBatiptia. TJae
qaalddforfcsea 'women. 'children
Smallest, mjldest, surest! 50 doses, 23c.
Seaanbt free at F. G. Fricke & Ce's.