The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 27, 1891, Image 1

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;:;iicst of all id Leavening Tower.
A nice Child' Suit at $1 00 at JOE'S, tf
Go to JOE and lay in jour supply for
next year. It will pay you trood inn-rot
at the prices he is closing out his
tock. tf
Come an 1 see the difference between
eaah and credit prices. Klson, the cash
clothier. tf
No old chestnuts or rubbish at JOE'S.
Everything of the latest style and at he
Mow cost. tf
Miss Molliu Tucker. Dressmaking and
millinery a specialty. Hooins over Her
Id's store. if
Now is your chance, and such a chance
yoa will hare bat once in a life time, to
bay Clothing, Furnishing Ooods, lists,
etc., at slaughtering prices at JOE'S.
The entire stock must be sold out as
quick as possible. tf
A genuiae Stetson $4.00 Hat at $3 78
at JOE'S. tf
Whoa yoa are in Lincoln, call oa W,
C. Austin Jt C ., in McBride block, cor.
aer of Twelvth and P striets, for Hare
lack and University property. t.t
JOE baa not "bursted." Joe never
has failed, for he believes there is an
honest living for everybody, hut owing
to Dissolution of Partnership, Joe is com
pelled to close out his nice and clean
stock, regardless of cost. tf
For glassware, queensware and the
bust and freshest gioceries go to Phillip
Kraus, inhere yoa will find everything
yoa want for your table. tf.
A good pair of shoes at f 1.00 at
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address, we
will mail yoa our illustrated pamphlet
enplaininfi all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Electro-Voltiac Belt and appliances, and
their charming effects upon the nervious
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly rec'ore you to vigor and man
hood. Pauiphlet free. If you are thus
afflicted wo will send yoo a belt and ap
pliances on atrial. '
Voltiac Bklt Co. Marsh!!, Nich.
For Sale.
A good farm one-fourth mile fiomthe
town of Murray, on the 31. P. R. K.
Plenty of timber and water. Good
orchard. 350 learing trees. Plattsmoutb,
Neb, Feb, 9th. 1S91. wtf
It. V. Hyers.
You can not form an idea what it is to
sell Clothing, etc.. at and below cost un
til you look through JOE'S stock, tf
It is only with regret JOE has to sell
ut his entire stock, for lie has done a
very satisfactory and successful business,
but dissolution between JOE and his
partner, Mr William Fisher compels him
to close out. tf
4 From this day forward. Elson, the
cash one price clothier will only sell
strictly r cash.
Persons wishing to make investments
with best rcturnsor to borrow money on
real estite will find it to th"ir advan
tage to call on Mr. Ths. I llock and
investigate the pi -in of the Provident
Savings, Loan & Building Association
of Omaha. A large amount of stock has
been taken and a number of loans mo do
in this city, to the satisfaction of all.
This i a home institution and books are
Open to the investigation of all. The
many beneficial points seen in our plan
will commend themselves to all. Call
and see us and be convinced.
40-1 w Jas. Pettke, Gen'l Agt.
Office under Dink of Ca?s County,
second door from Main street, on yifth
A Noted Gypsy.
Fartune teller just from the east
la at tha Perkins House, this
city. Past, present and future all tola,
by the hand. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money returned. Enquire for Mrs.
Boswell. lf
It will not be our aim to tee how much
profit we can make, but to sell good
goods for a email margin for cash. El
sen the wh clothier. tf
A fin? worsted men's suit, former
price $19, dow at 91S.59 at JOE'S, tf
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 18S9.
Mrs. E. R. Todd is reported quite sick
with pneumonia.
Miss St imker is visiting her sister in
Omaha f :r a few days.
W. I). Jones is lalking horse to the
Omaha horsemen today.
Mr. Barrett, the popular proprietor of
4 The Fair" is is Omaha today.
Colonel Win. L. Browne is attending
to business in the metropolis today.
E. II Wool y. Seth Rockwell and
County Attorney Travis came in this
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Farthing have a
very sick baby, but it seemed a trifle
better today.
Mr. Latham ticketed a party to Colum
bus, Ohio, this morning, and one to
Mooresville, Missouri.
Miss Lulu and Bertha White went to
Lincoln this morning to visit their
f rther, Hon. F. E. White.
Are you going with Company Q to
Omaha next Wednesday night?
The Louisville fellows say they will
be dowa with a petition containing 4,000
names Saturday. We doubt it.
A. M. Coffman, residing near town,
brought in a wolf scalp yesterday and
receiyed $3 for it at the hands of County
Clerk Critchfield.
Bertha White was ten years of age
Tuesday. She entertained a company of
her young friends to tea, bad a good time
and received many gifts appropriate to
he occasion.
Professor J. W. Love, of Fremont, who
will be remembered as a former super
intendent of the city schools here has
just been appointed by the president as
consul to San Salvador.
The snow storm of today whichwe
are getting was intended for Iowa, and
does not extend far west. The sun is
shining at Hastings and other western
points. Our prediction yesterday of fair
weather was for Nebraska and not Iowa.
From a comparison of the quality and
appearance of Louisville, Omaha and
Kansas City brick at tfie county clerk's
office yesterday, it waa very clear that
Louisville was far in the lead. We un
derstand the Louisville brick are to be
used in the new court bouse, a fact that
we are glad to note.
The program for Friday exercises at
the high school consisted of proper se
lections by the pupils, making the occa
sion a Washington Memorial day. Miss
Greusel's pupils were in charge of the af
fair and showed most excellent training.
The senior class of the hi gh school will
give the cntcrtiSnment next Fiiday.
Elmer Monroe, a switchman, was on a
ilat car today, loaded with wheels, which
was being sidetracked. It seems the
:iv got, too ueavy a jolt, knocking a
wheel across Mr. Monroe's foot, l-ruisi
ad r-,.ra:s::r.g it b;;dly. lie was ra!::L.
in charge by Dr. Livingston, who
thought there were no bones broken.
Miss Crissie Burkel, sister of Val Bur
kel, left yesterday lor Columbus, Ohio,
where she will resile with an aunt and
uncle, whose only daughter recently got
married. It will bo a pleasant home for
Miss Eurkcl, though her Plattsmoutb
friends are sorry to have her depart from
among them.
Jesse Root came in from Louisville
V.1'13 rui rning, where he had been to as
sist George Stevens, who had been
charged with "burglaring" a saloon, tak
ing therefrom $1S, a box of cigars and a
revolver. The justice refused to wait
for counsel and Stevens was bound over
before Mr. Root arrived. Colonel Rock
well, the Nestor of the Louisville bar,
was the prosecutor, v
The case of McLaren, of Louisville,
vs. Frank Busche is on trial in county
court today. E. II. Weoley and Seth
Rockwell appear for McLaren, and Clark
and Dwyer for Busche. So many wit
nesses are present from Louisville that
Mayor Richey thought they were going
to try to carry off the court house by
main force, and felt much relieved when
he found it was only a law Bait.
Kcithlcy Wenkero
We are le.iy 1 . .ml 1 ur pinji-mitli 11 atil
wlit-n 'I UK 111 It 1. 11;t: Hi' ill :;i-t iv;ti-y to
fui:i.l M'li.-r: ;i vis I Ii- :: lirii:;: 1 !i 1.1 ! ; we
wiil:.s.-i I I i c-.iini w i.! t !:i l!K
lll-.KAi I) h . :i i c il;iln ii;., t. si tl.e I
ltc;nlli ;m I us l.mrc loii:t fli'c Mibxci 'Iber in
1 In- rim uly. sl:i' . a il I 'n ! a!i m t !t ii( I ii in
III ki i (I ily and wci kly ecialiinei!. M eep
ing Water INvublicuii.
Tiik I Ii his ov r 4 .f:f0 bona fide
Mil'scnt -; lo its weekly iliii r. V u
can't s-liow tial f Hint miiiilit-r. Tin- bur
den of prool is on you. You Bay we have
a "emulation Iiai"; come oyer and We
will sntisfy you, or any o'lier in no", that
vc doift teed oiie; th: lits and po:a.e
receipts prove our claims correct. We
pay more for postage in one quarter than
you pay in three years.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Mr. Allte ol Omaha, .Mr. Guild, Mr.
Lthatu, and Aesietuut Ticket Agtiit
Foster, with the neeetsaiy proxies in
their possession, represented the B. & M.
millions at the stockholder' annual
meeting in Mr. Latham's office at the de
pot yesterday. Nothing but a general
routine bu-iness wus transacted, the old
board of directors being reelected. Mr.
Foater did not seem to have increased
any in stature after representing ten mil
lion dollars at the meeting.
Cottonwood Alliance, southwest of
this city, is composed of as intelligent a
class of i aimers as could be found in the
state. There are no cranks like Jim
Clark and B. F. Allen to intiict them
selves upon themembers; neither is there
a lot of homeless grcenbackcrs seeking
to reserrcct the long sinco tdefauct
greenback riant money party. We there
for commtnd a majority of the resolu
tions offered below as being good logic
and sound sense that any patriotic citi
zen could endorse. The resolutions were
adopted rcb. llih, 2301, aud read as
follows: r
Wbkseai, Ths legislature under the con
etltution if made tbe eourt to ueteimino coi
teta of efli-es iu the executive branch of the
government, and
VVukkeas, The supreme court utterly Ig
uorea legislative authority ia lliis matter ia its
decU.ou recently hacded down a"d givee J. E.
Doyd power unwarranted ; therefore be it
Kesolved, That we view with alarm said de
cision, vet-ting J. E. Boyd with authority to ve
to his own indictment, and we nereby express
our indignation at the mouarchial tendency ol
such ruling.
1 hat we demand a law making six per cent,
the legal rate of Interest, and eight by con
tract. That we denounce the Omaha Bee and
World-Herald, as traitors to the fanners, and
unworthy of our support.
That we favor the hill compelling railroads to
establish underground croings where th
grade is fixe feet or over.
That we favor the Australian ballot system
of voting.
Taat wc demand a law regulating doctors'
fees, not to exceed 50 cents per mile iu the
county, and a reasonable rate in ci: ies, togeth
er with a reasonable rate for mtdicine.
That we demand that lawyers' and collec
tors' fees bs regulated not to exceed five per
cent for Ike first one hundred dollars, and
above that amount two and one-half per cent.
That we demand that all county aud state
moneys remaining iu ihir respective treasu
ries after debts of said county or state aV
paid, be loaned out at interest, with good land
security, and the iuterest accrued revert to
aid county or state.
That if auy company or corporate body shall
make or cause to ba made any agreement to
the people of any preciuct, town or county, for
the purpose of votiug bonds, they shall be re
eponsib.e for such contract and fulfilment of
the same, and if such company or corporate
b dy tail to fulfill such agreement er contract,
said bonds shall be mil ar ti void.
That saloon licences and fines shall go to
the getiPial school fund of the county where
such licenses and fines are paid.
John Muuray, 1
W. L. rnorsT, Committee.
J. M. Kiskk, )
Piattsmouth is in It
N VraMca i i'y Press :
l:-.L'.c:.- niuu-crs r.. c not blow to
appreciate a good tiling, when they sou
it, i.ud the fact that Nebraska City is one
of the best towns in the state, has notes
caped the attention of the urgus eyedmag
nates of the St. Joseph & Council Bluffs
road. It is stated vn good authority that
this railway line will be built from Oma
ha down the river on this side and cross
into Iowa at this point. The original
intention wa3 to crojs the river at Oma
ha, but recently it is said the manage
m.nt ha3 changed its plans and that the
line will be built down this side.
This will give Nebraska City another
important link in railroad connections,
and add materially to its progress and
We want everybody in the county to
sea our stock of wall paper before pur
chasing, eod wtf.
No. 1, the B. & M. flyer that passes
through this city for Denver at 3:30 in
the morning, was three hours late today,
caused by the train running off the track
at Pacific Junction. It was thought an
open switch was the cause of the acci
dent. No one was hurt, yet everybody
abroad was pretty thoroughly shaken
up and frightened.
Additional local of last page.
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HAVE cut the prices deep, and par
ties in need of anything in the above lines will
save money by calling.
Our new line of embroideries, the handsom
est and largest line ever shown by us.
Look Here!
Every one indebted to JOE,
The One Price Clothier, must set
tle within thirty days or the ac
counts will be placed in the hands
of a Justice tor collection. tf
Joe Kleik. Wm. Fisher.
The finest of Furnishing Ooods at
slaughtering prices at JOE'S. tf
A Husband's Mistake.
Husbands too often permit wives, and
parents their children, to suffer from
headache, dizziness, neuralgia, sleepless
ness, fits, nervousness, when by the use
of Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine such
serious results could easily be prevented.
Druggists everywhere say it gives uni
versal satisfaction, and has an immense
sale. Wood worth & Co , of Fort Wayne,
Ind.; Snow & Co, of Syracuse, N. i.;
J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich.; and hun
dreds of others say "it is the greatest
seller they ever knew. It contains no
opiates. Trial bottle and fine book on
neryous diseases, free at F. G. Fricke &
Co. 5
All the latest styles of wall paper found
at Wildman & Fuller's. tf
Dissolution Notice.
Notiee is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between the
undersigned under the firm rame cf
13u?ek & Walker is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All debts due said
firm must be paid to Henry D(Ek, who
assumes all the indebtedness of said
firm. Feb. 2G.1S01
Henry Bceck. Geo. W. Walker.
Why continue the use of irritating
powders, snuffs or liquids. Ely's Cream
Balm, pleasant of application and a sure
cure for catarrh and cold in head, can be
had for 50c. It is easily applied into
the nostrils, is safe and pleasant, and is
curing the most obstinate cases. It gives
relief at once.
Taken Up
The undesigned has taken up a stray
pig which can be obtained by the owner
by proving property and paying for this
notice. 8. F. Osborn,
Cor. Eighth and Locust street.
The proprietors of Ely's Cream Balm
do not claim it to be a cure-all, but a
sure remedy for catarrh, colds in head
and hay fever. It is not a liquid or a
snuff, but is easily applied into the nos
trils. It gives relief at once.
Dr. Marshall, DENTIST,
Will be in his office on and after
March 14 h.
Carry a Full Una of
Assisted by
Mr. W. S.Marshall,
Orcantft. of AH Saint'f hurch, Onutha.
Benefit OnoA.v
Admission - - 35c
Seats may be reserved at .1. P. Toung'a.
Bucklen'e Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cut
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaina,
Corns, and all 8kin Eruptiont, and posi
tively cares Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per bx.
Far sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Milaa' Nenraano Llvr Pitt
Act a new principle regulating
the liver, rtemach and bowel throng),
the serves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles'
Pills speedily core bilieueaeas, bad tast.
torpid liver, piles, eonstipatioa. Une
qualed for mei, women, children
Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 26c.
8aaapla rea at F. G. Fricka Ce'a.