POF. SSIO vAU CARDS. r. . u vinctwn k. i. cchmin- WW. LIVINGSTON & CUMMINS Physic ess ififl Sipiis Otnce No. 612. Main St. Telephone At4Mllcnc' T-l-il;i)in !r. I.lvlnjr-lii. 4:, Iter i (if hit 'l li-ihnt 1 ir. t "1111111. ui'. Surveyors JlVIb EX.;i.NKi:i::.ii.t sri;YKYni: E. E. HILTON. JSsiiuatB ;u.il ii tin f wik furnished :md Jtrords kttkt. Oilicu in M.utin IJIock. PLATTSMOUTJI Nebhaska County Surveyor AND ' CIVIL EWCINEER. All orders left with County Clerk will t:ceive prompt nttention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. AW O .'KICK Wm. L. BROWN. Personal attention to ail bnviness entrusted to mv aunt XOTAKY In tir-U'.K Titles cxBiiiiiiftl. Abstract! compiled, Iiifui mM wrlllfii. rf-nl ft;lT xolil. "Better fatrili lift Ir making Kami Loans than ANY OTIIEU AGENCY PLATTSMOC 111 .NKIJHASKA TTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Will give prompt attention to all iueinrr entriiMlril to liiui. Olllce iu Union block. Eaet Side. 1'iattf mouth. Jieb. jTTOKNEY A UW. WINDHAM & DAV1ES. R. B- WINDHAM. JOHN A. OAVIES. Notary Public Notary Public Office over ISank of Cass County. n&ttsmoutn .... Nebrasbb Banks E&aafc of Cass Co naty Cor Main and Fifth street. Paid up capital aarplua jsoloni 25 000 OFFICERS O. II. Parnate Sted ttomer J. M. Patterson T. M. Patterson. President Vice I"resilTiil Caslirit Aest Casbiei DIRECTOES A. B. Smith. K. B. Windham. B. 3. Kaiueey and x. at.ratterson OENESAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANS A TED Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time 4eosits and prompt attenttonglren to all bus- i entrusted to us care. The Citizens BANK PLATTSMOCXU - NEBRASKA Cj tial sUck paid In $80 0 0 Authorized Capital, $100,000. . OFFICERS rUAKK CARRUTH. J08. President. A. CON NO K, Vice-President Cashier. W. H. CU8HINQ. DIRECTORS rrank Carrutb J. A. Connor. F. R. Guthmann J. W. Johnson. Henry Boeck, John O'Keefo W. D. Merriam, Wm. Wetencamp, W. " H. Gushing. TfiAKSACTSIA GENERAL BAMTNG BUSfflES sues certificates of deposits bearing Interest Buys and sells exchange, county and city sureties. First National BANK OF FLATTSMOUTH. Paid up capital . Surplus NEBRASKA ?.V.OC0.00 10.OIJO.09 Offers the very best facilities for the promp' transaction of litMtiniate Banking Business 8t n"7 rr.ment p.r.d local ee- cur;.l s ,ii i t. n4 It-;-i?u3 ifiv-i ana m:-r.st :illrwnl f.iv tlie certifica'es DT?ts finiT. ii. ;ivuil:iMe in any part of the United Stilus and all tl-.e principal towns of Europe. OOU.F.CTION8 MADE AND TKOMITLY REMIT- rri. . Highest mfirket prfoe p:id fnr County War rants. Stats sun County bonds. Dfi:ECioi-:s John Fitzgerald D. Hawkowortb Sam Waugli. F. E. White :eorRe E. Iovy John FitzRrr:j. S. Wangb. Preident Ca:tJ- PERKINS - HOUSE, 117, 219, 221 and 223 Main St., lattsmouth, - Nebraska. EL M. B0NS. Proprwtor. . lb Perkins has been thoroughly renoytted from top to bottom and is dott oqo of t beat hotel in th state Bmrdrs will bo take by the week al f 1.50 and op. GOOD BAH CORRECTED mju Plattsmoutb Horalfl. r. iivn ta'n Loral rth llr for ihf I'nlnlrM Xtrartii u tfi irt-th iu llnsritj. Ofllrr Kock wiiud ilrk. .AS I.DlXiK. l. 1 Hi I . O. f. n.e.-ts . V- -ry luepilay nilit at their hall in Htzuerald )li.ck. All ld l-elli'Wf are rmdialiy invited " aitfiiil Mlieii vltitl'K In e'ly. T. K vn f i a M4. N. U. .1. W, I'iiii k. Sec. .ll 's !) 1Y I I I AS. ii iintl t l.i - Ni,. J7 Jh-i tr fvi'iy w enrei-i!y ev-iiiiiB j r ); r li II ! ' e k a n bi'i k. All vlilini kni;lili ,:-nli i ly i"V led to a!tei 1, C. A. iMii shall. C. '. ; l"i.n k Mx. ti. K. K S. Y" i::f. MIN'S II M VI I -N .-t-CIATlON v ;iln. :in l,io. k MjiIii MP el. homi s i.imi (r in VAt a in to !' :() i : I or men on y losi t-l ini'el U4 eveiy ; i.irCay :.l!ci lie on ;it 1 GAR. j MfCoi.iilliie I'i h, .Nil 4.ri. iin-ets -very .aUir- j lay evenii j: al 7 :::o. in tin Ir hall, l.'ockwood iiiock. il . vi-iiin c(ii;iai:ts aie invited to .i(V-t w;tli ii. (J. 1". Nile., post Adj.. F. A. Tales, l'od Com, Wf lit ed An active, iclii lie III n--salary S7 to fSO III. ntli y. illi u.eit ave. io im. eceni in U f own ffi'tiou a r s onsihli- ew Y iK IIlIe. l f ier.e .s. jiaj L'K." n I'ltl-.i:, l.j-h Itox J6x5, New Ymk. Our Clubbing List. Olobe-Peinoerii". and IIkhai 1. , Iiirper's Magazine u ' Harper's Ilaznr 44 Dfiuoriht'a Jlttfiazine 44 Omaha Bee " oledo T.lado Lincln Cull National Tribune 44 44 The Forum ' " Inter Ocean 4 . . Lincoln Journal 44 44 The Home Ma"azino 44 " .$2.25 . 4.(50 . 4.K0 . a.io . 2 40 . 2.45 . 2.15 2.45 . .5.55 . .2.25 2 30 1 ,5 Time Table GOING WKMT Xo l 3 :ao a. m 3, ft :-15 p. ni "5, 9 :25 a. in 7 ' -15 a. in. " 9,. ..... .6 :15 p, in. - 11 5 :'25 p. in. GOINO KAST No 2 6 .-03 p. m. " 4... . ... .10 :.T0 a. m " 8 7;11 p. m " 10 9 :4fi a. 111. " 12 1C:14 a. m CLARK'S HOG REMEDY Clark's l'oultry Kemedy. BEST IN THE WORKD. For sale by 0, II. SAYDEIt, DruSgist, Plattsmoutb, Neb. IBB figure o.M 'A flcoi 0 In our dates w'H make a isng staje Jo man or woman now living will ever date . loonment without using the figure 0. It stands a the third place in 1890, where it will remain ten years and then move up to bccoud place in 190Q (here it will rest for one hundred years. There Is another "9" which has also come to stay. 1 1 is unlike the figure 9 in our dates in the respect hat It kas already moved up to first place, where t will permanently remain. It is called the "No i" High Arm Wneeler A Wilson Sewing Machine. The "No. 9" was endorsed for nrst plaoo by thi rperts of Europe at the ParU Exposition of lKf. .-here, after a severe contest with the leading ma ;iiines of the world, it was awarded the oclv Orand Prize given to family sewine machines, r.ll others on exhibit haring received lower awards jf gold medals, etc The French Government llso reooeniacd itssuneriority by the decoration of Mr. Nathaniel V.'necler, President of the company. with the Cros of the Legion of Honor. The "No. 9" is not an old machine improved apon, but is an entirely new machine, and Che Grand Prize atf'3-is was awarded it as the grand est advance in sewing maculae mechanism of tho Vie. Those who buy it can rest assured, there. I re, of baring the very latest aud best. C7HEELER & WILSON 3-rFG CO., 1BZ- and IS? Wababh I vc. ChicagtJ. Dealers Wanted, Will jou suffer with dvsprpsia and liver complaint? Sbilch's vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by F O Fricke an O. H. Snyder. The Secret of Success. F. O. Fiicke & Co., druggists, believe that the secret of success lies in perse verance. Therefore they persist in keep ing the finest line of perfumeries, toilet articles, cosmetics, drugs and chemicals on the market. They especially invite all persons who have palpitation, short breath, weak or hungry spells, pain in side or shoulder, oppression, oieht mare. dry congh, smothering, dropsy or heart disease to try Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart Cure, before it is too late. It has the largest sale of any similar remedy. Fine book of testimonials free. Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine is unsurpassed for sleeplessness, headache, fits, etc, and TIip liL Jyf FLOWERS BRING MONEY. HEF.E IS AN INDUSTRY WORTH WHILE FOR WOMEN TO PURSUE. A Y "HK WmsIiIiiIoii funun Trll About llf r SurccHH in Cultivating Itonea and ViolrfH They Ili-iinirn I.lltl Labor ami t'.riii Ijime ICeturiiH. "M i-.vcr ruliurc in ;i f-innll way ran be LI.kIc lo pay i-vi-ii by ;m .ainatcnr who i . t piirsu.; it i.i :i painstakiii. and i!i1 i-T)t way. n 1 :t yuan:,' woman. IV: -years i;( i bon-ht a little farm A;:;:v !. ti.i, r-M I it Ilos. Acros,' -d i.i j.i--r,i,y for ::::iii;-m..'iits it'i a f-'v v... 1m, tin.l soni : .:;:::.;. I I v. ft r.v-:-; 1 mi ly. ami 1 r... -I ir in t !v:a was .'i-ll i I y ii:.' pl.vi it. but ai'ler a I f;;::i-l 1'iat it v;mM pro.ltue a!. ). .'') I pl:i:itfl more a;nl vritl! ::t ;:- ':. t I !::tv? between :::: 1 i r.;.- ' i-; :il r.').;; lia-lii-s ol li v. i.-ao:;v A trar- a.T tuM ilif; tin; otii-v day 1 iiat my j-i.i-w--.i of hyl ritl in'rpittials is )ro!)ably '. ia '..S in th'.waitnt.'y. O.i t!n; 1 iy 1' ky D ((;:.: ion D ay I pic'.ce 1 an I sold It t': 1,. ) !; .- i ;.).:! ia v ir.r.i lilac'". "I :nu er.trava..inlly foa-l of rosts, Irat vi'. -t .ir ; tuor.i pr-ilitablu. On tlie lay bt'fo-. C'iristmaa I pickol and nold :V?oO violet ; ;it two cents anieco; that is :.v'.; v.o:-L:i. Taey woro worth the hi h-e.-l prhr th -a, bar, th'y mwr brin: b.-.-.s ia :a oa-j cj;it a)ec.'. To r.usj ta-ai is liave '.i-20 ,'la.ss sashes ua vi ;lei.; Woaai all viat;-r which ihr oar. la -aav 1 have a, lot of fresli T ground plowed raid pr.'p ircd, and in it 1 plant all my violets. ta!ct-n from beneath tli-a rx-shea for tho inrpwf. Then I sim ply ta!:e up the s:i;!e. and cover tho ii'jwly planted violets with them and the work is done. Ia October they bo Kia lo bloom, and ontinn 3 all through the wii.ti'r, so that 1 can pick tliem every daj and a nd tho llovt. rs to market. ALWAYS A MARKET. All of my violet plants come from one little; pot that I bought at the Center ta.uket llvo years a;j:o. Th'y aro mad' to multiply by dividing the roots, so thai- a sialo plant taken np in the spring will snpply a score or more. I sell my ilowcra by sending them to the florists in Washington or very often in New York. Prices aro higher in New York, ko that it usually pa-s to express Ihera on. 'There is always a market for flowers -ad thc-rj never any difficulty in dis posing of them. Any florist is glad to buy thorn if lh:'y are good ones and in ia a 'K9' cc.ndition. Those which I send .. V l i v.-v luin iviu ueiive. jii eany ine ;:ext morning, i cxpressc-d some thith er originally on speculation and I got im; e-diate replies praising their quality and asking for more. Tho violets must bo picked alw3rs in the afternoon, be cause otherwise they lose their perfume. Then they mast be brought into town iu tha evening for shipment. "My greatest success is with sweet pe.use, which most people do not get along very well with in this latitude. I get the very finest possible seed to begin with. From June to August I pick very nearly 4,000 sweet pea blossoms daily, and they sell for fifty cents a hun dred, so that they aro really the most profitable of my flowers. They require but little care. I plant the seeds in the spring in open ground, about four inches deep, and as the plants grow the earth is kept hilled up arouud them. Then posts aro stuck in along the rows with strings arranged so that the vines are trained upon thom. I had one-sixteenth of an acre set out with sweet pe;isef and it brought in a clear $200 from the sale of the blooms. GROWINO DAHLIAS. "A nether flower I am ver3' successful with is the single dahlia, which is very much handsomer tha:a tho double dahlia, you kuow. I plant the bulbs, which I propagate myself, the last of May, and the plants begin to flower about tho last of August, keeping on until frost. I manage to keep them go ing for some time later than would otherwise be possible by lighting fires on cold nights at the ends of the rows. In this way I get them over the first frosty spell, after which there is usually a season of quite warm weather, so that frequently my dahlias are blooming beautifully up to the end of November. I try to make the flowers I grow alter nate, so that when one aort stops bloom ing another begins. My violets are flowering from tlie last of September to the end of April; then come the roses tTirough the summer, and the sweet pease, with dahlias in the fall and violets again until spring. You can perceive that my wny or growing ir wer- uoes not imh" necessary any large investment in green houses or otherwise. Of course thero aro some expenses. I have two men to help me, though one of them I should hp.ve to keep anyway for other purposes. There is a great deal iu the proper pack ing of flowers for market. "For example, violets must be placed in bunches in pasteboard boxes, with waxed paper folded loosely around them. They must not be touched with water, because to do so will take away their sweetness. I consider my own flower growing enterprise as only begun thus far; some day I hope to become a mill ionaire by selling violets and sweet pease. At all events there is money in the busi ness, properly pursued, and more women ought to go into it." Washington Star. Can This Be So? "Nothing wearies a railroad traveler more than a straight track," says an old railroad man. "Any road with fifty miles of straight track would be shunned for one with three or four curves in that distance. I know legions of people who put themselves out to go by roads which wind ani carve and give a new bit of scenery every few minutes." Detroit Free Press. It is a fact not generally known that Missouri furnishes better cavalry horses than any other state in the Union. The Missouri horse is sturdy and bhort back ed, and is now much in demand by cav alry officers. I ENTIRE Clo hing. Furnishing DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. No Humbug, No Closing UDont miss this great opportunity, you will never be able to buy cheaper in your life. (Call and see what D0IB will do for you. 4 oRPMce former price former price former price former price former price c bC a c a 66 66 (6 a 66 66 66 66 lormer price 15.00 now 11.00 former price 18.00 now 12-50 former price 22.00 now 14.00 The best $1.0 overalls at $5c, Shirts Socks Underwear, etc., at astonishing slaughtering prices It will pay you to come a hundred miles and bor row the money to lay in your supply. It will pay you big interest. We Have The JOE PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. CDpera EKouse (Corner CJLOSITC 4 M DDK Coco's, MUST BE CLOSEST OUI II r ON ACCOUNT OF - Out Sale, No Advertising Scheme, But Closing Out to Quit Business. the IFtpHStPwims G.00 now 4.50 7.00 now 5.00 S.00 now G.5 10.00 now 7-00 12-00 now S.00 19 Overcoats low cost. Childrens Largest Stock in Wm, FES OUTS IP 771 4 ate, Trunk, Etc. IPwnces: former price 1 00 now 50c former price 1 50 now 1 00 former price 2 50 now 1 50 former price 3 00 dow 2 00 former price 4 00 now2 75 for men, youths and boys at be- and boys suits at your own prices. the County. 1 1 contains no opiates. 5