Vallery Meat Market 105 3 6th st.. Union Mock, formerly 415 Main street. A Splendid Market, where Everything kept in First (-'Ihhm. We nim to dense, hiui solicit the 1'ution age of tin; Public. THE CHOICEST STEAKS, EXCELEEN'l K ASTS, THE SWEETEST CUTS, FINEST CUKE!) MEATS, iMK. KIS! ANI OTIIKIt DKMCACIKF IN SKASON. Uy fair and hc-Hcst dealing I expect ti. merit a t-h are of the trade. 13 Mm. J. R. VALLERY, Prop MIKE S 1 1 M L L 15 A ( ' K bill. Wagon and Hlackxinitli shop Wagon, Buggy, Machine and plow Repairing done HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY He lutes the NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the best horseshoe for tlu farmer, or for fat driving, or for city purposes ever invented . It is so made that anyone ct.n put on sharp or flut corks, as needed for wet and slipery days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at bis shop and examine the nkvkrhlip and you will use no other. J. M. SIINEI.LBACKEH. 112 North Fifth St. Plattsmouth JULIUS PEPPERHERG, MANCFACTCRKK OF ANtt WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THE Thoicest Brands of Cigars. including our Flor la iiiru'p' ill 'in rvi.i. link or TOBACCO AND SifOKERS' ARTICLE always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885. Lumber Yard i fTHE OLD RCUASLE. IU. WATERMAN & SOS F LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds Can supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth etreet . in rear of opera house. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND P UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand .everything i you need to furnish your house. CORTER SIXTH ANI MAIN STREET Plattsmout - Neb P. J. HANSEN DEALER IS STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES; GLASS ASD QUEENS WARE FIod nsd Feefl a Fdbci lsitrotje . t:u; Puble Solicited. JOHNSOM BVILDING,: HtrU 6tH St ally The Use Of Harsh, drastic purgatives to relieve costivc ness is a dangerous practice, ami more liable to fasten ttie disease on the patient than to cure it. Wliat is needed is a medicine that. In effectually owning the bowels, corrects tin; costive liahit mil establishes a natural daily action, hucli an aperient is found in Ayer's Pills, which, while thorough in action, strengthen as well as blimulale liie bowels and excretory organs. " For el;ht y;:ir I was afllictcd with con sli);ttin:i, wliii-li at l ist lce:iu:o .so liad that tie: doct.irs eniilil do e.i in ire for me. 'l'lieti 1 lcf;an to take Ayer's J'ills, and soon tho howels tiecame regular and natural in tlieir movements. I am now in excellent lieallii." Win. 11. Deljiiicctt, Dorset, Out. When I feel the need of a cathartic, I take Ayer's Tills, and lind them to he nioro Effective Jian any other pill I ever took." Mrs. IJ. C. v'irulih, l?urwellville, V;i. . " For years I have ben snhject to consti pation and nervous headaches, caused by dc raiiKenier f the liver. After taking various remedies, I have become convinced that Ayer's Pills are the best. They have never failed to relieve my billons attacks in a short time; and I am sure my system retains Its tone longer after the use of these Pills, than has been the case with any other medicine I have tried." II. 3. Sledge. Weimar, Texas. Ayer's Pills, rRKFARI) BT Sr. J. O. AYEE& CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers In Medicine. THE I TERIST ATI O iA,L TYPEWRITER V srricriv first c!-i nvie!iln fnMv ed. Made ironi the very best nialen.-'l b -killed workmen, and with the best tool's that have ever been devied for the purpose. War raided to do all that ran be rMi'ially ex pected of the verv best tvtuMnrritor uvlmi 'Miatleof wrifinir words - er minute oi more according to the ability of the operate'. PRICE $100. If there is no agent in your town address tht in inufacturev. THE PARIS ft M'F'J CO. 4 renin wanted Parish tt. Y. h B. SEELEJ1IUE, Agent. Lincolu, Neb, PURE MAPLE SUGAR and Syrup. fw uriees quoted ou large or small lots Strictly Pure. Adirondack Maple Sngar Co 12ot' Monro) St., Chicago, IJ1. FVLiAlll & HEXiFON Western Agents. K. DRESSL ihe 5th St. Kerchant Taiie: Keeps a bull Line of .vnsult . Your Interest by iJ'vitir Him a :) SHERWOOD BLOCK ; !i:uli'i XtTj "- UOLD2Al POKCELAlNTCKOvYNB Bridge work2ad fine gold work a SPECIALTY. I)K. STEIN ACS LOCAL as weH as other ai esthet iesgiven lor the painless extraction o teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald E'-' Bwe, Prompt; rosftr Curt for ImpotMne; Lota of Manhood, Seminai. Emltsions. Spermatorrhea, Htroousnest, 8ttf Oittruti, Lost of Mtmory. Ac. WH mailt you a STRONG. Vigor ous Man. . Prict 91.00, 9 Boxes. Si 00. . Soriil Dlreettont Hattog with each B. , A44rm. 8llci6aaXiaIaMatO T. LOUIS. A TAWNY HEAD FROM EGYPT. With tufts of hair warm bronze, within a case It rests, this marvel from the anflcpin land Or pyrumid juid upliiiix, of palm aild sand. An ii;. i st rat ion of tho dumi-iant race That swayed the worM for centuries, and that phiiined Archives of art and catacombs, to stand t nil t i iw's efforts l.ibo: i'i;; lo r'.'t 5. 'I'll -s.' i;-!it:e.S sockets Olll'.l Willi loVO li'-Cll !.-,, !: i -. be .v m ri i.-m-lui'-nT over ni 'ii lin be:i!iied, . it -i inreileet m:iy li.-ive iiven tone . V--.-.I ii. nt i, ami t m.:!i . 1 mi' urn! i4 l.i i. m i.y h iv 'iv.-t - I iv ifo a'i'l yoi i u.; v witii lirain tliat t.'iouijlit, vvit!i voiiv tliii! .ri Cr r in Ii"ew Yori; -iin An i:liniiitc .f ( iirlvle. "i t.'"Vi-r i::!. v t .-ij-.vle, ,:ivs the ;mi ; id" "( i latiees of ift-at anil Litl! ' ":: ;it by Hglit. To tell tli I "-l I;'-': iirri-.'tlTy -.v-t hi.-- :; .:..::;:( i,i ti- : ;s;,t days of hi- i i :.:.;' i -'i:ii-: navo Known linn. . w.v if t; i i v -n nut witiiont a certain ilrtau :i-s ring :i:.o.'tli of tacit timi , ftnv.-t vcr, liiiding myself sitting il ii him in ;i ('iii-lr'it omnibus, 1 ii ... n in auui's.s ii 1 111. i int'ii me t!n iv' u,-n iz"l co!:vcr.iliiiii;il .::' I . : t i.l this caso it failed of iti iii t. lie gavu no answer, but leaning on his sLaif in brood- : i.'-TM-t- ami with introspK-tivi eyes. ii ho reached his destination. Wlien ii- !i:i i got out, I, affecting not to know iiim, asked tho conductor who he f ho l.:ttcr had touched his hat to him. ' 'Oh, yessir, I know him well enough. u or:::i rutes in my ints. i.s wot yon i-uil a littiTy gent writes biwka wot no- Juay can understand.' The conductor paused, as if mentally :.r.i.i:iiing ui from his sujieiior stand- .ui:il ine iootooaru poor jari3"leij characteristics, .and then added, with a touch, half of pity, half of contempt in I'lie voice: " 'L'd a bit off his,chump, like many of tho...i gents; but ho aLu't a bad sort if you tako hiia the right way. " Actors Who I'aint. Speaking of people who paint, Edward v . iwhiole, the ai iit, said: "I know many actors who are artists with the brush and H'licil, and very fair artists at that. Joseph Jefferson goes in for water colors. Dixey draws queer caricatures. iiini x saw one oi nis ecceutno drawings oa a Pai Ker house (liiston bill of fare nly the other day. Louis Harrison, the c- ::etlian, is a rapid draughtsman. Tim i r.rphy nseil to lie a. house painter in asiungtoii, so he comes rightly by his la.Ve lor pen and pencil. His dressing iu:i:;i wherever he mav be is covered v. iih daubs roughly but effectively done in grease, paint and crayon. Lotta, Minnie Maddern, Madeline Lucette and Alice King Hamilton draw very neatly. E. II. Sothern has maje sketches which L.ui Frohman co;:. id r worthy of hang ing lramd in the luo'.y of tho Ljceum laeatre. George l'awcett Ruwe used tc go in for oils. Alexander Salvini, son of his fatlier, has presented a very - neat water color to Mane Burroughs. New York Herald. Work in lecturing. A popular lecturer who has appeared before big audiences on hundreds oi platforms during the past ten or twelve years, says that lecturing is the hardest way of earning a living. The lecturer is idt the tiino exhausted with travel from place to place by railroad or steamboat, or stage coach or other conveyance. He cannot get solid sleep any time. He finds himself in uncomfortable quarters i.i all sorts of hotels. He cannot get to ;k-1 till nearly midnight after any lect ure, lie is bothered with committee.- I .-.Tents. He often finds that both the aiblience and the receipts are light. The 1; cv.rr.vr here quoted says that he is worn i ..t il.nvii to the bj'aes after a few week. i I 1- L-iurkig, and that he never had ;.. .-.ihansting work when he was a deck hand aboard ship as he has had durin.; '. vears in wLich he has bi-n on lh; ire i'-ali- -been siiav rvuus s , New .-.;v.l bv Yori. 'n. lv.silunee of the Air to a I.oeoomJ i ve. "i!..T:eiimei:!.s on the French rali ; .ov that the tvsisiane.' of the o-tiao .re to the motion oi' hi -,h.;-..v! ti.:i, loviuts often to ii;ilf the total resisianci i v.-o engines. Oi WiliUU ;!l th e resistance ..s iiica-virod separately and found in l.e ID.y pounds per ton at thirty-seve:; .'il.'s per hour, were coupled together again tried. The reMitaiice leil tc U..J pounds per ton. The second engine was masked bv tne nrst. It may be ar- gu.-d from this that by a suitable adap tation of the front of a locomotive, elec trical or otherwise, a saving of from 8 tc 10 per cent, of the effective power could be made. Llectncal Review. l"urrovv on the Finger Nulla. Nearly twenty years .ago Dr. Wilks di rected attention to the curious fact that a- transverse furrow always appears on the nails after a serious illness. Medical men ignored what they called the vision- .ii v opinions of Mr. Wilks, iriving tht matter but little attention in their nieu- M -.v oriis. Keceutiy a new interest in iiie suLjcct has been revived and patho logical societies have begun an investi gation. One remarkable case shows nail furrows caused by three day's seasick ness. Herald of Health. If t he foot of a fly is . put under tht glass of a good microscope it may be -.eeii how simple is the contrivance that sveuis able to defy the laws, of gravita tion. The foot is made up of two pads, covered with fine short hairs, with a .pair of curved hooks above them. Be hind each pad is a tinj bag filled with elear, liquid gum, the hairs also being hollow and filled with the same sticLy linid. In applyin, stimulants to the head a lair amount snoiini nrt ue nsei. urni then the quantity increased giauually, but never carried to such an e.:tent thai they are' used indiscriminately and re gardless of consequences. The accumulation of electricity gen erated by tho fric;io:i of belts m an en jne room is of ten a luatter of consider able annoyance. A little steam escaping under the bells is sujyfe-sred m a remedy. THE CURSE O'f SCOTLAND. Tlaere Arn Twenty-four Reasons Why the Nine of Diamonds Is Culled I'iiIik U. Every reader has at some period of his or her life heard of the nine of diamonds referred to as "tho curse of Scotland;" but why, jierhaps, j-ou have never taken the time or trouble to .ascertain. In my "Repository of the Hareand the Wonderful" I find no less than seventee:i explanations of the origin of tin- expres sion, while Sotithwick's "C'ii.z:.:;i and I ts Key" gives eleven, seven of which are wholly different from the answers given in the vo:-k above ri f erred to, in.i';ing in all twenty four different accounts of t In tin gin ot tho exjiressnri in the 1 wo works. Sotithwick traces it oack to 1T1"), men lioning a caricature of that date which i)re.-ents "the young chevalier" at t.'!:nti:i'' to lea l a h rd of bulls laden :th iap;'.l curses across the Tweed river Willi t lie nmo of diamonds lying before them. Perhaps the most satisfactory explana tion of the enigma is that which refers it to the massacre of CJlencoe. Tho or der for that cruel deed was siirned bv the Earl of Stair, John Dalrymple, sec ret;; i f .f r.tate for Scotland. Tho coat of arms of the Dalrymple family bears miie lozenges, resembling diamonds, on its i hield. Thus it appears to have been with reference to them that the nine pot of diamonds was called "the curse of Scotland." The best and most likely of the other reasons for the origin of the expression are given below. During the reign of Mary a thief at tempted to steal the crown from Eliza beth castle, and succeeded in abstract ing nine valuable diamonds from it. To replace these a heavy tax was laid on tho people of Scotland, which impover ished tli em to such an extent that nine diamonds, whether on- cloth, cards or eal jewels, were sjioken of as "Albion's curse. In the game of Pope J oan the nine of ..-.lamonds is tho pope whom the Scotch Presbyterians consider a curse. It is also said that the Duke of Cum norland wrote his inhuman orders at ' 'ullodv ii on the back of a card, the front of which was marked with nine dia monds. The "Oracle, or Ret-4lver of Questions, printed in 1770, says that the crown of Scotland had but nine diamonds, and that the Scotch people were too poor to add to tho collection. St. Louis Re public. An Elevator Incident. In one of the elevators in a down town building the other day an absent minded man came near departing this life with unbecoming haste. He had stood close by the door when the car stopped at his floor and had allowed two or three other passengers to bru.t-h by him. He had made no signs of a desire to step out, but when the elevator resumed its upward course and the door was nearly closed he gave a start and jumped forward until his body projected out of the car and prevented the door from closing. Luck ily the conductor understood his busi ness. With an instinctive movement he stopped the car in a few inches. Then he drew back the door and released the venturesome passenger, who walked away without even looking back or say ing a word. The other passengers looked on in silence. Even the elevator man had nothing to say for a minute, but when the next floor was reached the whole affair seemed to strike him in a new light. He didn't think of the horror of a life suddenly taken away, of the sickening sight of a crushed and mangled body. "That's what 1 call a mean man," quoth he with severity. "V ant to have me sent to the Tombs, eh? Gad! A man like that ought to get hurt, he had." New York Times. N'uble Tree IMaiiters. I read a very interesting statement re- centiv that tne ttiree rire dukes ot Auioie ilautc-d in tl-.eir lifeil i e 1 l.Ow'i.ii') larch OS on their estate.-. Tho writer wiio n.i .to tuis statement ti.eau'd to doubt the fact on tho ground that he imagined that lu'ir graces did so with tiieirown hands, vrhi'-h v.oul 1 ii 'ce' -it i,"e each of them nlanting trees a dav for sixty years. When, howevt-r, a man is said to "jilant" an estate i. does nut suiy more mean that he does so personal lv than, when it is :-aid that a man "furnisiies" a house, he maKes ins own cabinets an t tables, or puts down his own carpets though our grandfathers and grandmothers, as often tis not, actually did the latter, as well as good souls! sewing the various strips of carpets together. If, however, it comes to planting trees with one's own hands, there is etill some thing to be said. Charles II planted nearly all the trees in the avenue tit Windsor with his, and some that are now in St. James' park; and George HI had a mania for planting his own trees, as well as innumerable grape vines. Her present majesty has planted over 5,000 trees in various places she lias visited, and the Prince of Wales cannot be very far behind her in also doing so. Galig nani's Messenger. A Tt-rrapin Farm. Of late years a number of terrapin farms have been started along the Chesa peake. The biggest farm is on the Patux ent river, and it consists of a large salt water lake, which could accommodate thousands of terrapin if they would breed as rapidly as is desired. The farmer has surrounded this lake with board fences to keep out the muskrats and foxes, which are the terrapin's ene mies. He has made hatcheries of boxes partly filled with sand, and so arranged that when the females enter them they cannot get out until they are taken out. He has nurseries for young terrapin, and he keeps the little ones in here until they are ten months old. in order to preserve them from their fathers. Frank Cr. Car penter in Pittsburg Dispatch. Paying the Piper. Inquiring Boy (looking up from a book) What does "paying the piper"' mean? . Worried Father (absently) Tell him to call neat week. 'I said 'the piper,' pa." "Well, if it's a pluxaber, he needn't call for a month." Good News. What is vs vi . umi.i'.inei.l.v.v. .ievt vtivvr: l t. i nnn Custoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opining Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is ft harmless suh.stituto for lare;or!c, Drops, Soo tiling1 Syrups, mtd Castor Oil it is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Cist oriad est roj'H "Worms and allays feverishuess. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colfc Castoria relieve teething troubles, cures constipation and. flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach, and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend Castoria. Castoria Is an excellent medlctm for ohtl dreo. Mothers haw repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." &. O. C. Osgood, . Lowell, Mans. " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day iamot far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and uso Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to preiuature graves." Dr. J. F. Kinchelob, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 J. 6. GRAVES & CO. DEALERS IN PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES. LATH, SASH. DOORS, -BLINDS.and all building material Call and see us at the corner of 11th and Elm street, one block north of HciscPs mill. Plattsmouth, Tebrask& Plattsmouth Nursery IBuy ywr trees of tiae Bame nrserv where you can select -wnw owk sree &'.a .UOB you. E limve sill fclic leading vsi ;iie'IeH &sid -know better wlasat varieties wiifl do iiere. tEaan I 4gesats aud you Apple trees. 3 years old ADple trees, 2 years old Cherry, early Richmond, late r lum, tr otiawaiiamic, hiiu vjuubu Raspberries, Greg Syler Strawberries. Sharpless Cresen Concord vines, JL years old Moors Early grapes, 'Z years old -Currants, Cherry Currants Snyder blackberries - -Industry Gooseberry - Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old noughton Gooseberries, 2 years old -Asparagus - ' " - Rosses, red moss and white moss Shrub6, Hydrangias - -Honey Suckle ' -Snow Balls -Lilacs - Evergreens, Norway spruce li. Fir T&ursery one-Sialf mile north of town, end of S)tli Street, Address all Orddrs io ' ' ' J. IB. 1LIEIESILIES', PLAT1SMO U TH, . i - 'NEB. i A. Castoria. ' "Cantorla Is so well adapted to children I recommend it as superior to any known to me. TT. A. AiuTHsn, X. TX. Ill So. Oxford St. , IJrooklya, X. X. " Our physicians in the children's depassv merit have spoken highly of their aapirt ence in their outside practice with Castoris and although we only uave among sr medical supplies what is kaown as regwlar products, yet we are free to con f ess that Its merits of Castoria has won us to look wasa favor upon It." United IIokj-ttax. md IisrBKSaBTa Boston, : Aixxn C. Shith, Ve., Hurray Street, New York City :3) j m ww waul a Sm. 4-1 - can RMsy as g 8 252 001800 20 I 75 1500 403 (302500 ! 4 (X) 150 25 150 . 500 - Richmond, wra rrrr 10 GO 30,3 001 10 1 00 250 253 i 00 50 101 101 00 125 ;o 20' A A