The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 26, 1891, Image 1

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    V- .; r
V 7 -
czl of all in Lcavonlnj I'owcr.
11 V V
8 K
A liicc Child' Suit at $1 00 at JOE'S, tf .
Oo to JOE iiiul lay in your supply for
next year. It will pav oii ;ool inu-r
t at the prices In
is -i.-ing "'it
Conic nn 1 sec thy iliflYie.'.ce betwc- n
cash nnd credit prices. Elon, tlie cash
clothier. tf
No old chestnuts or rubbish at JOE'S.
Every thio of the ltUsl fetjle and nt lc
low cost. tf
Miss Moliio Tucker,
millinery a specialty,
old's store.
Dressnriking and
Rooms over llft
Now is your chance, and s"ch a chance
you will have hut otico in a life time, to
buy Clothing, r iirnishing Good 4, lints,
etc., at slaughtering prices at JOE'S.
The entire stock must be sold ut as
quick as possible. tf
A genuine Stetson $4.00 Hat at $2 75
at JOE'S. tf
When you are in Lincoln, call on W,
C. Austin & C ., in McBride block, cor
ner of Twelvth and P stricts, for Have
lock and University property. f
JOE has not "bursted." Joe never
has failed, for he believes there is an
honest living for everybody, but owing
to Dissolution of Partnership, Joe is com
pelled to close out his nice and clean
tock, regardless of cost. tf
For glassware, queensware and the
best and freshest gioceries go to Phillip
Kraus, where you will find tvfcrythiug
you want for your table. tf.
A gooo pair of shoes at $1.00 at
JOE'S. tf
To Ntvous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address, we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
enplaininfi all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Electro-Voltiac Belt and appliances, and
their charming effects upon the nervious
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly rerore you to vigor and man
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thu9
afflicted wc will send you a belt and ap
pliances on atrial.
Voltiac Belt Co. Marshall, Nich.
For Sale.
A good farm one-fourth mile fiomthe
town of Murray, on the M. P. R. R.
Plenty of timber and water. Good
orchard. 350 bearing trees. Plattsmouth,
Neb, Feb., 9th, 1891. wtf
R. W. Hters.
You can not form an idea what it is to
sell Clothing, etc., at and below cost un
til you look through JOE'S stock, tf
It is only with regret JOE has to sell
out his entire stock, for he has done a
very satisfactory and successful business,
but dissolution between JOE and his
partner, Mr William Fisher compels him
to close out.
From this day forward, Elson, the
cash one price clothier will only sell
Btrictly for cash. tf
Person3 wishing to make investments
with best returns or to borrow money on
real estate will find it to their ad van
tage to call on Mr. Thos. Pollock and
investigate the plan of the President
Savings, Loan & Building Association
of Omaha. A large amount of stock has
been taken and a number of loans
in this city, to the satisfaction of all.
This is a home institution and books are
open to the investigation of all. The
many beneficial points seen in our plan
will commertJ themselves to all. Call
and see us and be convinced.
40-1 w J as. Pettee. Gen'l Agt.
Office under Bank of Cass County,
second door from Main street, on Fifth
A Noted Gypsy.
Fortune teller just from the east
is aU the Perkins House, this
city. Past, present and future all teli
by the hand. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money returned. Enquire
It will not be our aim to tee how much
profit w can make, but to sell good
gcVds for a rmall margin for cash, El
Km the eish clothier. tf
A fine worsted men's suit, former
prL $15, now at f 12.S0 at JOE'S, tf
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iSSj.
Elder Wood hoauled tfio morning
train for Omaha.
Win. Neville was a passenger for Lin
( o'n this morning.
Willie New land we Icirn i;t quite frick
toilny, thre itn 1 with pneumonia.
Charles Uawson accompanied a friend
of hia from Clncago to Omaha today.
Mis. John Barron went to Lincoln to
day to visit her hisler, Mrs Ballenger.
Ira Lee was liberated from the bastile
this morning, nnd took the train for
Miss Jennie and Mary Ritchie went to
Lincoln this morning to visit relatives
for a few days.
Col. Alford C Wright of Lincoln is in
the city seiing his many friends. II
will return home tomorrow.
Charley Grimes, the efficient clerk of
the county judge, is badly disfigured
today with facial neuralgia.
Virgil E Rosa . nd Miss Ella D. Slier
wood, both of Union, received a permit
to wed today at the hands of Judge Ram
A. G. Grpnlee. of the office of Mar-
quette, Dewees6 & Hall, Lincoln, came
i:i last night on legal business for the
Rev. John Quist preached last night
at the SweJish church and returned to
his home at Stromsburg, Polk county,
Dr. Yoder, th'j medical examiner of
the Burlington Relief Insurance Co., is
now safely ensconced in his new office
at the depot, just north of the telegraph
District court will convene next Mon
day with Judge Chapman on the bench.
Walter White is moving Judge Ram
sey's safe today into the county judge's
Mrs. M. B, Murphy has gone to Alli
ance, where she will be the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Dorrington for a few
Mrs. Rosenbrook, after a few days'
yisit with her mother, Mrs. J. II. Thresh
er, returned to her home at Fremont this
A cyclone swept over a part of south -
cm Indiana last night with great force,
damaging property to the amount of
several thousand dollars. No death?
have been reported as resulting from it.
Col. Tom Thorp, the B. & M. engineer,
and his side partner, Mr. Love, haye
been called up ou the carpet to explain
why the personal relations existing be
tween the two gentlemen have been
Mr. J, Jj, Hodge, one of tht new em
ployees in the store house, is arranging
to move his family here trom Omaha.
When one family moves away, two on an
averags move in and become citizens of
one of the best towns in the state.
Wa'ter Wh'te bought t mMrnu in
the ol 1 court house for $."5.".o0, he being
the highest bidder, lie is allowed until
the first of April to move the building
and will begin as soon as the weather
will permit. The bid of A. J. Graves
for the saMe property was 53,00,
Major Wheeler was in the city yester
day and arranged for delivering a deed
of his corner to the county.. The money
has all been deposited and only waits
the cancellation of a mortgage held by
eastern parties, to close up the transac
tion and pass title.
W. D. Jones drove ten miles south
yesterday and presided at Jim Carper's
sale, which was well attended and good
figures were realized for the property dis
posed of, nothwithstanding the cold
weather. Today Mr. Jones is selling
personal property 3 miles south of town
at the Wehrbein administrator sale.
A telegram from Nebraska Ciiy says
that many residents of Florida who had
come to the city to spend the winter were
much inconvenienced by the cold wave
which struck Nebraska yesterday. We
think the correspondent must hare meant
Missouri instead of Florida, as Nebraska
City has long been known as a popular
resort for Missoariana.
'I he went her is warim r t-i.Iuy as pr
dicti d by the wt'.ithi r l rc.iu and wi 1
be clear and w urniiT tomorrow.
The Id weutlur here for th la-t two
d..ys, wl.ieli l.roi ght the aieirury nlin..-t
to wro, develop, d int.. .ir. g liar blizzard
:.. .i. l- 1 v..;.,rr
u . run j j.-'tirvi.f i nun 11 jriii
D.iC Wheeler met with
an acci'lei.t
yesterday while pNtiin ii iec,
till! Ilr
will always renumber. In handling ice
a hoik blippetl striking him 011 tUe lip,
cutting a de p. uglv gafeh. - Dr. Sehil.l
Kiiecht sewed up lie wouii'i in good
thxpc, but One will not harvest any ice this winter.
A terrible railway wreck occurred on
the Pan Handle at Hagerstown, Ind.,
yes'enlay, iu which six passage's were
killed and twenty-four severely injured.
The wreck was caused by a broken en
gine, which derailed the train, driving
it down a high embankment. To add to
the horrors of the scene tho wreck took
fire and burned fiercely.
The morning mail from Omaha comes
to Plattsmouth by way of Wahoo in
stead of Ashland, as we stated yesterday.
It is taken to Wahoo on the l. P., by
the Omaha and Beatrice train which
leaves Omaha quile early in the morn
ing. The chief clerk of the railway
mail service, Mr. Cramer, is alive to the
desire of the public for quick service,
hence the change.
Mr. and Mrs. George Straley enteitau.-
ed twenty-five, or thirty of their friend
last night as a farewell greeting to John
Gushing, who left this morning for Den
ver where he expects to engage in rail
road work. The evening was pleas
antly spent with games and social pas
times, and in retiring all earnestly wished
Mr. Cushing prosperity in his future
home at the foot of the Rockies.
From some unknown cause, probably
an ice gorge in the river below us, the
witer in the Missouri raised several feet
last nilit. A fisherman's tent high and
dry last sight had 3 or 4 feet of water
singing around it, and as no sign of the
fishermen was to be seen, there was talk
of sending out a committee this morning
to investigate and learn if they had been
swept away during the night. The ap
pearance of the tent indicated very
plainly that it was not occupied this
Henry Boeck has bought Mr. Walker'
interest in the hardware business for
merly owned by Bceck & Walker, and
will hereafter manage theusiness alone.
Mr. Bceck has been one of our most suc
cessful business men, and it can be relied
upon that the hardware men of the city
have got a competitor that's a stayer.
In connection with his furniture store
Mr. Bceck will, under his present arrange
ments have the largest and most com
plete outfitting house in the county.
Geneva, with a proposition not one
fourth as good as was made by Louis
ville, is to get the reform school. This
is additional evidence of the dishonest
claims for economy that have been made
by the independents. Louisville, how
ever, should be congratulated as they
were paying too much for the institution
;y at least one half; It was better for
the town that they were defeated. A
imposition so liberal as they made the
state would secure a manufacturing
plant requiring a hundred men to oper
ate. Senator Thomas was at a loyal lyiou
banquet in Lincoln nt long ago and
was importuned during the response to
in.prcpta ta-is, by C "vcrr.or jiutlrr to
et up and call for Duller for a speech.
Thomas watched his opportunity and
after some little time secured the fiocr
for Butler not noticing that the exgover
nor was too full of benziue, to talk
intelligsntly, until it was too late to
back out. Butler talked and talked
until every body was bored, they began
to yell at him to "iing off' sit down,
take a rest, but to no purpose, and fina
lly some one started up Rally round the
Flag boys which eve.y body joined in
singing thus drowning the old man out.
Senator Thomas says the next time he
inflicts governor Butler on an innocent
audience, there will be whiskers on the
Sewing Circle.
The ladies' sewing circle of the Swedish
Mission church will have an auction sale
of their handiwork Saturday eyening of
this week at the church for the benefit of
missionary work. The general public is
specially invited to be present. The
church is between Fifth and Sixth streets
on Granite, just east of Dr. Siggens' res
idence. Wildman & Fuller earry the largest
and finest assortment of wall paper in
Cass county. tf
Tho Missouri Pacific Short Cut.
Uiiialri UiuM H i ;il.J.
It is s;iid th'- Misso ri P-icitic riilio d
company will ifu:i:e Wink in tin-Oninha-
j U,Jio" ( ut "n-
! Tl"" tu'w ' -
tlif 1 i v r Hi)'- at
Union and i i:Hr- the Oinal
1 union de
pot, coining in via Pluttsnioiith and South
V l.en 1 110 lir.tfirll is ll iislled it Will TO
I'li' e the 1 i.iii; I i t w e n this city and SJ
Louh and tin; south nearly two hour
Th' bridges arid culverts are completed
and the rails will be iu p'.ace in another
When 'he line is completed all main
trains will jsh the new tracks, and Weep
nig ater, now an nnpni tair junction
will beconif a sort of .side tra'k. Nebras
kaCi.y'a board of trade nnd bust ii'-s men
are rustling to secure lor that town ih
junction, round hou-ef, iinchine shop
and eating houses, and with a good pros
p. ct of success. Supi rintem'ent R ith
burn of the Missouri Pacific will be in
Nebraska City this week, nod will bav
;i conference with the board of trud
committee relative to this matter.
"T. K." o'i irtette and Mr. W. S. Mar
shall, organist of Omaha, appear in gram
concert here ou next Thursday, Murcl
5, for the benefit of tho organ fund o
the Presbyterian churcn. Admission
:J5 cents, no extra charge for reserved
seats. Read the following from the
Creston (In.) Advertiser.
This popular musical erg tnizatiou rendered
a very flue iwgiani las everii; y before a large
and appreciative audience. The voices of
tli.'FC .sii'eiidid sii'Ktrs blend as tlie iu tew 011
tho 1 iaii"fortt and their interpretation of tlx
sentiment as eiiown bv tli-i.-Uee .te rmlei ihk
ol" tin liarmoi ies was as fli.e as one would hear
ia many yeari. All the numbi r i i which the
quartette took part were very fine, and each
received a rou-inc encore. The ones winch
1)1. ased Ue audi neo most were the "TarV
KaiewelP' and --Lovely fcigut."
As an evidence of the important fact
that Plattsmouth people wear diamonds
even after they take up their abode in
the wicked city of Omaha, we append
the following clipped from an Omaha
D. If. Wheeler jr. slipped and fell on Harney
street a night or two eg.) while going home and
one hand struck the cable railway slot. The
band was adorned with a valuable ring, set
with an emerald and two diamonds. In the
fall tae finger was wrenched and the emerald
and on? diamond dropped out. Mr. Van t'ott
Bawed off the ring and Mr, Wheeler paid a mau
t J creep into the slot and get the diamond,
which lay just below the point which bis hand
struck. The emerald was nnashed.
Pleasant Quarters.
J. M. Craig ia moving today into his
new residence on Pearl Etreet. Mr,
Craig ha9 erected one of the nicest, best
finished and most convenient residences
in the city. The cottage has a south
front, embellished with a beautiful bay
window and an elaborate porch that ex
tends around to the west side. The
front hall with carved stairway is in oak,
while the parlor is finished in white wal
nut. The sitting room and dining room
north of the hall and parlor are delight
ful rooms with a wealth of light and
polished walnut finishings. Ihe kitchen
and panlry, however, are a pleasure to
look at and certainly could not be ex
celled for convenience in the city. The
upper floor contains several nice rooms
and a well arranged bath room. The
house was built by Messrs. Boyd &
Hinshaw, which is a guarantee for su
perior workmanship wherever these gen
tlemen are known. The Herald con
gratulates Mr. Craig on his removal to
such ccsy quarters.
Mr. J. B. Archer lias never fu'.ly re
covered from the paralytic .'troke which
he suffered several months ago; and his
many friends will be glad to learn that
on yesterday he received notice from the
department at Washington that a pension
of ?12T)er month had been allowed him.
While this is not a large sum it will
add many comforts to the lot of an in
valid. Some years ago Chamberlain & Co., of
Dca Moines, Iowa, commenced the man
ufacture of a cough syrup, believing it to
be the most prompt and reliable prepara
tion yet produced for caughs, colds and
croup; that the public appreciate true
merit, and in time it was certain to be
come popular. Their most sanguine
hopes have been more than realized.
Oyer three hundred thousand bottles of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy are now
sold each year, and it is recognized as
"the best made," wherever known. It
will cure a severe cold in less time than
any other treatment For sale hy F. G.
Fricke Jb Co.
Singer Sewing machine company hay
established a branch office in, Henry
Boeck's furniture store where all kind of
machines will be repaired.
R. O. Athebtok,
dlw Local Agent
UNDERWEhR ano hosiery
77E HAVE cut the prices deep, and par
ties in need of anything in the above lines will
save money by calling.
Our new line of embroideries, the handsom
est and largest line ever shown by us.
Look Here!
Every one indebted to JOE,
The One Price Clothier, must set
tle within thirty days or the ac
counts will be placed in the hands
of a Justice tor collection. tf
Joe Klein. Wm. Fishik.
The fiuest of Furnishing Goods at
slaughtering prices at JOE S. tf
A Husband's Mistake.
Husbands too often permit wires, and
parents their children, to suffer from
headache, dizziness, neuralgia, sleepless
ness, fits, nervousness, when by the use
of Dr. Mills' Restorative Nervine such
serious results could easily be prevented.
uruggists every where say it ives uni
versal satisfaction, and has an immense
tale. Wood worth & Co . of Fort Wayne,
Ind.: Snow & Co, of Syracuse, N. Y.:
J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich.: and hun
dreds of others say "it is the greatest
seller they ever knew. It contains no
opiates. Trial bottle and fine book on
neryous diseases, free at F. G. Fricke &
Co. 5
All the latest styles of w all paper found
at Wildman & Fuller's. tf
Dissolution Notice.
Notiee is hereby given that the part
lership heretofore exi-ting between the
undersigned under the firm name rf
Bceck & Walker is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All debts due said
firm must be paid to Henry Bu?k, who
assumes all the indebtedness of said
firm. Feb. 2G. 1891
Henry Bceck. Geo. W. Walker.
Why continue the use of irritating
powders, snuffs or liquids. Ely's Cream
Balm, pleasant of application and a sure
cure for catarrh and cold in head, can be
had for 50c. It is easily applied into
the nostrils, is safe and pleasant, and is
curing the most obstinate cases. It gives
relief at once.
Taken Up
The undesigned has taken up a stray
pig which can be obtained by the owner
by proving property and paying for this
notice. S. F. Osbork,
Cor. Eighth and Locust street.
The proprietors of Ely's Cream Balm
do not claim it to be a cure-all, but a
sure remedy for catarrh, colds in head
and hay fever. It is not a liquid or a
snuff, but ia easily applied into the nos
trils. It gives relief at once.
Dr. Marshall. DENTIST
Will be in his 'office on and after
March 14 h.
Carry a Full LA no of
Assisted by
Mr. W. S- Marshall,
Orzaniet of All f-ainteX'hurch, Omaha.
Benefit Oi;gan
1 Church.
j March
Admission - - 35c
Seats may be reserved at J. P. Young's-
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Sruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mllas' Nerveand Liver Pille-
Act an a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels through
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles'
Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une
aualed for mn. vomm. chiMrn
Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 2Cc
oampia zree at jr. l. rncx & l'a.